Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
I do have an old rifle and a pocket knife laying around but I'm not a survivalist. Haven't gotten my water filter and freeze dried carrots yet. Not planning on it. If they rolled through my neighborhood and wanted to round people up and throw us in a camp, I wouldn't come out shooting. Frankly, I don't think many people would even if they hold that vision in their minds eye. For active veterans of the forum, this thread is a dead horse. That's understandable. Certainly I have no way of guaging how many of you have listened to the show or for how long. Reading over the thread as a whole, I find some comments which seem presumptuous regarding it. Deep inside, I'm very concerned about what's happening in our world. The point I've attepted to make in my latest posts is simply that I don't see it as a black and white issue. The general attitude here seems to be that stuff like A.J. has no value and is dangerous. Still, it exists and will likely continue to. I feel that while the show has an agenda which ultimately is destructive, I have no doubt that many people have listened to it and then been inspired to get involved looking for information and answers on their own. That can have value in the world. I've pointed out that I find the show entertaining. I don't understand why that strikes a nerve with people here. Technically, A listener does 'support' a show but not much. I don't buy the videos and ball caps, t-shirts and bumper stickers. The biggest question throughout this thread and the most interesting thing that could be known or answered which could be of some value is, is he funded and if so, by whom. It's been pointed out that he couldn't have done this or continue to do it on his own. When you look at all the advertising he does and all the crap he sells, I think it's possible he's self funded and that he could of put his orgazization together from the ground up all by himself. No real dirt has come out about him yet. So it's hard to say for sure. Ultimately, there is not much value in this thread. It's interesting that it has become so large.
Following your previous posts, this one is completely disingenuous - you are 'yanking our chain' - pretending to support both sides of the issue - or just saying one thing and then another - just to get people to respond to you. It is noise - it is manipulative and it needs to stop. If it continues, you will be removed from this forum.
alex jones and jeff rense

A drop, and no more, of bleach in a gallon or so of water will do much to purify it.
(Courtesy: "Farnham's Freehold" by Robert Heinlein)
alex jones and jeff rense

Axel_Dunor said:
Buy my guns and ammo and storable food and water filter because of all the terrible information I'm hearing on the show.
Haven't gotten my water filter and freeze dried carrots yet. Not planning on it.
Between 5:56 and 17:02 crazy croc checked some survival websites and realized how terribly expensive water filters are.
:) :) :)

I love it when reality crashes in on perception.
alex jones and jeff rense

anart said:
Following your previous posts, this one is completely disingenuous - you are 'yanking our chain' - pretending to support both sides of the issue - or just saying one thing and then another - just to get people to respond to you. It is noise - it is manipulative and it needs to stop. If it continues, you will be removed from this forum.
I got a slightly different impression. I think his previous posts were disingenuous - using veiled sarcasm, but this last one was relaying crazy croc's real thoughts. His last post seemed a subtle way of saying he wasn't being serious in his previous statements. So this folows my previous question:

If you're not being serious it would seem you're just trying to rile people up - more entertainment for you?
It seems so.
alex jones and jeff rense

