A sign that things are about to change drastically?

Incredible images of flash floods, storms from Arizona to New England

Wednesday August 13, 2014

Heavy rains that have soaked a large swath of the United States over the last several days have spawned flash floods from Arizona to New England, submerging vehicles in parking lots and trapping drivers in their cars.

Over a foot of rain fell on Long Island in New York on Wednesday, forcing the closure of parts of the Long Island Expressway, Southern State Parkway, Northern State Parkway, Jericho Turnpike and other roads. Dozens of cars were seen submerged on the Southern State Parkway in Islip, Long Island, during morning rush hour.

The heavy rains turned the train station parking lot in Bay Shore, Long Island, into a lake.

The same weather system produced torrential rain in Baltimore and Washington, D.C., on Tuesday. The National Weather Service issued a “flash flood emergency” for the region, and several people had to be plucked from their cars to escape the floodwaters. Other vehicles were simply abandoned.

Baltimore had picked up 6.27 inches of rain, enough to make it “the second-rainiest August day since records began in 1871,” according to USA Today. Photos on social media showed cars swamped in a parking lot at BWI airport.

Late last week, a flash flood at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney, Nebraska, was caught on video by surveillance cameras. The dramatic footage — which shows a wall of water crashing through locked glass doors and pouring into a cafeteria dining room — was released Tuesday.According to KHGI, “nine feet of gushing water overwhelmed the hospital building” but did not reach patient areas. No one was hurt, and the hospital remains open.

Meanwhile in Arizona, monsoon conditions flooded roads near Phoenix, where firefighters rescued motorists from six cars stranded in floodwater. High winds even blew away a trampoline.

Southwest braces as Lake Mead water levels drop

Tuesday August 12, 2014

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Once-teeming Lake Mead marinas are idle as a 14-year drought steadily drops water levels to historic lows. Officials from nearby Las Vegas are pushing conservation, but are also drilling a new pipeline to keep drawing water from the lake.

Hundreds of miles away, farmers who receive water from the lake behind Hoover Dam are preparing for the worst.

The receding shoreline at one of the main reservoirs in the vast Colorado River water system is raising concerns about the future of a network serving a perennially parched region home to 40 million people and 4 million acres of farmland.

Marina operators, water managers and farmers who for decades have chased every drop of water across the booming Southwest and part of Mexico are closely tracking the reservoir water level already at its lowest point since it was first filled in the 1930s.

“We just hope for snow and rain up in Colorado, so it’ll come our way,” said marina operator Steve Biggs, referring to precipitation in the Rockies that flows down the Colorado River to help fill the reservoir separating Nevada and Arizona.

By 2016, continued drought could trigger cuts in water deliveries to both states. While water authorities say they’ve been saving water for potential dry days, the prospect of the first cuts is already prompting action.

“I’ve downsized in the last couple of years, probably a good thing the way this water shortage is going,” said farmer Dennis Bagnall, who has planted just 225 of the 1,500 acres that are typically green this time of year on his farm south of Phoenix.

Last week, officials announced an $11 million pilot program involving the federal government and water agencies in Denver, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Phoenix to pay farmers, cities and industries to reduce river water use.

“We can certainly hope for better conditions than we’ve experienced in recent times, but we have to actively and continue to plan for the worst case,” said Michael J. Lacey, director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources.

This week, an update from the federal Bureau of Reclamation, the keeper of the Colorado River network’s dams and reservoirs, will help set the course for water deliveries for the next two years. Administrators say they’re confident they can meet current commitments next year.

Federal officials and water administrators in metro areas such as Las Vegas and Phoenix say they’re committed to finding new ways to make every drop of river water count — from cloud seeding to pipelines to new reservoirs to desalination plants.

They point to agreements to leave surpluses unused in wet years, share pain in dry years and buy water designated for farms for city use.

But they’re all watching Lake Mead, the biggest in a Colorado River basin that supplies water to California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and part of Mexico. The states get annual allotments dating to the Colorado River Compact of 1922.
You know, looking back at the first post in this thread, it sure seems that I was right on the money: things have changed drastically, and for the worst, in every way on this planet since 25 Nov last year when those ten volcanoes went off at once.

