Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Minerva said:
No, it's clear that RIGHT NOW people in the US have the right to have guns, and if the govt. takes that right away it's historically a bad sign.
It's also clear that the dollar and govt could collapse and families want to protect themselves, esp. if martial law goes into effect. I'm not all pro gun, but I'm telling you what Alex SAYS. I don't agree with the pro gun people entirely, but they do have a point. He knows what happens when a bunch of blackwater goons and police and thugs are the only ones with guns!

If members of the US population began to fire on the US military (which today includes blackwater goons) there would be a bloodbath.

In any case, the threat to the american people from having their weapons taken away is a distraction, and that is one of the the main problem with Jones. The real threat is from incoming meteorites and the utter contempt with which the US government views the welfare of US citizens.

Time's running out while you argue insignificant points
I've come to finish the thread from start to finish. Quite informative in a few ways and it did strengthen my conviction about Alex. There were definitely some patterns of oddness to be seen in the apologist's arguments. It really did echo throughout almost the entire thread, no? "Yes, he's loud, obnoxious, prone to rants but... he's good in heart!", naturally without amounting to nothing but subjective feelings and categorically dismissing the evidence to the contrary. They could only see and hear what was good about his character. That is, if there were any honest commentators in this thread that hadn't already been part of the forum already for some time.

Rather disappointing actually. I had a reserved spot for the possibility that his defenders that were new to Sott had actually looked at the evidence and had more than hearsay and opinions to counter them. But apparently it is just as bad as it looks. "Here comes Alex! Lift the curtains for his Horrorshow!"
[quote author=Nomad]well this thread only casts more light on how the mechanisms of COINTELPRO work - by making people emotionally invested into a particular line of thought, so that it becomes impossible for them to consider any alternatives - a kind of mental 'tunnel vision', which therefore makes them extremely vulnerable to vectoring. Sadly, this has been seen many times, always with devastating consequences.[/quote]

Well put Nomad! Funny, we were just talking about this on another, er several other, threads! What struck me this time is slightly different. Ever write a comprehensive letter or attempt a comprehensive conversation with someone, only to be met with frustration because they lock in to some angering emotional angle that is blocking your point? Now take that and do it deliberately to stymie your opposition!
If you had ANY doubts about Alex Jones being a paid schill......

Today Alex Jones is as jubilant as a child with a new toy!



He is repeating every 5 minutes (and that is no exxageration) that he has been predicting a false flag attack in his home town or somewhere in the US . Nothing he has been saying thus far has anything to do with any kind of empathy towards the violence or possible deaths involved. He might as well be yelling I told you so I told you so!! for his repulsive 4 hour air pollution. To add insult to morbid injury, his guest today is none other that David Icke. Possibly the biggest disinfo-maniac this side of Project Camelot! I've listened now for about an hour which is my limit before losing my lunch.

For those who are not privvy to what I mean about this piece of filth, Alex Jones has been raping and pillaging the hearts and minds of unsuspecting people who seek truth by saying HE predicted 9/11 6 months before it happened and that his main hook to reel in and pick the pockets of unsuspecting truth seekers by peddling his horsehockey movies MRE's and buying bullets and guns and starting a revolution within the United States. Now he will probably have a huge barbeque with shotguns and whiskey with all his scum-buddies tonight with his paid minions.

I've learned that by knowing an enemy and understanding the psychopathic minds that inhabit this planet, you have to study it and watch and listen and learn their every move so I admit to have had the misfortune to every once in a while listening to the absolute garbage this "man" peddles. Today i have never heard this thing as jubilant as he is today.I mean I can almost literally hear him wringing his hands in evil glory. He is one of THE TOP disinfo junkies to have inhabited this world and is absolutely out of his mind with glee right now.

If their were any doubts of his involvement with SOMETHING ( i have no idea what so dont bother asking me to speculate) evil and "in the know", they are certainly washed away on this day......IMHO

Mod's note: Edited to deactivate disinfo links.
Re: If you had ANY doubts about Alex Jones being a paid schill......

My feeling about David Icke is that, although disinformation forms an ironic aspect to his 'truther' meme, he's actually relatively benign; there's not really a demonstrably forceful aspect to his nature, although ego rears its head from time to time, and some of the things he believes to be true, I can't say I agree with.. but many of these largely remain 'unresolved' .. or 'open' as the Cs would say. I get the impression with David Icke, he's more a person who has been misled by certain forces, rather than a deliberate misleader.. But that is just my impression.

