2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I just finished watching this, a few thoughts...

Giuliani and Powell gave good speeches and presented a quite convincing overview of the evidence. However, something became quite clear to me after one reporter (I think it was the lady from OAN) asked: "Where's the FBI?" Then it struck me: these people (Trump's little group of lawyers) have a huuuuge corrupted machinery against them, so how could they possibly succeed? Imagine, as a private citizen – as Giuliani pointed out that they are – you have the whole media, big tech, and intelligence agencies against you!

My thinking right now is that to have even the slightest chance of succeeding Trump really needs powerful allies, especially in the military and judicial branch. Imagine how different all this would be if top people from the FBI or NSA would hold a press conference saying that they are very concerned and that they are looking into this? Instead we have a small group of very brave lawyers with everyone against them. I hope they'll get the ball rolling, but the odds are seriously against them.
It looks like it's an impossible task imho. As far as I can see all the media in the world seem to have accepted that Biden won.
Any dissenting voices on social media platforms are removed within an hour or two.
The American election results seems to fall in line with the Corona virus scam and this will lead to complete suppression of all voices apart from the party line. I think they've ramped up their efforts in the last month or so.
Complete control and domination. I see people mentally disintegrate all ages and everyone is been affected with the squeeze.
Really, it feels like we need help more than ever now.
True but Trump does seem to have the DOJ and the law is the law so if they get to a judge....They can get to a judge without the FBI or FB or Twitter or the Media. I think he only needs the military AFTER a result...

1) Build a well enough case to get to court which is currently happening
2) Will need military for martial law as the C's said if the decision is anything but Biden as president.
Giuliani and Powell gave good speeches and presented a quite convincing overview of the evidence. However, something became quite clear to me after one reporter (I think it was the lady from OAN) asked: "Where's the FBI?" Then it struck me: these people (Trump's little group of lawyers) have a huuuuge corrupted machinery against them
Tim Pool is working hard to remain neutral, but as the stories roll in, his personal opinions are roaming more freely:

Basically, in this video he's documenting overwhelming evidence of shenanigans and voter fraud. At 14:30 in particular, if you want to zoom ahead, there are a series of tweets from democrat poll watchers (!!) who broke party lines to sign affidavits to describe stacks 500 high of pristine voter cards all with perfectly filled-in selection bubbles, (suggesting machine processing), all for Biden:

Instead we have a small group of very brave lawyers with everyone against them. I hope they'll get the ball rolling, but the odds are seriously against them.
I think they have the main control on the military side, which is a strong advantage.
I ... tilted when you wrote "with everyone against them". It's not a lot of people, it's well placed guys, i do not think they are so many. What do the average FBI/CIA/any administration/Medias ... normal employees think about ?
Anyway, i would say the contrary, its more accurate to say that "they have everyone on their side". Just take into consideration all the Americans that support him, they are legion, and many ready to take the arms, and from more to more. Now that the plans are being exposed gradually, all these people start to understand that their future is in the balance, that they really fight for their freedom. On top of that, we can also expect that whether deceived or revolted democrats will join and follow Trump. Among the non-voters also, a % of them may be ofended by what they learn/see/understand and follow Trump. I see a big football stade with 3/5 red, 1/5 blue and 1/5 grey and red get bigger from day to day.
If think they can't stop it anymore, it's a wave ... let's see, did you bought your pop corns ? :-P

Was thinking about the PTB , what do they have on the table : rapidly launch a more deadly virus, Covid-21 ? Are they ready ? What is almost sure is that they are being pressed ^^

I was also wondering one thing : on another level, is there a real protection impact provided by all those who pray for Trump ?
Or, what about just simply wishing him to succeed ?
Was also wondering ... and the ones who thinks and pray for the contrary, who hate Trump ... are these "thoughts" fighting vs the good ones on another level ?
I just finished watching this, a few thoughts...

Giuliani and Powell gave good speeches and presented a quite convincing overview of the evidence. However, something became quite clear to me after one reporter (I think it was the lady from OAN) asked: "Where's the FBI?" Then it struck me: these people (Trump's little group of lawyers) have a huuuuge corrupted machinery against them, so how could they possibly succeed? Imagine, as a private citizen – as Giuliani pointed out that they are – you have the whole media, big tech, and intelligence agencies against you!

My thinking right now is that to have even the slightest chance of succeeding Trump really needs powerful allies, especially in the military and judicial branch. Imagine how different all this would be if top people from the FBI or NSA would hold a press conference saying that they are very concerned and that they are looking into this? Instead we have a small group of very brave lawyers with everyone against them. I hope they'll get the ball rolling, but the odds are seriously against them.
This guy offers an interesting perspective relating to intelligence organizations and Trump’s allies within. I appreciate his optimism and discernment -

And thanks @SummerLite for sharing earlier a video of his!
I just finished watching this, a few thoughts...

