13-year-old girl becomes record-setting weight lifter (and she loves bacon !!!)

Guardian said:
anart said:
I hate to burst your "I'm so special" bubble, Muxel, but 5'11" isn't unusually tall. I'm 5'11" - and I'm female.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have to ask (if you don't mind?) what is your genetic heritage?

Well, one of my grandmothers had Bohemian (now the Czech Republic) lineage, the other had Scottish lineage. One of my grandfathers had German lineage, and the other had Irish lineage. So, I guess I'm a bit of a Northern European mutt. ;)
Hildegarda said:
Projecting is an inevitable thing. And, sometimes the lesson may not be in stopping projecting fully but in observing your projections and realizing what they tell you about yourself, where you are in life and how you approach it.

True that, I see a lot of myself in that girl when I was much, MUCH younger. I'm also getting older and more creaky by the minute, and I'm approaching it kicking, screaming and whining the whole way. I kinda envy the kid, 'cause I can still vaguely remember how great my soulsuit felt back then....and I miss it. :cry:


The real question is, what do those opinions tell about those opining them? :)

Well, in this case I thinking I'm opining because I'm also uploading a HUGE file and can't really browse until it's done. ;D
Muxel, you're trying desperately to rationalise your way out of the hole you've dug for yourself. I think you should take a step back and read what Laura said, over and over – meditate on it as you're falling asleep – until you can understand that it applies to YOU, now, as you are NOW. Because you are so full of your self-importance you are unable to see that a simple admission of your failings would garner far more respect from the forum members.

Muxel said:
Ah Foxx, would you deny this poor old soul a "fat Americans" joke? :) I know it's pathological but I also see the humor in it. For example, I can't help cracking up watching the Black Friday stampede vids or hearing about that woman who pepper-sprayed everybody to get an Xbox 360. When I saw the "carb-guzzling sumo girl" jogging on the sidewalk, I empathized with her from afar. But here I'm poking fun at the pandemic, not the individual.

More rationalizations. This 'joke' comes across as spiteful. You're making fun of the victim. I fail to see the empathy in what you wrote, rather I see condescension and spite.

Muxel said:
I dunno Foxx, but the fact that I'm having to justify not having any problems regarding women is ridiculous! :cry: I don't want to defend any little I's à la self-importance, but I gotta set the record straight or else this will haunt me on the forum.

That hole just gets deeper and deeper . . .

Muxel said:
Self-dissatisfaction would be a symptom of self-importance wouldn't it?

Yes and no. Self-dissatisfaction can be a realisation that you are not doing all you could to become a better man. It can spur you on to greater efforts. Have you come across Gurdjieff's Five Strivings? The Second Striving is:

G said:
To have a constant and unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection in the sense of being.

In that sense self-dissatisfaction can have a positive effect. It can also be, as in your case, the root of bitterness about your lot in life. When you think that you should be something you are not; that you should be something that is 'better'; that something has been denied you by cruel fate, or your parents, or living in America; then that is a negative self-dissatisfaction, and when coupled with huge self-importance it leads to the bitterness I notice in some of your posts.

Muxel said:
I try to keep an open mind when it comes to any mirror of myself. Some mirrors get me worked up, and I'd have to go cool off before thinking about it.

When you get worked up about a mirror you've received on this forum, that's your predator's mind being aroused. It means that the mirror has struck close to home, and has shown you something you don't want to see because it threatens your carefully crafted self-image. The more angry and worked up you get, the more relevant and penetrating the mirror. As in . . .

Muxel said:
Jesus, Hildegarda, can I do anything right? I don't remember saying any of those things. If you twisted my words even more, I'd have been talking about Obama. I really didn't need that, not when I'm trying to work out some issues with myself at the moment.

. . . which demonstrates exactly what I mean.

