2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

Maybe they let Biden do this so he can be replaced. Cuz the drugs aren't working so far. If you're a Dem this is a trainwreck. Trump is winning so far and it's not close.
That is why the moderators were pretty fair and even handed...they want Joe to crash so he can be replaced easier. Newsom is in the bullpen ...will Harris be on the ticket is the question. I dont think so, no one likes her.

If they cant stop DT from winning, they may go to plan B which is let it all come crashing down (forcing it down in every way possible) and blame him for it. Of course all the same people will believe he is to blame, since they want to jail him for misdemeanors that no one would ever be charged with....falsifying business records??? I think you could put everyone in jail for that one....name another politician or high profile name ever charged with that before? You cant.

Its a giant sht sandwich that we are all going to have to eat no matter what happens in November.

4D cant get here soon enough.
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Right, but here's the thing. Newsom is probably the most disliked governor in the country! :lol:
Thats true, but CA is already baked in the cake, nothing can stop those electors from going to the democrat.

Hes also the smoothest talker, has those movie star looks and award winning smile...and can actually speak words we all understand. Its like a miracle, they would get behind him 1000% ....it must be exhausting to support this crooked, lying, hair sniffing, woman and children groping puppet.

That all said, Newsom is as polished a liar as ive ever seen. His interview with Hannity is a must see to understand the danger that lurks with this man. He can look you dead in the eye, with a smile and tell you its warm on the moon. The media will love running cover for him, he will give them the boost they need, very few dems want Biden to run.
It is quite clear that the PTB are pushing that Biden did a really bad job at the debate. That angle isn’t just pushed hard in US media but also in german mainstream media. The question is, for what purpose?

I‘m pretty sure that they don’t want Trump to screw up their plans even more by becoming president again (no matter if they think they can manage him, which I don’t think they will count on (too risky)). If that is the case, one really has to ask what the plan is.

I wouldn’t put it past them that they basically want to show all Americans/Westerners what they think of them in the open: That they are stupid underlings with which they can do whatever they want. If so, they will probably push Biden in the seat again and pretty openly rig stuff in order to do so. Kind of the sick pleasure psychopaths get from demeaning people.

If they are not that crazy/brazen, what other options do they have? Kill Trump? Quite risky, if they want to keep up the democratic facade. But if they don’t want to do that anymore (as suggested in the szenario above) and even come out in the open with the opposite, they might do it.

Get Biden replaced? By whom? Clinton? Maybe.
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If they do replace him it, the dems have TDS and “vote blue no matter who”. No one liked this bumbling fool but he somehow “won”, so I have a feeling that the PTB are probably confident they can pull off a win with just about anyone now. Especially given they had 4 years with dems in power with even more time to engineer a more complete election rigging process that may be less detectable than delivering truckloads of mail ballots at 3am etc. A crisis that suspends the election might not last and may not be as predictable. So my guess is they’re confident they can get just about anyone in, and controlling Trump is their plan B. Crisis, unless it is a very very big one that would take years to resolve (and in which case the situation would be volatile and hard to predict anyway), is too temporary of a solution. My guess is the real crisis will be saved for bigger fish - geopolitical, or CBDC’s being ready for mass implementation, or some other thing that fits into plans. But using up a good crisis for a basic 4-year thing like an election would be a waste - cuz you don’t get too many crises before people think something fishy is going on. Save it for when it counts. They will be good with a dem or Trump this time around is my guess.
My guess is also that they had Biden do the debate so that this handlers could show that he is not fit to run. And, they will now find a replacement. Whether it be Hillary or Newsom or some other totally disgusting person, we will just have to wait and see.
Maybe. And maybe they gave him a placebo pill instead of the usual ‘cocktail’ since whatever he took didn’t seem to work at all. The glossy staring eyes and pumped up aggressive demeanor from the adressing the nation (or whatever it’s called) occasion was nowhere to be seen.
My guess is also that they had Biden do the debate so that this handlers could show that he is not fit to run. And, they will now find a replacement. Whether it be Hillary or Newsom or some other totally disgusting person, we will just have to wait and see.

