Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

1302 A.D. Hmmm Given the recent revelations regarding the added years to the first millennium, it would seem C.E. might be a better way to go (back from the present vs. forward from a date that is not really 0?). It confuses me, anyway. And then there is the Julian calendar vs the Gregorian which makes me wonder further still. Is there a bigger difference than just a couple weeks? Is the Gregorian associated with a timeline shift? LOL This sounds like a job for MJF!! Kidding. Kinda.

Main Point: All these dates get tossed about in a supposed chronology and I am not sure what they really mean. So MJF, how do you factor in the potential confusion over just what is meant by "1302 AD"? Because the "AD" part is the spanner in the works. But if you just assume 1302 as measured backwards from today, or approximately 700 years ago, then it keeps a certain linearity which our minds tend to be more comfortable with.
I take your point over changes to calendars (which effected a change in days and not years) and real time. However, I must assume that the C's added "AD", and not Laura, deliberately to stress that that year date reflects our current calendar as we measure time going backwards from today. Thus, I would assume it is intended to be accurate.

I doubt if the switch to the Gregorian Calendar was associated with a timeline shift other than a man-made contrived one. The reason for the switch from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar was that the former used an incorrect length of days in the year. The main difference between Julian and Gregorian calendars is that an average year in Julian calendar is 365.25 days while an average year in Gregorian calendar is 365.2425 days. The Gregorian Calendar is the normal calendar we currently use to determine the date. Before the switch, using the Julian Calendar meant that you gained a day every 128 years. The Julian Calendar was used from 46 B.C to 1582. Extending the Gregorian calendar backwards to dates preceding its official introduction produces a proleptic (meaning the representation of a thing as existing before it actually does or did so) calendar, which should therefore be used with some caution. Hence you have a point, although the difference you speak of would seem to equate to about two days in reality.

A far more difficult issue would be if the length of year was much less in the past due to changes in Earth's orbit around the Sun. There are those who advocate that the Earth once had a 260 day orbit rather than its present 365 days. If so, what could have changed the orbit? Two things spring to mind. The first is the destruction of the planet Kantek 80,000 or more years ago. If Bode's Law is correct, then the planets line up around the sun in accordance with Bode's formula. That formula suggests that, extending outward, each planet should be approximately twice as far from the Sun as the one before. Bode's hypothesis correctly anticipated the orbits of Ceres (in the asteroid belt, where the missing planet Kantek once orbited) and Uranus, but failed as a predictor of Neptune's orbit (which may be affected more by the twin star). Kantek's destruction may therefore have caused the need for a planetary realignment. This may be reflected in ancient Sumerian texts, which suggest that the Anunnaki gods had to recalibrate the measuring of the deep (the solar system) after the destruction of the planet Tiamat (meaning in Akkadian "salt waters" - their equivalent of Kantek - although the C's have said that Tiamat was in fact Sirius).

However, a more recent event, which could have caused a more drastic change of orbit is the arrival of the wandering orphan planet Venus that finally took up a defined orbit between Earth and Mercury after several erratic swings through the inner solar system (at least seven according to the C's):
Session 16 November 1994:

Q: (L) You said that the Lizzies lived among humans for a thousand years. When, in our illusion of time, did this occur?

A: During peak of Atlantis.

Q: (L) And how long was the Atlantean civilization in existence?

A: 70,000 years.

Q: (L) Was mankind living on the earth as a sentient being during the time of the large dinosaurs?

A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: Transitory time warp.

Q: (L) When did Venus enter the solar system?

A: 80000 years approximately.

Q: (L) How many close passes to the earth did Venus make?

A: Seven.

Q: (L) Was Venus involved with the planet Kantek which you said exploded due to psychic energies generated by its inhabitants?

A: No.

Leaving aside that interesting reference to a transitory time warp (suggestive of time travel perhaps), according to the C's, Venus (an ancient wanderer from Arcturus) first entered the solar system approximately 80,000 years ago, which puts it in the same ball park as the destruction of Kantek, hence the reason for Laura's question. It could be that Kantek had already been destroyed by then, who knows. That event might have even led to Venus' subsequent capture by the Sun to repair the disharmony to what Plato called the Music of the Spheres. Could Venus's arrival have changed Earth's orbit and positioned the planet further from the Sun, leading to a longer orbital year? If so, it would help to explain why dating becomes more problematic for the C's the further back in history you go. Remember the C's said that the close passage of Venus to the Earth interrupted the construction of the complex at Baalbek:
Session 30 September 1994:

Q: (L) What year did the Exodus occur counting backward from now according to our calendrical system?

A: 4670.16

Q: (L) At that time did a cometary Venus pass close to the earth and cause disruption?

A: Yes.

Session 5 October 1994:

Q: (L) You said the Exodus occurred in 2676 B.C., is that correct? [MJF: This was the Sumerian Exodus not the Exodus of Abraham/Moses from Egypt a thousand years or so later]

A: Close. [MJF: which may reflect the problem of dating we have identified and possibly a change to Earth's orbit and consequently the number of days in the calendar year.]

Q: (L) Was that the last passage of the cometary Venus? [MJF: which means that at some stage not long thereafter Venus took up a regular orbit around the Sun.]

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was this activity of Venus interactive with the close passing of the cluster of comets you have mentioned?

A: Close. One of three cataclysms close together.

Session 20 October 1994:

Q: Who built the city of Baalbek?

A: Antereans and early Sumerians. We meant Atlanteans. {Who are the Antereans?
[MJF: The name suggests to me a link with the star system Antares - ref. my previous post]}

Q: What is the reason for the enormous proportions of this building?

A: Giants.

Q: Who were the giants?

A: Genetic effort to recreate Nephalim

Q: What happened to interrupt or halt the building of this city?

A: Venus first appearance and pass.
[MJF: That is a pass close to Earth since it first appeared in the solar system 80,000 years ago.]

Q: What year was this project brought to a halt?

A: 3218 B.C.

Could Venus have caused a drastic change in planetary orbits? The answer would appear to be yes given what the C's said here about Mars:

Session 5 October 1994:

Q: (L) What caused Martek [Mars] to pass close to the earth at that time since that was many thousands of years before the Venus interaction?

A: Planetary alignment gravitational aberration related to Venus.

Q: (L) So, there was a planetary line-up that caused Mars to be pulled out of its orbit?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And the two appeared to do battle in the sky to the inhabitants of the Earth as Velikovsky described, is that correct?

A: Close.


Q: (L) What caused Martek to pass close to the earth at that time since that was many thousands of years before the Venus interaction?

A: Planetary alignment gravitational aberration related to Venus.

Q: (L) So, there was a planetary line-up that caused Mars to be pulled out of its orbit?

A: Yes.

And remember it was this displacement of Mars from its orbit by Venus that led to the Deluge or Noah's Flood:

Session 30 September 1994:

Q: (L) Was Noah's flood caused by the close passage of another celestial body?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Which body was that?

A: Martek.

Q: (L) Do we know this body in our solar system now?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What name?

A: Mars.

Q: (L) Was Martek an inhabited planet at that time?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did it have water or other features?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When it passed close to the earth did it, in fact, overload our planet with water we did not have prior to that time?
[MJF: which suggests that Mars' lack of water is a far more recent phenomenon than planetary geologists would have us believe.]

A: Yes.

Session 16 November 1994:

Q: (L) And you said that the "flood of Noah" was the story of the final deluge and destruction of Atlantis?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that was caused by what?

A: Venus.

Q: (L) I thought you said it was caused by Martek?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, how can it be caused by Venus if it was caused by Martek?

A: Venus also "caused" Martek.

So, as you can see, there was a period of chaos in the inner solar system caused by Venus that may well have affected Earth's orbit and with it the length of the year. This would make the process of dating accurately events that occurred at that time extremely difficult even without taking into account the 300 year time difference noted by Velikovsky and more recently by Pierre. This last point reflects in the dating of the age of Pharaoh Akhenaten and therefore Abraham/Moses, which we learn coincided with the last passage of the cometary cluster. Akhenaten supposedly reigned between c. 1353–1336 or 1351–1334 BC as quoted in Wikipedia. However, Laura operates on an earlier dating given what she said in this exchange with the C's:

Session 23 August 2001:
Q: (L) Now, I have a little problem with my writing. First of all, did the eruption of Thera occur in 1627 BC or thereabouts?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What stimulated the eruption of Thera?
A: Venus.

{Here I think that "Venus" is a code for the giant comet described by Victor Clube} [MJF: or perhaps Venus was Clube's giant comet?]
Q: (L) Well, about 40 years after that there was the comet cluster, in 1588 BC, correct?
A: Yes.

If the 1588 BC date is accurate as the C's affirm above, this would mean that over 3,600 years have now transpired since the last pass of the comet cluster, which happens to be the orbital period of the comet cluster as confirmed elsewhere by the C's.

Session 5 October 1994:

Q: (L) Was Mars knocked out of it's orbit by Venus?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And the two appeared to do battle in the sky to the inhabitants of the Earth as Velikovsky described, is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Now, this cluster of comets, when was the last time it came into the solar system?

A: 3582 yrs ago?

Which would make it 1,586 years BC based on our current calendar and almost the same as Laura's date of 1,588 BC. The admission of Venus to the solar system would also seemed to have had an impact on astrology, harking back to my previous post:​

Session 26 July 1997:

Q: Why was astrology absent from the myths of ancient Greece?

