Session 28 May 2013

Great Session, and getting to be more 'connected' with our reality as in weather system. I have seen the stars 'glowing' with colors changing like the atmosphere is coated with water vapour or something :huh: :huh: Thank you all.
lilies said:
PerihelionX said:
To understand truth - consciousness interconnection contemplate light or the magnetic field torus flow. Consciousness is self-awareness which implies a sort of reflexive cyclic pattern. Both light and the torus reflect this concept. It's an analogy at best but perhaps still useful.

For me the analogy unpacks something like this. Being = truth = a mathematical point. Information flows from the point outward. The shape of the flow is information. When the form becomes reflexive then consciousness is born. In a torus the flow curves around to rejoin the mathematical originating point / "truth." Consciousness is a shape of information which returns to contemplation of Being(truth). It can also be conceived of a series of facts which tell a story leading to the original point.



More pictures here:

A fossil origin for the magnetic field in A stars and white dwarfs:

Q: (L) Okay, so going back to my triple goddess viewed through sheets of rain, since I now have a different understanding of what these "gods" and "goddesses" represented, that they probably were cometary bodies... What you're saying, or what I'm assuming you're saying, is the triple goddess viewed through sheets of rain is essentially a comet or comets? Is it electrical discharges? (Belibaste) The cause of the sheets of rain might be the triple goddess, i.e. triple comet. (L) Oh... Is Belibaste right on that? That the cause of the sheets of rain could be a triple cometary body?

A: Close. Also consider plasma shapes including those that may appear "chalice like"

Earths magnetosphere shaped by the sun. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise:

The graphic relating to the fossil fields of A stars and white dwarfs actually relates quite closely to my own research, which is in the magnetic fields and magnetospheres of massive (spectral types O and B) stars. These objects actually quite mysterious: we are only able to detect magnetic fields in 5-10% of these stars (and this is a true bimodal distribution, not just an effect of detection threshold: we have a very large number of non-detections for a very large number of stars, with error bars much smaller than the smallest magnetic fields we've detected, i.e. error bars of 20 gauss in most cases, with the weakest field we've detected being about 300 G); also, in contrast to cool stars, such as the Sun, which are relatively well-described by dynamo theory (convection + differential rotation driving a magnetic dynamo), we're not entirely sure why these stars have magnetic fields, since their outer envelopes are expected to be radiative rather than convective and thus, should not support dynamos. Their fields are also quite different from those of cool stars: where the latter typically exhibit a high degree of intrinsic variability, with magnetic activity cycles and such, the magnetic fields of hot stars are extraordinarily stable.

The fossil field hypothesis is a somewhat ad hoc (in my opinion) model which attempts to explain the magnetic fields of these stars as magnetic flux from the star-forming region which was compressed and amplified during star formation ... if the field is stronger than a certain threshold, it survives, while if it is below that threshold it dissipates. Now, one interesting thing about these simulations, in light of the discussion of toroids above, is that these fields are not stable if they are either purely poloidal (aligned with the magnetic dipole) or purely toroidal (aligned with the magnetic equator), i.e. a mixed field is necessary ... however, the toroidal component can account for by far the majority of the magnetic energy. Toroidal fields are also intrinsically much more difficult to detect.

Personally, I can't help but wonder if there isn't a better EU explanation for this phenomenon. In most EU models stars are powered by external electric circuits, rather than by internal nuclear fusion, and the various spectral types are distinguished by different plasma discharge regimes with different current densities. It is not obvious to me how this might be reconciled with the bimodal magnetic distribution of hot stars: why should most of these stars show no detectable magnetic field, while a subset possess extremely strong fields? I've considered posing this as a question for the C's, but have held off because it seems to be a somewhat academic concern given all the immediate problems our planet is facing. Yet who knows? There might be some clue here, as to the nature of stellar magnetism and stellar electric circuits, that could tell us something important about the Sun.
Rajawang said:
Great Session, andI have seen the stars 'glowing' with colors changing like the atmosphere is coated with water vapour or something :huh: :huh: Thank you all.

Why stars twinkle: said:
Because of this “chromatic aberration,” stars can appear to change colors when they are twinkling strongly.


