That was an excellent press meeting. Thanks for posting. FWIW, I'm still of the opinion that the hammer will come down. At the end of the day these people are nothing more then common criminals. From what I've seen, Trump has the military behind him and the American people. The fact that this is a National Emergency concerning National Security and the survival of the Republic is well known, thats significant and not to be underestimated. This election was declared a National Emergency by Trump already with his executive order. With the legal process thats being followed and seeing officials in states ignoring the law even further, they are all exposing themselves. There are Constitutional procedures in place even if this part of the legal system fails. Thats the brilliance of our Constitution where such things that are happening now where foreseen. The predators have always been with us and they're nature has been known for a long time. It's as simple as that.
Patience, patience, its hard.
A few days ago Sidney Powell said the Kraken has already been released and we're starting to see results of that. Mike Adams has this report on that. I think it looks ok, a lot of input from different, reliable sources. I did a search on Adams here and didn't find anything really incriminating. His issue maybe is being overdramatic at times without solid evidence, jumping to conclusions, perhaps.
Something huge is going down in Washington D.C. and across the nation, regarding the massive, treasonous vote theft and election fraud carried out by the Democrat party in collusion with communist China. We previously reported that Trump had replaced Mark Esper as Secretary of Defense, and he’s...
This is interesting from the article. This guy follows flight paths/logs of the military and says that the amount of military craft in the sky right now has dramatically increased. He's keeping an eye on many sites that are known to be black sites used as interrogation centers or prisons including Gitmo and activity has increased. I'm unfamiliar with the terms he uses so these are my words.. He said just recently a craft was sent from Washington to Gitmo which may indicate a high level prisoner was being transported. He'd be a good one to follow. It's odd how this information is available.
From the article.
Natural News) Something huge is going down in Washington D.C. and across the nation, regarding the massive, treasonous vote theft and election fraud carried out by the Democrat party in collusion with communist China.
We previously reported that Trump had replaced Mark Esper as Secretary of Defense, and he’s been cleaning house at the DoD, replacing swamp creatures with patriots who will defend America.
Simultaneously, Trump attorney Sidney Powell says
the Kraken has been released. “You’re just beginning to see the signs,” she explains in a tweet:
#Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs.
— Sidney Powell

November 17, 2020
What is the Kraken, exactly? We don’t know for sure, but there was an explosion in military air traffic over the last two days that has been documented by Monkey Werx (see below). Multiple sources have confirmed with us that a unit of the DoD did carry out a raid on Scytl servers in Frankfurt, Germany, gaining possession of irrefutable proof of treasonous vote rigging by the CIA.
Listen to my Daily News Update podcast from yesterday for more details on that:
We also have a video from Monkey Werx from last night, detailing the astonishing number of military aircraft in the air (over 1,000) yesterday and last night, including at least one flight from Washington D.C. to GITMO. Monkey Werks, an expert in monitoring air traffic patterns as a precursor to major political events, explained that he believed “airborne rendition” was likely taking place, which means treasonous actors are put onto airplanes and interrogated either mid-air or at various black sites across the country.
Was also wondering ... and the ones who thinks and pray for the contrary, who hate Trump ... are these "thoughts" fighting vs the good ones on another level ?
I think these thoughts of hatred only harm themselves. And the prayers and protective light sent to Trump are helpful and connect the "cause" to a higher realm.