2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Lex Fridman interviews Donald Trump.

0:00 - Introduction
1:09 - Psychology of winning and losing
3:51 - Politics is a dirty game
5:28 - Business vs politics
8:04 - War in Ukraine
9:53 - Kamala Harris interview on CNN
10:36 - Trump-Harris debate
13:33 - China
15:47 - 2020 election
24:03 - Project 2025
24:52 - Marijuana
27:13 - Joe Rogan
30:54 - Division
41:36 - Power
43:36 - UFOs & JFK
44:16 - Jeffrey Epstein
45:55 - Mortality and religion

47:25 - Lex AMA
Correct me if I’m mistaken, as I haven’t listened yet, however I couldn’t help but notice the absence of Israel and/or the Palestinians in the chapter markers.
I think it depends on how much their election rigging relied on the covid mail-in ballots.

Considering they rigged it in 2016, just not by enough, they're not exactly limited to the same conditions. So while the mail-in ballots may be an issue they have to deal with it's not something that limits their ability to predetermine the results.

The current attempt at "mpox" hysteria again just before the election suggests that they want to play that card again.

It's not novel or scary enough to work as a new pandemic, though. Too many people already know that it's been around awhile, mostly affects promiscuous gay men, and so forth.

The scaremongering of monkeypox is probably just to keep people in a state of psychological distress.

There is also the question whether Trump made some sort of deal with the PTB this time. His closeness with the Blackrock and JP Morgan CEOs, in addition to Musk, may be a sign that at least parts of the deep state may be okay with him.

TPTB seem to be doing literally everything they can to prevent the man from taking office. It stands to reason, then, that if they're doing literally everything they can to keep him out, including attempted assassination, then having him win the election is probably the last thing the real power players want.

They'll work with what they got if they have to, but only if there's no way around it. And they're desperate to find a way around it.

To that end, the lawfare stuff isn't just about keeping him out. If they can use it to keep him off ballots or get him prison then great. But even though these avenues aren't working out the process is still creating optics that are sufficiently conducive to substantiating the next big steal.

Both RFK jr and Tulsi also seem to be controlled to some degree, not just by the Zionist lobby. The seemingly amateurish attempt on Trump's life seems to have come not from the very top of the PTB, but one of the lower layers.

I'd recommend going back over the recent session.

It's not that the top brass didn't want him dead. It was that they realized they couldn't kill him. They couldn't call the whole thing off though so instead they removed their contingencies and let it get bumbled.

This isn't a situation where the upper brass want him in and the lower ranks don't know it or want him out. They're on the same page, more or less.

Another reveal on Harris (and a possible alternative outcome of the election)

Your first tweet is fake news, your second tweet is okay, your third tweet was a good one to share and it was good of you to share the timestamps, and your last tweet isn't relevant to this thread.

Please remember to be careful with your tweets, Ca.

Same here, although... do you think it would be more outrageous this time? that is the sense I am getting this time around, last time Trump did not have the momentum he has right now, so there was a plausibility to the rigging that I am not sure they have this time around.

I suspect the steal will be more blatant, yes. Not intentionally, though. As a consequence of yet again underestimating Trump's appeal and overestimating Harris'.

The plausibility will be less because it will have been the second time they used obvious funny business to get their preferred result and more people are awakening to these shenanigans. However, I wouldn't expect anything to come of it except more of what came before.

Another possibility involves the massive numbers of illegal immigrants which have been brought in since Biden's been in office. Who were they, how many were there, where did they go, and how will they vote?

These are important questions as this is a big enough block, I think, that if they all go Harris in the right locations then TPTB could potentially steal the election "legitimately". However, there's no certainty that they will all go Harris as non-insignificant numbers of other traditionally Democrat voters are switching their votes to Trump because they don't agree with what's happening. It's up in the air.

These are, I think, the two most likely scenarios. I'm leaning more towards the immigrant vote not playing a big enough role and requiring the PTB to boost Harris' numbers in the middle of the night, but I can also see it not being necessary.
The NYT has always been a rather liberal publication, kind of a gatekeeper of sorts, for them to turn on Kamala, well... it's refreshing but I know that these publications don't just grow a conscience, so I always default to the contrivance angle, something's changing and Kamala is perhaps now being set up to loose?
This is strange.....so out of character for the NYT. What are they up to? We're in the realm of demented circus and unexpected, bizarre contortions arise that are hard to understand and predict for the "normal" mind. Some say Waltz may be replaced as well. It looks to me like they're loosing on every front and I expect that will continue. I've thought for years events will be created to postpone the election which leave the Dems in charge for some time. More speculation is, Biden will be gone as POTUS and Harris takes over. This sets things up for postponing the election with their person in place. If Trump where to win all hell breaks loose until he takes office then more hell as they continue riots and lawfare. They could loose the presidency but keep Congress and the Senate. It's a guessing game at the moment.

