Session 28 May 2013

Thank You!, C's, Laura and the Crew...

A dense and Fantastic Session full of Information to digest and assimilate.

For me in Spanish "Mucho Gusto" means a Wink with words... ;) as really Enjoying the

person or persons you are meeting at the moment.

Having FUN!!!... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool: ;) :P
Wow! Awesome session like ever! nya!!

when the Cs said:

You have long been aware of the cataclysmic nature of cosmic transitions, why get nervous now that it is at the door?

sounds for me: like well if u have been prepared for at last 20 years u dont have nothing to be worried , nya!!^_^

Im curios about why the Cs made a farewell little diferent? Mucho Gusto!
Excellent and informative session, Laura and company. Definitely fitting for the current and upcoming trials and tribulations. Thank you! So much to wrap my head around in regards to that session, and I already thought I had an information overload swirling through my mental organ. Assimilation process continues....
Hope this isn't noise. One morning last week- woke up to a voice saying, "The comets, Anita like a spirograph,
the comets like on a spirograph".

There are some images on this link _

Even a spirograph crop circle :lol:

It makes me kinda think that the comets are on a "specific path".
The picture of the torus jogged the memory.

Have impressions in dreams of being in a classroom, but can never remember what is being taught. :)
Joy Shared said:
Psalehesost said:

May I add something to this explanation which relates to " behavioral patterns" mostly? The Adaptive Unconscious has this feature of automatic pattern recognition, as explained by T.Wilson in "Strangers to Ourselves".
Just my 2 cents.

That's the system, my post aiming to explain a chemical/emotional factor that can drive it off track.

Things can also get more complicated. Apart from dysfunction of the emotional drive fueling, among other things, the mind's meaning-searching (which uses pattern recognition), there is also (mis)learning. Mental behaviors that "feel good" can easily become ingrained - and belief is often a coping mechanism. People often allow their minds to be (further) enslaved by the adaptive unconscious / System 1 - Lobaczewski describes this as a hysteria spreading across society - and then they are subject to, among other things, the whims of its pattern recognition, controlling what they are able to think and believe. They end up uncritically believing whatever is comfortable for them, any reasoning to the contrary being suppressed or distorted.
Thanks for another great session! :)

I could not help but think about tornados creating a transdimensional window and the fact that the Bringers of Dawn and the Sufi teachings of individuals spinning. It makes sense now that in the Bringer of Dawn it states that the Pledians would like to see how long some would stay on Earth if they keep spinning. Perhaps if one has done the work on oneself and created the single individual I that their magnetic center would also produce something akin to this transdimensional window. Also makes you wonder where you would end up. There are stories of those vanishing right before others eyes. I can be way off but it was a thought that came to me. Sorry if any grammar is off I'm writing this from a mobile phone and it's difficult to browse and edit my text.

Thanks again Laura and crew!
Since the Mucho Gusto is still kind of following me and its Sunday morning :cool2: I did a search with the words
"Mucho Gusto" and "cometa" :)

This is the website and video that appeared:

I don't speak Spanish too well to watch the video ... apparently it covers the relationship between comets and earthquakes (terremotos)?
"Mucho Gusto" seems to be a Spanish TV channel.

El planeta habla: relación entre cometa Elenin y los terremotos?

Martes, 27 de Septiembre 2011

¿Hay relación entre el cometa Elenin y los terremotos?
foto gal art

La periodista del Mucho Gusto Carolina Bezamat y el ufólogo Rodrigo Fuenzalida, indagan en la posible relación que existe entre el cometa Elenin y los terremotos.

Detalles en el siguiente video.

I'm not up to par what the C's say about Elenin, found this:

Session Date: February 13th 2011

Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Ailen, Galaxia, Psyche, Mr. Scott, Burma Jones, PoB, Atriedes

The remote microphone was not working so we spent some time trying to figure out what was wrong. We finally gave up and just used the internal mic of the tape recorder.

Q: (L) Hello?

A: Finally!! Project Frustrated Mic complete.

Q: (L) Hello. Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Soinorqa

A: Yes
Q: (L) Next question. (Andromeda) Will Comet Elenin interact with and cause a major disruption of earth this year?

A: Possible yes.
................................................. ............

Q: (Perceval) At least it's not Venus...

A: It is growing.

Q: [discussion of answer] (L) Anything else about it?

A: And that is only the core.

Q: (Psyche) Yeah, and the tail... (Andromeda) Anything else on Elenin? (Perceval) We'll have to wait and see? (Psyche) Are we going to see a return of the Black Death?

A: Extremely likely.

Q: (Galaxia) In Europe first? Where's it gonna hit?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Galaxia) Oh no! That's all I've got to say.

A: Those that have a certain genetic profile may suffer very little.

Q: (Andromeda) Is that any of us? (Galaxia) That doesn't sound like anybody is immune... like, "They'll suffer very little before they die!"

