Session 28 May 2013

Lilou said:
Laura said:
Lilou said:
Thanks for the new session! There's a lot packed in this one. Thanks Ark for the question about ball lightning, my husband saw a ball lightning in our kitchen a couple of years ago and tried to chase it ...LOL...the "transdimensional portal" stayed ahead of him and then just disappeared. Very weird stuff.

The dead magpie peaked my interest as well, beings that I had a close encounter with a blackbird recently. But my bird wasn't dead, just alittle stunned.

This one wasn't dead when it was found but it was paralyzed and had a huge tumor growing out of the head - like almost three times the size of the head itself. So it was mercifully dispatched by us.

I haven't figured out if there is a message in all of this "bird business", but I just went out to tend to my swimming pool, and found a dead sparrow, in the same spot I "fell off the deep end" last week. After my encounter with the blackbird, I came home from work, was skimming the pool (with my magnifiers on!) misjudged the distance and stepped off the deep end of the pool with my left leg. I had a huge hematoma which is healing well, tore a hole in my good pants, and bruised and skinned up my right knee. And now....a dead bird. I sure don't want a billboard upside the head, but I may be missing something. :umm:

FWIW I also stumbled upon a dead seagull right outside my friend's house last week. No visible damage, just lay there peacefully.

Thanks for the great session. I'm a little tired to take it all in right now, but that familiar profound emotion still fills me when I read a new world is coming. Just doing everything I can right now to detox and take control over myself, and open up my emotional center. However much time we have left, I hope we can all use it to the best of our ability.

Getting quite bored of "Sheets of rain" here in the UK, so hopefully some pretty plasma discharge will make it more interesting ;)
Thank you for sharing this excellent session!

I've been wondering about the claim that Wood was in a coma for 6 years, and the C's provided some information on that:

Q: (L) Was she in a 6-year coma?

A: Not that long, but yes. All the better to program her.

This seems to be true, because when you look at her publication record, you cant' find a 6 year gap there (producing papers in a coma is pretty difficult). The only "evidence" of this claim seems to be the discussion page of her former students at: _

Here are the years of her academic activities:


B.S. Civil Engineering, 1981 (Structural Engineering), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

M.S. Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Ph.D. Materials Engineering Science, 1992, from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.


Wood, J. D., et. al., "The Effect of Delaminations on the Thermal Expansion Behavior of Quasi-Isotropic Composite Laminates," Proceedings of the ASTM Symposium on Effects of Defects in Composite Materials, (December 1982).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Deformation of Composite Multispan Beam Shear Specimens," Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Experimental Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, pp. 297-298 (June 1984).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Relative Displacement Measurements for Two-Body Problems," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Spring Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 309- 314 (June 1985).

Wood, J. D., "Detection of Delamination Onset in a Composite Laminate Using Moiré Interferometry," Composites Technology and Research, Vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 121-128 (Winter 1985).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Deformation and Strains in a Thick Adherend Lap Joint," Adhesively Bonded Joints: Testing, Analysis, and Design, ASTM STP 981, W. S. Johnson, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 107-118 (1988).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Thermal Strains in a Bimaterial Joint," Proceedings of the Seventh ASCE/Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia (May 1988).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Thermal Strains in a Bimaterial Joint: Experimental and Numerical Analysis," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Spring Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 543-551 (May 28-June 1, 1989).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Determination of Thermal Strains by Moiré Interferometry," Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 318-322 (Sept. 1989).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Micromechanical Study of Thermal Strains near the Interface of a Bimaterial Joint by Microscopic Moiré Interferometry," Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Experimental Mechanics, Las Vegas, Nevada (July 1992).

Dissertation: "Determination of thermal strains in the neighborhood of a bimaterial interface" (1992), link: _ {you can't access that without membership}

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Thermal Stresses in a Bimaterial Joint: An Experimental Analysis," ASME J. of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 61, (no. 1), pp. 192-198 (March 1994).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Residual Material Properties in Aging of Composites," Proceedings of ASME Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (August 1996).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Designed Polymeric Interphases", Gordon Conference on Composites, Ventura, California (January 1997).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Aging of Polymer Matrix Composites: The Reverse Thermal Effect," The International Composites Expo (ICE) ‘1997, Nashville, Tennessee (January 1997) p. 14.

