Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Sheesh. I knew I'd be opening a can of worms when I wrote this....

I'm curious what you mean by 'woke me up' in this sentence? Do you consider yourself to be awake, or is it a relative statement?

Oh, it's definitely a relative statement. I'm more awake (I think) then most people, but certainly still very deeply asleep in absolute terms.

Which parts did you consider to be true? The fact of the matter is that a very small part of what Jones says is true. All of it is NOT true. What he leaves out and ignores is often what is most true, yet he consistently leaves it out. So, again - what do you mean by what he was saying is 'true'?

The 'true' parts would be (I would say) those parts that are more or less in line with the consensus here on this board regarding the nature of our political and economic reality. 9/11 was an inside job; our economy is a farce designed to funnel wealth upwards; the media is a brainwashing tool; the educational system is meant to dumb us down and make us compliant; our corporate and governmental leaders are, at the highest levels, a pack of psychopaths; etc. Any of that strike you as false? And, of course he leaves stuff out (wasn't I saying that?)

I don't think guilty pleasure and glorifying in rants equals an alarm clock; especially in the context of actually waking up. A more attractive sleeping tonic for a curious mind is still a sleeping tonic.

Agreed. But it's all relative, and Jones' rants had the singular virtue of prodding me to open my eyes and start looking around. Do you consider yourself fully awake after the alarm clock has gone off? I generally need a shower and a cup of coffee before my mind's more or less working, if you take my meaning.

This is also a bit confusing - as if throughout your entire post you are consistently contradicting yourself. It is difficult to tell whether this is conscious or not, but the idea that you became a student to someone you describe as a 'psychedelia obsessed neoshaman' - is rather contradictory. As is your later statement that 'he was right!' - almost as if you are promoting 'psychedelic obsessed neo-shamans' the same way you are subtly promoting Jones in this post.

Ummm ... what my friend had been right about, was that I should stop listening to Alex Jones. So far as the dynamics of our relationship went, it was teacher/student in that he'd been studying conspiracies, paraphenomena, and various esoteric matters for years, and had a lot to teach me as I was just starting. I wasn't sitting there taking notes or anything; it was really just a few long, intense conversations. Much of what he said I wasn't sure if it was the deranged drug-induced rambling or not ... and that remains the case to this day. And, no, I'm not promoting the use of psychedelic drugs: I was just giving a description of the character in question, for no other reason than that he's quite a character, possibly one of the strangest people I've ever met.

I wasn't at any point being intentionally contradictory, trying to induce cognitive dissonance, or anything else. I'm honestly not sure where the contradictions in what I said are, though re-reading my post I can see where it might have been a little confusing. I was merely offering my take on Alex Jones, which I thought I stated pretty clearly, to wit: he's not there to whip people up into armed revolution and thus give the NWO an excuse to crack down (he himself says, pretty consistently and clearly, that they can't be fought with guns, only with awareness and education), but he is there to inhibit people from waking up to the wider dangers (hyperdimensional reality, higher densities, etc). Additionally, insofar as he's COINTELPRO it's probably in the sense of being manipulated by 4D STS, not in the sense of taking his marching orders from the CIA.

All that said: I could be wrong. I will admit, I haven't read every single word regarding Jones here. There's a lot to wade through, and life is short, especially as this isn't a huge issue for me (yes, I know I said I had a soft spot for him. I also have a soft spot for the Transformers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. A nostalgic soft spot, not an obsession.) Most of what I have seen regarded allegations of Jones censoring people regarding 911 issues, though the cases in question looked somewhat minor to me, next to the fact that he was one of the earlier voices in the 911 truth movement. Is there a page where all the most damning evidence is collected? I'm more than willing to give it a look if there is.

One final thing: are you always so friendly? Your post struck me as having a singularly hostile tone, and I'd expect better of a moderator here. My apologies if I was reading it wrong.
psychegram said:
I will admit, I haven't read every single word regarding Jones here. There's a lot to wade through, and life is short,

Well, it might be worth your while, considering you took the time to write about it the way you did.  Life is short, so learning as much as possible is important; that is if one is sincere about learning.

pg said:
especially as this isn't a huge issue for me (yes, I know I said I had a soft spot for him. I also have a soft spot for the Transformers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. A nostalgic soft spot, not an obsession.) Most of what I have seen regarded allegations of Jones censoring people regarding 911 issues, though the cases in question looked somewhat minor to me, next to the fact that he was one of the earlier voices in the 911 truth movement.

