Session 28 May 2013

Thank you Laura, Ark and crew! And also thanks to all the responders!

Wow, what a session! With the session and input from so many others it has got me thinking in all kinds of directions trying to put pieces together.

Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013

Q: (L) What caused the wildfires in the west of the UK and Ireland this past April? (Perceval) It was when the ground was still quite cold, and winter was still holding on, and there were hundreds of wildfires in the gorse and low scrub all long the west coast of Scotland.

A: You noted that it came after the Russian event?

Q: (Perceval) We figured it could be connected.

A: Connect the dots!

From the C's suggestion to connect the dots it sounds like it may be OK to try to connect dots. I have been trying to do this in various directions for many years. But then the following quote had me a little confused:

Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013

Q: (L) Which reminds me... There's another question here. What is the nature and function of the
human capacity for belief?
A: Automatic pattern recognition software run amok.

From the answer above it sounds like even though we should try to connect the dots by carefully "observing reality left and right" we should maybe be wary of "Automatic pattern recognition". I think it is the "Automatic" part that may cause the software to run amok. Anyway, running amok doesn't sound positive to me.

While trying to connect the dots I will also try to be as objective and non-automatic in my pattern recognition as possible. Nevertheless, if you spot any inconsistency or error feel free to let me know so I can get a more objective and "real" or "truthful" view.

There has been much in the session and replies that has sparked connections for me. Maybe my background as a computer programmer/applications developer has a lot to do with how I view information. My last position was working in a data warehouse environment producing reports based on large volumes of data and date ranges. "Software running amok" was not looked upon very favorably.

Continuing with more from the session:
Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013

Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be
another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?
A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and
objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.
Q: (L) We talked before a little bit about information being involved in where earth changes would be
manifesting and that locations could be attractors as well as some people can be attractors for cosmic
events or electrical things, like they have this negative thing and it fries them in the process. mkrnhr
said something the other day about the destruction of information. We were talking in a broad context,
but we were talking about destruction of libraries, archaeology, and that war itself was essentially
destroying information. It was an anti-information, or the ultimate disinformation so to speak. So I
guess my question is how is this going to affect where, when, and how any of these sheets of electrical
rain or electrical discharges or whatever manifest? Is this going to be like... I don't even know how to
ask the question. (Belibaste) I have a question that might go in the right direction. During the last
session, it was established that if a human population believes in information that is orthogonal to
truth, that is, lies, then it can modulate cosmic events. To understand better the mechanism, I wanted
to know where information is stored?
A: Consciousness.

From the answer above I was really starting to re-think the concept of "information" storage. Storing data or "information" in "Consciousness" is not a data-warehouse concept in the usual sense. From this point I had to switch from the strictly mechanical/scientific view to one that includes more esoteric/spiritual concepts of what "information" means.

Actually in the session the question about where information is stored was preceeded by these questions and answers about the relationship between consciousness, information and matter:

Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013
Q: (L) Next question on the list: How do consciousness, information, and matter relate to each other?
A: Different concentrations of truth.
Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be
another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?
A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and
objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

Mr. Scott’s reply really inspired me to investigate further into the concept of “information”

Mr. Scott said:
Approaching Infinity said:
The way I think of it, information is the shaping principle that decides "this way, not those ways." In other words, it chooses and arranges based on the possibilities present. So all the laws of physics, physical processes, and physical particles and shapes that we observe are 'informational statements' or their results. Change the information, and you get different laws (and different universes, if we go the multiverse direction). Electricity is an expression of information because it is a highly specified phenomenon (change the information, change the laws, and you would get different electricity, or no electricity). And then, on top of that, different arrangements and combinations of electricity (e.g., in a person's physiology) are another form of information, specific to the person. It can be more or less ordered (FRV?).

The first part quoted above reminds me of the Stoic philosophy of the logos, the informing principle of the universe. Truth arranges information, producing consciousness. Lots to think about there... Thanks for the session!