Angelburst, I'll be sending you a PM.
Attached image is a screen shot from a report on the floods across the US today which were pretty crazy.. Check out the location at the very beginning of the video. Thought it was interesting given Laura's recent article.


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I just came across this brief interview of "Lord" Ivars by Kerry Cassidy on the blog portion of the Project Camelot website _http://projectcamelotportal.com/blog:


He spends most of the interview talking about his bodyguard career, but forward to 30:20 to hear his final comments on preparing for upcoming earth changes and possible biological warfare.

Mod's note: Edited to deactivate the link
Nothing new there, and no named sources or details.
Laura said:
Nothing new there, and no named sources or details.

Yeah, I agree. Still, I find it interesting when several whistleblowers agree with each other. While it doesn't mean their story is true, it does give insight into what we're "supposed" to believe.

The interview she did with Simon Parkes was a quite a bit more interesting:


Just a gut feeling, but this guy seems quite believable. I'd love to hear others' take on it. He gives a lot of [alleged] inside information on the various races of ETs, the downed Flight 17, and the political and energetic games being played out now.
Interesting interview with Simon Parkes especially those comments on flight 17 involving MOSSAD and a dirty bomb. I watched another video where he discusses his abduction background and showing the birthday card with his picture that he has no recollection taking that was meant as a message for him. He seems to know quite a bit.
Perceval said:
Attached image is a screen shot from a report on the floods across the US today which were pretty crazy.. Check out the location at the very beginning of the video. Thought it was interesting given Laura's recent article.

Honestly today when I've read the article on Sott.net first thing that i thought to myself was: "WOW that's pretty symbolic". And i think Aurora was right on the money writing the comment on sott's article that i've read today.

How symbolic
By: aurora

The other day Laura wrote a piece in which she mentioned some parts from Revelations:

"Her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. 6 "Pay her back even as she has paid, and give back to her double according to her deeds; in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her."

Sheets of Rain
Trying to keep up with the earth changes thanks to Sott i've noticed in the last two weeks many volcanoes worldwide were active, i maybe way off here because i don't know precisely IF the volcanic activity of this month is more high thanprevious months, anyway i stumbled on this site and saw that they are monitoring the volcanic activity worldwide they have also a worldwide map with all the volcanoes that are erupting,volcanoes that are active and unrestfull and those volcanoes that are least active,today looking on that map i saw that there are some 30 erupting volcanoes worldwide and many active volcanoes,again i don't know maybe it's nothing maybe it's normal considering how many volcanoes are worldwide. Interesting the supermoon which occurred a couple of of days ago(10th of august) had some influence on the volcanoes worldwide? Sorry if my comment it's a noise.
Andrian said:
Trying to keep up with the earth changes thanks to Sott i've noticed in the last two weeks many volcanoes worldwide were active, i maybe way off here because i don't know precisely IF the volcanic activity of this month is more high thanprevious months, anyway i stumbled on this site and saw that they are monitoring the volcanic activity worldwide they have also a worldwide map with all the volcanoes that are erupting,volcanoes that are active and unrestfull and those volcanoes that are least active,today looking on that map i saw that there are some 30 erupting volcanoes worldwide and many active volcanoes,again i don't know maybe it's nothing maybe it's normal considering how many volcanoes are worldwide. Interesting the supermoon which occurred a couple of of days ago(10th of august) had some influence on the volcanoes worldwide? Sorry if my comment it's a noise.

Not noise at all and a good report on the situation. It does seem rather grim especially since the PTB around the globe are pretty much ignoring these warning signs and persist in their warmongering.

It's hard to say if human beings are resonating to the frequency of the Earth as it gets more active and dangerous, or if human frequencies affect the Earth and induce such reactions with their wars and corruption.
Alkhemist said:
Laura said:
Nothing new there, and no named sources or details.

Yeah, I agree. Still, I find it interesting when several whistleblowers agree with each other. While it doesn't mean their story is true, it does give insight into what we're "supposed" to believe.

