Session 28 May 2013

Yes a lot to think about; :) thanks for share this interesting session!!!! :cool2:
Thanks for session :)

Something I just remembered my high school chemistry teacher telling us that is worth keeping in mind: water isn't that electrically conductive by itself, it seems that way by experience because of the film of electrolytes on our skin, even when we're not "sweaty". The conductivity of the rain then, would depend much on what is dissolved into the droplets, and since comets are so electrically active, the dust and so forth would likely make much more conductive rain than usual, increasing atmospheric conductivity, possibly attracting more comets as well as planetary phenomena.

Also, and this is pure speculation at this point, given the comments about some viruses originating from 4D, transdimensional nature of electricity, and now conductive rain, I think it might be possible that 4D sts are using the greater-than-normal conductivity of rain as a conduit to manifest Black Plagues, or some part of them, onto our planet directly. This seems to make much more sense from a hyperdimensional perspective when you consider that cometary plagues are so pandemic every single time, and if we suppose that we've been infected mostly from the same clusters, we should at least have built some genetic resistance to the short cycle ones over the hundreds of thousands of years. Instead, we have >80% death rate to infection. Just something to consider, fwiw.
Laura said:
PerihelionX said:
To understand truth - consciousness interconnection contemplate light or the magnetic field torus flow. Consciousness is self-awareness which implies a sort of reflexive cyclic pattern. Both light and the torus reflect this concept. It's an analogy at best but perhaps still useful.

For me the analogy unpacks something like this. Being = truth = a mathematical point. Information flows from the point outward. The shape of the flow is information. When the form becomes reflexive then consciousness is born. In a torus the flow curves around to rejoin the mathematical originating point / "truth." Consciousness is a shape of information which returns to contemplation of Being(truth). It can also be conceived of a series of facts which tell a story leading to the original point.

The snag is "if the mathematical point is "truth" then what is the rest of the torus made out of?" The answer, I think, is that the rest of the torus is made from simpler toruses. The "truth" constructs the universe (information) out of itself. This means the universe is built out of self-reflexive information (consciousness) from the ground up. I'm not sure there is any "beginning" for this process because the process itself is self reflexive.

Obviously I'm struggling here with concepts out of my ability to understand. Yet, self contemplation is what the universe is doing so in a sense the universe itself struggles (creates information and stories) to understand itself. How this plays precisely out is what creation and learning is all about.

Works for me.

Oddly, I don't find the idea of information preceding consciousness at all a problem. It would almost have to since consciousness itself, as a structure, is composed of information bits.

This reminds me of a session Ark quoted for me a couple years ago:,19547.msg192399.html#msg192399

ark said:
Bluelamp said:
I tend to think of the math for information theory as Clifford Algebra but that could be wrong for 7th density type information (if 7th density is information) or it might not be the only way or best way.

February 5, 2000
Q: It's really sad that Santilli is involved with such flakey people! (F) Hasn't he always been? (L) He is certainly influenced by the wrong people! And I don't think we want anything to do with him at all. (A) Now, we we were talking about Kaluza Klein, and you mentioned the Germans "exploring the loop of the cylinder" in relation to time travel. I don't know what this means but I have the idea that it is related to extra dimensions, hyperspace. Now, we asked a question at some point and you said that a cylinder is really a double loop. You then suggested that we meditate on the true meaning of this sentence. Now, I don't know how to meditate, but I do know how to do math. So, I drew three pictures here: one is a real cylinder, two is a which is a kind of cylinder inside a cylinder, and three, like a torus. Laura said that it wasn't any of these, that it should only have one side like a cylinder/mobius strip - no left and no right. So, this could be option 4, something like a Klein bottle or option 5, something called a twisted torus. Is it 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? Or 6, none of the above? Is it one of these?
A: Selection 3.
Q: 3 is the torus. (L) What is a loop of the cylinder? Yes, there is one loop and then there is another loop. One loop is probably what we call time - cyclical time.
A: Time cycle.
Q: What is the second loop?
A: Included, but not inclusive.
Q: I guess that means that it is included, but is not the whole thing. It covers that, but that isn't the whole thing. What DOES it mean?
A: Yes.
Q: Wait, I asked what is the second loop. The second loop is included but not inclusive?
A: Remember, you do have cycles but that does not necessarily mean cyclical. 3 Dimensional depiction of loop, seek hexagon for more. Geometric theory provides answers for key. Look to stellar windows. Octagon, hexagon, pentagon.
Q: Are those the different levels of density?
A: No, but it relates. Geometry gets you there, algebra sets you "free."
Oh, what an extremely interesting session. Thank you each and all at the Château for providing this remarkable session of thought provoking dots and connections. :flowers: The ideas and answers presented make networking even more vital in this fragmented world state we find ourselves in today, osit. This was a huge lesson given on how to best discern and answer back within the frame of objective reality.

