alex jones and jeff rense
Hi Laura, Anart: I have come to the conclusion that Laura and anart are the same person. What are my facts? My brain has taken 2 + 2 and given me 5. That being said however...I thin anart is the masculine side of Laura.
My topic is: "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" (this turns into a question for the editors in time)
HEADLINE: "Bushgate and the collapse of the North American Union agenda"
Administration exposed
The person who says that if (A + B) statistcally and historically has always =ed (C) I can reasonably expect that if A and B are currently fact, eventually the odds are that C given enough time will be the final result . This theory doesn't allow for any other unforseen variables like time or other additional elements.
A rather obscure report on the local San Diego radio show "Rick Roberts am 760" yesterday , did a show about a tragic situation in Texas involving 2 border patrol agents named agent Ramos and agent Campion who in the line of duty attempted to arrest a convicted illegal drug smuggler who was in the process of coming from Mexico into the U.S. with a van containing hundreds of pounds (850) of marajuana. An altercation followed in which the smuggler realized border Patrol were on to them and ditched the carload and car of drugs and began to flee back across the border. According to the testimony of the two agents, both vetrans (one of which was due to be honored for their history of excellence in their feild) was that the agent Ramos ran after the armed (statistically they are always armed) smuggler, the smuggler turned to fire his weapon at the agent who was close to running him down. In the afternoon sunlight, agent Ramos saw a glint from the fleeing mans hand and fired his weapon at him to keep from being shot himself. The agent wounded the smuggler with his bullet in the butt. The bullet entered the illegal from the inside of his thigh (indicating he was turning to fire his weapon) or consistant with that action., lodging in his right buttox. Not stopped he then crossed into Mexico and disappeared. Agent Ramos and Compion (partners) filed their report which was procedure, despite higher ups advice, not to and impounded the vehicle loaded with marajuana. At this point they only had the criminal evidence and no suspect.
**** I have no facts yet on how this developed into locating the injured drug smuggler but someone managed to reveal his location to U.S. Attorney General and the Director of Homeland Security officials where AG Johnny Sutton contacted this illegal criminal and offered immunity to him and entry into the U.S. if he would give a false testimony created by above officials in order to gain a conviction of agents Ramos and Compion. Also the criminal was promised and received treatment for his injury at a Texas hospital by an American army surgeon.
A few weeks later Agents Ramos and Compion were arrested for "shooting an illegal in the BACK, not the buttox. For failing to file a report of the shooting (it had been buried by higher ups of the Border Patrol.) and on it goes. After the initial outcry from the wives and families of the agents and others they work with, the Attorney General, Johnny Sutton, adamently went forward without allowing the release of his evedence to the contrary but with assurance that he had more than ample evidence to justify this prosecution and secure a conviction. Because of his elevated position and longtime friendship of President George Bush Jr. and the Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff, the trial went forward and without disclosed evidence, a conviction in the Federal U.S. court of 11 and 13 years respectivly . Both men after a rejected plea for reporting to do their time until after Christmas, turned themselves in in early December . Subsequently 2 or three petitions went out from the public and private sectors, to President George Bush himself, requesting amnesty and or release and each time were rejected by the President .
The suffering and attempts to appeal this malicious and disturbing injustice, by the families has been an ongoing but little publisized saga until about 3 weeks ago. Then, in a cruel twist of circumstancesand t against common protective custody rules, agent Ramos and Campion were deliberatly turned out into the general criminal population, many inmates of whom had been captured and detained by these very agents, and left to fend for themselves. Remember A + B historically = C Surprise.......Agent Ramos was beaten almost to death by several incarcerated illegals in the middle of the night and is now in critical condition in one of the nearby hospitals. As if this weren't bad enough, wives and young children of these agents had to sit by helplessly and hear of this ongoing perillous situation of their spouses without any reconsideration or compassion from the U.S. top Administration.
