Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
well, we all gotta eat so being a passage for food just goes with the territory. I work in a cube all day and tuning in online is no problem, so I listen. Doesn't mean I'm being brainwashed. The guy is entetaining. I crack up all the time when I listen. He goes into these crazy rants and raves, pretends he's crying, it's a riot. I don't think he means to be funny but it is. Plus, as a bonus, I get filled in on a few good bits of alternative news while I'm working. I honestly don't understand the disdain for stuff like this. It's a show. It's one guy stating facts then painting them according to his opinion or agenda. That's it. If a person chooses to align with his views or agenda, then so be it. I'm not that person.
Yeah, well you're smart enough and educated enough to not be that person. Actually people like you could never be that person. I think the disdain comes from the fact that there are so many people out there who feel something is wrong and want to find out what's really going on in this country who aren't as discerning as you are. For those people - and they are most people who start to sense that something is wrong and start going to look for answers - Alex sucks them in like a vacuum and makes sure they never make it to the truth. That's the problem, as I see it at least. Anyone who has some ability to discern can find him humorous - but those who could really benefit from actually finding the truth, but are just this second starting to wake up, end up in his vortex of twists and propaganda and they never make it back out again.

crazy croc said:
I agree with some of his view and other parts I don't. He paints a small slice of reality with a broad brush and acts like a lunatic. It's entertainment and when I'm chained to my pc all day making a living, I need some entertainment. If Sott had a daily show, I'd tune in everyday. I prefer sound logic and level headed thinking and speaking but I have yet to find a daily show that offers that. I love the podcasts here but I've heard them all, most of them more than once. In reality, A.J. could do his show once a week considering what he actually covers but his ego would shrink like a raisin. I strongly doubt he will be taking over the U.S. or the world anytime soon.
I don't think anyone here thinks he'll be taking over the world - that's not the point. The point is that if humanity doesn't start to seriously wake up very soon, it is all lost and they will not get another chance. People like AJ are doing a very, very good job of making sure these people don't wake up. It's nice that you are entertained by him, but you seem to be missing the big picture. The big picture is that what he does ensures that most of those looking for answers who turn to him - because they do not know where else to turn and he has the loudest voice - will never - ever - get to the truth or make a difference.
alex jones and jeff rense

People will do what they will. I really don't see the point in thinking a certain thing shouldn't exist. Sure, there are listeners that plug in and think they found something extraordinary but a show like that also inspires people to poke around on their own. I don't think anyone could listen for too great a period of time without exploring alternative ideas on their own. It's just too narrow of a focus to keep anyone seriously hooked. Well, ok, not everyone. After all, I know there are people who follow Rush Limbaugh for decades. I guess, my view is it really doesn't matter what's out there to distract people because higher inspiration to seek deeper understandings doesn't come from out there. It's like ufo's. Why does a person become interested in such things. For me, it was dreams. I began having ufo's in my dreams about 12 years ago and it wasn't too long after that I began researching it online. Likewise, a person could see a t.v. show about ufo's and not find it inspiring. I think we could all find examples in our lives how over the years, we had brushes with info and topics that we now find very important and intriguing. It wasn't until something clicked inside that you felt compelled. I think that's what the essence is, being compelled. Exorcist reference, "the power of christ compels you!" Jones is compelled and tries to compel his listeners to feel something emotional about specific things. He's stamping out 911 truth clones by the thousands. It's funny in a way. I guess what fascinates me is the question of why he is doing it. Is it genuine? Is he some sort of operative? If so, what is the agenda behind him? I listen with this question in mind too and sort of use it as a daily practice of listening for slip ups and double think and the like. The more I listen, the more fascinating I find the whole thing. One thing is for sure, he has a growing audience and definitely a growing influence on U.S. mass conciousness. Therefore, I think it's important to keep a tab on the situation to some degree.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
People will do what they will. I really don't see the point in thinking a certain thing shouldn't exist.
Sure, from a higher level point of view, everything exists for a purpose. But at this level where we are at, it is important to know that there are "bad" things (those that add to the STS energy) and "good" things (that contribute to the STO energy) and to promote the STO side, osit. We certainly let people do what they do. We just want them to make an informed choice in doing what they do.

