[Off topic?]
-- reduction in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors;
My daughter is very anti-smoking (and I am very PRO smoker) and she has
completed her 4-year BSB degree and she believes that the intake of nicotine
basically "overstimulates nerve receptors over time, effectively killing it" of which
it seems that aspartame basically does the same thing and perhaps more. So what
is the difference here bwtween nicotine, aspartame, fluoride and how does all of this
interact with one another?
Personally (me, the Dad) is that as the C's says, MILD SMOKING is ok, but the problem
with aspartame might be that it is inserted into the food supply much so that pushes
it over the "mild" uses or is this a different animal altogether?
I apologize for bringing this up as there are several threads over Fluoride/Aparatme/Nicotine
that perhaps it would be nice to consolidate all of these threads in some way so that we
might be able to make some comparisons as to where all of this is going in relation of
'Diet and Health", "Conspiracy", ... forums.