Alex Jones however, I find far more pernicious. He rather puts me in mind of a TV evangelist with an attitude problem. He uses verbal intimidation and aggression, often twists potentially innocent situations and parades them as sinister. He puts the fear of the New World Order in to his clergy at every opportunity, uses ambush journalism tactics to catch people unawares and then parades the resultant objections and anger as proof of guilt, and charges silly amounts of money to view his self aggrandising and frankly, tedious televisations of these largely inconclusive encounters

When I was somewhat further back on this path I often listened to his show but these days I find the bloke either hysterically funny or utterly irritating; depending on the theme of his show and how much histrionic pointing and shouting he does at the camera ... Anyway, I have a feeling there's been some lengthy discussion regarding Alex Jones' character on this forum in the past so I'll leave it there .. From what I can make out, the bloke is a total waste of energy, on every level
Re: If you had ANY doubts about Alex Jones being a paid schill......

Zaphod said:
My feeling about David Icke is that, although disinformation forms an ironic aspect to his 'truther' meme, he's actually relatively benign; there's not really a demonstrably forceful aspect to his nature, although ego rears its head from time to time, and some of the things he believes to be true, I can't say I agree with.. but many of these largely remain 'unresolved' .. or 'open' as the Cs would say. I get the impression with David Icke, he's more a person who has been misled by certain forces, rather than a deliberate misleader.. But that is just my impression.

Zaphod, in case you haven't already seen the David Icke thread, you may find it of interest and rather revealing (there has been quite a bit of research on it recently thanks to a few of our members):

I shared your opinion of Icke for a very long time, but I think the case could be made that he is more than misguided; there are also some cracks in that "nice guy" image that occasionally emerge if you watch carefully. But I think the (very, very crude) comparison could be made that Icke = Obama while Jones = Bush. Even if they ultimately both lead down the same disinfo highway, between the two of them, you at least know who you would rather invite to your backyard barbecue party.
Well, the waters have just gotten incredibly muddied. I have just watched this 2hr 24min youtube video (_, Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama - written, directed, and produced by Alex Jones. I have to say, if Alex Jones is a provocateur, he's doing a darn good job of masking his true intentions - although I might change my mind once I view Part 2. Part 1 delves into the crisis facing not only America, but the entire world, from the New World Order and how they have manipulated the US and global finances in order to achieve global enslavement, along with population reduction, of the entire planet with the oligarchy elites the masters of us all. Lots of recognizable names including Webster Tarpley, Jesse Ventura, G. Edward Griffin, and many other notable persons are incorporated into this presentation. I think this video does do a highly credible job of presenting most of the facts that have led our country and the world to its present state. Glaring omissions: the role of Zionism, outright admission that 9/11 was an inside job although alluded to along with Al Qaeda, no direct mention of the role of Fox News, no 4D Lizzies (not surprising really), and although the elite are clearly presented as having no regard or feelings for humans other than their own elite brethren, the word psychopath was never used. The video concludes by saying that we have two choices: global enslavement or mass awakening. It was pointed out how media (radio,TV, advertising, news, etc.) was intentionally used to bring about the promotion of and acquiescence to the elite agenda - that we are in a trance. Sports also was engendered for the purpose of capturing men's attention and to weaken them. I would have to say that, overall, this video pretty much says what we here already know and have been talking about - but is putting it all out there and promoting it. Now the caveat may be Part 2 - AJ's supposed remedies for this fix we are in. Meanwhile, what does the forum think of Part 1?
Jeep said:
...I have to say, if Alex Jones is a provocateur, he's doing a darn good job of masking his true intentions - although I might change my mind once I view Part 2...I think this video does do a highly credible job of presenting most of the facts that have led our country and the world to its present state.

From your description, Jeep, it sounds like Jones is just doing what he does best: using highly-charged emotional rhetoric, with a few carefully-placed truths, to distract and then spur his followers on into a violent outcome.

