2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

What came to mind was the story in The Wave of the woman who tied herself in her bed to successfully prevent 4D STS abduction. So the would be abductors came to the woman and offered her a deal that they would not abduct her if she untied herself. She agreed to the deal, untied herself, and the abductions continued.

I think Trump's 2016 victory was a sort of tying to the bed. Now I imagine Trump accepted some sort of deal to untie himself, only to see them break the deal immediately and resume the abductions.
@Joan I think @SOTTREADER made a good point, and didn't view his words as coming down on @Neil

I used to be constantly told to "keep yourself grounded" and it always made me red in the face. Why bother being "grounded" when I have such a vivid imagination and can fly in the stars?? I would muse...

Well, turns out those people were right. By constantly being "up there," I wasn't paying attention to what I needed to be doing "down here." And I've paid the price for that, in some cases to my physical detriment and now there are things that cannot be undone.

But as I grew more grounded, it didn't mean I let go of my ability to fly high. It just meant that there's a time for dreaming and a time for practicality. And that sometimes it IS best to focus on what's in front you, which can be very boring or mundane.

From the outside in, I'd say most people now would say I'm a very boring and mundane person. But then when you get a glimpse of what's going on underneath, there's a very lush and vivid world just waiting to be explored.

Balance is the key, not too high, not too low. Both will swallow you up if you aren't careful
What is wrong with you @ SOTTREADER do you have some aversion to traversing the realms of dreams and imagination and OOB experiences, I remember the experiences of Robert Munroe, and his well know books Journeys OOB and Far Journeys, both of which I read many years ago.

Why be so down on Neil.

You stated you deal with numbers, which strikes me, to some extent, given the educational system nowadays, you are a linear thinker.

It was later the Munroe institute was created, maybe I am wrong, with DARPA funding, using experimental psychological research.

You maybe deny the reality of of our reality, the ability of some to dream of that other reality. This is something that Shamans men and women had the ability to do for thousands of years, to interpret those messages and translate to the community. All Neil is doing is sharing his experiences. And with all messages, it's up to the individual how we translate them. All he is doing is showing another reality other than the 3D reality we are sharing at present, which is pretty dismal.

Interesting metaphor you used, the Ferrari I get the impression of a red low body car driving around, lots of show with lots of power, an illusion.

My apologies, for being off topic, moderators, please delete if this post is not appropriate.

@Joan your post is very valid and I tried my best, whilst offering @Neil advise to not come across as not having his best interests at heart. Why would I not have his interest at heart? If we're in the end game, I better bloody have his absolute best interest at heart otherwise I run the huge risk of ending up in a 4D STS reality with Bill Gates chasing me around with a needle, or a scorching earth with comets firing down from above. Given those 2 options, Neil's best interests are top of my list, thank you very much! 😆

In any case, I think you'll agree he's quite talented in some regard. Usually they say talent is a double edged sword or that it comes with a price.

@Pearce explained the price for an overactive imagination which one must learn to temper. Plus talent must be deployed towards service of some sort, otherwise it's wasted.
What came to mind was the story in The Wave of the woman who tied herself in her bed to successfully prevent 4D STS abduction. So the would be abductors came to the woman and offered her a deal that they would not abduct her if she untied herself. She agreed to the deal, untied herself, and the abductions continued.

I think Trump's 2016 victory was a sort of tying to the bed. Now I imagine Trump accepted some sort of deal to untie himself, only to see them break the deal immediately and resume the abductions.
Unless I'm mistaken, the story goes like this:

The woman, in a state of hopeless desperation, wound herself tightly up in a ball of string so that when she was abducted, it annoyed her abductors who had work to do on her body. (I guess teleporting people out of tight fitting materials presents a challenge? Seems unlikely, but whatever. Maybe it was the military doing it. There are lots of stories of pajamas being put back on inside out.)

