Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Alex Jones - Fascist Tool?

I was just starting David Graeber's, Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology ( where at the beginning he asked, "Why are there so few Anarchists in the Academy?"

It is interesting that Marxists outnumber Anarchists in the academic world in the U.S. That might be a clue.

On the other hand, I've found that a lot of people are anarchists without realizing it!
Alex Jones - Fascist Tool?

Here are a few bits from Graeber:

David Graeber said:
1. Marxism has tended to be a theoretical or analytical
discourse about revolutionary strategy.

2. Anarchism has tended to be an ethical discourse
about revolutionary practice.

...[that distinction] makes it easier to understand why there are so few anarchists in the academy. It's not just that anarchism does not tend to have much use for high theory. It's that it is primarily concerned with forms of practice; it insists, before anything else, that one's means must be consonant with one's ends; one cannot create freedom through authoritarian means; in fact, as much as possible, one must oneself, in one's relations with one's friends and allies, embody the society one wishes
to create. This does not square very well with operating within the university, perhaps the only Western
institution other than the Catholic Church and British monarchy that has survived in much the same form
from the Middle Ages, doing intellectual battle at conferences in expensive hotels, and trying to pretend
all this somehow furthers revolution. At the very least, one would imagine being an openly anarchist professor would mean challenging the way universities are run-and I don't mean by demanding an anarchist studies department, either-and that, of course, is going to get one in far more trouble than anythingone could ever write.
Alex Jones - Fascist Tool?

one's means must be consonant with one's ends
My personal formulation is " the means ARE the end". I can't swallow the line that anyone HAS to die for 'the glorious future', let alone millions. The end doesn't justify the means.

Funny - I wrote a reply, mentioning that earlier, but was interrupted. Now I come back later and I read the post with "mean's and ends" quote by Graeber! And they put it so well too. Damn! :)

all a good read. ta
alex jones and jeff rense

Hi; I have a few questions for Laura after listening to the "dis-information series and Wing TV" podcasts. The first question is what specifically in the content of both those sites is untrue. I understand and would also like clarity on what content on those sites "major in the minors" to keep us diverted from (which) key truths. I had been a listener of both those sites and came upon yours after reading "meet the new boss, same as the old boss.". In many ways, I am confused as to how the nasty actions and slander of the above and their cohorts towards the WING TV gal made their public message a source of dis-information. While their character is enough for me to turn off from their message as it IS a misrepresentation of their claim of Christianity and desire to reach out to others, is their content none the less focuses on the truth or not. I kept waiting for more details that pertained to the truth.

Leslie K
alex jones and jeff rense

Hi Leslie, I'm sure that Laura will have her own input on this, but, as an immediate suggestion, you might want to search Alex Jones or Jeff Rense, using the search tab at the top of the page. There is a LOT of very specific information here on the forum that you might find illuminating.

Also, it's important to remember that sources of disinformation always include small pieces of truth in what they write -that is the bait, as it were. The problem develops when they surround this truth with so many lies that the reader becomes confused, or misdirected. Disinformation artists know exactly what they are doing and do it very well - it's a very well-developed strategy to keep the general public confused, disoriented and 'running in the wrong direction' after the truth.
alex jones and jeff rense

Try the search function. You will find many threads pertaining to just what you are asking. It is the least you can do before stomping into someone's living room and spilling yourself all over everyone.

lesliek57 said:
Hi; I have a few questions for Laura after listening to the "dis-information series and Wing TV" podcasts. The first question is what specifically in the content of both those sites is untrue. I understand and would also like clarity on what content on those sites "major in the minors" to keep us diverted from (which) key truths. I had been a listener of both those sites and came upon yours after reading "meet the new boss, same as the old boss.". In many ways, I am confused as to how the nasty actions and slander of the above and their cohorts towards the WING TV gal made their public message a source of dis-information. While their character is enough for me to turn off from their message as it IS a misrepresentation of their claim of Christianity and desire to reach out to others, is their content none the less focuses on the truth or not. I kept waiting for more details that pertained to the truth.

Leslie K
alex jones and jeff rense

ThanX guys:

On both Alex Jones and Jeff Rense you can find the following info: (yes they both are lacking a soul it seems) but as to the facts and mis-conceptions... BTW first found you from artical I read on Jonse's site "meet the new boss....."