A: Not absent, "Stalinized."

Q: What does that mean?

A: Soviets removed Stalin from the history books when he fell from popularity. So, Greeks, Astrology... "Stalinized"...

Q: Why?

A: Deadly secrets would be revealed.
[MJF: which supports the notion that the earlier Zodiac may have told a story associated with mankind's true history rather than the one it tells now.]

Q: Revealed to whom?

A: You.

Q: If we could find the pieces and put them together, they would show us the drama and the connection between 3rd and 4th density?

A: You would have to use the original astrology, before cosmic changes of a planetary nature; there was no Venus, for one example, and earth was oriented differently axially speaking.

Hence, the advent of Venus as a new planet in our solar system would appear to have changed the earlier astrology prior to 2,676 B.C. (the last passage of Venus) and we see that stellar precession of the Zodiac would also have been different after the Earth's axis was altered (N.B. the last major comet strike immediately changed the axis by as much as 7 degrees of tilt).

But just to complicate things further, the C's have told us that in reality there is no time, which is just an illusion our linear minds are attuned to. However, that is a debate for another day.​
Thank you for the answer to my, a bit off-topic, question and encouragement to participate! My mind is more like a 6D fractalisied grid connector that is clicking very fast and then produces "knowledge" that is absorbing so fast in me as a foundation for the new ideas ... so my associations flow around picking the best matches making the grid and filling the very very broad mosaic so maybe I can makeconfusion here too, as I am all over the places, but that is how it works some time when the topic is very intense like this one ... but I will try to keep the line of the thread, yes :cool2::wizard::flowers:

And Yes indeed we have to be aware of the danger of the uncovering the symboles used by PTB 4D STS as bites to catch potent souls who can serve as the antenas for emiting their projections ... so yes yes togeather we are stronger in seeing thorugh them :) thank you ...:knitting:

However, some of these groups would also seem to have had links to an underground civilisation called the 'Nation of the Third Eye' or the Antareans (an advanced bi-density humanoid people deriving from Orion living deep underground).

Could this be Ilirya?

If 4D STS forces may have marked real places in nature like mountains, rivers, etc with what we see today as masonic symbols, for anchoring of STS energy as dominant frequency, which then penetrates human beings through nature, food, etc.
Changing that frequency by knowledge and connected dots of the intended confusion. will move us to the STO field, but it can cause complete destruction of all material forms ...

now the Tesla earthquake machine comes to my mind, and even more interesting the discovery of another Ilirian Mohorovičić discontinuity ... and again I am mentioning the Tesla's mind projector that is definitly the "patent" Tesla wanted ot give to us to see more clearly with our 3rd eye through this "massonic" shadow projections ... Illirya is a land of Tesla indeed ... mention in the The Tempest too ...
Thank you for the answer to my, a bit off-topic, question and encouragement to participate! My mind is more like a 6D fractalisied grid connector that is clicking very fast and then produces "knowledge" that is absorbing so fast in me as a foundation for the new ideas ... so my associations flow around picking the best matches making the grid and filling the very very broad mosaic so maybe I can makeconfusion here too, as I am all over the places, but that is how it works some time when the topic is very intense like this one ... but I will try to keep the line of the thread, yes :cool2::wizard::flowers:

And Yes indeed we have to be aware of the danger of the uncovering the symboles used by PTB 4D STS as bites to catch potent souls who can serve as the antenas for emiting their projections ... so yes yes togeather we are stronger in seeing thorugh them :) thank you ...:knitting:

Could this be Ilirya?

If 4D STS forces may have marked real places in nature like mountains, rivers, etc with what we see today as masonic symbols, for anchoring of STS energy as dominant frequency, which then penetrates human beings through nature, food, etc.
Changing that frequency by knowledge and connected dots of the intended confusion. will move us to the STO field, but it can cause complete destruction of all material forms ...

now the Tesla earthquake machine comes to my mind, and even more interesting the discovery of another Ilirian Mohorovičić discontinuity ... and again I am mentioning the Tesla's mind projector that is definitly the "patent" Tesla wanted ot give to us to see more clearly with our 3rd eye through this "massonic" shadow projections ... Illirya is a land of Tesla indeed ... mention in the The Tempest too ...
You make a lot of good points. I would suggest that what you are experiencing is an awakening, as so many on this Forum have done over the years. I am working on a new post (which I hope to download soon), which touches on what you are alluding too. As a taster, I have homed in on a few excerpts from the transcripts to develop the point. Here are a couple:

Session 23 August 2001:

A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure

Although this tribal genetic code has been mentioned elsewhere in the transcripts and deserves a post of its own, I would draw your attention to a subsequent oblique reference to it in the Session dated 4 May 2002:

Q: (B) Okay. Referring back to a session on 7-28-01, a reference was made in answer to a question where Laura said, 'Well okay, were going to move to France and do more work' and the answer was "You 5," question was 'Us and three kids?' and the answer was "8835 million hope and glory is coming close. Point the way to love and realms of light. Trust on it." One of the members did a search on the term U5 and came with the Comet C 1998 U5 Linear. Is this an avenue we should approach closer or investigate closer?

A: It is a code that will reveal itself soon.

I would suggest this last quote may have profound relevance to the present time. Perhaps the tribe the C's refer to here are in the process of a mass awakening and, who knows, we may be a part of it.

Your reference to Ilirya is very interesting. One issue I have found though when referring to the classical period is that names of placers may change with the tribes who move into them. This is a key point when looking at ancient history and is particularly relevant when looking at Homer's epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey, which are the foundational works of ancient Greek literature. The episodes he depicts in these poems did not take place in Greece and the Mediterranean but related instead to the Celts of Northern Europe. That is why the C's question "Where was Arcadia" is so important to the quest.

As to Tesla, the man was a genius, probably more so than Einstein. He clearly understood the application of higher dimensional physics. I believe he was an STO orientated soul and was thwarted in his hopes of benefiting mankind with the gift of free energy. It is likely that he worked initially on the Philadelphia Experiment for the US Navy but pulled out when he saw where it was going (as did the physicist Robert Townsend Brown as well). Tesla's death may not have been as natural as claimed. One version has him being knocked down by a motor car/automobile in a hit and run accident.

As to your point on Tesla's mind projector, I wonder if it has a link to Alton Towers? The reason I mention this is because of this exchange in the transcripts:

Session 19 July 1997:

Q: Well, no. Well, is this reference to Alton Towers that Ark found on the internet, about psychic projectors. That was the only unusual thing we have found about this. Are we talking about some sort of place where they have rotating shifts of psychic projectors?

A: As you know... fiction is often the guise for the deliverance of the deepest of truths.

Did the Illuminati use Tesla's mind projector and put it into operation at Alton Towers amongst other places?

Could this last excerpt from the transcripts also link us to Shakespeare and Sir Francis Bacon, one of the possible writers and editors of the plays of Shakespeare, which are renowned for delivering the deepest truths. This is why the fact that Ilirya is mentioned in the Tempest makes perfect sense to me when you consider that Sir Francis Bacon, who was classically educated and trained, may have been behind its authorship (see my earlier post on this). We must also remember that Bacon was a spymaster and a cryptographer (Shakespeare's plays certainly contain hidden encoded messages). Indeed, there was an earlier reference to spies and fiction in that same session:

A: Must beware of agents near.

Q: Can you give any clues about these agents near?

A: Have "look," if one is looking.

Q: What kind of look?

A: Consult fiction for the truth.

Q: You mean like spy stories? If they look like a spy, they are one?

A: Close.

One wonders whether the C's may even have been drawing us towards the English author Ian Fleming and his fictional spy/agent James Bond. As we learned recently on this Forum, Fleming had a deep interest in the occult, knew Aleister Crowley and was influenced by John Dee. Indeed, John Dee's own code name, as given to him by Sir Francis Walsingham (Queen Elizabeth I's spymaster), was 007, the same designation as Fleming's character James Bond. When Queen Elizabeth corresponded with Dee, she signed her letters with an "M". Is it just coincidental too that Christian Rosenkruez (the fictional front for the 17th Century Rosicrucians) wrote a book titled Book M. Intriguingly, the Earl of Leicester, a favourite of Queen Elizabeth and an important member of her court, who had been tutored by John Dee as a child, marked his secret correspondence with two dots or two zeros, representing eyes. Moreover Dee would address his correspondence to the Queen with a heading "For your eyes only", which happened to be the title of the 8th book of the James Bond series. Whereas all the previous books were novels, this one was a compilation of five novella-length stories (5 and 8 being, of course, two numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence). A James Bond film of that name was released in 1981 starring Roger Moore in the main role.

Fleming himself was a member of MI6 (i.e., Military Intelligence 6) now called the Secret Intelligence Service. To indicate just how connected the British Intelligence services are to Freemasonry, here is supposedly the logo of MI5 (Britain's counter-intelligence and security service - the equivalent of the USA's FBI), as depicted on a pin badge:​


Note the "all seeing eye" at the top of the pyramid. It is likely that Fleming was himself a Freemason given his grave in Sevenhampton, which is marked by an obelisk atop four stones. Obelisk gravestones are often associated with Freemasons. Indeed, Flaming's main character's initials are J.B., which could represent the two pillars of Freemasonry, Joachim and Boaz, which appear in Masonic temples everywhere, as they allegedly did in the Temple of Solomon too.