Approaching Infinity’s observation’s quoted by Mr. Scott above at first did not compute with me. Approaching Infinity says: “The way I think of it, information is the shaping principle that decides "this way, not those ways." In other words, it chooses and arranges based on the possibilities present.”

As a former computer programmer information has always meant data to me which is contained in those bits and bytes and stored on various media. As I read further and thought about it really hard (thinking with a hammer?) I realized he was using “information” in the sense of “the Stoic philosophy of the logos which focuses on the “informing” part of information. Part of Wikipedia’s definition of logos is:

“Ancient philosophers used the term in different ways. The sophists used the term to mean discourse, and Aristotle applied the term to refer to "reasoned discourse"[4] or "the argument" in the field of rhetoric.[5] The Stoic philosophers identified the term with the divine animating principle pervading the Universe.”

Having been brought up in a Christian environment I used to think another Wikipedia definition of Logos: “The Christian concept of the Logos is derived from the first chapter of the Gospel of John, where the Logos (often translated as “Word”) is described in terms that resemble, but likely surpass, the ideas of Philo:[29]
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”

As you can see there are different definitions even for the word Logos. Trying to use an analogy that uses computer terms or definitions does not translate very well for the Stoic definition of “information”. However; this does not mean that the computer analogy is not useful for understanding “consciousness”.

Mr. Scott said:
"Information is stored in consciousness." Okay, but what is consciousness? We can imagine that information is like a bunch of bits on a computer, and consciousness is like a hard drive or a DVD-ROM, but in doing so we've just limited possibilities for further understanding and discovery. Analogies are useful to understand things, but always in reference to something we already understand, which:

a) May itself not be correct
b) May be impairing our ability to think outside the box because in trying to understand, we're stuffing something new into an older, more familiar box

Well, that's kind of how our minds work, but I think that's part of the problem.

I actually agree with the above quote except for “but in doing so we've just limited possibilities for further understanding and discovery.”. After thinking about the difference between the definition of “information” according to Stoic philosophy and computer sciences I can see why Mr. Scott feels “limited”.

If we could look again at the computer analogy we could benefit by adding another term to the model which would be “Program”. Program in my way of thinking would correspond to the Stoic “Logos”. The program “is the shaping principle that decides "this way, not those ways." In other words, the logic of the program "chooses and arranges based on the possibilities present.

The “information” or “data” is what the program “chooses or “arranges” to provide the result or output. In today's information systems the program logic "chooses" or "arranges information". The "information" is used as a noun not a verb. The more "Truth" there is in the "information" the higher concentration of truth you find in the program output.

Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013
Q: (L) Next question on the list: How do consciousness, information, and matter relate to each other?

A: Different concentrations of truth.

Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

In relating the session quote above to the computer model there are some interesting comparisons that I find. For instance “pure information”. How many times I have hoped to have “pure information” to work with. There is an acronym GIGO which most in the IT field recognize as “garbage in garbage out”. But the question Laura asks “and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?” gets the answer:

“A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.”

Just as computer programmers must deal with impure information the C’s indicate “Not necessarily” do you need “pure information” to get “Different concentrations of truth”. In writing a program many times you must arrange the data by first sorting it. For instance you may wish to sort it by State, County, Date of Birth and Last Name. In addition to sorting you may wish to separate the information into two different files such as Male and Female. The possibilities vary depending on the segment categories or fields for each record.

You may learn that records in your data or information having a Begin Date prior to 2001 are to be excluded from the output due to inaccuracies when they were stored. This could be considered as filtering for “impure information”. Your final result would be a certain “concentration of truth” which you would then become aware of in the form of a report.

Where is the report stored? It is stored on various kinds of media such as hard drives, tapes, CDs, DVDs or flash drives. Until you access the report for viewing it will stay out of sight on your storage device much as information lies hidden in our subconscious. The information becomes “consciousness” to us only upon retrieval.

Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013
(L)….To understand better the mechanism, I wanted
to know where information is stored?
A: Consciousness.

Where is “Consciousness” stored? How about at least partially in our grey “matter”?
Just as hard drives sometimes have faulty sectors on them and even sometimes crash we can also develop Alzheimer's disease and dementia. This may affect our “concentration of truth”.

So far this is probably very mechanical and boring zzzz…. :zzz:. Rather than continuing to ramble on I will wrap up with a short list of ideas than came to me as I was reading this session and the previous session:

1. Storing oil (pure information) in our lamps (hard drives ect.) is like storing "true" knowledge or "data arranged by truth" as the C’s mention above.

2. I believe the oil may be stored in our subconscious. Gurdjieff speaks of the subconscious:

November 24, 1994
Frank and Laura
Q: (L) It's fun for who to see how much we can access?
A: All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is?
Q: (L) Where?
A: We asked you.
Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no limit.
A: If there is no limit, then what is the difference between your own mind and everything else?
Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no difference if all is ultimately one.
A: Right. And when two things each have absolutely no limits, they are precisely the same thing.

4. Gurdjieff says the subconscious contains our real "Conscience".

G.I.Gurdjieff Beelzebub'sTales to His Grandson Chapter 48 pgs 24-25] I shall expound my thoughts intentionally in such a sequence and with such logical confrontation that the essence of certain real ideas may pass automatically from this "waking consciousness said:
Q: (V) I had an experience with Preying Mantis beings. Who are they?
A: Minturians.
Q: (L) Where are they from?
A: Orion.
Q: (L) Are the Orions the bad guys?

A: Subjective.
Q: (L) Well, what group do they belong to?
A: Federation as do the Plieadians.
Q: (L) Did they abduct me or what is the source of this memory?
A: It is a memory of a past life held in the deep subconscious level.

8. Deprogramming the mechanical machine requires "Work" to access "data arranged by Truth" from our subconscious and store ongoing observations of "data arranged by truth" in our subconscious (i.e. our lamp). Part of the deprogramming requires that we also clean the machine of data not arranged by truth (not so easy) and discover our "mission destiny profile" (I'm still working on all of this too). Mouravieff observes most if not all of what we read, study and absorb from objective observation is stored in our subconscious and we have to do the “Work” in order to access it.
[quote author= Boris Mouravieff GNOSIS BOOK ONE
The Exoteric Cycle Chapter 5 pgs 34-35]
The intellectual centre in the child is a tabula rasa. It can be compared to a
system of gramophone discs which have not yet been recorded. The
system is vast, well regulated, and provided with a mechanism — that of
association—by which any disc arriving at its end automatically releases a
second, the contents of which are related to the first. A record which turns
as someone speaks can similarly provoke in us—again by association—the
release of an equivalent record. In general this is how dialogue is born and
This procedure is mechanical. We can easily observe this in any conversation
between a number of persons who know each other slightly.
Such an interchange necessarily falls to an elementary level of the most
banal interests: weather, political news, or the city. We hear these records
being played, turning continually and passing from one person to another,
each with their faces congealed in a grimace which—we commonly agree
— gives evidence of an amiable attitude.
The recording continues practically forever, as the disc library is vast
and the recording apparatus very sensitive. When a person speaks, it is
generally easy to distinguish whether his records are playing or whether he
speaks from some deeper part of himself. In the latter case, he uses a
pictorial, rustic and sometimes awkward language; in the former he speaks
in a singing tone of voice. It is important to make these observations upon ourselves, in order to be able to constate such variations of speech. One
moment it is 'I' who speaks then, unnoticed, it is no longer I; a recording
from the past begins to play in me. A curious thing: once a record has been
started, it is almost impossible to stop it before it has run through its
There are discs which we should carefully preserve, while others should
be re-recorded. A special series of discs sometimes concerns the techniques
of one's work. Everyone in his everyday work unconsciously creates a
collection of such discs, which he uses for the needs of his profession.
Beside these recordings are others whose contents are without sense:
they do not correspond either to needs or facts. This category includes for
example anecdotes and what seems to the speaker to be witty conversation.
Interior observation of this phenomenon would reveal a whole repertoire
of such records. A discovery like this would offer us the opportunity of
working to control the release of a particular type of recording, and so try
to eliminate it completely.
For that, we must first start to distinguish these from useful discs which
have some purpose. This is done by analysis of their contents, and by the
inner 'taste' which causes them to be played, as well as by the characteristic
intonation that they give to the voice. Thereafter, we must try to catch the
exact moment of their release. It is in that precise moment — we shall see
later on why this is so — that it is possible to control these recordings and
eliminate those which are useless.
9. Perhaps the coming Wave will activate DNA and produce a "hyperkinetic-sensate" state of self-remembering or greater access to our subconscious. This sudden "hyperkenetic-sensate" state may, for those who have not prepared for it, become "post transformational trauma and confusion" (

