Session 28 May 2013

Mr. Scott said:
Funny how this whole hydraulic fracturing thing is in the news so much these days, and fracturing of people is exactly what is currently happening. Or, pressure cooker = terrorism, and planet Earth at the moment is basically one giant pressure cooker, in more ways than one!

This is very clever! Thanks for the insights :)
Thank you ALL for sharing this meaningful session!

Much of what has been discussed about (truth, thought, information, fragmentation) is also presented in David Bohm's Dialogue and his other works. I know that this has been mentioned by Prodigal Son, but I just feel it could be useful, so my apologies.

Here I have found a selected online version of this book, which I highly recommend especially as it further explains some of the information presented in Strangers to Ourselves (Timothy Wilson).
It might serve as a practical working manual for groups as it offers a clear image of individual and group dynamics,%20Chemistry%20and%20Free%20Energy/044-PH08-The%20Unified%20Theory/David%20Bohm/David%20Bohm%20-%20On%20Dialogue.pdf

On the other hand I started to look into some plasma issues and what intrigued me was had been mentioned in one of the papers dealing with cropcircles:

where there was this image of a cropcircle:

entitled: "Find necessary clues by studying cyclical patterns" which represents two bodies connected with a conduit with a thorus around it, and at the end of the drawing there was this plasma “chalice”.

Now, I understood that all these cropcircles were deciphered by the Cass CREW and maybe somebody could relate it better than me to the electrical phenomena out there which makes us wonder what is happening.

As far as electricity is cconcerned, I could also use some help undestanding the following remarks about the electron:

Q: (L) OK. Does an electron have a memory?
A: Electron is borrowed unit of 7th density.Q:
(L) All right, in the picture of the crop circle you designated as being 'Atomic Structure', there was the concentric circles and then these three things on the outside corners of the triangle, one being zigzag, one being plain and round, and the other one kind of like a wheel, it had like little divisions. Would the zig-zaggy one be the electron?
A: Not correct concept atomic structure unifies elemental atoms.
Q: (L) What is an elemental atom, as opposed to an ordinary atom?
A: Elemental defines singular body of structure. Within, as in: "element of." Electron is element of atomic structure.

Maybe plasma could be one form/way of transit between densities, as electrons are of 7D ? And if 7D is Union with the One, then electron is some king of unifying element?

Thank you, I hope that I made not much noise...
Approaching Infinity said:
If gravity is a law, and if laws are informational statements, then observation can change the information, perhaps as in PK, where conscious intent can change the information (probability) of events? But then there's this:


Gravity does not ever get increased or decreased; it is merely collected or dispersed.

The only thing I can think of is that gravity and information are somehow deeply related. I have no idea how to even begin thinking of that at this point. :huh:

Mysticism as it is generally practiced today is basically some airy fairy nonsense that tends to ignore what science has to say - or rather it tends to ignore the use of a more scientific method of explaining and understanding reality in a more rational way, while still maintaining and allowing inspiration.

But put the two together, and be really careful, and you might get somewhere. Know too much, too soon, and in the wrong way (i.e. without truth and understanding), and you're pretty much screwed. Fracturing is bad!

...allows for panpsychism (everything experiences), non-sensory perception (which is what makes mysticism, math, morality, ESP/PK, and even sense perception possible), and panentheism (God is the Soul of the World, or in other words, there is a Cosmic Mind).

Gravity gets modeled by some as links between spacetime vertices. Perhaps a binder as the Cs say. This binder also gets modeled as the path of Feynman paths between quantum states. Information (aka numbers) fits:

John and Mary Gribbin say in their biography Richard Feynman (Penguin 1997):

"The insight Feynman had, while lying in bed one night, unable to sleep, was that you had to consider every possible way in which a particle could go from A to B - every possible 'history'. The interaction between A and B is conceived as involving a sum made up of contributions from all of the possible paths that connect the two events.".