The next time you have a strong emotional reaction to something said to you on the forum, try containing (not repressing or denying) the feeling. Don't edit it, or try to make it something it isn't. Try to be with it with an open mind. Experience it as it is – as far as you can – see where it lives in your body. Try to listen to it and see what it wants to tell you.

Agni said:
I do not get your "having to look down when talking to most people" Muxel, you are kidding us, right ? I've never noticed that I have to look down on people.

A person who considers themselves to be superior 'looks down' on others when talking to them. A person who sees people addresses others as equals without the need to 'look down' on them. Physical height is irrelevant. The person who 'looks down' on others is deeply insecure, for which they compensate by puffing up their ego.


Muxel, you remind me of my best friend when I was aged 13 – 15. He was very similar to you in that he had enormous self-importance, and the same vitriolic sense of humour, which I now think was rooted in the death of his father which happened when he was nine. He contacted me a few years ago by email. He is now living in the Far East, and is incredibly bitter about his situation, even though he has a wife and child, and claims that they make him happy. He's also fat and very unhealthy. He claims that the choice to live where he is was forced on him. He resents it and he despises the country he lives in and the natives of that country, even though his wife is a native. I found his emails very difficult to read because of the bitterness he had no hesitation in displaying. He would accept no discussion of the bitter way he expressed himself, and reacted with unbridled self-importance to any mention of the subject.

I think it's worthwhile to devote some time to replying to you because you have been far luckier than my ex-friend in that you've come across this forum and the Work at a young age. You have a wonderful opportunity to work through your issues of self-importance and bitterness with life, and to develop into a psychologically healthy man. I hope you make good use of the opportunities on offer here.
anart said:
Well, one of my grandmothers had Bohemian (now the Czech Republic) lineage, the other had Scottish lineage. One of my grandfathers had German lineage, and the other had Irish lineage. So, I guess I'm a bit of a Northern European mutt. ;)

Me too :)

All the cultures you mention could/do have Nordic genetics mixed in. Actually ANY culture can have Nordic genetics mixed in it by now. My point was/is that Nordic genetics often produce large, strong females. (men too btw)

Average heights for women by country, top 7:

Dinaric Alps 171.0 cm (5' 7.2")
Netherlands 168.7 cm (5' 6.4")
Czech Republic 167.3 cm (5' 6.0")
Iceland 167.6 cm (5' 6")
Denmark 167.6 cm (5' 6")
Norway 167.2 cm (5' 5.9")
Sweden 166.9 cm (5' 5.7")
truth seeker said:
dannybananny said:
...because women didn t fight , except Amazon women who did.

Slightly off the topic but examples of women who fought in wars:

Not to join you in derailing the thread, but there are stories of how cohorts of 100's of Sheildmaidens would begin to have their moon cycles at the same time, and their Commanders would actually plan attacks for when they were PMS'ing. :lol:
What on Earth does whether or not someone gets PAID for a sport have to do with this?

Who said anything about payment? I was referring to consequences it has on someone's physical health.

I fought 6', 200+ lb men wearing 30-40 lbs of plate armor, with a broadsword, when I was in my late teens, all the way into my 30's. Never got paid a dime, but I'm now over 50 and can probably still bench press Muxel ;)

Maybe because it was all some bad acting and nobody bought it. ;)

Yes, which is why I said "on average" On average women from cultures that developed in the Netherlands, Iceland, the Alps, Czechoslovakia, etc. are the largest women in the world. They're taller, heavier, and often physically stronger than the AVERAGE men from cultures in Asia, the Middle East, South America, etc. Of course there are exceptions...to everything, especially genetics, but I was discussing the possibility of this girl having genetics that are NOT the exception in various cultures that breed some big, strong women.

Maybe you should really do some research before you just start randomly disagreeing with those who have?

