abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

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abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Fifth Way said:
Phone calls and letters are just entry level stuff. Don't get intimidated (yet).
I experienced similar stuff regarding 2 forum sites dispute in 2004. One of the forum site intimidated the other with lawsuits that never came. Even a faked letter from a lawyer. But this one with ATS is on different level.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

I thought of a different take on the purpose of SERPO.

It is pretty obvious that it is bogus, but nevertheless it still remains an engaging story, and *this* is the conundrum. Why is it interesting to read a story so obviously full of holes and how does this story captivate?

For example, it is obvious that what is being refered to by the "differences in time" is not that time runs at a different rate on the Eben planet, it is that our machines that measure it are based on our context. We would have the same problem on Mars. However it takes so long in the story to get this and you can get so confused by what the heck the guy is talking about that it makes your head hurt. Once your head starts to hurt, you stop thinking just a little bit.

And this is intentional.

Another thing. Much is made of the differences between the Eben and human science. Sorry, not buying it. There is only physics, there is only science. Now our understanding of these things may be (is) flawed and incomplete, but gravity sucks just as much on Serpo as it does on Earth. Again, so much is made of this that it hurts to try and figure out what the heck he is saying, and so you stop thinking a little bit more.

And this is intentional.

Instead, the story goes on at length about long lists of details and easily imagined daily events. The key here is "easily imagined". Here your brain does not hurt so here is where one spends most of one's time and mental energy.

And this is intentional.

I own the "Star Wars" DVDs and of course they have director's commentary and other information like appears on modern DVDs. The thing that so struck me about Star Wars is how much of the story was not being told, it was being designed. George Lucas spent literally years fine tuning the underlying basics of the story, the themes, the analogies, the archetypes. Since none of the science makes sense, instead he focused on creating a "messy" environment with broken stuff lying around, things were dirty and used. This way you simply ignored having a beast of burden the size of an elephant towing an anti-gravity sled full of cargo. Your mind and eye was instead focused on the completeness of the detail.

I had never really thought about the effort of creating a work of fiction or a movie and do not understand how these things come to be, I just go to the theater, eat popcorn and enjoy. I was simply stunned to consider how carefully the background and subtleties of the story were crafted and worked over and over. The end result was a blockbuster (or at least the original three movies) that have embedded themselves in our culture. It turns out that when you listen to George describe all of it, it becomes clear that this was no accident!

Quite some time ago it was revealed that folks in the Pentagon and in the intelligence services employed Hollywood to teach them "stuff". My bet is they did not study how to set a camera angle, or how to edit film, my bet is that they spent the most time on how to craft a story that would suck you in, like Star Wars does. When it is not an accident but instead is designed it becomes clear that you can, in fact, intend to accomplish these things.

Now creating stories (i.e. COINTEL and other propaganda) requires practice to get right. One needs to create a story and see how it plays and then potentially modify the story to see how the modification plays, etc.

Suppose the SERPO project is nothing more than a class homework project for the intelligence and military to learn how to create back stories that manage to weasel their way into people's brains? Suppose that much of the bogus UFO stories and other types of obvious COINTEL are also "practice" runs, just to hone the story telling craft? Keeping to these areas would be "safe" for the purpose of these experiments because they would not be taken seriously by "the population at large".

Anyway, just a thought.

Bottom Line Hypothesis: "SERPO is a practice run by people in various intelligence agencies to hone story creation skills".
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Laura said:
What had us in stitches was that the notice hadn't been up on the forum here for FIVE minutes before that guy was on the phone screaming that he was getting "death threats" because we exposed him!!!
That is absolutely hilarious. Lawyers are very predictable. I'm sure he has plenty of evidence that these death threats actually occurred?? ;)

Laura said:
What's really fun is that this comes right at the time when our readership has more than doubled and we are facing the choice between paying for being way over bandwidth or getting a dedicated server. I guess that the universe does move in mysterious ways...
Such a large increase in readership must be making certain people a bit nervous :)
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

RichM said:
ATS' grand-standing could, I stress could, be a ploy to keep your attention on ATS while the cointelpro elements are relocated to another site. Now that ATS' tactics have been widely noted, they may well be feeling the cold and want to go into hiding while the perps relocate to a fresh site.
Good possibility. Frankly, if ATS hadn't pushed the envelope on this one, I would have been perfectly happy to just keep our speculations here in the forum or on my blog where the readership is smaller. So naturally, one wonders why they did decide to "push the envelope." Stupidity? Hubris?

Fact is, in their own forum and among those individuals that are susceptible to psychologically deviant material, they still "reign supreme" and I have no intention of invading their space and getting into a "food fight." They are entitled to do what they like, even if it includes creating all kinds of disinfo and psy-ops programs to take in the gullible. And the gullible have free will to believe any lie they want to.

We wouldn't even have bothered with the critique of the CatHerder piece if it hadn't been for the repeated and incessant posting of links to it in our old guestbook/forum which seems to have been motivated by their drive to run a psy-op on the Pentagon Flash. And so, simply in self-defense, we felt that we needed to address this nonsense.

