6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

The interviews are wonderful, thank you Laura, Jay and Hunter! :flowers: In case you're interested, during a session with the C's, someone asked about Elon Musk's Neuralink:

Q: (Toronto Group) Is Elon Musk Neuralink part of planned AI and is Musk aware hyperdimensional realities?

(L) Okay, first part: Planned AI?

A: No. Musk sees it as human defense. But he is wrong because it can be easily hacked.
Thank you very much for these series of podcast. And thank you to each and everyone on the forum for all the work and all the contributions. I do not know how to contribute in an active way yet, and I am sorry I haven't found a way to actually do it. But from the botom of my heart thank you for being here and for sharing knowledge.
Another fun and entertaining interview. Thanks guys.

I find it interesting that taking substances that open up doorways to other realities or states of mind is an abridgement of ones own freewill. I wonder what else we do that’s interfering with our personal freewill. Things like unmanaged depression and suicide come to mind and on the other end of the scale inducing states of bliss and euphoria by believing lies or playing god (I did this after reading the ‘I Am Discourses’, because I wanted to learn to come and go from this reality at will).

I’d actually like to know how relevant those discourses are on the topic of create your own reality. Some very interesting things were happening to me from following the guidance in that book.

Oh and a little story about the toad. My very straight mum was a support person for someone who toked the toad juice. The woman on toad literally turned into a green toad, she felt like a toad, her face changed colour and shape and she gribbited for about 20 minutes. Everyone in the room saw it happen.
So I guess whatever state of mind was induced in the woman on toad influenced the perception of the others in the room too. May be a glimpse into the variable physicality of 4D ?
Thank you very much for these series of podcast. And thank you to each and everyone on the forum for all the work and all the contributions. I do not know how to contribute in an active way yet, and I am sorry I haven't found a way to actually do it. But from the botom of my heart thank you for being here and for sharing knowledge.
And "voila"!

You have already taken a step.
Great idea honestly.

We will do our best starting in late July or early August.

The best news is both Hunter and I will be spending time in person with Laura and the Chateau Crew in the next few months and we are eagerly excited and grateful for the opportunity.
Wonderful news !! Lucky men :-)

Can't wait to see, hear or read what emerges from this immersion in the hyperdimensional bubble "Laura, Ark and the Chateau crew". ❤️
Grateful for these interviews. Thank you Jay, Hunter and Laura!!!

Jay, I was interested to see you mention Toad (5-Meo-DMT.) I am curious about psychedelics as well. I understand the implications of abuse of any substance. However, I also would love the C's to further expand on the group as a whole. The argument that this class of medicines is not natural to the human body is understandable. However, one of the substances used in this way is DMT (in its pure form and also in Toad) which IS natural to the body. I wonder if this substance could be considered similar to melatonin? Also, psychedelics have clinical applications. Ketamine is used with an excellent track record for protracted depression and PTSD not responsive to traditional medicines (which are lacking to say the least.) MDMA has multiple studies showing clinically significant statistical correlation with treating extreme traumas and PTSD. Psilocybin used as a microdose has several studies showing it improved clinical depression and anxiety better than traditional treatments such as SSRIs and has shown to increase neuroplasticity in studies as well. Microdosing usually decreases in frequency as time progresses where many patients eventually don't even require it at some point, unlike traditional antidepressant medications. As a class, I find these substances may offer significant help in the mental health and trauma healing arenas. I am not a proponent of everyone running out and using these substances to try and treat themselves, but I am curious about their potential role in treating very difficult to treat conditions. (I also understand that depression and anxiety can result from having an unhealthy gut biome so ideally we could cure these conditions by restoring the gut, however, a healthy gut would not cure PTSD or severe childhood traumas, most likely.)
During the part of the interview about AI it was said:

Laura: But truth is irrelevant. So if you have an AI system to whom truth is irrelevant and they can be programmed that way, obviously they’re not that smart. If that AI system that Google has was that stupid, then we got a problem. That’s the interesting thing is I don’t think it’s actually that smart even though there’s very scary stuff around it.

Hunter: Jay and I have talked about this before. Do you think the AI is prepping for call it, we’ll just say fourth density. Maybe it’s reptilian, maybe it’s, you know, some other fourth density being. Do you think it’s a way because they’re not able to hold form in third density? Do you think it’s an extension arm of their invasion into this density to be able to control this density more and eventually squash humanity and squash.. That’s you know, human consciousness.

Laura: Oh, yeah….I like that idea. That’s great. I think that, it’s entirely possible because, I mean, when we were talking about the Lizzies in the 666 session, they pretty clearly said that last Tuesday, if you can get that out.

I was listening to an Iain McGilchrist interview yesterday where part of the subject matter was about AI, bureaucracy and totalitarianism and similar conclusions were come to - not directly addressing 4th density or reptilians, but kind of hinting towards 'something more' and I thought he was going to go there, but he explains it away as hubris. Finally he says 'And this is the death of everything except mediocrity and eventually collapse of a civilization.'