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Effect of Sizing on Shear Properties of Hybrid Composite Materials Using Moiré; Interferometry," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Spring Conference, Seattle, Washington (June 1997).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Effects of Temperature Sequencing During Hygrothermal Aging of Polymers and Polymer Matrix Composites: The Reverse Thermal Effect," Proceedings of the International Conference on Composites in Infrastructure (ICCI), Tucson, Arizona (January 1998).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Influence of Matrix Chemistry on the Short Term, Hydrothermal Aging of Vinyl Ester Matrix and Composites Under Both Isothermal and Thermal Spiking Conditions," Journal of Composite Materials (USA) Vol. 33. (no.20), pp.1918-1938 (July 1999).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Measurement of Strain Distribution and Viscoelastic Characteristics in Layers of a Soft-Core Sandwich Beam Using Moiré Interferometry," Society for Experimental Mechanics, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (June 2002).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Strain distribution within multilayer thermoplastic elastomers using Moiré interferometry," Society for Experimental Mechanics, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (June 2002).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Utilization of moiré interferometry to study the strain distribution within multi-layer thermoplastic elastomeric samples," Journal of Biomaterials, Polymer division, Vol. 13. (no.9), pp.1051-1065 (October 2002). (

Wood, J. D., "Determining Thermal Stressess Near a Bimaterial Interface," Handbook of Moire Measurements, C. Walker, Ed., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, UK, Chapter 8: Residual Stresses (2), pp.287-293, (2004, IOP Publishing Ltd).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Designing a Perfect Bimaterial Interface," Society for Experimental Mechanics, Costa Mesa, California (June 2004).

Wood, J. D., et. al., "Development of a Real-Time Microscopic Moiré Interferometry System," Society for Experimental Mechanics, Costa Mesa, California (June 2004).

2007: "Measurement of microstrains across loaded resin-dentin interfaces using microscopic moiré interferometry" (Judy D. Wood, Paul Sobolewski, Varun Thakur, Dwayne Arola, Ahmed Nazari, Franklin R. Tay, David H. Pashley).


Challenges to NIST's 9/11 Investigations.
16 March 2007, Judy Wood

Qui Tam case
25 April 2007, Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart

Qui Tam case Affirmations and Affidavits
in response to motions to dismiss (ARA and others)
29 February 2008, Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart

Qui Tam case Affirmations and Affidavits
in response to motions to dismiss (SAIC and others)
21 March 2008, Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart

So, it's pretty certain that, at the very least, it wasn't 6 years. It's interesting - in case it's she started this rumour herself - that she would want to exaggerate the time spent in "coma". Maybe something else happened, and this is the cover story? Or maybe it's just to get sympathy...
Approaching Infinity said:
sitting said:
Since precision is their trademark, I've always taken a literal interpretation of their remarks. This latest comment suggest (to me) that consciousness is a subset of information. A subset born from the marriage between truth and info. I have great difficulty viewing consciousness as a subset of anything. To me, it's always been the starting point, from which everything else flowed. And since our individual consciousness will likely affect the collapse of the coming Wave function, I really would like to understand this better.

The point Davies and others make is that information is the root of everything. So an atom only exists because it is an expression of information (it from bit). But if the panpsychists are correct (from the Stoics to Whitehead), then every 'it' has both a physical and a mental 'pole.' In other words, every actual thing (as opposed to mere possibilities) experiences as a subject and is experienced by others as an object. So both consciousness (as a high-level form of experience, where material things and immaterial possibilities are experienced) and matter would be subsets or derivative forms of information. Truth is what arranges information, and that information takes a form that is both mental and physical. Matter is necessary for minds to exist (because they're two sides of the same coin), but neither can exist without information.

Q: (L) Next question on the list: How do consciousness, information, and matter relate to each other?

A: Different concentrations of truth.

Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

I would also suggest to look at the matter (and its higher organizations) as coded information.

Truth exist as some pool of information.

As an example, let's say: one of the truths is that the empathy improves relationships and this truth is coded as a rage.

While you gain a new information, you read psychology books etc. while you do it, you are learning how read the code and finally when you have the right amount of information, you break the code and you can catch the truth, what improve your consciousness.

This is probably the easiest way to explain it, of course if I get it.
Approaching Infinity said:
The point Davies and others make is that information is the root of everything. So an atom only exists because it is an expression of information (it from bit). But if the panpsychists are correct (from the Stoics to Whitehead), then every 'it' has both a physical and a mental 'pole.' In other words, every actual thing (as opposed to mere possibilities) experiences as a subject and is experienced by others as an object. So both consciousness (as a high-level form of experience, where material things and immaterial possibilities are experienced) and matter would be subsets or derivative forms of information. Truth is what arranges information, and that information takes a form that is both mental and physical. Matter is necessary for minds to exist (because they're two sides of the same coin), but neither can exist without information.

It would have been more fine and dandy if they had said:

A: information arranged by a truth becomes (a more coherent) consciousness.

