Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

alex jones and jeff rense

Before anyone wastes energy picking apart my "guardian has failed comment" I want to say this: No, I am not found of the saviour idea. If souled beings do in fact reincarnate then we are our own guardians and thusly, it appears at this present moment, we have in all manner of probabilties failed to break out of the matrix reality yet again.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
I see things and in my heart I know it is hopeless but to survive I keep looking for some kind of siver lining. You know, it's a real bitch to stare at the devil and then walk in the next room and see your kid laughing and playing, being left with an emptiness because of what you know. I want to live and laugh and be free and I want the same for my kid.
I understand how you feel because I have a young kid too and I also feel the same. But for me, instead of keeping hope on the present situation for which there is none, I just try to keep a generalized hope that as I'm doing my best to see and get close to God, God/the Universe will do what's best for me. I'm trying not to anticipate/dictate what that will be, just accept that it will suits me the most.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
If souled beings do in fact reincarnate then we are our own guardians and thusly, it appears at this present moment, we have in all manner of probabilties failed to break out of the matrix reality yet again.
In order to break out of the Matrix system, one has to notice it is there and then try to break free.

I am also the father of a young child, and you hit the nail on the head when you spoke of "walking in two worlds", the one you see and the one the child doesn't yet see. I damn near went insane at a few points in my life, thought I must be seeing a different World everyone (tm) else was, and that meant I was "off". (Maybe I am off, but the alternative is much scarier).

There was only one thing to do, and that was to search for the truth about what this is all about. It's how I ended up here, it's how I end up reading 3-5 hours a day, while working 9-10 hours a day in a completely artificial and meaningless business world, and still spend meaningful time with my family.

What you say MAY be the way it's gonna go, but I'll be damned if I'm going to watch it happen without trying.

You are not alone. There may be a very good reason you ended up in this place, there is a wealth of information here that is meant to teach you how to see for yourself.

And with THAT, you will be serving your young ones, by knowing how to protect them from the architects of doom. How? By showing them how to spot the "man behind the curtain" when they start to lose their own eyes.

alex jones and jeff rense

Crazycroc, I really, REALLY understand! I have five beloved children and all my extended family (QFS, QFG members) and the world of suffering people out there that I love and hope for. And it is hard to keep hope alive, and keep DOing, without anticipation or expectation!

Just now, I saw something on this thread:

that may interest you. Notice the links to Pastor Hagee's speech to AIPAC and then the comments about how much like Alex Jones' theology is Hagee's. It's really scary.

What I keep telling people is that we have to study how the control was imposed on us and reverse the process. We don't have billions of dollars for COINTELPRO and Psy-ops like they do. We don't have tons of money to pay people to do stuff like some of these other sites do.

Since I know what it takes to create and maintain a website and forum and groups. We have half a dozen full time volunteers that work just for their supper, and quite a few others who work for nothing part-time, and we are dancing as fast as we can just to do what we do and we know we need to do MORE. So, I KNOW that there is significant money behind those sites that are able to produce so much in the way of videos and going out and doing interviews, and so on and so forth. So I just want to know who's putting in the money and why? (Rhetorical question!)

You might want to read my article 94%

and Dave McGowan's piece which I quote extensively:

... especially the part where he writes:

Dave McGowan said:
What I really wanted to talk about was when I offended the 'Peak Oil' crowd by reporting that their real agenda was selling the necessity of a massive 'population reduction.' Remember that? ...

I will be quoting directly from a newsletter penned by the great Colin Campbell*, founding father of ASPO (Association for the Study of Peak Oil) ...

Recent articles in the ASPO Newsletter have agreed that the explosion of world population from about 0.6 billion in 1750 to 6.4 billion today was initiated and sustained by the shift from renewable energy to fossil fuel (sic) energy in the Industrial Revolution. There is agreement that the progressive exhaustion of fossil fuel reserves will reverse the process, though there is uncertainty as to what a sustainable global population would be.

... a global population reduction of some 6 billion people is likely to take place during the 21st Century
(For the mathematically impaired, Campbell is talking about no less than a 94% reduction in the world's population. If you feel that you and all of your loved ones are among the lucky 6% who will be spared, then I suppose there is no cause for alarm and you can feel free to stop reading now.)