Interesting times ahead.
Thank you once again, Laura and everyone, for your commitment and pursuit of the truth! A very timely and interesting and helpful session.
Thanks for sharing this amazing session. I've read it a couple of times already. So much to think about, as usual.

For a month and a half or more, "sheets of rain" is a regular occurrence. Not only are all sorts of crazy combination of clouds in the sky, often very heavy cloud cover, lower than usual temperatures, and raining 4 or 5 days out of the week; but most of the time it rains, it is literally pouring so hard that sheets of rain is a very good description. And it can last for up to two hours or more and then rain not as hard or stop for a while to only start the heavy downpours again. For most of my life, when there have been heavy rains (on different continents) they don't last that long. There's also been lots of extraordinary hail storms around the country with devastating damage.
Franco said:
So tornadoes are portals just like in the Wizard of Oz.

Thanks for the session!

And seems like either the C's or the Pleideans (in Bringers of the Dawn) said that if an individual practicing spinning made something like 33 rotations 3 times a day, they might "leave this world"
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn about reality!
Wednesday it was sunny, then a downpour occured, big lightning, then sunny
again. all within half an hour. The squall also brought a little tornado..
The financial centre is located nearby, trying to make us believe that the crisis
will pass quickly if we do buisiness as usual. The people around here also try against better knowing to believe that the climate is just temporarely 'off'.
These effords to deny truth may elevate the potential for the tornado to occur.
Maybe some aluminium spraying for Haarp would decrease the threshold or intensify occurence of lightning and tornado?
fwiw koop
Lost Spirit said:
I can't remember where I saw it now, but I do remember reading/watching recently about a dutch scientist who has linked cloud formations to high-energy particles coming from space (not the sun).

The theory was basically that even though there's water vapour in the air, clouds themselves won't form without some form of particulate matter in the atmosphere, and what he appears to have proven was that cosmic rays are actually causing the creation of particulate matter in the air, and hence clouds are being formed.

I only mention that since it falls to reason that the same particulate matter would be linked to the rain, would it not? Perhaps it's a question of ratios of (a) how much water vapour and (b) how much particulate matter to form "drops" are what determine the strength and severity of the rainfall.

Of course, I could be dancing on a pinhead here...

(Ark) Well, but I would like to ask about what is the nature of the dust? Earth origin or cometary origin?
A: Cometary, and some still holds charge.

Rain interacting with charged comet dust made me think. Rain already contains metals that are electrically conductive:

Heavy metals content in rain water collected in three different locations in Italy during 1999
Results for V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Cd, Sb, Pb, Al and Ni are reported in this paper.

Of above metals in rain:

Copper(Cu) has very high electrical conductivity
Lead(Pb) has high electrical conductivity
Cobalt(Co), Cadmium(Cd), Antimony(Sb) and Nickel(Ni) all have low electrical conductivity, slightly higher than iron (iron has lowest of these).

Comet dust might increase electrically conductive metals in rain even more. Rain sheets on occasions becoming like net of power lines?
It is really very interesting session, thank you. The new world is coming... I must be honest and say that I am little bit scared about it. Sheets of rain, comets, plaque, lies, ...what can we do about all that? Shall we just sit and wait, how a knowledge can help us in this chaos they made for us with their lies (except knowing that are lies), chaos which comets is making for us right now? Everything is changing - is obvious, but what we can do to make a change? To make things better? It is hard to feel that one just can t do anything - it is so destructive. I think that we need a wisdom of some hope and possitive motivation to do something for humanity.
PerihelionX said:
To understand truth - consciousness interconnection contemplate light or the magnetic field torus flow. Consciousness is self-awareness which implies a sort of reflexive cyclic pattern. Both light and the torus reflect this concept. It's an analogy at best but perhaps still useful.

For me the analogy unpacks something like this. Being = truth = a mathematical point. Information flows from the point outward. The shape of the flow is information. When the form becomes reflexive then consciousness is born. In a torus the flow curves around to rejoin the mathematical originating point / "truth." Consciousness is a shape of information which returns to contemplation of Being(truth). It can also be conceived of a series of facts which tell a story leading to the original point.