On a clear, dark night, our eyes can see about 6,000 or so stars in the sky. They seem to twinkle, or change their brightness, all the time. In fact, most of the stars are shining with a steady light. This means that some of the light reaches us directly and some gets bent slightly away. To our eyes, this makes the star seem to twinkle.

You will notice that stars closer to the horizon appear to twinkle more than other stars. This is because there is a lot more atmosphere between you and a star near the horizon than between you and a star higher in the sky.
Kniall said:
United Gnosis said:
Keit said:
Not sure if was already mentioned, but with all the strange weather, storms, asteroids flying by and such, yesterday Earth was impacted by a mysterious interplanetary shockwave:
A G2-class (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm is in progress following the arrival of an interplanetary shock wave on May 31st. The source of the shock is not known; it might have been a minor CME that left the sun without drawing attention to itself. The impact sparked auroras across many northern-tier US states.

According to Suspicious0bserver on youtube, this storm is a result of the massive, equatorial coronal hole that just finished facing us. Its leading edge faced earth 4 days ago, which is the expected timing/delay before its stream would reach us.


Suspicious0bserver suspiciously avoids all mention of comets, meteors and fireballs. I've pointed out to him more than once in comments under his YT videos that he is missing the 'elephant in the solar system', so to speak, but it falls on deaf ears.

But that is quite false. Now, S0 does not usually explain theories behind events and rarely hints at suspected meaning, so when he talks about comets I see how it could be a frustratingly succinct coverage from your point of view. But in the year and a half since I've been watching his daily 3 minute news, I've seen him underline significant events many times, for instance the unexplainable correlation according to mainstream physics of our sun "greeting" sun-grazing comets with CMEs, electrically charged comet dust and star water as well as routinely tracking major/underappreciated comets.

If you can read between the lines, he presents them as the messengers of the gods through the electrical universe theory, showing how comet-related electrical phenomena affect the sun and the solar system, reverberating down to the earth's electromagnetic properties and hence down to us as well. But S0 focuses on presenting facts, not interpretation, and this is not something I would wish to change.

To get back on track, your ad hominem is not relevant to the point discussed. 5 days ago, the leading edge of a massive transequitorial coronal hole faced us with all of the sun's magnetic field lines wide open to us. We've seen such coronal holes induce geomagnetic storms before. The coronal stream was to be expected around 3-4 days after first facing the leading edge. Hence, to come out and say this storm was unexpected or from an unknown source makes one seem uninformed about the topic, whatever your opinion is regarding S0's stance wrt/ comets and meteors.
Thanks a lot to the chateau crew for all the work! :clap:

This session is extremely thought promoting! lol As usual... ;)

I also thought of the Wizard of Oz while reading about the tornadoes as portals. :lol:

When thinking about the information theory, consciousness, materialism, etc. I was thinking that it was very hard for my mind to really grasp all this concepts at the moment. And I started thinking about how science has managed to make us think of all in terms of "particles" and how it is difficult for us to think out of the limits that all this centuries of materialism have programmed in our reasoning.

Then I came back home and read some of your comments and found that I'm not the only one to think this:

Mr. Scott said:
First, we kind of begin with the current understanding of the physical universe, which is what I would call a mechanistic and materialistic interpretation. IOW, it's all based on gravity, and the whole universe is supposed to work more or less like one giant mechanical model of the solar system... ya know, the kind where you have the planets stuck on metal rods, and it clicks and whirs and all the planets move around the sun at the center. All very simple, yes?

Except that we really have no idea what gravity is, or how it works, and the whole explanation doesn't really make a lot of sense in many ways.

So, then we find the electric universe stuff, and a light bulb goes off, and we say, "Oh! That explains so much more!" And really, it does. But still, we are once again left with a mechanistic interpretation of the universe. Instead of a mechanical model of the solar system, we can say this one is maybe more like a computer simulation.

Great, except that we STILL don't know what gravity is, or even what an electron is, or why it behaves the way it does. Everyone "knows" that electrons have a negative charge, but with respect to what? Electrons can be positive with respect to something else that is more negative. Thus, charge is not absolute. Or is it, but in some way we don't yet comprehend?

Next, we find information theory as it applies to physics (as we understand it). Once again, we go, "Oh! That's much better!" But still, our inclination is to ascribe yet another mechanistic interpretation; to force information theory into some kind of 3d-based "machine" that helps us to understand what's going on.

