6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

I was surprised to see in the recent Q&A, Ask Catherine & the Solari Team, has also shared the first video in the series! I believe it does require a login to listen to, the segment was short at ~1hr 5min mark. There wasn't much of a comment, Fitts said it was outside of her area of expertise ("no way to prove or disprove") but she is in agreement that there is a spiritual battle that can't be seen.

May it spread little seeds of curiosity!
Grateful for these interviews. Thank you Jay, Hunter and Laura!!!

However, one of the substances used in this way is DMT (in its pure form and also in Toad) which IS natural to the body. I wonder if this substance could be considered similar to melatonin? Also, psychedelics have clinical applications.
I think the point was that inducing states of mind through avenues like smoking toad gland secretions isn’t natural, whereas melatonin is natural. But yes interesting as we have receptors for these substances therefore where do we draw the line. I read a book once a long time ago and I can’t remember what it’s called but the point of the book was learning how to activate these receptor without exogenous influences. Then there is no abridging of freewill.
I also think there must be some other attempts exerted to heal depression or whatever using natural methods like diet, exercise, cognitive therapies, detox etc well before a shortcut is made by using drugs.
For some reason my iPhone doesn’t airdrop from the website to my Android tv. When I read Jay’s post about the delay, I’d hoped he meant 1pm this past Sunday, and the next one on the 3rd, but I guess he meant both next weekend, so I guess I’m stuck watching it on my phone. I really hope those YouTube bastards let them out of “jail”. 🤬
I think the point was that inducing states of mind through avenues like smoking toad gland secretions isn’t natural, whereas melatonin is natural. But yes interesting as we have receptors for these substances therefore where do we draw the line. I read a book once a long time ago and I can’t remember what it’s called but the point of the book was learning how to activate these receptor without exogenous influences. Then there is no abridging of freewill.
I also think there must be some other attempts exerted to heal depression or whatever using natural methods like diet, exercise, cognitive therapies, detox etc well before a shortcut is made by using drugs.
Thanks for your input. DMT is naturally produced in the body as well, and is induced with DMT use (obviously) and Ayahuasca. Toad is a variant of DMT so not purely natural to the human body. Unfortunately, the usual treatments you mentioned are either not effective for some, or people do not know HOW to detox or get their guts healed properly. There is obviously a large percentage of people who wouldn't do the work even if they were given the appropriate steps to take. There are so many different people out there giving incorrect advice and the medical industry is corrupt. They DO NOT teach enough about diet to doctors in school, and what they do teach is based on what the PTB have allowed into the education system. (I know this firsthand unfortunately) I completely agree that IF people did make the changes you mentioned, perhaps they wouldn't need additional supplementation like psychedelics, but some people have been so severely traumatized that these actions alone may not help them. In addition, these substances do enable neuroplasticity which could help open those individuals up to receiving more truths. I have read of some people becoming spiritually-oriented and awakening from their journeys. Anyway, I was just curious if there was/is a place for these therapies in this regard, based on the world we currently reside in. Thank you for replying to my message. I am new to this FORUM and am so excited to meet people of like-mindedness. It's a very lonely world to be awakening to the real nature of our universe and its control systems, and have no one to share it with!! BTW a BIG thank you to Jay and Hunter as you both introduced me to Laura and The Wave Series. I am sooo grateful to you both. I have completed the Wave Series, all the transcripts, and am now well into The Secret History series. All this in about 5 weeks. LOL. I'm on a mission:-)
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Thanks for your input. DMT is naturally produced in the body as well, and is induced with DMT use (obviously) and Ayahuasca. Toad is a variant of DMT so not purely natural to the human body. Unfortunately, the usual treatments you mentioned are either not effective for some, or people do not know HOW to detox or get their guts healed properly. There is obviously a large percentage of people who wouldn't do the work even if they were given the appropriate steps to take. There are so many different people out there giving incorrect advice and the medical industry is corrupt. They DO NOT teach enough about diet to doctors in school, and what they do teach is based on what the PTB have allowed into the education system. (I know this firsthand unfortunately) I completely agree that IF people did make the changes you mentioned, perhaps they wouldn't need additional supplementation like psychedelics, but some people have been so severely traumatized that these actions alone may not help them. In addition, these substances do enable neuroplasticity which could help open those individuals up to receiving more truths. I have read of some people becoming spiritually-oriented and awakening from their journeys. Anyway, I was just curious if there was/is a place for these therapies in this regard, based on the world we currently reside in. Thank you for replying to my message. I am new to this FORUM and am so excited to meet people of like-mindedness. It's a very lonely world to be awakening to the real nature of our universe and its control systems, and have no one to share it with!! BTW a BIG thank you to Jay and Hunter as you both introduced me to Laura and The Wave Series. I am sooo grateful to you both. I have completed the Wave Series, all the transcripts, and am now well into The Secret History series. All this in about 5 weeks. LOL. I'm on a mission:-)
I do agree some people are far too traumatised or incapable, for multitude of reasons, to implement any healing modalities, even those with lots of knowledge struggle against will and subliminal programming to do the things that are most difficult - like taking proper care of ourselves. Why is that so hard?, jeeze, I fight myself everyday about it.