It really would serve you well to read up on this - if you are sincere about getting to the truth of the matter.

pg said:
Is there a page where all the most damning evidence is collected? I'm more than willing to give it a look if there is.

Have you at least read this entire thread before posting on it?  There are several others as well, using the search function at the top of the page will get you there.

pg said:
One final thing: are you always so friendly? Your post struck me as having a singularly hostile tone, and I'd expect better of a moderator here. My apologies if I was reading it wrong.

Well, apologies that you would 'expect better'.  How would you define that?  You see, this forum is a research forum and as such it serves a very specific purpose. What people write here is actually read and attention is paid to it - more so than most forums on the internet.  A lot of people come to this forum and are surprised to be held to their word, being used to just writing whatever crosses their mind as if they are speaking aloud in an empty room and not taking others time and attention to read. 

One of the functions of a moderator on this forum is to hold people accountable for what they write, whether that be in a supportive manner or as a clarification - and to keep the noise level of posts to a minimum.  Hopefully that clears it up for you.
psychegram said:
So, that's IMO Jone's true 'hidden purpose'. He wakes people up to 3rd density conspiracies, and then acts to keep them there, fixated on the NWO. This isn't a bad thing, exactly; it's just the way things have to be. For those who minds continue to inquire, well, eventually, one way or another ... they'll find their way to SOTT, and through SOTT, here. But everyone wakes up on their own schedule.

I'm not sure if if you've read Mouravieff's Gnosis. He describes "The Way" starting on all different sets of tracks, that become footpaths, which become roads and then major roads. (I'm paraphrasing here) it could also be likened to trickles of water eventually becoming a rather large river. So, for example one of these small trickles could be one reading a bible in their teens for instance and seeing something else and investigating further. After time one comes across the Nag Hammadi and the Gospels of Thomas etc. The waterway or road becomes bigger the more information (of value) one collects on the way.

If one is lucky they can come across something that converges into a larger stream, however sometimes that opening may have a hidden boggy dam which one gets stuck and can only go around in circles and go no further. Either that or sink to the bottom!

In other instances it may lead to a stream that goes the wrong way.

So there's the imagery.

I'm similarly grateful for Noam Chomsky's Massey lecture which I have on tape. It opened my eyes that the USA wasn't the benevolent big brother that it had been made out to be. I'm also grateful to David Ovason for showing me that are people in the west looking for some sort of truth in a spiritual sense. However I'm past this (I hope) and didn't get to bogged down in the one place. They were interesting places to be that helped me find the way further downstream. Both I found later to have agendas.

Both can be seen as points along the way that were useful if one wants to cast the net a bit wider, so for that, I'm grateful. As for for flying their flag and sticking to their dogma and being stuck in their quagmire. I'll give that a miss.

Not sure if this helps but that's been my experience.
anart said:
One of the functions of a moderator on this forum is to hold people accountable for what they write, whether that be in a supportive manner or as a clarification - and to keep the noise level of posts to a minimum. Hopefully that clears it up for you.

I understand. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I expect you guys have to stay alert for all manner of subtle attacks here. You were, after all, just doing your job.

Johnno said:
I'm not sure if if you've read Mouravieff's Gnosis. He describes "The Way" starting on all different sets of tracks, that become footpaths, which become roads and then major roads. (I'm paraphrasing here) it could also be likened to trickles of water eventually becoming a rather large river. So, for example one of these small trickles could be one reading a bible in their teens for instance and seeing something else and investigating further. After time one comes across the Nag Hammadi and the Gospels of Thomas etc. The waterway or road becomes bigger the more information (of value) one collects on the way.

I haven't read Mouravieff yet, though it certainly is on my reading list.

Both can be seen as points along the way that were useful if one wants to cast the net a bit wider, so for that, I'm grateful. As for for flying their flag and sticking to their dogma and being stuck in their quagmire. I'll give that a miss.

