Session 28 May 2013

A particular rich session packed with information and clues. Many thanks!

This part stood out for me:
Q: (L) Her idea that it was strange and unknown is probably the one correct thing. But her answers, her Hutchison Effect and Zero Point stuff, that is just all her assumptions. It's allgiving the wrong answers. It's also giving the wrong answers for the alternative people who believe it, and causing them to lose information. It's driving away people who might be able to observe the problem and solve it by the absurdity of those answers and by her behavior. (Andromeda) Same thing with those actors people. There was a setup, and a drama, but they made it totally absurd. (L) It's what Jacques Vallée described as the Truth Train. If people are on a train headed for truth, the best way to divert them since you can't stop the train or you don’t want to be seen stopping the train, is you get there in the engine and you just start stoking up the fire until the train goes so fast that it runs off the track and they all get killed. (Perceval) The only thing I can think of is that somebody else was coming along parallel to Judy Wood who was going to go in that direction, and they got her in there first as their man. At such a late stage, it's better that her book is out there instead of nothing. (Anart) But you're reading it already informed. Other people aren't reading it with that same lens, so they're reading it and they just come to her conclusions. You never did that. You said there's great info here, BUT... (L) Did Hurricane Erin play a role in the 9/11 attacks?

It reminded me of a particular episode of Star Trek TNG, the 23rd episode of the seventh season to be exact, called: Emergence. said:
Picard and the crew are concerned when an unexplained series of mechanical malfunctions occurs aboard the Enterprise. First, a runaway train suddenly appears in the Holodeck, then the ship takes itself into warp and locks out all propulsion access. Determined to regain control, Picard orders an emergency core shutdown, but before Geordi can carry out the order, the ship takes itself out of warp. An investigation reveals the Enterprise somehow protected itself — it would have exploded just a moment later if it didn't go to warp.

Wondering how the ship was able to do this, Geordi and Data investigate and discover a complex network of nodes and circuitry forming at several points on the ship. When Geordi attempts to examine one of the nodes, it defends itself by emitting a force field. Since the nodes appear to converge in the Holodeck, Riker, Data, and Worf investigate, and are shocked to find several different programs running at once, with characters from all of them riding as passengers on a train. Data attempts to depolarize the power grid, but the characters stop him, then change the train's direction and force Data, Worf, and Riker to leave. At the same time, the Enterprise slips back into warp, and Picard realizes he may not be able to stop it. Data then deduces that the ship is somehow forming its own intelligence.

Data believes that the computer's ability to see, talk, and even reproduce somehow enabled it to go beyond those capacities to learn to think for itself. Since the Holodeck appears to be the focal point, Data and Worf return to the train with Troi. They notice the recurring image of a three-dimensional molecule, and Troi questions a hitman who protects a gold brick and tells her he has to get to Keystone City. The train reaches its destination, and Troi follows him to a brick wall, where he inserts his gold brick and announces that he is laying the foundations. Meanwhile, Picard and Geordi detect strange activity in Cargo Bay Five, where Geordi discovers a glowing shape that looks like the molecule image.

Back on the Holodeck, Data depolarizes the power grid. Suddenly, the ship starts to shake, and Geordi orders Data to stop, then later surmises that the ship is protecting the object being created in the Cargo Bay. Troi adds that the characters in the Holodeck could represent specific aspects of the ship, and Picard encourages her to interact with them again in hopes of gaining control. This time, Troi, Data, and Worf cooperate with the characters, and power and life support systems are immediately restored. Picard and Riker notice that the ship has arrived at a white dwarf star and transports vertion particles back to Cargo Bay Five via a tractor beam. When the supply of particles is exhausted, the "molecule" in the bay goes dark, the Holodeck characters become distraught and the train derails.

