abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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myshkin said:
That something is on large release may mean that such and such bodies are not killing it off, but it doesn't mean it is therefore not having a good impact. If we go down that route of logic we can end up believing Van Gogh is in the service of ignorance else why would he be so well known. Or as I've noticed elsewhere on the net, that The Beatles were a creation of the Tavistock Institute and blah blah blah....
This is illogical. We suggest that those things which are promoted may or may not produce ignorance but that they certainly WONT contain much information that is damaging to the agenda of the PTB.
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I'd have thought people waking up to the realisation that thier leaders are very much not what they seem could be at the very least an important stepping-stone to waking up to the nature of life. And surely Loose Change damages one's faith in one's leaders. We obviously can't know which direction this may set each individual off on but that's up to them. Life won't end with the watching of that documentary. Lets say hypothetically I wouldn't have gone down this route and ended up on this forum now had it not been for stumbling upon Loose Change. Has that been helpful or harmful to their agenda of mass-hypnosis?
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myshkin said:
I'd have thought people waking up to the realisation that thier leaders are very much not what they seem could be at the very least an important stepping-stone to waking up to the nature of life.
I think it can be, but it can also work to put people even more asleep. Ousting current leaders can be a way to shift focus from the pathocracy and the nature of psychopaths and the control system as a whole, to some individual pawn or a group of pawns. It's like a tree that sacrifices a branch and declares "there see, the tree is dead! Hooray!" and then the branch is replaced by an identical one and people don't even notice because the appearances change, because the leaves grow in a different pattern on it. And so the illusion is maintained.

But another way this can be used to put people to sleep is when this realisation they develop about their leader is not followed by action. Then they become accustomed to it as not being a big deal, get used to realisations with no action or need for action. This would strengthen their sleep even more, and then it would take even a much more powerful shock to REALLY wake them up to action if before the shock could've been milder. Like right now look what's happening in Israel/Middle-East/Lebanon etc, and the apathy of the world is mind-staggering - we've been conditioned to accept a chaotic reality of war and death and plunder over the past few years so that it no longer shocks us into action - the population just shrugs it off and moves on with their daily lives.

So sometimes damaging faith in leaders ends up benefitting the powers that be, even though at face value it appears like it wouldn't. Either it is designed to shift blame to a pawn, or designed to provide subtle shocks to people to make them get used to the shocks and so become much more apathetic and asleep, osit.
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ScioAgapeOmnis said:
myshkin said:
I'd have thought people waking up to the realisation that thier leaders are very much not what they seem could be at the very least an important stepping-stone to waking up to the nature of life.
I think it can be, but it can also work to put people even more asleep. Ousting current leaders can be a way to shift focus from the pathocracy and the nature of psychopaths and the control system as a whole, to some individual pawn or a group of pawns. It's like a tree that sacrifices a branch and declares "there see, the tree is dead! Hooray!" and then the branch is replaced by an identical one and people don't even notice because the appearances change, because the leaves grow in a different pattern on it. And so the illusion is maintained.

But another way this can be used to put people to sleep is when this realisation they develop about their leader is not followed by action. Then they become accustomed to it as not being a big deal, get used to realisations with no action or need for action. This would strengthen their sleep even more, and then it would take even a much more powerful shock to REALLY wake them up to action if before the shock could've been milder. Like right now look what's happening in Israel/Middle-East/Lebanon etc, and the apathy of the world is mind-staggering - we've been conditioned to accept a chaotic reality of war and death and plunder over the past few years so that it no longer shocks us into action - the population just shrugs it off and moves on with their daily lives.

So sometimes damaging faith in leaders ends up benefitting the powers that be, even though at face value it appears like it wouldn't. Either it is designed to shift blame to a pawn, or designed to provide subtle shocks to people to make them get used to the shocks and so become much more apathetic and asleep, osit.
Thanks Scipio........Oops Scio,( I'll leave in the error, reading a book on the Roman Empire at moment!)for a good response. Although regarding Loose Change and the depth of conspiracy revealed, I would think or hope that to people of a certain intelligence that the implications are enormous. That the scale of the deception would show the system almost as a whole to be rotten. The realisation should arise that with the deception being so utterly obvious that all one's politicians are implicated as they could not have been ignorant of the truth of what happened. Though of course you can do alot of fooling of alot of ppl alot of the time.
Perhaps they are trying to get hold of and control a snowball like Loose Change which has gathered so much pace and momentum. The alternative is to do nothing or try and get total control of the internet very quickly, but to so this would presumably make the extent of their totalitarianism all too obvious.
Perhaps there are issues of LC being riddled with inaccuracies that I'm not aware of.
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myshkin said:
Thanks Scipio........Oops Scio,( I'll leave in the error, reading a book on the Roman Empire at moment!)for a good response.
Why would you want to "leave in the error" in something you write?
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Mike said:
myshkin said:
Thanks Scipio........Oops Scio,( I'll leave in the error, reading a book on the Roman Empire at moment!)for a good response.
Why would you want to "leave in the error" in something you write?
Why would you care? Cos I felt like it.
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