Perhaps preparation prior to the full impact of the Wave may as the C's say make it “smoother” to make the transition to our new "state" or "density". Storing good clean oil and cleaning our lamps as much as possible before the full impact of the Wave arrives may be crucial.

Mucho Gusto,

Excellent post goyacobol, great job connecting the dots and bringing in concepts to flesh out your ideas.

goyacobol said:
Perhaps preparation prior to the full impact of the Wave may as the C's say make it “smoother” to make the transition to our new "state" or "density". Storing good clean oil and cleaning our lamps as much as possible before the full impact of the Wave arrives may be crucial.

I think it's very crucial. If we accept the notion that those that believe in lies will "attract" certain kinds of events like tornadoes or comets, then those that have divested themselves of lies and stored good clean oil will be fully prepared not just for a possible Wave impact but will also be doing their best to not be attractors to the events that will be unfolding in the very near future. You can't get more crucial than that, IMO!
Well, like so many others said, I will definetely have to read this one a few more times to catch everything. The weather here in the south of Germany has been all grey and all rain since at least october last year and in the past few days there have been severe inundations all around. And I´m wondering..with so many of my friends and colleagues since the beginning of this year catching the flu or very severe colds, I haven´t been sick the whole time, even though in the past I could always count on catching a cold at least once every that a good sign? I have no idea. :huh: Thanks for this session, tons of work ahead for me and so little time left, I think I need a cigarette now :cool2: :)
Carlise said:
All of this complete madness surrounding the Boston Marathon actors thing has really got me thinking that we are now diving head-first into the 'end times'. I've gotten used to how most people are generally compartmentalized and insane in their own way, but this is just something else. Seeing people with real potential fall for such obvious lies, with such lack of critical thinking, is just deeply troubling...

Things certainly seem to be getting worse. As writer Hunter S. Thompson wrote not long before his suicide, "Big dark coming." But this has been the case for at least 100 years since 1913, or maybe 200 years since 1812, and it still might take a while yet. The Roman Republic gave way to military dictatorships under the Caesars between 44-27BC, but the Roman Empire took the next 300-500 years to decline into the Dark Ages. History progresses faster lately and anything can happen this afternoon, but on the other hand events could take a relatively long time like 100 years or more to come to a head. Pick a date, from the CIA assassination of JFK in 1963 to the Bush coup on 9/11, and things might take anywhere from several decades to a couple of hundred years to finally blow.

Today I happened to watch a 45 minute interview from 2003 with the late Chalmers Johnson, author of Blowback, Sorrows of Empire and Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic. It is here:
_ . I recommend it.

Note that Johnson was talking in 2003 and he didn't think we had much time left then, but that was 10 years ago now. Anyway, I think people who believe that "the end times" are coming are mistaken. We are all mortal, but the Universe is not.
goyacobol said:
As you can see there are different definitions even for the word Logos. Trying to use an analogy that uses computer terms or definitions does not translate very well for the Stoic definition of “information”. However; this does not mean that the computer analogy is not useful for understanding “consciousness”.