The entire ship shuts down, and Picard and Riker join Geordi in the Cargo Bay. They examine the "molecule" and realize that the Enterprise is attempting to create a lifeform — one that will die if more vertion particles aren't found. Abruptly, the ship starts moving again, this time in the direction of another white dwarf. Unfortunately, the trip will exhaust the ship's oxygen supply, killing everyone unless something is done. Picard realizes their only hope is to create an artificial source of vertion particles. But while Geordi believes this can be done in a nearby nebula, Troi, Worf, and Data must somehow convince the Holodeck characters to change direction. Amazingly, they manage to do so, the particles are created, and the entire scene, including the mysterious new lifeform which has now formed, disappears into space, bringing the U.S.S. Enterprise back to normal. said:
Lieutenant Commander Data, while practicing acting in an Enterprise holodeck, is surprised when the Orient Express train drives through his set of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Later, the Enterprise suddenly jumps into warp on its own; later investigation shows that the ship had been undergoing a deadly theta flux distortion, and only by jumping into warp was the ship saved from destruction. Data postulates that this may be a previously unknown safety feature of the Enterprise, and he and Chief Engineer La Forge investigate the ship, soon discover one of several small nodes connecting the various ship systems within the ship, all protected by their own force fields. The bulk of the nodes connect to the holodeck, and the crew go to investigate.

Inside, they find themselves on the currently-running Orient Express simulation, where several random characters are interacting in strange manners. Data attempts to shut the program down to no avail. As they watch, a gangster character shoots and kill's the train's engineer, and the conductor pulls on a cord; the Enterprise is suddenly sent into warp again. On leaving the holodeck, the crew finds many more of the nodes about the ship, connecting all the major systems save the main computer; Data believes the formation of the nodes are similar to the human brain's structure, and posits that the Enterprise is developing its own intelligence.

Data, Worf and Counselor Troi return to the holodeck to learn more. The gangster character takes a brick from the engineer and gets off at the next stop - Keystone City - which the three follow. The gangster places the brick in a wall, completing it; at the same time, La Forge detects a power surge in a cargo bay and finds a strange object being constructed atom by atom. Data attempts to access the holodeck circuits, but this causes the ship to shake violently. Troi believes that the characters are trying to act out various roles in the creation of a new entity, and Captain Picard agrees with letting the simulation run its course and the object in the cargo bay, considered to be a new lifeform, to develop.

On the holodeck, Data, Worf, and Troi return to the train, and find it is heading for Vertiform City, its final destination; meanwhile, the Enterprise has arrived at a white dwarf star and has started the collection of vertiron particles from it, feeding them into the new object in the cargo bay. However, the supply of particles from the star is limited, and the object's glow starts to wane; on the holodeck, the simulated characters have a shocked response, and the conductor pulls the emergency brake, which causes not only the train to stop but cause power to drop all around the Enterprise. La Forge determines without new vertiron particles, the lifeform will die out.

Suddenly, the Enterprise re-enters warp, diverting power from all other ship's systems, including life support, to maintain its top speed; the conductor on the holodeck simulation states they are now heading for New Vertiform City. With time short for the crew, Data suggests to the conductor that he knows a shorter route, and gains access to the train's engine, from which he can control the Enterprise's course. With La Forge's help, Data directs the ship to a nearby nebula, and subsequently fires a modified torpedo at it, causing the generation of numerous vertiron particles. The ship collects these and completes the lifeform, while the simulated passengers on the train celebrate their arrival. The completed lifeform rises on its own and leaves the cargo bay; the Enterprise returns to normal operation. After verifying their systems have returned to their control and return to their previous mission, the crew postulate on the nature of this new lifeform.

Much to ponder on like symbolism etc.