... probably before 2010 ... uncontrollable inflation and recession will spread round the world ...
(Probably so, but this will be, of course, a deliberately induced condition.)

In Third World nations ... a Darwinian struggle for shrinking resources of all kinds will be in full swing ... the imperative to survive will be driving strong groups to take what they want from weak ones. The concept of human rights will be irrelevant ...

It may well be that, in the West, the same argument will affect the thinking of militarily powerful nations ... Instantaneous nuclear elimination of population centres might even be considered merciful, compared to starvation and massacres prolonged over decades.
(You have to applaud Campbell's effort here; I doubt that even Orwell could have conceived of the concept of a humanitarian nuclear holocaust.)

Eventually, probably before 2150, world population will have fallen to a level that renewable energy, mainly biomass, can sustain ...

Probably the greatest obstacle to the scenario with the best chance of success (in my opinion) is the Western world's unintelligent devotion to political correctness, human rights and the sanctity of human life. In the Darwinian world that preceded and will follow the fossil fuel era, these concepts were and will be meaningless. Survival in a Darwinian resource-poor world depends on the ruthless elimination of rivals, not the acquisition of moral kudos by cherishing them when they are weak.
(Hmmm ... overt calls for the destruction of the weak by the strong? ... now, where have I heard that before? ... Adolf Hitler? Aleister Crowley? I can't quite place it ...)

So the population reduction scenario with the best chance of success has to be Darwinian in all its aspects, with none of the sentimentality that shrouded the second half of the 20th Century in a dense fog of political correctness ...

To those sentimentalists who ... are outraged at the proposed replacement of human rights by cold logic, I would say "You have had your day, in which your woolly thinking has messed up not just the Western world but the whole planet, which could, if Homo sapiens had been truly intelligent, have supported a small population enjoying a wonderful quality of life almost for ever. You have thrown away that opportunity."

... The scenario is: Immigration is banned. Unauthorised arrives are treated as criminals. Every woman is entitled to raise one healthy child. No religious or cultural exceptions can be made, but entitlements can be traded. Abortion or infanticide is compulsory if the fetus or baby proves to be handicapped (Darwinian selection weeds out the unfit). When, through old age, accident or disease, an individual becomes more of a burden than a benefit to society, his or her life is humanely ended. Voluntary euthanasia is legal and made easy. Imprisonment is rare, replaced by corporal punishment for lesser offences and painless capital punishment for greater.

... The punishment regime would improve social cohesiveness by weeding out criminal elements.

... military forces should be maintained strong and alert ... Collaboration with other nations practising the same population reduction scenario would be of great mutual advantage. [Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas, Ireland]
I have to admit that Campbell did not once, throughout his entire rant, use the word "eugenics." But what he has described here - the destruction of the "weak," the "unfit," the sick and the elderly, the "handicapped," the "burdens" to society, and, of course, the "criminal elements" - is nothing short of a eugenicist's wet dream. The frequent references to Darwin, I have to say, are a nice touch as well.

I would hope that I don't have to point out here that it will be the all-powerful state that will decide who is a "burden" and who is a "benefit" to society, and who is "unfit," and what is and what isn't a "handicap," and who is too old, injured or diseased to go on, and what crimes are punishable by death. The good news, of course, is that the wealthy will be able to produce as many children as they desire, since the rest of us will likely be forced to barter away the only thing we will have left that will be of any value: our child "entitlement."

Some of you are no doubt wondering what sort of complex formulas will be used to determine who stays and who goes when the Great Die-Off rolls through town. It's not really as mysterious as it seems. Basically, it will work something like this: you know how in virtually every country on the planet there is a very small percentage of the people - usually around five or six percent - who seem to control the overwhelming majority of that country's wealth? Those will be the 'keepers.' And everyone else? Well, maybe you better sit down, because I have some bad news for you ...

