Accident? Iranian President and Foreign Minister killed in Helicopter Crash

Regardless of if there was funny business with the Israelis, taking a helicopter over the mountains in dense fog with your president and foreign minister in tow is very poor decision making. No doubt the Iranians don't have the best aviation tech due to US sanctions.

Edit: Not to mention the Azerbaijan border is precarious right now due to the tensions with Armenia, and Azer is Israel's ally (Iran's too, but still). And all to celebrate the opening of a dam? Just cannot fathom the act of putting two of your most important state leaders in that position. Simplicious tweeted "I don't know the president that well, but the foreign minister is effectively Iran's Lavrov."

What a colossal strategic error.
I watched news from one Polish yt channel and this channel says that they were on unofficial peace talks with USA. There were at least 3 machines and all of them went down due to mall function? Some sources said that Iranian army send immediately help and they also lost contact. Also we are not so sure about weather, e.g. if Israel knew about it they could even make this weather by themselves. Right know we only know for sure that "it was something" And that Iran decided to say that it wasn't attack.
Knowing the planet war situations at this time and if weather bad conditions weren't feasible for flying, would you stay temporarily grounded? To me it looks like a "bad" decision on the Iranian part (maybe intentionally) and I don't dismiss some "traitors" do exist in their government like in the shooting of the Slovakia's prime minister if confirmed. Interesting times nonetheless, subtle and big changes are underway, stay safe everyone.
If the initial news are true that there were three helicopters flying and two arrived safely home, while the one with the president and foreign minister on board crashed, I have a couple of questions:

From a layman's perspective, one would assume that the three helicopters must have flown in a particular formation; The President's helicopter in the middle, while one of the other two was in front and the other behind the president's machine. If that should be the case, how likely would it be that the other two helicopters came out of the situation without any damage? Wouldn't you assume, if they have flown in such a formation, that at least the helicopter behind the president would likely have suffered a similar fate? What are the chances that the helicopter in the middle would crash out of the three? Could one or two of the other helicopters have had something to do with the crash of the president? Like the one behind?

Having said that, if it is true that the weather conditions were very bad (which seems to be true) really anything could have happened. So, a very bad strategic decision could have been the cause indeed.

Which reminds me of a story Putin once told about a similar situation:

[...]I have to disagree on a number of points. A GOOD soldier under GOOD leadership is much more then a “yes sir!“ person. In fact, in such a scenario, the soldier is even expected to not just blindly follow any orders. Recently, I watched a video in which Putin explained how he wants/likes his people to behave. To explain that point, he told the following story:

Putin was supposed to fly in a helicopter somewhere, so the order was given to the captain of that “ship“ (helicopter). The air conditions for flying were very dangerous. The captain said something like this to Putin: „I‘m the captain of this ship and I will not fly under these conditions. It is too dangerous. Period.“ The captain then just turned around and walked away from Putin!

Putin told that story and emphasized the character of the man and that this should be viewed as an exemplary action that the people under his command should follow!
Even if it was for 'peace talks' which seems which seems fishy and a lure/bait to me if anything, to put all the top ofgicials in the same machine, especially in war time, is plain stupidity.
Did they never learn anything from the Polish Government tragedy?
Agree that there can also be all types of on/off planet manipulations too.
Very hazardous time for all countries trying to alter the status quo. 😔
It seems like, at least in the US, when the president flies in a helicopter, several helicopters fly with him in specific formations similar to the tactics that are being used when he drives in a car brigade:

Typically, the U.S. President will fly in a group of anywhere between two to six identical helicopters. Flying with multiple helicopters in formation allows for security personnel, aides, and guests to accompany the President and disguise which helicopter actually contains the President.

