Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Yes, that dance probably influences the more STO-oriented spirits of human beings to get stronger. Circular dances are very, very powerful...

And few remarks here from my part of the world that I experienced, from ex Yugoslavia, and thank you for sharing this as you answered me question that has been in my mind for few days - now I think I can say I Know - so in short - STS is just trying to copy moves and projects and life of STO leaders as the 4D STS have no capacity to create original IDEA! it is assigned to this plane to the wanderers and guides of the STO candidates, and that is why those super creative and independent people like Tesla seams to be always protected like Dorothy, invisible to 4D STS puppeteers when they create, and only that is visible to 4D STS is the end of the process - 3D creation or better to say projection of their creation afterward, that is than getting scraped and copied by 4D and 3D STS ... that is why the battle for TESLA is so intense though the autonomous cars started with Teslas by Elon Musk. They even put key car electronic chips into humans' hands.

But ... let me just share some info, maybe will ring some bells:

- Croatia, due to its long-term church-based relations with Rome, Jesuits, and Franciscan orders and being the main Templar route, seems to be covertly assigned by the church as one of the main masonic anchors for the new 4D STS earth, taht is why at Denver airport murals children of Croatia are very prominent for the size of the country, as Croatia or CREATia is a source of Corpo - ratio = a new STS creation of semi humans - Frankensteins - Frankopans, who were prominent Croatian noble family servants of Rome form the island of Krk from 12th to 17th century.

The pandemic started with the failure of Masonic organizations in the region. It was a huge scandal week before Ursula announced the pandemic. Then 2 major earthquakes happened one in Zagreb which is like Washington a city with the masonic plan set through urbanism and architecture by intention and the second in GLina, at the place where is oldest Templar temple, on the Templar route!

... etc

More and more signs since 2020 are coming to the surface almost like boiling from the collective subconscious to the surface of the Earth. Is it worth if I try to pin down some of them? It is like traveling back in time thorugh 6D frctal, and I am not even sure is it worth to get it back to 3D just ot show it in 3D? I would rather have a week with someone who can help connect the dots in real-time ... as things are here happening so fast, and I feel I am living and "channeling" that for full 2 years now intensivly ... and my question is what is your opinion on what I can do with that what I see ... I am fine with my own connector as I know I am not alone ... I know I am not just 3D person, it is for me dificult to explain, but I know that since ever ... and now I feel like I need to ask if anyone wants me to share it publicly and have some suggestions on how, I will do it .... yes maybe I am asking people to ask, I always have so many quesiotns in my mind when I need to share it with people, as I don't trust people at all any more ... and I just want to watch it as it is so exciting and wild and my jaw is droped seeing all this that C's predicted and this nature of hyperdimensional life unveiling, most of the day I am so thankfull to this grace that I spent craying in grace! ... for me it si fine to stay like that in me, as that is changing me so fast and being lucky to be storyteller and artist, I have the means to tell that story through metaphoires, what I do best ... but strange comisions comeing to may end, that made me aks you all this, as I feel I am on the twister of exchange!

- As about 200 enlighten individuals - In 90' there was clear statement by our president Tuđman ( tuđman menas foregin man) about creating 200 wealthy families in Croatia! They worked on that full 30 years and are now working on the final phase of that, but things are falling apart, as those families are 80% from one region of Herzegovina, and most children of Canadian Australian and German immigrants, many very similar, which made me think that they are already hybrids and modulated as a new humans at some western labs? Croatian car comany get the biggest EU fund ot produce autonomous EV taxies etc? Again, if that will make sense for anyone else, I can share what I see here, it is very deep, so deep that I can clearly see same game circling almost thorugh the memebrs of their families since the time of Venice occupation all the way to Al Capone and La Guardia times, and tooday sure, seeing it all linked even today, as we are very small society and evryone know evryone literary .... I feel that the final spiritual battle is "planned" in October in Sarajevo but 4D STS left them and I think Croats will not get Herzegovina. That is broken, STS lord left them, they made to many wrong moves and have been exposed very easily ... but this is what I feel and see, and maybe it is totlay wrong and misledaing for me for some reason, as I am not sure, as how can I be ... and if they do not getHerzegovina now, the stupidity, greed and agresivnes of abandoned 3D STS Croats might cause huuugeeeee blast from Patriotic Croats as they will do all to cover up their dirty bussniese with the church they do for centuries, same as when they stood up next to Hitler and etc ...

- Dancing - that is why 4D STS introduced war in Croatia with numerous techno parties that are now spreading through Bosnia as crazy. They want to overtake the dancing spirit of us here, implementing to our minds other frequencies. Here is a documentary about SLavenska, a women that introduced the dance to people of America! If you have time watch it, she is our spirit ... spirit of life love and creative power of human. I am dancin non stop, my day is not comlete if I don't dance a little ... you can bribe me with dance any time ... that is how all my college days were ruined by war and instead of that I spent my youth on parties drugged by all kinds of heavy drugs that today I am making my own personal gratitude celebrations to my higher self, that I didn't die on parties, and I feel so sory for myself than how eviul people sent us to pure that either by guns or by drugs! all under the patriotic flags! ... so I have a strong personal experience there too, knowing that all was organized by the kids of leading politicians of 90s protected by Tuđmans, members of that 200 families .. I am asking myself it must be also some coverted CIA or PTB written plan probably, that will pop up soon at the TV and internet screens

I want to also share this photo with you; if you have any comments, what you see there, let me know.

And I have a question about "watchers" or how the C's said that 4D STS have here the division of their helpers like Illuminati and watcher ... I would like ot know how can I know I am or I am not a 4D STS watcher? Why am I "watching" all this, and I prepared my self even to watch it as long as it needs, I hope to rise some funds to by myslef another 2 years of "free" life etc ??? .... It will sond now stupid, but that is what I feel and I don't feel - that is what is wobling in my mind all the time - what is the use of this knowledge I am getting at such a speed that I almost feel in me how the lies are melting globaly, but still feel a bit constrained with the guilt trip that I have to share it somehow with the world ... do I have to? And how?

AND thank YOU FOR beiang able TO SHARE all YOUR EXPIRIENCES and KNOWLEDGE, I hope even with tons of quesiotns, I am of some help too :wizard::flowers::hug:
You seem to be experiencing an overwhelming awakening at the moment. I think you need to share your experiences with others on the Forum who can counsel and help you. Networking is very important here as is doing the work on the self - breathing exercises and meditation, mind detoxification etc. You seem to be fairly new to the Forum so you are no doubt still feeling your way around it. Do you know if there are any other Forum members in your country or region? If so, you might want to reach out to them and network in your own language so you do not feel isolated. I would suggest that there are those on the Forum who can better help you to process your experiences than I can. Perhaps you could create a new thread relating what you have seen and experienced so people can comment and help you interpret these things. They are normally pretty good at that.

Have you read the transcripts from the beginning and the Wave series? What I write here merely builds upon what the C's have said and Laura has written about over the years. It is, as you correctly note, a dot connecting exercise assisted by networking. It is incredible what you can produce by bringing like-thinking minds together. It also helps to have an international input since no one country holds the key to the puzzles the C's have set. I assume you come from Croatia, a country that suffered a brutal civil war within most people's living memories. Each country has its own unique set of issues but every country is subject to the whims of the STS and the Powers that Be and their psychopathic agents. What we are all experiencing is the end game of hundreds if not thousands of years of strategic planning. It will certainly be a troubling time ahead for all of us. Just keeping one's sanity in a world going increasingly mad will be a hard task. However, knowing what the STS game plan is gives us more of an advantage than others who struggle to make sense of it all. I find this with my own relatives, including my elderly mother who I try and explain things to, but to no avail. I have five children ranging in age from 16-24. They desperately want to get on with their lives in spite of all that is happening. They are young and want to live life to the full, which is perfectly understandable at their age. They don't want to hear what I have to say about the state of the world and what the C's have told us. Unfortunately, they are in for a rude shock as the STS go for a "full press" (wrestling term) where control of everything and everybody is concerned. However, we should count ourselves lucky that we have had the C's to educate us about these things. As they have said "get out the pop corn and watch the show". Although seeing suffering and experiencing it oneself first hand is not nice, it does present the opportunity for lessons and learning. Each in our own way can only do so much. However, acting together we can achieve more. My own feeling is that getting the truth out there ("apocalypse" means revelation after all) still counts for something. If by doing so on this and other threads, it makes a difference with the butterfly effect etc., then it will have been worth it.

I was not sure what to make of the photograph you attached. It seems to be a large circular mosque with four minaret towers. Would you like to add some comments about this building and its history? It doesn't appear to be a Templar church even if it is a circular design. Your reference to the Frankopans is interesting. Are you suggesting they are a bloodline family? Perhaps you could tell us more about them. You mention the involvement of the Templars in Croatia. In most books on the Templars, they very rarely mention their activities in Croatia. If you have more information about this, please feel free to post it here.

As to you being a 4D STS Watcher, I highly doubt it. For one thing, I don't think you would be here at this Forum if you were. The C's have said that at 3rd Density we are all STS. It is the nature of this material world where that orientation fits. Whether you are a 4D soul who has come back through time to insert yourself into this 3D realm to assist at this particular point in time and are now waking up is certainly a possibility. If so, that is all the more reason to share your experiences and insights on the Forum.

I tend to associate the term "Watcher" with the fallen angels in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, who the Bible says fathered the Nephilim. As it so happens, I am just putting the finishing touches to an article I am writing where they will feature.​
Well, the C's have already said many times that the human being is an antenna, the brain is an antenna, our DNA is an antenna and proteins are an antenna. That dna is superconducting and the amount of research in that field of superconductivity and dna shows a good share of veracity.

Now, all this business of the hieronymus machine, the skull, the montauk chair etc, I think the appropriate category for these objects/tools could be PSYCHOTRONICS.

Note that this is more serious in Eastern Europe or rather the East (the Russians are advanced in this!).
Good catch. I would suggest that this research has been quietly conducted in the West as well but under the cloak of black projects. The CIA and the US military in particular would seem to have taken an interest in these areas. See the Men Who Stare at Goats The Men Who Stare at Goats - Wikipedia and MKUltra.

Another institution that appears to have been heavily involved in parapsychology studies is the Stanford Institute in California. They took a particular interest in a channelling project that I will be mentioning in an upcoming article.

Whilst reading Joseph Farrell's Giza Death Star trilogy, I noted that he included a section on Russian pyramid studies. I was going to quote it on the latest transcript thread, since this pyramid research may have helped the Russians to develop some of the new high tech weapon systems the C's spoke of in that session. It would seem the Russians are well aware of the special properties that the pyramid shape induces. Again this suggests a link with hyperdimensional physics that our ancestors were aware of but was subsequently forgotten only for it to remerge in metaphysics through the Cabala and the Hermetica.​
@MJF Good news! I went through my archives and found this!

What is interesting? Now I remember that I downloaded and printed this when I was 14 years old!


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You seem to be experiencing an overwhelming awakening at the moment.​
Yes, indeed, and please, sorry also for my total misspelling... it is very overwhelming ...

Just to share as I forgot, I have been through that many times in my 50 years, and that made me research Tesla 20 years ago, or maybe "Tesla" used the opportunity to "get me on board", but that is what indeed brought me here, and I have read from Laura and followed FOTCM and the forum for maybe a decade now, and it is such a blessing to be able to come here.