If we could look again at the computer analogy we could benefit by adding another term to the model which would be “Program”. Program in my way of thinking would correspond to the Stoic “Logos”. The program “is the shaping principle that decides "this way, not those ways." In other words, the logic of the program "chooses and arranges based on the possibilities present.

The way I see it, the logos is not necessarily the program itself, but the programmer. It arranges the bits and bytes into meaningful arrangements. It's the active principle. I'm no computer programmer myself, but the way I see, in order for the computer analogy to make sense we need a few essential parts: an information substrate that is chaotic or disordered (this would be the bits and bytes, or in the case of language, the sounds that we use to make up words - by themselves they have no meaning), an intended meaning (this would be a concept, or perhaps a design intent), and a programmer (who arranges the substrate into a meaningful form, like a word or a line of code).
Approaching Infinity,

Approaching Infinity said:
goyacobol said:
As you can see there are different definitions even for the word Logos. Trying to use an analogy that uses computer terms or definitions does not translate very well for the Stoic definition of “information”. However; this does not mean that the computer analogy is not useful for understanding “consciousness”.

If we could look again at the computer analogy we could benefit by adding another term to the model which would be “Program”. Program in my way of thinking would correspond to the Stoic “Logos”. The program “is the shaping principle that decides "this way, not those ways." In other words, the logic of the program "chooses and arranges based on the possibilities present.

The way I see it, the logos is not necessarily the program itself, but the programmer. It arranges the bits and bytes into meaningful arrangements. It's the active principle. I'm no computer programmer myself, but the way I see, in order for the computer analogy to make sense we need a few essential parts: an information substrate that is chaotic or disordered (this would be the bits and bytes, or in the case of language, the sounds that we use to make up words - by themselves they have no meaning), an intended meaning (this would be a concept, or perhaps a design intent), and a programmer (who arranges the substrate into a meaningful form, like a word or a line of code).

Yes, I actually agree that the "Programmer" is the one in charge of the program or design. I was just trying to lay a basic framework for the analogy. I thought of other aspects that tie in with analogy that relate to our mind/machine such as the one I use maybe the most and that is the search function of software. I could have developed the analogy further but didn't want to bore too much. I'm glad you mentioned the step above the program or design needing the "Designer/Shaper". I used to think only in terms of Logos meaning "The Word" but now I see that as the Stoics used it is much wider in scope to include the speaker of the Word.

When you think about it even that chaotic or disordered information substrate needed a designer. Over the years as a programmer you kind of see the progression from the bit to the byte, to kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte etc.. Then you go to a language using the bits and bytes to develop names for language syntax which in the case for the COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) computer language is very English-like in it's syntax or format.

I am not that familiar with Chaos Theory but I looked it up (search function is wonderful sometimes) and here is the Wikipedia definition:

Chaos theory is a field of study in mathematics, with applications in several disciplines including physics, engineering, economics and biology. Chaos theory studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, an effect which is popularly referred to as the butterfly effect. Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general.[1] This happens even though these systems are deterministic, meaning that their future behavior is fully determined by their initial conditions, with no random elements involved.[2] In other words, the deterministic nature of these systems does not make them predictable.[3][4] This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos. This was summarised by Edward Lorenz as follows:[5]
Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.

I don't know if this is what you mean when referring to "an information substrate that is chaotic or disordered". Chaos Theory is probably more applicable to a mathematical view of the world than my basic analogy for the computer model and consciousness that stores information. I was a psychology major in college but only have a B.S. degree which is sometimes only good for B.S.. I am more inclined to see things as they relate to consciousness than I am able to relate to the mathematical view of what chaos means. It certainly looks like chaotic thinking is going to be the death of many of us as we move or are moved forward.

