5th of November - V For Vendetta Day!


:v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v:

Just watched it. Hope you all get a change to see it too.
Hehe, like every year, it's my birthday and watching this movie is what I do every year. :D :D
Happy :v: for Vendetta day all! I just finished watching it- I hadn't seen it in its entirety before. I found it interesting that the virus they were testing had the effect that it did:

September the 18th: There is one case that continues to give me hope. He exhibits none of the immune system pathologies that the other subjects developed. I've discovered several cellular anomalies in his blood that I've been unable to categorise. The mutations seem to have triggered the abnormal development of basic kinesthesia and reflexes.

And happy Birthday Dawn :D
Have a great :v: V for Vendetta day all! I will see the movie tonight if possible, if not, I will see it tomorrow.

November 5th always comes fast for me. Last year I was a week late in watching V. But I'll probably get a chance to watch it tomorrow. Happy Birthday Dawn! :v:
watched for the nth time. So relevant and exciting. Fire works(comets) for a new beginning and for new generation. Thanks for reminder.
Happy V Day to ALL!
Scheduled to view the flick (once again :D) tomorrow evening.
Good night! :cool2:
Gandalf said:
anart said:
We have it in the dvd player, set to go for tonight. :v:

We watched it yesterday night. :v: :v: :v: :v: :v:
Ditto, with fireworks exploding at Bonfire Night parties in the neighbourhood. What an excellent accompaniment to an outstanding film - the highlight of the year. :v:
Happy Belated V-day, everyone!


I just found this video of a group called Anonymous who used the Guy Fawkes mask and partially the message of V from the movie a year ago to urge people to go to their courthouses this year on the 5th of November because of the NDAA. I did a few searches on two different search engines with no result or even indication that further research - or trying even more search engines - might turn something up. But if anyone heard of any protest of even a small group of people that were actually motivated to do this because of this group, I'd like to hear what happened.
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