And thx for pointing out the need to anchor while I am "seeing" strong like this the revelation of certain parts of reality ... it is always needed to be able to stand firm on safe grounds! So sometimes, I might sound like a lost soul on an isolated cloud that came here just to have someone to pull her "down"... and thank you for helping in that. :flowers::hug:

And yes, I might share in the near future the puzzle I got from the eastern Mediterranean part I am connecting right now.

I have five children ranging in age from 16-24. They desperately want to get on with their lives in spite of all that is happening. They are young and want to live life to the full, which is perfectly understandable at their age. They don't want to hear what I have to say about the state of the world and what the C's have told us. Unfortunately, they are in for a rude shock as the STS go for a "full press" (wrestling term) where control of everything and everybody is concerned.​
I totally understand you here, I don't have any more children under 18th since this year, and that made me feel soul free, so also, my "awakening" plugs get unplugged more than they used to be when I had a responsibility to take care of my whole family ... but yes, now they are capable to live their life independently from me, and I struggle a lot watching them just wanting to live their life through the system that is falling apart, trying to even avoid me if I try to say a word ...

So after some weeks of sadness that I would lose the emotional bond with them, I trained myself to see us all as a big tree ... and that is how somehow I learned how to "communicate" with them through emotions and respect, and I tend to always say something like a joke, so I am now a "flat earther" who will live 400 years as my earth is spinning faster ..., but as two of them already moved to live on their own, I can see they indeed live through this society very similar as I will and with much better social skils to avoid system people that are not pro light much faster and smother, with fewer conflicts and damage, than I was able to do in their age. And now I respect their advice when I need to resolve some edgy situation, as I can say they are emotionally a level up than I am, but they are not expressing it same as I do ... and I see that branches are bringing new fruits from our old tree trunk with deep routs in our grounds ... and it is beautiful indeed.

You mention the involvement of the Templars in Croatia. In most books on the Templars, they very rarely mention their activities in Croatia. If you have more information about this, please feel free to post it here.​
Thank you for this info. I will try to get some information on English; hmm maybe that is a glitch? As Templars tradition is very, very strong here.

The photo I shared I will also explain one of those days ... it is a bit connected with Templars, maybe.

As to you being a 4D STS Watcher, I highly doubt it. For one thing, I don't think you would be here at this Forum if you were. The C's have said that at 3rd Density we are all STS. It is the nature of this material world where that orientation fits. Whether you are a 4D soul who has come back through time to insert yourself into this 3D realm to assist at this particular point in time and are now waking up is certainly a possibility. If so, that is all the more reason to share your experiences and insights on the Forum.

I tend to associate the term "Watcher" with the fallen angels in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, who the Bible says fathered the Nephilim. As it so happens, I am just putting the finishing touches to an article I am writing where they will feature.​
Thx :)) and thx for all your other notes; I am going to continue to read through them... it is very interesting and inspiring ... truly appreciate your efforts to extract and share it with us!

THANK YOU! :lkj:
Yes, indeed, and please, sorry also for my total misspelling... it is very overwhelming ...

Just to share as I forgot, I have been through that many times in my 50 years, and that made me research Tesla 20 years ago, or maybe "Tesla" used the opportunity to "get me on board", but that is what indeed brought me here, and I have read from Laura and followed FOTCM and the forum for maybe a decade now, and it is such a blessing to be able to come here.

And thx for pointing out the need to anchor while I am "seeing" strong like this the revelation of certain parts of reality ... it is always needed to be able to stand firm on safe grounds! So sometimes, I might sound like a lost soul on an isolated cloud that came here just to have someone to pull her "down"... and thank you for helping in that. :flowers::hug:

And yes, I might share in the near future the puzzle I got from the eastern Mediterranean part I am connecting right now.

I totally understand you here, I don't have any more children under 18th since this year, and that made me feel soul free, so also, my "awakening" plugs get unplugged more than they used to be when I had a responsibility to take care of my whole family ... but yes, now they are capable to live their life independently from me, and I struggle a lot watching them just wanting to live their life through the system that is falling apart, trying to even avoid me if I try to say a word ...

So after some weeks of sadness that I would lose the emotional bond with them, I trained myself to see us all as a big tree ... and that is how somehow I learned how to "communicate" with them through emotions and respect, and I tend to always say something like a joke, so I am now a "flat earther" who will live 400 years as my earth is spinning faster ..., but as two of them already moved to live on their own, I can see they indeed live through this society very similar as I will and with much better social skils to avoid system people that are not pro light much faster and smother, with fewer conflicts and damage, than I was able to do in their age. And now I respect their advice when I need to resolve some edgy situation, as I can say they are emotionally a level up than I am, but they are not expressing it same as I do ... and I see that branches are bringing new fruits from our old tree trunk with deep routs in our grounds ... and it is beautiful indeed.

Thank you for this info. I will try to get some information on English; hmm maybe that is a glitch? As Templars tradition is very, very strong here.

The photo I shared I will also explain one of those days ... it is a bit connected with Templars, maybe.

Thx :)) and thx for all your other notes; I am going to continue to read through them... it is very interesting and inspiring ... truly appreciate your efforts to extract and share it with us!

THANK YOU! :lkj:
Please feel free to share any information you have. Like you, I notice that children seem to grow up more quickly these days. They seem far more switched on as well. I look back now and realise how terribly naive I was at the same age. However, I grew up in the 1960's, a more innocent time in many ways. You may find your children will change their views towards you as the Wave approaches and they may well take what you say more seriously judging from what the C's say here:​

A: Your Bible says that there will be many wonders on the Earth and in the Heavens in the last days.
Q: (L) Okay, this period of time after this realm border, is this period a preliminary to the total end of the Earth and all life on it?
A: No.
Q: (L) After all of this change, those people who continue to be on the Earth will be in a new environment, and it will be almost like having to grow gills to live in water and some people will have this ability and some people will not. Is that it? It will be more gradual in terms of individual physical structures and psychic structures?
A: No.
Q: (L) It will be like a sudden, total change? Like flipping a switch and everything is going to be different.
A: The key is awareness.
Q: (L) Are there going to be people …
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But you didn’t let me finish asking my question.
A: But we knew it!
Q: (L) In other words, there are going to be people who are simply not going to see what is happening?
A: Lost lambs beying in the knight.
Q: (T) They are not getting it. They are lost sheep. That really describes it. (L) Why did they give that funny twist on the spelling?
A: Why not?
Q: (T) Now, didn’t they tell us that when transition occurs, those who are moving to 4th density will move, and those who aren’t won’t. And that it is not a physical move. That we really would not notice a difference when we shifted because it’s all right here. And those who are going to shift will shift right where they stand and they won’t really notice a change and the perception is not the issue, it is the awareness of the shift, because we will still, be physical …. Am I heading anywhere in the right direction>
A: Variability of physicality.
Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with changing of DNA via awareness?
A: Both ways.

This might describe how your children will feel when the Wave comes and the changes occur. No doubt it will be like a crazy dreamworld for them.

In English, Lambs don't "bey" they "baa". For some reason, the C's mention of "Lost lambs beying in the knight" makes me think of the famous Yale University 'Whiffenpoof Song':​

To the tables down at Mory's
To the place where Louie dwells
To the dear old Temple bar we love so well
Sing the Whiffenpoofs assembled with their glasses raised on high
And the magic of their singing casts it's spell

Yes, the magic of their singing of the songs we love so well
"Shall I Wasting" and "Mavourneen" and the rest
We will serenade our Louie while life and voice shall last
Then we'll pass and be forgotten with the rest

We're poor little lambs who have lost our way
Baa, baa, baa
We're little black sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa

Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa!&&p=57c5...NERBNjc2MEYwMTM4MDM3RkM4MyZGT1JNPVZJUkU&ntb=1

There is no word "beying" that I am aware of in the English language. There is though a word "bey" in Turkic, which is a title for a chieftain, and an honorific [title], traditionally applied to people with special lineages to the leaders or rulers of variously sized areas in the numerous Turkic kingdoms, emirates, sultanates and empires in Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East, such as the Ottomans, Timurids or the various khanates and emirates in Central Asia and the Eurasian Steppe.

Its equivalent in Serbo-Croation is beu/bej, and in Persian beg. A bey was also a provincial governor in the old Ottoman Empire and was used as a courtesy title in Turkey and Egypt. It was also a name for the former native ruler of Tunis or Tunisia.

However, the C's also use the term "beying" in connection with "the Knight". By their use of "knight" here the C's are evidently making a pun on Laura's surname "Knight" and the word "night" meaning the time of day between sunset and sunrise. But a "knight" is also a man who is awarded a non-hereditary title by the sovereign (king) in recognition of merit or service and entitled to use the honorific appellation ‘Sir’ in front of his name. In the Middle Ages, a knight was a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armour - think of Sir Lancelot for example. In some ways, therefore, the title "bey" and that of "knight", who is addressed as "sir", are synonymous.

Hence, by linking Laura's surname "Knight" with "Bey", both honorific titles, where "Bey" also applies to people with special lineages, (Laura is no doubt of the special bloodline the C's have spoken of), the C's seem to be indicating a leadership role for Laura (both before the Wave arrives and afterwards to help or assist the lost lambs/sheep who will be left in a state of bewilderment or confusion. In a lesser way, the need to help others understand what has happened post the Wave may apply to all of us as well.​
Please feel free to share any information you have. Like you, I notice that children seem to grow up more quickly these days. They seem far more switched on as well. I look back now and realise how terribly naive I was at the same age. However, I grew up in the 1960's, a more innocent time in many ways. You may find your children will change their views towards you as the Wave approaches and they may well take what you say more seriously judging from what the C's say here:​

A: Your Bible says that there will be many wonders on the Earth and in the Heavens in the last days.
Q: (L) Okay, this period of time after this realm border, is this period a preliminary to the total end of the Earth and all life on it?
A: No.
Q: (L) After all of this change, those people who continue to be on the Earth will be in a new environment, and it will be almost like having to grow gills to live in water and some people will have this ability and some people will not. Is that it? It will be more gradual in terms of individual physical structures and psychic structures?
A: No.
Q: (L) It will be like a sudden, total change? Like flipping a switch and everything is going to be different.
A: The key is awareness.
Q: (L) Are there going to be people …
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But you didn’t let me finish asking my question.
A: But we knew it!
Q: (L) In other words, there are going to be people who are simply not going to see what is happening?
A: Lost lambs beying in the knight.
Q: (T) They are not getting it. They are lost sheep. That really describes it. (L) Why did they give that funny twist on the spelling?
A: Why not?
Q: (T) Now, didn’t they tell us that when transition occurs, those who are moving to 4th density will move, and those who aren’t won’t. And that it is not a physical move. That we really would not notice a difference when we shifted because it’s all right here. And those who are going to shift will shift right where they stand and they won’t really notice a change and the perception is not the issue, it is the awareness of the shift, because we will still, be physical …. Am I heading anywhere in the right direction>
A: Variability of physicality.
Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with changing of DNA via awareness?
A: Both ways.

This might describe how your children will feel when the Wave comes and the changes occur. No doubt it will be like a crazy dreamworld for them.