At the first level ( order 1 ), Sum-Over-Histories means considering all paths that look like lines:

However, as Feynman points out in QED, you also have to consider ".. an alternative way the electron can go from place to place: instead of going directly from one point to another, the electron goes along for a while and suddenly emits a photon; then ... it absorbs its own photon ...". These and other higher-order processes involve introducing loops into the paths.

The second level ( order 2 ) involves single loops:
/ \
-----* *----

By nesting single loops, you can make loops of order 2^2 = 4 or any other power of 2, so you get all the orders 2^p for any p.
/ \
--* *--
/ \__/ \
/ \
/ \
-----* *-----
\ /
\ __ /
\ / \ /
--* *--

However, since 3 is not a power of 2, to get order-3 processes you need to introduce a new set of loops with pitchforks instead of binary bifurcations:
/ \

Now you can, by nesting, make loops of any order that is representable as 2^p 3^q.

By introducing loops whose orders are prime numbers, and including all the prime numbers, you can complete the Sum-Over-Histories with all the Histories.


Sum-Over-Histories Quantum Systems are related to Prime Numbers

Binders/Paths/Gravity to anywhere might be in the cosmic mind but obviously we can't use them all in our current state but perhaps we pick up more types of paths as we go along; roads hopefully currently under construction.
Psalehesost said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) Which reminds me... There's another question here. What is the nature and function of the human capacity for belief?

A: Automatic pattern recognition software run amok.

This seems to relate to what I posted in the Affective Neuroscience thread:

Psalehesost said:
[Note: The SEEKING system is emotional brain circuitry that drives exploration, active interaction with the world, and anticipation. It is activated both in connection with pleasant and unpleasant situations, and generally drives us towards action, e.g. to acquire resources. It drives exploration both on a physical and a mental level. Its activity is stimulated by dopamine.]

Panksepp mentions adjunctive behaviors - when a situation activates the SEEKING system but meaningful action cannot be taken, a substitute action is taken - it can be related in context, or a completely irrelevant activity. This makes one feel more of an effective agent in the world, hence better.

In general, SEEKING arousal has this effect of making one feel more of an effective agent - and anything that one seeks to avoid (consciously or otherwise) tends to activate the SEEKING system, so as to motivate a solution.

The greater the strain - unless hopelessness and depression sets in - the greater the activation of the SEEKING system, and the greater its hold on behavior. [The same also goes for elevated moods.] Without activation, there is depression and lethargy and an absense of perceived meaning; with activation, the stronger it is, the stronger is the tendency to see relationships and meanings in things - which, at an extreme level of activation, gives rise to psychosis. And I think that conditions giving rise to very strong activation without going into that extreme nevertheless can increase the tendency to form false beliefs, as the brain becomes readier to see relationships and perceive meanings. [So in addition to distress, euphoria can also make people tend to jump to conclusions and form blind beliefs.]

If correlations (no matter how accidental and objectively meaningless) occur between a behavior (including adjunctive behaviors) and a good outcome, then the result is what is called autoshaping - basically, the brain learns the connection (real or illusory), and the behavior can turn into a ritual.

On the collective scale, this can give rise to cultural beliefs and habits, including but not limited to superstitions and accompanying rituals.
On the individual scale, this can affect a person under psychological strain. It can result in all manner of meaningless coping mechanisms forming and becoming ingrained.

May I add something to this explanation which relates to " behavioral patterns" mostly? The Adaptive Unconscious has this feature of automatic pattern recognition, as explained by T.Wilson in "Strangers to Ourselves".
Just my 2 cents.
The comment about matter, consciousness, information being different concentrations of truth reminded me of Gurdjieff's table of hydrogens.

If I am not mistaken, the C's had commented once that gravity is produced by thoughts and is rather ubiquitous. This had made me speculate that perhaps gravity is very closely connected to information. Like light is the utilization of gravity, consciousness can be expression of information. Whereas mechanistic science uses terms like gravity and light, information and consciousness could be the bedrocks of spiritual metaphysics.