It was about a week ago now that a prominent U.S. senator (his name escapes me right now but I beleive he represents Arizona) began a ciongressional investigation into this crazy case and was also denied "sealed" evidence through stonewalling from the very top U.S. government and their staff. This goes all the way up to George Bush himself who , it is coming out now, participated in this outrageous victimization of the U.S. Border Patrol officers at the request and pressure of the President of Mexico. (do you see where this is going :} All the Senator was able to get to go forward and reopen this case were red tape and more lies. Surprisinly, instead of spinelessly retreating off of this investigation, this brave Senator went public, stating that if either of these agents were killed, Bush WILL be immediatly IMPEACHED. A few days ago, during the opening Congressional hearing , on the stand , Homeland Seurity Supervisors admitted they had lied to Congress in order push through the imprisonment of these two agents. (Begs the question doesn't it? Who is above them requesting anddictating this shamefull, third world country behavior,? Johnny Sutton is just the instrament ). Well............This infuriated members of Congress, who are now HellBent to digg all the way into this. and "go all the way to the top" to right this. The Top? top of Homeland security............isn't that pretty high already? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
You can see where this may = C.. I also see it this way...........Bush and Co. have a hidden agenda which is to say the very least, complicated and multi- layered. There is so many things one would have to effect change on to create the comlete social and structural ( UN modeled) system needed for the implementation of a "North American Community". (A + B) one of them being complete and uncontrollable border anarchy. As we have seen, thousands of other sector changes all done under the radar.) C is usually the result when historically, if a juggler throws too many balls up into the air at one time eventually he will fail to controll his juggling and the lot of them will come tumbling down. We the public are officially told, and many Americans believe or are afraid to believe, that there is no covert activety going on to erradicate the U.S. and meld it into the NAU. This is all Conspiracy Theory. One of my favorite episodes of "I Love Lucy" was when Lucy got a job on an assembly belt of a boxed choclate factory. Her job was to take the conveyored individual choclates off the line and drop them into their slots within a candy box. She found out that one or two lost seconds resulted in a pilup and missed peices passing her unboxed. Try as she did (eating what she missed) she eventually resigned herself to the obvious, that things got out of controll and could not be repaired. The "House of Cards"............ QUESTION: Is this wishfull thinking or do you already see this potential for a Bush only gets better from here
Without knowing the minute details of all that has been disclosed in the last few days, the rest of the known discovery's include conclusivly that, U.S. Attorney Sutton is a close friend of George Bush Jr. He has been for years. The injured illegal and Johnny Sutton are childhood friends (which explains how he was able to locate him after he crossed back over into Mexico) #3. Bush called Minutemen "VIGILLANTES back last year. #4. (we read this all the time , you may not see this in yopur news) Every time pressure is put on Bush to seal and protect our borders, nothing is done but hollow promises and unperformed edicts. Then what little tolken, halfassed, porous fence is erected or unarmed, useless National Guard is put on the guard at the border, the President of Mexico screams and protests and our administration plaquates him.} Why does Bush jump for this guy???? we really don't understand the power structure of the relationship here,. you can skip this part if you like ................... Logic (that dirty word) would dictate we tell him to "go get screwed" if we were the all powerfull Pres.of the US , worlds most influencial and powerful leader. Living on the border in San diego, having traveled there hundreds of times and miles into Mexico, I can tell you that merging and harmonizing the US who follows published rules for law enforment and traffic enforcment with Mexico who 85% of the time pulls over luxury vehicles assumed to belong to "rich" visiting Americanos' in order to extort random (ly) large amounts of cash from them for non-existant traffic violations with the threat of incarceration in a run down, rat infested Mexican jail. is un logical and repulsive insane to any normal, American nationa;l. There can be no reason compelling enough to make Americans want to join and identify with a filthy, corrupt, cardboard shack ridden, impoverished , suffering third worl,d, backwards ,undereducated country. To accept the re-distribution of our county's hard earned treasury reserves, causing us to reduce our own standard of living for nearly every citizen,,,,WHO the HELL would take that deal Sorry, I can't wrap my mind around this idea. Not for any reason PERIOD..........This can only mean that it does not benifit us , cannot benifit us and only denigrate us Right????? I am always relieved to cross back over to the US after spending a day their. Gratefull and blessed. That is the reality of what is being forced on us. One small painfull piece anyway. You may have intimate knowlege of what I am talking about. No where in Europe has even come close to this hell except Naples in a much lighter way and Barranquia Columbia in South America.
#4. They now found the report WAS turned in by agents Ramos and Compion. 6. They found that this illegals wounds were only consistant with a left handed person turning around with extended left arm and hand in harmony of someome pointing a weapon and left handed. He is Left handed. This was according to a two day old report from the Dr. who treated the illegal here in the U.S. 5. FACT: Sutton gained control of illegal vehicle and did NO forensic test or even checked. The illegal ditched the weapon he must of used and claimed he had no weapon. Yeah right......but the bullit wound entry point is damning. 6. FACT: Evidence used to convict is non existant and they now admit they lied of it's existance 6.FACT The illegal was caught under Suttons Immunity entering the country again with yet another load of drugs. This bust was hidden and kept quiet. They found it classified by our gov. as secret.
In conclusion, it gets more scandillous by the day. There is no doubt Bush is complicit and it is getting a fair amount of publicity. The best part is that if they prove a Bush tie which they already have somewhat connected him in a personal way, thwe his motivaltions are directly tied into his CFR and SSP agenda and will become mainstrem news. Hope this could be the first card to fall.....What do the editors think. BTW sorry if you already know this info... online, I could hardly find anything ...oops I forgot....Bush, Chertoff Sutton andCheney and Rice called sudden private meeting before yesterdays Press conference on this new info, put on by Congress. Damage controll is the =C factor.