In English, Lambs don't "bey" they "baa". For some reason, the C's mention of "Lost lambs beying in the knight" makes me think of the famous Yale University 'Whiffenpoof Song':​

To the tables down at Mory's
To the place where Louie dwells
To the dear old Temple bar we love so well
Sing the Whiffenpoofs assembled with their glasses raised on high
And the magic of their singing casts it's spell

Yes, the magic of their singing of the songs we love so well
"Shall I Wasting" and "Mavourneen" and the rest
We will serenade our Louie while life and voice shall last
Then we'll pass and be forgotten with the rest

We're poor little lambs who have lost our way
Baa, baa, baa
We're little black sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa

Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa

There is no word "beying" that I am aware of in the English language. There is though a word "bey" in Turkic, which is a title for a chieftain, and an honorific [title], traditionally applied to people with special lineages to the leaders or rulers of variously sized areas in the numerous Turkic kingdoms, emirates, sultanates and empires in Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East, such as the Ottomans, Timurids or the various khanates and emirates in Central Asia and the Eurasian Steppe.

Its equivalent in Serbo-Croation is beu/bej, and in Persian beg. A bey was also a provincial governor in the old Ottoman Empire and was used as a courtesy title in Turkey and Egypt. It was also a name for the former native ruler of Tunis or Tunisia.

However, the C's also use the term "beying" in connection with "the Knight". By their use of "knight" here the C's are evidently making a pun on Laura's surname "Knight" and the word "night" meaning the time of day between sunset and sunrise. But a "knight" is also a man who is awarded a non-hereditary title by the sovereign (king) in recognition of merit or service and entitled to use the honorific appellation ‘Sir’ in front of his name. In the Middle Ages, a knight was a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armour - think of Sir Lancelot for example. In some ways, therefore, the title "bey" and that of "knight", who is addressed as "sir", are synonymous.

Hence, by linking Laura's surname "Knight" with "Bey", both honorific titles, where "Bey" also applies to people with special lineages, (Laura is no doubt of the special bloodline the C's have spoken of), the C's seem to be indicating a leadership role for Laura (both before the Wave arrives and afterwards to help or assist the lost lambs/sheep who will be left in a state of bewilderment or confusion. In a lesser way, the need to help others understand what has happened post the Wave may apply to all of us as well.​
Thinking about it further, if you stick an "o" in front of "beying", you get, of course, the word "obeying" but "Lost lambs obeying [in] the knight" seems a little STS in spirit to me. But then, who knows?
The Egyptian Pilgrimage of Initiation

The C’s linked the origins of modern Freemasonry to a group they called the “Osirians” but only at the 33rd Degree (Scottish Rite). In English York Rite or Craft Freemasonry, the third Degree of Master Mason is supposed to be the highest degree. However, the author Stephen Knight in his book The Brotherhood*, points out that there are in fact thirty higher degrees than this, although few English Freemasons realise it.​

*See: The Brotherhood Knight Stephen : Stephen Knight : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Here are the C’s on the origins of Freemasonry:

Session 16 October 1994:

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin of the Freemasons?

A: Osirians.

Q: (L) Can you tell us when the original Freemasons formed as a society?

A: 5633 B.C.

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.

Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?

A: Yes.

What then is this continuous tradition of over 7,000 years, which is linked to the 33rd Degree? The answer may be found in the initiation ceremonies of the Egyptian adepts of Osiris. To help in explaining the underlying philosophy behind this initiation ritual, I discovered an account of the various stages of the Egyptian initiation in a book written by Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins called Rosslyn Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail. Although the book is primarily about the role of Rosslyn Chapel in preserving the underground spiritual stream of European Gnosticism, it contains a chapter devoted to the pilgrimage of initiation in ancient Egypt.

Before providing an account of the initiation, the two authors first cited the scholars Jane Sellars and Peter Dawkins (the same gentleman who produced the three-part article on Sir Francis Bacon and Oak Island previously posted on this thread) on the Egyptians metaphysical view of their land. First, Jane Sellars noted in the ancient Egyptian manuscript The Book of Two Ways that the topography of the roads in Rostau in the sky were replicated on water and land in the Two Kingdoms of Egypt (i.e., Upper and Lower Egypt). She suggested that the waters of the Nile were represented in the heavens by the Milky Way, something which was verified by the Egyptian Pyramid Texts, which made it clear that the ancient Egyptians did make this link. Secondly, Peter Dawkins describes in his book Arcadia how the Two Kingdoms of Egypt were held to be a living temple built by the spirit of God, where man could play his ritual part and reunite his spirit with the divine as the result of the alchemical process. For Dawkins, the Temple of God on Earth, Egypt itself, was patterned on an eternal archetype, namely man himself. This geographical representation of the human archetype had a spine, a head in the north and a body in the south. Along the spine, represented by the river Nile, lay seven temples marking the great mystical centres, which were the earthly equivalent to the seven major chakras in the human body.​

The Seven Temples

(1) The root chakra was embodied by the temple on the Island of Philae near the town of Elephantine. During ancient Egyptian times, Philae was the cult centre of Isis. According to Dawkins it was directly linked with the Earth Mother, Anna the Black Virgin. It should be noted here that historically, the goddess Isis in Egypt was the first recorded appearance of the Black Madonna or Virgin, other than the Paleolithic Venus or Earth Mother figurines found in Mesopotamia and elsewhere in the ancient world (as discussed by Laura in her The Secret History of the World). The Black Madonna in the essence of her being, can be taken to represent the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, in bearing divine wisdom (think here of Baphomet – the Baptism of Metis). The Black Virgin may well lie behind the cult of the Black Madonna in Christian Europe. Interestingly, one of the titles bestowed on the Blessed Virgin Mary by the Catholic Church is the “Ark of the Covenant” (ref. the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary). The Black Madonna may also have been absorbed into Jewish theology through the person of the Queen of Sheba. The C’s have told us she was a fictional character created for the Biblical story of King Solomon:
Session 20 October 1994:

Q: Who was the Queen of Sheba?

A: Fictional.

Q: Did a great queen come to visit King Solomon?

A: Alien influence.

Note that in the Bible, the Queen of Sheba spoke to King Solomon, "I am Black but I am Beautiful" (Song of Solomon 1:5). We discovered in an earlier article that Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (who helped establish the Knights Templar Order) preached 120 sermons on the Song of Songs by King Solomon. Hence, it is not surprising to learn that St Bernard’s Cistercians and the Knights Templar helped to spread the Black Madonna images throughout the Continent of Europe. Perhaps there is also a connection here with the Virgin of Candelaria miraculously teleported to Tenerife by the Celts:​

Session 31 May 1997:

Q: … How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria arrive on the beach at Tenerife?

A: Teleportation.

Q: Who teleported it there?

A: The "Celts."

Session 7 June 1997:

Q: Alright. I want to clear up some quick ones before I get into the more complicated subjects. Left from last week: We talked about the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria, and the mode of its appearance. But, I want to know what year it arrived on the Canaries?

A: No year was measured then.

Q: Well, I know the Guanches did not, but related to the Spaniards who arrived later and who learned about it, when was it?

A: Maybe 1198 would be good

You will note that the C’s don’t tell us whether this was 1198 BC or 1198 AD. If it was the latter, then most of Celtic Europe had been overrun save for Scotland and parts of Ireland, since the Norman conquest of Ireland would not be completed until the late 12th Century. However, by that time Christianity had already taken hold in both countries, with few, if any, Druids still operating openly. The C’s did add some more information about this topic later in the same session:​

Q: Okay. Leave off the Canary Islands. But, one more little thing here... This is the inscription on the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria. Can you offer any suggestions for decoding this?

A: Try the "3/5 principle"... Let your search be joyous as always...

That last reference to the "3/5 principle” is no doubt a reference to the Fibonacci Sequence, which is linked to the Golden Ratio and has featured in some of our recent posts concerning the paintings of Nicolas Poussin. Could there be a clue here? It is curious that the next number in the Fibonacci Sequence is the magic number “8”, for which see more below.

However, the 3/5 principle may also link with the “353535” tribal code structure the C’s have told us about, which seems to relate to the ancient Hebrews and perhaps by extension the Scythian Celts who mainly took root in Brittany in France, Spain (as Milesians), parts of England, Ireland and Scotland (as Gaels) with red hair and freckles being perhaps their distinguishing features:

Session 23 August 2001:​

A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure

Although this tribal genetic code has been mentioned elsewhere in the transcripts and deserves a post of its own, I would draw your attention to a subsequent oblique reference to it in the Session dated 4 May 2002:

Q: (B) Okay. Referring back to a session on 7-28-01, a reference was made in answer to a question where Laura said, 'Well okay, were going to move to France and do more work' and the answer was "You 5," question was 'Us and three kids?' and the answer was "8835 million hope and glory is coming close. Point the way to love and realms of light. Trust on it." One of the members did a search on the term U5 and came with the Comet C 1998 U5 Linear. Is this an avenue we should approach closer or investigate closer?

A: It is a code that will reveal itself soon.

I would suggest this last statement may have profound relevance to the present time since the C’s have spoken of a ‘mission destiny profile prior encoding’ of the Semitic genetic code structure through a genetic tweaking of the Semites, which may have been done as long ago as 130,000 years.​

(2) The sacral chakra, the power centre of the body generating the force that puts thought into action, was represented by the Temple of Thebes. Curiously, in 1888, excavations at the Temple of Thebes uncovered a statue of the god Kabeiros holding a hammer in his hand. Kabeiros may have been worshipped by the ancient Egyptian-Hebraic sect of the Kibeiri, who were the precursors of the Therapeutae (MJF: apparently it was the Egyptian White Brotherhood who founded the college of physicians later known as the Therapeutate) and the later Jewish Essenes.

However, the C’s have intimated that the Essenes may have had a much older pedigree than this, one which laid the foundations and principles of modern Freemasonry:​

Session 26 July 1997:

Q: Now, all these Masons are very hot on the Sinclair family and the Rosslyn Chapel. They are certain that their guys came to America, because in this chapel, built supposedly by a Master Mason, there are carvings of corn, as in maize, and aloe vera plants. This is evidence, to them, that Prince Henry the Navigator and all the Templars and all that...

A: Nonsense!

Q: Well, then, what is the explanation for these carvings in Rosslyn Chapel?

A: Visitors yes, but the Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors.

Since the C’s have previously said that the origins of Freemasonry are to be found in the Osirians, does this mean that with this additional reference to the Essenses we are looking at two different ancient Egyptian traditions or are the Essenes and the Osirians one and the same? If the answer is the former, could we be seeing an early distinction between the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons perhaps?

In Greek mythology, the Cabeiri or Cabiri, also transliterated Kabeiri or Kabiri, were a group of enigmatic chthonic (earth/soil) deities. They were worshiped in a mystery cult closely associated with that of the god Hephaestus, centred in the north Aegean islands of Lemnos and possibly Samothrace and at Thebes a city in Boetia, Central Greece. In their distant origins, the Cabeiri and the Samothracian gods may include pre-Greek elements, or other non-Greek elements. Hephaestus was the Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworking, carpenters, metallurgy, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, fire and volcanoes who can be compared with Hestia and his Roman equivalent Vulcan. Hephaestus's symbols are a smith's hammer, an anvil, and a pair of tongs. This connection with the hammer would therefore link Hephaestus with the Egyptian god Kabeiros and with Ptah, the ancient, green-skinned Egyptian god of craftsmen and the arts, a patron of artists and metalworkers often depicted as a dwarf (disguising an alien grey perhaps?) who was originally worshipped at Memphis before his cult spread to the rest of Egypt. However, the name Kabeiri/Kabiri or Cabeiri/Cabiri may possibly have an etymological link with the Cathars of southern France who were also known as “Cathari” from the Greek Katharoi or Kathari meaning the “pure ones” or “Perfecti”. Intriguingly, the Cathars believed that Satan [MJF: STS aliens] had tricked a number of angels into falling from heaven and then encased them in bodies. Well, I wonder where we have heard that story before?
Session 23 October 1994:

Q: (L) Where did the souls come from that entered into the bodies on the planet earth? Were they in bodies on other planets before they came here?