So, in thinking and talking about all of this, I think one of the most important things to remember is what the C's once said, which was: Learn to think in unlimited terms.

"Information is stored in consciousness." Okay, but what is consciousness? We can imagine that information is like a bunch of bits on a computer, and consciousness is like a hard drive or a DVD-ROM, but in doing so we've just limited possibilities for further understanding and discovery. Analogies are useful to understand things, but always in reference to something we already understand, which:

a) May itself not be correct
b) May be impairing our ability to think outside the box because in trying to understand, we're stuffing something new into an older, more familiar box

Well, that's kind of how our minds work, but I think that's part of the problem.

And then...

Mr. Scott said:
Anyway, my point in bringing all this up here is NOT to discourage discussion on the topic. On the contrary, it's one of my favorite topics! But I also try to remember that we're kind of "where we are" after years of a long, drawn out process of slowly, carefully acquiring knowledge, refining understanding, and keeping a proper balance between "science" and "mysticism", which it seems to me is the only way we're gonna "get there", wherever "there" is. Science and "scientific thought" as they exist today are rather bogus. Even the term "scientific thought" strikes me as an oxymoron. We're basically having to learn to think so that then we can think about reality and establish what is true, and what is not.

Plus, the ultimate aim is not to understand "the science" in normal terms, but rather to know what is true, and what is not... in terms of EVERYTHING. The Big Picture.

Yes... indeed...

And then, I think that analogies can be useful in some way of "amplifying perspective" and trying to understand the concepts with the pieces and bits that we have access to from our own experience and reflexion (within our limits), from "where we are" at the moment, trying the most to think with a hammer. This, as long as one remains open to new incomes of information and does not pretend to have achieved a "conclusion" about this Big Picture. I guess this is part of the process of gaining knowledge, awareness and consciousness about "the nature of it all"... It is a process of growth in which what you can 'see' is expanded with what you know and understand, and this also transforms you and you get closer and closer to truth, so to say. But... yes, once again, discernment is KEY, because in the process one can easily be drawn astray... And as it has been said, believing in lies fractures the self...

So, in the meanwhile, I'll put myself into some reading, trying to understand a little bit more about all this. ;)

I've downloaded the book "Information theory, evolution, and the origin of life" for a start... :D

Thanks a lot to all of you!

seek10 said:
obyvatel said:
The comment about matter, consciousness, information being different concentrations of truth reminded me of Gurdjieff's table of hydrogens.

If I am not mistaken, the C's had commented once that gravity is produced by thoughts and is rather ubiquitous. This had made me speculate that perhaps gravity is very closely connected to information. Like light is the utilization of gravity, consciousness can be expression of information. Whereas mechanistic science uses terms like gravity and light, information and consciousness could be the bedrocks of spiritual metaphysics.

Stoics could have been moving in a similar direction. According to Chrysippus, the divine Reason that creates and maintains the universe (following Heraclitus' idea of artisan fire) is transmitted by breath or pneuma. Zeno considered soul (consciousness) to be warm pneuma - a combination of fire and air of Stoic metaphysics.
fascinating how our understanding of phenomenon changing.

I always wondered what is meant by thought?. we associate thought with sort of information about processes/observation. but our 'information' in the current discussion is some thing of more infinitesimal fundamental block.

If water drop contains trillions of billions of Information it has to be like G's table of hydrogen.

If electrons are wormholes , does the sensing of emotions and thoughts are related to electrons- like firing of certain neural pattern under the certain influences categorized as thoughts, emotions etc ?. does this explain sounds like explanation to Deja vu or some thing like that.

Well, C' said lot about thoughts as all existing, 6D STS , STO thought forms etc. including

Q: (B) What do you mean by traveling on the wave?
A: Traveling on thoughts.
Q: (F) Our thoughts or your thoughts?
A: Not correct concept.
Q: (L) What is the correct concept?
A: All is just lessons.
Q: (L) Whose thoughts are they?
A: Thoughts unify all reality in existence and are all shared.
Q: (S) You travel on a wave of energy created by all thought forms?
A: Thought forms are all that exists!