I would be pretty surprised if the Iranians wouldn't have used similar flying tactics/formations. In fact, that seems to be the norm pretty much in every country. So, if that was the case, and it is true that the number of other helicopters besides the president were only two, this could mean that the president's helicopter could have flown not in the middle of the other two, although, given that "unusual" (?) small number, I would assume that they might as well opted for the other safe option to have the presidents helicopter in the middle. And if that is the case, the above questions still are interesting to ask.
I watched news from one Polish yt channel and this channel says that they were on unofficial peace talks with USA. There were at least 3 machines and all of them went down due to mall function? Some sources said that Iranian army send immediately help and they also lost contact. Also we are not so sure about weather, e.g. if Israel knew about it they could even make this weather by themselves. Right know we only know for sure that "it was something" And that Iran decided to say that it wasn't attack.
If the initial news are true that there were three helicopters flying and two arrived safely home, while the one with the president and foreign minister on board crashed, I have a couple of questions:

From a layman's perspective, one would assume that the three helicopters must have flown in a particular formation; The President's helicopter in the middle, while one of the other two was in front and the other behind the president's machine. If that should be the case, how likely would it be that the other two helicopters came out of the situation without any damage? Wouldn't you assume, if they have flown in such a formation, that at least the helicopter behind the president would likely have suffered a similar fate? What are the chances that the helicopter in the middle would crash out of the three? Could one or two of the other helicopters have had something to do with the crash of the president? Like the one behind?

Having said that, if it is true that the weather conditions were very bad (which seems to be true) really anything could have happened. So, a very bad strategic decision could have been the cause indeed.

Which reminds me of a story Putin once told about a similar situation:
I also noticed this particular detail about the helicopters. How odd that the one helicopter that crashed happens to be the one loaded with all the important passengers. The question, as usual, is: Who benefits?
It doesn't seem to incapacitate Iran's administration at all, at least in the words of the Ayatollah. The foreign minister seems to have been very capable, but aside from that, what does Israel stand to gain from this?
It did happen on Iranian territory, Iran does not seem to want to put the blame on any foreign power, and just the presidential helicopter got taken out. The only benefit I can see is for someone else in Iran who wants to change the direction of the policies. The President Raisi seems to have been a very clerical person and was seen as a likely candidate to succeed the Ayatollah himself. The other presidents before him just came and went.
Internal power struggle?
Mist and bad weather conditions are telltale signs of window-faller activity. Mist frequently marks the realm border weakening to the extent of traversable openings being created to other worlds. On 9-11 Lizzies just shot an energy beam out of the clear sky to make the towers collapse: there was no bad weather at all. If High Strangeness was involved, can we expect our reality tearing now?
If high strangeness involved, it has to happen for all 3 helicopters. Any way what are the observations of other 2 helicopters occupants? Probably we will not know immediately without some filter.

Most probably it is usual mossad operation.
Which reminds me of a story Putin once told about a similar situation:
Same happened to General Lebed in 2002 only he did NOT listen to the sober pilot!
Before we go all Mossad or CIA on it, keep in mind--there was a strong fog. Same happened to General Lebed, at that time Krasnoyarsk Krai governor, who thought that if he was a big boss that this negates the safety procedures. He made pilots fly, heli caught electric lines in fog, crashed and everybody died. So, keep in mind a possibility of TPTB overruling pilots. If the heli itself (granted old Bell 212 could have suffered malfunction prior to crash) could have been the culprit, Iranian Bell was most likely much older than the last Bell 212s delivered in 1998. We may be looking at Bell 212 from 1980 at best. 44 years for heli it is pushing it, especially the one which is not supported by the US but had to be maintained. Other than that, my condolences to the people of Iran. It is a great loss.
(Military expert source.)
Mist and bad weather conditions are telltale signs of window-faller activity. Mist frequently marks the realm border weakening to the extent of traversable openings being created to other worlds. On 9-11 Lizzies just shot an energy beam out of the clear sky to make the towers collapse: there was no bad weather at all. If High Strangeness was involved, can we expect our reality tearing now?
I hope I am not repeating something published, apologies in advance if I am.