A: Not this group.

Q: (L) Were they just floating around in the universe somewhere?

A: In union with the One. Have you heard the super ancient legend of Lucifer, the Fallen Angel?

Q: (L) Who is Lucifer?

A: You. The human race.

Q: (L) Are the souls of individual humans the parts of a larger soul?

A: Yes. Close. The One. All who have fallen must learn "the hard way."

Q: (L) Are you saying that the act of wanting to experience physical reality is the act of falling?

A: You are members of a fragmented soul unit.

Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a "fall"?

A: Pleasure for the self.

There are those who believe the Jewish Essenes were the unknown source and inspiration of the Cathars. Laurence Gardner noted the title “Essene” likely derived from the Aramaic word “Assaya” [MJF: which is etymologically close to “Assassins”], meaning “physician,” which corresponded to the Greek word “Essenoi”.​


(3) The Temple of Abydos was built on the site of the solar plexus chakra, the centre of transmutation where the energies of the lower body could be gathered up and transmuted into the higher self whose seat was the heart chakra.​


(4) The heart chakra centre had two earthly forms, one at Hermopolis and the other at Akhetaton; dual centres of the Royal-Self which acted jointly as the centre of inspiration, love and life itself. Here all things were held to begin and end; it was the Alpha and the Omega, the centre of Truth and the Will of God.​


(5) The temple of the throat chakra was at Memphis, the centre of speech and spiritual creativity. Here was born the Word of Love that inspired the initiate to hear God, talk to God and to know God. Let us recall here that Memphis was connected to Ptah, possibly a disguised grey alien.​


(6) The brow chakra temple at Heliopolis represented the third eye (taken to be the pineal gland), the eye of the mind where the voice of God was seen as a thought form. As to the “voice of God” and the “third eye”, it would help here to look at what the C’s had to say about this:​

Session 12 April 1997:

Q: We have talked about the Nation of the Third Eye before. What is the third eye and how does one activate it?

A: What do you think?

Q: Well, what I think may be erroneous. Is it the pineal gland?

A: May be part of the picture.

Q: Is the third eye something one can use to view their reality?

A: Ditto.

Q: What is the best method for activating it?

A: This is a good one, for example.

Q: Oh, you mean channelling.

The above makes me wonder whether the Temple of Heliopolis could have been a centre for channelling in the same way that the Oracle at Delphi would be in the classical Greek age. Some proof that the ancient Egyptians were involved in channelling or remote viewing seems to have been provided by the C’s in this exchange with Laura:​

Session 22 August 1998:

Q: Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?

A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.

(7) The final or crown chakra had two temples, Behedet and Heliopolis, where the vision of absolute truth was completed. This was the ultimate centre of illumination wherein was granted pure knowledge and an awareness of God that was beyond all understanding. Here the initiate was directly connected with the An, the Heavenly Father or the mind of God itself.

For Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins, Dawkin’s account provided them with further links to strengthen their view that much of medieval practice derived it roots in ancient Egyptian belief and ritual. For example, the veneration of the Black Virgin or Madonna established connections between Knights Templar practices and Egyptian belief, which was reinforced not only by the veneration of Isis but also by the worship of the Earth Mother (ref. Robert GravesThe White Goddess) at the Temple at Philae. However, I would add that once we have looked at the Egyptian initiation rites themselves in detail, we will then be able to discern a clear link to, or connection with, the later initiation rites of the Freemasons.​

Preparation for Initiation and the Number Eight

Quoting Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins:

“In ancient Egypt, before being accepted as a candidate for initiation, the novice had to undergo a prolonged and demanding period of probation and preparation. Only when he had successfully passed the tests that demonstrated his purity, obedience, control over earthly desires and willpower, would he move on to the temple on the Island of Philae. This preparation took place at Buhen on the Nile at Egypt’s southern border.”

The two authors noted that the number eight ("8") was of great importance to the ancient Egyptians as a magical number, as it had been to the Knights Templar in the Middle Ages. For example, including the preparatory Temple at Buhen, there were eight scared sites in the Egyptian initiation system. There were eight doors depicted in the allegorical symbolism of the Temple of Philae. Eight also occurs frequently in European esoteric symbolism, especially as we have seen in the symbols attached to the Templars. Thus, there are eight steps on the scala philosophorum, or philosopher’s ladder depicted at the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris; there are eight points to the Templars’ croix patté – the main badge of the Order; the octagon, an eight-sided polygon, is the basis for the geometry used to construct the round Templar churches. I would also add to this the Eight Beatitudes of St. Matthew’s Gospel sometimes found in Templar churches and the sacred eight-petalled lotus flower which corresponds to the Eightfold Path of Good Law, one of the most common symbols of Buddhism. This lotus is also found at the heart of the Garbhadhatu Mandala, regarded as the womb or embryo of the world, which takes us back to the Earth or Mother Goddess again. In ancient Egypt, where white and blue lotuses (Seshen) were the most common form of the flower, Egyptian spiritual teachings held that the lotus represented the sun, and therefore, creation, rebirth, and strength. Because the lotus follows the sun’s movement, it was associated with the sun god, Ra.​

© Manuel ROMARÍS – Temple of Isis, Philae

However, I recently learned from a Nexus Magazine article that in dynastic Egypt, or Al-Kemet (from which the word “alchemy” derives) as the ancient Arabians referred to it, the roots of al-chemy and chemistry began, and the first medical texts were written. During the excavation of Tutankhamen’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings, traces of a liquid extract from the blue water lily (Nymphaea Caerulea), a powerful hypnotic, were found in alabaster jars. With the addition of mandrake root, a psychoactive plant used by witches in Medieval Europe, the Egyptians would enter into trance-like states where they contacted the “underworld” (ruled by Osiris) and conducted healing ceremonies.

Dennis and Terence McKenna have also identified the tree Acacia Nilotica, a plant which is rich in dimethyltryptamine (DMT) as the Tree of Life depicted in Egyptian iconography and mythology. DMT is a powerful, short-lasting psychedelic (although it is also produced naturally in human beings). Its effects are a total dissolving of reality in profound overwhelming visions. It is also the active ingredient of the shamanic brews (such as Ayahuasca) made by the Amazonian Indians. The writer Graham Hancock, for example, used Ayahuasca and wrote about his experiences whilst in the psychedelic state in his book Supernatural. Although no evidence has yet been produced to show the ancient Egyptians utilised the plant’s psychedelic properties, the prevalence of therianthropes (half man/half human forms) throughout their mythology and iconography seems to lend credence to some aspects of psychedelic episodes having been experienced by the ancient Egyptians.

The use of such substances to create super consciousness or out of body experiences has also been linked to the Eleusinian Mysteries, which were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone. Since the Mysteries involved visions and conjuring of an afterlife, some scholars believe that the power and longevity of the Eleusinian Mysteries, a consistent set of rites, ceremonies and experiences that spanned two millennia, came from psychedelic drugs. If so, this would seem to establish a link to the older Egyptian initiation rites where psychoactive substances may have been used to produce visions and to conjure (channel) the afterlife or underworld.

The Pilgrimage of Initiation
Quoting Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins who used Peter Dawkins’ Arcadia as a source:

The First Degree Mysteries of Earth and Water

During preparation at Buhen, the novice learned to control his physical appetites and underwent a prolonged period of purification. This was deemed to be one of the lesser mysteries, that of the Earth. Throughout all this time he was tested in his emotional responses, intelligence, will power and obedience. When he manifested the required qualities, he would undergo final preparation by being placed in a grotto in complete darkness (MJF: Compare here with the dark underground chambers used for initiation ceremonies by the Knights Templar, as discovered, for example, in Portugal).

At the Temple of Philae, his eyes were bandaged (cf. here with the initial blindfolding of the Entered Apprentice Freemason of the 1st Degree) and he was led to the Gate of Man, where he was asked the Password. He was questioned by a master and underwent trials to test his courage. He took the oath of fidelity with a sword at his throat and only after that were the bandages removed. Before him lay a ladder of seven steps and an allegorical figure portraying eight doors. He ascended the ladder (MJF: cf. the use of Jacob’s Ladder in Freemasonry) in full knowledge that it was an allegory for the seven stages of alchemical transformation (MJF: cf. here with Sir Francis Bacon’s alchemical Ladder of the Intellect from his Formula of Interpretation – see below and ref. Francis Bacon’s Formula of Interpretation ( He was then awarded the first degree, that of Pastophoris, taught the hand clasp and the password ‘Amoun’ – be discreet. Attaining this degree was held to represent the second of the lesser mysteries, that of Water. The knowledge associated with it was that of natural sciences, anatomy, healing, symbology and the common form of hieroglyphic writing.

The elements of this ancient initiation rite can still be seen today in the First or Entered Apprentice Degree of modern Freemasonry where the candidate also learns passwords and receives a secret handshake or grip. See: Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice Degree | Excommunicate for details. For the Second Degree of Fellow Craft see: SECOND DEGREE OR CEREMONY OF PASSING ( and for the Third Degree of Master Mason see: Third Degree of United Grand Lodge freemasonry (


The Second Degree Mystery of the Air

Mastery of the lesser mystery of the Air was attained at the Temple of Thebes. The candidate had to have undergone at least one year’s apprenticeship and then be tested to verify that he had mastered the first degree. To prove that he had acquired control over earthly desires, he had to resist the blandishments of Temple Virgins who first served him a delicious feast and then subjected him to sexual temptation. He was then questioned and if his answers were satisfactory, baptised. Having manifested both wisdom and chastity, he was accepted as a Necoris. After further trials he was given a caduceus, the insignia of the second degree, which was also the symbolic staff carried by Mercury (MJF: the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hermes), the messenger of the gods. Here he was taught the word of that degree and given the sign. the arms crossed over the breast (same pose as dead pharaohs adopted). The subjects studied in depth at this level included architecture, mathematics, and geographical and other measures of various kinds.