Fleming was also associated with members of the Bloomsbury Group or Set, an eclectic mix of writers, intellectuals and artists including the economist Maynard Keynes, authors E.M Forster and Virginia Woolf and scholar Lytton Strachey of Cambridge University. The American poet and writer Dorothy Parker said of them that: "they lived in squares, painted in circles and loved in triangles", which seems somewhat suggestive of a Rosicrucian influence to me - see: Bloomsbury Group - Wikipedia. The reason I mention this though is that in July 1936, economist John Maynard Keynes returned from Sotheby’s auction house in London with a chest full of unpublished hand-written papers, laboratory books, diagrams and over a million unpublished words by Sir Isaac Newton. Contrary to expectations, Newton’s hitherto unseen papers did not illustrate his musings on celestial mechanics, calculus, optics or mathematical theory, but his personal work on esoteric theology and his alchemical laboratory notes. While Isaac Newton was regarded a towering sentinel of the scientific method on a global platform, he was secretly a deeply mystical, magical and animistic thinker.

The Newton Project website provides scans of papers written by John Maynard Keynes, offering researchers insights into Newton’s inner thoughts, for example: “the universe was a cryptogram set by The Almighty”, which echoes Sir Francis Bacon's idea of God setting man puzzles to be solved through the interpretation of nature. Newton set out to: “read the riddle of the Godhead, of past and future events divinely foreordained” and according to Keynes, Newton turned to the early philosophical works of the 16th century European intellectuals who formed the mystical secret society – The Ancient & Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, better known as the Rosicrucians.
See: The Newton-related Papers of John Maynard Keynes

Newton was a member and president of the Royal Society, which had grown our of Sir Francis Bacon's Invisible College. Hence, we find ourselves drawn back to Sir Francis Bacon again, who was a Rosicrucian, a spy, a cypher expert* and an alchemist.
*See: MW Codes, Ciphers, and Puzzle Series: Bacon’s Cipher – Mysterious Writings
and Bacon's cipher - Wikipedia

I have more than a strong suspicion that Bacon was a member of the Great Council of the Elect embodied in the enclave of alchemists based in the Pyrenees and may have been in direct contact with The Nation of the Third Eye as well. I hope to have a lot more to say about Bacon in upcoming posts, as I think he is one of the key men in modern history. In April last year, I posted the following musings on Sir Francis Bacon and his possible links to the enclave of alchemists (see Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians):
Francis Bacon as an Ascended Master

As a final word on Sir Francis Bacon. I would introduce another possible explanation for the C’s strange reference to “not germaine”:

“Various authors have written that there were indications that Francis Bacon had gone into debt while secretly funding the publishing of materials for the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, "Spear-Shakers", "Knights of the Helmet", as well as publishing, with the assistance of Ben Jonson, a selection of the plays that they believe he had written under the pen name "Shake-Speare" in a "First Folio" in 1623. Furthermore, they allege that Bacon faked his own death, crossed the English Channel, and secretly travelled in disguise after 1626 through France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, and other areas utilizing the secret network of Freemasons and Rosicrucians that he was associated with. It is alleged that he continued to write under pseudonyms as he had done before 1626, continuing to write as late as 1670 (using the pseudonym "Comte De Gabalis"). Elinor Von Le Coq, wife of Professor Von Le Coq in Berlin, stated that she had found evidence in the German Archives that Francis Bacon stayed after 1626 with the family of Johannes Valentinus Andreae in Germany.

Basil Montagu, a biographer of Bacon, states in his "Essays and Selections":

“Of his funeral no account can be found, nor is there any trace of the scite of the house where he died.”

Beginning early in the 20th century in the United States, a number of Ascended Master Teachings organizations began making the claim that Francis Bacon had never died. They believed that soon after completing the "Shake-Speare" plays, he had feigned his own death on Easter Sunday, April 9, 1626 — doing so on Easter Sunday as a symbol and then travelled extensively outside England, eventually attaining his physical Ascension to another plane on May 1, 1684 in a castle in Transylvania owned by the Rakoczi family. Their belief is that Bacon took on the name "Saint Germain" on that date, May 1, 1684, and became an Ascended Master.

Does this link him with the alchemist Fulcanelli perhaps who is still meant to be alive in the alchemists' alcove in the Pyrenees?

Which makes me think of the 'Third Man Theme'. In that same session dated 19 July 1997, the C's had this to say about the Third Man Theme:

A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!!

Q: So, in everything there are three aspects?

A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace and anticipation.

Is this what Bacon did? Did he master the keys to the next level and move on with grace and anticipation? However, as I have mentioned before, the Third Man is a book by English author Graham Green (incidentally, another WW2 member of MI6), which was made into a film or movie by that name (see: The Third Man - Wikipedia) starring Orson Wells and Joseph Cotton. It is a classic film noir movie and has a very memorable theme tune. It has been voted the greatest British film of all time and is well worth seeing if you haven't seen it already. However, it is the role of Harry Lime played by the great American actor Orson Wells in the film, which provides the key to the story for he is the third man of the title who has faked his own death to continue his career as a black marketeer in post war Vienna. Could the C's have intended their reference to the Third Man Theme to encapsulate a subtle hint that, like Harry Lime, Sir Francis Bacon had faked his own death in order to carry on his Rosicrucian activities behind the scenes?

By a strange coincidence, the late British film actor Bernard Lee played a supporting role as Sergeant Paine, a British military policeman, in the film. He would subsequently find fame playing the character of M (James Bond's boss) in the early James Bond films. See: Bernard Lee - Wikipedia.

If Sir Francis Bacon faked his death and eventually joined the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees like Nicolas Flamel before him, could he still be operating behind the scenes, since some alchemists seem to have mastered longevity? If so, could he even be the "Man behind the curtain" the C's spoke of here:
Session 18 January 2002:

Q: Why is it that we have attracted so much interest from the "spy vs. spy" types? After all, if there is something out there they are after, why do they need us?

A: They cannot "see" or "draw the sword from the stone."
[MJF: A clear reference to the Holy Grail, as per the King Arthur legend.]

Q: (A) It means they have some kind of knowledge, but they really can't make anything of it? Well, then there is the question. They are helping us, and they want to get something. Shall we continue and pretend that it doesn't bother us?


A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.

Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?

A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."*

*A reference to the Wizard of Oz who was not a wizard at all.



Thank you very much for all your references; they make a lot of sense ... Wizard of OZ especially...

But today, I woke up to learn that Daria Dugina was blown up by a car bomb near Moscow. And I think it is related to the C's pointing to DAN CAR ...

Q: Okay. Who are the 'philosophers of Dancar?'

A: Philosophers who ride around in Dan's car.

Anyhow, I am so sad for dear Daria, But we can say that devil lost his mind when The Daughter of a Philosopher, only 30 years old, was killed by a CAR BOM as SHE was a THREAT to NWO DEMO-N-CRAZY?!?! .... She was not the Doroty, but she gave Dorothy strength to be braveheart and so naturally and "naively" truth-loving innocent being ....

And I am today even more sure that this is the game they play ...

Thank you a lot for all your shares ... I am reading through your previous posts and go to sleep with my head full of questions ... as my knowledge of masons is not even rudimentary, but for some reason, even though I am not sure it is interested me, but it surely attracts me, as I am connecting so fast the dots once presented with information, that there is some deep experience in me that goes beyond this time and space, and I have no much choice but to follow that riddles and solve from my part as much as I can with YOU all ....

But today is a sad and glorious day. We hope for humanity to see the level of darkness that is lurking above and below the west.

Daria Dugina is the light ... DUGA menas Rainbow!
A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

Шаманы якутии против сионизма! Поддержим магнитные хороводы, распространяйте все кто может, включай

Translated: Shamans of Yakutia against Zionism! Let's support the magnetic roundels, spread all who can, include

This video has already been shared in other forum threads. It is believed that the dance was performed to protect Putin from further attacks:

Farrell restates in The Giza Death Star Destroyed his speculations on the use of Phi (ϕ) or Black Crystals in the Great Pyramid and how they may have been gravitationally and acoustically, as well as optically, resonant, having a kind of Fibonacci spiralling or “rotating” lattice structure and refractive index, which would thus seem to take on some properties of superconductors as well. In The Giza Death Star Destroyed, Farrell proposes that sapphire (and other crystals for that matter) can exist in a monoatomic state provided that a technique can be discovered to spin polarise their lattice structure to the degree evident in a monoatomic structure.

However, a monatomic element is an element that does not chemically or molecularly bond with itself or any other element, precisely because of its high spin state. Farrell ponders whether there may be some lost technology of building monoatomic elements into such molecules. He states that:​
Such a crystal would indeed be, to use the alchemist’s terms “most pure”, having little or no impurities or mixture with other substances, and it would posses a lattice structure lacking the ordinary Frenkel, Schottsky, screw and other types of defects of crystals one encounters in nature. Such crystals – if possible at all – would most likely have to be assembled from the atom up [MJF: using nanotechnology?]. They are, after all, monoatomic.”

