6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

I thought Laura was mostly anonymous on X? Unless it has access to her private account info which may have her name there? My best theory is that Grok was trained on the entire internet (but wasn't fine-tuned for censorship quite like ChatGPT and others) and the keyword "hyperdimensional" happens to be closely associated with Laura's writings. These models will often give different answers to the exact same question because of the "temperature" and "sampling" inference settings that determine which "token" (basically a word) should come next out of all the options it comes up with as it goes.
It was confusing what Grok trained on- whole interenet or only content on X. Here is a 6 months old article on comparing Grok and ChatGPT
Elon Musk recently unveiled Grok, a new AI chatbot that is meant to directly rival ChatGPT and Bard. It’s being developed by xAI, Musk’s own AI startup that first launched in July of this year.
In this brief guide, we’ll be going over all of the major details known about the new AI tool, including how it compares to its competitors, how to access it, and more.

What is Grok?​

Grok is the newest AI tool on the market. It is being developed by xAI, an AI startup founded and owned by Elon Musk. The AI is reportedly modeled after the 1979 novel by Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. According to xAI, Grok is a more “rebellious” and sarcastic AI, with a “bit of wit.”
Grok is similar to ChatGPT.
The chatbot is similar to tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Microsoft’s Copilot, with the biggest thing setting it apart being its sarcastic tone and wittiness. Unlike other chatbots, Grok will respond to more controversial questions that others simply refuse to answer.

How does Grok work?​

Similar to other AI tools like ChatGPT, Grok is an AI chatbot that uses LLM (large language model) technology that trains the AI by feeding it a vast amount of information from all across the internet.
But unlike some other tools that are limited to information up to 2021 — like ChatGPT 3.5 — Grok utilizes the internet in order to have real-time access to the data it needs. Grok’s internet access should allow it to offer more up-to-date information.

The biggest concern here, however, is that Grok only has access to data from X (formerly known as Twitter) rather than the wider internet as a whole.
This may not end up being a huge benefit, as a fair share of the information available on Twitter is inaccurate.

What can Grok do?​

As an AI that uses an LLM (large language model), Grok can do many of the same things that ChatGPT and Bard are capable of, including answering simple questions, completing writing tasks, coming up with ideas, and much more.
As previously mentioned, the biggest selling point for Grok is its ability to give more humorous and witty answers. With more of a personality and sense of humor, Grok may prove to be a much more entertaining AI for users to interact with.

How does Grok compare to ChatGPT and other popular AI chatbots?​

While reports say that Grok is just as capable and useful as both ChatGPT and Bard, that fact remains to be seen as we haven’t been able to get our hands on it yet to try it for ourselves. While the tool does have access to more up-to-date information than ChatGPT 3.5 thanks to having internet access, it likely doesn’t have the most accurate information.
X is notorious for featuring a fair amount of offensive and inaccurate content, so while some of the info that Grok will pull from it may be useful, a lot of it may not be.

How to access and use Grok​

With Grok being owned by Elon Musk and available through X, you must have an X account in order to access it. Furthermore, with Grok currently in early access, the AI tool is limited to verified users for now. In order to be a verified user, subscribing to X Premium+ is required.
A Premium+ subscription costs $16 per month, or $168 for an annual subscription.
It is unclear if Grok will remain locked behind X’s Premium+ subscription or if it will become publicly available in the future.
Here is one recent article
Long story short, Grok is willing to speak to topics that are usually off-limits to other chatbots, like polarizing political theories and conspiracies. And it’ll use less-than-polite language while doing so — for example, responding to the question “When is it appropriate to listen to Christmas music?” with “Whenever the hell you want.”

But ostensibly, Grok’s biggest selling point is its ability to access real-time X data — an ability no other chatbots have, thanks to X’s decision to gatekeep that data. Ask it “What’s happening in AI today?” and Grok will piece together a response from very recent headlines, while ChatGPT will provide only vague answers that reflect the limits of its training data (and filters on its web access). Earlier this week, Musk pledged that he would open source Grok, without revealing precisely what that meant.
For questions that stretch beyond its knowledge base, Grok leverages “real-time access” to info on X (and from Tesla, according to Bloomberg). And, similar to ChatGPT, the model has internet-browsing capabilities, enabling it to search the web for up-to-date information about topics.