The Third Degree Mystery of Fire

At the Temple of Abydos, the candidate was introduced to the last of the lesser mysteries, that of Fire. He entered an underground chamber by the Gate of Death and immediately discovered that he was surrounded by mummies, coffins and those who prepared the dead for their eternal journey. In the middle of the chamber was a sarcophagus, the coffin of Osiris. bearing traces of blood. He was told that Osiris had recently been assassinated and was questioned as to whether or not he had any part in the murder (MJF: shades here of the murder of Hiram Abiff as depicted in the 3rd Degree Master Mason initiation ritual of York or Blue Rite Freemasonry). On being offered a Golden Crown, the true aspirant refused it as a sign of his disdain for material power and wealth. In order to obtain the Crown of Truth, he had to throw down the Golden Crown and trample it underfoot. At this a priest cried ‘Outrage, vengeance!’ and, seizing an axe, struck him on the head. The ‘dead' candidate was then wrapped in mummy bandages, laid in an open coffin (MJF: cf. with the initiation rites of the Yale based Skull and Crossbones Society where the candidate is also left in an open coffin) and borne into the sanctuary of the Spirits. Later, in the Hall of Judgement, he was condemned to wander in the underground galleries. Here he was divested of his mortuary garments and received instruction on death and resurrection. He was then given the sign of this degree, a form of embrace, and the password. The knowledge associated with this degree was artistic, concerning drawing and painting. He was also taught the hierogrammatical alphabet, the history and geography of Egypt, the fundamentals of astronomy and the art of rhetoric.​

Alpha and Omega Fourth Degree

The candidates who acquired a satisfactory knowledge of the lesser mysteries and practised the rites of the third degree satisfactorily for a minimum period of eighteen months, could then be selected for admission to the first of the greater, spiritual mysteries. This was the fourth degree, which was regarded as the Alpha and the Omega of the pathway to the Truth and the Will of God. This opening up of the higher self, or transmutation, was celebrated with great solemnity and ritual at the dual centres of Hermopolis and Akhetaton. Armed with sword and shield the novice would be led through the labyrinthine passages and subjected to attack by masked men carrying flaming torches and serpents. Overcome by these, he would be led, with eyes bandaged and a cord round his neck, into the Hall of Maȃt (MJF: the ancient Egyptian concept of cosmic order, truth, justice and balance which was personified as a female goddess but was better understood as an idea).​

The Freemasons have preserved to this day the same practice of an initiate wearing a cord round his neck. The C’s commented on the matter in the Session dated 20 June 1998:

Q: So, there is a 'table' involved... hmmm... alright, now: for a long time I have been curious about the reason for the wearing of the cord around the waist, against the skin, that is a symbol of many secret societies. What was the meaning of the cord around the waist?

A: Balance.

Q: How can a cord symbolize balance?

A: Body magnetic field.

Q: I don't see how that relates to wearing a cord around the waist? Are you saying it balanced the body's magnetic field, or was supposed to?

A: Symbolism.

Q: There's gotta be something else to this cord around the waist... it was some big symbolic thing and it relates to the wearing of the Masonic apron... (C) Maybe it's a symbol of the larger garment? (L) Any comments?

A: No need for any.

Q: Alright then. {Later note: What came to mind as I was re-reading this is the Hermetic maxim "as above, so below, and the cord symbolizing this division between above and below in a physiological sense. This then would lend substance to the Chinese alchemical figure of the "three cauldrons," and the practice of Tantra where the sexual energy is conserved until it overflows into the middle cauldron, continued conservation would then cause it to overflow into the "upper cauldron," or the consciousness.} There is another thing: the five-fold bond. There is the very famous figure from the Maya of the guy who is tied up - they call it 'hog-tied.' The person is tied with feet and hands tied together and then to the head. Five parts of the body are tied together. This is seen as a ritual activity or symbol of same. What can this possibly mean? The Mason's have the remnant of this with the rope tied around the neck.

A: You need to research the Masonic rites.

As to the “five-fold bond” or the Mayan’s “hog-tied” that Laura is referring to above, I explained the origins of this in my article Hiram Abiff – The Widow’s Son, see the extract below, quoting material that is derived from Laurence Gardner’s book ‘The Shadow of Solomon’:
Death of Hiram the Builder and the Master’s Secret

In the Hiramic legend, which replaced the earlier Noah story, two Fellow Craft masons called Jubela and Jubelo insist that with the Temple completed, they must now be told the secret of a Master Mason. After Hiram refuses to tell them, Jubela strikes him with a 24 inch rule and then Jubelo strikes him with a square. Hiram cannot escape from the Temple courtyard because the gates are blocked. He is then confronted by a third antagonist, Jubalem, who persists with the same question but, on receiving the same refusal, Jubalem strikes him on the forehead with a maul (a type of long handled hammer) and kills him. The three assailants then drag Hiram’s body over to a remote corner and dump it with the Temple rubbish.

On the following day, Hiram’s unexplained absence causes concern back at the Temple. King Solomon is then approached by twelve Fellow Craft masons who tell him what they suspect has happened. When the roll is called the three assailants are found to be missing whereby a hunt is instigated with the twelve Craft masons forming parties of three to search north, south, east and west. Eventually, one of the three hunters from the party who had headed west pulls on a sprig of acacia whilst resting and discovers it to be loose. Thereupon the three murderous assailants appear and surrender themselves into custody. Solomon has them executed and sends the others back to find the body of Hiram.

At this point the Noah legend comes back into play when Solomon instructs the men to search Hiram’s grave for the Master’s secret. It is reckoned that the secret can be unlocked by knowing a particular word, which it is hoped may be written down and buried with Hiram. Although they find Hiram’s badge of office identifying him, they have to report back to Solomon that no secret word could be found. At this, it is decreed that Hiram’s body should be disinterred and that the first word uttered by any of the group after this will become the new Mason Word in place of that which was lost. After this a grand procession is made to Hiram’s grave, where attempts are made to raise Hiram with the grips (handshakes) of the first and second degrees but they each prove ineffective. The masons present then in unison exclaim, ‘Oh Lord, my God, is there no help for the widow’s son?’ At this, the Worshipful Master (in the role of Solomon) takes Hiram’s hand with the Master Mason’s grip (called the ‘lion’s paw’) and raises the body on the Five Points of Fellowship. With Hiram’s body then close up to his, he utters the substitute Mason Word, Mahabyn, the nonsensical word used in the earlier Noah tale. The word is whispered into the third degree candidate’s ear who has played the role of Hiram throughout the enactment of the story.

The Five-Point Hold (Hog-Tied)

The earlier Noah story related how his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japeth went to their father’s grave in an attempt to discover a secret that had been buried with him but could only be found on his body. In trying to lift him by pulling at a finger, it came away. The same happened when they pulled at his wrist and elbow but eventually they succeeded in raising him by way of a five-point hold – subsequently known in Freemasonry as the Five Points of Fellowship. This is a form of embrace: foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, cheek to cheek, and hand to back. The bizarre tale relates that one brother said, ‘Here is marrow in the bone’. Another said, ‘But a dry bone’, at which they dubbed the event with the nonsensical word Mahabyn*.

I wonder if the above account may conceal a reference to the finding of a machine (the Osiris Machine perhaps – see later for more on this), which started to fall apart as it was being lifted and required a special rope hoist to extricate it?

Setting further speculation aside, as we can see from the account of the initiation into the Alpha and Omega Fourth Degree, the symbolism of the rope tied around the neck is connected to the Hall of Maȃt and represents the ancient Egyptian concept of cosmic order, truth, justice and balance.

Continuing with the account of the initiation into the Egyptian fourth degree:

There he was raised extended (a term used by Freemasons today for a ritualised form of resurrection), his bandages were removed, and he was introduced to the masters, who were attired in splendid robes and arrayed in order of rank. After an oration, he was ritually armed and presented to the pharaoh, who presided over the whole assembly. He then changed into robes more suited to his new status and had his name inscribed in the book of adepts. From this time on he had gained the privilege of communicating directly with the pharaoh and received material and spiritual nourishment from his court. This degree allowed access to the study of the secret language of Ammonitish [MJF: could this have been a science-based language or formulae derived from Atlantis?], and the sciences of the human soul in preparation for the final three degrees in which he would learn to use the Word with increasing power.

The Fifth Degree

Such was the importance of the attainment of the fourth degree that it brought with it the absolute right to demand entrance to the fifth [degree] at the Temple of Memphis. Here the candidate was led from one assembly to another where he watched others perform a drama which graphically portrayed the conquest of the 100-headed dragon, Typhon, by Horus [MJF: Perhaps reflected later by the Greeks in the story of Heracles battle with the nine-headed Hydra]. The learning that ensued after receiving this degree was in alchemy.​

The Sixth Degree

Candidates for the sixth degree were led into the Temple of Heliopolis and down four steps to the Gate of Death before being rowed across a flooded crypt in the Barque of Caron [the Boat of Charon to the Greeks] and presented to the Assembly. After taking the oath of the degree he was instructed in the history and origin of the gods of Egypt. It was then explained to him that the entire pantheon of gods emanated from one god alone. After this he was led up into the great hall, entering it by the Gate of the Gods. He would then begin a long period of instruction, studying the esoteric history of Egypt. His long-term aim in this degree was to perfect his knowledge of astronomy.

The Seventh Degree

Admission to the ultimate mysteries of Saphenath Pancah, revealed at the seventh and final degree, was granted at the twin temples of Behedet and Heliopolis which represented the dual attributes necessary for the awakening of the crown chakra. These were the ultimate centres of illumination into the pure knowledge of God that was held to be beyond all understanding. Attainment of this degree was far from automatic; the candidate had to be of such outstanding merit that he could be invited by the pharaoh with the full consent of the Inner Fraternity. There was a grand reception for the invited candidate, followed by a public procession, after which an assembly of the initiates was held during the hours of darkness in purpose-built houses called Maneras. Here the new member of the Illuminati [MJF: Is this, therefore, the origins of today’s Illuminati?] was given an ambrosial drink of the gods known as Omellas and was told that he had finally arrived at the end of all proofs. He was invested with the insignia of the Ankh [MJF: ref. the C’s - “Ankh is ancient symbol of this planet (D'Ankhiar). Is a female symbol. Stands for mother planet”.], dressed in a white striped robe and had his head shaved [MJF: N.B. a common feature in most forms of monasticism].

The word of this degree was Adon. The most complete and detailed explanation of the supreme mysteries was then imparted to the new initiate, or prophet, whereby he gained both the right and the ability to read all the mystical books of Hermes and the scriptures of other nations to which he now had the Royal Key. The prophet was one who knew all the mysteries and had attained full illumination and union with the divine. His supreme prerogative was his entitlement to vote in the election of the pharaoh [MJF: Similar perhaps to the way in which Roman Catholic Cardinals today are the only ones entitled to elect a new pope]. It was also from the ranks of the prophets that all officers of the sacred society were appointed.

This account of the illumination of the adept is reflected today in the attainment of the 33rd degree (Scottish Rite) of modern Freemasonry:​

Q: (L) Can you tell us when the original Freemasons formed as a society?

A: 5633 B.C.

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.

Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?

A: Yes.

However, I would suggest that this initiation process may also apply to the Rosicrucians as well. Peter Dawkins whose account this is, is an authority on Sir Francis Bacon and, as we saw from the Ladder of the Intellect shown above, Bacon’s training of the intellect appears to follow a similar strategy to the advancement of the Egyptian initiate through the seven degrees. This cannot be mere coincidence and I have no doubt that Bacon was well versed in the Hermetica. From what the C’s tell us, it seems these rites have been around for over 7,500 years and may well pre-date the Egypt of the Pharaohs or First Dynasty. Could the origins of these therefore rites lie with the ancient Druids who the C’s say built Stonehenge and had contact with the group who built the Great Pyramid at Giza. As to the Hermetica, what of Hermes Trismegistus, its supposed author, who betrayed Pharaoh Rana. Here is what the C’s said about him:​

Q: (L) Who was Hermes Trismegistus?