Cooper showed that an arbitrarily small attraction between electrons in a metal can cause a paired state of electrons to have a lower energy than the Fermi energy, which implies that the pair is bound. In conventional superconductors, this attraction is due to the electronphonon interaction. The Cooper pair state is responsible for superconductivity, as described in the BCS theory developed by John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and John Schrieffer for which they shared the 1972 Nobel Prize.[2]

Although Cooper pairing is a quantum effect, the reason for the pairing can be seen from a simplified classical explanation.[2][3] An electron in a metal normally behaves as a free particle. The electron is repelled from other electrons due to their negative charge, but it also attracts the positive ions that make up the rigid lattice of the metal. This attraction distorts the ion lattice, moving the ions slightly toward the electron, increasing the positive charge density of the lattice in the vicinity. This positive charge can attract other electrons. At long distances, this attraction between electrons due to the displaced ions can overcome the electrons' repulsion due to their negative charge, and cause them to pair up. The rigorous quantum mechanical explanation shows that the effect is due to electronphonon interactions, with the phonon being the collective motion of the positively-charged lattice.[4]

The energy of the pairing interaction is quite weak, of the order of 10−3 eV, and thermal energy can easily break the pairs. So only at low temperatures, in metal and other substrates, are a significant number of the electrons bound in Cooper pairs.

The electrons in a pair are not necessarily close together; because the interaction is long range, paired electrons may still be many hundreds of nanometers apart. This distance is usually greater than the average interelectron distance so that many Cooper pairs can occupy the same space.[5] Electrons have spin-1⁄2, so they are fermions, but the total spin of a Cooper pair is integer (0 or 1) so it is a composite boson. This means the wave functions are symmetric under particle interchange. Therefore, unlike electrons, multiple Cooper pairs are allowed to be in the same quantum state, which is responsible for the phenomenon of superconductivity.

The BCS theory is also applicable to other fermion systems, such as helium-3.[citation needed] Indeed, Cooper pairing is responsible for the superfluidity of helium-3 at low temperatures.[citation needed] In 2008 it was proposed that pairs of bosons in an optical lattice may be similar to Cooper pairs.[6]

An optical lattice is formed by the interference of counter-propagating laser beams, creating a spatially periodic polarization pattern. The resulting periodic potential may trap neutral atoms via the Stark shift.[1] Atoms are cooled and congregate at the potential extrema (at maxima for blue-detuned lattices, and minima for red-detuned lattices). The resulting arrangement of trapped atoms resembles a crystal lattice[2] and can be used for quantum simulation.

Atoms trapped in the optical lattice may move due to quantum tunneling, even if the potential well depth of the lattice points exceeds the kinetic energy of the atoms, which is similar to the electrons in a conductor.[3] However, a superfluidMott insulator transition[4] may occur, if the interaction energy between the atoms becomes larger than the hopping energy when the well depth is very large. In the Mott insulator phase, atoms will be trapped in the potential minima and cannot move freely, which is similar to the electrons in an insulator. In the case of Fermionic atoms, if the well depth is further increased the atoms are predicted to form an antiferromagnetic, i.e. Néel state at sufficiently low temperatures.[5]
A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

Hence, it would seem from the above that at 4th density some people will be capable of direct manifestations rather than relying on technology. The connection between magnetite and our “higher centres” (the “White House”?) was further elaborated on in the following excerpt from the transcripts:​
Q: (L) Okay, what else?

A: Just as detoxing the body can lead to abundant health, so can detoxing the mind and environment lead to abundant life and happiness for all. But as was the "fall", it must be a group decision and the differences and pathological blocks to objective understanding must be removed.

Yes, that dance probably influences the more STO-oriented spirits of human beings to get stronger. Circular dances are very, very powerful...

And few remarks here from my part of the world that I experienced, from ex Yugoslavia, and thank you for sharing this as you answered me question that has been in my mind for few days - now I think I can say I Know - so in short - STS is just trying to copy moves and projects and life of STO leaders as the 4D STS have no capacity to create original IDEA! it is assigned to this plane to the wanderers and guides of the STO candidates, and that is why those super creative and independent people like Tesla seams to be always protected like Dorothy, invisible to 4D STS puppeteers when they create, and only that is visible to 4D STS is the end of the process - 3D creation or better to say projection of their creation afterward, that is than getting scraped and copied by 4D and 3D STS ... that is why the battle for TESLA is so intense though the autonomous cars started with Teslas by Elon Musk. They even put key car electronic chips into humans' hands.

But ... let me just share some info, maybe will ring some bells:

- Croatia, due to its long-term church-based relations with Rome, Jesuits, and Franciscan orders and being the main Templar route, seems to be covertly assigned by the church as one of the main masonic anchors for the new 4D STS earth, taht is why at Denver airport murals children of Croatia are very prominent for the size of the country, as Croatia or CREATia is a source of Corpo - ratio = a new STS creation of semi humans - Frankensteins - Frankopans, who were prominent Croatian noble family servants of Rome form the island of Krk from 12th to 17th century.

The pandemic started with the failure of Masonic organizations in the region. It was a huge scandal week before Ursula announced the pandemic. Then 2 major earthquakes happened one in Zagreb which is like Washington a city with the masonic plan set through urbanism and architecture by intention and the second in GLina, at the place where is oldest Templar temple, on the Templar route!

... etc

More and more signs since 2020 are coming to the surface almost like boiling from the collective subconscious to the surface of the Earth. Is it worth if I try to pin down some of them? It is like traveling back in time thorugh 6D frctal, and I am not even sure is it worth to get it back to 3D just ot show it in 3D? I would rather have a week with someone who can help connect the dots in real-time ... as things are here happening so fast, and I feel I am living and "channeling" that for full 2 years now intensivly ... and my question is what is your opinion on what I can do with that what I see ... I am fine with my own connector as I know I am not alone ... I know I am not just 3D person, it is for me dificult to explain, but I know that since ever ... and now I feel like I need to ask if anyone wants me to share it publicly and have some suggestions on how, I will do it .... yes maybe I am asking people to ask, I always have so many quesiotns in my mind when I need to share it with people, as I don't trust people at all any more ... and I just want to watch it as it is so exciting and wild and my jaw is droped seeing all this that C's predicted and this nature of hyperdimensional life unveiling, most of the day I am so thankfull to this grace that I spent craying in grace! ... for me it si fine to stay like that in me, as that is changing me so fast and being lucky to be storyteller and artist, I have the means to tell that story through metaphoires, what I do best ... but strange comisions comeing to may end, that made me aks you all this, as I feel I am on the twister of exchange!

- As about 200 enlighten individuals - In 90' there was clear statement by our president Tuđman ( tuđman menas foregin man) about creating 200 wealthy families in Croatia! They worked on that full 30 years and are now working on the final phase of that, but things are falling apart, as those families are 80% from one region of Herzegovina, and most children of Canadian Australian and German immigrants, many very similar, which made me think that they are already hybrids and modulated as a new humans at some western labs? Croatian car comany get the biggest EU fund ot produce autonomous EV taxies etc? Again, if that will make sense for anyone else, I can share what I see here, it is very deep, so deep that I can clearly see same game circling almost thorugh the memebrs of their families since the time of Venice occupation all the way to Al Capone and La Guardia times, and tooday sure, seeing it all linked even today, as we are very small society and evryone know evryone literary .... I feel that the final spiritual battle is "planned" in October in Sarajevo but 4D STS left them and I think Croats will not get Herzegovina. That is broken, STS lord left them, they made to many wrong moves and have been exposed very easily ... but this is what I feel and see, and maybe it is totlay wrong and misledaing for me for some reason, as I am not sure, as how can I be ... and if they do not getHerzegovina now, the stupidity, greed and agresivnes of abandoned 3D STS Croats might cause huuugeeeee blast from Patriotic Croats as they will do all to cover up their dirty bussniese with the church they do for centuries, same as when they stood up next to Hitler and etc ...

- Dancing - that is why 4D STS introduced war in Croatia with numerous techno parties that are now spreading through Bosnia as crazy. They want to overtake the dancing spirit of us here, implementing to our minds other frequencies. Here is a documentary about SLavenska, a women that introduced the dance to people of America! If you have time watch it, she is our spirit ... spirit of life love and creative power of human. I am dancin non stop, my day is not comlete if I don't dance a little ... you can bribe me with dance any time ... that is how all my college days were ruined by war and instead of that I spent my youth on parties drugged by all kinds of heavy drugs that today I am making my own personal gratitude celebrations to my higher self, that I didn't die on parties, and I feel so sory for myself than how eviul people sent us to pure that either by guns or by drugs! all under the patriotic flags! ... so I have a strong personal experience there too, knowing that all was organized by the kids of leading politicians of 90s protected by Tuđmans, members of that 200 families .. I am asking myself it must be also some coverted CIA or PTB written plan probably, that will pop up soon at the TV and internet screens

I want to also share this photo with you; if you have any comments, what you see there, let me know.

And I have a question about "watchers" or how the C's said that 4D STS have here the division of their helpers like Illuminati and watcher ... I would like ot know how can I know I am or I am not a 4D STS watcher? Why am I "watching" all this, and I prepared my self even to watch it as long as it needs, I hope to rise some funds to by myslef another 2 years of "free" life etc ??? .... It will sond now stupid, but that is what I feel and I don't feel - that is what is wobling in my mind all the time - what is the use of this knowledge I am getting at such a speed that I almost feel in me how the lies are melting globaly, but still feel a bit constrained with the guilt trip that I have to share it somehow with the world ... do I have to? And how?