myshkin said:
Why would you care?
I could think of a few possible reasons. First, accuracy. Second, noise/signal ratio. Third, what if I am offended by having my "name" replaced by some psychopathic warmonger? What if my name was HittingTheSacredCow or something and you called me Hitler.. and then left it in because you're reading about Nazi Germany. Those are generally some good reasons to correct errors. Just some thoughts. And I'm not saying that I *am* offended, just that I could be but you seem to not care since you didn't consider it, osit.

Just cos I felt like it is about as interested as I am in the asnwer to that one.
I do not understand what this means, could you perhaps rephrase that?

Edit: You changed it to "Cos I felt like it". Why did you feel like it? Do you always do things just cuz you feel like it?
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Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major (235-183 BC) was a general in the Second Punic War and statesman of the Roman Republic. He was best known for defeating Hannibal of Carthage, a feat that earned him the surname Africanus, the nickname 'the Roman Hannibal' and recognition as one of the finest commanders in military history.
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Laura said:

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major (235-183 BC) was a general in the Second Punic War and statesman of the Roman Republic. He was best known for defeating Hannibal of Carthage, a feat that earned him the surname Africanus, the nickname 'the Roman Hannibal' and recognition as one of the finest commanders in military history.
I personally find it hard to glorify the military of any side in a conflict. I know that the plausible lie is that "we need the military for defense" but if EVERYONE in the world only used their military for defense as they claim is its purpose, then nobody would ever attack anyone and nobody would NEED military! So either everyone is irrationally and dangerously paranoid, or the governments KNOW that although everyone says it, not everyone means it. Which then HAS to lead to the logical question - how do we know OUR government means it, why would it be only the other governments that are lying?

And sure enough, the line is blurred even further when one is discussing when is it "necessary" to use the military. Was Iraq a threat? Is Bin Laden a threat? Are Palestinians a threat? Was communism a threat? All these threats that seemingly justified slaughtering people. But were these legalized mass murders truly necessary or was it that we are *told* they are necessary, and since we're just the average ignorant citizen with no access to national security and intelligence, only our government can make such a call, so we're supposed to trust they know much better than we know.

So here's the loop I see...

Government: We need to invade!
Citizens: Why?
Government: If we don't we're all dead!
Citizens: Who says?
Government: Our intelligence!
Citizens: Show us!
Government: We can't, it's classified.
Citizens: Why is it classified?
Government: Because it will reveal the identity of our spies to the enemy if we reveal it publically!
Citizens: What if you're making it up?
Government: Look, we are running out of time, if we don't act now we're all dead!
Citizens: But I insist on proof!
Government: Because of your bickering and stalling, it will be on your shoulders when the enemy invades us first!
Citizens: Oh man I dunno if I can handle the pressure&*#@#@ Oh fine bomb them :(
Government: Wise choice, our country needs more fine examplary citizens like yourself. Here, have a cookie.

And that's proof that the government is full of it and the military is not used just for defense. Any government that expects its citizens to blindly trust it and has "national security" IS STS and by definition lying and using its power to dominate and control. Only STS says "trust me, no I cannot give evidence just TRUST ME!!#@". There is no STO reason to do this that I can think of.

So I do not suppot any military "leaders" or "heroes" personally. My grandfather was in WWII fighting on the side of Stalin. Of course my whole family and country supported him and what he did as heroic and good and all that etc. And you know, he was the most loving and kind man I've ever known. But he was supporting and controlled by an evil NO LESS than what he was fighting, and that evaded him entirely. So just to clarify, I support him as a person, I love him (he's no longer in this world though), and I realise he only did what he "thought" was necessary at the time. Was it? Not sure. What I do know is that in war it's people like my grandfather who die and are forced to shoot other people who may happen to later be someone else's well-meaning grandfather.

