abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Anybody who accepts the acts of perverse sex acts on children need to be confronted. My daughter was such a victim of a man who was biologically her Uncle. She had to have years of counselling. As her mother (adopted), I carried the guilt for a number of years for not being aware of what he was doing. I was young and niave, and thought that despite abusing me that he wouldn't hurt his sister's child, whom I adopted at three months of age. So when I hear of anybody on any site condoning that kind of perverse activity on children I become enraged. I am with ATS, but haven't come across the posting. If I do, I will take it up with the administrator at ATS, and I will get a copy of the posting to you. These posters who try to legitimize these cruel acts on children need to be addressed and dealt with and removed from any forums. A friend of my present husband's we found out made similiar comments and we reported him to the police, when his comments reflected on my niece and my daughter. I don't think he is opening his mouth up again about how it makes them, 'worldly wise'. I think these people that do these wretched things to children are headcases and need to have psychiatric help; committed if need be, if there is no hope for them to recover. Having seen the affect what my ex-husband done to my daughter and the trauma it caused-I will do what is necessary to speak up for these victims.
David Icke and ATS

kickstand said:
No need to attack me simply because I don't agree with you. I expect to see hard evidence before you start calling people like Icke, Rense and Jones disinfo agents. These people do more good than anyone else around.
You evidently did not read what was posted before. Read FIRST. Post later.
David Icke and ATS

Kickstand, please do not confuse the accusation of someone providing disinformation with the accusation that somebody is a 'government agent'. David Icke probably does think he works quite hard and I'm sure he has good intentions towards the people he is providing his information. Ever heard the saying: "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions", perhaps there is something in that.

When David Icke implies that he has evidence for certain politicians being shape shifted reptilians due to the 'coldness and lack of feeling' he perceives from looking into their eyes he is not performing a useful analysis which takes into account ALL the evidence, and so he is disinforming people. The evidence suggests that many world leaders and politicians are psychopaths - why has Icke not considered this evidence and concluded that it would be a more fruitful direction of research?

All I care about is the truth, I don't care if David Icke works night and day if he does not contribute towards this. He has the absolute right to do whatever he pleases, and so do we. The thing is, those 'forces' which have so much invested in their lies evidently see no problem with having the shelves of every 'mind, body and spirit' section of British bookshops stacked with his books, and so also give him the right to do what he pleases. As beau explained, this is a big RED FLAG to many of us. I would argue that it is evidence of Icke being useful for the purposes of COINTELPRO.

ps. The links to the sites which you mention are provided because learning to apply discernment and objectivity is the responsibility of the reader, examples of disinformation are useful for this practice. Read the disclaimer - the content of those sites is not universally endorsed by this site.
David Icke and ATS

I have yet to see evidence from the mod claiming Icke to be COINTELPRO.

This is what I expect to see, otherwise, you can call anyone you feel like COINTELPRO and get away with it. This is NOT good journalism.

I've just been doing some digging for myself about SOTT, found some startling things - which will deserve a thread of its own.
David Icke and ATS

Please do a search on David Icke at the top of this forum page and read all the threads that come up - you will then have a much more complete perspective on the topic. I don't have the time, inclination or energy currently to do this for you, since if you are sincere about clarifying things you can easily do it yourself. As Ark said, read first, post later. After reading these threads and the evidence provided within, it will be much more clear to you why David is considered Cointelpro.
David Icke and ATS

kickstand said:
I've just been doing some digging for myself about SOTT, found some startling things - which will deserve a thread of its own.
I am awaiting your post on the SOTT group.

David Icke and ATS

kickstand said:
I have yet to see evidence from the mod claiming Icke to be COINTELPRO.
You have not responded to anything anyone has said yet. All you've done is sweep everything that was said under the rug. I'm still waiting for your take on what I said previously:
from a previous post:

And the C's put into words exactly how I felt about David's conclusions, especially in regards to evil and how it is not just something off, which is how he presents it, but rather a natural part of the universe. Icke would like you to think it was a wrong in need of righting. And this leads us into the idea of a savior who rights all the wrongs for us, who will save us from the horrible Lucifer. In my opinion, that is COINTELPRO.
If you feel as though I am wrong, please respond. I may very well be wrong, but right now the best available information I have leads me to believe Icke is being used as a disinfo agent. As I've said before, the guy doesn't seem to have very much trouble getting his word out. I don't know what kind of "evidence" you wish to "see", but you're not gonna get a nice box marked EVIDENCE put in your lap. You have to honestly look for yourself. And you can't have a bias towards an outcome.
David Icke and ATS

Kickstand, my reference to Icke being COINTELPRO was after having read Laura's analysis of the situation on her blog. As she answers to the question of why Icke isn't linked:
I don't list David Icke because I have always thought that he is one of COINTELPRO's finest products. That is, assuming that he really believes in what he is saying and doing. Because that is the ideal COINTELPRO agent as I learned an chronicled in the Wave Series on cass.org.