Here, let me get you started....find the big women:

I missed somehow word average, but Czechoslovakia, Dinaric Alps aren t Nordic but Slavic, and to former there is a lot of Illyrian genetics involved, and it isn't really so harsh environment. Somehow it seems to me that you did your research also recently because you wouldn't mention only Nordics and Russians as physically larger before. And I wonder if it's really correct information because for Dinaric Alps it says the height is 185 cm and that is my height but it is considered very height and it isn t really an average when you look at others. And I found another research that says that an average height of my countrymen is 176 cm so it makes you wonder.

"Normal Human?" Really? :rolleyes:

I really meant majority.

Again your ignorance about my ancestors is showing. Nordic women often fought right along side the men. Women could (and did) choose to be "Shieldmaidens" (foot solders) who fought with the "Shieldmen" in battle. Whether or not one was a fighter was a choice open to both women and men in the cultures I'm referring to. Google the "Battle of Brávellir" and go from there if you really want to understand why what you're saying sounds kinda silly to a Norsewoman... '.

And here we have your unabillity to see what is written, killing racial superiority means that people kill for race and not for dominating women, and when you see history women were killed not because they were being shown their place because, ther was no need for that, they were already subjegated for long time and didn't needed to be killed because they were passive in most nations , they were killed because of rape(sex), revenge to hole people - not because they were women but because they were belonging to enemy people, and they were fighting for a system that put men to decide their destiny.

cause we've been fighters for centuries

You forgot words like killers, rapists, pillagers,marauders, bloodthirsty but you have to agree with one thing - those Arabs really showed you ancestors their place in the time of Crusades, you can't blame them - they got what they deserved.

A skinny bureaucrat is not likely to have a very good understanding of sports training, at least not weight lifting.

Yes but skinny doctor could maybe know more about consequences for one s health.
Yes, if the coach has actually done what he's coaching (as opposed to the skinny bureaucrat who hasn't)

That s a big if.

A skinny bureaucrat is not likely to have a very good understanding of sports training, at least not weight lifting. I don't understand exactly what you mean by "much deal to physical strength?" Whether or not physical strength is important to "the concept of work" depends entirely on what a soul came here to do? I've been physically attacked by large, angry men, more than once, and they've all gone to jail.. and I'm still here. This would not be the case if I wasn't physically strong. If I wasn't as physically strong (and better trained) than the men who attacked me, I would have been raped/killed long ago. So yeah, physical strength is VERY important to women who've chosen the path I have.

You know there's a Krav maga saying: Babies foot is stronger then Mohamed Alis balls. Strength without technique is nothing. One direct hit by the skinny guy in the groins can put 200 kg men easily to floor,it all depends on one s determination and situation, and training. One thing is when you take of untrained dudes, and the other thing is when you have those who trained or are training some martial art and not acting with silly swords. And there s this Mongolian proverb: Do not scorn a weak cub, he may become a brutal tiger. Which was the case with Genghis Khan. Will is everything, how would you then explain those "skinny" Arabs kicking your heavy butts in most cases.

Does it matter if Teachers, Healers, etc. are physically strong? No, I don't think so. They need to be healthy, and their meatsuits need to be well tuned, but they don't need to be able to lift the back end of a Buick to teach a class, write a book, or mix some herbs. The people who are here to protect the Teachers, Healers, etc. had better be physically strong .....very physically strong, or they're libel to wind up very physically dead.

It s all nice and dandy, like every talk but war is not about talk and some old fancy myth story telling, it s about blood, spilling guts, etc... and no one can know for sure how will he act when the death comes knocking on the door. And those jokes on Muxel account aren t funny but childish.
danny, I really think that you need to stop, take a deep breath and go back through this thread. Read each post. Your behavior here is bizarre. Obviously, some sacred cow of yours has been triggered and you're not even thinking straight. At all.

So, please just stop. Re-read the initial article AND watch the video. You're really embarrassing yourself with your latest posts and you're obviously running some MAJOR programs. Enough is enough.
yeah. Not only dannybananny gets to decide what's normal for humanity, but, the unsuspecting humanity must conform to his idea of normality or else.