In the area where Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's helicopter crashed, the weather conditions were very bad:
According to the chief specialist of the FOBOS center, Evgeniy Tishkovets, a "thermal depression" was observed in the area where the president's helicopter went down: the clouds sank to the ground, covering hills and passes, and in some places there were downpours and thunderstorms. There could be "turbulence, electrification" in the clouds and icing at an altitude of 3.5 kilometers or more. A few hours after the accident, rescue services finally arrived on the scene. The work was joined by emergency services, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, elite units of the Iranian Armed Forces) forces, Basij militia units and local residents.
The meteorologist noted that during the precipitation visibility deteriorated to 1-3 kilometres, in the clouds, to several hundred tens of metres. Wind gusts reached 10-15 metres per second, in some mountain areas up to 21 metres per second.

“In the lower boundary layer from 0 to 3 kilometers, wind shear was observed - a turn in the direction from 190 to 325 degrees, the air flow speed at these altitudes was up to 30-50 kilometers per hour. The temperature during the day was plus 18 - plus 23, in the mountains about plus 10 Last night - from plus 6 to plus 16," he said.
The meteorologist added that flights in the mountains in such weather conditions are prohibited.
“They complicate helicopter control, make it difficult to maintain flight altitude, cause bumpiness, increased stress in the helicopter structure, and create the danger of a collision with a mountain in the area of downward air flows. A drop in atmospheric pressure caused by vortices with a horizontal axis could lead to an overestimation of altimeter readings by up to 30 -50 meters. Thus, difficult weather conditions could have been a direct or indirect cause of the plane crash of Iranian President Raisi’s helicopter,”

Rescuers on 20 May identified the bodies of all those who died in the helicopter crash of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, reports Tasnim . It was decided not to carry out genetic tests.
Almost all the bodies were burned, making it difficult to identify them.
‘Only the body of Friday's imam of the city of Tabriz, Mohammad Ali Ale Hashem, was in better physical condition than the bodies of other martyrs and suffered fewer burns, as he was alive an hour after the plane crash and even managed to survive. a phone call to the head of the presidential administration, Golam Hossein Ismaili,’ the message reads.

There was this article published on Sott on the 15 of May. Could it have something to do whit the crash. Is there an intestinal battle within the Iranian government.
Ex-president issues sharp rebuke of Iran's leadership after election disqualification

Regardless of if there was funny business with the Israelis, taking a helicopter over the mountains in dense fog with your president and foreign minister in tow is very poor decision making. No doubt the Iranians don't have the best aviation tech due to US sanctions.
Beau flying VFR in those condition would be considered suicidal anywhere in the world. They were probably flying IFR (instrumental flight rules) and were totally at the mercy of there instrument. Easy to sabotage in those condition, just give the pilot false atmospheric pressure and you automatically falsify the altimeter giving a false reading of your real altitude is one way to do it and as you know electronic can be messed up from a distance so it may have been modified in flight. It sure look suspicious as the other 2 helicopters didn't have problem, it really look as a targeted assassination for me or really coincidental fail of flight instrument.
Even if it wasn't sabotage as such, one thing I've noticed is that Zionists tend to have 'lucky strikes' now and then - almost like witchcraft. Judging by the pictures, the visibility was terrible and the weather not great. Actually, I don't know why they decided to fly at the time.

If it wasn't sabotage but the weather, then to me that's another example of how 'the system' (hyperdimensional sts) not only protects but works in favour of Israel. I mean, what are the odds?

Or maybe it was just Mossad. And if Iran openly blames Israel, who knows what can happen next.
Below are some transcripts that might relate to this crash
Flying in fog, the case of Polish Air Force Flight 101
Session 27 February 2016
(Joe) The crash of the Polish government plane in 2010 in Smolensk had most of the Polish government at the time onboard, and they all died. Was it a result of pilot error?

A: Arrogance.

Q: (L) Pilot arrogance?

A: Yes
Exploring the possibility that there was a bit of luck for someone, below are a few excerpts. Two connect to weather, one to the time around the assassination of Soleimani, another to the downing of the Germanwing plane

4D battles represent as weather. But the “veil” is thinning, and Mossad is getting close to interfacing
Session 20 October 2005
Q: (Perceval) He was there to try and lure you away, Galahad. (L) (In a sinister voice) He was reading you. He was taking a profile. (Perceval) I want to know about these strange formations on the radar image of Hurricane Rita.