David Icke has done more damage to the possibility of any real scientific exploration of the subject of UFOs and aliens being undertaken than any other single living human being. If he can't see that, then he is stupid (not ignorant, certainly). And because I don't think he is stupid, I think he is also aware of what he has done PR wise. Thus, he must be a CONSCIOUS agent of COINTELPRO.
You may want to read her other blog entries on the topic as well, or simply follow the advice already given by others in this thread.
David Icke and ATS

Hi Kickstand,
I was actually enthralled by Icke's early writings, particularly his discussions about vibrations and the Matrix. However, I watched the video that had Arizona Wilder on it and THAT sent up all kinds of red flags to me. And that was BEFORE I was a SOTT member.

Don't you find that episode to be quite odd?

abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

With all due respect/compassion for anyone that has ever been sexually abused, I find it extremely difficult to follow any thread that continually goes off of the original subject... especially when the off-topic concerns are something as emotionally-troubling as sexual child-abuse.

I have a LOT of intellectual-respect for most of the posters I see here, but with that being said, I also see SOOO freaking many Chicken-Little-ish "THE SKY IS FALLING!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" comments that I can barely stand more than a few minutes here at a time.

With all of this panic & paranoia, who needs Stephen King?

I apologize in advance to all those who might be offended by my comments, but all of this fear-mongering seems to be a lot like the COINTELPRO/disinformation that is being slammed down.

I'm not afraid of J@CK SH@T.
I don't care WHO you are, or WHAT you think you can do to me by any possible means.
Don't sing it... Just BRING IT.

By all means, do whatever you can to actually HELP somebody... help ANYBODY, but do yourself a favor and stop wasting your time trying to scare me with tales of the "international BOOGYMAN", because the way that I deal with other people's FEAR is laugh my a$$ off.

This board, with so many well-read intelligent posters, has soooo much to offer intellectually... but emotionally, it's become more & more of an egotistical death-spiral. As much as I enjoy reading some of the posts here, the over-all content is dis-empowering.

I know, I know... I'M WRONG, and it's ALL MY FAULT. :)

If anyone wants to contact me WITHOUT all of the "Run! Run for your life!!! LOOK OUT!!! They'll GET you!!!" fear-mongering B.S...

I apologize to everybody else for wasting your time.
Have a great day. :)
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Jonathan said:
Don't sing it... Just BRING IT.
Well, and what did you bring in your post?

P.S. I removed your email address from your post - it is not a dating forum ;)
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Jonathan said:
I'm not afraid of J@CK SH@T.
Does this mean you are somehow invunerable to capture and detainment? All we are dealing with is reality. Being unafraid doesn't change the fact that you can have your rights taken from you at any moment. There's a difference between being afraid, and being aware.

or so i think
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Nice signature, considering the content of your post, Jonathon - now THAT is comedy.

Jonathon's sig said:
"I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them."
- Baruch Spinoza
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Jonathan said:
I have a LOT of intellectual-respect for most of the posters I see here, but with that being said, I also see SOOO freaking many Chicken-Little-ish "THE SKY IS FALLING!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" comments that I can barely stand more than a few minutes here at a time.

With all of this panic & paranoia, who needs Stephen King?
I don't see any panic here. We're just observing. As for paranoia, that's in the eye of the beholder.

Jonathan said:
I apologize in advance to all those who might be offended by my comments, but all of this fear-mongering seems to be a lot like the COINTELPRO/disinformation that is being slammed down.
No offense taken. You might want to think about why you are reacting so emotionally to the warnings of catastrophe. I don't mean this in a bad way, either. Just that the reaction seems to be based on some repressed fears that the proposed catastrophic scenarios are true. Reactions like this can hold a lot of useful clues about ourselves.
Jonathan said:
I'm not afraid of J@CK SH@T.
I don't care WHO you are, or WHAT you think you can do to me by any possible means.
Don't sing it... Just BRING IT.
OK, tough guy, but the equation changes a bit when you have young children.

Jonathan said:
By all means, do whatever you can to actually HELP somebody... help ANYBODY, but do yourself a favor and stop wasting your time trying to scare me with tales of the "international BOOGYMAN", because the way that I deal with other people's FEAR is laugh my a$$ off.
Hey, no one's trying to scare anyone. Fear can be counterproductive (see EsoQuest's posts for more on this). But avoiding fear can be worse. I think most of us are trying to face the truth as we see it at this point and wake up. An alarm clock doesn't instill fear.
Jonathan said:

I know, I know... I'M WRONG, and it's ALL MY FAULT. :)
Where did this come from?
Jonathan said:
If anyone wants to contact me WITHOUT all of the "Run! Run for your life!!! LOOK OUT!!! They'll GET you!!!" fear-mongering B.S...

I apologize to everybody else for wasting your time.
Have a great day. :)
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Jonathan said:
I have a LOT of intellectual-respect for most of the posters I see here, but with that being said, I also see SOOO freaking many Chicken-Little-ish "THE SKY IS FALLING!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" comments that I can barely stand more than a few minutes here at a time.
I'd just like to add my 2cents here. The world is not coming to an end. What is coming to an end, based on the evidence, is the world as you understand it. However the world itself can get along just fine without us.
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