Thanks, Johnno. That's essentially what I was trying to convey.
Psychegram said:
One final thing: are you always so friendly? Your post struck me as having a singularly hostile tone, and I'd expect better of a moderator here. My apologies if I was reading it wrong.

Hi Psychegram,

What Anart gave you is unvaluable. She showed some inconsistencies in your reasonings. If you want to know yourself better, if you want to go further in the Work i.e. the main purpose of this forum, then you just got some important information.

Of course it's hard for self importance, nobody likes to be in such a situation knowing that dozens of people are witnessing what's going on. But we all display inconsistencies and we all have self importance.

The point is "simply" not to let this self importance, those inconsistencies rule the game.
Quote from: Psychegram
One final thing: are you always so friendly? Your post struck me as having a singularly hostile tone, and I'd expect better of a moderator here. My apologies if I was reading it wrong.
The point is "simply" not to let this self importance, those inconsistencies rule the game.

Thank you. I do struggle with this, and occasional reminders not to take myself seriously are invaluable. I have a tendency to react defensively when 'I' perceive myself to by under attack, persecuted, criticized, etc., and while intellectually I know what I'm doing, that knowledge is quite recent for me and not yet internalized. That said, while I was typing the above, part of me saw myself doing it, knew why it was happening, and tried (unsuccessfully) to interrupt it. Well, I'm new to the Work, and I'll take this for what it was: a lesson.

Back to the topic at hand on this thread: I've taken the time to review the first 6 or 7 pages, and certainly there's some thought-provoking speculation and very apt criticism of Jones' methods and personality, none of which I'd disagree with. He's loud, rude, has a massive ego and all too often allows himself to get consumed by his own anger. He talks over his guests way too much (not all the time, but still too much) and just in general loves the sound of his own voice. He's guilty of sensationalism and is completely brazen about his publicity stunts. If I had to diagnose, I'd say that his strong Christian identity is standing in the way of his spiritual development, so that he keeps relapsing into the same behaviours over and over again and is unable to overcome his own worst impulses. The worst you can say about him on these grounds alone, however, is that he's become a caricature of himself.

The data regarding his mailing address is quite interesting, and something to think about.

One of the points mentioned was that he has several websites. In itself, this isn't exactly damning. Cassiopaea also has a strong web presence. Anything and everything does: the PTB don't seem to work by cleansing the 'net of unwelcome data (at least, not much as of yet), but rather by overwhelming the signal with noise. Jones' self-stated reason for all the different websites is, essentially, strength through redundancy: if one gets taken down, there are others to take up the slack, hosted on servers around the world so that they can't all be taken down in one fell swoop.

His finances are also held up as problematic, as in, where does the money come from? The obvious answer is: from his audience, who buy his DVDs, pay to access his website, etc. Watching his documentaries, the production values get better through time; Jones himself has said on quite a few occasions that he always takes whatever he's able to make from one movie, and uses it to finance the next, which is how he's managed to grow his operation from a local access cable show to a nationally syndicated talk radio show.

The claim is made that if what he were saying was true, he would have been silenced. Well, why is Laura still alive? Or Ark? Or Naomi Wolf? Or anyone who works at exposing the establishment? They can't disappear everyone, or they would do so. Jones' own explanation: he's still alive because he's got such a huge audience that if he were suicided he'd become an instant martyr. It's a possibility he himself has discussed quite often, in fact, telling his audience that if he's found (say) dead in a motel room with a dead hooker and a heroin needle in his arm, it's a setup. He seems genuinely disturbed by the possibility, and in addition to repeatedly warning his audience against it has said - again, several times - that if he could leave the States for greener pastures, he would, but a) the NWO is a global phenomenon that ultimately can't be outrun, and b) he's staying to fight until the very end, risking his life and the lives of his family, because it's the right thing to do. There's been a lot of discussion of these matters on the 'Location, location, location' thread.

There's of course the poll, in which 21% of the listeners voted for Alex as the biggest shill. Two things: first, the audience the poll was conducted with is inherently paranoid; second, Alex Jones is probably the most visible member of both the patriot movement and 9/11 Truth. Those two factors together, by themselves, could explain the poll results. The fact that other names didn't make it to the list likely has more to do with their obscurity than anything else.

