The Living Force
I like the second one much better, don't know if it's meant to be "pretty" just to deceive us, but it looks harmonious. The C's said that the majority of CC were from 6th density. The STS ones are supposed to be rare, and in those cases, the crops are burnt.
Q: (J) Is there any criteria you can give us to measure against, is there anything in particular to look for? Or would it pop out as something strange that doesn‘t make sense in a crop circle if you examine it? Or is there actual...
A: One thing to look for would be growth disruptions to the area. Real circles do not disrupt the creative principle.
Q: (J) Now would this be crop circles created by STS, STO, or both?
Q: (J) So STO doesn’t disrupt the life cycle but, if it were STS then it would change it. That would make sense. Well, there again their effect: the coldness, the burning, the whole negativity of it, would logically disrupt the life cycle. As for the way that they do this: you say that it was directed from 4th density. Do they actually come in and have any kind of physical apparatus in the vicinity?
A: It was not done from 4D.
Q: (J) I’m not talking about the one that we’re talking about this time, I’m talking about when STO creates a crop circle do they have a physical...
A: Real crop circles represent thoughts from 6th density unified thought realm.
Q: (J) Okay, and so that’s why they don’t disrupt the growth; because they're using thought forms as opposed to STS technology, either the 3D or 4D or what not. Have any crop circles been made by 4th density STS directly?
A: Very few and quite ineptly up to this point.
Q: (V) Can you tell us an example of another one, if there is only a few?
A: One comes up as a series of “symbols” similar to occult cipher. Check the data.