Jeep said:
Glaring omissions: the role of Zionism, outright admission that 9/11 was an inside job although alluded to along with Al Qaeda, no direct mention of the role of Fox News, no 4D Lizzies (not surprising really), and although the elite are clearly presented as having no regard or feelings for humans other than their own elite brethren, the word psychopath was never used. The video concludes by saying that we have two choices: global enslavement or mass awakening.

The fact that Jones doesn't mention Zionism or Psychopathology seriously impairs this video's truthfulness or usefulness in waking the masses up, OSIT. Anyone who claims they are a crusader for truth, yet leaves out the key components of psychopathology and its current manifestation know as Zionism is not doing the world any favors.

Jeep said:
Now the caveat may be Part 2 - AJ's supposed remedies for this fix we are in.

Any talk of solutions won't work without knowledge of the two topics that Jones has left out. 10-1, Jones' fix-it plan includes bloody revolution as a remedy and/or urging people to build compounds, stock food, (with his MRE products, of course) bullets, etc. and wait it out until a sword-wielding Jesus comes to save the day like the cavalry in an old-time movie western.
NormaRegula said:
From your description, Jeep, it sounds like Jones is just doing what he does best: using highly-charged emotional rhetoric, with a few carefully-placed truths, to distract and then spur his followers on into a violent outcome.

Actually, this video wasn't Alex's usual ranting and raving. It was obvious that he feels strongly about the points he is making, but I did feel that he did a good job of shedding a lot of light on the topics that were covered. Alex did some but not all of the commentary and wasn't predominantly on-camera. The link to this video was included in a multi-forwarded email I received about a long-gone amusement park in Chicago. When I started viewing the link, it wasn't readily apparent that it was an Alex Jones video and he wasn't onscreen until 6:55 min into it. Instead, the following people, in addition to G. Edward Griffin, were featured: Gerald Celente, Trends Forecaster; Dr. Robert Bowman, Nuclear Engineer; Dr. Frances Boyle, Prof. of International Law; Max Keiser, Stock Trader & TV Host; Wayne Madsen, Author & Investigative Journalist; George Humphrey, Economist & Author; and Alan Watt, Author & Researcher. All of these people as well as Economist and author John Perkins and Prof. and former bank regulator William Black provided large chunks of commentary throughout the video.

The financial expose was really quite revealing - disturbingly so. It brought out that included in the $2.2 trillion bank bailout, 1/2 trillion went to FOREIGN banks and that Bernanke was claiming to NOT KNOW the names of those banks. There was a lot of footage covering the Federal Reserve and the fact that it has never, ever been audited. The Carbon Tax/Cap and Trade issue was central with much said by a climatologist who got labeled a "climate denier" and the political connotation of the word "denier". There were lots of clips of Congressional inquiries and since Obama is the current President, he and his administration are the focus. But both parties and past administrations get called out including Bush, Cheney and company. It was being categorically pronounced that the corporate elite including bankers are the real powers in charge - a group that transcends nations. Another disturbing factor was the supposed indoctrination of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts by Homeland Security which certainly brought to mind the Hitler youth connection.

Certainly there is the Alex Jones' hyper patriotism/let's be afraid, very afraid element present in this work. BUT, I feel he has presented a very solid and valid case to justify the existence of a very real threat, a threat that most Americans either are not adequately comprehending or are too entranced by any number of diversions to even be seriously aware of it. Extremely scary numbers are being presented in this video which absolutely goes along with many of the articles featured in's Grand Theft Economics. This presentation does make what happened a lot more understandable and that the biggest fraud in the history of western civilization has taken place. The truthfulness of that is absolutely alarming no matter who is saying it.

Part 2 focuses on Oath Keepers, the garnering of military persons who will take the oath to defend this nation and the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Again, I think a very solid case is presented and that there should be valid concern about the militarization of our police forces and their willingness to act against the American people. There appears to be only 2 segments comprising Part 2, totaling about 15 min.