Q: (L) What was the "Ark of the Covenant?"
A: Power cell.
Q: (L) What was the origin of this power cell?
A: Lizards given to the Jews to use for manipulation of others.
Q: (L) Why was it that if you came close to this object or touched it you would die?
A: Energy overload; scrambling by reverse electromagnetism.
Q: (L) What is reverse electromagnetism?
A: Turned inward.
Q: (L) What effect does it produce?
A: Liquification of matter.
Q: (L) Well, that is pleasant. This "cell" was kept in an ornate box of some sort, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why was it only the priests who could handle it?
A: Only those who would not try to use for selfish reasons.
Q: (L) But then did just coming near it injure a person?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well why were these individuals able to come near it?
A: Nonselfish energy field.
Q: (L) So it could tune into thought fields?
A: Yes.
what if wave is a "power cell" of sort ?. Does it explain the disintegration process at fundamental level ?

Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars that we now know as the asteroid belt, you said was destroyed by psychic energy. Could you clarify that?
A: The occupants of that planet, many of whom are your soul ancestors, simply decided to develop a service to self atmosphere that was so super charged in the negative that it actually caused their home planet to be destroyed because the energy levels became so intense crashing back upon themselves that they actually destroyed the atomic structure of the planet, causing it to physically explode.
Q: (L) Was this done technologically or was it strictly done by mind power?
A: They are one and the same
Interesting to see how thoughts can be used to control Information fields.

Q: (L) Collision of one density with another. Which?
A: Learn 4 level assembly.
Q: (L) How?
A: Study.
Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a point in space time when pure energy could form around a framework of a thought pattern and thus become solid matter?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is this transitioning of energy from higher densities into third density or solid matter kind of a traumatic event for universal energy?
A: Subjective.
Q: (L) Is it a form of death?
A: Death and birth are the same.
Q: (L) Was it a requirement to be on a planet with a dying star for this remolecularization to take place?
A: If 3rd density remolecularization.
Q: (L) So, for energy to go into 3rd density physical level... is energy moving down when it comes into 3rd level?
A: No. Upward.
Q: (L) What moves upward?
A: Molecules, atomic matter. Light is first density and unifies all densities.
Q: (L) Does that mean that by us moving from 3rd density into 4th density that we are getting farther away from unification with the source?
A: No. Light and darkness unify all densities.
Q: (L) How many levels of density are there?
A: 7
Q: (L) When you reach the seventh level, how would you describe that if 1st level is light?
A: 7th is core of existence.
Q: (L) Well, if seventh density is the core of existence, would that mean that 1st density is the outer edge of existence?
A: Base.
Q: (L) When one has reached 7th density, then what does one do?
A: When one reaches 7th all do.
Q: (L) Are there any beings on 7th level?
A: Time does not exist.
Q: (L) When light is transferred to electrical energy, does it actually change density?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it from 1st to 3rd when it becomes electricity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Once again, are there any beings on 7th level?
A: Big bang.
Q: (L) Big bang is at 7th level?
A: Close enough.
Q: (L) So, when we all reach 7th level we will all blow up? We will all become one and it will all start all over again?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Well, that's not a pleasant thought!
A: Why? There is no time, you dwell there eternally. 7th is the light you see at death of the body.
Q: (L) So, when you die and leave the body, do you go to seventh level?
A: See it.
Lot to learn. information, light, gravity, unstable gravity waves, thoughts, binding, super charged. Needs some more combing.

I ordered stonier's book and need to rethink after reading the book.

Edit=Quotes :)
Data said:
In my understanding this Star Trek story is more about an emerging life form rather than the mentioned truth train that can only be destroyed by accelerating.

Considering only the surface meanings, you're right. But I brought this story in as some sort of an alternative scenario for the concept of Vallee. Like, it's not written in stone what will happen with an accelerated Truth Train. It doesn't have to derail when you're clever enough to timely counter interference.

Besides, who is going to say for sure there are no emerging life forms pending the arrival of the Wave with all it might entail? Aren't we ourselves working hard to emerge from it changed for the better and completed, ready to give all to those who sincerely ask? Just saying... ;)
Thank you Laura and crew for hanging in there for all of these years with all of your hard work and your desire to share with the rest of humanity! I am so grateful!

After reading this session I 'feel' such a sense of excitement but always question my ‘feelings’ with ‘wishful thinking’.

Reading and trying to comprehend what is being said, not to mention reader’s comments, numbs my brain but I thoroughly enjoy learning what my brain is capable of comprehending.
seek10 said:
I ordered stonier's book and need to rethink after reading the book.