The interview she did with Simon Parkes was a quite a bit more interesting:


Just a gut feeling, but this guy seems quite believable. I'd love to hear others' take on it. He gives a lot of [alleged] inside information on the various races of ETs, the downed Flight 17, and the political and energetic games being played out now.
Sounds like classic disinfo to me. Some previous discussion about him here:

And here's an interview where he goes into more detail regarding his abductions and other stuff:

Essentially it's the typical "they told me I have a soul agreement with them" shpiel, and you can read about that in the Wave series as it goes into detail about exactly what's wrong with this excuse. He mentioned making a "deal" with them when he was 11 during his first abduction, and the deal was blatantly STS - they asked him if he wants to have knowledge and power and authority (30 min mark in the above video). There's no way in hell an STO being would abduct, nevermind making a deal with an 11 year old child, and lastly the deal was for knowledge, power, and authority! STO gives knowledge when asked, not as a "payment" for letting them experiment on you (which is what he says they did among other things). Oh and where is his 90% perspiration!? He's not even asking!

Anyway, he tries sugar coating it (like saying they never "hurt" him in any way), but at the root it's blatantly STS whatever it is that's going on here. What he had to say at the Cassidy interview may have had some truth perhaps, but all good disinfo has plenty of truth in a wrapping of lies. And the C's said several times that 4D STS can be decidedly accurate when convenient.

Having said that, I didn't really see anything that he couldn't have gotten from other sources either or plain made up - though the flight 17 comments were interesting, as a curiosity anyway. Also, curiously he never mentioned or even hinted at any kind of earth changes. Everything is blamed on the evil governments - from threatening Japan with another earthquake if they don't build their own LHC, to chipping everyone with RFID, to faking an alien invasion, etc. But not even a hint (and this is an interview in 2014, when you'd have to live under a rock to not notice) of anything to do with global warming, ice age, comets, sink holes, and tons of other escalating weirdness that seems to be the real danger while we're being distracted by war theater. What he doesn't talk about is just as telling as what he does choose to talk about, osit.

But hey what the hell, here's the main take-away: He says the PTB have until 2016 to do whatever it is they want to do, tho he doesn't go into exactly why that is or what happens after. Though honestly, it would be absurd to think that major geopolitical and "natural" events aren't on the cards for the next few years given the recent trends - and we don't even need "aliens" to tell us that.
SAO said:
Essentially it's the typical "they told me I have a soul agreement with them" shpiel, and you can read about that in the Wave series as it goes into detail about exactly what's wrong with this excuse. He mentioned making a "deal" with them when he was 11 during his first abduction, and the deal was blatantly STS - they asked him if he wants to have knowledge and power and authority (30 min mark in the above video). There's no way in hell an STO being would abduct, nevermind making a deal with an 11 year old child, and lastly the deal was for knowledge, power, and authority! STO gives knowledge when asked, not as a "payment" for letting them experiment on you (which is what he says they did among other things).

Not sure if you saw the interview, but he admits to being in one of the bloodline families, and that later he went against what they wanted. He didn't deny that he originally wanted all those STS things, so I'm not sure what your point is here(?)

Oh and where is his 90% perspiration!? He's not even asking!

I think I missed something here. "Perspiration"?

Anyway, he tries sugar coating it (like saying they never "hurt" him in any way), but at the root it's blatantly STS whatever it is that's going on here. What he had to say at the Cassidy interview may have had some truth perhaps, but all good disinfo has plenty of truth in a wrapping of lies. And the C's said several times that 4D STS can be decidedly accurate when convenient.

You may be generally right in your assessment; I don't pretend to *know* if he's real one way or the other. But this is just my observation here, but you seem very emotional about this guy. Can you say with 100% accuracy that he's "disinfo," or is this just your feeling?

Having said that, I didn't really see anything that he couldn't have gotten from other sources either or plain made up [...]

If someone has a story that agrees with someone else's, does that necessarily make it false? What makes you think he's making it up?

Also, curiously he never mentioned or even hinted at any kind of earth changes.

I didn't mentioned them all day yesterday, so does that mean I was spreading disinfo all day yesterday? ;D Could it be that he simply doesn't have any information on that topic?