JB: I wanted to ask you about something else. I think we’re both fans of Mattias Desmet and his book about totalitarianism and he makes the case that we’re in a very vulnerable world where people are very anxious because their emotional states are completely aroused, therefore they’re very vulnerable to manipulation and vulnerable to be taken over almost by mass systems such as a totalitarian system. So, two questions related to that. Do you buy that, that we’re at risk of a kind of almost global totalitarianism? Number one, a techno-totalitarianism I think is the term that is being used out there? And relatedly the other question is some people view this as a kind of cabal, a conspiracy of people who are setting this up, whereas I’m more of the school that it’s not necessarily a kind of almost a cartoonish cabal as much as it’s more related to the ideas you’re putting forward which is that there is a kind of mode of thought out there that if fed sufficiently becomes overpowering and penetrates almost everything that we do. I don’t know what name to give that. Is it a force? Is it a way of thought that has force? But I see it more as it’s not disembodied, it’s part of our being and our marriage to that is what’s actually going to create this totalitarianism should it happen. But what are your thoughts about that? Which is kind of the most frightening scenario, if you wish, of the world we’re in.

IM: Well, on the first point:” do you think that the growth of AI will lead to ever tighter control approaching totalitarianism or becoming frankly totalitarian?” I think yes. It’s very hard to see how we can actually avoid this unless there’s some sort of a breakdown which means that the growth of AI itself becomes limited. I can’t imagine by what that might be. It might be by a societal collapse, it might be running out of resources that can fuel the enormously energy expensive growth of these colossal AI structures. But I do think that yes, it’s a very real threat and hard to see how to avoid it. What I don’t think, and here I would agree with you, I don’t think this is so much, I mean there may be individuals who are psychopathically interested in personal power, control and amassing wealth, I’m sure there must be such people, but I don’t think that this is either the full explanation or the main explanation. I think that it is something that is bigger than the people who think they’re controlling this. So I think the big wigs in Silicon Valley who feel like they’re bringing about something are themselves the puppets of something that they don’t fully understand. They are being controlled as much as anyone else. And it’s interesting that bureaucracy is also like this. I don’t want to waste time but I can tell you a very short story about Oxford. I gave a lecture a couple of years ago over the internet and afterwards the University of Oxford promised to pay me and I was delighted. It was a reasonably decent sum and in the old days, somebody would have put a cheque in the post, job done, and I’d have received it three days later. No, now I had to go online onto a platform and do various things and I found that it didn’t operate in the way that it should do. Never mind that there was somebody who was going to hold my hand through this process, this went on for three months. At the end of the three months the person left and said ‘but don’t worry, there’s someone else coming along who will guide you through the next step and when I got to the next step, I had to go on another platform and at the end of this I was just totally frustrated because I was offered a checklist and I had to tick something in the checklist and there were options for all sorts of things like catering, window cleaning and so on, but there wasn’t one for delivering a lecture or anything like it. Even, you know, teaching which I had thought was one of the purposes of university. So in the end I rang the university chest, which as you know is the finance department of Oxford University, and amazingly enough, and this won’t happen in the future, I got to speak to a real living human being and I said ‘It’s a bit of a nightmare this thing,’ and she said ‘Oh, tell us about it. It makes our lives so much more difficult, it’s so complicated,’ and she said ‘I don’t know what to say.’ I said ‘but I’ve got to tick some box, what do I do?’ And she said ‘Oh, tick any box and we’ll pay you.’ So I ticked window cleaning and soon the money turned up in my account. Now my reason for telling that is that it’s just a very vivid example of what I come across all the time that people in bureaucracies are driven mad by the bureaucracy itself, but yet we think that the answer to this is to have a bit more to remedy the problem with the bureaucracy and this becomes very expensive. One of the things that’s now happened, of course, is that nobody can say that we don’t need a DEI department and then people at really very handsome salaries above those of the people that they’re, as it were, managing like the actual researchers, the professors, the consultant doctors and so on, are appointed and a lot of money goes into this and then of course, the costs of running this thing become greater and so the cost of fees go up and people can’t afford the fees so universities have to recruit rich people from abroad who don’t necessarily clear the normal barriers. The whole thing begins to fragment and fall apart. In the NHS we have no longer enough money to do basic things because everything ‘s become so complicated. There’s so much admin around it. If you could cut through that, you know, it’s just everywhere. So I see that as part of the problem and it’s a bigger problem than the people who are running it, so what is it? Well I think that there is something in us that we can recognise which is a drive towards power. It’s what the Greeks call hubris. It’s the desire to be like the Gods. It’s the desire to be able to say ‘We can do anything, we can make anything.’ And this was always, of course, in Greek tragedy, this is the theme of Greek tragedy that the hero becomes hubristic and as a result there is a catastrophe, literally a downfall and this is how civilizations work, they overreach themselves, they do, they get to believe they can do anything and everything and as a result they become unwieldy, they become less creative, they become more stultified by bureaucracy and eventually they lose morale. I think that’s a very important point because one of the effects of over bureaucracy, or too great bureaucracy is that those who are subject to it’s control lose their morale. And this is the reason it’s not very hard to, why is it so hard to recruit doctors and nurses and police and military people? Because they no longer feel they’ve got any autonomy or respect for them as experts, instead they have to follow procedures set down by a sclerotic bureaucracy. And this is the death of everything except mediocrity and eventually collapse of a civilization.

Thanks once again! Will be waiting for the next installment :flowers:
Will it be available on youtube like the first two episodes?
I didn't understand why people kept saying they watched 3rd episode since it wasn't on YouTube, so I started digging into what was going on. I'm sure you found out by now, but just in case, under the post you've quoted, he mentions this:

Episode 3 will launch on Youtube at 1PM EST Sunday and then Episode 4 Monday June 3rd at 1PM EST (assuming Youtube lets me out of uploading jail).

I just started watching and found it very funny that Laura "sm🌫️ked" her camera 🤣
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