I am a sarcastic person for the most part. I suppose this comes through more clearly when I'm writing than when I'm speaking. I think regarding entertainment value and if that's why I participate here and hoping for people to respond to me, it's easy to be presumptous. It's sort of like examining anything unknown and using instinct and experience to guage the truth. Throughout the forum, there are some very important threads and information and there are some that seem to be just an exercise in perception. This thread as a whole I believe is an exercise in perception. The entire foundation of it is based broadly on speculation. Some valid observation, certainly but more so speculation. Hence, as a whole I don't find this thread to be of great value in terms of revealing anything which can lead to a path other than further observation and speculation on the topic as a whole. How can someone assume without hesitation that my intentions are to invoke a response and if so, what type of response I would be hoping to get? Obviously the way a statement is percieved has a lot to do with the personality and intentions of the observer. There seem to be quite a few 'strong' personalities around here but I don't think one type is necessarily better than another. I actually enjoy the fact that my statements are ripped apart but that's absolutely not why I make them. Of course, even that could be percieved as insincere or manipulating. Most any statement can be depending on the personality, mood, perspective and intentions of the reader. I think it's fantastic people pick things apart and are confident in their perceptions. It's valid and valuable practice in a much needed art. Yes, some of my statements were sarcastic. Some people sensed it and others did not. We live in a world of spin and deception which because of technology is perhaps the most severe example of such mankind has ever seen. Point is, obviously my post in this thread which sparked these observations was percieved as being pointless, revealing of a possible agenda on my part and the like. Sarcastic, made purely for sport, etc. Poeple have responded confidently and presumtuously. Some observation and comments I agree with. Some I find to be way of base and over the top. Those are my perceptions. Still all in all, however you may percieve my words, I don't do personal attacks and I try to be respectful. That doesn't make me valuable and I am not being apologetic. I try and contribute useful and valuable information to the forum whenever I can. Sometimes, I make a statement which would be better left unsaid or yes, even for the occassional entertainment value. Considering I present my thoughs in generalized terms for the most part I don't see how I could be guilty of hoping to generate a response. When a person taps on the keys, they do so of their own freewill. I've not made a statment in which I've demanded anything of anyone. I asked for people to give me names of shows that would be an alternative to listening to Jones. I never demanded it though. Other than that statement, I don't believe I've said anything which was 'leading' for a response. I've stated at other times that I think this is a great webpage and forum, that the people here are very sharp. That's my perception and opinion and I maintain it. The goals of this forum and how they are achieved and the controls put in place to help achieve them are the responsibilities of the moderators. If it's decided I am of no value here, then so be it. Personally, I think there is some over analysis regarding my posts but that's up to the moderators. I have no quarrell with anyone here. I'm not going to say it wouldn't sadden me to booted but I don't think anything I've done in this thread warrants an apology on my part.
alex jones and jeff rense

That's my perception and opinion and I maintain it.
But Croc, the forum's not interested in your opinion!

CC said:
I asked for people to give me names of shows that would be an alternative to listening to Jones.
Ever thought of embracing the Work and listening within?
alex jones and jeff rense

Hi CC,

There's plenty of information and podcasts on Signs to give anyone the clues. Seems to me you're just resisting seeing Jones in a different light. Perhaps someone might finally take the wolf seriously after being swallowed? You've got a lot of info here to shed some light, but you cling to it for entertainment value. At what point do we stop entertaining ourselves and do some real work?

And I don't expect any apologies. Everyone is entitled to express their opinions. But I seriously think you don't have a good grasp/concept for what this site is all about.

alex jones and jeff rense

mudrabbit, if you have read this thread or at least the last couple of pages, then you should see that:

1) I have listened to all the podcasts more than once. I realize there was a podcast regarding, for the most part, Rense. This isn't about Rense.

2) I have stated that ultimately, Jones has a destructive agenda but I don't agree that it is 'disinformation'. It has been pointed out that according to the official definition of 'disinformation' here at Sott, I am wrong.

Like they say, 'when in Rome'.
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
mudrabbit, if you have read this thread or at least the last couple of pages, then you should see that:

1) I have listened to all the podcasts more than once. I realize there was a podcast regarding, for the most part, Rense. This isn't about Rense.
At what point did mudrabbit mention Rense? I must have missed something. Mudrabbit's point is that the information provided on the associated websites to this forum provide ample information for one to CLEARLY understand that Alex Jones is disinformation - including podcasts that cover an enormous range of information, that - if used intelligently - would have led you to that conclusion. Your literal interpretation of what mudrabbit was saying is completely off target.

cc said:
2) I have stated that ultimately, Jones has a destructive agenda but I don't agree that it is 'disinformation'. It has been pointed out that according to the official definition of 'disinformation' here at Sott, I am wrong.

Like they say, 'when in Rome'.
I see - so you do not agree with the definition of disinformation and do not agree that Alex Jones is disinformation, but when you're on this forum, you will pretend to.