I expect those votes by illegals will come into play and be contested. 🤪
Considering they rigged it in 2016, just not by enough, they're not exactly limited to the same conditions. So while the mail-in ballots may be an issue they have to deal with it's not something that limits their ability to predetermine the results.
The C's said that it was 'very bad juju' to mass violate free will with the stolen election back in 2020. This time the 'very bad juju' may be even bigger if they steal the election again.

According to the latest session, the assassination was stopped because it would have been a mass violation of free will:

Q: (Joe) And... but it was changed to avoid mass violation of free will. And who made the decision to change the program?

A: Quorum.

Q: (Joe) Right. So they had a good think about it, and thought it was a bad idea.

A: Violations of free will on that scale are similar to violations of gravity in your realm.

And Laura mentioned:

(L) It's like Ra said, you know? If they go against the free will of humanity, STS gets degaussed.

Do they want to essentially weaken themselves and causing 'very bad juju' for themselves by mass violating free will again?

Maybe part of the program change is to let Trump win and try to make him a puppet like before? Maybe mass violations of free will were allowed before, but not anymore? Or maybe it was just in this particular case of the assassination attempt.

When they reset the system (which seems likely in the next 4-5 years), they will need a fall guy to blame the collapse on - so that their "solutions" (like the programmable central bank digital currencies for total control) will be accepted.

They may have planned to blame everything on Russia/China/Iran ("WW3" or a massive false flag cyberattack that takes out the financial system) or by releasing an actually lethal virus. So Trump as fall guy may not even be necessary.
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This is strange.....so out of character for the NYT. What are they up to?

I wouldn't read too much into this. Those publications are all still fully onboard the Harris train.

Keep in mind that the articles came out around the time of the nomination and a convention that was quite cringe-inducing. It's hardly surprising that some people with a couple of brain cells recognized how cringe the whole spectacle was and would criticize her campaign and so forth as a result.

The essential thing is that it's too late for any serious shake-ups, legally speaking. They can't get rid of Harris and that wasn't the point of the articles.

We're in the realm of demented circus and unexpected, bizarre contortions arise that are hard to understand and predict for the "normal" mind. Some say Waltz may be replaced as well. It looks to me like they're loosing on every front and I expect that will continue. I've thought for years events will be created to postpone the election which leave the Dems in charge for some time. More speculation is, Biden will be gone as POTUS and Harris takes over. This sets things up for postponing the election with their person in place. If Trump where to win all hell breaks loose until he takes office then more hell as they continue riots and lawfare. They could loose the presidency but keep Congress and the Senate. It's a guessing game at the moment.

People seem stuck on this idea that Harris is going to get replaced and I really don't understand why. They literally have a walking corpse as president and went in to the debate pronouncing his greatness.

Camel-duh, for all her faults, exceeds the minimum necessary requirements of having a pulse and possessing the ability to speak partial sentences. Combine this with the fact that she's incredibly stupid and you've got a perfect Deep State candidate.

Why would they want to get rid of her when they can control her and know the election result will be what they want?

I expect those votes by illegals will come into play and be contested. 🤪

As they should be.

The C's said that it was 'very bad juju' to mass violate free will with the stolen election back in 2020. This time the 'very bad juju' may be even bigger if they steal the election again.


Do they want to essentially weaken themselves and causing 'very bad juju' for themselves by mass violating free will again?

Wishful thinking is and will be their undoing.

Maybe part of the program change is to let Trump win and try to make him a puppet like before?

If the plan is to let Trump win, they're sure fooling me.

Maybe mass violations of free will were allowed before, but not anymore? Or maybe it was just in this particular case of the assassination attempt.

Abridging free will is possible but as noted comes with a cost. The assassination attempt was a step too far and that's why it wasn't successful. TPTB think they can keep pushing the envelope and remain in control. But as the C's said the more they push for control the more people they wake up.