The C’s did say that therapeutic doses of psylocybin has benefits for some people, I’m guessing that a therapeutic dose isn’t like going on a acid trip where hundreds of tiny glowing sailboats start having a race in a violent storm on your window and you’re the captain of all the boats.
So there must be a line, doing drugs out of curiosity or to expand your awareness is certainly different to using them to heal.

Yes it’s lonely when you’re on a path that isolates you, everyone around going about their lives with their head in their bum and you have no one in person to talk to about what you’re learning. My only advice is to keep on devouring information like you have been, it’s so interesting that talking to average people about average things becomes boring, and keep up posting and communicating here on the forum. It’s comforting, at the least, to have a place to come to where the people aren’t crazy. :hug2:
I was surprised to see in the recent Q&A, Ask Catherine & the Solari Team, has also shared the first video in the series! I believe it does require a login to listen to, the segment was short at ~1hr 5min mark. There wasn't much of a comment, Fitts said it was outside of her area of expertise ("no way to prove or disprove") but she is in agreement that there is a spiritual battle that can't be seen.

May it spread little seeds of curiosity!


It is a happening my brothers and sisters!

The Wave is here for those resonant to its transformative effects!
Just finished the third installment, I could barely feel time pass by. The information was amazing and the conversation flowed rather well, it's really incredible to see how much information is packed in such a small space.

Thanks once again guys!
I do agree some people are far too traumatised or incapable, for multitude of reasons, to implement any healing modalities, even those with lots of knowledge struggle against will and subliminal programming to do the things that are most difficult - like taking proper care of ourselves. Why is that so hard?, jeeze, I fight myself everyday about it.

The C’s did say that therapeutic doses of psylocybin has benefits for some people, I’m guessing that a therapeutic dose isn’t like going on a acid trip where hundreds of tiny glowing sailboats start having a race in a violent storm on your window and you’re the captain of all the boats.
So there must be a line, doing drugs out of curiosity or to expand your awareness is certainly different to using them to heal.

