A Course in Knowledge and Being: Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Release Part 2

Have just watched Part 2, and it brought many of the written words discussed here on the Forum/Transcripts, or in you book's, Laura, to a greater understanding - especially the release aspects; the methodology of asking questions, discovery, and how a human can be, if it is so, embedded with attachments along with the work to rid them. Thought the video extremely, lets say, grounded and sincere; as it is, and enjoyed the demonstrations and the questions asked.

Nice job! :)
I just finished part 1 and 2. I do not intend to use a board. But I think it is very useful and valuable to know (better) what to look out for. Thank you very much for these videos.
loreta said:
Laura let me tell you that you look great in this video, younger!

And furthermore, I was very happy to see Laura in a very good form, standing for long minutes and talking away. When I consider all the accidents, incidents and experiences described in the Wave and Amazing Grace, it is truly fantastic to come back like that. Olé!

Gertrudes said:
As for the board experiment, I find it fascinating as a subject and I very much wish to learn more about it, however, I have no inclination of actually trying it myself. Trying it with Laura and amongst the Chateau people in a very safe environment is one thing, otherwise, too many creepy things out there of which I have little knowledge for me to want to venture, I might gain more than what I bargained for.
I dunno, maybe one day I'll change my mind.

Gertrudes said:
Also, building up good psychological hygiene can be one of our greatest strengths and act as a shield against an attachment. That way, not only can you more easily discern which thoughts are yours and which aren't, but the knowledge you gain of your self will also act as a protection.

I can relate to what Gertrudes wrote, very much. It surprised me that so many of us would almost immediately start their own experimenting with the board. I always find any talk of Laura very inspirational and a horizon-widening event which nevertheless does not mean that it is something we need to follow immediately. It's more like a sample of where one can get when working constantly towards the ultimate goal of getting rid of all blocks and buffers.
And it is very uplifting to realize that we can clean ourselves (in some cases totally) just with proper diet, discipline and ÉE excercise, without even using the board. And if after reaching a point of mastery in those three things there is something left to be dealt with, then all right - let's seek a professional help and possibly get involved in the board experiment (still an extensive studying beforehand is very desirable and, where possible, an experienced teacher at hand).
So when sometime in the future I visit the Chateau and will be offered an opportunity to sit down beside Laura and put my hand on, I won't turn it down - I would feel very safe in that case. But I am not planning to experiment with a board since I don't even know who might be suitable to join me on that. I am still in the process of getting know my nearest relatives and friends who I once thought to know well. No, I don't know anything and anybody yet. I am in the beginning of that process. Crazy :shock:

And here a few questions:

Which book of W.Baldwin would you suggest for reading? The original editions of "Spirit Releasement Therapy" which are quiet rare and expensive or the newer one, "Healing Lost Souls", will suffice?

When we talk of "boarding" with you, Laura, is there any danger of attachment for a newcomer in such situation with an experienced person? E.g. when that person is somehow vulnerable? In the part where you take in the first person to try, a young man who seems not completely relaxed, it occurred to me that if he was not protected himself, does your presence kind of guarantees a safe process? That's not an offence! :-[

And the last thing is a suggestion - could the first part of K&B video which is composed of seven sections be put together as one? I think it would be worth it and should not be difficult (not that I think the video makers have nothing better to do :) - just think the whole series deserves to have a compact package).
anka said:
And the last thing is a suggestion - could the first part of K&B video which is composed of seven sections be put together as one? I think it would be worth it and should not be difficult (not that I think the video makers have nothing better to do :) - just think the whole series deserves to have a compact package).

