Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Fall of the Republic Part 1: _

Fall of the Republic Part 2: _

Together, about 15 min; primarily deals with Oath Keepers.
Thanks for the links, Jeep.

(Odd that I put Fall of the Republic, Part 2 in the YouTube search function last night and came up with nothing.)
NormaRegula said:
Would like to view Part II. I could not find a link to Part II on YouTube.

I had difficulty locating it, too. I'm sorry that my original post wasn't clear as to the response I was seeking. I appreciate the input both you and Anart give as you have highly developed critical eyes and are good at expressing the contradictions or other issues that you see. Undoubtedly, the video has the whole Alex Jones slant, carefully picking what information he chooses to include. But, there was a pretty thorough treatment of the entire subject just the same. As it's being pointed out in this thread, the PTB may be getting desperate and making mistakes that will ultimately expose their evil manipulations to the masses. I'm trying hard not to anticipate that this could be true as I don't want to jinx it. :/
Watched Part 2 about the Oath Keepers. Not sure if the link given is the next sequence in this series. Seems there are lots of excerpts from the "Fall of the Republic" on YouTube - just not the whole enchilada. I'm wondering if its worth the energy to purchase Jones' video and view it from start to finish.

Watching the oath-keepers segment made me shake my head in sorrow. I'm almost certain these oath-keepers believe they are doing what is right in countering the growing fascism by swearing an oath to the Constitution of the United States. Yet ultimately where will this lead them other than another bloody revolution as evidenced by the video's intercut clips of 1776 warfare - muskets a blazing.

Swearing an oath to defend any ideology, a political or religious document, or just wishing to recreate what is perceived to be a once noble government reminds me of cosmic cointelpro and the secret games of the gods. Think of all the groups throughout history that formed to combat darkness and were led to their destruction or, worse, morphed into the very thing they had battled against.

If becoming an Oath-Keeper is what Alex Jones sees as part of the solution, well, he and his followers are in for a probable nasty outcome. Consciously or unconsciously, Jones is still leading others towards a violent confrontation with the PTB - guns a blazing.
Part 2 -Fall of the Republic Part 1: _

Part 2 -Fall of the Republic Part 2: _

Sorry for the confusion, but the two links I provided earlier (listed above) are together the Part 2 to the Fall of the Republic. The fact that the Part 2 to the original Part 1 is divided into 2 parts itself made finding it difficult and also is just generally confusing.

It seemed to me that there was a lot of emphasis that upholding and following the Constitution, from the standpoint of the oath sworn by those who enlist in the military, means protecting US citizens from our OWN military forces (enemies foreign and DOMESTIC) as well as threats from outside the country. In other words, not following an order to fire upon American citizens or to even confiscate legal firearms from American citizens. The whole Katrina episode seems to have caused many to wake up and realize the creeping fascism being engendered by those in control.

I know at some point I read an article about Guantanamo. The original forces that were in charge were removed and replaced by specially selected military. What was made clear was that the original forces were "regular Army" - they weren't the types to engage in questionable or even absolutely illegal interrogation procedures. In other words, those guys were not at all likely to perpetrate the waterboarding torture that the "replacements" so willingly engaged in. And I think THAT is the point of the Oathkeepers movement - not allowing the "mercenary mind-set" types to take over our military or police. Our military and police should be comprised of regular American citizens - citizens with ethics and a conscience! As was pointed out in the video, the Nuremberg Trials made it clear that following orders was not justification for committing atrocities. The point that 95% of the clergy in Nazi Germany condoned the holocaust against the Jews was also raised to say, let's not allow this to happen again!

Like it or not, what's being talked about in the first long video and the shorter followup video, are real issues and real situations. At least some of the population is starting to realize that our liberties and freedoms are under dire threat. Certainly, there is the whole Fox News far-right wing superhype agenda to rile up the Tea Party demographic and to some extent, Alex Jones is slanted in that direction. But, I think these videos show there are people who are sensible and are figuring out that real danger exists and feel that complacency has to end. It seems that deliberate, thought-out responses were being encouraged and not just radical knee-jerk reactions. Of course, even sensible people have to wonder what are the best things to do to protect themselves and their families. Maybe what has been offered in these videos leaves either a lot or just something to be desired. But, if nothing else, a somewhat rational conversation has been started. I just wonder how we can better connect and engage with the movements that are stirring in order to mitigate as much irrational, violence-prone responses as possible. Even without the manipulation of Fox News and the PTB, average folks can't help but notice the increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that can readily be interpreted as the End Times starting to really happen. That could spur the population into fear-based response just by itself.