A: 4th density “battle.” Also includes some “practice.”

Q: (L) They’re practicing with new weapons. (Perceval) Some people said Katrina was the product of HAARP heating up the waters in the Gulf.

A: We’ve already dealt with HAARP and weather. Read transcripts.

Q: (DW) (Quoting transcripts) “HAARP has nothing to do with the weather or EM associated with same.” (Galahad) Which suggests that there is EM associated with the weather. There could be some EM stuff associated with the weather that isn’t part of HAARP. (L) 4th density. (Perceval) Were any of the storms manufactured from 3rd density or was it a natural storm?

A: Mfg in 3D? No. As we have said… 4D battles represent as weather. But the “veil” is thinning.

Q: (Foofighter) So if there is more weather it is due to more battles, and it being thinner. (Perceval) Possibly. The thinning of the veil creates more natural… (L) Or unnatural, depending upon how you look at it. (Mr. Scott) So, I have a few questions. In the last session the C’s had said that 47% of Americans think that the government was complicit in 911. They also said that 12% of Americans can actually think. So, assuming that the 12% that can think are part of the 47% who think the American government was complicit in 911, that would give 35% would think the government is complicit not because they think but because they have been programmed to think it. If that is the case, then why are these people being programmed to be suspicious or against the Bush government?
We told you that the battles would be disguised as weather.
Session 7 November 2015
(Perceval) What caused the downing of the Russian plane in the Sinai?

A: External, think Mossad and energy weapons.

Q: (Andromeda) That was my first guess.

(Perceval) That was my first guess, as well.

(Approaching Infinity) Did it have anything to do with the US/Israel wargames happening then?

A: Cover for same.

Q: (L) What was that flight that went down over the Atlantic way back when? The C's talked about it.

(Perceval) TWA Flight 800?

(L) Yeah, Flight 800.

A: Yes. Similar system.

Q: (Niall) Did that incident have anything to do with the cyclone that was going toward Yemen?

A: Utilized energy.

Q: (Perceval) Utilized energy in the 3D sense, or in the sense that weather can be associated with 4D?

A: Charged atmosphere enhances the effect.

Q: (Pierre) During 9/11, there was a similar high-energy weapon in conjunction with an unexpected cyclone...

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they're just experimenting with this kind of stuff. They're playing with it.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Deadly games.

(Perceval) So, it was intentional, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Similar to that... Hurricane Rita on 9/11?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And it's funny: Everybody forgets about the fact that there was this hurricane there at that time.

(Pierre) Going straight to Manhattan, and then it turns!

(Niall) The one that hit Yemen was the first one ever to hit there.

(Perceval) Yeah, the first one to make landfall.

(Chu) So, that could mean they had some help from the 4D quarters.

A: Yes. We told you that the battles would be disguised as weather.

Q: (L) And that means the 4D battles.

(Perceval) That's what they said at the time, that 4D battles represent as weather. And Mossad is close...

(L) It's getting close to interfacing...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And it's being disguised as weather, like a microburst.

(Scottie) Didn't our tornado here happen after the Katrina thing, but obviously before the past several weeks?

(Chu) On the 31st of August.

(Scottie) So, maybe we need to pay close attention when 16 trees fall.

A: Indeed!

Q: (Approaching Infinity) But 16 trees... Aren't there 16 people between both houses here?

(L) Pattern recognition run amok! [laughter]

(Perceval) Calm down, Approaching Infinity! [laughter] So, when they say "Mossad" as an answer to a lot of these questions, we're not really talking about the overt Israeli government here, right?

A: No. Kabbalists.

Q: (Perceval) Does the Russian government have any idea that that's who shot the plane down?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (L) That's why they've taken the path of accepting the ISIS explanation, because that gives them time to...

(Perceval) They haven't really accepted that yet. They're telling everybody to just calm down until the investigation is over.

(PoB) Can it be discovered by the investigation?

A: This kind of weapon does not leave the usual traces. But it does have a "signature".

Q: (Perceval) There are a couple of strange things. One of them was the 3-year-old girl who was a victim was found 34 kilometers away from the crash site. It was just one girl that was found that far away.