A: Smoking tobacco is a clue and an aid.
Minas Tirith said:
Since the Mucho Gusto is still kind of following me and its Sunday morning :cool2: I did a search with the words
"Mucho Gusto" and "cometa" :)

This is the website and video that appeared:

I don't speak Spanish too well to watch the video ... apparently it covers the relationship between comets and earthquakes (terremotos)?
"Mucho Gusto" seems to be a Spanish TV channel.

El planeta habla: relación entre cometa Elenin y los terremotos?

Martes, 27 de Septiembre 2011

¿Hay relación entre el cometa Elenin y los terremotos?
foto gal art

La periodista del Mucho Gusto Carolina Bezamat y el ufólogo Rodrigo Fuenzalida, indagan en la posible relación que existe entre el cometa Elenin y los terremotos.

Detalles en el siguiente video.

I'm not up to par what the C's say about Elenin, found this:

Session Date: February 13th 2011

Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Ailen, Galaxia, Psyche, Mr. Scott, Burma Jones, PoB, Atriedes

The remote microphone was not working so we spent some time trying to figure out what was wrong. We finally gave up and just used the internal mic of the tape recorder.

Q: (L) Hello?

A: Finally!! Project Frustrated Mic complete.

Q: (L) Hello. Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Soinorqa

A: Yes
Q: (L) Next question. (Andromeda) Will Comet Elenin interact with and cause a major disruption of earth this year?

A: Possible yes.
................................................. ............

Q: (Perceval) At least it's not Venus...

A: It is growing.

Q: [discussion of answer] (L) Anything else about it?

A: And that is only the core.

Q: (Psyche) Yeah, and the tail... (Andromeda) Anything else on Elenin? (Perceval) We'll have to wait and see? (Psyche) Are we going to see a return of the Black Death?

A: Extremely likely.

Q: (Galaxia) In Europe first? Where's it gonna hit?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Galaxia) Oh no! That's all I've got to say.

A: Those that have a certain genetic profile may suffer very little.

Q: (Andromeda) Is that any of us? (Galaxia) That doesn't sound like anybody is immune... like, "They'll suffer very little before they die!"

A: Smoking tobacco is a clue and an aid.

I checked for this tv and I found a Spanish program named "con mucho gusto" that is from Zaragoza. Then I wanted to extrapolated and look if there is a nuclear power station in Zaragoza, just to see... and yes, there is a nuclear power station in Zaragoza. Maybe something there? we never know. :shock:
United Gnosis said:
According to Suspicious0bserver on youtube, this storm is a result of the massive, equatorial coronal hole that just finished facing us. Its leading edge faced earth 4 days ago, which is the expected timing/delay before its stream would reach us.


Yeah, they are desperately trying to invent some sort of explanation. Here is an update from

GEOMAGNETIC STORM, SUBSIDING: Earth's magnetic field is calming down on June 1st following nearly 15 hours of non-stop geomagnetic storming. The storminess was caused by the arrival of an interplanetary shock wave on May 31st (1618 UT). The source of the shock is unknown. Current speculation focuses on a corotating interaction region (CIR)--that is, a shock-like transition zone between high- and low-speed solar wind streams. Whatever it was, the impact ignited some beautiful auroras. More storms could be in the offing tonight as the solar wind continues to blow faster than 600 km/s. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
FrankM4326754 said:
It makes sense now that in the Bringer of Dawn it states that the Pledians would like to see how long some would stay on Earth if they keep spinning.

Well...I've spun religiously, 99 times each day, on bridge over gentle stream, for over a year.

And I'm still here! :)
Approaching Infinity said:
Another one I'd recommend that has a good introduction on information is Stephen Meyer's "Signature in the Cell." Nagel cites this book in "Mind and Cosmos." It's basically an introduction to intelligent design focusing on DNA and the origins of life. It's easier to read than "5th Option" and covers a lot of similar ground.

Thanks for that recommendation, AI. I just brought it for my birthday and I was surprised to see that it is a 600-page book as opposed to 500-page 5th Option. I'm diving into it now.

Palinurus said:
A particular rich session packed with information and clues. Many thanks!

This part stood out for me:
... (L) It's what Jacques Vallée described as the Truth Train. If people are on a train headed for truth, the best way to divert them since you can't stop the train or you don’t want to be seen stopping the train, is you get there in the engine and you just start stoking up the fire until the train goes so fast that it runs off the track and they all get killed. ...

It reminded me of a particular episode of Star Trek TNG, the 23rd episode of the seventh season to be exact, called: Emergence.

In my understanding this Star Trek story is more about an emerging life form rather than the mentioned truth train that can only be destroyed by accelerating.
lilies said:
Comet dust might increase electrically conductive metals in rain even more. Rain sheets on occasions becoming like net of power lines?

Maybe not just metals, but also ions (from salts) can increase conductivity. Plus, when there are raindrops in the air, they reduce the overall air distance between the upper atmosphere and the ground, lowering the resistance of the 'conduit'.
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