1. 9/11 inside job

2. controlled demolition

3. Concentration Camps for American citizens

4. Building 7 eyewitnesses and audio of controlled demo

5. Loss of most freedoms (executive orders) etc...

6. Martial Law prep for America (Britian being the pre-cursor and test Co)

7. Big, x-ray cams.....chemtrails, vaccinations loaded with live cancer viruses, Let's see, have I missed anything?

Probably ..... so what is amiss about the above info ?...I guess that was the specific question.

Anyway, I started to hang on your site because over there you get bored of the same ol, same ol rhetoric...I was seeking some real intellectual stimulation and I loved the first podcast I heard concerning "John" 's economic take on the US and the globe. Just to make up for spewing in your livingroom, I will give you a few of my interesting gut reactions to some of the recent but past events.

I think and thought back a year or so ago that the school massacre in Russia as well as the prior terror attacks looked a lot like an inside job. It gave Valadimir Putin an excuse to turn hardline (protect the citizens from evil terrorists) without attracting notice or criticism from the rest of the world. I looked for others who had my views but none were to be found. Now that if true, is another example of the "souless psycopath". Another interesting comment from "Greg Palast" was that Iranian President Amandinijad (spelling?) is part of a punch and Judy show for the Bush administration. He and Osama seem to ressurect whenever things seem to be getting back to sanity. I am convinced he's also on the CIA payroll.

Finally, you are so right on about the financial crash being the next 9/11. There is nothing that would create more chaos and cause more sudden suffering to the slumbering American peoples than this. Do you remember one of Osama's (only real) statements? He said and I quote: "The American economy will go down but from where they least expect". My memory is a filing cab...that seems to be the plot line. BTW Laura's exorcism was amazing. Evil is powerful and does take up residence in the weak and un-scrupled type of person. I know because I lived with a guy who I realized later was a sociopath , con artist and certainly demon possesed. I saw it manifest in flashes. Lights like flashbulbs would pop off in our room at night. He sometimes had demonic features morph for brief instants on his face .

Leslie K.
alex jones and jeff rense

So, you got bored over there and you came over here hoping just to hang in and somebody will provide you with
Lesliek said:
some real intellectual stimulation
I'm afraid you are wrong about goals of this site. It's neither about 'intellectual stimulation' of anybody nor interested 'in gut reactions' of anybody regarding recent events. It's about finding as much objective truth about our reality as possible, to see the world as it really is, striped of lies and beliefs of how one might think our world is.
Lesliek said:
I think and thought back a year or so ago that the school massacre in Russia as well as the prior terror attacks looked a lot like an inside job.
Lesliek, please provide facts that lead you to the conclusion that Beslan terrorist massacre of schoolkids (you meant that one above, didn't you?) had been an inside job of Russian government.
Lesliek said:
Now that if true, is another example of the "souless psycopath".
Who? Putin? What facts did lead you to this conclusion?
Lesliek said:
I am convinced he's also on the CIA payroll.
Not to disrecpect your stance here, but if you are convinced that he is on CIA payrool,
what facts did lead you to this convincement?
alex jones and jeff rense

Anart said:
Also, it's important to remember that sources of disinformation always include small pieces of truth in what they write -that is the bait, as it were. The problem develops when they surround this truth with so many lies that the reader becomes confused, or misdirected.

Actually, the best disinfo is a LOT of truth wrapped around a crucial lie here and there wrapped inside that truth. And generally, the lie is introduced only after great confidence has been established in the source so that when the twist comes, when the diversion comes, it isn't noticed or if it is noticed, it is swept under the rug because it is excused. After all, the person tells so much that is right, they can be excused for that one little wrong thing! They just made a mistake! Never mind that it is a CRUCIAL mistake. (Because certainly, everyone makes a mistake now and then).

It's like the ten commandments. Just about everybody can agree that this little set of rules is a universal formula for decent behavior. But then, there's the clincher: you gotta worship Yaweh - because that's commandment number one. Never mind that he lets you know in that commandment that there ARE "other gods" and that free will is a pretty good idea too.