Allegations are made that he's a personal friend of David Icke and Jeff Rense. The former would be interesting, if true, as Alex repeatedly disparages any reference to UFOs, higher dimensions, etc., so one wouldn't expect him to be on speaking terms with the man who's done the most to popularize such theories. The latter, well, I personally have never been much interested in Rense, know very little about him, and do not feel competent to comment. So I'll leave that line of inquiry for others.

All in all, there's very little hard evidence I've seen that can be used to convict Jones of being a COINTELPRO disinfo agent. A lot of speculation, rumor, and hearsay, but many of the points can be individually refuted. This doesn't of course prove that Jones is completely above-board. After all, if he were a deep-cover shill, there would hardly be pay slips from the CIA left lying around. Obvious evidence is not to be expected. Has anyone done a background check on Jones? If truly suspicious or even damning evidence is to be found anywhere, that would be the most likely place, I would think. CIA involvement usually leaves traces in an individual's past that can be sussed out by the attentive historian. The case of Timothy Leary, for instance: there's quite a bit of documented, circumstantial evidence that points to his being a deep-cover CIA agent, with the purpose of leading the 60s dissident community down the hall of mirrors that was the acid scene.

My own personal opinion - based on what I've read so far - is that Alex likely is being used as a foil, but by 4th density STS forces, not by government agencies, and probably not with his conscious collusion. This is in the sense that while he very loudly tries to wake people up to the political and economic machinations of the PTB, he simultaneously inhibits investigation into hyperdimensional possibilities, explaining away all the evidence pointing to that as disinfo spread by those same earthly powers. I don't personally listen to his show or frequent his websites any longer, for exactly that reason. But, at the same time, I do still think that Alex serves a useful function in the overall scheme of things, by getting people to start questioning their reality. I'm a case in point: it was Jones' documentaries and websites that first started me down this path, and while I stalled there for quite a few months I eventually found my way beyond. From what I've read it seems that many others here on this forum have had a similar experience.
You've made some reasonable points, IMO, all the way through. Nearly everything collected is, as you say, circumstantial. There are only small clues here and there, loose threads that no one has really pulled hard on (as far as I know.) But what I keep coming back to, the thing that continues to bother me is something you outline quite succinctly:

psychegram said:
He's loud, rude, has a massive ego and all too often allows himself to get consumed by his own anger. He talks over his guests way too much (not all the time, but still too much) and just in general loves the sound of his own voice. He's guilty of sensationalism and is completely brazen about his publicity stunts. If I had to diagnose, I'd say that his strong Christian identity is standing in the way of his spiritual development, so that he keeps relapsing into the same behaviours over and over again and is unable to overcome his own worst impulses. The worst you can say about him on these grounds alone, however, is that he's become a caricature of himself.

Whenever I think of Jones and the way he comes across to even many of his fans, I am reminded of something that psychologist Andrzej Lobaczewski said about a group that is formed, or is being converted, to nefarious purposes:

Lobaczewski said:
One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in a fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic way. The opinions, ideas, and judgments of people carrying various psychological deficits are endowed with an importance at least equal to that of outstanding individuals among normal people. The atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals becomes an opening to their activities, and, at the same time, a criterion for recognizing the association in concern as ponerogenic. Let us call this the first criterion of ponerogenesis. {...}

The earlier phase of the union’s activity is usually dominated by characteropathic, particularly paranoid, individuals, who often play an inspirational or spellbinding role in the ponerization process. {...}

It is a common phenomenon for a ponerogenic association or group to contain a particular ideology which always justifies its activities and furnishes certain propaganda motives. Even a small-time gang of hoodlums has its own melodramatic ideology and pathological romanticism. Human nature demands that vile matters be haloed by an over-compensatory mystique in order to silence one’s conscience and to deceive consciousness and critical faculties, whether one’s own or those of others.

If such an ponerogenic union could be stripped of its ideology, nothing would remain except psychological and moral pathology, naked and unattractive. Such stripping would of course provoke “moral outrage”, and not only among the members of the union; even normal people, who condemn this kind of union along with its ideologies, would feel hurt, deprived of something constituting part of their own romanticism, their way of perceiving reality. Perhaps even some of the readers of this book will resent the author’s stripping evil so unceremoniously of all its literary motifs. The job of effecting such a “strip-tease” may thus turn out to be much more difficult and dangerous than expected. {...]