And this actually does flow...logically and without contradiction...with what follows.

A: That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and
individuality fractures and disintegrates.

But they did not. And as I noted, precision is their trademark.
Thanks for sharing and as others have said much to ponder about.

Carlise said:
Lilou said:
Laura said:
Lilou said:
Thanks for the new session! There's a lot packed in this one. Thanks Ark for the question about ball lightning, my husband saw a ball lightning in our kitchen a couple of years ago and tried to chase it ...LOL...the "transdimensional portal" stayed ahead of him and then just disappeared. Very weird stuff.

The dead magpie peaked my interest as well, beings that I had a close encounter with a blackbird recently. But my bird wasn't dead, just alittle stunned.

This one wasn't dead when it was found but it was paralyzed and had a huge tumor growing out of the head - like almost three times the size of the head itself. So it was mercifully dispatched by us.

I haven't figured out if there is a message in all of this "bird business", but I just went out to tend to my swimming pool, and found a dead sparrow, in the same spot I "fell off the deep end" last week. After my encounter with the blackbird, I came home from work, was skimming the pool (with my magnifiers on!) misjudged the distance and stepped off the deep end of the pool with my left leg. I had a huge hematoma which is healing well, tore a hole in my good pants, and bruised and skinned up my right knee. And now....a dead bird. I sure don't want a billboard upside the head, but I may be missing something. :umm:

FWIW I also stumbled upon a dead seagull right outside my friend's house last week. No visible damage, just lay there peacefully.

Also when it a broader view on birds: I only read that many birds at least in middle Europe have problems cause of the coldness and much rain and some are dying cause of it (at least swifts, swallows and storks).
PerihelionX said:
To understand truth - consciousness interconnection contemplate light or the magnetic field torus flow. Consciousness is self-awareness which implies a sort of reflexive cyclic pattern. Both light and the torus reflect this concept. It's an analogy at best but perhaps still useful.

For me the analogy unpacks something like this. Being = truth = a mathematical point. Information flows from the point outward. The shape of the flow is information. When the form becomes reflexive then consciousness is born. In a torus the flow curves around to rejoin the mathematical originating point / "truth." Consciousness is a shape of information which returns to contemplation of Being(truth). It can also be conceived of a series of facts which tell a story leading to the original point.

The snag is "if the mathematical point is "truth" then what is the rest of the torus made out of?" The answer, I think, is that the rest of the torus is made from simpler toruses. The "truth" constructs the universe (information) out of itself. This means the universe is built out of self-reflexive information (consciousness) from the ground up. I'm not sure there is any "beginning" for this process because the process itself is self reflexive.

Obviously I'm struggling here with concepts out of my ability to understand. Yet, self contemplation is what the universe is doing so in a sense the universe itself struggles (creates information and stories) to understand itself. How this plays precisely out is what creation and learning is all about.

Works for me.

Oddly, I don't find the idea of information preceding consciousness at all a problem. It would almost have to since consciousness itself, as a structure, is composed of information bits.
lux said:
Approaching Infinity said:
sitting said:
Since precision is their trademark, I've always taken a literal interpretation of their remarks. This latest comment suggest (to me) that consciousness is a subset of information. A subset born from the marriage between truth and info. I have great difficulty viewing consciousness as a subset of anything. To me, it's always been the starting point, from which everything else flowed. And since our individual consciousness will likely affect the collapse of the coming Wave function, I really would like to understand this better.

The point Davies and others make is that information is the root of everything. So an atom only exists because it is an expression of information (it from bit). But if the panpsychists are correct (from the Stoics to Whitehead), then every 'it' has both a physical and a mental 'pole.' In other words, every actual thing (as opposed to mere possibilities) experiences as a subject and is experienced by others as an object. So both consciousness (as a high-level form of experience, where material things and immaterial possibilities are experienced) and matter would be subsets or derivative forms of information. Truth is what arranges information, and that information takes a form that is both mental and physical. Matter is necessary for minds to exist (because they're two sides of the same coin), but neither can exist without information.

Q: (L) Next question on the list: How do consciousness, information, and matter relate to each other?

A: Different concentrations of truth.

Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

I would also suggest to look at the matter (and its higher organizations) as coded information.

Truth exist as some pool of information.

As an example, let's say: one of the truths is that the empathy improves relationships and this truth is coded as a rage.

While you gain a new information, you read psychology books etc. while you do it, you are learning how read the code and finally when you have the right amount of information, you break the code and you can catch the truth, what improve your consciousness.