It's interesting that Obama announced the new NASA mission is to send astronauts to the asteroid Eros, and that the Wisconsin meteor is also being identified as an asteroid. Brings to mind how Wernher von Braun said the progression was going to be communists, terrorists, asteroids, and lastly, extraterrestrials. Sure looks like it's playing out just as he predicted.
You can watch it all straight through here:

Jeep said:
It seemed to me that there was a lot of emphasis that upholding and following the Constitution, from the standpoint of the oath sworn by those who enlist in the military, means protecting US citizens from our OWN military forces (enemies foreign and DOMESTIC) as well as threats from outside the country. In other words, not following an order to fire upon American citizens or to even confiscate legal firearms from American citizens.

And how are the Oath-Keeper types going to protect those US citizens from our OWN military forces? With force, perhaps? And who is going to determine just who "the enemies foreign and domestic, as well as threats from outside the country" are? Looks like a set-up to me.

Jeep said:
The whole Katrina episode seems to have caused many to wake up and realize the creeping fascism being engendered by those in control.

True. But until those many begin to wake-up from the myth that they as US citizens are extra-special and that the Tree of Liberty just needs to be watered with the blood of patriots now and then, they are still being had for food by those who appear to be corralling them into a pen to be slaughtered.

The masses - be they in the USA or other countries - will truly begin to awaken once they recognize that they are human beings, not merely a political/religious/social construct...and that their true enemies are psychopaths. Organized violence will not work against psychopathology. Taking away the psychopath's energy source via conscious efforts of others to unmask their lies, and striking/refusing to work the cogs within an unbalanced society that they (with help from their 4D Masters) have created will weaken their hold on this world.

Jeep said:
But, I think these videos show there are people who are sensible and are figuring out that real danger exists and feel that complacency has to end. It seems that deliberate, thought-out responses were being encouraged and not just radical knee-jerk reactions. Of course, even sensible people have to wonder what are the best things to do to protect themselves and their families.

I don't see a lot of sensibility or critical-thinking in Alex Jones' or the Oath-Keepers ultimate aims. Sure, they may think this is what they must do to protect themselves and their families - yet it is just playing into the hands of the PTB. I'm surprised you can't see that.
There is a lot of wishful-thinking going on here.

How do we reach out to these folks? Pretty tough order when they have yet to awaken up to what is most probably in store for them if they follow the path of resistance using their guns. All is lessons, Jeep.

I'd like to add more to this conversation and address some more points - unfortunately I need to get to work. Will check in later.
NormaRegula said:
I don't see a lot of sensibility or critical-thinking in Alex Jones' or the Oath-Keepers ultimate aims. Sure, they may think this is what they must do to protect themselves and their families - yet it is just playing into the hands of the PTB. I'm surprised you can't see that.
There is a lot of wishful-thinking going on here.

I think a very fine line is being walked here. Absolutely there is the AJ slant, perhaps knowingly, towards the scenario the PTB want to see played out. But, in the Oathkeepers segment, it was said that a FEW could be able to stop the many from acting/reacting wrongly/violently, sort of like how the C's say a small group of humanity can create the conduit. It sounded like they were advocating that military persons stop and think about these issues NOW, beforehand - instead of in the heat of crisis when emotions can take over, automatic trained responses kick in and spiral out of control. I'm hearing rational comments in these videos and the pointing out of the parallels to what happened in Nazi Germany. And the main video did point out that these are not Democratic/Republican issues or even just America the nation issues - it's a global control elite that know no national boundaries.

True. But until those many begin to wake-up from the myth that they as US citizens are extra-special and that the Tree of Liberty just needs to be watered with the blood of patriots now and then, they are still being had for food by those who appear to be corralling them into a pen to be slaughtered.

The masses - be they in the USA or other countries - will truly begin to awaken once they recognize that they are human beings, not merely a political/religious/social construct...and that their true enemies are psychopaths. Organized violence will not work against psychopathology. Taking away the psychopath's energy source via conscious efforts of others to unmask their lies, and striking/refusing to work the cogs within an unbalanced society that they (with help from their 4D Masters) have created will weaken their hold on this world.