Thank you for seeing "The Third Man"/missing programmer. Hey, I just saw that connection! I may be running amok there :lol:.

thank-you for this session

Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013
Q: (L) Which reminds me... What is the nature and function of the human capacity for belief?
A: Automatic pattern recognition software run amok.

excellent Q&A

what runs software?
OpenHeartMonk said:
Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013
Q: (L) Which reminds me... What is the nature and function of the human capacity for belief?
A: Automatic pattern recognition software run amok.

excellent Q&A

what runs software?
Computer software is run by hardware. A biologically-based computer might be called wetware by some science fiction or cyberpunk writers. If those terms both seem too materialistic to describe human psychology, perhaps a more spiritually-minded analyst could use a term like "soulware"?

I am not sure though that what runs the software is of paramount importance. For example, some Windows software might be run on a Windows PC, or the same software could be run on a Mac that is running a Windows emulator progam. I think for most purposes we would be more interested in what kind of outputs we get from the inputs, and what the software is doing on a functional level to get to those outputs from those inputs, rather than whether it is a Mac or a PC, or what elements the circuitry is made from.
Puma1974 said:
lux said:
Well, it depends on how we interpret...

A: Miecekaii of Cassiopaean Future.

If get "Miecekaii" as "nie czekaj". Whole sentence (regarding also to the ending of session) would be "Nie czekaj/nie zwlekaj z Kasjopeańską Przyszłością" [Don't delay with Cassiopaean Future].

And then
A: Mucho gusto! Goodbye.

If "Mucho gusto!" translate as "Miło mi Cię poznać" [I'm pleased to meet you] and take polish equivalent of "Goodbye" what is "Do widzenia" [which in english literally means "I will see you". It gives some inconsistency but it fits to C's welcome.

Summing, it might looks like C's want to say something like: "Do not shy off future, It would be pleasure to see you and meet us there".

My interpretation might look be touted. However, it sounds encouraging anyway.

For spanish speaking people like me, (im from Mexico hi everybody!!) Mucho Gusto is not Goodbye, it is more like "nice to meet you" or "it´s a pleasure" and "mucho gusto" is not used to meet in other place like "there" but "here".

I wrote that "Mucho gusto" means "I'm pleased to meet you" and that word "Goodbye" which is another word in the line means something different.

Puma1974 said:
So, "It is a pleasure to see you here". In the last sesion Pronoia said: See/C you soon! to say godbye. I wonder if the C´s have arrived or are they more present in this realm? (Miecekaii met Laura and team and said at the end "nice to meet you"?)

Well, they are frequently say about non-linear time and that they are us etc. Take it into account.

Puma1974 said:

Q: (L) Will there be a war in the sky with the aliens?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will it be between Orions and the Federation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will it be visible on earth?
A: Oh, yes.
Q: (L) When will this be?
A: It has already started. Will intensify steadily.
Q: (L) Why are we not aware that it has already started?
A: Disguised at this point as weather. Fighting part still in other dimension. Will go to this one within 18 years. Anytime within this period. Not determinable exactly when. Could be tomorrow or 18 years.
Q: (L) 18 years from now is 2012. Is there some special significance to that time?
A: By then.

I don't understand what is purpose of this quotation. They are not saying about their arriving.

Puma1974 said:
Mucho gusto Lux!! :lol:

Mucho gusto también.

It is hard to say what they want to say. Can interpret them differently and not really reaching to the point. But always is good to practice english and networking.

Heimdallr said:
Excellent post goyacobol, great job connecting the dots and bringing in concepts to flesh out your ideas.

Ditto that!

Mulling over all this, I thought of dragging in another word. A word the C's have used often. And expounded upon quite a bit. That word is knowledge.

I wonder if "information arranged by a truth" is not indeed the knowledge they've spoken of so much. Along with the dangers of false knowledge. If that is the case, then having knowledge become consciousness would require less of a conceptual least in my mind.

And they have said much about knowledge. Reviewing that material may well give added insight to the current discussion on consciousness and information.