Stoics could have been moving in a similar direction. According to Chrysippus, the divine Reason that creates and maintains the universe (following Heraclitus' idea of artisan fire) is transmitted by breath or pneuma. Zeno considered soul (consciousness) to be warm pneuma - a combination of fire and air of Stoic metaphysics.

[quote author=Stoic Virtues: Chrysippus and the Religious Character of Stoic Ethics]
According to Chrysippus, pneuma permeates the whole cosmos and is the universal vehicle of divine reason. On the level of physics, pneuma can be analyzed as a mixture of air and fire. In physical analysis, the role of pneuma as the universal controlling entity is based on its peculiar double movement, often called pneumatic motion. The pneuma moves simultaneously out of itself and into itself....
The state resulting from this double movement is called tension and this tension is responsible for the unity and qualities of a thing. More precisely, the inward movement causes the being and unity of the object whereas the outward movement produces the dimensions and qualities. The constitution of different types of entities is the result of different degrees of pneumatic tensional state present in an object.

In various states, pneuma is said to create the properties of inorganic substances as well as the rational capacity of the human soul. And the Stoics believed that it is because of this pneuma acting as a conscious rational agent that the Universe is a unified living being.
As always, thank you guys for the new session. And as always, there is a lot of information to process. I was going to say that with things getting more more interesting out there, everybody stay safe. But it's probably more important, useful and meaningful to say, remain inspired, observant, balanced and upbeat.
Thank you for a very dense session. Much to ponder in these most interesting times.
Mr. Scott said:

Gravity is consciousness "expressed".


Gravity does not ever get increased or decreased; it is merely collected or dispersed.

Approaching Infinity said:
The only thing I can think of is that gravity and information are somehow deeply related. I have no idea how to even begin thinking of that at this point. :huh:

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

Therefore we have two statements:
"information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness" and
"Gravity is consciousness "expressed""
From which it appears to follow that

information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness which "expressed" is gravity

The subtlety with "expressed" seems to be that it happens without "increase or decrease" because it is being "merely collected or dispersed."
Ghostdoghaiku said:
As always, thank you guys for the new session. And as always, there is a lot of information to process. I was going to say that with things getting more more interesting out there, everybody stay safe. But it's probably more important, useful and meaningful to say, remain inspired, observant, balanced and upbeat.

Amen. Way too easy to get down and start feeding those negative energy types. Hell, the government does a good enough job of that. Fear bloody mongering.
Perceval said:
Sylvie said:
miguel said:
Thank you very much for sharing the session so quickly, as usual.

Spanish is my mother tongue and I am a bit puzzled of why the C's decided to say good bye in that way. Could it be a clue?

I also wondered why the C's said goodbye of this way.

I had the impression that someone in attendance said "adios" or "gracias". I could be imagining things though.

Laura said:
Q: (L) I'm gonna say goodnight and thank you.

A: Mucho gusto! Goodbye.

First of all thank you for sharing the session. :)

I doubted much whether or not to write this post. First prudence and also I did not like to give the impression of wanting to acquire any prominence or self importance or simply being a little bit crazy (catching flies). :shock:
Finally mabar's post has made me decide to share the following, thinking that just might be also a clue or lead to another and I ought to share it.
Apologize in advance if I say foolish things. It may be fantasy or maybe not. I tell you so you can review.

My mother language is Spanish also. Where I live:
- The term "Mucho gusto" is used when you meet someone, It is a colloquial and friendly way of saying "Nice to meet you".
- When someone asks another person to do something and answer yes, it is said "Con mucho gusto” “With pleasure" or “Encantado” "Nice".
- If someone thanks you for doing something, usually answers “De nada” "Nothing" like it is nothing or “Es un placer” "it was nice" or simply “Un placer” as a more emphatic.

