Session 28 May 2013

"Sheets of rain" just hammering the U.S. midwest right this moment.
sitting said:
Can you be more specific as to which chapters you feel are particularly good?

Thanks in advance. :)

I liked the Stapp, Davies, and Clayton chapters most. In general I thought the information in biology section was weaker than the first (where those three are located). Haven't read the ones in Part III, though.
Thank you for the session. It provides much food for thought.

I should note that Vancouver, which is typically covered in rain seems to have received less this year. But then again Vancouver has escaped most of these strange weather events relatively unscathed, when compared to the rest of Canada and the United States.

One thing is for sure: The storm is upon us! I can't wait to see what is in store for us.
By the way, also in Spanish you may say Mucho gusto! when you meet someone for the first time, or viceversa when you say good bye, to someone you just meet... :)
Thank you for publishing this session.

Coincidentally, I just re-watched V for Vendetta last night. A deep well of emotion stirred in me when at the end, Evey repeated and said "God is in the rain." as the camera follows the rain drop that appears to hit her in the third eye.

This was before I had a chance to read this session.

Thank you DCM.

James H
dugdeep said:
Wow, what an amazing and dense session! Definitely requires multiple readings as I know I've missed quite a bit on the first pass; the whole "information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness" part I'm definitely not grokking, for instance. I guess I'm having trouble understanding how "a truth" can be independent of consciousness. I always thought of truth as a property of consciousness. Is truth material in some fashion?

What I was thinking is that in order to understand something the will to understand it has to be applied in order to understand it. So I was thinking that the 'will to understand' is what does the "arranging," the bringing together of the information. Then, perhaps, the bringing together of the information in proper relationship or alignment is what produces a certain kind of energy (light/consciousness?) which allows the consciousness to see these relationships. Or, perhaps, we see the relationships between things from an effort of the will to understand it and when the information comes together in its proper relationship from the will to understand it then 'light' or energy is produced? Then what holds the relationships between things together? Is it the energy produced from the will to bring the information together so as to understand how the information relates? Is information the ultimate/essential reality, that is, the true "substance" of all relationships? How does energy and information relate? Is energy/matter the bringing together of information? Are information and energy
integrated at some level of reality? I don't really know, just some questions that come to mind.
Many thanks for a most excellent session! :thup: Feeling a little stage fright myself but I'm still trying to enjoy the ride. :)
Thanks for the session! Very interesting...and some parts difficult to understand. I definitely need to read it more than once ;)
Wow that was quite an amazing session! Thank you! :) I'm also still trying to wrap my head around the whole "information arranged by truth becomes consciousness" :huh: ....

AI made a comment:

The way I think of it, information is the shaping principle that decides "this way, not those ways." In other words, it chooses and arranges based on the possibilities present. So all the laws of physics, physical processes, and physical particles and shapes that we observe are 'informational statements' or their results. Change the information, and you get different laws (and different universes, if we go the multiverse direction). Electricity is an expression of information because it is a highly specified phenomenon (change the information, change the laws, and you would get different electricity, or no electricity). And then, on top of that, different arrangements and combinations of electricity (e.g., in a person's physiology) are another form of information, specific to the person. It can be more or less ordered (FRV?).

His comment made me think... could we also call a sub-atomic particle (like a quark) 'information' and 'truth' for that particle would be it behaving in accordance to the laws of physics, which would cascade through larger and larger subsystems (atom, molecule (like DNA), proteins, etc) and produce consciousness?

As we get into a larger scale, say the human mind, we should be behaving in accordance to higher laws (truth and objectivity?) which would lead to a balance or stability of some sort. If that same quark stopped behaving according to truth and acted on those laws based on a 'subjective interpretation' (or lies in our case), the whole system would fall apart and 'disintegrate'. Is it something like the state we are in now is sort of the result when information is there but no 'truth' and behaving in accordance with? So not just an individual but humans as a collective, where "consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates."

Oh boy, I hope this didn't turn into a word salad...apologies if I made things more confusing.
Thanks for your recommended readings, Approaching Infinity.
I just ordered "Mind and Cosmos" and "Signature In The Cell" thru the Saskatchewan public library system. As for the others, I'm going to see if they will purchase them, or if they can bring them in from another jurisdiction.

And Laura et al, thanks for this latest session with the Cs.
Information precedes consciousness. What an eye-opening concept!
Wow, thanks for the session, I appreciate the effort to keep on track with fascinating questions that are great food for thought, stage fright notwithstanding.

With the discussion of information and consciousness, at risk of word salad-ing, where does 'thought' fit in this...does information inform thought, in the sense of pure or divine thought, conscious/willful application of information that is not 'orthogonal to truth' but realization of 'information arranged around a truth'?

The mention of the plasma chalice also got me thinking about this classic illusion, and an image 'arranged around a truth,' a joke on us if it appears in the sky...


In this case the 'third man' could also be the one viewing/realizing the illusion. Picturing this image as 3D/toroids hurts my 'head.' ;)
Than you for the session! :thup: :flowers: :flowers:

There are some simple words/sentences with deep meanings that are very difficult to grasp.
So much to ponder about our ability to relate to reality and how it can affect around us!
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