I agree with this completely. Have we answered the question - does the Wake Up factor of the video (although it falls short of what needs to be said) outweigh the Be Scared and Arm Yourself factor (although I don't feel that was overly emphasized, that some reasoning was imparted and advocated)? My point is that mainstream America is more likely to encounter and relate to AJ's video than or the forum. Even though you are absolutely correct in what you are saying, getting mainstream America into that awareness is a tall order. I would think that would have to be accomplished in stages - you just can't hit them with the whole enchilada at once - that would be extremely terrifying. And how much time is there before the next big thing - US, Europe, or global false flag terror attack or "fake" alien invasion? Does this video provide a necessary first step in raising awareness despite its flaws?
JEEP said:
My point is that mainstream America is more likely to encounter and relate to AJ's video than or the forum.

Well, except for the fact that AJ has already been identified by the mainstream media as a spittle flecked promoter of violence that can lead people to do evil things.

The impression I get from your advocacy of this video and Jones is that you are in some kind of emotional state and perhaps you want to be Jones follower because it makes you feel like you are doing something or getting somewhere. In that case, I would suggest that you stop trying to sit on two stools and just do it: go and hang out with the Jones crowd!!!
JEEP said:
My point is that mainstream America is more likely to encounter and relate to AJ's video than or the forum.

That tells me that the programming has worked and the stage is set for a demagogue they funded (covertly perhaps, AJ may not even be aware of the source of his "lucky breaks" in radio and Hollywood) to come in and lead the 'mainstream' right where they want them to go. Remember Protocol 12?

Protocols of the Pathocrats said:
Protocol 12 - Control of the Press

Protocol 12 is all about the concept of 'freedom'. It states the importance of maintaining the illusion of freedom, whilst in actuality freedom is constricted and perverted down into the following conversive definition:

"Freedom is the right to do what the law allows"

when of course 'the law' has already been subverted by the deviant aims of the elite, and subsumed into a pathological process.

This is done in many ways but by far the most significant of these is a complete control of the press. The illusion of a free press is maintained by the creation of a 'manufactured opposition', which has two effects: firstly it reassures the people that they are free, secondly it acts as a vacuum cleaner operation on any potential dissent by subsuming it into a manufactured and wholly impotent counter-movement, and thereby erasing any potential threat from dissidents by deflecting all their energy into irrelevant 'keep busy' activities.

The press is controlled by various strategies: News reporting is to be restricted so that all news articles are sourced through a small number of 'news agencies' that can act as a bottleneck from which any censorship is exercised; Not only news, but all publications shall be subject to restraints - the pretext for stopping any publication will be the alleged plea that it is agitating the public mind without occasion or justification.

Once complete control of the press is instated it then becomes considerably easier to manipulate public intellect and opinion to any desired result, and to stifle genuine investigative, free-thinking discourse both in public life, and then also in the people's private discussions and opinions.
It appears that AJ may have been adopted by a high level gatekeeper who knows much about collective consciousness and the powerful hypnotic effect of identification.

One who also may be aware of the powerful effect our group already has had on possible outcomes, feeling the need to counter it.
JEEP said:
In other words, not following an order to fire upon American citizens or to even confiscate legal firearms from American citizens.
But that misses the point - focusing on not depriving people of their legal "gun ownership" is silly because the right to carry arms is a distraction, an illusion intentionally created to make people believe that weapons offer them some kind of protection from "the powers that be", and as long as they have their guns, all will be ok. And wasting time trying to convince the military to disobey orders to attack American citizens or deprive them of their weapons is just that, a waste of time, it distracts from the REAL work that can make a REAL difference because it targets the root of the REAL issue.

And that's just the point, to keep people arguing over inconsequential "rights" while their psychological, emotional, bio-chemical, and spiritual health has been corrupted beyond belief, and their access to objective knowledge extremely curbed, and while all institutions on the planet have been taken over and corrupted by psychopaths. This makes our "right to bear arms" completely irrelevant and silly and distracting - as is asking the military to be nice to the citizens when government tells them to hurt us. The military is not hurting us right now - it is everything else, and that's what we should focus on, because if you fix THAT, then the military will never receive orders to attack us in the first place.

JEEP said:
And I think THAT is the point of the Oathkeepers movement - not allowing the "mercenary mind-set" types to take over our military or police.
And how do they go about "not allowing" this? The psychopaths in power are in charge of the kind of mind-set the military that THEY sponsor and create and maintain, have. Until the psychopaths are not running everything, we have no ability to "not allow" anything, period.