Everything is blamed on the evil governments - from threatening Japan with another earthquake if they don't build their own LHC, to chipping everyone with RFID, to faking an alien invasion, etc. But not even a hint (and this is an interview in 2014, when you'd have to live under a rock to not notice) of anything to do with global warming, ice age, comets, sink holes, and tons of other escalating weirdness that seems to be the real danger while we're being distracted by war theater. What he doesn't talk about is just as telling as what he does choose to talk about, osit.

I would ask the same question here. It seems that you don't like him because he didn't mention topics that you're interested in. If he is a bloodline member, chances are his information is going to be largely political, especially since he's also an elected official.

But hey what the hell, here's the main take-away: He says the PTB have until 2016 to do whatever it is they want to do, tho he doesn't go into exactly why that is or what happens after. Though honestly, it would be absurd to think that major geopolitical and "natural" events aren't on the cards for the next few years given the recent trends - and we don't even need "aliens" to tell us that.

Could it be he doesn't have all the information that you feel he should have?

Please understand that I'm not trying to attack you personally. I just wonder about your seeming animosity toward this guy based on this testimony, as well as the things you believe he should have talked about. If we're here to discover Truth, we need to leave our personal biases at the door and view this material objectively.

If I misunderstand you, please feel free to clarify.
Alkhemist said:
Not sure if you saw the interview, but he admits to being in one of the bloodline families, and that later he went against what they wanted. He didn't deny that he originally wanted all those STS things, so I'm not sure what your point is here(?)
My point is that his contacts appear to be STS in nature based on their modus operandi.

Alkhemist said:
SAO said:
Oh and where is his 90% perspiration!? He's not even asking!
I think I missed something here. "Perspiration"?
I was referencing Laura's approach to the C's experiment - 10% of which is inspiration from channeling, and 90% of which is perspiration through research and Work. Doing the necessary research and exhausting all "earthly" sources to the best of our ability is a form of asking, which is what allowed the connection with the C's. STO helps those who ask, who put in the necessary effort and time as proof of commitment to truth and conscience. STS just abduct you and make deals, whether you're asking or not.

Notice that when asked by the interviewer "what's in it for you" (from the abductions), he basically said we need to get away from that selfish mentality of "what's in it for me", which is funny considering he's being abducted for the benefit of the aliens, who want to use him in experiments. He doesn't seem to have a problem with aliens having a selfish motive, but doesn't think that we, the abductee (read: victim), should ask how we benefit from the interaction? That's bizarre! Again, suggesting a level of brainwashing.

Alkhemist said:
You may be generally right in your assessment; I don't pretend to *know* if he's real one way or the other. But this is just my observation here, but you seem very emotional about this guy. Can you say with 100% accuracy that he's "disinfo," or is this just your feeling?
I'm not emotional but perhaps slightly perturbed by Cassidy's and his approach (lack of critical thinking), and I can never say anything with 100% certainty - everything is just a matter of probability based on current data. In his case, if "real" means he really has "alien" contacts and isn't just making things up, it seems that they would be STS, which means the information he's given is corrupted and he's being manipulated.

Alkhemist said:
If someone has a story that agrees with someone else's, does that necessarily make it false? What makes you think he's making it up?
I agree, but it does seem like his sources are very questionable at best, and he seems very self assured in his information without indication that he's doing much to verify it, he just accepts it. That further suggests an STS source, as STO doesn't encourage belief, and most likely wouldn't associate with those who tend to take things at on faith, as it doesn't increase knowledge.

Alkhemist said:
SAO said:
Also, curiously he never mentioned or even hinted at any kind of earth changes.

I didn't mentioned them all day yesterday, so does that mean I was spreading disinfo all day yesterday? ;D Could it be that he simply doesn't have any information on that topic?
Totally possible, but that point might still be important. The difference between you and him is that he's being interviewed to expound on his world view, on things he considers a priority, so it serves as sort of a summary of his perspective on the biggest issues going on right now, and he's missing an elephant in his room. And that would make sense with an STS source.

We know that one of the more prevalent new age disinfo lines of force is to make it seem like the government is in control of what's happening and will happen. Like chemtrails - which are more likely to be contrails affected by atmospheric changes due to comet dust loading, etc. So while presenting one "conspiracy" it hides the real truth - that things are a lot less "in control", even behind the scenes, than they'd like us to think. His story has secret governments, organizations, alien contacts, but no reference or even hint at cyclical catastrophies, or any other "natural" phenomenon that presents a clear and present danger, or is even worth talking about.