Have you watched these videos yet? I watched them from this site: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6A5636AF74D4C560 and when you click on the first video, when it is done, the second video loads immediately, then the third and so on. This is the same as putting them all together into one video.
These items may be addressed in the subsequent videos/discussions so hopefully I am not repeating anything:

I am curious if there is a standard script one should adhere to if ever doing work like this. For example, Laura mentions asking the attachment's name, if it had a body, how it attached, when it attached etc. Is there a sequence to the questioning that is more effective or is it more free-form based on received answers? And are there questions that should always be asked at some point? I guess, being more technically minded, I would want to have a template to approach such things. I'm sure it's mostly based on experience with working with people but there has to be a starting point I would think and working from there instead of blindly stumbling over questions hoping to find the right combination to the lock.

Secondly, how does one identify problem areas if using a board only. With hypnosis, there are obviously visual markers and through continued sessions each one could be worked on (i.e. purple blob/right knee or whatever comes through). However, with just a board as the tool how would you know when all have been removed or when all problem areas have been addressed? I'm wondering if the more visual crowd could use meditation to scan the body and potentially identify problem areas on their own without hypnosis or is that opening a new can of worms and possibly confronting something in a meditative state that you aren't prepared for.
Scott, could you collect all the reasonable, still unanswered questions together for me and I'll try to sit down and deal with them before Christmas?
Obserwing your could be helpfull. As long earth body it "temple" for spiritual body you may find all block in it. If you push energu througt your spiritual body you will get information where those failure are. Yogi exercises may be very helpfull.
Nienna said:
Have you watched these videos yet? I watched them from this site: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6A5636AF74D4C560 and when you click on the first video, when it is done, the second video loads immediately, then the third and so on. This is the same as putting them all together into one video.

Yes, I did watch them using that link. Just think that it's not the same, imo. All the other chapters are in one nice piece each (except the split lengthy part 5, which is naturally reasonable and better) so my impression is that the first one should be too. It would be more coherent that way. But I won't be pushy - glad it is out there, available for all to study :read:
anka said:
Nienna said:
Have you watched these videos yet? I watched them from this site: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6A5636AF74D4C560 and when you click on the first video, when it is done, the second video loads immediately, then the third and so on. This is the same as putting them all together into one video.

Yes, I did watch them using that link. Just think that it's not the same, imo. All the other chapters are in one nice piece each (except the split lengthy part 5, which is naturally reasonable and better) so my impression is that the first one should be too. It would be more coherent that way. But I won't be pushy - glad it is out there, available for all to study :read:

I think it is all in one piece somewhere. We had to do it that way then because, at the time, youtube would not allow us to upload anything longer. I'll see what the deal is.
I can put them together and upload as one piece. I don't want to remove the parts 1-7 because they have comments and views. I suppose there can be both the 7 part version and a new "all in one"
Anka, had this question about W. Baldwin's books:

Which book of W. Baldwin would you suggest for reading? The original editions of "Spirit Releasement Therapy" which are quiet rare and expensive or the newer one, "Healing Lost Souls", will suffice?

I have the same question. Has anyone read them both and can make a comment?

Laura said:
Scott, could you collect all the reasonable, still unanswered questions together for me and I'll try to sit down and deal with them before Christmas?

Sure thing but I'd like to finish the rest of the videos as well as the other threads to see if any other questions I may have are answered there but I can pick things up along the way. Would you want them in this thread or a new thread like a "Knowledge and Being Course - Q&A"?
Adobe said:
Anka, had this question about W. Baldwin's books:

Which book of W. Baldwin would you suggest for reading? The original editions of "Spirit Releasement Therapy" which are quiet rare and expensive or the newer one, "Healing Lost Souls", will suffice?

I have the same question. Has anyone read them both and can make a comment?


Adobe, it's been about 11 years since I read Spirit Releasement Therapy and about 8 years for Healing Lost Souls. I think both are great but you're likely to find more valuable information in the SRT Manual. If I recall Healing Lost Souls was more condensed whereas SRT went over more case studies. Someone that has read it more recently may be able to give you a better answer though.
thx Scott, I'm going to pick up "Healing Lost Souls" on kindle, and wait for the SRM to become available...its out of stock.
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