2011 Crop Circles

I found this site that is a summary and lots of links of these Russian scientist claiming they understand what messages through the years have been about.

From this site: _http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/russian-astronaut-popovich-ets-warn-cataclysms-will-unify-human-consciousness
The article: "Russian cosmonaut Popovich: ETs warn Cataclysms will unify human consciousness" I find it a very good read and filled with content that this forum is about. Check it out. The direct site of this study is found at: _http://www.ourtransition.info/ which is in multi-language.
KingTiger said:
I found this site that is a summary and lots of links of these Russian scientist claiming they understand what messages through the years have been about.

From this site: _http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/russian-astronaut-popovich-ets-warn-cataclysms-will-unify-human-consciousness
The article: "Russian cosmonaut Popovich: ETs warn Cataclysms will unify human consciousness" I find it a very good read and filled with content that this forum is about. Check it out. The direct site of this study is found at: _http://www.ourtransition.info/ which is in multi-language.

Well, with messages like this:
Three pre-cataclysms will be caused by extraterrestrial civilizations artificially. Thus, they save our lives. By creating certainty, they give an opportunity for our civilization to focus and make the Transition to the next cycle of life before the global cataclysms beginning.
I am not going to spend much time looking at this site.
[quote author=KingTiger]
From this site: _http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/russian-astronaut-popovich-ets-warn-cataclysms-will-unify-human-consciousness

More psy-ops, which appears to be what Alfred Lambremont Webre does. A search of his name here on the forum brings up a lot of hits and he's definitely took notice of Laura's works. He is the congressional coordinator for The Disclosure Project. So that says a lot.
Lilou said:
[quote author=KingTiger]
From this site: _http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/russian-astronaut-popovich-ets-warn-cataclysms-will-unify-human-consciousness

More psy-ops, which appears to be what Alfred Lambremont Webre does. A search of his name here on the forum brings up a lot of hits and he's definitely took notice of Laura's works. He is the congressional coordinator for The Disclosure Project. So that says a lot.

Yes, we're fairly certain at this point that Webre has an agenda. See Sott.net's comments to his article reviewing Laura's book High Strangeness:

Gawan said:
Trevrizent said:
axj said:
I get the sense that this one is too "mental" - just like the STS crop circle with the alien head. Both are technically impressive but do not have the right 'feel' to them.

I agree.

I had a similar reaction, that something is missing or empty. Also the sign to the left looks a little bit off to me, looks like "foj" to me. But this also just my impression.
It fascinates me greatly that the three of you had an odd response to this one, just like I did when I viewed it. I think this design is very strong, complex and well-rendered, but I had the feeling like it was created at our expense, instead of in an effort to help us understand. Initially I was apprehensive to post that it made me "feel weird," because I thought maybe I was imagining things when I tried to make sense of my emotional response to this circle. Now that I have read these responses it makes me more curious about why I had these feelings to begin with and also more confident to discuss them on here.

This might sound funny, but it reminds me of the cube of the Borg in Star Trek. The message I am getting is that "resistance is futile," but I will accept if this is a delusional projection on my part (and I hope that it is).
Vulcan59 said:
New cc reported on 29th July - Source.


Another view;


the crop circle fakers of this crop circle brought up a video wich shows them while they are creating it on the field:


an article about it (unfortunately in german):

the fakers can be pretty good as you see, so the optic alone should not qualify to conclude if it is real or not.
the research that was being done (in the short time this crop circle existed) on that crop circle indicated from the get go that it was a fake.

"Während der Gesamteindruck der Formation aus der Luft, nicht zuletzt auch aufgrund der Achsenlänge von etwa 200 Metern, auf den ersten Blick beeindrucken kann, kann dieses Bild anhand geometrischer Unsauberkeiten (s. Abb.) schon aus der Luft aber auch am Boden nicht aufrechterhalten werden. Auch wenn uns im Feld selbst nur kurze Zeit zur Begutachtung blieb, fanden sich an den Pflanzen und anhand der Art und Weise, wie das Getreide niedergelegt wurde, Hinweise auf menschliche Verursacher. Ursprünglich war es aufgrund der geringen Begutachtungszeit nur schwer möglich, diese genau zuzuordnen - hierfür benötigt es in der Regel eine intensive Untersuchung der Formation - aber gemeinsam mit dem nun vorgelegten Video fügt sich alles zusammen. Das Video selbst halte ich für authentisch, da die Vorgehensweise und Aktivität mit dem, was wir von den Methoden und Herstellungsweisen von Fälschern kennen, übereinstimmen"......