An ideology of a secondarily ponerogenic association is formed by gradual adaptation of the primary ideology to functions and goals other than the original formative ones. A certain kind of layering or schizophrenia of ideology takes place during the ponerization process. The outer layer closest to the original content is used for the group’s propaganda purposes, especially regarding the outside world, although it can in part also be used inside with regard to disbelieving lower-echelon members. The second layer presents the elite with no problems of comprehension: it is more hermetic, generally composed by slipping a different meaning into the same names. Since identical names signify different contents depending on the layer in question, understanding this “doubletalk” requires simultaneous fluency in both languages.

Average people succumb to the first layer’s suggestive insinuations for a long time before they learn to understand the second one as well. Anyone with certain psychological deviations, especially if he is wearing the mask of normality with which we are already familiar, immediately perceives the second layer to be attractive and significant; after all, it was built by people like him. Comprehending this doubletalk is therefore a vexatious task, provoking quite understandable psychological resistance; this very duality of language, however, is a pathognomonic symptom indicating that the human union in question is touched by the ponerogenic process to an advanced degree.

The ideology of unions affected by such degeneration has certain constant factors regardless of their quality, quantity, or scope of action: namely, the motivations of a wronged group, radical righting of the wrong, and the higher value of the individuals who have joined the organization. These motivations facilitate sublimation of the feeling of being wronged and different, caused by one’s own psychological failings, and appear to liberate the individual from the need to abide by uncomfortable moral principles.

In the world full of real injustice and human humiliation, making it conducive to the formation of an ideology containing the above elements, a union of its converts may easily succumb to degradation. At this time those people with a tendency to accept the better version of the ideology shall also long tend to justify such ideological duality. {...}

The greater and truer the original ideology, the longer it may be capable of nourishing and disguising from human criticism that phenomenon which is the product of the already known specific degenerative process. In a great valuable ideology, the danger for small minds is hidden... {...}

Observation of the ponerization processes of various human unions throughout history easily leads to the conclusion that the initial step is a moral warping of the group’s ideational contents. {...}

Any human group affected by the process described herein is characterized by its increasing regression as regards natural common sense and the ability to perceive psychological reality. Someone treating this in traditional categories could consider it an instance of “turning into half-wittedness” or the growing of intellectual deficiencies and moral failings. {...}

Thus, whenever we observe some group member being treated with no critical distance, although he betrays one of the psychological anomalies familiar to us, and his opinions being treated as at least equal to those of normal people, although they are based on a characteristically different view of human matters, we must derive the conclusion that this human group is affected by ponerogenic process. We shall treat this in accordance with the above described first criterion of ponerology, which retains its validity regardless of the qualitative and quantitative features of such a union. {...}

Once a group has inhaled a sufficient dose of pathological material to give birth to the conviction that these not-quite-normal people are unique geniuses, it starts subjecting its more normal members to pressure characterized by corresponding paralogical and paramoral elements, as expected. {...}

Observing the appropriate state corresponding to the first ponerological criterion requires skillful psychology and specific factual knowledge...

When people have to constantly excuse someone whose behavior is not generally acceptable, when they attribute "heroic qualities" to someone who is really just mediocre, only louder and more aggressive, I would say that we have met the first criterion for ponerogenesis.
When people have to constantly excuse someone whose behavior is not generally acceptable, when they attribute "heroic qualities" to someone who is really just mediocre, only louder and more aggressive, I would say that we have met the first criterion for ponerogenesis.

I hadn't really thought of it like that, to tell the truth. Certainly something to think about ... and I absolutely cannot deny that Jones' websites seem to concentrate on him as much as on the issues.

Well. A thought occurs. Ark mentions much earlier in the thread - and I've seen for myself - that Jones received advance warning about 9/11 from, well, who? He doesn't say, of course. And back then he was a relative unknown. It's possible that this was because someone within the CIA knew what was coming, and wanted to get word out ... but why Jones? Another possibility: it was for the purpose of positioning Jones to lead the Truth movement, which they knew would come; after all, if you know that revelation and resistance is inevitable, what better way to neutralize it in the long run than to have one of your own there, ready to take the helm?