As for the Squatter Man, the linked images on made me wonder whether there has been a crop circle on that as I seem to remember especially the first image (Navaho rug) in connection with that -- but I'm not sure about it. :/ Maybe someone else?
Great session! Thank you. So much covered in this session. I'm glad you asked about Judy Wood. I listened to the radio show and wondered what was going on with her. For my two cents, information theory is fascinating, as I have struggled with conversations with people around me when it comes to COINTEL and events on the globe. Sorting the truth from lies appears to be nonexistent in people around me. The nonviolent approach in protests is interesting considering on Facebook, here in the US, people have gotten so riled up about their guns being taken away and now completely paranoid about the gov't that I don't think you could have a discussion about a nonviolent way to demonstrate against the gov't. Certainly, the recent Monsanto protests were kept out of the MSM. Also considering the financial world seems to be getting closer to disintegrating and the never-ending threat of an expanded war somewhere on the globe, I see it becoming difficult to discuss the possiblity of a nonviolent approach to protesting the gov't when the time comes. That is, unless the TPTB intend to maintain the financial shenanigans knowing that the comets are coming and are just biding their time. Then finance and war are used as distractions when needed. A lot to think about as I think about the 6/20/09 session and June is coming up! This should be one interesting year (as though the recent ones weren't!) Thanks again for a wonderful session. Wasn't expecting it!
Approaching Infinity said:
dugdeep said:
Wow, what an amazing and dense session! Definitely requires multiple readings as I know I've missed quite a bit on the first pass; the whole "information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness" part I'm definitely not grokking, for instance. I guess I'm having trouble understanding how "a truth" can be independent of consciousness. I always thought of truth as a property of consciousness. Is truth material in some fashion?

I don't know if truth is material per se, but it is real. I think we need to make sure our definitions are right before really making sense of this. For example, truth should probably be defined as "correspondence to reality." Information is a complex arrangement that specifies a certain meaning. So, to use a real-life example, "Israel is evil" is information that is 'arranged' by truth. "Israel is good" is not. The truth exists independent of any human minds, so whether anyone was aware of it or not, the truth that "Israel is evil" is true whether or not anyone translates that into a form of information (like speech, writing, thought, or even feeling).

But how does 'true information' become consciousness? I'm not sure. But if we look at our only evidence for consciousness, i.e., ourselves, then maybe it makes sense. Our information, from the atomic level to our DNA and the form of our bodies, is arranged by something, and without our bodies, we wouldn't be conscious. (Or more specifically, without the development of adequate bodies, consciousness as we experience it wouldn't have been possible.) The only 'something' that I can think of would be something like Plato's ideal forms. Since all our parts are arranged by their ideal forms (e.g., the inherent possibilities in the cosmos for atomic forms, protein forms, body plans, etc.), I guess you could say that they are arranged by Truths that are independent of the things that they form, but also that they embody those Truths. They 'correspond to reality.'

But I see what you mean by truth needing consciousness. I think Gurdjieff's idea of the three principles might be needed here. At the level of the Absolute (Cosmic Mind), you need three principles in one. The active, informing principle (Truth), the passive, informed principle (Information), and the third, equilibrating principle (Consciousness). I suppose that it's possible to have a universe - even given the ultimate existence of these principles - that doesn't give rise to consciousness as we experience it. For example, if the information at the level of physics produced a world with laws that didn't allow for life, or if DNA produced proteins with no functional abilities. In other words, if there were a mismatch between Truths (i.e., goals or forms inherent in Cosmic Mind) and the bodies that should embody them. Information needs to be arranged by a truth inherent in the cosmos in order for it to fulfill its intended function. If it doesn't, it falls apart. So on a human level, when our information (beliefs, decisions, actions) isn't informed by Truth, our consciousness goes kaput. Maybe? :/

It came to my mind that believing in lies, acting on lies, conducting lies can accelerate tissue disintegration and believing in truth, acting on truth and conducting truth allows opportunities for regenerating same tissue.

So another speculation, maybe as useful as one about the origin of human models: it seems that the dying race of Lizards understands their fate. Their trade in lies leading to death/disintegration versus truth leading to life/regeneration. Being STS they initiate entropic processes to feed themselves. They are dying, but they had to realize this to an extent. Lizards and their masters - no wonder they are just a shadow presence in 6thD - being super-intelligent possibly realized they must stay truthful toward important cosmic parties/presences if they want to survive. Toward us, humans they must mix into their Lies as much truth as possible (without pointing out, what small parts, they say is true) - may be even forced to - thus conduct some required truth in a cosmic way to slow down their disintegration, resulting their civilization to die slower.