So, when you are 'in Rome' - on the SotT forum, you will pretend that you 'get it'. Understood.
alex jones and jeff rense

Hi CC,

It seems my post came off as hostile. I was simply making an observation and sharing it with you. What I don't understand is when people come to this forum, they say they've read the guidelines and the information, yet they still argue/debate/confront us when we genuinely seek to understand something from their point of view. This is what I was trying to ascertain from you. I had no ulterior motive, nor was I being sarcastic.

Anart made my point quite well, which tells me that people here do understand what I meant. I'm sorry you didn't, but I still don't understand why you defend what you do. Most of the moderators and long time people here have experienced what was discussed in those papers. For someone to come in here and tell us something contrary to what we've seen with our own eyes, somewhat confuses those of us who, when asked, show the path, but are confounded by those who refuse to take the first step themselves.

You are in "our house", and the information is plainly posted, so what is it you don't understand? It's clear that there's not many here that are going to agree with you on Rense or Jones, nor do they want to rehash what's already been hashed.

alex jones and jeff rense

CC wrote:
crazy croc on May 12th, 17:02 wrote:

Haven't gotten my water filter and freeze dried carrots yet. Not planning on it.

This statement of yours is not exactly clear. You havent' gotten your filter and freeze dried carrots YET, but then you're not planning on it.

It's only one example of how your posts look to me. I'm not attacking you, I really don't see any cohesiveness in your thoughts.

alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
I am a sarcastic person for the most part.
This forum is about intelligent discussion based on knowledge. Not about sarcasm and opinions. Please, find another forum which seeks for opinions and which welcomes sarcasm, and move there . Either you keep to the standards here or we will "help" you to find a proper place for your opinions and sarcasm somewhere else. Doesn't Alex Jones have a forum for his fans? What about cc moving to ???
alex jones and jeff rense

crazy croc said:
This thread as a whole I believe is an exercise in perception. The entire foundation of it is based broadly on speculation. Some valid observation, certainly but more so speculation. Hence, as a whole I don't find this thread to be of great value in terms of revealing anything which can lead to a path other than further observation and speculation on the topic as a whole.
Why do you say speculation when it's backed up by data? Alex Jones talks about some things, he does not talk about other things. That's data. He promotes certain things in a certain way. That's data. The things that he does not promote, and does not do, is also data. In terms of the results of what he says and does, it does not matter whether he does it consciously or he just doesn't get it and doesn't know any better. The results are the same, and that makes him an agent of disinformation regardless of whether he knows it or not. The thing is, disinformation is not just directly stated lies. It's also implied lies. So if he focuses all his attention on the "evil NWO groups" and governments, he's implying that this is the solution and what we need to focus on. He is not wrong that the government is lying and manipulating, but he IS wrong in not only his approach to the problem that makes no different from those he talks about, but his implied assumption that this is the extent of the problem. But this is only a symptom of a much more universal problem, psychopathy and the resulting ponerization of everybody and ALL groups and individuals, not just special-interest groups like governments and NWO etc.

Learning to think critically, to de-ponerize ourselves, and to understand the subtleties and mechanics of psychopathic mindset is vital for progress to be made towards any sort of change on this planet - not simply going after "evil groups" that want to take over the world whether they are evil Muslim terrorists or our government or whatever. Doing that does not make you any smarter - just like when Bush says that Bin Laden hates our freedoms it's not different than when Jones says that Bush actually hates our freedoms. Anybody can point a finger at the government and say "They are a bunch of evil scum" and provide plenty of evidence for this. Kudos to them, but why not ask the reader why they didn't know this already, why did they need somebody to point the finger for them? What is wrong with their own ability to see lies from truth? Jones does not focus on this at all, which is absolutely vital. The reader does not learn to recognize this themselves, does not learn to see how and why the government gets away with this (not the pure mechanics of it, but the psychological and emotional manipulation), and how the same thing is going on in their daily lives with people not in positions of national power, but who are no different than those governments. As has been stated already in this thread, he goes after the major symptoms of a disease but ignores the disease. And he has been informed of this many times. He either doesn't want to get it, or gets it but ignores it because of ulterior agenda. But the results are the same.