A: Traitor to court of Pharoah Rana.

Q: (L) Who is Pharoah Rana?

A: Egyptian leader of spiritual covenant.

Q: (L) In what way was Hermes a traitor?

A: Broke covenant of spiritual unity of all peoples in area now known as Middle East.

Q: (L) Who did Hermes betray?

A: Himself; was power hungry.

Q: (L) What acts did he do?

A: Broke covenant; he inspired divisions within ranks of Egyptians, Essenes, Aryans, and Persians et cetera.

Q: (L) What was his purpose in doing this?

A: Divide and conquer as inspired by those referred to as Brotherhood in Bramley book you have read.

Q: (L) Is this the Brotherhood of the snake Hermes formed in rejection of unity?

A: Hermes did not form it; it was long since in existence.

Q: (L) Who was the originator of the Brotherhood of the Serpent as described in the Bramley book?

A: Lizard Beings.

The C’s subsequently added in a later session:

Q: (L) Previously when I had asked a question about Hermes Trismegistus, you remarked that he was a 'traitor to the court of Pharoah Rana.' Who was this Pharoah Rana? Was he prior to the Pharoah Menes?

A: Much prior.

Q: Was the Pharoah Menes the same as King Minos of Crete?

A: No.

Quoting from Wikipedia:

Menes (c. 3200–3000 BC was a pharaoh of the Early Dynastic Period of ancient Egypt who is credited by classical tradition with having united Upper and Lower Egypt and as being the founder of the First Dynasty. The identity of Menes is the subject of ongoing debate, although mainstream Egyptological consensus identifies Menes with the Naqada III ruler Narmer. Modern consensus dates the era of Menes or the start of the first dynasty between c. 3200–3030 BC; some academic literature uses c. 3000 BC. By 500 BC, mythical and exaggerated claims had made Menes a culture hero, and most of what is known of him comes from a much later time. He typically appears in later sources as the first human ruler of Egypt, directly inheriting the throne from the god Horus. He also appears in other, much later, king's lists, always as the first human pharaoh of Egypt. Menes was seen as a founding figure for much of the history of ancient Egypt, similar to Romulus in ancient Rome.

If Menes reigned as early as 3200 BC, this is still long after the foundation of the Osirians or ancient Freemasons in 5633 BC. However, the C’s gave us further information concerning the age when Hermes Trismegistus was supposedly operating:
Session 25 October 1994:

Q: (L) I would like to know the approximate years of the life of Hermes Trismegistus.

A: 5211 approx. (Years ago or B.C.?)

We have recently discussed on this thread the issue of dating and the problems of determining the dates the C’s provide. You will note here that the C’s have not said whether it was 5,211 years ago, which would make it 3,217 BC or 5211 BC. If it is 3217 BC, this would appear to make Hermes contemporary with Pharaoh Menes (c. 3200–3000 BC), assuming Egyptologists have correctly dated the age of Menes. However, the C’s said Pharaoh Rana, who Hermes betrayed, lived “much prior” to Pharaoh Menes, which make me think the C’s meant Hermes had lived in 5211 BC. That being said, Laura had asked the C’s the approximate years of Hermes life, i.e., the year dates of his birth and death. Hence, it is possible that Hermes may have been able to extend his life to 3.217 BC in the same way that alchemists in the enclave in the Pyrenees can apparently do.

In the article by Armando Mei The Legendary Emerald Tablet and its Secrets of the Universe that I posted recently, he relates an ancient Jewish legend involving Sarah, Abraham’s wife – who we know as Nefertiti:​

A very interesting legend told by Jewish mystics connects Thoth’s Tablets to Abraham’s wife, Sarah. According to the myth, she found the Egyptian God’s tomb and his precious manuscripts during their escape into Egypt, fleeing a starvation afflicted Canaan.

Was the Egyptian god Thoth the deified Hermes Trismegistus and did Sarah/Nefertiti find his body and the manuscripts that have come to be known as the Emerald Tablets of Thoth?

However, if we take “5211” to be 5211 BC, this places Hermes more in the ballpark of the foundation of the Osirians, the progenitors of the Freemasons, whose origins date back to 5633 B.C. according to the C’s.

Did Hermes Trismegistus, in breaking the covenant, betray the secrets of the Osirians (which seemed to have been shared with groups like the Essenes) by disclosing what has come to be known as the Hermetica, i.e., the Tablets (or Table) of Hermes/Thoth, under the influence of the Brotherhood of the Snake? Moreover, the C’s seem to associate this Brotherhood with the Illuminati:​

Q: What I want to know is who has the power and ability to set up these kinds of “confirmations” or synchronicities? These are pretty complex events!

A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/ Consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ “Antichrist”/ Lizards.

Session 20 October 1994:

Q: We would like to know what is the origin of the Gypsies?

A: Genes spliced. Slaves of dark forces.

Q: Who are these dark forces?

A: Same.

Q: As what?

A: Brotherhood.

Q: Does this brotherhood consist of Lizzies and various humans?

A: Yes.

The C’s have also commented on the relationship between the Freemasons and the Illuminati:

Q: (L) How do the Masons relate to the Illuminati?

A: Masons are low level branch.

As to the relationship between the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians and the Rosicrucians and the Illuminati the C’s commented on this too:​

Session 21 December 1996:

Q: (L) Are the Rosicrucians connected to the Masons?

A: In a roundabout way

Q: (L) Are the Illuminati connected to the Rosicrucians in any way?

A: Same.

Are the C’s saying here that the Illuminati are connected to the Rosicrucians in a roundabout way, or they are one and the same thing? I tend to favour the former explanation, although in the past I have viewed this statement as saying they are one and the same, since the C’s usually say “ditto” when the answer to a previous question equally applies to the following question. However, I am open to other people’s views on this matter.​

The origins of the Rosicrucians may be equally ancient, given what the C’s said here in this extract:

Session 16 August 1997:

Q: Now, supposedly, this area, Giza, was originally called Rostau. It took me awhile to realize that this is, literally, Ros-Tau, or Rose-Cross.

A: Yet another connection, but why?

Q: Well, I don't know! Rostau! That was even before it was called Giza. That is ANCIENT!

A: Yes.

In a later session, Laura made a connection to an STS group called the Rosteem, who may well have been the progenitors of the Rosicrucians:

Session 4 October 1997:

Q: In reading the transcripts, I came across a reference to a 'pact' made by a group of STS individuals, and it was called 'Rosteem,' and that this was the origin of the Rosicrucians. In the book 'The Orion Mystery,' it talks about the fact that Giza was formerly known as RosTau, which is 'Rose Cross.' Essentially, I would like to understand the symbology of the Rose affixed to the Cross. It seems to me that the imagery of Jesus nailed to the Cross is actually the Rose affixed to the Cross. How does Jesus relate to the Rose?

A: No, it is from the Rose arose the Cross.

Since in Christian teaching and symbolism Jesus Christ is linked to the Cross (the “Chi-Rho”) and he was Jewish, being a descendant of Abraham, the C’s seem to be saying that the Rosicrucians (or the “Rho-Chi”) came first in time. I have long suspected that the rose symbolises the Grail and the Rosicrucian cross is a two-dimensional representation of a flattened pyramid (see below). We know that Sarah/Rachel/Nefertiti stole the Grail along with the Ark of the Covenant from her husband Akhenaten to give them to Abraham/Jacob/Moses. Since many associate the Grail with the chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper prior to the Crucifixion, the C’s may be indicating that the Grail should be associated instead with the rose of the Rosicrucians, the Rosteem of Giza. Moreover, I also ponder whether there may be a link between the Rosteem and the colony of Sabians (star worshippers) from Harran in modern day Turkey, whose modern counterparts wrote The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in the late 19th Century.

As to the significance of the flattened pyramid that forms a cross in two dimensions, this would appear to be linked to the importance of prime numbers, the dwelling place of the mystics, according to the C’s:​

Session dated 7 November 1998:

Q: A) You mentioned the term ‘pyramidal’ and I thought about putting prime numbers along a pyramid, around, higher and higher, but then, today, we discovered that Ulam was putting prime numbers along a spiral and there were funny patterns arising. So, I thought that maybe we should do something similar, but three dimensional rather than two. Is this the right track?

A: In prime numbers, you will find resonance.

Q: Resonance in prime numbers? Can you please elaborate a little bit on that?

A: Elaboration is not needed because the answers are there for you already in the texts, as with so much else. One needs only listen to the “music to your ears.”

Q: Why didn’t you answer my question about putting prime numbers around a pyramid?

A: Mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements. Why do you think the pyramid became a pyramid?

Q: (A) It became a pyramid because it is a simple shape to build. (L) Did it become a pyramid because a sound shaped it? Determined its shape?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) And, what was the origin of this sound?

A: Those who heard it knew.

Q: (L) Who were those who heard it?

A: Those who knew how to convert math to sound. Why would the mystics reside there? Yahoo! [MJF: Consider also Stonehenge and Newgrange's special acoustics, employing what is known as the ‘God Frequency’]


Q: (A) Well, I agree that I am impatient. But, the point is that I feel that if I would have a little bit more of a clue, I could do much more, and for now...

A: Our words sing to you. Let them ring. [MJF: N.B. In the Session dated 19 February 2000, the C’s said that Stonehenge used to resonate with a tonal rill,]

Q: (A) What is the difference between singing and ringing? (L) I don’t think that’s the point.
(A) Ring is to awake? Probably. You mean I am not taking your words seriously enough?

A: No. We meant to let it sink in rejoice. Exult!


Q: Alright: ‘mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements.’ When we set up these figures...

A: Imagine an interlocking triangular mosaic in three dimensions.

Q: When one wishes to apply this, does one somehow... Is the sound inside one?

A: It is all around and through you.

Q: Is it a sound that can be perceived with the physical ears?

A: Yes.

Q: What frequency?

A: Not issue. Tone.

Q: Tone and...

A: Vibratory pitch.

Q: Well, if that is the case... is the tone something that is produced by a series of tones at ‘mathematical distances’ from one another that relate to prime numbers... chords, that is?

A: Best to reach when graspable.


Q: Just a little while ago, we looked at the image of the prime number designs that were like interlocking pieces of...

A: Flattened pyramids.

If the cross of the Rosicrucians and the Croix Patté of the Knights Templar (the possible progenitors of the modern Freemasons) is in essence a flattened version of the Great Pyramid, this suggests to me that there is important mathematical information encoded within the symbol, which may have a gravito-acoustical link with the science embedded in the Great Pyramid, as discussed by Joseph Farrell in his trilogy of books on The Giza Death Star (see my recent article Advanced Science within Crystal Skulls). Whether the Rosicrucians or the Freemasons may be aware of this is unknown:​

Q: (L) Do the Rosicrucians have writings in their keeping that they, themselves, do not understand?

A: Yes. So do the Masons.

The C’s also told us that the Rosicrucians played a major part in the downfall of the Knights Templar moving against them like a “thief in the night”:
Session dated 21 December 1996:

Q: (L) I dug around about the Templars and have, more or less, come to the conclusion that they were just a smoke screen, and that something else was going on at the time that WAS important. I also think that they have been resurrected from time to time and dusted off and blamed for all this secret knowledge that is supposedly lost... am I on to something here?

A: Close.

Q: Who or what brought about the end of the Knights of the Temple?

A: Rosicrucians move as a "thief in the night."