"Schon seit Jahren vertrete ich die Überzeugung, dass auch Menschen schöne und auch große Kornkreise herstellen, bzw. das 'echte Phänomen" kopieren können - und das auch während einer einzigen Nacht.

Diese 'kopierten Kornkreise' unterscheiden sich aber weiterhin von anderen Kornkreisen – eben jenen Kornkreisen, die uns Forscher wirklich interessieren. Diese zeigen Details und Veränderungen an Pflanzen und Böden auf, wie sie durch menschliche Aktivität schlicht und einfach nicht erklärt werden können. Zudem entstehen 'echte' (also nicht von Menschen auf mechanische Weise erzeugte) Kornkreise nicht über einen Zeitraum von mehreren (4+) Stunden, sondern - glaubt man den zahlreichen Augenzeugen - binnen weniger Augenblicke und Sekunden.

Schlussendlich waren wir uns aber auch schon bei unserer kurzen Begehung der Kornkreisformation am Rivar Hill vor Ort einig, dass sich darin zahlreiche Merkmale fanden, die schon zu diesem Zeitpunkt erste Zweifel an der 'Echtheit' dieses Kornkreismusters aufkommen ließen. Das Video bestätigt also vielmehr unsere Einschätzung der Formation vor Ort und die Ergebnisse der Kornkreisforschung."
[quote author=Pashalis]

the crop circle fakers of this crop circle brought up a video wich shows them while they are creating it on the field:


an article about it (unfortunately in german):

the fakers can be pretty good as you see, so the optic alone should not qualify to conclude if it is real or not.
the research that was being done (in the short time this crop circle existed) on that crop circle indicated from the get go that it was a fake. [/quote]

Interesting - Looks like they did this in about 5 - 6+ hours just adding to the timer in the video. This is the first time seeing this human based fake circle construction other than from photos.
I don't know if that is the same one or merely an attempt at copying. In the photo, there are two lines that connect the three central circles but in the video there is only one line. Since they centred the line in the video, there would be no way to add the second parallel line without it being off centre. As well, in the photo, there is a thin circle that runs around the middle 5 connected circles that is absent in the video.

So, why would people go to such great lengths to make a potentially real circle appear man made I wonder.

This whole thread is an eyesore... never have I seen so many ugly patterns. Nothing uglier than the STS drive to mimic perfection "artificially". A veritable Uncanny Valley of crop circles.

Hi Gonzo, :D The photo shows the three circles connected by one central line. The central line is bounded by "accessory" lines on each side. The video shows only the central line, maybe because the little buggers haven't drawn in the surrounding "ball" yet. Ugliest thing I have ever seen.

My point is that the line in the video is in a different place than in the photo. The video has a single line centered on the spheres while the photo has a double line with the space between the lines centered on the spheres. In the video, they would have to create a line on either side and then magically erase their middle line. I'm not giving credence to the authenticity of either, but in my mind they are two different locations.


Edit: typo
Gonzo, there are 3 "lines" connecting the 3 circles. One thinner center line, flanked by two thicker lines that are part of the "ball".

The pic in the video blurs out the thinner lines (forming the snake outline & the center line) due to the angle and resolution. This is why you only see the two thicker lines in the pic from the video. And don't worry, I have all day to explain this to you. :P
Gonzo said:
I don't know if that is the same one or merely an attempt at copying. In the photo, there are two lines that connect the three central circles but in the video there is only one line. Since they centred the line in the video, there would be no way to add the second parallel line without it being off centre. As well, in the photo, there is a thin circle that runs around the middle 5 connected circles that is absent in the video.

So, why would people go to such great lengths to make a potentially real circle appear man made I wonder.


Hi Gonzo, just catching what you discuss and looked at the video again. Not sure, but perhaps, as the video ran out, thus more work may have been done, how we view the central line by the angle of the lens creates the illusion of it being centered when it is actually offset and just awaiting the last lines as per the photo - undecided :/
Have a look.


Whacha think?
Nice soundtrack!

Interesting concepts presented here...could be we are in for some amazing astronomical rearrangement.
it is hard to interpret Crop Circles , that is one possible interpretation but not necessarily the right one, If there's even something to interpret in those examples .....
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