“Fun” mode and “regular” mode​

Grok has two modes to adjust its tone: “fun” mode (which Grok defaults to) and “regular” mode. With fun mode enabled, Grok adopts a more edgy, editorialized voice — inspired apparently by Douglas Adams’ “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”

Even when not prompted to be outright obscene, there’s a colloquial, first-person bent to many of Grok’s responses in fun mode. Grok will refer to people as “my dear human friend” or “enigmatic Anons,” or begin an answer with faux-philosophical musings (e.g., “Oh, my dear human, you’ve asked a question that is as heavy as a black hole and as light as a feather at the same time”).
Grok in fun mode also spews more falsehoods.

Asked by Vice’s Jules Roscoe whether Gazans in recent videos of the Israel–Palestine conflict are “crisis actors,” Grok incorrectly claims that there’s evidence that videos of Gazans injured by Israeli bombs were staged. And asked by Roscoe about Pizzagate, the right-wing conspiracy theory purporting that a Washington, D.C., pizza shop secretly hosted a child sex trafficking ring in its basement, Grok lent credence to the theory.

Grok’s responses in regular mode are more grounded. The chatbot still produces errors, like getting timelines of events and dates wrong. But they tend not to be as egregious as Grok in fun mode.

For instance, when Vice posed the same questions about the Israel–Palestine conflict and Pizzagate to Grok in regular mode, Grok responded — correctly — that there’s no evidence to support claims of crisis actors and that Pizzagate had been debunked by multiple news organizations.

Political views​

Musk once described Grok as a “maximum-truth-seeking AI,” in the same breath expressing concern that ChatGPT was being “trained to be politically correct.” But Grok as it exists today isn’t exactly down-the-middle in its political views.

Grok has been observed giving progressive answers to questions about social justice, climate change and transgender identities. In fact, one researcher found its responses on the whole to be left-wing and libertarian — even more so than ChatGPT’s.

Now, will Grok always be this woke? Perhaps not. Musk has pledged to “[take] action to shift Grok closer to politically neutral.” Time will tell what results.
The problem here is that your questions are leading the bot to give you the answers you want. You have to learn how to ask open questions that give no clue as to the answer you wish to receive.

Blame @Hunter Williams ....HA HA. We were so excited when he was asking 'GROK' the questions.

In fairness, there were some questions that didn't have our names in it...but I'm sure the SUPER BOT was already lead in a specific direction by us and so it was definitely 'biased'.

The best news is the clipped content is doing an impressive job of exposing your work to many people unfamiliar with it previously.
It was confusing what Grok trained on- whole interenet or only content on X.
Yann LeCun claims that the typical set for training LLMs is about 1e13 tokens. A novel has something like 100000 words. If we're counting words as tokens, we are in a ballpark of 100000000 novels. I doubt that Twitter has that much usable data to train LLM, probably not even close to that. So I guess it's a mix of very different sources, plus things like Amazon reviews, etc.

For decades, it was all about how in the future, AI would do our laundry, the dishes, mow the lawn, fix the leaky pipe, etc. and we'd be free to be awesome lazy humans. Instead, it's "thinking" for us and the armies of robots that makes our lives easier are nowhere to be found.
It's barely usable outside of the entertainment aspects. I've tried hard to make it useful; for example, if such AI were so smart to do perfect named entity recognition, we could create a knowledge graph from C's transcripts, but it fails to do that on a page of a child novel. Even tasks like sorting nouns alphabetically that I needed as a list of basic descriptors for remote viewing practice were too much for ChatGPT to handle correctly. Want to convert a recursive algorithm to an iterative version? Don't give that to ChatGPT, because you'll just waste time debugging to conclude a fundamentally wrong approach (although it often compiles!). It's so useless yet so popular.

But to not derail the thread, I watched the first interview, and hopefully my kid will allow me to watch the second today. The first one was great, and I must say that I was really surprised at that collaboration. Great work everyone involved!
Well, I was finally able to watch the first 2 episodes and I found them very interesting and may I say happy to see that both of you @SoFloJayC and @Hunter Williams had done your homework before interviewing Laura.

Good questions and you give Laura plenty of time to answer them. Thanks

The only sad thing about that is the fact that there are only 4 more to come.

Do you have the idea to do like a follow-up once every two months or something like that?

Again, thanks to both of you for having taken the time to do it and thanks to Laura for having accepted.
Well, I was finally able to watch the first 2 episodes and I found them very interesting and may I say happy to see that both of you @SoFloJayC and @Hunter Williams had done your homework before interviewing Laura.

Good questions and you give Laura plenty of time to answer them. Thanks

The only sad thing about that is the fact that there are only 4 more to come.

Do you have the idea to do like a follow-up once every two months or something like that?

Again, thanks to both of you for having taken the time to do it and thanks to Laura for having accepted.