JEEP said:
Our military and police should be comprised of regular American citizens - citizens with ethics and a conscience!
Well first of all there is no such thing as "should be" - things just are the way they are because of our world being the way it is - if you, I, or anyone else doesn't like it, then we should first understand why things are this way before we blindly and naively try to "change" anything, applying our energy and efforts in fruitless and ignorant and ineffective ways.

It is the same for the Work on yourself - when you begin, you start observing your programs and you are instantly tempted to try to "change" them because they can be scary and disturbing, but you cannot fix the way you think with the way you think, you cannot change yourself for the better without having an understanding of exactly how to change yourself to make it effective and proper and healthy - otherwise you'll be acting FROM your predator to try to get rid of your predator, and will only mess things up, just spinning your wheels.

You could say a lot of things "should be", and the composition of our military is not even high on that list if you really want to evaluate the state of this world. Everything about our world is toxic on every level - perhaps none of it "should be" toxic, but it is. This is just another symptom of the global pathological toxicity, it isn't wrong to point it out and be aware that it's there, but it's wrong to focus on it in search of a solution because that will not be effective to stop the pathocracy's total domination and destruction of everything and everyone.

JEEP said:
As was pointed out in the video, the Nuremberg Trials made it clear that following orders was not justification for committing atrocities. The point that 95% of the clergy in Nazi Germany condoned the holocaust against the Jews was also raised to say, let's not allow this to happen again!
Again, this is all good stuff to use to get people to get angry at how things are - but this stuff cannot be used to "fix" anything - the angry person needs to be directed to REAL understanding of underlying issues and where to channel their energy, which in turn will address these symptoms of the pathocracy, all of them.

JEEP said:
Like it or not, what's being talked about in the first long video and the shorter followup video, are real issues and real situations.
They are real symptoms, certainly important and good to know, but not the area to focus on for a fix. It's like being stuck in prison and complaining that the food there tastes bad, and demanding better food. Or maybe complaining about the sharpness of the barbed-wire fences, or the malfunctioning air conditioner in your prison cell. All those uncomfortable things are a result of you being in prison, and can be used to get people pissed off at their situation, but then their energy should be channeled to escape the prison by addressing the reason they are there in the first place, but Alex Jones essentially channels the energy into screaming at the prison chef. Or worse yet, an armed uprising that will end up with all the prisoners gassed to death.
After all the energy that has been expended regarding this video, JEEP, I can't help but wonder why it is so important to you that this particular project might be an impetus to waking people up.

From what I have observed watching this video, it's just Jones doin' what Jones does best: distracting those persons who are beginning to see through some of the lies, throwing in some obvious truths, and then directing their frustrations, fears, and anger into visions of revolutionary glory.

Now, what kind of person does that sort of thing?

Looks like we're back to square one. There's a valid reason this thread has its title.

JEEP said:
Does this video provide a necessary first step in raising awareness despite its flaws?

I wouldn't recommend it as a first step to anyone who was seeking truth. The underlying message of "The Fall of the Republic" glorifies open combativeness and an exclusivity that encourages gun defense and bloody revolutions as viable solutions to the global mess we're in. That's pretty flawed thinking.
Thank you all for your excellent comments and viewpoints including Laura's rebuke. I asked for critical, objective insight and you gave it to me and I am not hurt or wounded by it, but I am more enlightened. This is an area I've wrestled with for a long time (really most of my life) - how to get the masses to see the truth. I hate living in a world where the vast majority are blind to the realities of our existence. I feel like I have to live a lie, that I can't reveal my true opinions to the people I normally encounter as they are in opposition to what they believe. It's extremely isolating. Of course, you must understand that I have lived in a conservative Republican enclave since 1988. I'm really the odd-man out. Conversation has to be of superficial pleasantries avoiding politics and religion as much as possible.

I'm going to go back and reread what's been said and let it sink in. I appreciate and respect all of you so much! You are the lifeline that keeps me going when I get down and discouraged. And please don't misunderstand - I think and this forum are the greatest! And I have done as much as I reasonably can to make others aware of what's offered here - although my perception is that it's an exercise in futility. The frustration of that eats at me.

Again, thank you for listening and helping me see things more clearly. I know I just need to focus on letting the Universe do it's thing and not get so caught up in all the dramas. Love to you all.
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