6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

PAUL, MARCOS, ABRAHAM, SARA, JULIUS CAESAR seem to have sailed on Phoenician ships.

I think Laura dances to the tune she is played, I mean, she knows how to answer any question and evade obstacles to put together the puzzle that is the history of Christianity, and in this conference / interview the music sounds as if it came from some Phoenician region .
Very interesting that Laura could write a book about the Phoenicians, I think she has enough material or she could get it, it would be extremely illustrative and could be a book with just a few pages.

Brilliant to refer to Marianne Talbert's ring shape to place Pablo and Marcos in the structure of her investigations.

Waiting for Jay's presentation of a topic that seems extremely interesting about "The truth about the creation of reality."

In min. 1.06.28 and min.1.09.39 continue to translate Seers as Sea.

Many thanks to Laura, Jay and Hunter and looking forward to the next one.

The conferences are already on you tube, right now it has 3000 views and more than 40 very good comments.

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So to see two dudes on a podcast just talking the way I talk in my head (because I can’t have these discussions with people in my life) and doing it with Laura! And I can watch it on the television in my living room…with my wife!!! Suddenly “that weird shit my husband is into with all the books” can at least be grasped in a meaningful way by her via these interviews, and not just me clumsily trying to explain it (which is darn near impossible without reading cause it’s literally everything. How do you proceed to explain “everything” while sitting eating lunch?
My wife and I watched both parts, and she said she is ready to read The Wave now.

I would so very much love to have someone who knows what they’re talking about to strip me to my bones and reveal myself to me. I’ve wasn’t ready a few years back but now, jeeze, I’d even pay someone.
You're here so you've made it to the right place.
Just more proof Laura’s research and KNOWLEDGE is legit and over the target.
Much more to come and I can't wait to hear everyone's feedback.
Thank you Jay and Hunter. You probably already read it, though if you haven't, I recommend that you read The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts: A Riveting Investigation Into Channeling and Spirit Guides by Joe Fisher. It is 1 of the books on the recommended reading list.
17.2. The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts: A Riveting Investigation Into Channeling and Spirit Guides
The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts is an account of the author's personal experiences with channeled "spirits" or "guides". It has been discussed and excerpted here. This book conveys the high risks involved in channeling, and the subtle ways that these "entities" or "spirits" can feed on the channeler(s) and those who become involved. The author himself was ultimately driven to suicide.
You're here so you've made it to the right place.
Yes to a certain extent, yet without being in direct physical company y’all will only receive my word for it, information will come through my filter and be diluted and distorted no matter how hard I try to be transparent. And what of the things I miss completely? Nuance in behaviour I can’t recognise?

I lovingly get a little voice talking me through a lot of my processes, pointing out things I might miss or could view in a different light, yet I can only receive that to the extent of my knowledge also, I’ve learned a lot from this higher/other self guidance, but I can reject just as easily as I receive.
I must give this ‘voice’ much due credit though, they’re much more in tune to me than I am.
Thank you to the three of you for this video project. Really, making videos like this, in these dark times we live in, is like light breaking through the darkness. It feels good, it gives clarity and courage. Above all, it shows us the courage of the three of you — Thank you! 💕 💗 ♥️
Clarifying a possible confusion.

When I wrote PAUL, MARCOS, ABRAHAM, SARA, JULIUS CAESAR seem to have sailed on Phoenician ships and in this conference / interview the music sounds as if it came from some Phoenician region, those are just literary figures, I should have put them in quotes ("'' ) and these thoughts are the product of the fascination that exists among many Historians, Archaeologists, and Anthropologists for that region that includes Anatolia (Turkey) Syria, Lebanon and other islands and regions of the Mediterranean in general.

Many people do not have sympathy for Turkey due to the series of conflicts it has had with its neighbors Georgia, Azerbaijan and mainly with Armenia due to what is now called Geopolitics, which is very unfortunate since it has always been known that they are regions Culturally very interesting and essential to understand the history of the Middle East and its influence on the world.

On the other hand, Mexican and foreign researchers have found many similarities between engravings and bas-reliefs found in regions of Mexico, the same as those found in the Phoenician regions, in addition to the similarities in the roots of indigenous words and their similarity with Turkish words, but this does not It has had a lot of diffusion and there was too much evidence that before the invaders came, other foreigners had already come to Mexico and also because there are too many things that are not known about Mexico, but this became evident when the government of the traitor ex-presidents arrived. when they relegated / ignored for years everything that had reference to the cultural legacy of ancient Mexico until now, which with the new technology was discovered, among other places, a city 15 km long, in the forests of southern Mexico and at the time of The traitor presidents would not have cared if it was known, because these former presidents were already developing/planning their perverse agenda of allowing another destructive invasion of Mexico, this time using Spanish businessmen, because now invasions are not done with weapons. but attacking the Economies of the country chosen to dominate it.

It is not known with certainty why or by whose orders they were planning all this against Mexico.