What a tangled web they weave....
psychegram said:
Another possibility: it was for the purpose of positioning Jones to lead the Truth movement, which they knew would come; after all, if you know that revelation and resistance is inevitable, what better way to neutralize it in the long run than to have one of your own there, ready to take the helm?

What a tangled web they weave....

Excellent point, IMO. Thanks for putting it so clearly! It's right out of Protocol 12, too!!!
Laura said:
psychegram said:
Another possibility: it was for the purpose of positioning Jones to lead the Truth movement, which they knew would come; after all, if you know that revelation and resistance is inevitable, what better way to neutralize it in the long run than to have one of your own there, ready to take the helm?

What a tangled web they weave....

Excellent point, IMO. Thanks for putting it so clearly! It's right out of Protocol 12, too!!!

Yep. I kind of had that in mind, actually ... and now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense in that light. Though of course I didn't want to see it. Wishful thinking is a rough beast to master :P
The impression that I get from Alex Jones is that his ‘job,’ whether he is conscious of it or not, is to close off possibilities instead of opening them through (eventually) armed rebellion (his true motive). Essentially, I think all the zeal he has is ‘dense energy’ being poured into him and one can ask “from where or what realm does this energy come from”? Is it coming from the light produced from an inner struggle/reconciliation between his 'yes' and 'no' or is it coming from somewhere else? I would say that very possibly it’s an energy coming from a’ higher’ realm that’s being poured into him so he will close off the possibilities within a lower realm. The result would eventually lead to an external armed rebellion by ‘fighting the law’ rather then to an inner revolt from a more awakened people so that they will first change their inner attitude and relationship towards those already existing laws that they currently find themselves governed by. Armed rebellion would be an outer change and not an inner change.

If people see it from the point of view of an inner revolt of attitudes rather then some armed rebellion then people will see the futility of an armed rebellion. The changing of ones inner relationship and attitudes toward the already existing laws would change the group on an individual basis. But fighting the law just creates a reactive mob.

If each individual changes from their greater awareness then, collectively, the ‘impossible’ might still happen because the laws of a higher world are still open for entry into this world, enabling conscious choice. Who knows what could happen? But mad reaction machines hell bent on armed rebellion and, eventually, becoming more and more separated from their own inner humanity, will just close off all possibilities (and potential) from anything higher that leads towards greater Being and then the same old same old will just repeat itself as it has repeated itself throughout history and things will just get worse.
Bill Hicks is Alex Jones??

Originally wanted to answer that post in another thread, but of course, that would have been a bit off-topic.

I don't know if I'm the only one but the idea of Bill Hicks faking his death, going underground and emerging as Alex Jones is darn hilarious. It's funny because it is something Bill Hicks would have thought of, because of their dramatically different personalities and of course the look. There is a clip of Alex Jones doing some standup in YouTube, so one wonders :lol:. I watched the clip where someone morphed BH's picture to AJ's and of course there were notable differences, so I think that theory doesn't hold water too well :rolleyes:

Also, for five minutes of fun:

Gee, that guy just feels cardboard cut somehow.
Bill Hicks is Alex Jones??

(unlucky screencap from his tv-show)


Its not hard to edit his rant to make slightly surreal humor :)


edit: just one more :)

Is Alex Jones A Zionist?…Controversy Swirls

[size=11pt][size=11pt]Had myself a little chuckle. This is at the top of Rense's featured articles. :whistle:

Is Alex Jones A Zionist?, Zionist Agenda Articles

Controversy Swirls - Who IS Jones And What Is His True Agenda?
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009

THE SIMMERING CONTROVERSY OF ALEX ‘BULLHORN’ JONES allegedly being a Zionist shill and/or a de facto Zionist agent and spin meister has now spilled over onto Jones’ own Prison Planet Message Board (see below)…despite alleged message-censoring efforts by Jones, personally, and his staff.

According to a number of postings which are excerpted below, Jones’ allegiance to Zionism stems from two things: 1) His core Protestant Fundamentalist-Zionist belief system, and, 2) Widely circulated reports that his wife is a Jew which would make their two children Jewish under Talmudic law.

