Session 28 May 2013

Lilou said:
Laura said:
Lilou said:
Thanks for the new session! There's a lot packed in this one. Thanks Ark for the question about ball lightning, my husband saw a ball lightning in our kitchen a couple of years ago and tried to chase it ...LOL...the "transdimensional portal" stayed ahead of him and then just disappeared. Very weird stuff.

The dead magpie peaked my interest as well, beings that I had a close encounter with a blackbird recently. But my bird wasn't dead, just alittle stunned.

This one wasn't dead when it was found but it was paralyzed and had a huge tumor growing out of the head - like almost three times the size of the head itself. So it was mercifully dispatched by us.

I haven't figured out if there is a message in all of this "bird business", but I just went out to tend to my swimming pool, and found a dead sparrow, in the same spot I "fell off the deep end" last week. After my encounter with the blackbird, I came home from work, was skimming the pool (with my magnifiers on!) misjudged the distance and stepped off the deep end of the pool with my left leg. I had a huge hematoma which is healing well, tore a hole in my good pants, and bruised and skinned up my right knee. And now....a dead bird. I sure don't want a billboard upside the head, but I may be missing something. :umm:

Coincidence and portent, what a symbolical world it is.
To understand truth - consciousness interconnection contemplate light or the magnetic field torus flow. Consciousness is self-awareness which implies a sort of reflexive cyclic pattern. Both light and the torus reflect this concept. It's an analogy at best but perhaps still useful.

For me the analogy unpacks something like this. Being = truth = a mathematical point. Information flows from the point outward. The shape of the flow is information. When the form becomes reflexive then consciousness is born. In a torus the flow curves around to rejoin the mathematical originating point / "truth." Consciousness is a shape of information which returns to contemplation of Being(truth). It can also be conceived of a series of facts which tell a story leading to the original point.

The snag is "if the mathematical point is "truth" then what is the rest of the torus made out of?" The answer, I think, is that the rest of the torus is made from simpler toruses. The "truth" constructs the universe (information) out of itself. This means the universe is built out of self-reflexive information (consciousness) from the ground up. I'm not sure there is any "beginning" for this process because the process itself is self reflexive.

Obviously I'm struggling here with concepts out of my ability to understand. Yet, self contemplation is what the universe is doing so in a sense the universe itself struggles (creates information and stories) to understand itself. How this plays precisely out is what creation and learning is all about.
sitting said:
Since precision is their trademark, I've always taken a literal interpretation of their remarks. This latest comment suggest (to me) that consciousness is a subset of information. A subset born from the marriage between truth and info. I have great difficulty viewing consciousness as a subset of anything. To me, it's always been the starting point, from which everything else flowed. And since our individual consciousness will likely affect the collapse of the coming Wave function, I really would like to understand this better.

The point Davies and others make is that information is the root of everything. So an atom only exists because it is an expression of information (it from bit). But if the panpsychists are correct (from the Stoics to Whitehead), then every 'it' has both a physical and a mental 'pole.' In other words, every actual thing (as opposed to mere possibilities) experiences as a subject and is experienced by others as an object. So both consciousness (as a high-level form of experience, where material things and immaterial possibilities are experienced) and matter would be subsets or derivative forms of information. Truth is what arranges information, and that information takes a form that is both mental and physical. Matter is necessary for minds to exist (because they're two sides of the same coin), but neither can exist without information.
Thank you very much for the new session Chateau crew. :love: :hug2:
As always the transcription was very speedy. Thank you :rockon:
miguel said:
Spanish is my mother tongue and I am a bit puzzled of why the C's decided to say good bye in that way. Could it be a clue?

Me too!
Could it be linked to the magpie event? I studied a bit of celtic history years ago. Once our teacher explained that the word "urraca" (spanish for magpie) derived from a celtic word that meant "wife" or/and "woman".
Sadly, I lost all the notes I took, but I remember writin. It down because it seemed quite curious to me. What could be the connection between the magpie and women?
Thank you all for this excellent session. Much information and confirmation.

Joe, Some of your short comments , like "You asked" and others, had me rolling. :lol: Thanks.
I have never considered the possibility of rain conducting electricity. :scared:
I used to love being in the rain. Now I just don't know anymore...
I can't remember where I saw it now, but I do remember reading/watching recently about a dutch scientist who has linked cloud formations to high-energy particles coming from space (not the sun).

The theory was basically that even though there's water vapour in the air, clouds themselves won't form without some form of particulate matter in the atmosphere, and what he appears to have proven was that cosmic rays are actually causing the creation of particulate matter in the air, and hence clouds are being formed.

I only mention that since it falls to reason that the same particulate matter would be linked to the rain, would it not? Perhaps it's a question of ratios of (a) how much water vapour and (b) how much particulate matter to form "drops" are what determine the strength and severity of the rainfall.

Of course, I could be dancing on a pinhead here...
Thanks you all for the session - a great deal covered with references to past sessions, a re-read is in the works despite faulty internet. The comments on electromagnetism being limited without consideration of transdimensional facets, rain conducting electricity as well as "false flag" violent & non-violent motives were intriguing.

Sheets of rain? It's been raining sporadically in the UK - cloud cover significant when the weather switches. The chalice & the magpie/bird phenomena stuck also.
Since the Russian meteorite in February the entire air has changed osit. Sign of transition period?

Mark said:
Coincidence and portent, what a symbolical world it is.

Deja vu & synchronous messages abound? Great work guys! :clap: :hug:
Great session-thanks to all. It will be interesting to watch events unfold and what form they may take.
New session, so I'm excited. I eagerly await the translation here in the Balkans.

Thank you. :hug2:
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