This is probably the easiest way to explain it, of course if I get it.
Well yes .. I understand it better, I think?, I need to re-read it again, though …I was wondering in which subset or level would stand Love is Light is Knowledge.

Thanks for sharing the session. :)

Perceval said:
Sylvie said:
miguel said:
Thank you very much for sharing the session so quickly, as usual.

Spanish is my mother tongue and I am a bit puzzled of why the C's decided to say good bye in that way. Could it be a clue?

I also wondered why the C's said goodbye of this way.

I had the impression that someone in attendance said "adios" or "gracias". I could be imagining things though.

Laura said:
Q: (L) I'm gonna say goodnight and thank you.

A: Mucho gusto! Goodbye.

Spanish is also my mother tongue and, I usually use “mucho gusto” (nice to meet you) and “Adiós”(By) or “Hola”(Hello) to someone I just met. Perhaps there was a new member in the session. It could be anything else, Spanish language has many variables and depends the country, region, town.
Approaching Infinity said:
In other words, if there were a mismatch between Truths (i.e., goals or forms inherent in Cosmic Mind) and the bodies that should embody them. Information needs to be arranged by a truth inherent in the cosmos in order for it to fulfill its intended function. If it doesn't, it falls apart. So on a human level, when our information (beliefs, decisions, actions) isn't informed by Truth, our consciousness goes kaput. Maybe? :/

The above quote reminded me of Laura's "eclipsing of realities" and what she wrote here:

Laura said:
My realization after all this was over was that this was the moment of turning a corner, of making a choice. I rejected and resisted the "spider-like beings" and their future, and chose to align myself with a different "Thought Center," that of creation and expansion and Service to Others. And from that moment on, my reality began to change.

Here are the relevant excerpts . And thank you very much for sharing the session!

Laura said:
Session 23 July 1995

Q: (L) Toren, the first thing on my mind is an experience I
had several nights ago. It seemed as though there was
some sort of interaction between myself and something
"other." Could you tell me what this experience was?

A: Was eclipsing of the realities.

Q: (L) What is an eclipsing of the realities?

A: It is when energy centers conflict.

Q: (L) What energy centers are conflicting?

A: Thought energy centers.

Q: (L) Whose thoughts?

A: Ahh, we're getting ahead of ourselves, are we not?
Thoughts are the basis of all creation. After all,
without thought nothing would exist. Now would it?

Q: (L) True.

A: Therefore, energy centers conflicting involve thought
patterns. You could refer to it as an intersecting of
thought pattern energies.

Q: (L) Well, it seemed to me that something happened to me
that blanked out a period of my experience, and you say
this was an eclipsing of energies caused by an
intersecting of thought centers. Now, this intersecting
of thought centers, did this occur within my body or
within my environment?

A: They are one and the same.

Q: (L) I also seemed to be aware of several dark, spider-like
figures lined up by the side of the bed, was this an
accurate impression.

A: Those could be described as specific thought center

Q: (L) I seemed to be fighting and resisting this activity.

A: That was your choice.
Q: (L) Alright, was this the ending of an abduction that had
already taken place?

A: Not the proper terminology. It was the conclusion to an
event, not necessarily what one would refer to as an
abduction, but more what one would refer to as an

Q: (L) What was the nature of the interaction?

A: The conflicting of energies related to thought center

Q: (L) Where are these thought centers located?

A: Well, that is difficult to answer because that is assuming
that thought centers are located. And, of course this is
a concept area in which you are not fully familiar as of
yet. So, an attempt to answer this in any way that would
make sense to you would probably not be fruitful. We
suggest slowing down and carefully formulating questions.

Q: (L) At what level of density do these thought centers have
their primary focus?

A: Thought centers do not have primary focus in any level of
density. This is precisely the point. You are not
completely familiar with the reality of what thoughts are.
We have spoken to you on many levels and have detailed
many areas involving density level, but thoughts are quite
a different thing because they pass through all density
levels at once. Now, let us ask you this. Do you not now
see how that would be possible?

Q: (L) Yes. But what I am trying to do is identify these
conflicting thought centers. If two thought centers, or
more, conflict, then my idea would be that they are in

A: Correct.

Q: (L) Okay, in the experience I felt a paralysis of my body,
what caused this paralysis.

A: Yes. Separation of awareness. Which is defined as any
point along the pathway where one's awareness becomes so
totally focused on one thought sector that all other
levels of awareness are temporarily receded, thereby
making it impossible to become aware of one's physical
reality along with one's mental reality. This gives the
impression of what is referred to as paralysis. Do you

Q: (L) Yes. And what stimulates this total focus of

A: An event which sidetracks, temporarily, the mental
processes..... It was an eclipsing of energies caused by conflicting
thought centers.