When they reset the system (which seems likely in the next 4-5 years), they will need a fall guy to blame the collapse on - so that their "solutions" (like the programmable central bank digital currencies for total control) will be accepted.

As it stands, it looks most likely that Putin is going to be the person blamed for the collapse.

They may have planned to blame everything on Russia/China/Iran ("WW3" or a massive false flag cyberattack that takes out the financial system) or by releasing an actually lethal virus. So Trump as fall guy may not even be necessary.

Precisely. They set China up to be the fall guy for Covid. They can do the same thing when the time comes for whatever they have planned next.
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Regarding the violation of free will by rigging the 2024 election, here's another way of looking at it. They already did that in the previous election, and a significant proportion of the population chose, of their own (albeit limited, due to lack of knowledge) free will to accept the lie. In most cases, probably because their team won so there wasn't too much point in worrying about it. They then doubled down on this delusion throughout the events of January 6th, the fallout from it, and all the uncovering of evidence we now have of what has actually happened.

So maybe I'm being too cynical, but it seems like a lot of people have sent the signal that election rigging is ok. That's not to say that all the other factors, like the reaction of those who don't accept it, or the actions of the deep state once they've won, won't result in some serious backlash.

Now that I've written that, I'm not so sure I can even see the difference! Rig election, face consequences, possibly lose control. Perhaps that is the mechanism by which the violation of free will is addressed.
I read a comment a while back on SM stating that it was unconstitutional for the Dems to put Harris in position when Biden pulled out because if the sitting president pulls out after the primaries, they're supposed to replace him with the candidate that has the next highest vote in the primaries. I'm not sure of the truth of that statement. When I search on the matter there is a bunch of fact check articles basically stating that they can put Harris in the hot seat, but fact checkers aren't always working for truth.

In any case while I was looking into the above, I came across two different wiki pages reporting the results of the primaries.

In the first one, Harris only gets one mention - she got .03% of the vote in Vermont. After Biden the highest votes at the primaries were for Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson, and Jason Palmer and they all withdrew. A bit suss. Seems by this page that not even the Dems liked Harris that much.

In the second one, Harris gets 66 mentions and her campaign pictures are pretty much front and centre.

Had a thought when reading that Russia prefers the Dems. Since they were accused of election interference when Trump was elected in 2016, maybe they don't really like the Dems, but they're getting ahead of the game to show favour for the Dems should they be accused of election interference again. Since the west has worked hard to demonise Russia in the minds of the people, perhaps the Russians feel that a show of support for the Dems will be detrimental to the Democratic campaign. The other thought is that with all the lawfare being committed against Trump, perhaps the Russians don't feel that Trump has a snowballs chance in hell of being re-elected and therefore a Democratic presidency is more predictable, though not necessarily the best option. IOW they're planning for the worst, hoping for the best and getting ready to take whatever comes.
These are, I think, the two most likely scenarios. I'm leaning more towards the immigrant vote not playing a big enough role and requiring the PTB to boost Harris' numbers in the middle of the night, but I can also see it not being necessary.
They have tried this in the past, with the contras of Nicaragua, but all the people they were trying to train ended up escaping. I suspect that a lot of these migrants, if they're relied upon to vote, would simply not vote. So perhaps, it'll be simply a matter of getting them registered and have someone else vote on their behalf. All they need is a name and an address.
Your first tweet is fake news, your second tweet is okay, your third tweet was a good one to share and it was good of you to share the timestamps, and your last tweet isn't relevant to this thread.

Please remember to be careful with your tweets, Ca.
Why do you think it's fake? It's their Opinion from a financial standpoint. Ok, thanks for the recommendation on the third tweet.
I also think the most likely scenario for what they are attempting for November is simply another rigging scheme, this time for Harris. There might be a number of considerations that make this quite a bit more risky than the last time though:

- The upcoming debates between Trump and Harris.

- The assassination attempt.

- Trump probably enjoys the highest support level right now, quite a bit higher than in the prior two elections.
Why do you think it's fake? It's their Opinion from a financial standpoint. Ok, thanks for the recommendation on the third tweet.
Under that Xpost is a community note. It says "The site which first generated this fake video, purporting to be news, with the domain "kbsf-tv[.]com" was first registered on August 20, 2024." There is more info in the community note.

Community notes are not always correct but it appears that indeed that video is fake.
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