(Andromeda) So, part of the plane broke apart, like there was a hole... Even if it didn't break apart, she could have...

(Perceval) Maybe. Or maybe it was high-energy, or a bleedthrough or distortion of spacetime...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Spacetime distortion.

(Niall) Like the Philadelphia Experiment.

(Perceval) There was another strange thing. The front of the plane right up to the cockpit and the wings was all lying in more or less one piece, but completely burned. The picture from above showed two perfectly black wings attached to the body, but it looked like it was spontaneously combusted or something. This was after it supposedly hit the ground! Very strange. It looked like somebody had set fire to it on the ground.

A: Effects of the energy.

Q: (Atreides) Remember during 9/11 how all that stuff was burnt, but only on one half?

(L) Yeah, in a strange pattern.

(Atreides) And all the iron was removed, but the aluminum was left intact.

(Niall) I think I also saw a photo where a whole section of the actual carriage was intact. So, from the ground...

(L) And, there were pictures of the luggage that was all intact, so it couldn't have been a bomb in the hold.

(Perceval) It was almost like a case of spontaneous human combustion.

(L) It was like some things in a certain space were incinerated, but other things were intact...

(Perceval) Or made of a certain material. And there are no reports of being burned, but a lot of bodies were dismembered.

(L) Yeah, that's some kind of hellacious weapon, huh?

A: Indeed. Russia has equivalents.

Q: (Perceval) So, they know.

(Chu) How often have these weapons been used? We already know of three cases.

A: More often than you think though often on a smaller scale.

Q: (Perceval) Remember a few years ago that town in Italy where the water pipes would burn? They said that was target practice.

(L) Jesus. All that stuff that's now coming together... Alright, let's quickly do what we've gotta do. I'm tired.
See what we can do!
The following was probably not the case, but still an option to keep in mind.
Session 4 April 2015
Q: (L) Alright, I guess ya'll want to ask your questions about your airplane.

(Perceval) So, what caused the crash of the Germanwings flight into the mountain?

A: Autopilot system.

Q: (Perceval) The autopilot system caused it. Well, yeah! We know that. Was the autopilot system hijacked remotely?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Uh, by who?

A: Guess!

Q: (Perceval) Mossad.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Was the purpose to...

A: A warning! Imagine all the "authorities" in various governments being made acutely aware that planes that they travel on themselves can be so easily manipulated?!

Q: (Galatea) So they can control any plane they want at any time.

(Perceval) So that suggests that this remote hijacking isn't limited to Boeing's uninterruptible autopilot system being installed, because that could be taken out. "Authorities" could have that removed...

A: It needs the system!

Q: (L) So then basically, what they're probably doing is they're buying time while they get them removed from the planes they travel on themselves?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) It was just a general warning, specifically to the German, French, and Spanish governments involved?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) To... In terms of the geopolitical thing, like Russia or not Russia type of thing?

A: See what we can do!

Q: (L) Is any of this being transmitted to any of these authorities directly?

A: No! But they know.

Q: (Perceval) So, obviously all of the stuff about the pilot, suicide pilot, and kicking down the door, and the locking of the door was all bogus...

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) What about the eyewitness accounts that they heard an explosion and saw smoke?

(Perceval) Probably to muddy the water.

(L) What was the smoke and the boom?

A: Diversion.

Q: (L) Who created the diversion?

A: Jets in area. It was realized that something along this line was happening because a "warning" had been given in advance. They just did not know where and when.

Q: (Pierre) So they said, "We're gonna bring down a plane?"

(L) Is that what was said?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And of course, since it was an Airbus, then it would affect France, and it was a German flight, so it affects Germany. So it was damaging to both France and Germany.

(Chu) Today there was a report of another plane having to land in an emergency. It was going to Italy. And there was another one a couple of days ago. Are these the same types of warnings?

A: The same source is certainly toying with the "PTB" and enjoying their power and the resulting turmoil.
The following is probably also not the case, but again, it is an option.
The missile systems were co-opted by nefarious agents.
Session 22 February 2020
(L) I have some questions about this Soleimani thing. I was really, REALLY upset with Trump about this Soleimani assassination. I mean, that guy seemed like such a nice guy! He looked like a nice guy!