Anyway, they bargained with her to stop. They said they would not stop abducting her. That option wasn't even on the table, but she made them promise to not be so scary. They, of course, continued as before.
Was imagining yesterday a cartoonish state of Texas 'putting it in reverse' and backing out of the union. Is DT really in Texas and what does that mean? They have their own power grid. They were once their own country. And didn't they repatriate all of their gold, or did that not happen? Probably doesn't help I started rewatching "Jericho" a few nights ago.
My impression of pence is of a smarmy man, never a hair out of place, like some helmet placed of his head, never really smiling or animations when he was trucked behind Trump, like some stony face statue, Never interacted with other members of the group, but his eyes were everywhere. Was he just an NPC player, just animated with a character role.

Ah! who knows, as other commenters on the forum on other threads, there is a hyperdimensional feel to all this scenario.
Was imagining yesterday a cartoonish state of Texas 'putting it in reverse' and backing out of the union. Is DT really in Texas and what does that mean? They have their own power grid. They were once their own country. And didn't they repatriate all of their gold, or did that not happen? Probably doesn't help I started rewatching "Jericho" a few nights ago.

Not only that, but Texas is host to some of the nation's biggest solar farms, two of which I helped install security and fiber optics for. The kicker - up to 80% of that energy is sent to the Northeast region and then directed to the rest of the nation. If Texas goes, so does a LOT of the power to the rest of the United States. Just sayin'... 😏
I'm seeing the Communist talk already starting on FB. -Where it's only 'safe' to comment if you're 100% with the program. They've got the psychology of their dark feng shui worked out just so.

-With talk of "Trumpism" being tossed about with abandon, and what to do about it, etc.

The interesting thing I noted is that the people who talk with the strongest voices on FB, who are completely down with the Covid story and the medical establishment, and who are strident about the evil of the Trump cult, etc., who are most sanctimonious and stuffily assured of their superiority and correctness, are also some of the most broken people, whose lives I have witnessed over many years, decades in some cases, have been littered with failure (and often humorously) tragic decisions and poor judgement.

Now is their time to shine! They are inheriting all the power, they are the agents of Zuckerberg in a way, and if their past stories are any indicator, then they will invariably make more tragically awful decisions which lead to disaster.


Niel! I hear you, man! Holy cow, do I hear you!

I also had a dumb dream. It's actually interesting enough to share:

I dreamed I was lying in my bed, lying in the actual bed I really do sleep in, leading me to believe I was experiencing reality and not a dream. -I'm pretty good with dreams these days, so this was perhaps a sneaky way for my unconscious to trick me into taking everything seriously, which I did.

A wild skunk had somehow got inside! It was at my bedroom door! Brown and short furred and skunky. I was super afraid of being sprayed by stink juice! -Not of being bitten or anything, mind you. But I was deathly afraid of being skunk sprayed and maybe getting a disease.

Except I was too tired to get up and shoo it out. Instead, I lay there and just hoped it would go away.

Then the thing climbed up on the end of the bed. I was thinking, "Damn! I don't want to get sprayed by that thing. Or clawed. Do skunks have claws? I'm sooooo tired. Maybe if I stay real still it will go away."

But it didn't go away. In fact, it crept up and then snuggled up by my head! So what did I do? I lay real still and pretended to be asleep. I began fake snoring.

It worked, (I guess). The skunk also began snoring, for real. But it's little feet started twitching like crazy, like how dogs do sometimes in their sleep. And the bugger DID have little claws and they were scratching at me. I really, really didn't want to get sprayed, so I jimmied some blanket up between its little claws and my skin.

Then I realized, "This is completely intolerable and ridiculous. Get up and deal with that thing!" -At which point I woke and realized it was a dream. But the feeling of deep sadness and depression didn't go away; the wrong emotions for the circumstances of a skunk in bed, but perhaps appropriate ones for living at the dawn of a communist empire.

Then as I was stumping off to the washroom, I realized something else...

Skunks don't come in brown fur. That thing was a Canadian Beaver.

Then all the psychology thundered down on me. (I live in Canada).
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