MJF: The expression “thief in the night” is lifted directly from Christian scripture namely:

"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up." (2 Peter 3:10); and

“You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” (St. Paul 1 Thessalonians 5:2)

Be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Matthew 24:44

How is Christ’s second coming going to be like a thief in the night? The key element of the Jesus’ comparison is that no one will know when He will return. Just as a thief catches a household by surprise, Jesus will catch the unbelieving world by surprise when He returns in judgment. People will be “eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage” (verse 38), just as if they have all the time in the world. But then, before they know it, Judgment Day will be upon them (verses 40–41). St, Paul puts it this way: “While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

That last reference may allude to the cometary bombardment, which, according to the C’s, will follow the appearance of the Dark Star and catch people completely by surprise.

However, using the expression “thief in the night” in connection with the Rosicrucians seems to conjure up the notion of a ‘Day of Judgement’ where the Templars were concerned. However, unlike the unsuspecting people at the end of the world, it would seem the Templars did have prior knowledge of the impending strike against them by King Philip IV of France, since they arranged for their treasure to be removed and hidden before the arrests started.

Q: (L) But, as I understand it, the Rosicrucians did not come into being until after the end of the Templars...

A: No.

Q: (L) Do you mean that the information that came out, that pamphlet about "Christian Rosenkreutz," that is a purported fable, might be correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, goodness sake! The Rosicrucians advertise in magazines!!! Is this worldwide organization that promotes itself so blatantly...

A: Well, the "world-wide" order is not all inclusive.

Q: (L) Is there an inner circle of this order that is unknown?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are the Rosicrucians connected to the Masons?

A: In a roundabout away.

Q: (L) Are the Illuminati connected to the Rosicrucians in any way?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Of the three I have named, which would be considered the one that is closest to the inner circle?

A: Not the correct concept.

Q: (L) Do the Rosicrucians have writings in their keeping that they, themselves, do not understand?

A: Yes. So do the Masons.

So, we learn here that the Rosicrucians, like the Freemasons, have a secret inner circle unknown to the main membership, which holds written secrets they do not understand, as do the Freemasons. However, the C’s have said:​

A: Remember, all is structured in cycles and circles.

Q: (L) In other words, these tunnels were built by and belong to the Consortium, is that correct?

A: Circles within circles.

Q: (L) Masons?

A: One example of concept.

So, are there are other groups and circles besides the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, which may intersect or interlock with each other, that we need to consider? Well, yes there is.

Continued in Part 2​


The Egyptian Pilgrimage of Initiation Part 2

The Quorum

The C’s have further expounded upon the relationship of the Illuminati and the Freemasons to a mysterious group they have referred to as the “Quorum”. They have mentioned this group in a number of sessions, and they seem to be an overarching group that various human (including humanoids who dwell below the Earth’s surface), and alien groups participate in:

Session 16 October 1994:

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin of the Freemasons?

A: Osirians.

Q: (L) Can you tell us when the original Freemasons formed as a society?

A: 5633 B.C.

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.

Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this organization with a plan to take over and rule the world?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) What is their focus?

A: Overseers.

Q: (L) Of what?

A: The status of quorum.

Q: (L) What is the quorum?

A: Deeper knowledge organization. Totally secret to your kind as of yet. Very important with regard to your future.

Q: (L) In what way?

A: Changes.

Q: (L) Can you get more specific? Is that changes to us personally?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Earth changes?

A: Also.

Q: (L) What is the relationship between this quorum and the Cassiopaeans?

A: They communicate with us regularly.

Q: (L) Do they do this knowing you are Cassiopaeans or do they do it thinking...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Has there been an ongoing relationship between the Cassiopaeans and this quorum for these thousands of years?

A: For some time as you measure it.
[MJF: this makes me wonder if the C’s were in contact with them on Kantek as well.]

Session 16 September 1995:

Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live somewhere in the Pyrenees...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this the group that you referred to as "The Quorum" in a previous session?

A: Partly.
[MJF: So, we learn here that the enclave of alchemists participates in the Quorum too.]

Session 24 September 1995:

Q: (L) Okay, square one: Is the quorum composed of humans who have been alchemists, who are presently in possession of a substance called "the elixir of life" and which David Hudson calls "monoatomic gold?"

A: And much, much more! Monoatomic gold is but one minor issue here. Why get lead astray by focusing upon it solely. It would be akin to focusing on the fact that "Batman" can fly! Is that the only important thing that "Batman" does in the story? Is it?

Q: (L) Of course not! (R) Batman fights crime!

A: What we mean is that alchemy is but one minor piece of the puzzle.

Q: (L) Okay, I understand. But, understanding the alchemical connection, and its potential for extending life and opening certain abilities, makes it more feasible to think of a group that has been present steadily and consistently for many thousands of years on earth.

A: They are not the only ones!

Q: (L) Oh! I knew I was opening a can of worms.

Session 31 October 2001:

Q: (L) On a number of occasions we talked about the quorum and the Illuminati. They both seem to be the highest levels of secret organizations. What is their relationship to each other?

A: Quorum mostly alien; illuminati
[MJF: Remember they are the higher echelons of the Freemasons] mostly human.

Q: (L) Well, the quorum has been described...

A: Meet; two halves of whole.

Q: (L) Well the quorum seems to be described as being in touch with the Cassiopaeans, that is, yourselves, which you have described as beneficial beings, is this correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) The illuminati has been described as being behind or with the brotherhood which has been described as being in connection with the Lizard beings...

A: Close. But not that simple.

Q: (L) Well, if the quorum is the good guys and the illuminati is the bad guys, and they both are at the high levels of Freemasonry, what is the story here?

A: Picture a circle or cycle first now then contemplate for a moment before follow-up.

Q: (L) Okay, I am contemplating a cycling circle.

A: Now, two halves representing positive and negative. Two halves.

Q: (L) Well, what I am getting out of that is the two halves and both sides are playing with the human race. Is that it?

A: No. This is complicated but if you can learn and understand, it will be a super revelation.

Q: (L) The quorum is described as the good guys. The illuminati is described as bad guys. And yet, they are both Masonic. When a person in the Masonic organization reaches the higher levels, are there individuals at the higher levels recruiting masons to one side or the other?

A: First, not exactly one side or another.

Q: (L) I am beginning to not understand something here because if the Lizzies...

A: Unblock.

Q: (L) I don't have a block here. If the brotherhood AKA illuminati AKA Lizzies AKA beast are the ones who are going to do detrimental things to this planet, how are they related or connected to the quorum which is in touch with...

A: This will take time to explain be patient it will be worth it.

Q: (L) Well, are you going to explain it right now?

Q: (L) Are you saying that at some levels the two halves overlap?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that some of the Quorum are good guys and bad guys and the same for the Illuminati because the two are on opposing sides of the circle but at the point of blending one is weighted more to one side and the other to the other side? And these organizations are where the interactions come together?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) Does this mean that when people who are members of the quorum or illuminati call for information or help, that you, because of your service to others orientation are obliged to answer whoever calls?

A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) What is the no part.

A: If vibrational frequencies are out of pattern we do not connect.

Q: (L) Okay. A blending. Yet two halves.

A: Of a circle.

Q: (L) Who designed this circle?

A: Natural frequency wave. Some near conjunction blend both service patterns and each "camp" to create perfect balance.

Q: (L) Okay, so the Illuminati are the higher level on the pathway of service to self and somehow, by reaching these higher levels may have come to realizations or frequencies which have caused their position to be modified or blended to where service to self becomes or incorporates or moves them to service to others’ realizations, is this correct?

A: Continue.

Q: (L) Okay, the ones in the quorum are those who are focused on service to others and they, in their pathway of service to others begin to understand that some service to self is service to others.

A: Close.

Q: (L) And the whole idea is to blend both pathways no matter which direction you come to it from?

A: Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to self is the diametrical opposite closing the grand cycle in perfect balance.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have a pathway of service to self in order for the pathway of
service to others to exist?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those who are in the quorum and the illuminati ...

A: Blends in middle.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have the darkness in order to have the light...
[MJF: Reflecting a dualistic philosophy]

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And it is necessary to have the Lizzies in order to have the Cassiopaeans...

A: Close.

Q: (L) And both groups evolved through the Masonic organizations..

A: Freemasonry is human reflection in physical of these processes.

This is a highly complex answer. The last quote is highly enlightening (a deliberate pun on my part). It suggests to me that the Freemasons are a mixture with both white hats and black hats within their number, the latter being mostly the Illuminati. I recall reading Stephen Knight’s book The Brotherhood where he claimed there was a super-secret Supreme Council based at 10 Duke Street, St. James’s London where senior Freemasons (3rd Degree or Royal Arch Master Masons) were recruited. Quoting Stephen Knight:​

“Nobody looking at the fine house but anonymous house from outside could suspect that behind its pleasing façade, beyond the two sets of sturdy double doors and up the stairs there is a Black Room, a Red Room and a Chamber of Death. To High Masons, the house in Duke Street is known as Grand East.

Initiation is only open to those Master Masons who are selected by the Supreme Council. If a representative of the Supreme Council establishes a contact with a Master Mason [3rd Degree] and concludes that he is suitable, the Candidate will offer the chance of being ‘perfected’ and setting the first foot on the ladder to the 33rd Degree. But only a small proportion even of the limited number of Freemasons who take the first step, progress beyond the 18th Degree of that of Knight of the Pelican and Eagle and Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix of Heredom. With each Degree, the number of initiates diminishes."

The 33rd Degree is that of the Grand Inspector General. No initiate can rise higher than the 18th Degree without the unanimous agreement of the entire Supreme Council.

Knight pointed out that although Craft Freemasonry is worldwide, it has no international organisation. However, as he then points out that The Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third Degree is the only cohesive masonic group run on truly international lines. The Supreme Council in London is one of many Supreme Councils in various parts of the globe, of which the senior is the Supreme Council of Charleston, South Carolina, USA, which effectively operates a worldwide network of Freemasons in the most powerful positions in the executive, legislature, judiciary and armed forces as well as industry, commerce and the professions of many nations.​

Quoting Wikipedia:

“The Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA (commonly known as the Mother Supreme Council of the World) was the first Supreme Council of Scottish Freemasonry. It claims that all other Supreme Councils and Subordinate Bodies of the Scottish Rite are derived from it. Its official full name is "The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America". The Supreme Council was founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1801. In 1911 the Mother Supreme Council began construction of a national headquarters of the Supreme Council in the District of Columbia, called the House of the Temple. Finished in 1915, the House of the Temple remains their headquarters to this day. It is located at 1733 Sixteenth Street, NW.”

This seems to show, therefore, that there is an inner circle of illuminated brethren within the Masonic Order (‘circles within circles’), which continues today as the higher echelons of Freemasonry or what is known as the Illuminati. I have worked with and known several Freemasons over the years and most of them were well meaning, sincere people who would no doubt have been the pillars of their local society and churches. They are almost certainly oblivious to the activities of these super-secret higher lodge(s).
Q: (L) Is the Quorum composed of members who are humans on this planet?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Would we know any of them as well-known figures?

A: Hidden. None you would know.

Q: (L) How is the Quorum important in regard to the Earth changes?