I just wrote to a correspondent the other day that, yeah, Jones and Rense and a few others really do seem to be doing such a fine job that it is difficult to see anything wrong. But there are odd clues that something is amiss in their backgrounds, and that they do have an agenda to "entrain" their audience in preparation for something - as yet undetermined.

Jones has a certain "fervor" that reminds me of Gurjieff's description of "abuse of sex." Here, he means a certain kind of energy, not necessarily a pervert though that can come into play with such people. Let me quote a bit that I hope will help to explain what I mean:

Gurdjieff in ISOTM said:
"Speaking in general, what is the most correct form of life in this connection from the point of view of the work?"

"It is impossible to say. I repeat that while a man does not know it is better for him not to attempt anything. Until he has new and exact knowledge it will be quite enough if his life is guided by the usual rules and principles. If a man begins to theorize and invent in this sphere, it will lead to nothing except psychopathy.

"But it must again be remembered that only a person who is completely normal as regards sex has any chance in the work. Any kind of 'originality,' strange tastes, strange desires, or, on the other hand, fears, constantly working 'buffers,' must be destroyed from the very beginning. Modem education and modem life create an enormous number of sexual psychopaths. They have no chance at all in the' work.

"Speaking in general, there are only two correct ways of expending sexual energy— normal sexual life and transmutation. All inventions in this sphere are very dangerous.

"People have tried abstinence from times beyond memory. Sometimes, very rarely, it has led to something but in most cases what is called abstinence is simply exchanging normal sensations for abnormal, because the abnormal are more easily hidden.

But it is not about this that I wish to speak. You must understand where lies the chief evil and what makes for slavery. It is not in sex itself but in the abuse of sex.

But what the abuse of sex means is again misunderstood.

People usually take this to be either excess or perversion. But these are comparatively innocent forms of abuse of sex. And it is necessary to know the human machine very well in order to grasp what abuse of sex in the real meaning of these words is.

It means the wrong work of centers in relation to sex, that is, the action of the sex center through other centers, and the action of other centers through the sex center; or, to be still more precise, the functioning of the sex center with energy borrowed from other centers and the functioning of other centers with energy borrowed from the sex center." [...]

"People who experience unpleasant feelings and sensations which have been evoked in them through ideas and imagination connected with sex are inclined to regard them as a great virtue or as something original; in actual fact it is simply disease. Everything connected with sex should be either pleasant or indifferent. Unpleasant feelings and sensations all come from the emotional center or the instinctive center.

"This is the 'abuse of sex.'

It is necessary, further, to remember that the sex center ... is stronger and quicker than all other centers. Sex, in fact, governs all other centers. The only thing in ordinary circumstances, that is, when man has neither consciousness nor will, that holds the sex center in submission is 'buffers.' 'Buffers' can entirely bring it to nought, that is, they can stop its normal manifestation. But they cannot destroy its energy. The energy remains and passes over to other centers, finding expression for itself through them; in other words, the other centers rob the sex center of the energy which it does not use itself.

The energy of the sex center in the work of the thinking, emotional, and moving centers can be recognized by a particular 'taste,' by a particular fervor, by a vehemence which the nature of the affair concerned does not call for.

The thinking center writes books, but in making use of the energy of the sex center it does not simply occupy itself with philosophy, science, or politics—it is always fighting something, disputing, criticizing, creating new subjective theories.

The emotional center preaches Christianity, abstinence, asceticism, or the fear and horror of sin, hell, the torment of sinners, eternal fire, all this with the energy of the sex center. ... Or on the other hand it works up revolutions, robs, bums, kills, again with the same energy.

The moving center occupies itself with sport, creates various records, climbs mountains, jumps, fences, wrestles, fights, and so on.

In all these instances, that is, in the work of the thinking center as well as in the work of the emotional and the moving centers, when they work with the energy of the sex center, there is always one general characteristic and this is a certain particular vehemence and, together with it, the uselessness of the work in question.

Neither the thinking nor the emotional nor the moving centers can ever create anything useful with the energy of the sex center. This is an example of the 'abuse of sex.'