Yes it’s lonely when you’re on a path that isolates you, everyone around going about their lives with their head in their bum and you have no one in person to talk to about what you’re learning. My only advice is to keep on devouring information like you have been, it’s so interesting that talking to average people about average things becomes boring, and keep up posting and communicating here on the forum. It’s comforting, at the least, to have a place to come to where the people aren’t crazy. :hug2:
Well I couldn't have said it better! Nice meeting you, Fluffy!:hug2:
Thanks for your input. DMT is naturally produced in the body as well, and is induced with DMT use (obviously) and Ayahuasca. Toad is a variant of DMT so not purely natural to the human body. Unfortunately, the usual treatments you mentioned are either not effective for some, or people do not know HOW to detox or get their guts healed properly. There is obviously a large percentage of people who wouldn't do the work even if they were given the appropriate steps to take. There are so many different people out there giving incorrect advice and the medical industry is corrupt. They DO NOT teach enough about diet to doctors in school, and what they do teach is based on what the PTB have allowed into the education system. (I know this firsthand unfortunately) I completely agree that IF people did make the changes you mentioned, perhaps they wouldn't need additional supplementation like psychedelics, but some people have been so severely traumatized that these actions alone may not help them. In addition, these substances do enable neuroplasticity which could help open those individuals up to receiving more truths. I have read of some people becoming spiritually-oriented and awakening from their journeys. Anyway, I was just curious if there was/is a place for these therapies in this regard, based on the world we currently reside in. Thank you for replying to my message. I am new to this FORUM and am so excited to meet people of like-mindedness. It's a very lonely world to be awakening to the real nature of our universe and its control systems, and have no one to share it with!! BTW a BIG thank you to Jay and Hunter as you both introduced me to Laura and The Wave Series. I am sooo grateful to you both. I have completed the Wave Series, all the transcripts, and am now well into The Secret History series. All this in about 5 weeks. LOL. I'm on a mission:-)

Here is the Cs explaining it. Melatonin does not force an alteration. The other stuff forces an alteration.
Q: I want to you have lost a fan because he was not happy with what he considered to be "internal inconsistencies" in that you were NOT favorably disposed toward hallucinations produced by substances such as Mescaline and Ayahuasca, but yet you recommend Melatonin because it is a hallucinogen. Then, you said that spiritual powers could not be obtained through chemicals or plant type means, but then said that Melatonin exercises psychic abilities. Could you comment on this?

A: Several comments: First of all, "fan" is short for "fanatic." Secondly, melatonin does not force an alteration in physiological brain chemicals, as do mescaline, peyote, LSD, etc. Accessing the higher levels of psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythms of psychic development by causing reliance on the part of the subject, thus subjugating the learning process. It is a form of self-imposed abridging of free will. Melatonin simply allows the system to clear obstructions in the brain chemistry naturally, thereby allowing the subject to continue to learn at a natural pace. And, it is by no means unimportant that melatonin is a natural body hormone. The other substances mentioned are, at least in part, synthetic, with the exception of peyote. But even that is not a natural ingredient of the human physiological being. And besides, we have already discussed the importance, or lack thereof, of those who pass judgment upon this exercise, or communication.

STO tends to do within the natural flow. STS alters.
A: STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.

So what I understand it taking melatonin is within the natural flow of the human processes, which is STO. Taking DMT and the other stuff is altering natural processes to fit the needs to self, which is STS.
So...On Melatonin and DMT. The point about DMT being endogenous really struck me yesterday and I was thinking about it. At night I decided to take some melatonin but a very low dose (about 0,2 mg) because I always feel very tired and drowsy the next day. Anyway, I ended up having the weirdest dream I have ever had in my whole life! Basically it was set in the future and I was with my kids and their dad. We ended up taking a drug in the dream and this incredible trip ensued. I was basically in a town on another planet, it was very intense and went on for what felt like hours and hours. Somewhere at the end of the dream I was asking myself what the h*ll is going on, this is so far out? But it couldn't be a dream because everything felt SO real. I then remembered that we had taken the drug, and I thought that must mean it's wearing off and then slowly I stopped tripping and we were back to the little salon where we had been offered the drug in the dream. It was SUCH a psychedelic experience, and actually would make an interesting sci-fi movie:lol:. I was really taken for a ride. For example I met my deceased father-in-law but he was actually a lizard in disguise and there was a bit of energetic fighting. Before he sort of warped into a lizard it really sounded like is voice talking to me. So that was weird. Anyway after this experience I really feel that we can go on all sorts of trips with our endogenous DMT (If that is what it was). My partner says it was the Datura plant he just planted in the backyard that was calling to me;-D
It seems to me that the important thing about such things as DMT, ayahuasca, mescaline, etc, is this: yes, there are receptors in the brain that they are able to bind with and some of them, (like DMT) are apparently produced naturally in the body. The thing is, in some cases, the drug is not exact and you may get an effect similar to that of caffeine binding with the adenosine receptors... it blocks them from receiving the adenosine and does not produce the same effect (sleepiness), and the physiological system can be knocked out of balance. In other cases, we simply do not know what conditions in the brain/body should exist in a case where such substances are produced naturally and whether some of those conditions are essential precursors for a specific end result.