Perhaps you are thinking that this type of future is not for you. You'd really prefer something a little different. That's unfortunate, because the future holds very few options. Here's Campbell again, concluding his mini version of Mein Kampf:

Another problem is likely to be the residual opposition to population reduction from sentimentalists and/or religious extremists unable to understand that the days of plenty, when criminals and the weak could be cherished at public expense, are over. Acts of violent protest, such as are carried out today by animal rights activists and anti-abortionists, would, in the Darwinian world, attract capital punishment. Population reduction must be single-minded to succeed.
So it appears as though those who fight back against the agenda will likely be summarily executed, while those who passively go with the flow stand about a 95% chance of being killed off anyway. With odds like that, I would think that fighting back might be a good idea. By any means available. And sooner rather than later.
But of course, it has to be done cleverly. Naturally, they want people to physically fight back because that is a good excuse to kill them and they WANT to kill as many people as possible!!! So, people like Jones and the "Loose Change" kids who are pushing "revolution" are simply playing the other side of the DESIRED outcome!!

No, we have to be much more clever than that and we don't have a lot of time.
alex jones and jeff rense

``And so, let me repeat: who wants to believe - let them believe. But I do not want to believe, I want to know."

There are a few more degrees in the circle and each degree has a different perspective but it is not different looking into the sun, it is different looking beyond it.
alex jones and jeff rense

Thank you all for the enlightening exchange of information, I sincerely appreciate your time and have reviewed all the information provided. As for me, I currently have nothing left to comment on this topic but apparently plenty to take in and learn. You guys are all really sharp. Keep up the great work!
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
Thank you all for the enlightening exchange of information, I sincerely appreciate your time and have reviewed all the information provided. As for me, I currently have nothing left to comment on this topic but apparently plenty to take in and learn. You guys are all really sharp. Keep up the great work!
I wanted to add something to my previous post, and here's an invite to do so.

When I said "there's a wealth of information here meant to teach you how to see for yourself", I would like to add the following:

The material here goes far and wide, but most of it deals with how to learn how to think AGAIN. As we did BEFORE we were domesticated into certain thought patterns. You will see a lot of talk about "shocks" and verily that is what you will feel, in varying instances, at various times, to varying degrees, all of them contextually personal. (Understanding this, when you get there, is a good first step to seeing further.)

At any one point in time, you are always welcomed and encouraged to do a sanity check. AT ALL TIMES, and INCLUDING interactions here, should you question, question and then again question. I have seen many types here, and of those that seem earnest, some take the writings here as doctrine and others push forward, as open and vulnerable as they have ever been in their life. Yet, there is discipline. To teach how to see. Not doctrine. If you can see, then the choice is yours, real free will, not channeled will of pre-planned choices of others.

There are no strings, for what you will learn here should put you on a path to self-sufficiency and independent of any site or other sources of purported "information", official or not.

And your feedback here, i.e. the questioning, serves all.

alex jones and jeff rense

Ok, I take it back...I do have another comment but it has more to do with the eugenics comments Laura supplied a couple of posts back in this thread. I am sooo tired of this talk of fossil fuels, global warming, etc. I don't have enough scientific background to determine whether or not Tesla's inventions could have provided the world with mass scale free or renewable energy but it does seem from what I can gather on the subject that free enrgy has been possible for many decades. None of these kill 'em all people ever address this. We just get "we need disclosure so the alien technology can save the world" or "90% must be removed for the earth to survive". If fossil fuels are a scam then everything about our world politics has been a deliberate scam. The question I have is why? Why build up an allegedly over inflated population in the first place? Who benefits from the kill off? The aliens? I know that idea has been tossed out in the Cass material but it is just so freakin' bizarre. Not that I don't understand the concept but it's a jaw dropper. Assuming that's the ultimate truth about it, then why does the 3D power structure play along? I suppose the answer would be that they are under the impression they will be recieving some benefit. So, the idea is that these people are driven just by the desire of power and control, I see that but it also feels like it's missing something to me.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
Ok, I take it back...I do have another comment but it has more to do with the eugenics comments Laura supplied a couple of posts back in this thread. I am sooo tired of this talk of fossil fuels, global warming, etc. I don't have enough scientific background to determine whether or not Tesla's inventions could have provided the world with mass scale free or renewable energy but it does seem from what I can gather on the subject that free enrgy has been possible for many decades.
And the REAL issue here, is that if we had unlimited energy, no global warming, no pollution, what would MOST people do? Fart around with their gameboys and Ipods.

