Search results for query: Weather modification

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  1. goyacobol

    Session 21 March 2020

    @AlainD, Yes, 12% is sad but probably true and HAARP may be making it worse. Session 6 August 2005:
  2. A

    Session 21 March 2020

    ...with 3.6MW power in the 2.8-10MHz range. But there are articles on the web that questions this. HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare Atmospheric physics: Heating up the heavens The C's have mentioned that the HAARP is actually being used to dumb down...
  3. A

    [Puerto Rico - Hurricane Maria] san juan mayor: this is a people are dying story

    ...normal"? The Earth is a living entity and goes through periods of growth and changes - just like our human body. As for weather modification by the elites in Power, it certainly can't be ruled out but may only play a small part, in what is manifesting on a higher level, in planetary and solar...
  4. Haiku

    Expanding thoughts on my UFO incident ...

    Rambling of a Wandering Mind, Side story5: Expanding thoughts on my UFO incident? There are times where knowledge is entrusted to one. Mine was a fantastic event, a UFO encounter. I had no idea that at that time, that those that were present, would experience an event that nobody else would...
  5. United Gnosis

    Weaponized Weather Modification observed in Harvey's Climate Patterns? earthquakes and climate events (sometimes even in conjunction), and of course this all ties in with things like HAARP, weather modification, and so on... Yet as Hurricane Harvey developped, the thought never crossed my mind. I witnessed everything that came up on the news cycle about...
  6. Ca.

    Huge contrail of Boeing 787 filmed

    Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies Sun, 09 Jan 2011 Links within, Videos and Pics: Webbot Hit : Electrical Ferocity Ancients Witnessed & Atmospheric Compression Events (368) Published on May 10, 2017 <iframe width="560"...
  7. zak

    Music,sound and resonance

    In recent times between a climber who lost his father and celebrates the birth of his daughter, and another who broke his arm during a disassembly. I find myself with two ground men, an apprentice not motivated to climb ... And :scooter: ... And :ohboy:....And :whlchair: And a lot of work in...
  8. Keyhole

    Circadian Biology determines health, not food! DHA, Blue light and nnEMF

    Here is a paper that delves into biophotonic communication and presents a fascinating view of human physiology. A must-read for all who are interested. Biofield Physiology: A Framework for an Emerging Discipline - link
  9. E

    The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

    I don't know. But yes, like you said, it can be a component of the hole process. Yes, there are many possibilities by whom the chaos could arrive :/. Thanks to a member of the forum, he made me discover the "sudden stratospheric warming"...
  10. Gaby

    Session 23 January 2016

    Thank you for sharing! :flowers: :hug: The DNA modification in relation with iodine reminded me of this: It also reminded me of a dream where I was going to a place with several jeans. I didn't made any of it, but when writing down the dream, I realized that for me, "jeans" sounds like...
  11. Laura

    Session 23 January 2016

    Session Date: January 23rd 2016 Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board Pierre, Niall, Joe, PoB, Chu, Arky, Data, Oxajil, Scottie A: Greetings to all! Hoklineia of Cassiopaea! Q: (L) I forgot to mention the date. Today is the 23rd of January 2016. First session of the year... A: Joy to...
  12. aluminumfalcon

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    Vatican clergy and Ukrainian nationalism I found this article and it adds somewhat to the dimension of the Ukrainian conflict. I searched and didn't find it already posted on the forum, so I thought that I would add it to the discussion. Here it is below.
  13. Skyfarmr

    Doctor Tent Lecture - The Autoimmune Epidemic - Vaccine Distributed Viruses

    I've recently been checking into this debate from a different perspective, that of adopting "parents" of a 1 year old rescue dog. I have a copy of Dr Richard Pitcairn's( D.V.M., Ph.D) book "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats" copyright 1995, and wanted to see if there was any up to date...
  14. P

    does superpower / magic (like in the movies or games) exist somewhere else ?

    ...Had my share of successful healing sessions when it was applied. I admit I did have some theories about playing around with weather modification as well, spurring off the tree type meditation, combining the grounding through the feet/base of spine, and the branching out through the top of...
  15. Carl

    Ben Davidson (from YouTube Suspicious 0bservers) on Red Ice Creations

    ...a lot of what is going on, although he misses the importance of comets and dust loading. I expected the conversation to turn to weather modification at some point, which it did, but it wasn't the major focus thankfully. And, of course, towards the end he demonstrates that he is also missing...
  16. eleusis

    Dragonfly photo

    ...waves in their own manner. May account for things like sinkholes, cranes falling over, planes and trains crashing and even weather modification in addition to overall gravity factor. I remember once when I was thirteen and taking off in an airplane from Los Angeles airport. As we were over...
  17. D

    Alleged Nano-device "Infection" via food and water

    Thanks. That clears things up. Good points.
  18. seek10

    Alleged Nano-device "Infection" via food and water

    ...type2 civilizations. she almost able to say 'God said so in bible, believe in it' . she also seems to be promoting HAARP for weather modification/sonic anomalies, making hype of con trials etc. (which we know some are distractions for real cosmic causes ) ex...
  19. Niall

    Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

    _ Alex Jones: Father Knows Best, Updated for the Apocalypse By John H. Richardson Yes, it's "condensed" because it's propaganda and it's invariably wrong! AJ goes into more detail about this here...
  20. Leòmhann

    Free energy and HAARP technology

    ...possible current disinfo/misinfo cast out? In other words, is this just what they want us to believe? Also, HAARP's usage in weather modification is referred to, but not its use for mind control, which casts some suspicion on the treatment of its discussions (incomplete...
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