6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

What I particularly appreciate in the interwiew is Laura's focus on her experience and understanding of objective reality to answer questions and doesn't rely too heavily on pipelines. This is a strong point that allows people to question our reality through logical and concrete reasoning within their reach. And that's a real strength. And that's how the C's proceeded, while waiting for Laura's mind to free itself from its conditioning. A gradual unlocking, in short.
Channeling not pipelines !:lol:
I so 🌷LOVE🌷 that these talks are going to continue in some form. Loved the second one, blooming' magic!
6 episodes definitely does not feel enough.

I was thinking that perhaps during a future interview with Jay / Hunter, Laura could choose a chapter of The Wave and read parts intermittently; in between the excerpts there could be some discussion / exploration around the subject matter. These 'readings' would also make great 'shorts' online - accompanied by some amazing imagery. I was going to suggest this recently before I knew about the interviews - but more along the lines of just uploading an audio clip of Laura reading a chapter of (or parts of) The Wave (with interesting imagery accompanying the readings) so people might come across her work / explore it out of curiosity, follow their deeper intuition; remembering that it is Laura's voice, her frequency that has the capacity to ignite recognition in others on many levels. I was originally thinking it could be broken up into parts and released once a week, but I was unsure if that required a huge amount of work. My other thought was just a straight up podcast, with her reading parts of The Wave and maybe talking about it a little at the end of the reading.

I was also pondering that some of the future discussions Jay / Hunter have with Laura could also be based around specific books that are recommended on the Forum - books that help people SEE the reality of what is occurring on this planet from a psychology / ponorology / psychopaths / pathology perspective (or whatever issue you want to focus on). IMHO, talks about many of the recommended books on the forum could also be 'less threatening to the algorithm', than perhaps 'The Wave' and make them less likely to be repressed than talks that directly and openly address the hyperdimensional issues. Not that talks about HD should be restricted - but as an observer, I feel that creating a myriad of pathways so people can hear Laura's words, feel/tune in to her frequency, could help. Then, even if the system tries to 'repress' some talks, other discussions might still shine a light and people would still be able to tune into Laura's vibes. IMHO, people who are meant to find this massive body of work / the forum will recognise the vibration and personal frequency of Laura / the subject matter and naturally explore it if they are meant to, but the more 'breadcrumbs' dropped the more they are likely to stumble upon Laura, her eye opening words and the huge body of work she - and those closest to her - have dedicated so much of their lifeforce and energy to.

Part of the reason I suggest this is also because I feel that for some people, the hyperdimensional stuff can at first feel like it is 'too much' - but plenty of people have some kind of fundamental inherent awareness of basic psychology, what is 'normal' behaviour for a healthy human being, an internal radar that can recognise BS in politicians, that kind of thing. Many people have a natural interest in human behaviour - conscious or not. More and more people are acknowledging there is something very wrong with 'the system' and recognise that they are seeing some pretty messed up behaviour out there in the world, multiple forms of disintegration and basically a spiritual dismemberment of humanity - all carefully coordinated and orchestrated under the guise of 'inclusivity' and 'equality'. So a talk based around a variety of subjects on the forum - including health and diet could all become pathways that help more people to awaken and ultimately thrive.

In terms of The Wave series, I hope Red Pill has a lot of copies available. Sounds like you are definitely going to need them. :lol:✨

Great idea honestly.

We will do our best starting in late July or early August.

The best news is both Hunter and I will be spending time in person with Laura and the Chateau Crew in the next few months and we are eagerly excited and grateful for the opportunity.
Part 3 is Launching in about 30 minutes from now on my Website and also on Twitter.

Episode 3.jpg

Go Here to Watch at 1PM EST LIVE

We had to delay the Youtube launch due to my channel receiving a strike for 'reasons unknown' although we were notified it was due to a video from 5 years ago. (yeah right)

Episode 3 will launch on Youtube at 1PM EST Sunday and then Episode 4 Monday June 3rd at 1PM EST (assuming Youtube lets me out of uploading jail).

This is a truly profound episode as we get into Reality Creation and many other important topics.

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction
  • 00:02:01 – Reality Creation & New Age Techniques
  • 00:14:23 – The Interconnectednesss Of Humans & The Creator
  • 00:23:08 – Gender-Specific Challenges With Balancing Emotions & Logic
  • 00:32:56 – Cassiopaean Perspectives On Plant Medicines
  • 00:44:40 – The Realm Border Crossing & How To Prepare For It
  • 00:51:35 – Challenges Of Discussing Religion With Fundamentalists
  • 01:01:00 – The Psychologically Expansive Role of Melatonin
  • 01:08:26 – The Potentially Nefarious Agenda Behind Artificial Intelligence
  • 01:21:37 – Closing Remarks & Laura’s Resources
Part 3 is Launching in about 30 minutes from now on my Website and also on Twitter.