Thank you for those timely and relevant quotes from the transcripts. Fascinating clues!

I take on new books, when appropriate. But I also feel that that which we somehow already within us. And if we come across something significant in a new reading, it "rang our bell" because we were already tuned in.

On another subject, Castaneda speaks at length about "dreaming". And the learned discipline of doing it properly. And how one can travel in dreams.

Dreams are in essence thoughts...unfettered thoughts. Something he ascribes enormous power to.
Data said:
Maybe not just metals, but also ions (from salts) can increase conductivity. Plus, when there are raindrops in the air, they reduce the overall air distance between the upper atmosphere and the ground, lowering the resistance of the 'conduit'.

Yep, that is a problem that happens in power sub-stations.

Just some example values, as I don't have the exact ones in mind but to illustrate that distance squared affects the voltage needed to create an arc:
To jump a meter requires 500,000 volts. If you divide that meter into 3, each of those sections need only about 55,000 volts in between to jump. The points in between are similar to like if you needed to jump across a river, if you have 3 stones spaced out to help you jump, you don't need as much speed or height to cross the river!
Thank you Laura and Crew!

Wow, I usually do not have an issue with understanding most concepts presented not only by the C's, but also the inquisitors. For the first time since high school, I actually have to parse not only the questions but also the responses from the C's in order to grasp even a glimmer of an understanding!

This is perhaps the densest of all sessions at least in my opinion. Well, I have my work cut out for me. Thanks to all others who have commented on the session as well.

A: If that is the only way to achieve truth within the self, it is very important.

Q: (L) I don't think that was quite the way the question was intended. I think it was about having a group that helps each other in material or physical ways in the coming times.

A: If there is truth within that will manifest naturally like the pieces of a puzzle snapping into place.

What a weird way to said it. I would imagine "If there is need for" that it will manifest.... So it is as they were saying that physical help is not maybe a real need? I note that the last answer seems to be influenced by the former one. Why need physical help wouldn't contain true in it?
Galaxia2002 said:
A: If that is the only way to achieve truth within the self, it is very important.

Q: (L) I don't think that was quite the way the question was intended. I think it was about having a group that helps each other in material or physical ways in the coming times.

A: If there is truth within that will manifest naturally like the pieces of a puzzle snapping into place.

What a weird way to said it. I would imagine "If there is need for" that it will manifest.... So it is as they were saying that physical help is not maybe a real need? I note that the last answer seems to be influenced by the former one. Why need physical help wouldn't contain true in it?

I think the context of what was meant there in the first answer was that because of the changes of the transition, it may be for some that additional physical help is necessary - implied by "if that is the only way" - in order to continue Work on the Self from others not on the Way, which would obviously make it "very important".

The second answer would then be taking further and saying that those with truth, and therefore knowledge, understanding and psychological coherency, will naturally be seen by those others that need help as more reliable, resourceful and so forth when the time comes, and the selfish, pathological ones will likely "come out of the woodwork" in desperation and fear, and so the pieces snap into place.

This could be real, practical meaning of being "judged at the end times", those that haven't learnt the most basic lessons of the pitfalls of extreme/strong STS ways of doing things will simply be identified by those with truth and knowledge and cast out of support networks once the hierarchical power structures that are needed to maintain the feeding fall away.
Saieden said:
This could be real, practical meaning of being "judged at the end times", those that haven't learnt the most basic lessons of the pitfalls of extreme/strong STS ways of doing things will simply be identified by those with truth and knowledge and cast out of support networks once the hierarchical power structures that are needed to maintain the feeding fall away.

From all that's been said in transcripts, it seems fairly certain differentiation will happen.

But they've also said the distinction between "good" and "wicked" does not apply. Both STO and STS can pass. It was further hinted (in other material) that perhaps coherence is key. You simply had to be mostly one way or the other.

The advice given (now and previously) I think relate mostly to path number this was path chosen by Laura and crew long ago. It would be interesting to hear their advice for path number two, if just to add contrast and thus perhaps enhance our understanding.

My question is this. Does coherence (and thus "truth"?) apply to both paths. Meaning those that perpetuate lies (and know clearly they are doing so) maintain coherence...and that it's those that believe in the lies (and not knowing they've been had) are the ones to suffer.
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