Yes, no need to say anything about what I really meant, you got it all right. Talking about projecting and putting ones word in other mouth, there is always a risk of becoming that against what you fight against.

Facts based on this specific situation or facts based on the situation with regards to some others?


Define normal. The same way you appreciate having the right to do what you like doesn't apply to others?

See previous post.

I think you're continuing to confuse the subject of this thread - a 13 year old girl - with others. That would be a generalization, or so I think.

I only said that it s a possible future.

Why discount her so easily?

See previous answer.

danny, I really think that you need to stop, take a deep breath and go back through this thread. Read each post. Your behavior here is bizarre. Obviously, some sacred cow of yours has been triggered and you're not even thinking straight. At all.

So, please just stop. Re-read the initial article AND watch the video. You're really embarrassing yourself with your latest posts and you're obviously running some MAJOR programs. Enough is enough.

I m not thinking straight? I am embarrassing myself? Or maybe you are. Which programs that will be? I don t feel embarrassed(because that is self importance) and I firmly stand behind what I said, and why do I need to stop? Maybe because I told the truth. But what's the point when nobody doesn t want to see it, it seems to me that some here on this forum have privileges and are always right, even if they're not, and others don t even know what the work is. Over and out. I m done here.
dannybananny said:
Who said anything about payment?

You did.

"So it seems that you also didn t read what I wrote, I was talking about her future, and for now it seems that everything is ok. Let me ask you one question: Did you did some sport for professionally, semi-professionally?"

"Professional" means paid.

Maybe because it was all some bad acting and nobody bought it. ;)

Oh yeah, there was a LOT of bad acting involved, but that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that we were a non profit group. The paid reenacters and Ren fairs had just as much bad acting, but they still made a nice profit. ;)

Dinaric Alps aren t Nordic but Slavic,

I said Russian, but ok, "Slavic" my point doesn't change regardless of which cultural label you want to use.

did your research also recently because you wouldn't mention only Nordics and Russians as physically larger before.

Noooooo, I've had variations of this conversation many, many times before, including on this forum. It always amazes me how emotional some people (both male and female) can get when the topic of physically strong women comes up.

Some get even more irate when you tell them the FACT that women with genetics from Nordic and/or SLAVIC cultures are often larger and stronger than average men from approx. half the cultures on the planet.

and it isn t really an average when you look at others.

Hon, it's the "others" that make the "average." Both Anart and I are above the tallest "average" worldwide. The higher the "average" a country has, the more "above average" they have to have.... 'cause that's just how "average" works.

I really meant majority.

Ohhhh..well I don't decide what I'm going to believe based on what the majority believe. I ususally use these things called "facts" ;)

And here we have your unabillity to see what is written,

Oh no, is my "unabillity" showing?

killing racial superiority means that people kill for race and not for dominating women, and when you see history women were killed not because they were being shown their place because, ther was no need for that, they were already subjegated for long time and didn't needed to be killed because they were passive in most nations , they were killed because of rape(sex), revenge to hole people - not because they were women but because they were belonging to enemy people, and they were fighting for a system that put men to decide their destiny.

OK, so what does this have to do with your mistaken contention that:

Not so much as it s been spilled for racial superiority because women didn t fight , except Amazon women who did.

You forgot words like killers, rapists, pillagers,marauders, bloodthirsty

I didn't forget anything, we weren't talking about WHY women fought (for the same various reasons as men) you said women did not fight, and I corrected your mistake regarding some cultures, including mine.

but you have to agree with one thing - those Arabs really showed you ancestors their place in the time of Crusades,

No, the Crusaders were mostly English, French and Italian (who are among the smallest Europeans btw.)

you can't blame them - they got what they deserved.


Yes but skinny doctor could maybe know more about consequences for one s health.

Unlikely, but possible.

You know there's a Krav maga saying: Babies foot is stronger then Mohamed Alis balls. Strength without technique is nothing.