View attachment 96431

Go Here to Watch at 1PM EST LIVE

We had to delay the Youtube launch due to my channel receiving a strike for 'reasons unknown' although we were notified it was due to a video from 5 years ago. (yeah right)

Episode 3 will launch on Youtube at 1PM EST Sunday and then Episode 4 Monday June 3rd at 1PM EST (assuming Youtube lets me out of uploading jail).

This is a truly profound episode as we get into Reality Creation and many other important topics.

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction
  • 00:02:01 – Reality Creation & New Age Techniques
  • 00:14:23 – The Interconnectednesss Of Humans & The Creator
  • 00:23:08 – Gender-Specific Challenges With Balancing Emotions & Logic
  • 00:32:56 – Cassiopaean Perspectives On Plant Medicines
  • 00:44:40 – The Realm Border Crossing & How To Prepare For It
  • 00:51:35 – Challenges Of Discussing Religion With Fundamentalists
  • 01:01:00 – The Psychologically Expansive Role of Melatonin
  • 01:08:26 – The Potentially Nefarious Agenda Behind Artificial Intelligence
  • 01:21:37 – Closing Remarks & Laura’s Resources
This is what I get when I click the link

That's crazy.

I don't have this set up at all. I have my CTO looking into it right now.

Can you try the Wistia Link?
The link points to the same address at jaycampbell.com, so the result is the same. Someone at Cloudflare could set up some extra protection for your site from evil Russian hackers (all Russians are natural born hackers btw 😆). Let's hope you will manage to sort it out.
We had to delay the Youtube launch due to my channel receiving a strike for 'reasons unknown' although we were notified it was due to a video from 5 years ago. (yeah right)

Hope you're keeping well and strong, Jay. I say this, as, as you would've probably been briefed there may well be far more nefarious activity around you and your channel in this endeavour. Just wanted to reiterate a big thank you to both you and Hunter for taking this on and committing to this noble cause. It is appreciated beyond what words can convey.

On a side note :wrongbar:: listening to your dissection of teleprompt reading, vacant-eyes Huberman on peptides topic and it is IMO so pertinent. You are ofc doing a great service to your followers by providing empirical data and a humble refute of his 'directives' to the general public to only use board-cerified (read: stripped of benefit or spiked) pharmaceuticals. Beyond that though you are exposing his potential true nature as well; something about him has always felt off to me and I couldn't quite place it but you did a good job at articulating that.

And the Cass experiment undergrounders piece txt prompt you announced.. :-D that was gold. Hat-off to both of you. Looking forward to following your work closely.
Hope you're keeping well and strong, Jay. I say this, as, as you would've probably been briefed there may well be far more nefarious activity around you and your channel in this endeavour. Just wanted to reiterate a big thank you to both you and Hunter for taking this on and committing to this noble cause. It is appreciated beyond what words can convey.

On a side note :wrongbar:: listening to your dissection of teleprompt reading, vacant-eyes Huberman on peptides topic and it is IMO so pertinent. You are ofc doing a great service to your followers by providing empirical data and a humble refute of his 'directives' to the general public to only use board-cerified (read: stripped of benefit or spiked) pharmaceuticals. Beyond that though you are exposing his potential true nature as well; something about him has always felt off to me and I couldn't quite place it but you did a good job at articulating that.

And the Cass experiment undergrounders piece txt prompt you announced.. :-D that was gold. Hat-off to both of you. Looking forward to following your work closely.
Thank you my friend.

@Hunter Williams have known about many of 'them' for a long time.

But Laura's work has cemented our awareness even more.

The Negative Influencer game is very strong globally right now.

The reach of YT/Tik Tok is far more harmful than TV ever was.
Time out, I guess I get carried away, without finishing my thoughts, apologies. This is my second post

Only part through this presentation, most members on the forum, are familiar with the Wave series. I suspect. but do not recognize the implications of how the human mind can influence our thoughts and being. Just my impression, it is more like a narrative, projected from our political leaders (that few will see the mind behind the mask, will recognize by design) that have become entrained in a mind bubble of their own reality, projecting on humanity, but few will recognize it as truth.

Nothing more than a narrative of a persons life, And lord Knows we have been given to many recent biographies of social political personages, in recent years, informing the public of 'The Greater Good'.

What I mean, is they (our so called leaders of our world) are living in a psycho schizoid reality, where the real reality will never encroach, the reality created in their own minds, hence such movies...The Secret, I lived in a small community in the Southern Interior of BC Canada at the time (less than 2000 more or less people). I wanted to discover what this secret was all about, we had a video store, attached to a wood built structure, the so called movie theatre. The video was not available for weeks, and weeks.

The wave series is a step by step, walk through the unmasking of the true reality, of the lies and deception, of what we think and look upon, as the real world we live and walk, and tread upon each day.
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