goyacobol said:I guess my question is where does consciousness exist. Like you "I think that matter and consciousness (or experience) are tied together." but are they so tied together that they have no separate existence? The C's seem to indicate memories from past lives are stored in our subconscious.
I don't think consciousness exists in a 'place' the way physical objects do. I think the psi evidence suggests that mind is a nonlocal phenomenon. Maybe think about it this way. If mathematics is universally true (and I think it is), then where do mathematical objects (rules, numbers) exist? They need to be accessible from anywhere in the universe. That is, they're everywhere, accessible nonlocally by whatever intelligence has the consciousness necessary to access them. And that implies that our universe truly is a UNIverse, it is ONE, unified. It's not like one part of it can be separate and different in kind from any other part. And just like our own consciousness unifies all our experiences (e.g., individual sensations get combined into one 'gestalt' image), Cosmic Mind unifies all the parts of the universe.
I think it is very possible that atoms have some form of consciousness but humans are much more complex in structure to the point of collecting memories. Do atoms have memory? I don't know. Then there are supposed to be sub-atomic particles too. Do they have memories and learn from their experience? Again, I don't know.
Whitehead and Rupert Sheldrake would say yes. ;) Their memory takes the form of habits, e.g., atoms tend to behave in certain ways because they have done so before many times. They 'remember' via morphic resonance with other things similar to them, and with their own past. But it's only with higher forms of life that memory is a conscious process. Memory is what accounts for the persistence of things, whether in a single life cycle, or all life cycles of a particular 'species'.
Is one iron atom different from another iron atom because it has a different experience?
I think so. But if we think about 'soul pools' (as in animals and OPs), maybe the individuals are even more connected on that level? After all, iron atoms have more in common than two golden retrievers. In Sheldrake's terminology, their morphic resonance with each other is stronger.
Do atoms have mental poles? I do not know the answer. Wow, you have me thinking (with a hammer?). I think my mental pole is getting bent.
I think they must, otherwise we run into the problem of 'magical emergence' (poof! voila! mentality emerges where it didn't exist before). That's one of the arguments for panpsychism.
I only used the word realm as a place-holder so to speak for where the consciousness might exist if it can be separate from the mind/machine. I believe I am attempting to re-think my ideas about "soul" and what does "group soul" mean and perhaps their relationship to consciousness.
Gurdjieff seems to speak of a permanence or imperishability for the man who attains his own "I" by "conscious labor and intentional suffering". If this "I" is imperishable then "where" does this imperishable "I" formed by "conscious" efforts exist?
I've had those Gurdjieff quotes in mind for a while now. I'm reading up on the 'survival' research and philosophy at the moment (just getting started really), so I haven't really developed any solid ideas yet. But at the moment, I think it might have to do with hyperdimensional states. Whatever 'survives' or is 'imperishable' seems to me to be an even more organized form of information (e.g., our personalities). If it's true that animals don't truly reincarnate (i.e., they have a group soul), and that reincarnation is possible for humans, that suggests humans have more 'power', their information is more stable, without the need for a physical body. We're more 'individual', more 'specific' (or at least, we can be, if we put in the work). So maybe by virtue of our complexity, and the more ordered information that results from self-observation (attention brings order, again with evidence from psi) means that that information can persist in a non-material form.
In terms of densities, 5D is the recycling zone for 2D, 3D, and 4D. Why not 1D? Maybe 1D's mental pole is too negligible. The only way an electron 'survives' is by the information it contributes to the collective 'electron morphic field,' i.e., it persists only as memory. 2D survives, but only as species, not as individuals. There's not enough mental information. At 3D an individual can survive as itself. 4D is probably even more specific. All these densities have a material component. 5D is the first purely non-physical density, so I'd guess that that is the lowest level at which such 'imperishable souls' can exist. And maybe 6D is the realm of group souls, and other stuff. Like I said, I haven't totally thought it all through at this point.