Alkhemist said:
I would ask the same question here. It seems that you don't like him because he didn't mention topics that you're interested in. If he is a bloodline member, chances are his information is going to be largely political, especially since he's also an elected official.
Totally possible, but I just thought it was worth bringing up, just in case it is significant.

Alkhemist said:
SAO said:
But hey what the hell, here's the main take-away: He says the PTB have until 2016 to do whatever it is they want to do, tho he doesn't go into exactly why that is or what happens after. Though honestly, it would be absurd to think that major geopolitical and "natural" events aren't on the cards for the next few years given the recent trends - and we don't even need "aliens" to tell us that.
Please understand that I'm not trying to attack you personally. I just wonder about your seeming animosity toward this guy based on this testimony, as well as the things you believe he should have talked about. If we're here to discover Truth, we need to leave our personal biases at the door and view this material objectively.

If I misunderstand you, please feel free to clarify.
I didn't think you were attacking me :) And I agree - objectivity is vital, and it is important to analyze how someone obtains their information, what they do with it, and also what they don't talk about - because all those things are objective, though their significance in any given case varies. For example, Alex Jones is a known government shill, and one huge reason (among many) is exactly the things he does not talk about.

I'm not sure about this guy, but there are red flags, so I figure it's worth pointing them out.
SAO said:
Notice that when asked by the interviewer "what's in it for you" (from the abductions), he basically said we need to get away from that selfish mentality of "what's in it for me", which is funny considering he's being abducted for the benefit of the aliens, who want to use him in experiments. He doesn't seem to have a problem with aliens having a selfish motive, but doesn't think that we, the abductee (read: victim), should ask how we benefit from the interaction? That's bizarre! Again, suggesting a level of brainwashing.

I guess I'm still not sure of your reasoning on this one. Being abducted by STS aliens doesn't necessarily mean the abductee is STS. Since he's seen how the STS behaves, why shouldn't he recommend that we all be less selfish?

I agree, but it does seem like his sources are very questionable at best, and he seems very self assured in his information without indication that he's doing much to verify it, he just accepts it. That further suggests an STS source, as STO doesn't encourage belief, and most likely wouldn't associate with those who tend to take things at on faith, as it doesn't increase knowledge.

If he truly is a bloodline member, he would most likely feel that there is no reason to try to convince anyone of his story. Kerry offered to interview him, and he agreed to respond. My impression was that he was simply answering questions, to which he responded based on his apparent experience and knowledge. If these things really did happen to him, it makes sense to me that he wouldn't have a need to try to convince anyone. He's simply relating a story.

Under your reasoning above, however, this sounds like STO behavior. He's not encouraging anyone to take anything on faith; in fact, it seems he's leaving the belief up to the listener, which preserves free will.

To be clear, I'm not defending him or saying he's being honest, because I have no idea.

We know that one of the more prevalent new age disinfo lines of force is to make it seem like the government is in control of what's happening and will happen. Like chemtrails - which are more likely to be contrails affected by atmospheric changes due to comet dust loading, etc.

This is an area that I disagree vehemently with Laura. I've worked personally with a team who took samples from fields under these "contrails" and found heightened levels of barium, strontium, and aluminum. Yes, aluminum occurs natural in trace amounts in the earth, but this was very obviously from the spray overhead. Residue can also be seen on the ground and on leaves immediately after these spray sessions. Not only that, the blood of the residents in the area tested very high in these very same toxic metals.

I live in farmland in Lancaster County. There is massive spraying here almost daily. These are most certainly NOT contrails, as many residents get ill following these spray days. I personally get headaches on the night after this happens, and have had to start closing my windows at night.

Yes, her contrail theory may be correct in some instances, but it most definitely is NOT correct everywhere.
Alkhemist, I've noticed on a couple of occasions that you appear to be rather prickly and defensive. SAO posted his thoughts and observations ABOUT THE VIDEO, not directed at you. A bit of identification going on here?
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