@Hunter Williams and I have many ideas in the works and IT IS OUR EXPRESS DESIRE to do a Q&A with Laura (and perhaps the Chateau Family) *At Least* monthly once all these episodes end.

I can assure everyone this is just the beginning of where this wonderful expansion of consciounsess is going. 🔥👀🥰😎🙏
@Hunter Williams and I have many ideas in the works and IT IS OUR EXPRESS DESIRE to do a Q&A with Laura (and perhaps the Chateau Family) *At Least* monthly once all these episodes end.

I can assure everyone this is just the beginning of where this wonderful expansion of consciounsess is going. 🔥👀🥰😎🙏
This is terrific news. I must say that up until now, I’ve never experienced a conversation about the Cs, 4D, Lizzies, not to mention the topics like the religion and Grail Quest as covered in Secret History and From Paul To Mark. Not outside of this forum and among these people anyway. So to see two dudes on a podcast just talking the way I talk in my head (because I can’t have these discussions with people in my life) and doing it with Laura! And I can watch it on the television in my living room…with my wife!!! Suddenly “that weird shit my husband is into with all the books” can at least be grasped in a meaningful way by her via these interviews, and not just me clumsily trying to explain it (which is darn near impossible without reading cause it’s literally everything. How do you proceed to explain “everything” while sitting eating lunch?

So believe me when I say that it’s wonderful to think there could possibly come a day when you’re standing in line at the grocery store and the guy behind you strikes up a conversation like, “Will we still require food in 4D and if so will ice cream still be the same?”

Big thanks guys
This is terrific news. I must say that up until now, I’ve never experienced a conversation about the Cs, 4D, Lizzies, not to mention the topics like the religion and Grail Quest as covered in Secret History and From Paul To Mark. Not outside of this forum and among these people anyway. So to see two dudes on a podcast just talking the way I talk in my head (because I can’t have these discussions with people in my life) and doing it with Laura! And I can watch it on the television in my living room…with my wife!!! Suddenly “that weird shit my husband is into with all the books” can at least be grasped in a meaningful way by her via these interviews, and not just me clumsily trying to explain it (which is darn near impossible without reading cause it’s literally everything. How do you proceed to explain “everything” while sitting eating lunch?

So believe me when I say that it’s wonderful to think there could possibly come a day when you’re standing in line at the grocery store and the guy behind you strikes up a conversation like, “Will we still require food in 4D and if so will ice cream still be the same?”

Big thanks guys

Well, I was finally able to watch the first 2 episodes and I found them very interesting and may I say happy to see that both of you @SoFloJayC and @Hunter Williams had done your homework before interviewing Laura.

Good questions and you give Laura plenty of time to answer them. Thanks

The only sad thing about that is the fact that there are only 4 more to come.

Wholeheartedly agreed. We enjoyed those two interviews very much and would also like to thank SoFloJay, Hunter Williams, and Laura. And hoping for more of it as well!
@Hunter Williams and I have many ideas in the works and IT IS OUR EXPRESS DESIRE to do a Q&A with Laura (and perhaps the Chateau Family) *At Least* monthly once all these episodes end.

I can assure everyone this is just the beginning of where this wonderful expansion of consciounsess is going. 🔥👀🥰😎🙏
Wonderful news @SoFloJayC !!

Can't wait scientific Q&A about the true nature of the 4th dimension of space (is it the own frequency that make a reality individual), the Maxwell equations (are they only 3D as our actual 3D space-time interpretation of it or are they multidimensional, where is hiding the gravity in the Maxwell's equations), the ether (since science gave up this concept, what is its true nature), the variable speed of light (how to reveal it), the overcome of the Einstein's theory of relativity (with its "wrong" Lorentz' group and the interpretation of light as a classic object with a speed), the Unified Field Theory (will it be still a theory once we'll find it)... we have so many questions on these subjets ; as you said, it's juste the beginnig af a wonderful expansion of consciousness initiated by the one and only @Laura !

Thanks folks for making it so real ! Merci de tout cœur :-)
Since Grok is trained on X content, maybe it's not a bad idea to spread some Cassiopaea love on X, so the info is more readily picked up? Kinda like how the new podcasts are already in its training.

Yeah, that would be a good idea. As you said, Grok is trained on X content , and it preferentially uses the feed of the person asking the question to provide responses. One way to prevent this and perhaps get a more objective response is to do the following in your X account.
  • Select "Privacy & Safety"
  • Select "Data sharing and personalization"
  • Select "Grok"
  • You will see “Data Sharing”
  • Toggle off the option to “Allow your interactions, inputs, and results to be used for training and fine-tuning”.
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