Q: (L) What energies were being eclipsed?

A: Whenever two opposing units of reality intersect, this
causes what can be referred to as friction, which, for an
immeasurable amount of what you would refer to as time,
which is, of course, non-existent, creates a non-
existence, or a stopping of the movements of all
functions. This is what we would know as conflict. In
between, or through any intersecting, opposite entities,
we always find zero time, zero movement, zero
transference, zero exchange. Now think about this. Think
about this carefully.

Q: (L) Does this mean that I was, essentially, in a condition
of non-existence?

A: Well, non-existence is not really the proper term, but
non-fluid existence would be more to the point. Do you

Q: (L) Yes. Frozen, as it were?

A: Frozen, as it were.

Q: (L) Was there any benefit to me from this experience?

A: All experiences have potential for benefit.

Q: (L) Was there any detriment from this experience?

A: All experiences have potential for detriment. Now, do you
see the parallels. We are talking about any opposing
forces in nature, when they come together, the result can
go all the way to the extreme of one side or all the way
to the extreme of the other. Or, it can remain perfectly,
symmetrically in balance in the middle, or partially in
balance on one side or another. Therefore all potentials
are realized at intersecting points in reality.


Q: (L) Was one of these conflicting thought centers or
energies some part of me?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And was it eclipsed by interacting with a thought
center energy that was part of or all of something or
someone else?

A: Or, was what happened a conflicting of one energy thought
center that was a part of your thought process and another
energy thought center that was another part of your
thought process?
We will ask you that question and allow
you to contemplate.

Q: (L) Does it ever happen that individuals who perceive or
think they perceive themselves to have experienced an
"abduction," to actually be interacting with some part of

A: That would be a very good possibility. Now, before you
ask another question, stop and contemplate for a moment:
what possibilities does this open up? Is there any limit?
And if there is, what is that? Is it not an area worth

Q: (L) Okay, help me out here...

A: For example, just one example for you to digest. What if
the abduction scenario could take place where your soul
projection, in what you perceive as the future, can come
back and abduct your soul projection in what you perceive
as the present?

Q: (L) Oh, dear! Does this happen?

A: This is a question for you to ask yourself and

Q: (L) Why would I do that to myself?

A: Are there not a great many possible answers?

Q: (L) Well, this seemed to be a very frightening and
negative experience. If that is the case: a. maybe that
is just my perception, or b. then, in the future I am not
a very nice person! (J) Or maybe the future isn't very
pleasant. And the knowledge that you gained of it is

A: Or is it one possible future, but not all possible
futures? And is the pathway of free will not connected to
all of this?

Q: (L) God! I hope so.

A: Now do you see the benefit in slowing down and not having
prejudices when asking questions of great import? You see
when you speed too quickly in the process of learning and
gathering knowledge, it is like skipping down the road
without pausing to reflect on the ground beneath you. One
misses the gold coins and the gemstones contained within
the cracks in the road.
Q: (L) Okay, when this experience occurred, am I to assume
that some part of myself, a future self perhaps, of course
they are all simultaneous but just for the sake of
reference, came back and interacted with my present self
for some purpose of exchange?

A: Well this is a question best left for your own exploration
as you will gain more knowledge by contemplating it by
yourself rather than seeking the answers here. But a
suggestion is to be made that you do that as you will gain
much, very much knowledge by contemplating these very
questions on your own and networking with others as you do
so. Be not frustrated for the answers to be gained
through your own contemplation will be truly illuminating
to you and the experience to follow will be worth a
thousand lifetimes of pleasure and joy.
Approaching Infinity said:
Laura said:
Psalehesost said:
There are of course various textbooks focused on the mathematics, which can be expected to do widely varying jobs of actually explaining the concepts. What have you been reading that made the concepts clear?

Alister Hardy's "The Living Stream". Bryant Shiller's "The 5th Option". A couple books on Ark's shelves about Information Theory, articles on the net, and of course, just simply assembling pieces from the Cs sessions, history, and the philosophy of the Stoics and Gurdjieff.

Added: Book titles: Information and the Nature of Reality: From Physics to Metaphysics and the recent work on philosophy by Thomas Nagel: "Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False"

I'd like to second "Information and the Nature of Reality" by Davies and Gregersen. Some chapters aren't great (it's an anthology), but some are particularly good.

Can you be more specific as to which chapters you feel are particularly good?

Thanks in advance. :)
thank you so much Laura Knight w/her team and the Cassiopaeans send you to all :hug: my love....


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