2010 Crop Circles

~Fabric~ said:
Belibaste said:
In 3D it could look like a kind of ring with seven small gems on the inside of the bottom half, six stripes on the top half, one big gem on the top part, and the same gem floating in the middle on the ring.

The 3Dness of it stood out quite a bit to me as well. If we take the seven gems to represent densities perhaps the position of the other solid rings could mean the transition from 3rd to 4th? The top half being 4th density and the floating one the transition itself? Maybe..... very beautiful nonetheless :flowers:

Actually it might be a kind of "ring of life" similar to Laura's tree of life representing the 7 densities (see Wave book III chapter 27).

Here is an annotated picture of the crop circle. However, the 2D representation doesn't really compute since in the interpretation below it is polarized (not on the vertical axis i.e. STO or STS):

This one reminds me of chakras and Éiriú Eolas.
Belibaste said:
gonzorama said:

In 3D it could look like a kind of ring with seven small gems on the inside of the bottom half, six stripes on the top half, one big gem on the top part, and the same gem floating in the middle on the ring. :huh:

Very interesting, I see it too.
I'm looking forward to more of these. Personally crop circles are a reminder of the sheer mystery surrounding us and how little we know about the environment we live in.

Let them come! :)
The stripes around the top circle reminds me of the coming wave. Maybe the top circle is higher self. The mid circle is crown chakra or third eye ? What are the 7 circles underneath ? 7 people coming together and help the individuals connect to their higher self when the Wave arrives ?

Q: (L) There's that number seven again! Each person in the group is a spoke?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there more to this concept that we are going to discover as we go along?
A: Of course!
Q: (L) Once the seven spokes are in place in terms of persons, is that going to increase our power/knowledge exponentially?
A: Explosively.

Q: (T) Okay, we have the image on the paper with seven spokes. What do we do with it next?
A: Open. Will fall into place, now you must ponder the significance and we must say goodnight!

Well, I know I am speculating but imagination has no limits :)
In 3D it could look like a kind of ring with seven small gems on the inside of the bottom half, six stripes on the top half, one big gem on the top part, and the same gem floating in the middle on the ring.

For a time I wanted to represent in 3D some CC (those who allow it), I thing this is a good opportunity to begin, here are some fast 3d sketches of this CC:



IMO, the "sliced" inner sphere - that from the top view looks like an eye - tells us that the 6 curved lines that surround the complete inner sphere are also spheres or could be represented by sliced spheres (?), I'll apply that to the model and see how does it looks like, also I'll apply more detailed textures to the spheres to enhance the tridimensional representation, feedback is very welcome.
gonzorama said:

This shape reminds me of the underside of some sort of arthropod, like a horseshoe crab, but stylized:


I feel this crop circle has a very organic feel to it, the bilateral symmetry it displays looks very biological in nature, except for the 7 small circles at the bottom
The curved rays are interesting. They could denote movement or transition.

I had another thought on the overall meaning - the large circle represents the sun and the partial circle represents and emerging sun - the companion brown dwarf. Both the large circle and the partial have a dot in them, perhaps indicating they are both the same type of object, whereas the line of smaller circles are the planets in our solar system as we know them.

Just thought I'd add another perspective.

I'm glad the season had begun. I just noticed I was starting to miss seeing them.

It looks like the semi-circle and the smaller circles are being gravitationally lensed from ripples, unstable gravity waves?
logos5x5 said:
For a time I wanted to represent in 3D some CC (those who allow it), I thing this is a good opportunity to begin, here are some fast 3d sketches of this CC:

The second picture (which is very nicely done!!) reminds me of a planetary alignment - or maybe even a reality alignment.

Added edit: Just looked at the second picture long and hard again. It looks like the lines coming down might be the wave?

Puck said:
it looks like an inordinately complex pokeball:


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