Well, when I saw Session 28-May-2013, Laura recently posted, maybe 5 minutes or less. I checked the session above, to see the questions and issues raised (it was late and I need more time for correct translation). At the end when I read "Mucho gusto", I felt suddenly in my head and in my heart as if that had something to do with me, I was happy and nervous at the same time. No one had put any post yet.
At the same time I thought it could not be, can not be, that it would imaginations mine, it would be an attack of self-importance. I turned off the computer and then turned back on again and watch (and had a post), I wanted to write something, if only to thank, but was still a little nervous and went back off.

After and the next day and until now I thought and pondered, "Why" Cs will greet me as if they did a wink, I was understanding it that way. :huh:
Well some data:

- Around 3 or 4 days I thought that it may soon appear Cs a new session, and checked every day topics with that thought.

- I write in the previous session 23-March-2013, and I made mistakes, I think i was noisy. And I was clumsy, I started to write, as if one is thirsty and thrown headlong into a puddle o lake. By that time I was worried thinking that I could be away from forum, hesitating to write, what write ...I did not want to make any more mistakes. In that point I started thinking if Cs were "aware" of all of us in the forum, our work, our concerns, our problems and so on. Even I imagine if in the next session could see some clue about that ... I did not remember reading about in previous sessions. Just I know that Cs respond to questions raised from the sessions and rarely individual issues. Then I rejected it believing that it was my imagination and wishful thinking. Out. Then I forgot everything completely until I saw the comment "Mucho gusto".

I know all this may be or is completely subjective.
Perhaps they are subtle coincidences, but I humbly I tell you.

Another question "sheets of rain":

In Spanish, where I live at least, when it's raining hard, it is said to drop a "water curtain". Looking for some other meaning to this Spanish expression found that people who have a mature cataract have “to try to see through a water curtain".

Cataract and waterfall are the same word in Spanish "Cataract”. Cataract resembles a water curtain when it is a small waterfall.

Thanks all, be patient with me please! :)

Mod edit: removed duplicate text
Will there be a transition? I mean the transition, not the transitionings. The jump, not the processes around. The transition kind of shit. It was big news years ago.
Thanks for the session! A lot to ponder - also all the comments so far, looking forward reading them over the weekend.

Domagoj said:
Here in Croatia it has been raining like crazy for the past couple of days! Sheets of rain indeed!
And it is kind of unusual. It falls sort of periodically, first heavy rain falling, then it decreases, then 30 or so min. pause then again heavy rain.

I am not very far from you and had similar thoughts. Since I recently moved back to Europe after years of staying in an almost rainless area I first regarded it as typically European rain, but on closer inspection, no, it's not.

By the way, did you see that Laura is trying to contact all Croatian/Balkan members?,31455.0.html

Also wondered about the "Mucho Gusto"...An indication perhaps that something is going to happen in a Spanish-speaking country?

Thank you very much to all involved in producing this thought-provoking session! It is very much appreciated! Also thanks to everyone commenting! Combined I find the opportunity to expand my awareness and understanding of our existence here.

It's late, but I very much look forward to further pondering the information-consciousness-et al connections! Incredibly interesting, trying to imagine how fundamental elements of our universe, conscious experience of it, the forces at play, how they all interrelate including trans-density wise and so on! Too much for my tired brain now, but soon!

Thanks again everyone! Just wonderful stuff going on here! :)
According to the session the comets will be joined by tornadoes, ball lightnings and spontaneous electric discharges. If not interesting this surely will be ecstatic.
I was just thinking that if there is enough information assimilated then there should be created a consciousness. And Cs answer about information overload can be just like that there has been a critical amount of data acquired in the area and a consciousness was born. So it is not a machine anymore, it lives.
And look at the Cs how lightly they tread just to not destroy our learning potential. They always leave only clues so we can exercise our minds. That is so admirable. Thank you Cs and the team.
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