Lastly, I'm beginning to feel that understanding what it (the various thingies) at least as important as trying to understand what it (the same thingies) is. As the latter may simply be beyond our capacity of comprehension. As in Castaneda's the "unknowable".
I think the C's have made a distinction between knowledge and consciousness. But while we're at it, why not bring up Being as well? Information, consciousness, knowledge, being, and so on. If we can think of all the related things and connect what the C's have said about them, maybe we can make a "map" with the interconnections? How about drawing it, with the words and the relationships as arrows connecting them? Visualizing may reveal a pattern.

What if the program is consciousness? A program doesn't need data stacks. Some programs are procedural. They are able to create what they need, even assemble themselves or modify code during execution. Pure code can contain plenty of information, although it is not in a straightforward way. To draw a circle a program doesn't need a stack of data, if it has the equation. Could you then say the program still contains the information, even if not in a lookup table or library?

It seems to me the use of a library or lookup table by a program could be compared to programs in humans - our programs are actually lists of actions that are kept handy by the adaptive unconscious. But we don't need many of these lists if we formulate everything we do using reasoning. Executing a list of actions and executing an algorithm are not entirely different. I would say that the algorithm/equation approach contains more truth AND higher density thereof.

I am struggling with the distinction between algorithms and programs. If we use reasoning based on relationships, IE algorithms, we can produce a unique solution to each unique situation. This is related to the ideal of the Work. Without this reasoning, you can only do the same thing over again, and the results tend to be zero.

I think self-modifying code may be a reasonable analogy; after all the C's have said that some of our computers have developed slight consciousness.

As far as UFOs fighting in the skies, the C's have also said that storms can be battles in other densities/dimensions, so maybe they are referring to the storms when they said there would be battles in the sky.
monotonic said:
I think the C's have made a distinction between knowledge and consciousness. But while we're at it, why not bring up Being as well? Information, consciousness, knowledge, being, and so on. If we can think of all the related things and connect what the C's have said about them, maybe we can make a "map" with the interconnections? How about drawing it, with the words and the relationships as arrows connecting them? Visualizing may reveal a pattern.

What if the program is consciousness? A program doesn't need data stacks. Some programs are procedural. They are able to create what they need, even assemble themselves or modify code during execution. Pure code can contain plenty of information, although it is not in a straightforward way. To draw a circle a program doesn't need a stack of data, if it has the equation. Could you then say the program still contains the information, even if not in a lookup table or library?

It seems to me the use of a library or lookup table by a program could be compared to programs in humans - our programs are actually lists of actions that are kept handy by the adaptive unconscious. But we don't need many of these lists if we formulate everything we do using reasoning. Executing a list of actions and executing an algorithm are not entirely different. I would say that the algorithm/equation approach contains more truth AND higher density thereof.

I am struggling with the distinction between algorithms and programs. If we use reasoning based on relationships, IE algorithms, we can produce a unique solution to each unique situation. This is related to the ideal of the Work. Without this reasoning, you can only do the same thing over again, and the results tend to be zero.

I think self-modifying code may be a reasonable analogy; after all the C's have said that some of our computers have developed slight consciousness.

As far as UFOs fighting in the skies, the C's have also said that storms can be battles in other densities/dimensions, so maybe they are referring to the storms when they said there would be battles in the sky.

Well I don't think that programs ARE consciousness. Programs are run on machines. So they simply dumbly execute whatever is programmed into them without consciously knowing why they are doing it. Even most people are machines exactly because of that. But I think that consciousness can be born if enough data or information is assimilated and something starts to fit together and one starts to be aware of things that were unknown before. It is also interesting question what is the difference between a unit that can draw circle from equation and one that can draw circle from tabulated data. I think that the tabulated data are like discontinuous information points, like crumbles but from the data an equation can be formed by inteligent observation. So the unit that uses equation should already made the connection between the dots and thus can perhaps use the information more effectively. I would say it learned something. So I think that the knowledge is simply connecting the dots in intelligent manner and drawing a compact conclusion that can lead to some universal law and universal understanding.
I would say a man is aware of every movement he makes and of every thought he thinks and knows why he is doing it or thinking it. So he's got consciousness.
monotonic said:
I think the C's have made a distinction between knowledge and consciousness. But while we're at it, why not bring up Being as well? Information, consciousness, knowledge, being, and so on. If we can think of all the related things and connect what the C's have said about them, maybe we can make a "map" with the interconnections? How about drawing it, with the words and the relationships as arrows connecting them? Visualizing may reveal a pattern.