I guess, my view is it really doesn't matter what's out there to distract people because higher inspiration to seek deeper understandings doesn't come from out there.
My view is that it does matter. It's true that the drive to seek must come from within. But for those who have that drive, if they encounter too much disinformation without being able to discern (which is the case for all who just start), they will never make it out of the maze. This is the point that Anart and others wanted to emphasize.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
People will do what they will. I really don't see the point in thinking a certain thing shouldn't exist.
It's funny you say this, since then by that logic you should see no problem with other people trying to point out that AJ is gov. COINTELPRO, whether conscious or not.

crazy croc said:
Sure, there are listeners that plug in and think they found something extraordinary but a show like that also inspires people to poke around on their own. I don't think anyone could listen for too great a period of time without exploring alternative ideas on their own.
That's an assumption. There's plenty of people who see him as the be-all, end-all of alternative info/news.

crazy croc said:
I guess, my view is it really doesn't matter what's out there to distract people because higher inspiration to seek deeper understandings doesn't come from out there.
Not all people are like that. Another assumption. The power of christ does not compel everyone. AJ may be emotional, but his purpose, or should I say general result of that emotion, is to stop people from using their intellect. For most people it works. Classic dis-info rag.

crazy croc said:
I guess what fascinates me is the question of why he is doing it. Is it genuine?
Maybe he has fooled himself into thinking that, but no, it's not genuine.

crazy croc said:
Is he some sort of operative? If so, what is the agenda behind him?
See above.
alex jones and jeff rense

Beau, can't really argue with your points, they all make sense. We must agree that there are no absolutes. I think we both made points that reflect that idea. My question is this. Ok, Jones's show is a disinfo rag. That's fine with me. I just want something to listen to that isn't complete and utter gaga while I'm sitting at work. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions. I'm being serious. I always like to have options. I'm not really convinced that Jones is disinfo. It's sort of like a new category. He really doesn't spin the stuff he talks about, it's just a narrow focus designed to inspire action. To me disinfo is designed to befuddle a subject. I don't really feel like that's what's going on there. He's more like some offshoot of activism. Infoactvist? Sounds good. Jones is an infoactivist or for those who prefer, a disinfoactivist. In reality, I think his thing is the natural progression of the information age. The view here, which I share by the way, is that we don't have time left for this type of crap. Humanity needs to somehow bypass the baby steps and hunker down for the die off. That's not a popular view. Never has been. Just ask Noah. It's the sky is falling syndrome. Nobody will buy it. It's a tough sell, just like peace. There isn't much difference between terrorists and activists. The former is just funded better.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
Beau, can't really argue with your points, they all make sense. We must agree that there are no absolutes. I think we both made points that reflect that idea. My question is this. Ok, Jones's show is a disinfo rag. That's fine with me. I just want something to listen to that isn't complete and utter gaga while I'm sitting at work. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions. I'm being serious. I always like to have options. I'm not really convinced that Jones is disinfo. It's sort of like a new category. He really doesn't spin the stuff he talks about, it's just a narrow focus designed to inspire action. To me disinfo is designed to befuddle a subject. I don't really feel like that's what's going on there. He's more like some offshoot of activism. Infoactvist? Sounds good. Jones is an infoactivist or for those who prefer, a disinfoactivist. In reality, I think his thing is the natural progression of the information age. The view here, which I share by the way, is that we don't have time left for this type of crap. Humanity needs to somehow bypass the baby steps and hunker down for the die off. That's not a popular view. Never has been. Just ask Noah. It's the sky is falling syndrome. Nobody will buy it. It's a tough sell, just like peace. There isn't much difference between terrorists and activists. The former is just funded better.
You want fries with those thoughts, Sir?

Could it be that you are mistaking being detached with disassociation?
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
Ok, Jones's show is a disinfo rag. That's fine with me.
crazy croc said:
I'm not really convinced that Jones is disinfo.
So which one is it? Do you see that you are holding two opposing thoughts at the same time?

crazy croc said:
Do you or anyone else have any suggestions. I'm being serious. I always like to have options.
I don't think you are being serious. There so many other stuff to listen to out there, options are endless without Jones in the mix. As i see it, you don't care what the truth is. You just want your "entertainment" at work.

alex jones and jeff rense

I'm not holding opposing thoughts. I should have said "if YOU feel Jones is a disinfo rag, that's fine with me". First of all, I listen to the show regularly, over a period of time. I think to have any meaningful discussion on the subject, one needs the proper amount of exposure to form a meaningful opinion. I don't think it's a disinfo rag. Disinfo implies that the show takes information then twists the information to discredit the information being reported. That's not what the show does. It takes slices of documented truthful information then attempts to inspire the listener to become an activist for the cause of destroying the evil behind the cause of the information being reported. It's not a pack of lies thing. It's a buy your gun, buy my movies and pass them out on the street corner thing. That's what it is. I'm not saying it's good but I know what the show is. If you listened to the show, then maybe you would know. Now, I gotta get back out and pass out these videos to my neighbors and friends. Buy my guns and ammo and storable food and water filter because of all the terrible information I'm hearing on the show. That's what it's about. Infoactivism. I maintain my position.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
I'm not holding opposing thoughts. I should have said "if YOU feel Jones is a disinfo rag, that's fine with me".
Perhaps, but that is not what you said.