If we accept Gurdjieff's transmission about the Absolute, then can we say Free Will is one universal law of absolute Truth? Only problem is for us humans, whose free will is constantly abridged, is the lack of good specific information about Free Will. Lets use a metaphor of a legal contract.

Think about how people don't really like to read hundreds of pages of a difficult contract, but the near complete knowledge about specific parts of same contract would allow them to control their legal/business situation a lot better. Can't employ lawyers for this, people must become successful cosmic lawyers to protect their cosmic interest, their Free Will!

Free Will may be a similar case as above contract, requiring complex knowledge - Work, research, discernment - to get to a much better legal position. So, Lizards must have a lot better understanding about Free Will, especially about ways how to bypass it and cloud it to confuse the exploited party possessing Free Will. The exploited party is only capable to act on Free Will to the extent it has good information about Free Will.

But there seem to be certain parts of the cosmic and absolute Law of Free Will the Lizards can't bypass - or explain away - in any way so they are forced to tell some truth to us - , along with a great quantity lies. This may allow Lizards to remain alive, continue feeding and keep the livestock - us - alive as well, by injecting absolute universal truth - a regenerative cosmic principle - into the populace so we don't disintegrate too fast.

People intending to live in Truth, act on Truth so that information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness to make that consciousness part of them the people, Working, must have not only become inedible to Lizards in many parts - too spoiled for Lizard taste, these humans not containing enough lies - but also getting more information about Free Will and digesting Truthful information may be even able to be regenerated through cataclysmic changes to the original state of 12 strand DNA.
Kniall said:
Session 28 May 2013 said:
Q: (Perceval) 8.35 billion?

They're so far wide of the mark...

Wikipedia said:

As of today, it is estimated to number 7.088 billion by the United States Census Bureau (USCB). The USCB estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012. According to a separate estimate by the United Nations Population Fund, it reached this milestone on October 31, 2011. [...]

...and apparently always have been...

Wikipedia said:

There is no estimation for the exact day or month the world's population surpassed one or two billion. The days of three and four billion were not officially noted, but the International Database of the United States Census Bureau places them in July 1959 and April 1974. The United Nations did determine, and celebrate, the "Day of 5 Billion" on July 11, 1987, and the "Day of 6 Billion" on October 12, 1999. The "Day of 7 Billion" was declared by the Population Division of the United Nations to be October 31, 2011.

...that I'm thinking we have nothing to fear from their 'Total Information Awareness' obsession! All that data to hand and they can't even get the basic numbers more or less right :rolleyes:

The point was never, of course, to 'know absolutely everything about everybody then watch their every single move'... the herd is finely controlled by being induced to believe that they know absolutely every move we make and have all-seeing eyes that report us to central command at the first sign of dissent. After that, the masses self-regulate.

Considering the broadness with which the question was asked

Q: (L) Next question: Can you tell us since we have been wondering about the actual counts that have been giving to us, what is the exact living population on the planet of human beings, or human-looking beings, including psychopaths, people with various personality disorders? (Kniall) Humanoids? (L) The basic human-looking group?

and the disconnect in the total numbers, I was wondering if the C's count might include intra-density entities as well as any that may be residing in caves/underground? The question did state "on," but "on" could feasibly be inclusive of these other two groups of entities.
Thanks everybody for the session! :flowers: It was a lovely surprise this morning on my way out to work! It does indeed seem quite a dense session which as many others have already said, will need rereading a few times.
With regards to material on Information Theory, I would say another great read will be the next volume of Horns of Moses :D (Or is it the following one?)
thank you for the session Laura and the crew.
By the way here in the Nord of Italy i observed that approximately since the beginning of April this year till now is raining continually ,maybe there are a couple of days with sun but the temperature is still low like 19-26 in comparison to the last year same period it started to be very hot the temperature were arriving till 30-34 and little rain for the whole summer and the month of September ,indeed this year from my little observation from where I'm i can say for sure the the weather has changed and a lot, a week ago i read in a news papers that here in the nord of Italy had snowed in some places and also saw the picture of a cyclist , the road on both sides there was snow,also here we have beautiful mountains they are not so big to say that the snow in the summer period it doesn't melt,this morning when i looked toward them they were white almost like in the period of the winter,sincerely i look forward to see how will be the weather in the next couple of months.
thank you once again.
plaintiger said:
Considering the broadness with which the question was asked