Here is a sampling of postings published on February 23rd, 2009, on Jones’ Prison Planet Forum (Scroll Down) demonstrating possible reasons for his strong pro-Zionist leanings. The posting reads as follows:


“Alex Jones’ ‘w-i-f-e’ is Jewish. He has two children by her. His children are therefore by rabbinical law, considered fully Jewish. This is because in rabbinical law, children are considered fully Jewish if their mother is Jewish, regardless of the race or ethnicity of the father.

Alex’s w-i-f-e and children therefore qualify for Right of Return status under Israeli law. The Israeli Right of Return statute allows any Jew anywhere in the world to immigrate to Israel and receive instant automatic citizenship. Alex Jones’ ‘w-i-f-e’ and children are therefore de facto dual citizens of the state of Israel.

It is well-known that many years ago Alex Jones used to complain on his radio show about how difficult it was for a non-Jewish spouse of a Jewish person to immigrate to the state of Israel because of the excessive bureaucratic red tape and regulations involved.” View Entire Story Here.


HERE IS UNEQUIVOCAL PROOF FROM AN ASTUTE COMMENTER on the Prison Planet Forum that Alex Jones tried to censor comments regarding his Zionist sympathies:

“Alex Jones does not wish for this information about his wife to become widely known and he is desperately trying to conceal it.

Jones has instructed his Webmaster, Paul Watson, to create a text filter that scans all comments posted on this website for the word ‘w-i-f-e,’ except without dashes or other characters between the letters.

If the word ‘w-i-f-e’ (without dashes) is found in either the body of the comment itself or in the poster’s name, then that comment is automatically placed on moderation.

If you don’t believe what I am saying, then please try it out for yourself. Simply post a comment with the word ‘w-i-f-e’ contained in it, except do not place dashes between the letters of the word.

You will see that when you post your comment, it will automatically be placed on moderation status. You will see the following message next to the title of your post: ‘Your comment is awaiting moderation.” View Entire Story Here.

From my own perspective, (Brother Nathanael Kapner, publisher of Real Jew News), I know for a fact that Alex Jones deleted all comments that had links to articles on Real Jew News on his Prison Planet Forum. Jones even had a regular forum participator, a man named Nicolae Ibasfalean, BANNED from ever posting on the Prison Planet Forum again, simply because he posted links to various Real Jew News articles. This is pure, unadulterated censorship.


BY ALLOWING JONES TO TAKE A ‘HIDDEN’ CAMCORDER into the Zionist elite’s Skull & Bone’s Bohemian Grove in the Redwoods forest in January of 2006, and to subsequently release the footage (in a for-profit video), the Zionist press conferred upon Jones an almost instant celebrity status.

The astute marketing of the Bohemian Grove footage by Jones unquestionably gave himself an alternative news internet reputation which he used as a platform to create an undying, maniacal devotion (frighteningly, some say) of thousands of Americans…not unlike the ‘Jonestown’ loyalty Obama constructed during his presidential campaign. View Entire Story Here & Here.

Another commenter on Jones’ Prison Planet Message Board, with penetrating insight, brought to light Jones’ role as a ‘disinfo’ agent for the Zionists:

“I agree that while on the air, Alex Jones is a disinfo agent for the Jews and Israel. Obama, whose administration Jones continually censures, is infiltrated with Jews and Israel-Firsters. The communists, to whom Alex Jones and his guests refer, who influence and surround Obama, are also Jews. The banksters and the elite groups they talk about are dominated by the Zionists. There would not be the powerful Rockefeller dynasty had not the Jewish Israel-Firsters, that is, the Rothschilds, financed it.

Israel did 9/11 - Mossad did 9/11. The low-life Larry Silverstein should be arrested and asked to take a lie detector test because of his involvement and benefit from the destruction of the twin towers. I am very disgusted with the decision of Alex Jones to revert to his former refusal to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth as to the identity of the criminals who are destroying the USA.” View Entire Story Here.


ABOUT SEVEN WEEKS AFTER EXPOSING JONES AS A LIAR AND A FRAUD on his highly-regarded national patriot radio show (listen HERE), Cooper (former naval intelligence officer and author of the alternative news best-seller Behold A Pale Horse) - was shot to death at his home in Eager, Arizona on November 5, 2001. Indeed, the renowned author, historian, and political theorist, Cooper, exposed Jones clearly as a fraud and was, according to many observers, removed to clear the way for Jones ascension to be the Rush Limbaugh of ‘patriot radio.’