crazy croc said:
Obviously the way a statement is perceived has a lot to do with the personality and intentions of the observer. There seem to be quite a few 'strong' personalities around here but I don't think one type is necessarily better than another. I actually enjoy the fact that my statements are ripped apart but that's absolutely not why I make them.
If by "ripped apart" you mean "critically analyzed", then why wouldn't you want your statements to analyzed?
crazy croc said:
Still all in all, however you may perceive my words, I don't do personal attacks and I try to be respectful.
Well if someone was to analyze what you just said here, it amounts to this: "Regardless of what you think about what I say, I'll tell you what to think." But why not let the forum decide whether you do attacks or not? This decision would come from a critical analysis of what you say. But if you don't want the forum to do such an analysis because as you say, that's not why you make the statements, then why do you make the statements? And certainly that would go hand in hand with telling the forum that you are in fact respectful and do not do attacks. A forum that is prevented from critical analysis would have no choice but to except your own self-analysis as fact.
crazy croc said:
If it's decided I am of no value here, then so be it. Personally, I think there is some over analysis regarding my posts but that's up to the moderators. I have no quarrell with anyone here. I'm not going to say it wouldn't sadden me to booted but I don't think anything I've done in this thread warrants an apology on my part.
I think the point is not to apologize, but to learn. Apologies are worthless if they are not a result of learning and growing. Otherwise you're just apologizing for the sake of apologizing, it's not sincere, it does nobody any good.

There is only one objective reality. So, if somebody has one perception, and another person has a contradictory perception, they cannot really both be correct. They can both be wrong, but not both correct. So if they both just "agree to disagree" that's really nice of them, but that doesn't help either one of them get to the truth with respect to their interaction with one another. And perception is not opinion. Perception is what you currently perceive, but you can remain open that you are lacking data, or interpreting the data wrong and realize it. Opinion is more like concluding that this is what it is, case closed. In other words, it's like opening your eyes and seeing the color blue and saying "I see blue" but knowing that it's only your current perception. Opinion is like saying "This IS blue" just because it appears that way. There is attachment here, there is identification, and it becomes a stumbling block, an "obsession" as the C's would say.

Everybody has opinions, most of them being wildly different about the same "things" so clearly, most of them utterly wrong. On this forum we steer clear of giving any value to opinions. It's all about working together to collect data, and also working together to interpret that data. In other forums one of 2 strategies are used: either they argue and defend their opinions till they are blue, or they "agree to disagree" and say we all are entitled to our opinions, and leave it at that. Both approaches do not help anybody find the truth, so they are both worthless for a group that seeks to Know. No sacred cows, no bull. So if you are not attached to your perception and are interested in truth, consider the data and what is being said on this thread, and consider it critically. To me it seems like you are, in fact, attached to it, and this is evidenced by your posts where you seriously skew and distort data to defend it and as you say "maintain" it. If my perception here is accurate, it's not the end of the world, we all had our share of sacred cows, and although they're not easy to let go of because of what they are and how they work, if our drive for truth is stronger than our desire to hang on to them, we (through some discomfort and sometimes some serious pain, depending on the cow) can let them go. But seeking truth is not just mere curiosity in how things work, it does not come without pain and sacrifice and suffering as you battle your mechanical and programmed self. It's not inner peace as many new agers and others claim, it's actually inner war.
alex jones and jeff rense

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
It's not inner peace as many new agers and others claim, it's actually inner war.
SAO, I don't think I ever heard anyone put it quite like that but, woah, that's spot on! inner war, indeed.

And that only highlights the contrasting case of the psychopath, where there are no internal conflicts, self-doubts, or crises of confidence whatsoever. or the highly-ponerised individual (ie, just about everyone, dammit), where all such sources of friction are buried deep deep out of sight and mind.
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