What if the program is consciousness? A program doesn't need data stacks. Some programs are procedural. They are able to create what they need, even assemble themselves or modify code during execution. Pure code can contain plenty of information, although it is not in a straightforward way. To draw a circle a program doesn't need a stack of data, if it has the equation. Could you then say the program still contains the information, even if not in a lookup table or library?

It seems to me the use of a library or lookup table by a program could be compared to programs in humans - our programs are actually lists of actions that are kept handy by the adaptive unconscious. But we don't need many of these lists if we formulate everything we do using reasoning. Executing a list of actions and executing an algorithm are not entirely different. I would say that the algorithm/equation approach contains more truth AND higher density thereof.

I am struggling with the distinction between algorithms and programs. If we use reasoning based on relationships, IE algorithms, we can produce a unique solution to each unique situation. This is related to the ideal of the Work. Without this reasoning, you can only do the same thing over again, and the results tend to be zero.

I think self-modifying code may be a reasonable analogy; after all the C's have said that some of our computers have developed slight consciousness.

As far as UFOs fighting in the skies, the C's have also said that storms can be battles in other densities/dimensions, so maybe they are referring to the storms when they said there would be battles in the sky.

I don't know, but to me it seems that "program" and "algorithm" is virtually the same - a set of instructions that are iterated to produce an output based on an input.

As to consciousness being "information arranged by a truth" would mean to me that a computer can well adopt consciousness.

My struggle is more with the concept of truth - how does the computer "know" that its particular information is indeed arranged by truth to produce consciousness? Or does truth insinuate itself automatically into information, if present, to generate consciousness, as a sort of "organising principle"? That again would mean that truth is kind of "independently out there", present independently of information, and when the information is arranged in a particular way, it creates a bond with the information to produce consciousness ...

I can't really get my head around the relationship between information and truth and knowledge!
I read today Croat translation.
There is lot and interesting information's. One of them was attractive for me- that tornado is portal.. :O .... like in Oz...
Thank you for sharing!

sitting said:
Heimdallr said:
Excellent post goyacobol, great job connecting the dots and bringing in concepts to flesh out your ideas.

Ditto that!

Mulling over all this, I thought of dragging in another word. A word the C's have used often. And expounded upon quite a bit. That word is knowledge.

I wonder if "information arranged by a truth" is not indeed the knowledge they've spoken of so much. Along with the dangers of false knowledge. If that is the case, then having knowledge become consciousness would require less of a conceptual least in my mind.

And they have said much about knowledge. Reviewing that material may well give added insight to the current discussion on consciousness and information.

Lastly, I'm beginning to feel that understanding what it (the various thingies) at least as important as trying to understand what it (the same thingies) is. As the latter may simply be beyond our capacity of comprehension. As in Castaneda's the "unknowable".

It took me awhile to grok "the various thingies" but if I do understand you, "it" and "thingies" means whatever objective fact or concept you have stored in "information arranged by a truth". If this is what you mean then I think you are saying you should take it one step further and ask what this stored information "does" or what is it's function, or what is the purpose of the "information arranged by truth"?

It makes think you could take it one step further and ask what is the nature of the one who created the "truth" even if it is "unknowable" at least for now.

I also like the idea of retro-thinking on "Knowledge Protects" might be better interpreted as "Knowledge or information arranged by a truth Protects".

Thanks for the hammering with a hammer :)

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