AND thank YOU FOR beiang able TO SHARE all YOUR EXPIRIENCES and KNOWLEDGE, I hope even with tons of quesiotns, I am of some help too :wizard::flowers::hug:


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The image is curious. One supposes that if these priests were handling an object capable of electrocuting or "liquefying" you, why would they go barefoot? Shouldn't they be isolated? Because being barefoot they are grounded.

What is Electrical Grounding?​

Electrical grounding is a backup pathway that provides an alternating route for the current to flow back to the ground if there is a fault in the wiring system. It facilitates a physical connection between the ground and the electrical equipment and appliances in your home.

The electricity in a residential wiring system consists of electrons flowing through metal circuit wires and this electricity is always looking for the shortest possible route back to the ground. So, if there is a problem with the neutral wire, grounding your electrical system will provide a direct pathway to the ground and prevent power surges that can invite electrical hazards.
The image is curious. One supposes that if these priests were handling an object capable of electrocuting or "liquefying" you, why would they go barefoot? Shouldn't they be isolated? Because being barefoot they are grounded.

Please note that the image I posted was a modern representation of what a Jewish High Priest may have looked like when dressed in his Ephod during ceremonies. It could be that he was barefoot for all we know, although at the original Passover I seem to recall that the men were required to be shod (wearing shoes) and carrying staves. Before the Ark of the Covenant was deposited in the Temple in Jerusalem in the Holy of Holies, it was kept in a tabernacle, which was a large tent. This was when the Israelites were wandering in the desert. I would imagine that the priests would have washed their feet to get the sand off before entering the Tabernacle, since this practice survived to the age of the Temple, where Jewish men (certainly priests) were supposed to ritually cleanse their feet before entering the Temple.

As to your point about being grounded, this passage from the transcripts may help to understand the relevance of grounding where humans are concerned:

Session 21 February 1998:
Q: Okay, thank you. Now, in this other book, 'The White Goddess' about the Triple Goddess, alphabets, trees, which this author tracks back to the goddess Danu who Rhys identifies as Cassiopaea... but, in this particular section, it brings up something about which I have been EXTREMELY curious... the lame king, the wounded thigh, and the heel issue which is connected to the thigh issue... the thigh of Zeus and the heel of Achilles. Well, it seems that a LOT of heros or 'gods' had this thigh or heel issue and that later, the divine right of kings was connected to this and often a king was ritually lamed. It seems that the wound in the thigh led to an inability to place the heel on the ground which then led to a tabu against the king putting his feet on the ground altogether. Why the ban against the king putting his feet on the ground? Why did the heel have to be protected from contact with the earth?

A: In order to interrupt grounding of chakras.

Q: What happens when the chakras are grounded?

A: What happens to you?

Q: Well, a circuit is closed and energy flows out of you. When you are grounded energy flows out of you or through you...

A: Or in.

Q: Why?

A: Would you do Reiki with high heels on?

Q: No. You take your shoes off.

A: Why?

Q: So that you complete the circuit so the energy comes into you to give to another person.

A: Yes.
Thank you very much for all your references; they make a lot of sense ... Wizard of OZ especially...

But today, I woke up to learn that Daria Dugina was blown up by a car bomb near Moscow. And I think it is related to the C's pointing to DAN CAR ...

Q: Okay. Who are the 'philosophers of Dancar?'

A: Philosophers who ride around in Dan's car.

Anyhow, I am so sad for dear Daria, But we can say that devil lost his mind when The Daughter of a Philosopher, only 30 years old, was killed by a CAR BOM as SHE was a THREAT to NWO DEMO-N-CRAZY?!?! .... She was not the Doroty, but she gave Dorothy strength to be braveheart and so naturally and "naively" truth-loving innocent being ....

And I am today even more sure that this is the game they play ...

Thank you a lot for all your shares ... I am reading through your previous posts and go to sleep with my head full of questions ... as my knowledge of masons is not even rudimentary, but for some reason, even though I am not sure it is interested me, but it surely attracts me, as I am connecting so fast the dots once presented with information, that there is some deep experience in me that goes beyond this time and space, and I have no much choice but to follow that riddles and solve from my part as much as I can with YOU all ....

But today is a sad and glorious day. We hope for humanity to see the level of darkness that is lurking above and below the west.

Daria Dugina is the light ... DUGA menas Rainbow!
Yes, that assassination was tragic and pointless. I suspect the assassins were targeting her father and killed her by mistake. You make an interesting link between Dancar and Daria Dugina's murder by a car bomb.

The C's clues are often multifaceted and thus capable of more than one meaning. I have argued that Dancar is Doncaster in Yorkshire, England near to where is a ridge called the Chevin (see one of my earliest posts on this point). It should also be borne in mind that "Dan" could relate to the goddess Danu and "Car" was also a goddess linked to the Queen Bee, which makes me think of what the C's said about Laura as a queen bee of the Forum. In the guise of her Greek equivalent Cer of Kar, she is the Black Goddess of fate, doom, destiny and violent death, which certainly seems applicable to poor Daria. See The Goddess Car

However, "car" in English is an abbreviation of "motorcar" - a self propelled vehicle or horseless carriage - and probably derives from the Latin term carrus, which was a loanword from the Celtic Gauls, who were cousins of the Brythonic Celts of Britain. From "carrus" we get the word "chariot", which is a type of horse drawn "cart". I have linked the earth mother goddess, as represented by goddesses such as Danu (who may have lent her name to the Israelite Tribe of Dan and to the mystery people called the Danaan or Danites, who could be one and the same), to Baphomet (the Baptism of Metis) and by extension the Holy Grail.

I even conjectured that Kore, if she was princess Meritiaten (Pharaoh Akhenaten's daughter), who is depicted as Hagar in the Bible, came to the British Isles in the guise of Brigid of the Tuatha De Dannan, she may have come by an alien flying saucer, which was mythologised as the flying Golden Ram in the story of Helle (another guise of Kore/Hagar) and Phrixus, which was converted into the Golden Fleece - which itself is synonymous with the Grail. This connection with Dancar may be further embellished by the representation of the Ark of the Covenant being carried away on a cart (which never occurred with the Israelites, where it was always carried by the Levites) in Chartres Cathedral:


Since the construction of Chartres Cathedral is linked to the Templars, it might depict the manner in which they spirited the Ark and the Grail away from Jerusalem before the city fell to Islamic forces.


But could there be a connection between Car and Kore? Well, it seems that as Cer or Kar, her name maybe cognate with that of Greek Core, Maiden, which may be expressed by transliteration as Kore.

Geography/Culture: Greek.
Linguistic Note: Greek orthography: kappa-omicron-rho-eta, (kore), Doric variant: kappa-omicron-rho-alpha, (kora), Ionian, (koure), kappa-omicron-upsilon-rho-eta, From Greek kappa-omicron-rho-eta. 1. 'a maiden, maid, damsel'. (Latin, puella.) 2. 'a bride, young wife'. 3. 'a daughter'. II. 'the pupil of the eye', (Latin, pupula, because a little image appears therein). Of interest: Greek kappa-eta-rho, (ker), 'heart'. See also linguistic notes on Car, and Ceres. It's hard to believe that core, (as in apple), corn, (the grain), and corn, (the toe problem) are not all related to Core. {Check etyomologies}.
Description: Maiden Goddess of spring vegetal growth, especially the first corn shoots and, {perhaps}, resurrection; {Nucleus of life}.
{Note: In a sense, that which is at the core of life is death, yet the young corn (Core), arises again from the buried grain, represented by Persephoneia, Queen of death, thereby suggesting the possibility of human rebirth or reincarnation.}
Invocations, Pleas, Hymns and Other Homage to HER: Kore.
To Whom Sacred: corn; pomegranate; torch; {the core of fruits}; {kernels}; {the heart}; {the pupil of the eye}; {grain}; {granary}.
Festival: The Lesser Eleusian Mysteries, in the Greek month of Anthesterion, were especially devoted to Core, Daughter. The Greater Mysteries were in honour of both Her and Demeter, Barley-Mother.
Male Associate: abductor and later consort, Hades, ----.
  • Titles/Variants, etc:
  • Core, Daughter, is a title of Athene, I-Have-Come-From-Myself, in Her maidenlike aspect.
  • Cailleach, Old-Woman, Who is linked with Baba, Old-Woman, is sometimes considered youthful, and is then known as the Maiden, giving Her an affinity with Core, Daughter.
  • Perhaps Core's association with flowers makes Her akin to Chloris, Greenish, Who is linked with Flora, Flourishing-One.
  • Daughter, or younger self, of Demeter, Barley-Mother.
  • Maiden aspect of triple goddess Demeter, Barley-Mother.
  • Her name maybe cognate with: Cer, {Doom}, Who is linked with Car, {Queen-Bee}.
  • Transliteration variant: Kore.
  • She became Persephoneia, Bringer-of-Destruction, after Her abduction by Hades.
See: The Goddess Car

So, Kore like the Celtic goddess Brigid or Brig or Bride is an aspect of a triple-goddess, representing the maiden. She is also linked with Demeter and Persephone both corn/barley mother goddesses. Given her association to the Grail, she may be the shepherdess maiden depicted in Nicolas Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia. Since that painting may depict Heracles and the twins Castor and Pollux as shepherds, the fact that they were all members of the crew of the Argo (which may have been secretly hidden by Poussin in his painting Winter - see recent post) who with Jason went in search of the Golden Fleece, suggests that they may have been searching for Kore (Meritiaten/Hagar) who had the Holy Grail in the land of Colchis (which was in Eastern England perhaps and not Georgia as most scholars think). I think Jason and the Argo crew may be the 'dragon slayers' the C's referred to in the following excerpts from the transcripts:
Session 16 August 1997:​

Q: I noticed in Genesis Chapter 33, verse 11, it says that Jacob, who wrestled with the angel the previous night and was on his way to see his brother Esau, who he had tricked into giving up his blessing years before, “gave Esau the blessing”. What was this? The birthright from his father or the blessing Jacob received from the angel?