"Biden is a good man, but he's not well" narrative pushed by the media to justify it was :rolleyes: 🤢 I think they already have the replacement though.
Option A
1. Replace Biden.
2. Rig the election (with the help of illegal aliens).
3. Handle chaos, if any (without the help of illegal aliens).

Option B
1. Replace Biden.
2. Don't rig the election.
3. Compromise Trump and use him to lead people astray.

Option C
1. Don't replace Biden.
2. Take out Trump.
3. Earth Changes. :lol:
Maybe. And maybe they gave him a placebo pill instead of the usual ‘cocktail’ since whatever he took didn’t seem to work at all. The glossy staring eyes and pumped up aggressive demeanor from the adressing the nation (or whatever it’s called) occasion was nowhere to be seen.
There are those who say that after the intermission, it seems that he came back with "another dose" in his body... he seemed a little different for a few moments but even that wasn't enough, it could be that the methamphetamine no longer works for him-it didn't work for him. for some reason or they simply didn't drug him this time to leave him exposed and thus have reasons to get rid of him.
Seems like a well organised show, the whole set up. Trumps, long gone as the great hope to save the nation but it's clear that Bidens time is now limited.
My feeling is Trump will be allowed to win the presidential election. Then him as the commander in chief, the shit will hit the fan which will probably come in a myriad of ways.
I felt, in the TV debate that Biden was no different than what we've witnessed for the last few years. The scary thing I thought was the tweet from Joe, with psycho Jill cheering him on. Seriously weird but the USA is in serious trouble
Just started to watch it. Anyone noticed that there was no audience? My best bet is that this is because they didn‘t want people to hear/see that Trump is applauded and agreed upon by large portions of the audience (people in America). I guess at this point they are finding it hard to even get enough people in there safely who would agree with Biden. Even lefty types. The fact alone that they choose no audience strongly suggests to me that they don’t want Trump to win. Therefore the options of what they can do to archive that are probably quite limited.
Just started to watch it. Anyone noticed that there was no audience?
To me no audience hurt Biden more than Trump. They could have packed the room with lefties who applauded Biden and gave him time to compose thoughts/words. As it was, the silence when he trailed off or just outright stopped speaking before his time was up could not be ignored. Meanwhile Trump used all his allotted time and then some.
Maybe. And maybe they gave him a placebo pill instead of the usual ‘cocktail’ since whatever he took didn’t seem to work at all. The glossy staring eyes and pumped up aggressive demeanor from the adressing the nation (or whatever it’s called) occasion was nowhere to be seen.
IDK. I thought the rapid rate of his ability to motor-mouth was showing the effects of some form of amphetamines. I was actually amazed by how well he held it together. From an absolute objective point of view, sure, I’d give him an F. But from a strictly Biden perspective I’d give him at least a C+. And I thought he did show flashes of the angry old man syndrome, at times. It must be an interesting drug cocktail. And they have had plenty of time to perfect it. I picture Gordon Ramsey in a lab coat, “needs a pinch more Meth”.
Option A
1. Replace Biden.
2. Rig the election (with the help of illegal aliens).
3. Handle chaos, if any (without the help of illegal aliens).

Option B
1. Replace Biden.
2. Don't rig the election.
3. Compromise Trump and use him to lead people astray.

Option C
1. Don't replace Biden.
2. Take out Trump.
3. Earth Changes. :lol:
Well we are talking 4D ascension, so I think we need another option. (This might be a modified B. Not sure if you mean the Biden replacement is the winner or not)

Option D: the Trump has already sold out, they let him win. The left has an epic cow. The right is massively disillusioned as the country continues to rapidly descend into hell and their hero is blamed and cast to the ground. Everybody else gets crushed too in the bargain.
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