The C's have indicated that what happened in Nazi Germany is going/being played out here in the U.S. Plenty of discussions in this forum and articles on give witness to these things happening. Have not forum members expressed concern and alarm regarding these occurrences? Isn't the purpose of posting the articles on to raise awareness? Even though Alex Jones couches his particular brand of awareness raising in patriotic, defend the Constitution themes, this video nonetheless reveals an awful lot of timely, pertinent information - information that is far more likely to reach a greater audience than this forum or can hope to achieve. To me, that's a good point - maybe it can wake people up better than what we or those similar to us are doing. Granted, the very big bad point is that the hyper-Patriotic fervor can easily morph into guns and violence. I'm not sure how that aspect can be mitigated because whether people wake up because of what we are doing or wake up because of what Alex Jones is doing, either way the reality of our existence is genuinely very scary and alarming. Of course, our solution is to recognize we are machines running on programs and that there is a breathing/meditation method that will counteract that and a lot of other bad stuff.

Again, it was my desire to elicit comments from those who have actually viewed this video and not a reiteration of predetermined opinions based on what Alex Jones has already put out there. Let me rephrase the question - what are the merits of this video? I'm not opposed to the idea that Alex Jones is a tool of the oligarchs he seemingly is exposing in this video, but does the Wake Up factor outweigh the Scare and Arm Yourself factor?
Maybe some more of us should watch it? I have always kept it in mind that Alex could be sincere, but just simply does not know his own machine and has made a lot of mistakes, and has a lot of buffers, etc. He can be so easily used by the PTB for those reasons, obviously, but that doesn't mean he is conscious of it.
Jeep said:
Again, it was my desire to elicit comments from those who have actually viewed this video and not a reiteration of predetermined opinions based on what Alex Jones has already put out there.

That wasn't clear - hence my replies to your post. FWIW, it's not unusual for forum members to comment on a summation of a media source. :-)

Jeep said:
Let me rephrase the question - what are the merits of this video?

Okay, I watched Part I using the link you gave late last night.

Aside from the jarring musical bars used in the beginning and scattered through-out, (similar to audio used for fear-inducing effect in popular paranormal specials made for TV) the "Fall of the Republic" was pretty much how Jeep described it. Jones was not pulling his usual ranting and raving schtick. There was some truth presented - along with some assumptions that Jones is known for (ie: big emphasis on US patriotism, that there was once this grand, noble Republic to fall in the first place, All roads lead to the Illuminati, etc.)

Again, a definite glaring omission of two key points: Zionism and psychopathology. It's interesting to ponder why Jones left Zionism out. Especially at this time in history, where most roads do lead to it - and its association with world government manipulation. (From there, a truth-seeker might delve into psychopathology as an explanation for the hypocrisy and evil that is done under the guise of Zionism and other political/religious/exclusive ideologies.) The absence of present-day Israel's (not all Jews!) key-player interference into the fall of Jones' beloved Republic makes me wonder if Jones is just fearful of being labeled "anti-semitic" or is deliberately ignoring that evidence to distract and channel the audience's energies away from a source of further study.

From a technical/artistic point, I found the video editing to be too abrupt, with a whole lot of concepts and not much depth quickly flashing on the screen.

Jeep said:
I'm not opposed to the idea that Alex Jones is a tool of the oligarchs he seemingly is exposing in this video, but does the Wake Up factor outweigh the Scare and Arm Yourself factor?

Seeing as me and some other forum members read/watched Jones, Rense and Icke (3 slightly different peas in a pod who are known to have worked with one other) materials prior to our coming to this forum, I'd say the Wake Up factor is something to consider. Guess it all depends on who is learning to wake up and why - and whether or not they decide to choose knowledge/facts over violence/emotion as a means to a change.

Would like to view Part II. I could not find a link to Part II on YouTube.
It's really important to remember that with types like this - funded and controlled COINTELPRO - truth is used as bait. "Here, have some truth, just enough to get your attention and follow along with me for a while..." - then - the twist that neutralizes the reader/watcher/listener from ever going any farther toward uncovering the Truth or ever taking any objectively beneficial action against those funding the whole operation.

Having Jones speaking portions of the truth is not a surprise, he's always done that - the crux of the matter is what he does with it - which has been discussed over and over and over and over again here. This is nothing new.
Anart said:
Having Jones speaking portions of the truth is not a surprise, he's always done that - the crux of the matter is what he does with it - which has been discussed over and over and over and over again here. This is nothing new.

Which is why it will be interesting to discover if Jones has to offer any solutions other than those that would lead to violent and/or soul-smashing ends for himself and his followers in Part II. If what has been observed by many posters on this thread and from other sources is on the mark, it's highly doubtful if Jones has changed his tune in that regard.
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