A: Trampled leaves of wrath.

Q: This is what Jacob gave to Esau?

A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Session 2 February 2003:
A: And who was "Kore?"

Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?

A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.

Q: (L) Was it a male or female?

A: Female.

Q: (L) And how did Abraham come to be in possession of this female?

A: Search the text and you will see.

Q: (Galahad) If this person was the last member of the Perseid family, does that mean that Paris was a member of this family?
MJF: Paris = Abraham/Moses here.]

A: No.

Q: (L) Was this person someone who was part of Abraham's group because he kidnapped her?

A: That is going in the right direction, though not quite that simple.

Q: (Galahad) They are saying that this was a female who was kidnapped? Could it be Helen?

A: No!

Q: (L) Previously we were told that Helen was a genetically tweaked Hittite. Were her parents anybody who would be familiar to us outside of mythology?

A: No.

Q: (L) So her parentage was strictly mythical. Was she a member of any esteemed family or royal family along that line as has been claimed?

A: Here also you will make a discovery.

Q: (L) Going back to this person - the last living member of the Perseid family - who was handed over by Abraham in his Jacob persona to someone else, who was this person handed over to and why?

A: For protection from the fury of "Helen."

Q: (L) So, there is a reflection of that in the story of Hagar the Egyptian. Who was she handed over to?

A: The "Dragon Slayers."
[MJF: Jason, Hercules, Castor, Pollux, Asclepius, Orpheus and the other Argonauts. In the story, the Golden Fleece was guarded by a never-sleeping dragon with teeth that became soldiers when planted in the ground. This depiction of the dragon's teeth becoming soldiers is also reflected the story of Cadmus, a Phoenician prince who founded the city of Thebes. Heracles was also a dragon slayer in his own right, since he conquered two multi-headed snakes/dragons, the Hydra and the Ladon. Let us not forget either Perseus, Kore's ancestor, who in killing the Medusa was a dragon slayer too. Are all these stories an archetype of the hero’s journey to slay the metaphorical dragon by taming and controlling the energies that reside within man?]
Q: (L) Was Helen from Argo?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was someone from Argo?

A: Yes.
[MJF: Perseus was from Argo but never became its king, choosing to rule instead in the city that he founded, Mycenae. However, I think the C's have someone else in mind here.]

Q: [Laughter.] (L) Well, I mean involved in this particular story.

A: Oh, indeed, and that may be an important clue!

Q: (Galahad) Is the importance of Argos related to the myth of Jason and the Argonauts?

A: Yup.

Q: (Galahad) Does it have something to do with the individuals who flew away on the Ram?

A: Mmmmm .... And did she really drown?
[MJF: This is Hella, which sounds similar to Helen.]

Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why?
Good night.

Q: (Galahad) Stories of escape - there's the story of Daedalus and Icarus... We have Colchis, Jason, the argonauts. We have the last living member of the Perseid family... all mixed up with Abraham and Sarah otherwise known as Paris and Helen who was also Nefertiti. (L) And Abraham wanted to save this individual from the fury of Helen. (S) And why was Helen furious? What happened when Helen got furious? (Galahad) A thousand ships got launched... (L) And a lot of people died and have been dying ever since from this whole monotheistic rant. And it looks like Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah is the main source of the whole deal. A Hittite hybrid with a big skull like those heads of the Ica in Peru. And the C's have said that there were hybrids in Peru that were supposed to have been attempts to create a 3rd density body for direct STS incarnation. And it looks like Sarah/Helen/Nefertiti was one of them. No wonder women have been given a bad name. We have our work cut out for us.

I have suggested before that Kore/Hagar/Meritaten as Helle (who may have become the Norse goddess Hel) may have contracted leprosy like her sisters, who died from the disease. Leprosy may have been the plague that struck Egypt and killed so many of its citizens. Quoting the C's again from the Session dated 2 February 2003:
Q: The story about the plague that is told in Manetho, was this a plague as in leprosy, a disease, or something else?

A: It was multiple elements including leprosy.

Q: (L) What were these different elements?

A: Consider the writings about cometary showers.

Following year twelve, Donald B. Redford and other Egyptologists proposed that Egypt was struck by an epidemic, most likely a plague. Contemporary evidence suggests that a plague ravaged through the Middle East around this time, and ambassadors and delegations arriving to Akhenaten's year twelve reception might have brought the disease to Egypt. Alternatively, letters from the Hattians might suggest that the epidemic originated in Egypt and was carried throughout the Middle East by Egyptian prisoners of war. Regardless of its origin, the epidemic might account for several deaths in the royal family that occurred in the last five years of Akhenaten's reign, including those of his daughters Meketaten, Neferneferure, and Setepenre.

As I have explained before, Hel is possibly linked with leprosy or plague given her depiction as a ghostly white figure who looks half dead and half alive. It is interesting to note that the goddess Car or Cer (meaning "doom") in the plural form is Ceres, who like Persephoneia, are the Bringers-of-Death and Destruction. Could this be a hidden reference to comets, plague and by extension leprosy?

Moreover, those who have read Homers the Iliad will be aware that the Greek camp suffered the outbreak of a plague during the latter stage of the war causing the death of many Greek soldiers:

The poet invokes a muse to aid him in telling the story of the rage of Achilles, the greatest Greek hero to fight in the Trojan War. The narrative begins nine years after the start of the war, as the Achaeans sack a Trojan-allied town and capture two beautiful maidens, Chryseis and Briseis. Agamemnon, commander-in-chief of the Achaean army, takes Chryseis as his prize. Achilles, one of the Achaeans’ most valuable warriors, claims Briseis. Chryseis’s father, a man named Chryses who serves as a priest of the god Apollo, begs Agamemnon to return his daughter and offers to pay an enormous ransom. When Agamemnon refuses, Chryses prays to Apollo for help.
Apollo sends a plague upon the Greek camp, causing the death of many soldiers. After ten days of suffering, Achilles calls an assembly of the Achaean army and asks for a soothsayer to reveal the cause of the plague. Calchas, a powerful seer, stands up and offers his services. Though he fears retribution from Agamemnon, Calchas reveals the plague as a vengeful and strategic move by Chryses and Apollo.

n Greek myth, Apollo was the son of Zeus, a sky-god and the Twin of Artemis, goddess of the hunt and of the moon. Just like Artemis, he carried a bow and arrow (as the god of archery), which he used to cause destruction. Could this notion of him as a sky god who carried a bow and arrow be linked to comets, the harbinger of plagues, perhaps? Interestingly, Apollo is a god who is linked with plague, which may help to support this contention. As a solar and masculine deity, he was a god of divine distance, both as a protector from evil but also a bringer of terror. Moreover, Apollo seems to have been originally a Hyperborean god (worshipped by the Ancient Britons at Stonehenge, the Temple of Apollo) who, according to the English poet and historian Robert Graves, seems to have muscled in belatedly into the Greek pantheon of gods. As a British god, he would naturally have favoured the British Trojans.

Where you say:

"as my knowledge of masons is not even rudimentary, but for some reason, even though I am not sure it is interested me, but it surely attracts me.",

I fully get that. There are those who view the Freemasons as a bit of an old boys social club. An Australian friend of mine had a father who was a local Freemason. He used to joke that when he asked his mother where his father was of an evening, she would explain that "he was off to ride the billy goat backwards again". However, there is a serious side to the Freemasons who form the lower ranks of the Illuminati (most of them unwittingly). I am soon going to post an in-depth analyses of the Freemasons and their links to ancient groups in Egypt. This post (there will probably be a series of three of them) will admittedly be complex but it seeks to establish a lot of links between things the C's have told us over a period of many years now. Indeed, it will join many themes discussed on this thread together to create a broader global picture. I also hope it will provoke a lively discussion and I would ask those who are aware of relevant information on other threads to bring that information to the party.​
You make a very good connection here. I am not sure if Farrell has discussed the 'Cooper Pair', which seems to link with the concept of quantum entanglement. I am posting below a very interesting exchange between Ark and the C's on the subject of superconductors and electron flow, which may be of some relevance here:​

Superconductor and Gravity Vacuum

Session 15 March 1997

Q: (L) In the natural state, we know that a photon can have an interaction which causes it to split into positron and an electron. In the natural state, do electrons come from photons?

A: No.

Q: Okay. In the natural state, where do electrons come from?

A: Aether boundary with material continuum.

Q: Where does the proton come from?

A: 7th density.
[MJF: Union with the One or God]

Q: So, a proton comes from seventh density, but the electron does not.

A: Not mutually exclusive.