Here's an interesting extract from ISOTM on the topic:

I do not remember how our talk began; I think we spoke of India, of esotericism, and of yogi schools. I gathered that G. had traveled widely and had been in places of which I had only heard and which I very much wished to visit. Not only did my questions not embarrass him but it seemed to me that he put much more into each answer than I had asked for. I liked his manner of speaking, which was careful and precise. M. soon left us. G. told me of his work in Moscow. I did not fully understand him. It transpired from what he said that in his work, which was chiefly psychological in character, chemistry played a big part. Listening to him for the first time I, of course, took his words literally.

"What you say," I said, "reminds me of something I heard about a school in southern India. A Brahmin, an exceptional man in many respects, told a young Englishman in Travancore of a school which studied the chemistry of the human body, and by means of introducing or removing various substances, could change a man's moral and psychological nature. This is very much like what you are saying."

"It may be so," said G., "but, at the same time, it may be quite different. There are schools which appear to make use of similar methods but understand them quite differently. A similarity of methods or even of ideas proves nothing."

"There is another question that interests me very much," I said. "There are substances which yogis take to induce certain states. Might these not be, in certain cases, narcotics? I have myself carried out a number of experiments in this direction and everything I have read about magic proves to me quite clearly that all schools at all times and in all countries have made a very wide use of narcotics for the creation of those states which make 'magic' possible."

"Yes," said G. "In many cases these substances are those which you call 'narcotics' But they can be used in entirely different ways. There are schools which make use of narcotics in the right way. People in these schools take them for self-study; in order to take a look ahead, to know their possibilities better, to see beforehand, 'in advance,' what can be attained later on as the result of prolonged work. When a man sees this and is convinced that what he has learned theoretically really exists, he then works consciously, he knows where he is going. Sometimes this is the easiest way of being convinced of the real existence of those possibilities which man often suspects in himself. There is a special chemistry relating to this. There are particular substances for each function. Each function can either be strengthened or weakened, awakened or put to sleep. But to do this a great knowledge of the human machine and of this special chemistry is necessary. In all those schools which make use of this method experiments are carried out only when they are really necessary and only under the direction of experienced and competent men who can foresee all results and adopt measures against possible undesirable consequences. The substances used in these schools are not merely 'narcotics' as you call them, although many of them are prepared from such drugs as opium, hashish, and so on. Besides schools in which such experiments are carried out, there are other schools which use these or similar substances, not for experiment or study but to attain definite desired results, if only for a short time. Through a skillful use of such substances a man can be made very clever or very strong, for a certain time. Afterwards, of course, he dies or goes mad, but this is not taken into consideration. Such schools also exist. So you see that we must speak very cautiously about schools. They may do practically the same things but the results will be totally different."

Then later, in discussing the Fourth Way there is this:

"In the ordinary conditions of cultured life the position of a man, even of an intelligent man, who is seeking for knowledge is hopeless, because, in the circumstances surrounding him, there is nothing resembling either fakir or yogi schools, while the religions of the West have degenerated to such an extent that for a long time there has been nothing alive in them. Various occult and mystical societies and naive experiments in the nature of spiritualism, and so on, can give no results whatever.

"And the position would indeed be hopeless if the possibility of yet a fourth way did not exist.

"The fourth way requires no retirement into the desert, does not require a man to give up and renounce everything by which he formerly lived. The fourth way begins much further on than the way of the yogi. This means that a man must be prepared for the fourth way and this preparation must be acquired in ordinary life and be a very serious one, embracing many different sides. Furthermore a man must be living in conditions favorable for work on the fourth way, or, in any case, in conditions which do not render it impossible. It must be understood that both in the inner and in the external life of a man there may be conditions which create insuperable barriers to the fourth way. Furthermore, the fourth way has no definite forms like the ways of the fakir, the monk, and the yogi. And, first of all, it has to be found. This is the first test. It is not as well known as the three traditional ways. There are many people who have never heard of the fourth way and there are others who deny its existence or possibility.