And as they rightly say, good intentions pave the way to hell. And this is why Jesus said "they know not what they do" cuz really, a good man killing another good man because of ignorance/delusion on both of their parts? A whole army of well-meaning generally good people killing another army of well-meaning generally good people. This is tragic, and while I support the people themselves and love them and understand that they may mean well, I also know that they ARE responsible, in part, for their ignorance. They took no responsibility for their existance, they gave it to a government that was already demanding it and so gladly accepted it. STO never accepts responsibility for someone else's existance - C's constantly refused to "lead by the hand" and for damn good reason. And if anyone does accept the free will of someone else and therefore responsibility for their existance, they simply cannot be STO. And since there has never been a government that was totally frank with its people about EVERYTHING, having no secrets and never accepting responsibility for the people's lives - the only conclusion I can come to is that EVERY army of EVERY nation is intended for conquest and control, defense just being a plausible lie to justify it to the naive populace.
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myshkin said:
Why would you care? Cos I felt like it.
Because of the reasons that ScioAgapeOmnis gave and because when I post on the forum I try to be as accurate as possible. When I make mistakes and I notice them or someone points them out, I fix the error - note leave it in.
If someone does something differently, I naturally want to understand why.
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
myshkin said:
Why would you care?
I could think of a few possible reasons. First, accuracy. Second, noise/signal ratio. Third, what if I am offended by having my "name" replaced by some psychopathic warmonger? What if my name was HittingTheSacredCow or something and you called me Hitler.. and then left it in because you're reading about Nazi Germany. Those are generally some good reasons to correct errors. Just some thoughts. And I'm not saying that I *am* offended, just that I could be but you seem to not care since you didn't consider it, osit.

Just cos I felt like it is about as interested as I am in the asnwer to that one.
I do not understand what this means, could you perhaps rephrase that?

Edit: You changed it to "Cos I felt like it". Why did you feel like it? Do you always do things just cuz you feel like it?
Jesus! I'm reading a book on Rome, and Scipio is an occasional name you'll come across such as Scipio Afrikanus. If you want, it's merely a mental snapshot of a moment where I saw your name, didn't read it properly and for presumably the reason of reading the book, out came Scipio. I changed the initial post cos I thought it might seem a bit offensive or arrogant.
And I do believe is the spontaneity of doing things seeing as in all seriousness, writing Scipio, I wouldn't have thought would cause offence to anyone.
And finally I merely said Cos I felt like it because I don't believe it's especially healthy for a human to be concerned with analysing every little thing he does. Though I spose that post in turn could be reasonably interpreted as seeming arrogant, without knowing the reasoning behind it.
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Mike said:
myshkin said:
Why would you care? Cos I felt like it.
Because of the reasons that ScioAgapeOmnis gave and because when I post on the forum I try to be as accurate as possible. When I make mistakes and I notice them or someone points them out, I fix the error - note leave it in.
If someone does something differently, I naturally want to understand why.
Ok Mike, hopefully the above response clears it up.
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myshkin said:
And finally I merely said Cos I felt like it because I don't believe it's especially healthy for a human to be concerned with analysing every little thing he does.
Although I agree that sometimes it's totally ok to do things spontaneously, just cuz "u feel like it" and no other reason, I do think it's healthy to analyze everything we do and think and that is because we're machines, and the first step to becoming conscious is of course to SEE ourselves as the machines that we are, find every program and every unconscious or mechanical urge and then we can consciously Work on getting rid of it if we need to. And I really didn't think it was a big deal, I just wanted to know what your response would be and whether "cos I felt like it" might be used as an excuse for other things in the future that might indeed matter and really be considered "noise".

Though I spose that post in turn could be reasonably interpreted as seeming arrogant, without knowing the reasoning behind it.
I think it can be interpreted as arrogant so it helps to give at least some reasoning other than "coz I felt like it", but I guess the devil is in the details. Imagine if this was a trend with you and you were to REALLY contribute noise in the future and say "coz I felt like it" - well we dunno if it's gonna be a trend so had to ask :o
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

Mike said:
Because of the reasons that ScioAgapeOmnis gave and because when I post on the forum I try to be as accurate as possible. When I make mistakes and I notice them or someone points them out, I fix the error - note leave it in.
If someone does something differently, I naturally want to understand why.
Sometimes I find other peoples Freudian slips very interesting. It often shows where their mind is or has been in the recent past. I leave mine in sometimes too. :)
My Experience with Abovetopsecret.com

SAO said:
I just wanted to know what your response would be and whether "cos I felt like it" might be used as an excuse for other things in the future that might indeed matter and really be considered "noise".
I don't think we need to 'look into the future' to find Myshkin's 'noise', there are many examples already if you follow the posts.
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