Q: In a substance that conducts electricity, say an electrical wire, you have a circuit where, essentially, electrons get passed from atom to atom along this pathway. And, yet, they don't run out, and they don't really get used, it is only the resistance that causes heat that causes the incandescence...

A: Gravity center of planet is also "window" to all other density levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms "ground" in order to pass on to other planes through gravity binder.

Q: Getting back to my question of the passing of electrons along a circuit: what force is it that initiates the passing of one electron to another atom that manifests as electricity?

A: Electrical energy is merely "tapped," collected, trapped, then channelled.
[MJF: Could light (photons) be tapped, collected, trapped and then channelled through a crystal skull like Baphomet or the Mitchell-Hedges Skull?]

Q: If it is tapped, where is it tapped from?

A: Collecting electrons.

Q: What is a collecting electron?

A: Not "a" collecting electron. It is collecting them.

Q: What is collecting the electrons?

A: The utilizers. Electrons are "free" energy.

Q: Okay, but where... I am thinking that in an electrical circuit, the electrons that are there, are the ones that are started with, the ones that are passed along, and the ones that are still there when the circuit is broken and the passing of electrons stops. Am I wrong?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay... then...

A: There is no beginning or end.

Q: Then electricity is, in essence, a flow of electrons?

A: Yes.

Q: You say they are tapped. Where are they tapped from? What is the source of these free electrons?

A: All materials. All matter. All aether.
[MJF: That puts paid to Einstein and the relativists who dismiss the aether.]

Q: The electrons of the conductor itself are being passed along, and this is the manifestation of the flow of electricity?

A: Maybe.

Q: In what sense am I not correct?

A: Limiting concept to "conductor."

Q: Electrical energy will be present in everything. But in some particular substances, such as those things we call conductors, the electrical energy is, as you said, collected, trapped and channelled, which then is a useful activity because it creates light and runs machines and so forth...

A: Primitive.

Q: Okay. It is primitive. We understand that. When electricity moves in what would be considered a superconductor, how is it different from an ordinary conductor, such as a copper wire?

A: Accelerates flow, thus separating electrons, thus "exciting" process.

Q: What qualities does the superconductor have that contributes to this accelerating of flow?

A: Cycling magnetic pulse.

Q: What creates a cycling magnetic pulse?

A: Matter within gravity vacuum.

Q: How do you create a gravity vacuum?

A: In this case, it is created unintentionally as a by product of superconductivity.

Q: You said that a superconductor separates the electrons, thus exciting the flow. What do you mean by separating?

A: From each other.

Q: How is that different from a normal electric flow?

A: Not as widely separated.

Q: Is this separation of electrons a key to this process?

A: Yes.

Q: What additional conditions or qualities contribute to the separating of electrons?

A: Ask yourself now, what conditions define a superconductor?

Q: (L) What defines a superconductor? (A) Zero resistance. (V) Is that without gravity? (A) No heat. (L) How does one achieve zero resistance?

A: Artificial construct.

Q: Do you mean that it is an artificial idea, or that the only thing that would have zero resistance would be something that is artificially constructed.

A: Both.

Q: So, there is no actual possibility for a true superconductor with absolutely zero resistance? But that the resistance can be reduced to a very low level.

A: Close.

Q: Does cold necessarily have something to do with superconductivity?

A: What conditions exist in outer space?

Q: Well it is VERY cold... (A) It is almost a vacuum. (L) No gravity. (A) No, there is gravity, but only that. What I think we must ask is what is the relation between superconductivity and gravity. There was something mentioned... what was that about aether?

A: Nonmaterial realm of existence.
[MJF: Pure energy or potential.]

Q: (L) In other words, consciousness. Okay, you mentioned a cycling magnetic pulse that was an unintentional by product of superconductivity, and something about matter within a gravity vacuum... Could you define a cycling magnetic pulse?

A: Self explanatory.

Q: You said it was derived from matter within a gravity vacuum. Does that mean that superconductivity creates a gravity vacuum?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Where? Within the superconductor or outside?

A: Within.

Q: (A) According to what we know, it also creates an electromagnetic vacuum. Is it correct that there is no magnetic field within the superconductor?

A: We have stated before that these two properties are interwoven.

Q: (L) Electromagnetism and gravity. So, if there is no gravity, there is no electromagnetism. But then where is the magnetic pulse?

A: Pulse exists outside of gravity vacuum, but within superconductor. Picture a tube structure.

Q: Is the superconducting state within the gravity vacuum or within the EM pulse?

A: All inclusive. Normal structure for channelling electron flow within a conductor is a solid "tube," within superconductor, it is a "hollow" tube structure, thus evidence of vacuum.

Q: Does this hollow tube structure have any bearing on what you described as the separating of electrons?

A: It is a manifestation of same.

Q: So, in order to have a superconductor, one ought to have a temperature similar to the temperature in space, as well as possibly a chemical construction that is similar to the ambient properties of space, only greatly condensed, would that be it?

A: Close.

Q: (A) Do they mean there is zero gravity without superconductor? They say a vacuum which means what? No gravity?

A: Within.

Q: (A) No gravity within.

A: Not "no," just far less, and fragmented in nature.

We should perhaps consider this in the light of what the C's said about human DNA (which is a spiral helix) acting as a superconductor.
This concept of creating a hollow tube structure to act as a conduit or channel may even relate to the 'Crane Dance' you commented on in your previous post, given what the C's said here:

Session 16 July 2009:

Q: (L) Well, alrighty then! Now, we have people on the forum who are trying to sort themselves out and come up with some good questions. But, at the moment, we haven't really decided which of those questions are what we're going to bring to the table here, and what we have on our minds are a couple questions of our own. After I posted the last session, which I did today, one of the forum members posted an article about Maze Dances, or the Dance of Ariadne, or the Crane Dance. And they even put a link to where you could download or see one. (To Ark) Did you ever get it downloaded? (Ark) I downloaded all of them for you {on the minime system which takes hours}. (L) Can we watch them? (Ark) We can. (L) Okay, so we'll watch them later - well, I guess we better watch them now. We'll take a break and watch them before we ask about them. (Break to watch 5 dancing videos) (L) Ya'll still there?

A: Oh yes! That was inspiring, yes?

Q: (L) Well, okay. How close were any of those to the original maze dances?

A: There were elements of the archaic techno-spiritual practice in a couple of them. The first and second were closest in step and pace.

Q: (L) Okay, well, what could be added to the step and the pace to get it closer?

A: One of two ways: dance a spiral* with the "bridge" on the turn out of the centre or dance a formal maze and the same maneuver on the turns.
[*MJF: Does that replicate the DNA helix?]

Q: (L) I guess the bridge is where they have their hands toget
her and they kind of turn inside out. (DD) Right, that was cool. Is the time signature of the music that they're doing this to of any significance?

A: Yes, but it can be different depending on the aim. Remember that these maneuvers literally change the "field" in which the participants are moving. This can change things on many levels, even including turning DNA on or off.

Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...

A: A "conduit" maybe?

Q: (L) But anyhow, does that idea make sense? (Ark) Well, theoretically it makes sense. But my question is suppose it is done. And it has probably been done by many people. What are the visible consequences?

A: Under the right circumstances, with knowledge, awareness and, most important of all, BEING (letters came very slowly in contrast to the rest of the message, which was fast), there can be openings of portals for many purposes. Remember the Maruts and their baskets? How about a little "travel" if needed for a positive purpose
MJF; Teleportation or time travel]?

Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)

A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

However, as to the subject of teleportation in general, I came across this exchange on the transcripts that suggests we may be jumping the gun a bit :lol: :

Session 26 April 2014:

Q: (L) Next? (Menrva) [To trendsetter37] Do you want to ask about the stuff we were talking about earlier, about teleportation and your other ideas?

A: Wait for 4D for that!

Hence, I guess we will just have to be patient.
A: Electrical energy is merely "tapped," collected, trapped, then channelled. [MJF: Could light (photons) be tapped, collected, trapped and then channelled through a crystal skull like Baphomet or the Mitchell-Hedges Skull?]

That brings us back to the hieronymus machine. The machine uses or describes "eloptic" energy which is a combination of electrical and optical (light).

Design and function​

The original "Radiation Analyzer" consisted of a chamber to hold a sample of material, a glass prism to refract the "eloptic" emanations coming from it, and a copper wire probe on a rotating armature to adjust the angle formed by the prism and the probe. Supposedly, "eloptic" emanations are refracted by the prism at different angles depending on the material. The detected "eloptic" signals were fed to a three-stage vacuum tube RF amplifier and conducted to a flat touch plate surrounded by a copper wire bifilar coil.[2] By stroking the touch plate an operator could supposedly feel a sensation of "tingling" or "stickiness" when the "eloptic" energy was detected. As such, a human nervous system is considered to be necessary to operate a Hieronymus Machine.[7]

What could be possible here is that the skull, the internal prism and the cavity work by capturing the light and amplifying it as in the hieronymus machine, with its vacuum tube. It should be added here that quartz has piezo-electrical properties and that depending on how you cut the crystal it will have a greater or lesser effect.

