Search results for query: High Strangeness

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  1. ImaPrototype

    the matrix material

    there's no specific place for discussing these books and it's a colossal work so i thought it'd be a good idea to start a thread see if we can collectively discern things there with help from the transcripts. I've not read it yet not even sure i got the correct versions, if someone has good...
  2. Stoneboss

    Car crashes on 2 story house roof! "High Strangeness" involved?

    I saw this article a few days ago and I just can't figure out how this could have happened. I checked the local newspaper for Lewistown, PA. where they posted the address of the house. So I looked it up on google...
  3. SlipNet

    Reflections on a life of high strangeness

    ...go. This is a worthy little exercise for me, it allows me to take a bit of a step back and perceive the long game if there is one. High strangeness, ethereal weirdlings, ghosts, oobe's, dark dreams, we all have them it seems, maybe not each of us all anyway. There has to be a signal in the...
  4. Chu

    "High Strangeness" available in German! "Höchste Fremdartigkeit"

    The German translation team is pleased to announce the publication of another one of Laura's books, Höchste Fremdartigkeit! It is available from Les Editions Pilule Rouge and soon on Amazon. A big thank you to all the helpers who made this possible! Das deutsche Übersetzerteam freut sich, die...
  5. Altair

    Высокая странность на русском/High Strangeness in Russian

    Уважаемые русскоязычные читатели форума, Мы начали перевод книги High Strangeness. Первая глава книги переведена и опубликована здесь. Следующие главы будут публиковаться по мере их перевода. Все уже переведённые книги вы можете приобрести здесь. Dear Russian-speaking forum members, We...
  6. Mr.Cyan

    High strangeness in a murder case

    ...3 of them could be somewhat explained - the 4th incident, resulting in a death is the mysterious one that I think has elements of high strangeness. Singapore is basically one of the safest countries in Asia - and knife/edge weapon incidents are rare - because the government dispensation of...
  7. M

    High Strangeness, Adele Edisen and the otherworldly murder of JFK

    ...version is I think the most complete in its attention to detail. It comes from H.P. Albarelli Jr’s A Secret Order: Investigating the High Strangeness and Synchronicity in the JFK Assassination, of itself a very interesting and un-sensational walk through of the topic (though you wouldn’t...
  8. bjorb

    India 'high strangeness' phenomenon in the sky

    A colleague send this video to my worker-whatsApp group a week ago. He told me that he got it from a relative from India who got it from a friend. First an incredible loud boom was heard and felt in the sky like an earthquake, houses and windows shaked. Then this display of light followed...
  9. Gawan

    Höchste Fremdartigkeit / High Strangeness

    We are in the process of finalizing the book and unfortunately it will still take some time. Nonetheless, in the process of correcting and doing all the background work new chapters will be uploaded to the German Cassiopaea site, so that readers already can profit from the important knowledge...
  10. MusicMan

    A moment of 'High Strangeness'.

    I was watching television and had selected a few comedy programs, and at 8:15pm Canberra time I had on channel 22 "Would I lie to you" an English Comedy panel program. I had my computer on, and had the Cassiopaea Forum page open but hadn't really started reading it yet. It's situated between the...
  11. AutomatedMan

    My High Strangeness event

    I had a strong urge to post this after trying to listen to the 'X-Files, Mothman and the inimitable John Keel' SOTT podcast episode that just aired. I remembered watching a Mothman prophecies documentary on Netflix back in mid to late 2011 and wanted to see if I could find it online and share...
  12. Chu

    High Strangeness (La Alta Extrañeza) is available in Spanish!

    We are glad to inform you that "High Strangeness", by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, is available in Spanish here. If should also be available on Amazon in the next week or so, and later in kindle format. Happy reading! :thup: ----------- Tenemos el agrado de informarles que La Alta Extrañeza, de...
  13. Maat

    high strangeness in french

    for French forumites here is 2 interviews with people involved in high strangeness on a french alternative radio : David Jacobs : (abductions and hybrids) Eve Lorgen : (psychic vampirism of aliens) And I...
  14. StrangeCaptain

    why we shouldn't get too worked up over high strangeness

    ...a bear reacting to a balloon. What struck me was wondering how often us human beings are like the bears in this situation when some high strangeness situation occurs. For us, that light in the sky was fascinating or terrifying, maybe life changing, but for the source of the event, it was at...
  15. T.C.

    Soccer High Strangeness?

    The goal that never was: _ Looks pretty weird to me. Can't see a hole in the net and it doesn't look like the net lifts up or anything. Thoughts?
  16. luke wilson

    High strangeness Or Normal events?

    Hmm, I'm not sure but there might be some high strangeness happening in my bedroom. 3 incidents thus far this year 1) Picture frame on the wall moved by itself. I was watching a horror tv show at the time, on one of those tense scenes, I saw it moving (readjusting itself). Thought the timing...
  17. syldan

    Not so High Strangeness is all around us but do wee see it?

    ...nearly all the time? Here are the pictures: Above my left shoulder over the bridge railing in the clouds? I found more too?! High Strangeness, or ordinary Strangeness??? NB: Does anyone on the forum know where this bridge is? It was on a road trip from Vancouver to California, I say...
  18. herondancer

    Vehicle high strangeness in China?

    I caught this video on twitter. It shows a van running into something invisible (??), almost like a wall. It's back end flips up in the air, then it rolls on its side. It might be attributed to the driver slamming on his brakes, but it doesn't look like he's going fast enough for that. The...
  19. A

    Information(?) about a concept mentioned in "High Strangeness"

    Quote taken from the beginning of Part I of "High Strangeness": "When you read enough raw data from the many thousands of cases, you get the deep impression that the witnesses are telling the truth about what they have experienced. Why would a couple of farmers make up such ridiculous...
  20. Z...

    High strangeness - of sort

    ...device. My friends were obviously spooked and it looked like they want to forget about the whole thing as soon as possible. On a high strangeness note as soon as I got into the house and switched on the lights the light bulb blew off. I am inclined to think this is just a coincidence...
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