cc said:
First of all, I listen to the show regularly, over a period of time. I think to have any meaningful discussion on the subject, one needs the proper amount of exposure to form a meaningful opinion.
Quite the enormous and erroneous assumption that we haven't done exactly that. Thanks for insinuating that determinations are made on the flimsiest of evidence here - that's quite telling.

cc said:
I don't think it's a disinfo rag. Disinfo implies that the show takes information then twists the information to discredit the information being reported. That's not what the show does.
No - disinfo means truth masked and twisted to serve a purpose. Disinfo means 'not full truth' - if something is not the whole truth, it is a lie. If you are unclear on what disinfo is - use the search function at the top of the forum page and search for the term.

cc said:
It takes slices of documented truthful information then attempts to inspire the listener to become an activist for the cause of destroying the evil behind the cause of the information being reported.
No, it doesn't. Now, you are writing disinfo - you are twisting. What the AJ show does is present certain cherry-picked pieces of information to motivate listeners to do very limited, and often self-defeating things in response to them. The simple fact that you could even perceive the show as you have written indicates that you are either very, very sound asleep and ponerized - or here with an agenda - or both.

cc said:
It's not a pack of lies thing.
That is not what disinfo is - please do some research and discuss this in an intelligent, informed manner.

cc said:
It's a buy your gun, buy my movies and pass them out on the street corner thing. That's what it is. I'm not saying it's good but I know what the show is.
We also know what the show is - your idea that we don't is not only arrogant, but ignorant. Quite frankly, the fact that you listen to and support a show that encourages you to 'buy a gun and buy his videos' speaks volumes about you - and indicates that you will be much happier on any other forum than this one. It's also quite telling that you say, "I'm not saying it's good", yet in another few sentences you say that this is exactly what you are going to do - can't get much more ridiculous than that.

cc said:
If you listened to the show, then maybe you would know. Now, I gotta get back out and pass out these videos to my neighbors and friends. Buy my guns and ammo and storable food and water filter because of all the terrible information I'm hearing on the show. That's what it's about. Infoactivism. I maintain my position.
And, the ignorance again - we have listened to the show - we do know. By the way, your 'info-activism' (I love it when people make up words) is a superb idea - because you know what? Your little gun against an occupation will result in one thing - your death. That's the whole point - but you can't see that because you've listened for so long that you believe the tripe.

Feel free to pass out your videos and buy your guns and move along on your degenerative spiral - just don't do it here, on this forum.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
Disinfo implies that the show takes information then twists the information to discredit the information being reported.
That is one way of disinfo, but not the only one. Another way is to select info that is already slanted and then just report it. Here the spin is done in the selecting of the material. The result is not a well informed listener, who has a clearer picture of the objective reality, but instead a listener who is carefully led down a specific path which aids the agenda of the controllers, though it purports otherwise.

If you haven't read the Protocols of Zion, then it might be worth a read, if you are sincere in the quest for the truth and not just entertainment.
Here is an excerpt:
11. In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.

12. All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions -- aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical - for so long, of course, as the constitution exists .... Like the Indian idol "Vishnu" they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of judgment and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they will, in fact, follow the flag which we hang out for them.

13. In order to direct our newspaper militia in this sense we must take special and minute care in organizing this matter. Under the title of central department of the press we shall institute literary gatherings at which our agents will without attracting attention issue the orders and watchwords of the day. By discussing and controverting, but always superficially, without touching the essence of the matter, our organs will carry on a sham fight fusillade with the official newspapers solely for the purpose of giving occasion for us to express ourselves more fully than could well be done from the outset in official announcements, whenever, of course, that is to our advantage.

crazy croc said:
It's a buy your gun, buy my movies and pass them out on the street corner thing. That's what it is. I'm not saying it's good but I know what the show is.

crazy croc said:
Buy my guns and ammo and storable food and water filter because of all the terrible information I'm hearing on the show.
Do you yourself think the answer is in everyone buying guns and ammonition?

It that what you do yourself?

Can you see how the non thinking armed public can so easily be directed at aiming the guns at each other to the benefit of the real culprits, who are orchestrating the show?

alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
It's not a pack of lies thing. It's a buy your gun, buy my movies and pass them out on the street corner thing. That's what it is. I'm not saying it's good but I know what the show is. If you listened to the show, then maybe you would know. Now, I gotta get back out and pass out these videos to my neighbors and friends. Buy my guns and ammo and storable food and water filter because of all the terrible information I'm hearing on the show. That's what it's about. Infoactivism. I maintain my position.
I can't tell if you're being serious here, particularly in the italic. I have a hard time believing that you're not aware of the general stance on this forum about buying guns and the whole 'survivalist' mindset. Such is not 'infoactivism,' it's setting people up to get slaughtered. There probably will be a time, not too far from now, when people who have learned some truths about the deceptions of the US govt will try to protect themselves and their families by making an armed resistance to the inner occupation. They will fight against this system not knowing what it is. They wont know that there is another way that is working for their own humanity. Even if they heard about it they'll be too caught up in fear to recognize it as a viable means. And they will die for nothing. Jones is creating this situation. Do you care?