Q: (L) Next question: Can you tell us since we have been wondering about the actual counts that have been giving to us, what is the exact living population on the planet of human beings, or human-looking beings, including psychopaths, people with various personality disorders? (Kniall) Humanoids? (L) The basic human-looking group?

and the disconnect in the total numbers, I was wondering if the C's count might include intra-density entities as well as any that may be residing in caves/underground? The question did state "on," but "on" could feasibly be inclusive of these other two groups of entities.

I think they answered the question as it is commonly understood - how many 3rd density, bipedal, human types of all physical races live on the surface of the planet.
Sylvie said:
miguel said:
Thank you very much for sharing the session so quickly, as usual.

Spanish is my mother tongue and I am a bit puzzled of why the C's decided to say good bye in that way. Could it be a clue?

I also wondered why the C's said goodbye of this way.

I had the impression that someone in attendance said "adios" or "gracias". I could be imagining things though.
Thank you everyone for this latest session. There's so much to reread and think about. I found the summation of the "actors scenario" very helpful.
dugdeep said:
the whole "information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness" part I'm definitely not grokking, for instance. I guess I'm having trouble understanding how "a truth" can be independent of consciousness. I always thought of truth as a property of consciousness. Is truth material in some fashion?

I share your pain. :)

Since precision is their trademark, I've always taken a literal interpretation of their remarks. This latest comment suggest (to me) that consciousness is a subset of information. A subset born from the marriage between truth and info. I have great difficulty viewing consciousness as a subset of anything. To me, it's always been the starting point, from which everything else flowed. And since our individual consciousness will likely affect the collapse of the coming Wave function, I really would like to understand this better.

I've just gotten the Kindle edition of the Davies book. Hopefully I can learn a bit more.
Laura said:
Lilou said:
Thanks for the new session! There's a lot packed in this one. Thanks Ark for the question about ball lightning, my husband saw a ball lightning in our kitchen a couple of years ago and tried to chase it ...LOL...the "transdimensional portal" stayed ahead of him and then just disappeared. Very weird stuff.

The dead magpie peaked my interest as well, beings that I had a close encounter with a blackbird recently. But my bird wasn't dead, just alittle stunned.

This one wasn't dead when it was found but it was paralyzed and had a huge tumor growing out of the head - like almost three times the size of the head itself. So it was mercifully dispatched by us.

I haven't figured out if there is a message in all of this "bird business", but I just went out to tend to my swimming pool, and found a dead sparrow, in the same spot I "fell off the deep end" last week. After my encounter with the blackbird, I came home from work, was skimming the pool (with my magnifiers on!) misjudged the distance and stepped off the deep end of the pool with my left leg. I had a huge hematoma which is healing well, tore a hole in my good pants, and bruised and skinned up my right knee. And now....a dead bird. I sure don't want a billboard upside the head, but I may be missing something. :umm:
lilies said:
As I live in the neighborhood, there seemed to be increasing respiratory problems after the Russian event, it took max. 3-4 weeks to take effect, depending on wind & rain I guess. Same way many got flu-like symptoms, throat illnesses and cancer in the months following the Chernobyl event in last century. So I guess we will have to be used to it: more impacts and/or mid-air explosion = people will start to choke. Not much seems to protect against dust-type pollutions. Then there are the introduced viruses of course.

Yes even here where I am ( Mediterranean ) there has been increase of the reports of weird respiratory infections, very painful sore throats ( people describe it like someone is ripping their throat when they try to cough, loosing the voice completely all accompanied with high fever). Also lately there has been increase of viral stomatitis leaving painful ulcers all over the mouth for weeks. It immediately reminded me of plague. Possibly a prelude for even worst things to come.

Even in dogs and cats I noticed increase of per-acute viral infections characterized mostly by vomiting and diarrhea.
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