Piezoelectricity (/ˌpiːzoʊ-, ˌpiːtsoʊ-, paɪˌiːzoʊ-/, US: /piˌeɪzoʊ-, piˌeɪtsoʊ-/)[1] is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials—such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA, and various proteins—in response to applied mechanical stress.[2] The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure and latent heat. It is derived from the Greek word πιέζειν; piezein, which means to squeeze or press, and ἤλεκτρον ēlektron, which means amber, an ancient source of electric charge.[3][4]

The piezoelectric effect results from the linear electromechanical interaction between the mechanical and electrical states in crystalline materials with no inversion symmetry.[5] The piezoelectric effect is a reversible process: materials exhibiting the piezoelectric effect also exhibit the reverse piezoelectric effect, the internal generation of a mechanical strain resulting from an applied electrical field. For example, lead zirconate titanate crystals will generate measurable piezoelectricity when their static structure is deformed by about 0.1% of the original dimension. Conversely, those same crystals will change about 0.1% of their static dimension when an external electric field is applied. The inverse piezoelectric effect is used in the production of ultrasound waves.[6]

Even the wikipedia article admits that DNA has this effect...

Now, as I said the crystal will have a certain effect depending on how it is cut.

Development of quartz crystal cuts​

Quartz crystals were widely used for transmitters in the early 1920s and 1930s. They provided a significant improvement in stability over the LC oscillators that would otherwise be used. Even when the LC oscillators were optimised for stability, quartz crystals were significantly better.

During the late 1920s a number of groups in America, Germany and Japan discovered that the temperature coefficient of the Y cut which was widely used in these early days, could be significantly improved and it could even become zero at some temperature.

Significant research was undertaken to develop these electronic components, and in view of the limited capabilities compared to those we have today, it took time to develop them.

In 1934 Lack and Willard working at Bell Laboratories developed the AT cut crystal and published a paper in the July 1934 edition of the Bell Labs Journal entitled: "soem Improvements in Quartz Crystal Circuit Elements."

Another of their developments was the BT cut crystal, which also had many good properties, but did not become quite as widely used.

The AT cut quartz crystal to this day, is the most widely used type, although the SC cut quartz crystal started to emerge in the 1970s for use in crystal ovens and the like. It was first proposed by Dr Holland in 1974. A later paper in 1975 by E. EerNisse from the US Army Signal Corps predicted a resonator with coordinates of φ = 22.5° and θ = -34.3° would produce a resonator with lower frequency change due to mechanical stress. This gave rise to the name SC for stress compensated.

Summary of major crystal cuts​

It is possible to define an infinite number of crystal cuts. However, some have defined properties that are particularly useful, and these cuts have been given specific names.

  • AT cut : The AT cut for quartz crystals is generally used for frequencies between 0.5 and 300MHz and it has a thickness shear mode of vibration.

    It is the most widely used cut and it is particularly used for electronic instruments, etc where oscillators are required to run in the range 500 kHz to around 300 MHz, although the top limit is increasing as technology develops.

    In view of its popularity and widespread usage more details of the AT cut can be seen below.
  • BT cut: This is another cut similar to the AT cut which vibrates with a thickness shear mode and it is often used for frequencies from 0.5 to 200 MHz.

    It uses a different angle: 49° from the z axis. It provides repeatable characteristics and has a frequency constant 2.536 MHz/mm. However the temperature stability characteristics are not as good as the AT cut, but it can be used for higher frequency operation more easily as a result of its higher frequency constant.
  • GT cut: The GT cut for quartz crystals is generally used for frequencies between about 0.1 and 2.5 MHz and it uses a width extensional mode of vibration.

    It is cut at an angle of 51° 7', it has a temperature coefficient of nearly zero between +25 and +75°C as a result of the effect of the two modes of vibration having different temperature coefficient that cancel each other.
  • IT cut: This cut uses a thickness shear mode and is used for frequencies between about 0.5 and 200 MHz.

    This crystal cut is very similar to the SC. However, with crystal ovens needing to work in the range 80 - 90°C this option has enabled the difficulties using the SC at these temperatures to be overcome. The IT cut has a upper turning point of between 85 and 105°C but it does not share the lower level of mechanical stress sensitivity of the SC.
  • SC cut: This crystal cut is used for frequencies between about 0.5 and 3200 MHz.

    This cut was developed in the late 1970s especially for use in precision crystal ovens but it does require a more complicated manufacturing process because a double angle rotation is required along with precision lapping later.

    More details of this cut are given below in view of its importance.
  • XY cut: This cut is essentially a crystal cut format used for low frequency applications for frequencies typically between about 5 and 100 kHz. It uses a length-width flexural mode.

    This crystal cut is widely used for low frequencies where one common frequency is 32.768 kHz. It has advantages that it is very small for the frequency, is less expensive than other low frequency crystal types and in addition to this it has a low impedance and low Co/C1 ratio.

As you can read, different cuts produce a variety of frequencies. So the question remains: If the skull was intended to study the soul, and it is indeed a replica of a brain or at least an attempt to simulate a human brain, what frequencies would it produce? What if the skull is designed to amplify the frequencies of altered states of consciousness?

The theory is that the skull amplifies the radius of action and power of the user's mind.
We should perhaps consider this in the light of what the C's said about human DNA (which is a spiral helix) acting as a superconductor.
This concept of creating a hollow tube structure to act as a conduit or channel may even relate to the 'Crane Dance' you commented on in your previous post, given what the C's said here
Here is a video that clearly (with the help of graphics) talks about cosmic filaments and the fact that our human DNA also has superconductivity.
That brings us back to the hieronymus machine. The machine uses or describes "eloptic" energy which is a combination of electrical and optical (light).

Design and function​

What could be possible here is that the skull, the internal prism and the cavity work by capturing the light and amplifying it as in the hieronymus machine, with its vacuum tube. It should be added here that quartz has piezo-electrical properties and that depending on how you cut the crystal it will have a greater or lesser effect.

Even the wikipedia article admits that DNA has this effect...

Now, as I said the crystal will have a certain effect depending on how it is cut.

As you can read, different cuts produce a variety of frequencies. So the question remains: If the skull was intended to study the soul, and it is indeed a replica of a brain or at least an attempt to simulate a human brain, what frequencies would it produce? What if the skull is designed to amplify the frequencies of altered states of consciousness?

The theory is that the skull amplifies the radius of action and power of the user's mind.
I tend to agree with your analysis here. I think the crystal skulls were used to amplify the frequencies of a human being (their mind) in an altered state of consciousness - what the C's might describe as a techno-spiritual device. I also agree that the skulls could have been a form of Hieronymus machine. Although scientists dismiss Hieronymus's 'eloptic energy' as pseudoscience because they cannot detect or measure it or create a mathematical theory of an eloptic field, no one can deny the fact that these devices seem to work - as Joseph Farrell has pointed out (I will try and track down his thoughts on these machines since he touched upon the subject in one of his Giza Death Star books).

Could it be that 'eloptic energy' is energy (free electrons) pulled directly from the aether, which the C's have called the "Nonmaterial realm of existence" (pure consciousness or information in the field)? If so, this might explain why scientists cannot detect or measure it. Perhaps it will take the UFT to construct a mathematical explanation for it. Quoting from Wikipedia:​

As an example, Campbell believed one could create an eloptic receiver or similar device with the prisms and amplifiers represented by their cardboard or even schematic representations. Through the use of mental powers, such a machine would function as well as its "real" equivalent. In his autobiography, Hieronymus wrote, "I appreciated Mr Campbell's interest in my work, but over the years since then, I have concluded that he set back the acceptance of my work at least a hundred years by his continual emphasis on what he termed the supernatural or 'magic' aspects of a mind-controlled device he built by drawing the schematic of my patented instrument with India ink. The energy flowed over the lines of this drawing because India ink is conducting, but it isn't worth a tinker's damn for serious research or actual treating."

This makes me think that in the right circumstances, a human being can be an eloptic receiver or a conduit. Could this be why the fabled Montauk Chair (or the legendary Throne of Ptah) apparently allowed the user to manifest things?

As I have mentioned before, there are those who think that the temple structures at Teotihuacan near Mexico City form a huge electric circuit. With the recent discovery of liquid mercury there, which is electrically conductive, perhaps we are looking at one giant Hieronymus machine.
This makes me think that in the right circumstances, a human being can be an eloptic receiver or a conduit. Could this be why the fabled Montauk Chair (or the legendary Throne of Ptah) apparently allowed the user to manifest things?

Well, the C's have already said many times that the human being is an antenna, the brain is an antenna, our DNA is an antenna and proteins are an antenna. That dna is superconducting and the amount of research in that field of superconductivity and dna shows a good share of veracity.

Now, all this business of the hieronymus machine, the skull, the montauk chair etc, I think the appropriate category for these objects/tools could be PSYCHOTRONICS.


A modern term favored in Eastern Europe for what in the West is termed parapsychology. It attempts to extend parapsychology by indicating the relationship of man to the universe, interaction with other physical bodies and matter, and fields of energy, known or unknown.

The First International Conference on psychotronics was held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1974. Delegates included professors of physics and psychology, doctors of medicine and psychiatry, and parapsychologists. Subjects discussed included dowsing (water-witching and location of hidden objects), radionics, telepathy, Kirlian aura, out-of-the body travel, and bio-electric energy fields. Psychotronics organizations now exist in Poland, the Czech Republic and several other Eastern European countries.

Note that this is more serious in Eastern Europe or rather the East (the Russians are advanced in this!).
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