If you're not being serious it would seem you're just trying to rile people up - more entertainment for you?
alex jones and jeff rense

Shane said:
I have a hard time believing that you're not aware of the general stance on this forum about buying guns and the whole 'survivalist' mindset.

Your statement here about the "stance" of "this forum" kind of makes me want to ask you if you've properly shined your shoes, and made sure you have proper creases in your tunic.

This isn't a club, the eagle scouts, or the "Legion of enlightenedness", FFS.

Where are you coming from?
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
I'm not holding opposing thoughts. I should have said "if YOU feel Jones is a disinfo rag, that's fine with me". First of all, I listen to the show regularly, over a period of time. I think to have any meaningful discussion on the subject, one needs the proper amount of exposure to form a meaningful opinion. I don't think it's a disinfo rag. Disinfo implies that the show takes information then twists the information to discredit the information being reported. That's not what the show does. It takes slices of documented truthful information then attempts to inspire the listener to become an activist for the cause of destroying the evil behind the cause of the information being reported. It's not a pack of lies thing. It's a buy your gun, buy my movies and pass them out on the street corner thing. That's what it is. I'm not saying it's good but I know what the show is. If you listened to the show, then maybe you would know. Now, I gotta get back out and pass out these videos to my neighbors and friends. Buy my guns and ammo and storable food and water filter because of all the terrible information I'm hearing on the show. That's what it's about. Infoactivism. I maintain my position.

I'll step out of bounds, knowingly here, because I think you'll get a kick out of it.

You're a smartass.

Smart enough to see what's going on, and have a laugh at all the churning. No biggie that, I know my fair share of people who are plumbers, and gas station attendants that know more about human relations than most so-called "professionals".

That, in itself, although it might make the 6 O'Clock news if they were ever to discover it, is not too surprising considering the self-imposed microcosm that people choose to live in.

The point here?

As smart as you seem to be, and as apparent your stretching to see how you can create churn for further self-gratification, you ignore or are incapable of understanding what people here have tried to convey.

Why is that? You hitching a free ride?
alex jones and jeff rense

Azur said:
Shane said:
I have a hard time believing that you're not aware of the general stance on this forum about buying guns and the whole 'survivalist' mindset.

Your statement here about the "stance" of "this forum" kind of makes me want to ask you if you've properly shined your shoes, and made sure you have proper creases in your tunic.

This isn't a club, the eagle scouts, or the "Legion of enlightenedness", FFS.

Where are you coming from?
The statement was directly related to this further one:

"If you're not being serious it would seem you're just trying to rile people up - more entertainment for you?"

I originally had the two right next to each other but when I revised it, I had some further thoughts in between.

It wasn't about 'falling in line', but was questioning that if CC knew that the group has worked to understand why guns and 'survivalism' (i.e. stirring a revolution as has been previously discussed in the thread) are actually going to hurt people, then his statements may have been used with the intent to provoke a reaction for his entertainment, instead of discussing the issue.
alex jones and jeff rense

I do have an old rifle and a pocket knife laying around but I'm not a survivalist. Haven't gotten my water filter and freeze dried carrots yet. Not planning on it. If they rolled through my neighborhood and wanted to round people up and throw us in a camp, I wouldn't come out shooting. Frankly, I don't think many people would even if they hold that vision in their minds eye. For active veterans of the forum, this thread is a dead horse. That's understandable. Certainly I have no way of guaging how many of you have listened to the show or for how long. Reading over the thread as a whole, I find some comments which seem presumptuous regarding it. Deep inside, I'm very concerned about what's happening in our world. The point I've attepted to make in my latest posts is simply that I don't see it as a black and white issue. The general attitude here seems to be that stuff like A.J. has no value and is dangerous. Still, it exists and will likely continue to. I feel that while the show has an agenda which ultimately is destructive, I have no doubt that many people have listened to it and then been inspired to get involved looking for information and answers on their own. That can have value in the world. I've pointed out that I find the show entertaining. I don't understand why that strikes a nerve with people here. Technically, A listener does 'support' a show but not much. I don't buy the videos and ball caps, t-shirts and bumper stickers. The biggest question throughout this thread and the most interesting thing that could be known or answered which could be of some value is, is he funded and if so, by whom. It's been pointed out that he couldn't have done this or continue to do it on his own. When you look at all the advertising he does and all the crap he sells, I think it's possible he's self funded and that he could of put his orgazization together from the ground up all by himself. No real dirt has come out about him yet. So it's hard to say for sure. Ultimately, there is not much value in this thread. It's interesting that it has become so large.
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