Why is that?

Think hard on this, I'm not being flippant. Find out why these things are important to "advanced" cultures as seen in the west, and you will indubitably put your finger on the whole issue, with lots of ugly side effects noticed (such as the "HOW that happened").

I'm really not kidding here: ask people what they would do during a power outage that lasted for, oh, let's say 3 days, during a relatively safe period of time, like summer. Ask them how they would eat. "Go to the restaurant" is probably the first thing out of their mouths. And if not, you can probably see it on their foreheads before they catch themselves squelching it. "BBQ" is the second answer, but then what if the power outage outlasted their current tank? You'd get a response that means absolutely nothing from them, except to indicate that they will only get "real" when the gas really runs out. Can you build a fire when you live in an apartment? Effectively, people living in the west have been led to live at the behest of others, i.e. DEPENDANTS. This subcutaneous dependence was marketed as "convenience". And the big screw here, the biggest of all, is that THEY DON'T KNOW IT. Or if they do, they spend a lot of conscious energy "wallpapering" over that fact.

crazy croc said:
None of these kill 'em all people ever address this. We just get "we need disclosure so the alien technology can save the world" or "90% must be removed for the earth to survive". If fossil fuels are a scam then everything about our world politics has been a deliberate scam. The question I have is why? Why build up an allegedly over inflated population in the first place? Who benefits from the kill off? The aliens? I know that idea has been tossed out in the Cass material but it is just so freakin' bizarre. Not that I don't understand the concept but it's a jaw dropper.
Important point that I've thought about myself. Aside from uninterruptable "culling" of the herd from celestial events , why are we hearing about 3D "humans" making plans for a "great" culling to preserve resources for themselves? Maybe it's wishful thinking on their part, but I imagine they still have the means at their disposal. So do we have cross purposes here? Is there enough information to go on? How do we reconcile the 4D food farm being destroyed by the 3D co-opted guardians?

crazy croc said:
Assuming that's the ultimate truth about it, then why does the 3D power structure play along? I suppose the answer would be that they are under the impression they will be recieving some benefit. So, the idea is that these people are driven just by the desire of power and control, I see that but it also feels like it's missing something to me.
Yes, seems that logically it doesn't fit. But logic can only be applied to a known system of finite, immutable parameters. The problem inherent in that is how game theory evolved.
alex jones and jeff rense

I think the unreconcilable part is where David Icke's shape shifting leaders comes into play. Because that would solve that question. Myself, I don't believe these people are shape shifters. Why? I don't really know. I think I would have to see it to believe it. I can accept ufo's and aliens because I have seen ufo's but that's where it stops for me.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
I think the unreconcilable part is where David Icke's shape shifting leaders comes into play. Because that would solve that question.
How? I don't see it.

crazy croc said:
Myself, I don't believe these people are shape shifters. Why? I don't really know. I think I would have to see it to believe it.
Which "these people" are you talking about? And if you don't think or believe they are shape shifters, then aren't you saying that it is still irreconcilable?

Could you clarify the ambiguity in your statements?
alex jones and jeff rense

CC, you might want to read this thread, with an extract from Monroe's book:

Perhaps you might find a bit of an answer there.

But another answer, that is totally in the realm of 3D is the simple evolution/extinction cycle. This is explained comprehensively by Richard Firestone et al in "The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes: Flood, Fire, and Famine in the History of Civilization"

In his explanation, certain things happened to our planet climatologically, and otherwise, that raised the human being into domination, exactly as other species have been raised into domination during previous cycles. This "domination" includes over-population because conditions just happen to be right for that species to propagate wildly. And then, he points out that the cycle is always and inevitably followed by extinction BECAUSE of the over-population.

As for the "feeding of the universe," I address this issue in Secret History quite thoroughly. It is not really a question of "aliens eat the energy" or whatever, as it is part of a cycle of transmuting of energies from one level of density to another. You could call it "hyperdimensional transfer" or something similar.