Now, as you know, from our point of view, the place to begin in changing the world, the system, or doing any useful work for humanity, is to work on the self first, and to create networks where there is no hierarchy, where information and data is shared openly and transparently. We also know that humanity has pathological elements that can utterly destroy any attempt to bring positive change, so hand in hand with work on the self and creating networks comes the work of removing those destructive pathological elements from one's association.

In other words, the only way to really accomplish anything at all is to first learn REAL psychology, apply it to the self and others. Only when you start out with a healthy foundation, can anything healthy grow. This has been our premise from the beginning.

But, for some reason, this premise does not "sit well" with such as Rense and Jones. It is as though they have "instructions" from some authority that they must not EVER, under ANY circumstances, link to our promote our work. As we noted the other day, for about an hour, a link to a review of Ponerology was on Rense, but it disappeared - was censored from his page - within a short time because, obviously, someone discovered that it linked to our work and that positive remarks were made about me.

The same thing happened with the Pentagon Flash. It was literally an internet phenomenon, and yet Rense removed it as soon as he discovered that it linked to SOTT.

A year or so later, I wrote an article and mentioned this fact, the next day, the PS was on Rense (which indicates that he IS reading our stuff and paying attention!), but it was a version that had been altered and was hosted on a different site than our own so that it was certain not to bring any attention to us and our work.

Now, Alex Jones is all about rabble rousing and fiery speeches, and passionate activism. But all he is doing is sharply polarizing people and doing so in a moralizing way. It's all about labels that have nothing to do with the crux of the matter: psychopathy/deviants and their "reality creation" vs normal people and their ability to empathize.

If he really cared about the future of the U.S., of humanity, he would easily see that all of the conflicts that are labeled "Jew vs Muslim" or "Christian vs Muslim" "black" vs "white" or "right vs. left" or "democrat vs republican" or "patriots vs fascists" and so on, all reflect artificial distinctions and that the core of the problem is psychopathy and its dominance of our reality. Instead of preaching (and he DOES preach - a sign of abuse of sex energy) about the "New World Order" as he does, he should be teaching people about psychopathy vs normal humans and how the whole NWO thing is really about deviants taking over the world. He should be teaching that its not about the ordinary labels that have been created for us by psychopaths in order to divide and conquer, but rather that it is about conscience and consciousness.

Well, okay, he could do what he does best, Rense could do what he does best, and they could send people to us to do what we do best: teach about conscience and consciousness. But they don't. And THAT is the warning sign that their agenda is really to polarize people in the same ways that psychopaths have always polarized people. On this subject, Andrew Lobaczewski writes:

Political Ponerology said:
When bad times arrive and people are overwhelmed by an excess of evil, they must gather all their physical and mental strength to fight for existence and protect human reason. The search for some way out of the difficulties and dangers rekindles long-buried powers of discretion. Such people have the initial tendency to rely on force in order to counteract the threat; they may, for instance, become “trigger-happy� or dependent upon armies.

Slowly and laboriously, however, they discover the advantages conferred by mental effort; improved understanding of the psychological situation in particular, better differentiation of human characters and personalities, and, finally, comprehension of one’s adversaries.

The fact is, yeah, this planet has some serious problems and we need to figure out some solutions and we need to do it pretty quick. But starting a revolution by polarizing people as Jones is doing isn't the way to go about it.

It strikes me that Jones and Rense both are "vacuum cleaner" operations. They have followers of a certain "type," and that type can be easily "turned" to any purpose with clever propaganda. And the reason they can be so easily turned is because they do not have the deep psychological knowledge recommended in the quote above and Rense and Jones are making damn sure that they are not exposed to it.
alex jones and jeff rense