Giuliani and Powell gave good speeches and presented a quite convincing overview of the evidence. However, something became quite clear to me after one reporter (I think it was the lady from OAN) asked: "Where's the FBI?" Then it struck me: these people (Trump's little group of lawyers) have a huuuuge corrupted machinery against them, so how could they possibly succeed? Imagine, as a private citizen – as Giuliani pointed out that they are – you have the whole media, big tech, and intelligence agencies against you!

My thinking right now is that to have even the slightest chance of succeeding Trump really needs powerful allies, especially in the military and judicial branch. Imagine how different all this would be if top people from the FBI or NSA would hold a press conference saying that they are very concerned and that they are looking into this? Instead we have a small group of very brave lawyers with everyone against them. I hope they'll get the ball rolling, but the odds are seriously against them.

Please remember that Giuliani was the mayor of NYC on 9/11, so things might be a little bit more complicated.
Then it struck me: these people (Trump's little group of lawyers) have a huuuuge corrupted machinery against them, so how could they possibly succeed?
As far as I can see all the media in the world seem to have accepted that Biden won.
The American election results seems to fall in line with the Corona virus scam and this will lead to complete suppression of all voices apart from the party line.
I was also wondering one thing : on another level, is there a real protection impact provided by all those who pray for Trump ?
Well, it's getting quite interesting, isn't it?
  • The message coming through very loud and clear via MSM is that Biden WON, Trump and team are making unsubstantiated claims, and officials are insisting there was NO fraud.
  • All of the above is to pound into everyone's head that the election was legitimate and when it goes the other way, either by SCOTUS, House of Representatives, Electoral College, or legal 14th Amendment action by Trump, all hell will break loose - which may be the real objective of the PTB.
  • Because Biden and DNC know they stole the election, they are purposely rushing the result to perceived legitimacy - striking while the iron is hot! They firmly believe they can gaslight their way to victory.
  • Interesting how there's been an explosion of Covid infections/cases and subsequent upping/hyping of health order actions by officials - curfews, semi-lockdowns, travel restrictions, number of people allowed for holiday dinner, etc. It occurred to me that this is meant to keep people's mind on their personal health safety and not on any possibility that the election is/was stolen! IOW - you, the kids, and grandparents could get sick and die if you don't obey!!! Election? What election?!!
  • If you're paying attention, you can detect the uptick in Climate Change propaganda being inserted into all of this as well. Very subtle, but it's there.
  • Scads of people out to bring Trump down and remove him permanently from office, not only state/federal officials, military, and other components of the Deep State swamp, but the NWO globalists who are also 4DSTS aligned. This is now or never time and they are going to do whatever it takes to succeed.
  • The Cs have indicated help is on the way, big exposure coming, it's all going to come crashing down, and earth changes. Don't know if the "help" will include a Trump victory over the Deep State. It looks very likely there will be a major insurrection, violent and bloody according to the Cs. How will it end - ? Maybe it will be interrupted by something major - like a 10.0 earthquake in Seattle, New Madrid or Cascadia subduction zone? Wait and see.
  • For the first time in my life, I have prayed for my President - he deserves it. I saw a clip of his return from one of his last rallies before the election - he looked so tired, really beat. My heart went out to him. As he has said, it's not that they hate him, they hate you (i.e. the American people); he's just in the way! Win, lose, or draw, he deserves our support and prayers. He/we are in the fight of our lives!
The forces of light vs the forces of dark - the games have begun! 🇺🇸⚖️🗽👩‍👧‍👦🥧 are all on the line!
[last two - mom and apple pie! ;-)]
That was an excellent press meeting. Thanks for posting. FWIW, I'm still of the opinion that the hammer will come down. At the end of the day these people are nothing more then common criminals. From what I've seen, Trump has the military behind him and the American people. The fact that this is a National Emergency concerning National Security and the survival of the Republic is well known, thats significant and not to be underestimated. This election was declared a National Emergency by Trump already with his executive order. With the legal process thats being followed and seeing officials in states ignoring the law even further, they are all exposing themselves. There are Constitutional procedures in place even if this part of the legal system fails. Thats the brilliance of our Constitution where such things that are happening now where foreseen. The predators have always been with us and they're nature has been known for a long time. It's as simple as that.

Patience, patience, its hard.

A few days ago Sidney Powell said the Kraken has already been released and we're starting to see results of that. Mike Adams has this report on that. I think it looks ok, a lot of input from different, reliable sources. I did a search on Adams here and didn't find anything really incriminating. His issue maybe is being overdramatic at times without solid evidence, jumping to conclusions, perhaps.