After Cooper’s expose and subsequent execution, Alex Jones waged a heavy-handed campaign to downplay any role the Israelis and their Zionist counterparts in America had in the 9-11 incident. Jones continually shifted the blame away from the Zionists and onto others - mainly Americans, but also some British and Chinese. Jones then moved on to attempt to convince his listeners and readers that Zionists are actually subservient to other people, such as the Queen of England! View Entire Story Here.

As time passes, more are of the opinion that Cooper was clearly a major obstacle for Jones and was removed to clear the way for Jones to ‘fly-paper op’ as much of the patriot community as possible. View YouTube Videos Here. Jones has accumulated a large following in the years since Cooper’s death and has developed legions of kool-aid drinkers ready to, in many cases, die for him if needed. Again, this is the same cult adulation that surrounds Obama.


AS WITH MANY EGOCENTRIC and self-absorbed/obsessed media personalities, Alex Jones has personally attacked others who seem, in his world, to be competition. David Icke is a perfect case in point. During one recorded instance of Jones putting Icke down, he refers to the anti-NWO crusader as a ‘Turd In A Punch Bowl’ as seen in this YouTube video Here.

Another common technique in the drive to be a media ‘King’ is the ability to quickly adopt and absorb the work of others and synthesize it into one’s own output. Jones has been criticized for this very kind of ‘research’ and deftly uses a large, full-time, paid staff to assure his success in appearing to be the omnipotent source of the ‘truth.’

Whether it be cadging the guests of other talk shows or appropriating and simply rewriting news material from other sites and sources and presenting it as ‘original’, Alex Jones and his websites have certainly been at the center of such controversy.


IS JONES A ZIONIST OPERATIVE… either in the closet or out? Readers and listeners must decide for themselves. The bottom line seems to be that, at the very least, Jones is doing, intentionally or otherwise, exactly what the Illuminati want by continually ranting, over and over again, about the control being imposed over the population.

While this informs to a degree, the larger issue is of a massive desensitization through endless repetition and ensuing listener psychological frustration which leads to a de facto acceptance of that very control paradigm. Clever stuff. Repeat most anything often enough and people come to accept it and become resigned to it.

SADLY, JONES’ LEGIONS OF SYCOPHANTS and disciples are in many cases every bit as blind and brainwashed as those who will follow Obama into the abyss…never figuring out what happened to them. The dangers of the adulation and idolatry of Jones - or any other media ego-tripping Pied Piper - were never more keenly evidenced than by the eBay auction of his cheap Radio Shack bullhorn for over $50,000…in a massive financial depression. This is essentially psychopathic hero worship. In fact, the contrived use of a stage prop bullhorn to grandstand - often for his own video productions - by yelling anti-NWO slogans at hotel buildings and a few limousines is absurdly transparent.

Think about it. If the controllers wish to direct and condition many patriots to give up and accept their domination, there is no better way to desensitize them than to construct a fly paper forum wherein the throngs who care are exposed to the continual, repetitious, non-stop rantings of someone who preaches doom and against servitude.

This NLP technique of repetition, especially, the grandiose and bellicose variety, achieves - over time - a fatalism and desensitization which serves the elite agenda perfectly. People will only be told to go out and take their country back so many times before the futility of same turns them off and they withdraw and give in to the paradigm of control which has been so carefully constructed by Zionism for well over 100 years.

SO, WHO IS ALEX JONES? AND WHO IS HE WORKING FOR? His Godzilla ego which has destroyed more bridges than the original cinematic reptile? Or, is Jones shilling for world Zionism as evidenced by his continual misdirection away from it? Or, is it all about money and self-aggrandizement? Or…is it all of the above?

Time will tell. Or will it…?

Re: Is Alex Jones A Zionist?…Controversy Swirls

Ahhh, more publicity for little Alex.  'Brother Nathanael Kapner' is a full throttle nutter who stands in the median of a highway in the mountains of Colorado preaching and condemning sinners, just for some perspective on the author... 
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