Absolutely...which is why I included "(and better trained)"

One direct hit by the skinny guy in the groins can put 200 kg men easily to floor,

Oh I know :D
Again, what does this have to do with whether or not a woman can (the real issue with most men is actually "should?") do the kicking? Guess what, if of equal training, the larger (in proportion) she is, the harder she can usually kick...welcome to the laws of meatspace.

It s all nice and dandy, like every talk but war

Do you really understand that you're currently IN a war hon? You keep going off on these vague tangents whenever I talk about things that actually happen in real life.
dannybananny said:
I m not thinking straight? I am embarrassing myself?


Or maybe you are.

Deflection. And a pretty childish one, at that.

Which programs that will be?

Right-man syndrome, legalistic nitpicking, self-importance, missing the crux of the matter, confabulation ...?

I don t feel embarrassed(because that is self importance)

There's a difference between feeling embarrassed and embarrassing oneself. Those who embarrass themselves rarely feel embarrassed, because they can't see themselves the way others see them. (Have you read the recent psychology threads over the past month or two?)

and I firmly stand behind what I said,

That's obvious.

and why do I need to stop?

Well, what you do is up to you. But it was advice given out of genuine concern. You ARE embarrassing yourself. But even that isn't really the point. The point is that you're not seeing yourself, and this forum exists to give each of us a view of ourselves, even if we don't like it. It's up to you whether you will take that feedback in the spirit it is given, or take your ball and go home.

Maybe because I told the truth.

Doubtful. That's your conscious mind/personality covering up for the fact that it's wrong. Have you read the recent psychology threads?

But what's the point when nobody doesn t want to see it,

Have you considered that maybe YOU are wrong and YOU don't want to see it? Have you removed yourself from the equation?

it seems to me that some here on this forum have privileges and are always right, even if they're not,

Nope, I don't think anyone here is 'always right'. But that's usually the way 'personality' sees it, when its sacred cows are brought into question or its buttons pushed, and the other persons involved actually ARE right. No one ever said seeing ourselves was easy.

and others don t even know what the work is.

Again, have you removed yourself from this equation?

Over and out. I m done here.

OK. Your choice.
Fwiw, there is so much drama/discussion/nitpicking/disagreement over such a simple thing, and that alone suggests to me that something is being triggered and it's going on a defensive with guns blazing, resulting in pages and pages of long posts to try to justify/rationalize a position. But does the topic at hand justify such legalistic/intellectual nitpicking, or is it just the programs running?

I mean seriously - a girl works out, feels great, doesn't overdo it, she's stronger/healthier, good for her right? If she was to overdo it, or have bad technique, or be forced into it by someone, that would be bad, but it seems she's ok, so all's well?

Anything can be helpful or detrimental. My mom has piano students that are forced into it by their parents, which I think sucks. Then again, I know plenty of adults who say they wish their parents forced them to learn an instrument when they were kids. Kids need boundaries and sometimes need to be forced to do things (like manners). If it's done reasonably and with consideration and love to the kid, it is beneficial. But too much control (or control for the "wrong" reason) or too much leeway can be harmful, and it all depends on the specific situation.

Also, the word "normal" is dangerous territory - easy to be fully subjective. Maybe the word "healthy" is better. "Normal" makes sense when talking about normies vs psychopaths. It also makes sense for healthy/unhealthy behavior, if the unhealthy behavior is a truly due to a psychological/physical damage. But outside of that it's just personal preferences, all healthy, all different. But it's easy to be prejudiced and see what is unhealthy as healthy and vice versa, but then it's not based on any real scientific understanding, it's just calling things you personally don't like "unhealthy".
Interesting thread. My perspective is that if she enjoys doing what she's doing (weightlifting)- and judging by what I saw in the video she really does enjoy doing this sport- and it has no negative consequences on her being, as in: mentally, emotionally and/or physically, then it's fine and she has my full support in what she does. Everyone has different talents/skills/abilities, right? Diversity rules! :P
I really think we should strive for unity despite our differences, respecting other people's choices (if they are not harmful to others and/or themselves) and accepting them for who they are and not as we would like them to be.

