Session 28 May 2013

Thanks for sharing the session! It's encouraging to read and to feel like a part of the group. :D
Laura said:
It is in the study of information theory that one becomes acutely aware of the value of Truth and Objectivity. It very well can be a matter of life or death and is therefore something that is worth pursuing and sacrificing for, even to the extent of sacrificing one's own paltry anthropomorphic views of reality and utilizing a network to come to a larger understanding.

In the recommended books thread, someone asked if there were any recommended books on information theory. I second that.

There are of course various textbooks focused on the mathematics, which can be expected to do widely varying jobs of actually explaining the concepts. What have you been reading that made the concepts clear?
l apprenti de forgeron said:
... Although it is a very complex issue and should be a conscious vanguard leading the masses, now I really think a big group together and nonviolent can start making changes -The issue is that people be well informed in the True-. The end of the movie V for Vendetta comes to mind, and the same for many, surely.

This was the intent of the Occupy Movement. It is also the reason why that movement was quickly infiltrated, fractured and marginalized.
Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013

Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Kniall, Ailen, PoB, Anart, Athena, Data, mkrnhr, Mr. Scott

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

Wow! This one made me fall out of my chair!

Had zero clue that information held such foundational importance. C's never really talked much about it until fairly recently. Always thought it was the other way around. First consciousness...then information. But apparently not! This throws all my preconceived and learned ideas of consciousness right out the window. And time is getting short for figuring out what's what.

On another note, I wish to acknowledge the fact that it's now clear that both sides of the Wood book argument had merit. And it wasn't simply black and white. And I commend the opposing side for holding onto their belief and intuition. Kudos to you all. :)
Thanks for the new session, y'all. Alots to absorb...

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

A: Basically, correct, yes. Main thing missing is the information factor. Those who believe the lies begin to fracture within and then project this outward onto others.

This is very sobering and implications are staggering for both personal and global.
Oh, my! What an informative and interesting session. So much to ponder.

Thank you to you all.
Thanks so much for the Session.

The "sheets of rain" phrase really struck a cord with me. That is what we have had here the last month or so.
One thunderstorm after another. Like forces above arguing with each other. Clouds obscuring the sun. The air alive with energy. Some flowers blooming way early, others very late.

Profound changes are in the air, no doubt.

Psalehesost said:
There are of course various textbooks focused on the mathematics, which can be expected to do widely varying jobs of actually explaining the concepts. What have you been reading that made the concepts clear?

Alister Hardy's "The Living Stream". Bryant Shiller's "The 5th Option". A couple books on Ark's shelves about Information Theory, articles on the net, and of course, just simply assembling pieces from the Cs sessions, history, and the philosophy of the Stoics and Gurdjieff.

Added: Book titles: Information and the Nature of Reality: From Physics to Metaphysics and the recent work on philosophy by Thomas Nagel: "Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False"
Wow Thanks to you all!
I never felt so much blessed than today to have the chance to get the REAL information and to avoid to be misled again and again like the most! Of course I'm writing this under an endless sheet of rain here in deep south of France...
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