OK Beslan school massacre: facts
1. Russian President V P said "We will track down terrorists wherever we find them and take them out.....result? not a damn thing but notice the new policy... curfews now in more elections (governors in Russia proper are now appointed..... It is well known that only one man was ever formally charged with this crine. He was a security guard for the Kremlin. No Arabs were charged nor investigated by Putin even though it was documented that they found Arab terrorists dead on the grounds and survivors reported hearing the arabic language spoken during the attack. Bodies found were those supposedly of Middle Easter, info and I have checked Russian news, on any terrorists id other than one likely framed x-security guard held now in Russian response from VP to victims families and mail opening and search and seizure are lawful without cause. These new hardline changes from the supposed democracy took place right after seige. ...I beleive Putin and Bush part of the same cabal. They are polarized to create dialectic and like Irans President are in lockstep with the globalist agenda although not in charge but puppets and brainwashed Manchurian types for the global kingpins. .......The chechen war is not with Russian citizens but against the overthrow and reversion from democracy to communisim. That being true, why would terrorists attack innocent citizens at a school? Why are terrorist training camps allowed to operate in Russia under KGB command? Then you follow the benifits gained....Russia was able to go hardline , taking back control of govrnment and citizens. They trumped up charges right after seige on the private company that was nearly held a monopoly on Russias oil and energy. What did Putin do then? He took over company and has been on a frantic mission to capture as much of the global energy market as he can even flaunting his power over heating fuel and energy last year over Europe in a blackmail move to coerse their prices and Democratic elections. Russia is in the new found position now to blackmail these countries because he now supplies them 25% of their energy for heat. During this strongarming remember, Northern Europe and the Eastern Block were experiencing one of the most frigid winters on record.....Follow the money and power to Irans President...I said I am convinced, not that you have to be.....(disagreement is not disrespect) I notice what Palast has noticed. Every time Bush Jr has a drop in approval, Iranian President Mr. A threatens or terrorizes via letter. The benifit? This reminds Americans how we are fighting a war on terror lead by our hero George (the great) Jr. You know the benifit...It's the same effect as having Osama coming out of the woodwork whenever the American con artists feel we need to have a fresh fear injection. BTW Gut reactions can be trusted....they are not esoteric.......intellectual stimuli should contain objective truth or it just isn't stimulating...

Leslie k
alex jones and jeff rense

BTW I did search your site on A. J. and Rense. Rense seems much oilier than Jones but is it possible that Alex Jones was legit and recently sold out? I noticed that Laura like myself had originally embraced Alex and his site. That made me feel better anyway.....misery loves company...

Leslie k.
alex jones and jeff rense


Since your material is now being blackballed merely for their recognition and agreement not to promote or carry your articals, films or views, why don't you submit through a newly created, unrecognizable sie. Then after your ghostwriting has appeared regularly, reveal yourself to them. You will have influenced, won over and converted half or more of their audience by then with your wisdom. Hah and take that....I don't care what anyone says....a little revenge does feel good sometimes. Even if only in the fantasy of ones mind.
alex jones and jeff rense

lesliek57 said:
Do you think then that A.J. and Rense have ruined their body of work because it comes from the sexual energy side which you say creates "nothing usefull" .
Why are you obsessed with A.J and Rense? What is so particular about them that attracts so much your attention?
alex jones and jeff rense

Lesliek, your reply on Chechnya and Beslan is a nice piece of rhetoric! Dude, get real! Read for example this on Beslan and Chechnya; Chechen American Friends article or Neo-Cons Knee Deep in
Caucasus Provocations here and this article by Mike Whitney.
Lesliek said:
I noticed that Laura like myself had originally embraced Alex and his site. That made me feel better anyway.....misery loves company...
Quite strange that from vast and well-documented materials on Rense and Jones available on sott you drove namely that exact conclusion. That makes me quite suspicious that you indeed did read materials on sott as you claimed above.
Lesliek said:
You will have influenced, won over and converted half or more of their audience by then with your wisdom. Hah and take that....I don't care what anyone says....a little revenge does feel good sometimes.
I’m not Laura to give you any response here, but I’m afraid this site is not designed to influence, win, or convert anyone, or moreover, to set up any sort of revenge to anyone. It’s about getting objective knowledge of our reality, based on hard facts.
Besides, are you interested in anything else going on BBM besides your apparent focus on Rense and AJ?
alex jones and jeff rense

ark said:
lesliek57 said:
Do you think then that A.J. and Rense have ruined their body of work because it comes from the sexual energy side which you say creates "nothing usefull" .
Why are you obsessed with A.J and Rense? What is so particular about them that attracts so much your attention?
Intent is a difficult thing to measure, but it almost appears that lesliek57 has come to stir a pot, hoping for a little spillage.
That may not be the case, but the focus seems rather out of place.
Even the thread title makes for good stirring.
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