And for the ones who don't like to see young girls participating in what they consider to be exclusively "male" sport, I have an advice for ya: DON'T WATCH IT if it bothers you that much, duh!
I stand corrected -- and am one sacred cow lighter.

While that's true that contemporary culture is ponerized, sport is ponerized, and the whole world is ponerized; and it's true that kids should be protected and not forced to do things too hard for them or to do things to satisfy their narcissistic parent(s), Abbey's case definitely didn't call for such reaction as mine. Law of Three: Good, bad, and a specific situation.

The smell and taste of the predator mind can't last unrecognized once you've already fought one or two battles against it. The strong urge to prove yourself right, to find anything "objective" (or flaws in others' feedback) that would validate your belief and your emotional reaction just cannot be mistaken. That's a program at work, pure and simple.

Thus, all attempts to rationalize my (what I thought was) kind of a gut feeling had to go out through the window pretty quickly. What I was left with was the strong emotional objection, so strong that it truly surprised me. Obviously, there was something unconscious going on and fueling the reaction. Given its nature I may never come to know for certain its source.

Anyway, the best I am able to come up with at the moment is my childhood and what I used to hear from my mother about what girls just don't do and should not be doing. Which essentially included any- and everything except going to school, doing my homework, studying, and praying twice a day. At my early teens, I rejected most of that Mom's "wisdom" and climbed trees wildly, played Indians, and did a lot of those not-for-girls things (and was punished for doing that). I did even more when I got older. I didn't want to be like my mother, ever. And yet somehow I managed to create or just let stay with me this one sacred cow as my own of "what girls should not do": no boxing and no weightlifting. Perhaps I chose these two because -- which I recalled only yesterday -- when I was trying to lift something heavy, my mother used to say that I shouldn't do it, "because your uterus will slip down", and it somehow sank into my subconsciousness. And here you go... How bizarre it is and so typical the same time!
Possibility of Being said:
Anyway, the best I am able to come up with at the moment is my childhood and what I used to hear from my mother about what girls just don't do and should not be doing. Which essentially included any- and everything except going to school, doing my homework, studying, and praying twice a day. At my early teens, I rejected most of that Mom's "wisdom" and climbed trees wildly, played Indians, and did a lot of those not-for-girls things (and was punished for doing that). I did even more when I got older. I didn't want to be like my mother, ever. And yet somehow I managed to create or just let stay with me this one sacred cow as my own of "what girls should not do": no boxing and no weightlifting. Perhaps I chose these two because -- which I recalled only yesterday -- when I was trying to lift something heavy, my mother used to say that I shouldn't do it, "because your uterus will slip down", and it somehow sank into my subconsciousness. And here you go... How bizarre it is and so typical the same time!
Insane, isn't it? Your Mother sounds similar to mine - she too discouraged anything that wasn't a reflection of herself. That usually meant anything she considered lady like. I fought the best I knew how, but who knows what unconscious influence she had that manifests to this day?

It makes me angry (righteous indignation) to realize how those same ideas influenced many of my decisions growing up and I still get tripped up from time to time.

The great thing is that we've managed to come through all that and find each other here - a safe place to have a chance to become who we were destined to be and be appreciated for it. It's really been a gift being here and knowing all of you. :hug2:
Danny, posts and posts all because of a small happy girl that happens to be good at weighlifting, and loves bacon.
Your assertion that weighlifting will damage her is based on myth. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to refute your "fact". You just have to observe the olympics, or basketball or football or any other modern sport.
Most, if not all athletes weightrain from an early age. Its necessary in order to be competitive.
Do you see an army of midgets in sport today?

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