In the end, it comes down to this: it is all a natural cycle, the way things are, and the fact is, we are facing extinction EXCEPT for those humans who become something other... and here we suggest that this something other is possibly encoded in our genetics, and those who are able to turn on that DNA can pass through what is coming and propagate the "new species." Those who can't or won't, die and that's it.

There is another thing about this that I have been thinking about lately: the role of psychopaths and other deviants as agents of change.

The belief systems we have grown up with that teach all the airy fairy things about heaven and hell and so on, are predicated on having a soul. According to the most ancient teachings, you don't just have a soul that survives death, you have the seed of a soul that you can grow with effort. (CF: the parable of the sower in the NT.)

Now, if psychopaths and OPs do not have souls, do not reincarnate, etc, that also means there is no possibility that they will ever "pay for" or balance any karma: they don't HAVE any!

And, since Nature, itself, is not really interested in our personal hurts and miseries, that means that psychopaths can do everything they like, get away with it (if they are smart enough), and there is no "payback," EVER.

Now, think about that for a bit.

Oh, sure, from a souled person's point of view, it is a terrible thing that when they die, they are dead and gone and that's that (see also the Bible: Sheol). But from the OP/psychopathic point of view, it doesn't matter. You can't miss what you never had.

That's why people like Carl Sagan could look forward to death with no conviction of an afterlife with such peace. For him, there was no deeper self, so how could he aspire to something that is only available to those who have the potential?
alex jones and jeff rense

Azur said:
crazy croc said:
I think the unreconcilable part is where David Icke's shape shifting leaders comes into play. Because that would solve that question.
How? I don't see it.

crazy croc said:
Myself, I don't believe these people are shape shifters. Why? I don't really know. I think I would have to see it to believe it.
Which "these people" are you talking about? And if you don't think or believe they are shape shifters, then aren't you saying that it is still irreconcilable?

Could you clarify the ambiguity in your statements?
Sure, I can clarify. If the leaders of the world were actually shape shifters as the Icke ilk believe then wouldn't that reconcile the gap between a 4D agenda being carried out by 3D leaders? If the aliens really are the actual leaders then poof problem solved. I am simply saying, that I don't believe that to be true although many people believe there is evidence to support the idea. I would need to see this shape shifting take place in order to accept the idea but for others, the circumstantial evidence is enough to convince them it is true. So yes, for me and apparently you share my feelings that this issue is still not reconciled. I simply find it interesting that the Icke theory conveniently solves this massive question. I guess that's why people are willing to jump on his bandwagon. It's an easy out and they can go back to chasing their tails.
alex jones and jeff rense

Azur said:
And the REAL issue here, is that if we had unlimited energy, no global warming, no pollution, what would MOST people do? Fart around with their gameboys and Ipods.

Why is that?

Think hard on this, I'm not being flippant. Find out why these things are important to "advanced" cultures as seen in the west, and you will indubitably put your finger on the whole issue, with lots of ugly side effects noticed (such as the "HOW that happened").
You sure don't like gameboys and Ipods. I see what you're saying. We live in a world of distractions that allow people to be taken advantage of because they are so busy goofing around. What about in the past? Obviously, if this is a reccuring cycle then people were distracted and decieved prior to the industrial revolution.
alex jones and jeff rense

cc said:
I simply find it interesting that the Icke theory conveniently solves this massive question. I guess that's why people are willing to jump on his bandwagon.
From my perspective, the whole Icke theory pushes the concept to the point of caricature and beyond - it makes the whole idea of hypothetical denizens of another dimensions who read as reptilian seem as ridiculous and outlandish as the queen mum eating children with her forked tongue. My point is that, to my understanding, the Icke theory is disinformation - designed to lead people astray into yet another corral.

To Laura's point, it is a most chilling prospect to consider - no karma, no 'what goes around comes around', no 'all birds come home to roost' no 'get what you deserve', no 'they'll pay for what they've done' (I know, I've belabored the point) - but none of that - EVER.

cc said:
Obviously, if this is a reccuring cycle then people were distracted and decieved prior to the industrial revolution.
Absolutely - this is a 'farm', remember? Keep people distracted and hypnotized and no fences are required.
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