More pictures here:

A fossil origin for the magnetic field in A stars and white dwarfs:

Q: (L) Okay, so going back to my triple goddess viewed through sheets of rain, since I now have a different understanding of what these "gods" and "goddesses" represented, that they probably were cometary bodies... What you're saying, or what I'm assuming you're saying, is the triple goddess viewed through sheets of rain is essentially a comet or comets? Is it electrical discharges? (Belibaste) The cause of the sheets of rain might be the triple goddess, i.e. triple comet. (L) Oh... Is Belibaste right on that? That the cause of the sheets of rain could be a triple cometary body?

A: Close. Also consider plasma shapes including those that may appear "chalice like"

Earths magnetosphere shaped by the sun. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise:
Thank you for this spectacular session. If a cyclone can function as a portal because of spinning, a slower version like a low pressure system should do the same but to a lesser degree. A few month back there was a huge pressure system that stretched from one side of the Atlantic to the other! In terms of personal experiences, it reminds me of a dream I had recently. In it I saw an unknown female figure sitting across a table in a space I also did not know. She gave some information about the realistic outcome range of some work I am doing. Suddenly, I became aware that this information was not logically possible because what she was informing me about had not yet happened. I also realized that I was in the future while somehow also having a presence in the present of that time which was why I could challenge her alleged information. I asked, 'How can you know this/how is this possible?' She answered, 'Because of the weather.' I woke up and was really puzzled by this unexpected answer. But when I looked out behind the curtains, the weather had completely changed from clear skies a few hours earlier to overcast and rainy.

The number of 8,35 billion is surprising. One wonders which countries are the worst at counting, as this would give a more realistic clue as to how well the control system works in different parts of the world. Another idea is that the world population is chronically miscalculated. I recall reading some transcripts of Billy Meyer before I found SOTT. At the time of those transcript the official population was 6 billion but his sources, whatever they might be, claimed the number to be 1 billion higher, 7 billion.

Is it too optimistic to hope that no nuclear power plant is pregnant with an 'information overload'? Probably, but it could turn into a serious mess if these plants attracted fragments. Of course, I also wonder what kind of electrical charge a cometary fragment may hold per say kg of material, though that may depend on the constituents. Usually the energy of a incoming fragment is calculated solely from considerations of speed and mass, if charge could be factored in that might change the picture altogether.
I second who said that reading a new session it's like being on Christmas day. :hug2: :hug2: :hug2:
Thank the Chateaux crew for this long and fascinating discussion. I will definitely read it more than once since, as always, the amount of info is so huge.
I really enjoyed the part about truth; in-formation and consciousness. it really makes sense to me.
I remember watching a short documentary on the "information theory" which I found fascinating after hearing Laura talking about this things at the Barcelona's conference.
Here is the link:

and the sinopsis:
It is a good deceiving religion documentary film that avoids to mention religion, god, bible, etc. The authors spice up the video with science talk in order to attack evolution. They did this by not letting the public know their true intention.
Since at this moment science does not have all the answers to DNA, they insinuate that evolution is wrong and the answer should be some place else. They explain their science from their point of view and do not share the arguments for evolution.
They explain how perfect and wonderful life is and that it could not come by chance. They forgot to explain the imperfections and/or limitations of nature (cancer, shortcomings of the body, etc).
In short, this is a documentary film that promotes ID (Intelligent Design). I think it is good to see their reasoning wrapped up in a slick propaganda video.
From the authors: Programming of Life is a documentary created to engage our scientific community in order to encourage forward thinking.
It looks into scientific theories “scientifically”. It examines the heavy weight theory of origins, the chemical and biological theory of evolution, and asks the extremely difficult questions in order to reveal undirected natural process for what it is – a hindrance to true science.
Information is an essential part of our lives. The code that’s in every cell, every piece of DNA and all living things. Even though we’ve made many breakthrough discoveries in science there’s still so much more to be discovered.

Given that the first part of the comment seems written by an emotional Darwinian/materialist makes me more intrested in watching it ;D

The bird thing also caught my attention since in this last month it happened three times that: first a magpie then two times a sparrow where knocking at my bedroom window in the morning waking me up.
All this wile a friend of mine was dying from a brain cancer.
The last day I saw the sparrow was the day she left..... I took it as a goodbye but who knows what other message the whole picture portraits.

Thanks again to the crew and the forum for the possibility it has given me into expanding my perception about reality.
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