"At the same time the beginning of the fourth way is easier than the beginning of the ways of the fakir, the monk, and the yogi. On the fourth way it is possible to work and to follow this way while remaining in the usual conditions of life, continuing to do the usual work, preserving former relations with people, and without renouncing or giving up anything. On the contrary, the conditions of life in which a man is placed at the beginning of his work, in which, so to speak, the work finds him, are the best possible for him, at any rate at the beginning of the work. These conditions are natural for him. These conditions are the man himself because a man's life and its conditions correspond to what he is. Any conditions different from those created by life would be artificial for a man and in such artificial conditions the work would not be able to touch every side of his being at once.

"Thanks to this, the fourth way affects simultaneously every side of man's being. It is work ore the three rooms at once. The fakir works on the first room, the monk on the second, the yogi on the third. In reaching the fourth room the fakir, the monk, and the yogi leave behind them many things unfinished, and they cannot make use of what they have attained because they are not masters of all their functions. The fakir is master of his body but not of his emotions or his mind; the monk is master of his emotions but not of his body or his mind; the yogi is master of his mind but not of his body or his emotions.

"Then the fourth way differs from the other ways in that the principal demand made upon a man is the demand for understanding. A man must do nothing that he does not understand, except as an experiment under the supervision and direction of his teacher. The more a man understands what he is doing, the greater will be the results of his efforts. This is a fundamental principle of the fourth way. The results of work are in proportion to the consciousness of the work. No 'faith' is required on the fourth way; on the contrary, faith of any kind is opposed to the fourth way. On the fourth way a man must satisfy himself of the truth of what he is told. And until he is satisfied he must do nothing.

"The method of the fourth way consists in doing something in one room and simultaneously doing something corresponding to it in the two other rooms—that is to say, while working on the physical body to work simultaneously on the mind and the emotions; while working on the mind to work on the physical body and the emotions; while working on the emotions to work on the mind and the physical body. This can be achieved thanks to the fact that on the fourth way it is possible to make use of certain knowledge inaccessible to the ways of the fakir, the monk, and the yogi. This knowledge makes it possible to work in three directions simultaneously. A whole parallel series of physical, mental, and emotional exercises serves this purpose. In addition, on the fourth way it is possible to individualize the work of each separate person, that is to say, each person can do only what is necessary and not what is useless for him. This is due to the fact that the fourth way dispenses with a great deal of what is superfluous and preserved simply through tradition in the other ways.

"So that when a man attains will on the fourth way he can make use of it because he has acquired control of all his bodily, emotional, and intellectual functions. And besides, he has saved a great deal of time by working on the three sides of his being in parallel and simultaneously.

"The fourth way is sometimes called the way of the sly man. The 'sly man' knows some secret which the fakir, monk, and yogi do not know. How the 'sly man' learned this secret—it is not known. Perhaps he found it in some old books, perhaps he inherited it, perhaps he bought it, perhaps he stole it from someone. It makes no difference. The 'sly man' knows the secret and with its help outstrips the fakir, the monk, and the yogi.

"Of the four, the fakir acts in the crudest manner; he knows very little and understands very little. Let us suppose that by a whole month of intense torture he develops in himself a certain energy, a certain substance which produces certain changes in him. He does it absolutely blindly, with his eyes shut, knowing neither aim, methods, nor results, simply in imitation of others.

"The monk knows what he wants a little better; he is guided by religious feeling, by religious tradition, by a desire for achievement, for salvation; he trusts his teacher who tells him what to do, and he believes that his efforts and sacrifices are 'pleasing to God.' Let us suppose that a week of fasting, continual prayer, privations, and so on, enables him to attain what the fakir develops in himself by a month of self-torture.