RichM said:
Fifth Element sounds right on the money to me. Turn the fight around and make them burn their money, energy and resources. Don't feel obligated to immediately "jump to their tune". They want panicked, knee-jerk reactions to their letters.
As I have mentioned, we are still waiting for an official letter that has weight in France. As a result of this, we probably will move the site to a server where such letters will simply be deleted rather than have to deal with that nonsense when it is such an annoyance. We are holding a series of scientific meetings just now and we really don't have time to mess with kids playing games.

RichM said:
I've got to ask - what kind of two man Simon Grey amateur site run by two blokes can afford to retain such a massive law firm? Looks like i've answered my own question there. Unless ATS qualify for some legal aid, I'd say someone else is paying for this hassle.
Sure. But I'm not even sure that the "Amigos" are actually "retaining" said law firm. I think that good ole Wayne Jaeschke is just ONE of the "amigos," and may even masquerade as "Simon Gray." Simon, I think, is a "character" made up by someone. I have speculated that Christian Bailey may be behind it, but I could be wrong on that. It could be Wayne Jaeschke from the beginning.

As the email from Jaeschke below indicates, he was heavily involved with "writing" the whole Serpo story:


You can see on Wayne's "hobby site" that ole Wayne likes to be called "The Rev" if you click "email the Rev" you will get this publicly available email address. _http://speakerbuilder.net/web_files/default.htm so if he starts yelling that his contact details are being revealed, he's full of it.

Clearly, from this email, Wayne and Victor Martinez and several others are on this little mail list. Ryan removed the list of recipients before sending the email image to me, but my guess is that he was on it as well. In short, it tells us that the whole Serpo story is a creation, a game, of this bunch of sick turkeys.

Notice also Victor's comment: "If and when the official program goes into effect with legitimate, mainstream news media sources.. " That definitely suggests that Victor is convinced that he is in contact with a gov intell guy - or that someone is - and that this whole program is sanctioned by the US psy-ops gang. Victor's question: "were ALL of the postings fake" tells us that he is not completely on the inside. I'd lay dollars to donuts that Wayne is the author of ALL of the Serpo hoax material with maybe a little help from William Irvine and Mark Allin.

What a bunch of slimeballs...
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Laura said:
Sure. But I'm not even sure that the "Amigos" are actually "retaining" said law firm. I think that good ole Wayne Jaeschke is just ONE of the "amigos," and may even masquerade as "Simon Gray." Simon, I think, is a "character" made up by someone. I have speculated that Christian Bailey may be behind it, but I could be wrong on that. It could be Wayne Jaeschke from the beginning.
This is just left-field speculation, but if I wanted to use a false name to do COINTELPRO "Simon Gray" would pretty much be it: Simon the Magus, Simon Templar (both masters if illusion); Gray (as in ambiguous, as well as referring to the aliens of that name).
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Laura, has all this been distracting you from something in particular?
abovetopscret.com EXPOSED!!!!

Cricket said:
Laura, has all this been distracting you from something in particular?
A very good question, as the main aim of the psychopath (black hole), following the entropic path, is to 'suck' energy from others, regardless of the orientation of the energy (positive or negative). Trying to distract in order to vector the energy flow.

Though it was meant as a distraction, I think that some of the outcome has been just the opposite as it has exposed THEM to the max and secondly caused a shock, which succesfully utilised in this networking community has strengthened the resolve and been another valuable lesson for all. The RA material mentions the danger for the STS beings in taking on a to powerful STO opponent, with the possible result of depleting the STS beings and strengthening the polarisation of the STO Beings. Wishful thinking can be very detrimental ;-). I think the C's mention it to somewhere, but in slightly different language.

Or so I think,

Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

Magus said:
Have you considered purchasing and operating your own web server? I admit up front that I do not know the details of owning and operating a web server. Please forgive me if I am proposing a solution already considered by all of you and, for practical reasons surely unknowable by any but yourselves, found either not feasible or not desirable.
I don't know about the exact configuration of servers that host SOTT, the SOTT forums and the other sites, but I believe they lease dedicated servers for the Pentagon Strike video (due to the extremely large volume of hits it receives) and possibly for some of the other sites.

It is possible to purchase dedicated servers and then lease space for them and purchase bandwidth in a "data center" however this requires a certain level of technical expertise and ongoing troubleshooting that goes beyond leasing dedicated servers from a company that provides some level of technical support and uptime guarantees. Owning dedicated servers would certainly eliminate annoyances like the recent episode with the ATS lawyer, however this option is more expensive and can be more time-consuming to maintain.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

rs said:
Now creating stories (i.e. COINTEL and other propaganda) requires practice to get right. One needs to create a story and see how it plays and then potentially modify the story to see how the modification plays, etc.

Suppose the SERPO project is nothing more than a class homework project for the intelligence and military to learn how to create back stories that manage to weasel their way into people's brains? Suppose that much of the bogus UFO stories and other types of obvious COINTEL are also "practice" runs, just to hone the story telling craft? Keeping to these areas would be "safe" for the purpose of these experiments because they would not be taken seriously by "the population at large".

Anyway, just a thought.