(Joe) He had a funny eye.

(L) Didn't he?

(Joe) But was he?

(L) Well, the question is was he a really nice guy? I guess that's not a question I should ask. That's a value judgment. Uh...

(PoB) Nice for friends, not nice for enemies.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. So, the thing that I thought about it because of Iran's really lukewarm response to the whole thing... I mean, that's the kind of thing that starts freaking wars! Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination started World War I!! Anyway... So here we get this guy assassinated and we didn't get WW III already. So, that made me suspicious. And then they had this little response that was like milquetoast.

(Pierre) It was scripted all along.

(L) Yeah, like it was scripted...

A: Back room deal.

Q: (L) So are you saying that Trump and the Iranians had a backroom deal to take out this guy Soleimani because the Iranians may have actually wanted him gone?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) Which Iranians?

(Joe) Rouhani and the Ayatollah.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So was it decided upon from Trump's perspective as a kind of gift to keep the Israelis happy?

(L) He got to make a grand gesture for his warmongering Deep State and appease Israel, and Iran got rid of somebody that they were getting more and more afraid of.

A: Yes

Q: (L) But still, I don't think the Ayatollahs were the good guys. So maybe he was a good guy. I mean, come on! Those people (Muslims) make women wear...

(Joe) Well... Not the ayatollahs, but...

A: Now now! Don't judge a book...

Q: [laughter] (Joe) Why was the Ukrainian plane shot down? Was it actually a mistake?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Was it something along the lines that we theorized? The missile system was fooled?

A: The systems were co-opted by nefarious agents.

Q: (Joe) And would that be Mossad?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Our favorite spy group.

(Niall) Does that mean then that the same elements in the Iranian regime that made a deal to take out Soleimani helped to cover it up?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Right. They didn't want a big to-do about it. The point wasn't to start any kind of conflict.

(L) Was anybody important on that plane?

(Joe) Not really.

(PoB) Was there anything hiding behind the plane?

A: No
For other options, there is no lack of drone operators trained in Ukraine, that could have taken the plane down. To this one could add space-based weapons that could disturb the navigation system, as well as electronic warfare technology, though it could also be air burst from an overhead explosion caused by an incoming meteor, or a cometary fragment.

The Israelis may not have been involved, but they certainly did not mind what happened, as revealed by the quotes in the comments to this article: Iranian president confirmed dead in helicopter crash.

If there is nothing obvious at the crash site, it may take a little while to get more information, and some may never be revealed, but by triangulating what does come out, it may be possible to make a qualified guess.
What's striking to me is that the media here in Holland seem to be emphasizing that he was some kind of horrific dictator and that some prominent Dutch politicians are condemning the condolences made by Charles Michel.

From: Wereld reageert op dood Raisi, Kamerleden kritisch op EU-condoleance (in Dutch)

Criticism of EU condolence Michel

From the West, Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, was the first to respond this morning. He sent his "sincere condolences" on behalf of the EU to Iran and the relatives of the helicopter occupants via a message on X.

That tweet resulted in a response from PVV leader Geert Wilders, among others. "Not in my name!", wrote the leader of the largest party in the Chamber under Michel's condolence tweet. BBB leader Van der Plas stated that Michel had written the condolences "wrongly"; she said condolences go to the relatives of victims of the regime and "all victims of terrorist attacks financed by Iran."

Other MPs also steered clear of condolences via X and emphasized that Raisi was the head of a repressive and authoritarian regime. For example, VVD MP Ruben Brekelmans writes that his thoughts first go to Raisi's "countless victims". D66 member Jan Paternotte also emphasizes that Raisi "was responsible for hundreds of executions".

NSC MP Caspar Veldkamp, like Wilders, responds to Michel's tweet and adds that the condolences should actually be for the families of those "who have been murdered, tortured and oppressed".

The Dutch outgoing cabinet has not yet responded to Raisi's death.
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