"The yogi knows considerably more. He knows what he wants, he knows why he wants it, he knows how it can be acquired. He knows, for instance, that it is necessary for his purpose to produce a certain substance in himself. He knows that this substance can be produced in one day by a certain kind of mental exercises or concentration of consciousness. So he keeps his attention on these exercises for a whole day without allowing himself a single outside thought, and he obtains what he needs. In this way a yogi spends on the same thing only one day compared with a month spent by the fakir and a week spent by the monk.

"But on the fourth way knowledge is still more exact and perfect. A man who follows the fourth way knows quite definitely what substances he needs for his aims and he knows that these substances can be produced within the body by a month of physical suffering, by a week of emotional strain, or by a day of mental exercises— and also, that they can be introduced into the organism from without if it is known how to do it. And so, instead of spending a whole day in exercises like the yogi, a week in prayer like the monk, or a month in self-torture like the fakir, he simply prepares and swallows a little pill which contains all the substances
he wants and, in this way, without loss of time, he obtains the required results.

"It must be noted further,"' said G., "that in addition to these proper and legitimate ways, there are also artificial ways which give temporary results only, and wrong ways which may even give permanent results, only wrong results. On these ways a man also seeks the key to the fourth room and sometimes finds it. But what he finds in the fourth room is not yet known.

"It also happens that the door to the fourth room is opened artificially with a skeleton key. And in both these cases the room may prove to be empty." With this G. stopped.

Further on in the text, Gurdjieff discusses the human organism as a chemical factory which is supposed to transform one kind of matter into another:

"namely, the coarser matters, in the cosmic sense, into finer ones. The factory receives, as raw material from the outer world, a number of coarse 'hydrogens' and transforms them into finer hydrogens by means of a whole series of complicated alchemical processes. But in the ordinary conditions of life the production by the human factory of the finer 'hydrogens,' in which, from the point of view of the possibility of higher states of consciousness and the work of higher centers, we are particularly interested, is insufficient and they are all wasted on the existence of the factory itself. If we could succeed in bringing the production up to its possible maximum we should then begin to save the fine 'hydrogens.' Then the whole of the body, all the tissues, all the cells, would become saturated with these fine 'hydrogens' which would gradually settle in them, crystallizing in a special way. This crystallization of the fine 'hydrogens' would gradually bring the whole organism onto a higher level, onto a higher plane of being.

"This, however, cannot happen in the ordinary conditions of life, because the 'factory' expends all that it produces.

" 'Learn to separate the fine from the coarse'—this principle from the 'Emerald Tablets of Hermes Trismegistus' refers to the work of the human factory, and if a man learns to 'separate the fine from the coarse,' that is, if he brings the production of the fine 'hydrogens' to its possible maximum, he will by this very fact create for himself the possibility of an inner growth which can be brought about by no other means. Inner growth, the growth of the inner bodies of man, the astral, the mental, and so on, is a material process completely analogous to the growth of the physical body. In order to grow, a child must have good food, his organism must be in a healthy condition to prepare from this food the material necessary for the growth of the tissues. The same thing is necessary for the growth of the 'astral body'; out of the various kinds of food entering it, the organism must produce the substances necessary for the growth of the 'astral body.' Moreover, the 'astral body' requires for its growth the same substances as those necessary to maintain the physical body, only in much greater quantities. If the physical organism begins to produce a sufficient quantity of these fine substances and the 'astral body' within it becomes formed, this astral organism will require for its maintenance less of these substances than it required during its growth. The surplus from these substances can then be used for the formation and growth of the 'mental body' which will grow with the help of the same substances that feed the 'astral body,' but of course the growth of the 'mental body' will require more of these substances than the growth and feeding of the 'astral body.' The surplus of the substances left over from the feeding of the 'mental body' will go to the growth of the fourth body. But in all cases the surplus will have to be very large. All the fine substances necessary for the growth and feeding of the higher bodies must be produced within the physical organism, and the physical organism is able to produce them provided the human factory is working properly and economically.

"All the substances necessary for the maintenance of the life of the organism, for psychic work, for the higher functions of consciousness and the growth of the higher bodies, are produced by the organism from the food which enters it from outside "The human organism receives three kinds of food 1. The ordinary food we eat; 2. The air we breathe; 3. Our impressions. [...]

