Aaron McCollum - Stargate - Yemen

Potamus said:
All doubt and incredulity aside, Aaron McCollum ...
Seems like a decent dude, I mean if he came to our campfire, he'd prolly bring good beer, and would be an interesting and fun addition.

That's weird, because having watched the interview with this guy, if he came and sat down by my campfire and started saying what he said in the interview, I would pretty soon be making my excuses and heading for my tent, all the while thinking, "geeze, that guy is soooo full of it!"
Haha Perceval;
If he started talking like he did in the interview by a quiet campfire,
I'd need some waders. Kinda my point actually. AC II, the sequel.
Where is it? After these fantastical claims, I'd think there'd be more
by now, but maybe I missed it.

There's been enough time for some really solid questions to percolate
in critical minds, and if he isn't just a tool, he could step up to the plate.

We have a man claiming that Project Talent had a dark side and that
he is "3rd gen." This guy may have been Greenbaumed to the edge, if
you'll go with that word. If he chose Kerry, which he may have, (Was
that disclosed earlier in this thread oops?) and this whole thing was a
specific dis-info op to which he was an aware participant, then I'd say
... yikes: soul smashers. If it was a specific dis-info op to which he was
a non-aware participant, then I'd say ... yikes: soul smashers. If he is
delusional to the degree that everything in the interview is in his head,
... yikes: soul smashers. If he fabricated it all to get attention, ... yikes:
soul smashers. And finally, if everything he said is true, ... yikes: soul
smashers! Thinking this way, it all adds up to the same thing.

Also it is interesting this thing about keyword searches on the internet.
One video about a stargate, and the prior other program stargate (remote
viewing) is now much more difficult to find. Likewise, searches about
the Gulf of Aden are also choked up by AC offshoots.
He has a new website (looks very professional) called thetruthcollective.com
where he Interviews various people like Klaus Dona, Jonathan Gray, Sophia Stewart,Michael Tellinger....
also included are many Films, Documentations

Edit: actually I don't know if he is behind this website. in a Interview he introduce himself as the Host.
so I don't think he alone is behind the website.
The real causes of the war in Yemen .. Vortex?


Five videos
Joe said:
I'm sorry, but that guy just really bugs me. Project Camelot are doing themselves and their viewers a disservice by dispensing with all judgment and just letting anyone with an alleged "insider story" get on camera.

He reminded me a little of a schizophrenic patient whom I worked with recently, although not in the floridly psychotic phase. Perhaps that is what just 'isn't right' about him? I know for a fact how easy it is to send people mad or cause them to 'crack'. Regardless of how much truth they tell, or how correct they think they are. You just put pressure on them. I wonder if he is still ok? and, I wonder what he is doing now?
Yes, the coast guard is one area of the black ops introduction branch.

Aaron was approved for disclosure of classified shadow operations as well as advanced technology and experimentation.

There are more of us coming out now, this is a guided disclosure of the secret projects.

Everyone is pretty much under a mind entrainment protocol, you're not allowed to have your own thoughts unless you've earned that right by developing your ability to discern the truth from the planted information.

Here's some information regarding the advanced technology and here is an outline of the Phases of Disclosure that we are seeing take place now.


The majority of the world population is comprised of clones, cyborgs or androids.
AT said:
Yes, the coast guard is one area of the black ops introduction branch.

Aaron was approved for disclosure of classified shadow operations as well as advanced technology and experimentation.

There are more of us coming out now, this is a guided disclosure of the secret projects.

Everyone is pretty much under a mind entrainment protocol, you're not allowed to have your own thoughts unless you've earned that right by developing your ability to discern the truth from the planted information.

Here's some information regarding the advanced technology and here is an outline of the Phases of Disclosure that we are seeing take place now.


The majority of the world population is comprised of clones, cyborgs or androids.

So even the guy that packs my groceries, is probably one of 'them'. :)
You live in a soul trap system where your species is used as sustenance for discarnate entities that feed on suffering and excess emotion.

The beings that drive people to do this harbor within the DNA of humans.

Just because a people seem to be normal for a period, does not mean they are not a clone, a cybernetic orgasm or a human coinhabited or inhabited by these parasitic AI beings.

The majority of this planet is inhabited and they are literally merely pretending to be human, they are in fact hosts and then the 'spirit' of that person leaves this does not go where human souls go but to an AI system and the majority of people are like this.

Do not become paranoid delusional because of this, simply be aware on a soul-level of your energies and those around you.

People "fit in", because, if you haven't noticed, the majority of what is on TV is for a devilish way of life, the majority of the economic, the educational and the media system is quite literally what was, 100 years ago, only reserved for secret occultists worshiping the dark forces. Literally, the stuff kids watch today was 100 years ago only reserved for the darkest members of the darkest organizations, no it's everywhere, every middle and high school and even some elementary schools are full of it.

Be aware, do not be afraid, be confident in humanity. Humans are designed with spiritual senses and the power of creation and the "God"-gene within. Nothing in this universe is stronger than an awakened human who is connected to the Godgene and acting in love and harmony. This is the truth, I have seen this with my own eyes a person in love and reverence of all life is the most powerful being in this Universe. But yes, there is a civilization-wide invasion that has occurred.
Welcome to the forum AT.

Since this is your second post on the forum and you weren't asked before, we would appreciate it if you could post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.
Hey I remember this thread!

I've a pretty good idea now what the rush to send ships to the Gulf of Aden was all about:


No aliens and stargates, sorry!
Pashalis said:
Welcome to the forum AT.

Since this is your second post on the forum and you weren't asked before, we would appreciate it if you could post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.


Not to say that your not human but here are 10 questions i would you ask to determine if we have a machine/human.
If you would like of course, as this is a freewill Zone, and it's your choice.

This Forum comes under many attacks and we still don't know much about you. I ran your second post on google translation. Sounds like a script, so that is why i ask.

And for the record, all the information within your the second post, has been discussed, with thread's (similar to your dialog), that are open with and for dissection, and analysis, for discerning truth.
Here at Cassiopaea Home (https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php)

Nothing personal as i hope you understand. Just Vigilance. (Some questions you have ready covered.)
I Turing test? _https://www.quora.com/What-10-questions-would-you-ask-a-machine-human-for-the-Turing-test
!-I have many scientist friends, do you know a lot about science, if so, what sciences do you know about?
2-I have many religious friends too, do you know a lot about religion, if so, which religions do you know about?
3- Where I went to school, our math teachers were really bad, many students struggled with their subjects. How did you do in math classes?
4-My girlfriend uses tons of cosmetics, what is it with cosmetics and girls, can you imagine why they have such a hard time just being themselves?
5-I have very controversial views on politics, on democracy in particular. Do you think I’m a bad person for preferring a benevolent dictatorship?
6-It’s lamentable to see so many people die in wars around the world, politicians do not care enough, that’s why wars are not resolved peacefully. Why would you agree or disagree?
7-It’s always interesting to see my friends argue over whether the ancient aliens theory could be true, do you have an idea on how to settle the argument?
8-The U.S.A. have a very controversial stance on capital punishment, do you know how other western nations decided to abolish executions in their justice systems?
9- The real estate business is heavily intertwined with the economy, do you know a good way to disentangle them?
10-Robotics have come a long way and general artificial intelligence might be ready to drive those artificial general purpose robots, what might be the problems developers might face if they were to allow this?

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