Bottom Line Hypothesis: "SERPO is a practice run by people in various intelligence agencies to hone story creation skills".
by jove, i think he's got it!

OPertaion RESearch --- OPRES -> SERPO

or so i have heard
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

My first impression upon reading the ATS "attack" emails sent to Bill Ryan reflected my opinion of ATS itself: a business. Just as Ms. Knight Jadczyk touched on, they are all about marketing. I see a website littered with advertisements i see a website trying to sell me something.

So i thought to myself Mr. Ryan here had a good idea but his execution (ie writing and such, as rs cited about story building) was poor. As a business, perhaps ATS saw serpo.org as a good opportunity for money if the Skeptic Overlord took over the marketing and consumer manipulation to match how they make their $$$ over at ATS. From an Occam's standpoint, it might just be simple, if not dirty and bullying, business. Capitalism and all that nonsense.

Except for Mr. Ryan's attitude and activity towards Ms. Knight Jadczyk. Once told that she thought his serpo stuff was all hokey, followed by her inability to provide any assistance, a man with his concern for what he purpoted to be have concern over (his credibility and website) would have moved on to someone else he thought could help him out if he really thought he was in a pickle. But his continued communication with her shows his concern and attention toward her, not his own business, perhaps shedding light of a different agenda all together.

For ATS and Serpo to all be in cahoots, months and months worth at that, all just to set a trap that in itself isn't definite (ie one would need to go for the cheese to get caught in the trap) seems quite elaborate. Elaborate actions dictate a very serious motive, ie Ms. K must have really pissed off someone, or that it really isn't so elaborate. There is the offchance that ATS and co. are all crazy and they like spending months and months building a card castle just so no one would go inside it.

But simplicity usually lays a heavy hand on human motive, even in the intelligence field. Cointelpro or what have you, people are people first, and people's actions and choices have been observed long enough to get a good idea of using one thing to get a type of reaction. This is why those hollywood blockbusters bust so much block. So the question is, what would have happened if Ms. K decided to go along with the whole hullaballoo so diligently put forth by these conniving con-men?

Editorials notwithstanding, any one of the possibilities here is just that, a possibility. The most weight can be given to one if we can get an idea of which way they are blowing the wind. Discredit to a nice author with a newfound penchant for genealogy? Or this website, and its mentally delicious pentagon presentation? Judging from how they act on their own boards, ATS would hardly be above stating "Admin of this board is attatched to Loony Bin Mcgee and his Alien Silliness!" followed up with Hoots n Hollers from their camp followers. But all this activity just to try and paint a bad picture of a "competitor" board? Thats a whole lot of effort involved here just to gain more webtraffic. Then again, I am constantly amazed at the lengths capitalists go to to get more bang in their buck.

But if this is political that would easily explain away the effort used here. Perhaps the business end of it is just a kicker, a nice bonus. The real intent to Lie and smudge away at someone else's tasty truths, especially if those truths reveal a not so nice view of ones' self (or history, such as shooting our own five sided buildings). Information is puported to be the most valuable commodity. Perhaps that is the showdown here, two cookies vying for the public's mouth; one a tasty truth, the other a tasty something but accompanied by a nightstick. Perplexing quandary at best. Yummy in my tummy or a safety net?

Thats just my two scratch n dents.

PS: i liked the bit about SERPO being a possibly class project! I would give it a C. Art's reptoid saurians would almost get creative bonus points except that it was a good video game in the 90s (read: Chrono Trigger, further extrapolated in the sequel Chrono Cross) but total swallowability? F. Da Vinci Code? B+, everybody's digging that one. Thats how you mix in real life stuff with possibly real life stuff. Doesn't matter if you're talking about Jesus or Hamburgers. You manage to tell a good story about how a hamburger might have saved your life once, and soon enough you get contacted by a group of people who could use a Really Good Storyteller.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

I was in the car last Friday and they were talking about the Lincoln group on Democracy Now:

The PsyOps War: A Look at the Lincoln Group and the U.S. Military's Planting of Stories in the Iraqi Press

The following quote from the transcipts says a lot IMO:

So, how does a young person with no experience, even in the public relations field, manage to land a $100 million contract?

I thought it was a good show. They pointed out some other story planting that I didn't know about.

"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

One more thing. Speakerbuilder.net (referenced in Laura's blog entry about the ATS saga) has essentially gone off-line. When the link was originally published, there was a "there" there, with self identification and a list of stuff related to (no, really) building speakers.

Everybody needs a hobby. Ironic that a lawyer's hobby should involve "making noise".

However now, speakerbuilder.net brings up a flash presentation that goes nowhere, and the "click to skip intro" link takes you back to the flash presentation. Apparently in "Wayne's World", his woofer and tweeter got crossed over. I wonder why?

"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

However now, speakerbuilder.net brings up a flash presentation that goes nowhere, and the "click to skip intro" link takes you back to the flash presentation. Apparently in "Wayne's World", his woofer and tweeter got crossed over. I wonder why?
LOL! I reckon we can guess!
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Did anyone notice that Laura's SERPO Psy-op's blog made the Anomalist list? Expect MORE exposure ... this should get interesting!

http://www.anomalist.com/ for the 27th March
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