This is interesting from the article. This guy follows flight paths/logs of the military and says that the amount of military craft in the sky right now has dramatically increased. He's keeping an eye on many sites that are known to be black sites used as interrogation centers or prisons including Gitmo and activity has increased. I'm unfamiliar with the terms he uses so these are my words.. He said just recently a craft was sent from Washington to Gitmo which may indicate a high level prisoner was being transported. He'd be a good one to follow. It's odd how this information is available.

From the article.
(Natural News) Something huge is going down in Washington D.C. and across the nation, regarding the massive, treasonous vote theft and election fraud carried out by the Democrat party in collusion with communist China.
We previously reported that Trump had replaced Mark Esper as Secretary of Defense, and he’s been cleaning house at the DoD, replacing swamp creatures with patriots who will defend America.
Simultaneously, Trump attorney Sidney Powell says the Kraken has been released. “You’re just beginning to see the signs,” she explains in a tweet:

The #Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs. pic.twitter.com/J7E5i4D4Yz
— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) November 17, 2020

What is the Kraken, exactly? We don’t know for sure, but there was an explosion in military air traffic over the last two days that has been documented by Monkey Werx (see below). Multiple sources have confirmed with us that a unit of the DoD did carry out a raid on Scytl servers in Frankfurt, Germany, gaining possession of irrefutable proof of treasonous vote rigging by the CIA.
Listen to my Daily News Update podcast from yesterday for more details on that:

We also have a video from Monkey Werx from last night, detailing the astonishing number of military aircraft in the air (over 1,000) yesterday and last night, including at least one flight from Washington D.C. to GITMO. Monkey Werks, an expert in monitoring air traffic patterns as a precursor to major political events, explained that he believed “airborne rendition” was likely taking place, which means treasonous actors are put onto airplanes and interrogated either mid-air or at various black sites across the country.
Was also wondering ... and the ones who thinks and pray for the contrary, who hate Trump ... are these "thoughts" fighting vs the good ones on another level ?
I think these thoughts of hatred only harm themselves. And the prayers and protective light sent to Trump are helpful and connect the "cause" to a higher realm.
I was also impressed by the press conference, thinking that the team of lawyers presented a convincing and succinct description of their evidence and plan to move forward. Admittedly, I enjoyed Giuliani's fierce admonishment of the biased press as well. Sidney Powell, especially, presents as a very competent and no nonsense lawyer. For the first time in awhile, I felt the patriotic juices flowing with feelings of hope for some truth to come out finally. Following, I decided to check out the reporting on the main news networks to see if they reported on it at all and also to check for accuracy. Sure enough, NBC showed a few seconds of Giuliani saying " I couldn't do that" and well out of context....really a clip from where he was telling the press he couldn't reveal the names of the many witnesses for their own protection. So, NBC produced a total misrepresentation of the facts and used the partial clip to back up their report that the Trump team had no evidence!! Having already watched the whole video I was mortified to see exactly how they manipulated the report that in no way was accurate or true! Further, out of the nearly 2 hr presentation, they found one moment to distort the facts, build their agenda while leaving the rest out entirely. And...that is how it is done! So easy.
All of the above is to pound into everyone's head that the election was legitimate and when it goes the other way, either by SCOTUS, House of Representatives, Electoral College, or legal 14th Amendment action by Trump, all hell will break loose - which may be the real objective of the PTB.
Jeep, you have nailed what is the real question for me. What IS the real objective and how high up does this go?

Is this a Lord Vader "git 'er done" where some underling has leeway to choose the methods?
Or are there specific orders to be fulfilled?
IF there IS already, effectively, a one world govt., and they are pushing all their chips in because they are racing against a deadline, what are the pros and cons for them in the 2 scenarios?

IF the ultimate objective is the one world lockstep UN agenda NWO control system government, then which achieves this quicker/more economically?

a. A Biden presidency which ushers in the new order, where he caves into all the agendas, the american people are crushed by the economic reset and maybe a false flag, BUT the USA is still "whole" (not balkanized) however half the population is pissed off as hell and armed.

b. A complete meltdown / civil war scenario where Trump wins, martial law is declared and all sorts of SHTF (DC dirty nuke?) and the UN one world gov't marches in to "save the day" and restore order.

(I keep thinking this relates to the revelations beast story where the beast sustains a wound but comes back stronger than ever)

so, IDK and while it seems either scenario would work for the PTB, I have no clue which way they will play their cards.

Right now it kind of looks like they are just trying to ramrod through their agenda in a ham-fisted way

But they have to know this is going to create massive resistance

I know...wait and see!

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