"Thus, of the three kinds of food the most important for us is impressions, although it stands to reason that a man cannot exist for long on impressions alone Impressions and air enable a man to exist a little longer Impressions, air, and physical food enable the organism to live to the end of its normal term of life and to produce the substances necessary not only for the maintenance of life, but also for the creation and growth of higher bodies. [...]

"It must be noted that the organism usually produces in the course of one day all the substances necessary for the following day. And it very often happens that all these substances are spent or consumed upon some unnecessary and, as a rule, unpleasant emotion. Bad moods, worry, the expectation of something unpleasant, doubt, fear, a feeling of injury, irritation, each of these emotions in reaching a certain degree of intensity may, in half an hour, or even half a minute, consume all the substances prepared for the next day; while a single flash of anger, or some other violent emotion, can at once explode all the substances prepared in the laboratory and leave a man quite empty inwardly for a long time or even forever.

"All psychic processes are material. There is not a single process that does not require the expenditure of a certain substance corresponding to it. If this substance is present, the process goes on. When the substance is exhausted, the process comes to a stop."
Still further, Ouspensky gives an example in the context of fasting.

Now, whether Gurdjieff really knew what he was doing when he talked about his table of hydrogens, I can't say - I have my doubts, but it does seem that he at least had learned some things from somewhere and they do seem to relate to producing special brain chemicals in the body, or, in some cases introducing them into the body.

I tend to think that if the body has a receptor then it should be able to produce the substance that binds with it and it should be our task to figure out if it is desirable and if so, how to generate it naturally. Otherwise it becomes like candy as the Cs have said:

99-06-19 ... Have we not already indicated? Knowledge is power. If we give it to you like Halloween candy, it is diffused.

98-04-18 ... Q: (A) I don't understand. For instance, if I ask for the square root of seven, why can't you answer. Don't you know or don't you want to tell me?

A: Do you know it?

Q: (A) I don't know it right off hand, but I can compute it in two minutes. Then I will know it.

A: Then there is no need to tell you, is there? ... We wish to reiterate something further on this subject Arkadiusz, and for anyone else in need of the following message: we are not communicating with you in order to "prove" our existence. If one has faith and is willing to learn, to explore new realms and to discover what will one "day" be commonplace awareness profile, then no "proof" is necessary. If, on the other hand, one is of the opposite psychic orientation, then no amount of proof is adequate.

Q: (A) Yes, I think it is like the story of the crocodile skin where you can make wishes, and with every wish it becomes smaller. And, you are told that when it becomes too small, then you die. And, of course, you try, and say 'let me do one more wish...' and that is it.
D:\Cass\Cass 1998\98-04-18-edited.txtQ: (A) I don't understand. For instance, if I ask for the square root of seven, why can't you answer. Don't you know or don't you want to tell me?

A: Do you know it?

Q: (A) I don't know it right off hand, but I can compute it in two minutes. Then I will know it.

A: Then there is no need to tell you, is there?

Q: (A) There is no need to tell me, but that is the idea. Okay, I want to ask about jobs. First of all, I am trying all possible options...

A: We wish to reiterate something further on this subject Arkadiusz, and for anyone else in need of the following message: we are not communicating with you in order to "prove" our existence. If one has faith and is willing to learn, to explore new realms and to discover what will one "day" be commonplace awareness profile, then no "proof" is necessary. If, on the other hand, one is of the opposite psychic orientation, then no amount of proof is adequate.

Q: (A) Yes, I think it is like the story of the crocodile skin where you can make wishes, and with every wish it becomes smaller. And, you are told that when it becomes too small, then you die. And, of course, you try, and say 'let me do one more wish...' and that is it. Once you make the choice to ask and not do the work, then it becomes easier and easier and you want more and more... and your own will and force becomes smaller and smaller...

I think the last remark above about sums it up especially in respect of thinking one can grow spiritually with the help of drugs: "Once you make the choice to ask and not do the work, then it becomes easier and easier and you want more and more... and your own will and force becomes smaller and smaller..."
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