This nightmare has already been dismantled by President Lopez Obrador and now attention is being paid to the legacy of ancient Mexico and I hope that these cultural evidences between the Phoenicians and their arrival in these lands of America are shown as before.
I say all this to highlight how politics shows its most destructive facade, in this case against the Cultural legacy of countries.

Looking forward to the next revealing and very interesting conferences.

A lot of material to think about and also the way in which they are presented make them easy to assimilate and even more so with the interventions of the forum members.

I still think that it would be very favorable for the forum and in general for the entire public, now through the Internet, if Laura wrote something about the Phoenicians.

Thank you for your attention.
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I so 🌷LOVE🌷 that these talks are going to continue in some form. Loved the second one, blooming' magic!
6 episodes definitely does not feel enough.

I was thinking that perhaps during a future interview with Jay / Hunter, Laura could choose a chapter of The Wave and read parts intermittently; in between the excerpts there could be some discussion / exploration around the subject matter. These 'readings' would also make great 'shorts' online - accompanied by some amazing imagery. I was going to suggest this recently before I knew about the interviews - but more along the lines of just uploading an audio clip of Laura reading a chapter of (or parts of) The Wave (with interesting imagery accompanying the readings) so people might come across her work / explore it out of curiosity, follow their deeper intuition; remembering that it is Laura's voice, her frequency that has the capacity to ignite recognition in others on many levels. I was originally thinking it could be broken up into parts and released once a week, but I was unsure if that required a huge amount of work. My other thought was just a straight up podcast, with her reading parts of The Wave and maybe talking about it a little at the end of the reading.

I was also pondering that some of the future discussions Jay / Hunter have with Laura could also be based around specific books that are recommended on the Forum - books that help people SEE the reality of what is occurring on this planet from a psychology / ponorology / psychopaths / pathology perspective (or whatever issue you want to focus on). IMHO, talks about many of the recommended books on the forum could also be 'less threatening to the algorithm', than perhaps 'The Wave' and make them less likely to be repressed than talks that directly and openly address the hyperdimensional issues. Not that talks about HD should be restricted - but as an observer, I feel that creating a myriad of pathways so people can hear Laura's words, feel/tune in to her frequency, could help. Then, even if the system tries to 'repress' some talks, other discussions might still shine a light and people would still be able to tune into Laura's vibes. IMHO, people who are meant to find this massive body of work / the forum will recognise the vibration and personal frequency of Laura / the subject matter and naturally explore it if they are meant to, but the more 'breadcrumbs' dropped the more they are likely to stumble upon Laura, her eye opening words and the huge body of work she - and those closest to her - have dedicated so much of their lifeforce and energy to.

Part of the reason I suggest this is also because I feel that for some people, the hyperdimensional stuff can at first feel like it is 'too much' - but plenty of people have some kind of fundamental inherent awareness of basic psychology, what is 'normal' behaviour for a healthy human being, an internal radar that can recognise BS in politicians, that kind of thing. Many people have a natural interest in human behaviour - conscious or not. More and more people are acknowledging there is something very wrong with 'the system' and recognise that they are seeing some pretty messed up behaviour out there in the world, multiple forms of disintegration and basically a spiritual dismemberment of humanity - all carefully coordinated and orchestrated under the guise of 'inclusivity' and 'equality'. So a talk based around a variety of subjects on the forum - including health and diet could all become pathways that help more people to awaken and ultimately thrive.

In terms of The Wave series, I hope Red Pill has a lot of copies available. Sounds like you are definitely going to need them. :lol:✨
@Chu and @SoFloJayC I just wanted to let you know, I am working daily (besides my work) on the German translation of video 1 and definitely want to finish it. Hope thats it´s ok that it takes longer than I estimated.

To speed it up, if any German speaker would want to join in, that would be great. I have done now 2/3 of it, and attached it here.

It is really a great pleasure to do the translation! And also a truly transforming experience - like rereading the Wave.
These interviews are amazing ✨and I am so happy and grateful that they are done - and hopefully will continue.


  • SRT Final - Hyperdimensional Realities The Most Dangerous Idea In The World Explained By Laur...xls
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Hi All
I've watched several times the videos, and guys they're just marvelous, how the topics could be touch in a simple way, it's easy to understand Laura how explain things like the Doctrine of the present, I've read it in SHW, but I can say that until the last months, my family and I understood better the concept to be applied, and when Laura explained in the video, was like a refreshing teaching to be understood in easy way.
All about the programs and of course the Paleo Christianity information gives a new perspective of how the objective reality, hope that this information reach more and more people, since we are living very interesting times.
Thanks again! Too much to learn still:flowers::thup::cool2:
What I particularly appreciate in the interwiew is Laura's focus on her experience and understanding of objective reality to answer questions and doesn't rely too heavily on pipelines. This is a strong point that allows people to question our reality through logical and concrete reasoning within their reach. And that's a real strength. And that's how the C's proceeded, while waiting for Laura's mind to free itself from its conditioning. A gradual unlocking, in short.
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