A: Watchers

MJF: This last reference makes me think of the “Watchers” of the Book of Enoch who were angels who betrayed God by coming down to Earth and (according to Genesis: Chapter 6) breeding with women to create the Nephilim giants the ‘mighty men of renown’ (the Titans of Greek mythology or the Ice Giants of Norse mythology?). Since the C’s say that the Quorum are predominantly alien, there may well be a connection here.

Q: (L) Why is it important to have watchers?

A: Keep track of prophecies.

Q: (L) How do the Masons relate to the Illuminati?

A: Masons are low level branch.

The Zendar Council

I do wonder if the Quorum has any links to another body referred to in the transcripts as the ‘Council of Zendar’.

Quoting Eboard10, who started a thread called The Zendar Council back in 2009:

“I stumbled upon the Zendar Council while re-reading parts of the transcripts, so I decided to do a search of the word in the transmissions.

Session dated 22 July 1994:

Q: (L) Was Jesus special, Christed as it is called, in any way?

A: Quick exalted to end the wars and civil entrancement; Zindar

Q: (L) What is the Zindar Council?

A: Two cycle exchangers mission.

Session dated 22 October 1994:

Q: (L) What is the Zendar Council?

A: Zendar Council is a sixth level density council which spans both physical and ethereal realms and which oversees dramatic development points at various civilizational sectors in lower density levels.

From the above quotes I gathered that the Zendar Council represents 6D STO that helps lower densities at a turning point in the development of their civilization and that the C's are also part of it or at least involved with such "council". Of course, we have to be careful when picturing a 6D council; probably not what we might expect.

In the Session dated 30 September1994, the C’s revealed that Zendar was the planet Saturn.

Q: (L) How many planets are in our solar system?
A: 12
Q: (L) Could you tell us the names of all the planets, their distances
from the sun, the chemical composition, and the diameter.
A: Mercury=Opatanar, 36 million miles from Sun; 3000 mi diameter.
Venus=Pemuntar, 67 million miles from Sun; 7,500 mi. diameter.
Earth=Saras, 93 million miles from Sun; 7,900 mi. dia. Mars=Masar,
141,500,000 miles from Sun; 4,200 mi. dia. Jupiter=Yontar,
483,400,000 miles from Sun; 88,700 dia. Saturn=Zendar,

Is it just a coincidence that the word Zendar also signifies Saturn? I guess the most "logical" deduction here would be that this Council is headquartered in Saturn (6D) for the operations that concern the Solar System, although I realize this is pure speculation.

Session 24 September 1995:

A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but
some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay attention to Orion!
This is your ancestral home,
and your eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately
accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily populated
region of your Milky Way galaxy!
This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density
space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator
and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region.
Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially
constructed planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some
are "satellites." There are primary homes, traveling stations and
incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are
overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is
STO and one half is STS. Together, along with many other colonies,
located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation.

Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cybergenetic beings, and
installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets
orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the
Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as
slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual
native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of
the "god" of Orion for parallels.

So, the Orion Federation is the overseer over the whole Orion sector and other colonies as well, in 5th and 6th densities. About half of these overseers are STO and the other half are STS. My guess is that the Zendar Council represents, or is at least part of, the STO half of this Federation that follows the development of the lower density civilizations and species.

I would also like to comment on the concept of Angels and the Keys of Enoch that is mentioned in the transcripts and possibly related to the Zendar Council.

Session May 31, 1995

Q: (L) Michael Lindemann gave a very interesting talk on the subject
of angels. Apparently, there are a lot of people seeing and claiming
to interact with angels. Can you tell us about angels?
A: Be specific.
Q: (L) Are there such things as angels?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are angels as they have been described: very tall, beautiful
beings with wings or whatever?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who are the angels?
A: Refer to the transcript.
Q: (L) I don't think we have ever mentioned angels in the transcript.
A: Not by name. See the second session.
[The Zendar or Zindar

Session March 7, 1995

Q: (L) That's heavy! Okay, what is the source of the 'Keys of Enoch'
teaching? James Hurtak claims that he was taken up to the higher
realms and that the 'Keys' were programmed into him...
A: Disguised reality.
Q: (L) The place that he was taken to?
A: No the place, the message.
Q: (L) What is the source of this disguised reality?
A: Research; one here studies a bit too much to discover explosive
reality trailblazings.
Q: (L) Okay. Is there coded information in this book on several levels
as M*** suggests?
A: There is coded information all over the place. Suggest slower
pace of studying in order to discover earth shaking principles.

In the Keys of Enoch the angels/watchers are usually described as the fallen angels that mated with the women on Earth, giving rise to the race known as Nephilim. However, there is an alternative view of the angels which is often written about in books on the Enochian Tablets and Enochian Magick. The angel is seen as the watcher or guardian* that guides you in the transition between the Physical Realm and the Ethereal Realm and helps you in the quest for knowledge and the search for enlightenment.

*MJF: The Catholic Church teaches that each person has their own Guardian Angel assigned to them who is there to watch over, counsel and protect them.

_On Hereditary Italian Witchcraft

In the Italian system, these ancient Beings are called the Grigori. They are the Guardians of the "doorways" between the physical plane and that which is beyond. In Italian witchlore, the stars were thought to be the campfires of the legions of the Watchers (there were other stellar associations as well). In the 16th Century, the French theologian Sinistrari spoke of Beings existing between "men and angels". He called them demons, and associated them with the Elemental natures of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. This, however, was not a new concept, but was taught by certain Gnostic sects in the early days of Christianity. In the Old Testament (Daniel 4: 13-17) there is reference to the Irin, or Watcher, which appear to be an order of angels. In his book DICTIONARY OF ANGELS, Gustav Davidson lists the Watchers as a high order of angels, known also as the Grigori. In Rabbinic lore, the "good" Watchers dwell in the 5th Heaven, and the "evil" Watchers dwell in the 3rd.

MJF: Is there any modern encounter that might demonstrate the Grigori acting as mankind’s watchers and overseers. Well, there was a curious incident involving Russian cosmonauts on the space station Salyut 7. In July 1984, Russian cosmonauts aboard the Soviet space station Salyut 7 were on day 155 of their mission. This was the day that the group reported strange lights and beings. According to commander Oleg Atkov and cosmonauts Vladmir Solovyov and Leonid Kizim, the space station was completely bathed in a mesmerizing orange light. It appeared to enter from outside the space station and bled through an absolutely opaque wall. All of the cosmonauts reported seeing the faces of seven angels who were hovering just outside the space station. They told ground control they were humanoid in appearance (faces and bodies looked human), but they had wings and halos. These beings kept pace with the space station for 10-minutes before vanishing. On day 167, the crew was then joined by another team of three from the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft: Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov. Shortly after joining then, the Salyut 7 was once again bathed in a warm orange light. Then, like clockwork, they immediately looked out the portholes, and once again, were joined by angelic beings. They were reportedly the size of an “airliner”, according to the cosmonauts. This incident was deemed top secret by the old Soviet Union and the crew was cautioned not to speak of the event publicly.

See: Mind-Blowing Story of Russian Cosmonauts Who Saw Angels in Space - TechEBlog

In Aridian lore, the Watchers guard our circle and watch over us. They assist us in our spiritual growth, and "escort" us to the next realm, when we cross from physical life. We acknowledge them as Guardians of the entrances and exits, to and from the worlds which connect with the physical plane. We also know them as the Keepers of the Ancient Wisdom, and guardians of the Art. They are Clan Guardian spirits, known as The Old Ones. They are also pre-Christian and pre-Gardnerian.

Of course, nowadays most practitioners of Magick are probably interacting with none other than our friends the lizzies due to their lack of knowledge and excessive wishful thinking. However, the secrets which lie in the Keys of Enoch were well preserved within the high ranks of the Catholic Orders, until a certain Dominican known as Giordano Bruno went "public" with some of the information (see John Dee) [MJF: It may have been the real reason why he was burned at the stake]. I would imagine that most of the books concerning the Keys of Enoch and their interpretations have been corrupted during the course of time, although their original meaning and intentions were genuine.

shijing then added:

"You might also find this excerpt from the Ra [law of one] material interesting:

Questioner: How were you able to make the transition from Venus? Did you have to change your dimension to walk upon the Earth?

Ra: I am Ra. You will remember the exercise of the wind. The dissolution into nothingness is the dissolution into unity, for there is no nothingness. From the sixth dimension, we are capable of manipulating, by thought, the intelligent infinity present in each particle of light or distorted light so that we were able to clothe ourselves in a replica visible in the third density of our mind/body/spirit complexes in the sixth density. We were allowed this experiment by the Council which guards this planet

Questioner: Where is this Council located?

Ra: I am Ra. This Council is located in the octave, or eighth dimension, of the planet Saturn, taking its place in an area which you understand in third-dimension terms as the rings.”

And, of course, we have learned that Venus was an orphan planet that originally came from the Arcturus system that eventually entered our solar system but did not take up a stable orbit until after 2,676 B.C. Did the being called Ra therefore arrive with Venus? Is this the same Ra who was the sun god to the Egyptians? Is this the same Ra who the C’s refer to in the following session where he seems to be linked with the tribal genetic code 353535:
Session 20 August 2001:

Q: If the Levites were the Hittite Moon worshipers, how come Akhenaten, who hung out with Nefertiti, instituted Sun worship? That doesn't make sense.
A: Future Ho into.
Q: Future what into?
A: Ho.
Q: HO must stand for something. I don't understand. Was Nefertiti responsible for Akhenaten's Sun worship?
A: Mostly.
Q: Well why did it turn into Sun worship instead of Moon worship?
A: Future honour of Ra. Go 353535. Deity.
Q: So in other words they were laying a foundation for future layering of other concepts?
A: Yes.

What was the particular experiment Ra was permitted to engage in on Earth by the Council of Zendar where he and his fellow 6th density light beings were able to clothe themselves in a replica visible in the third density of their mind/body/spirit complexes in the sixth density? I seem to recall that the C’s once said - the greatest secret that the ‘Powers that Be’ (the PTB) are keeping is the fact that humanity is an experiment.

Were Ra and his fellow 6th density light beings the Elohim of the Bible? If so, was Ra involved with Abraham/Moses/Jacob in the Biblical wrestling with the ‘angel’ episode:​

Session 16 August 1997:

Q: After wrestling with the 'angel,' Jacob was renamed 'Israel,' which means 'he will rule as a god.' This tends to make me think that this angel whom Jacob seems to have conjured, did something. What was this being that Jacob wrestled with?

A: Elohim provides the conventional response.

Q: And you have told us about the Elohim. Okay. I will look it up. What did it mean when it said that the 'angel touched him in the hollow of the thigh,' which did something to him. What was meant by the 'hollow of the thigh?'

A: Branch.

Q: You mean genetic? His gonads?

A: No.

Q: What do you mean?

A: Ponder. If you ponder this, lightbulbs will illuminate.

And then there was this exchange relating to the Elohim:

Session 10 October 1998:

Q: (A) I want to ask about the meaning of my dream, which was so vivid... about Elohim and Seraphim. What was the meaning of this dream?

A: Peace torch.

Q: (A) What is peace torch? From whom?

A: Not from. All considered before decision on judgment.
[MJF: And it seems that it is the Ruling Council of Od; Odiem that makes this judgement. See below.]

Q: (L) That makes no sense at all.

A: Yes it does.

Q: (A) Who were the Elohim?

A: Elohim refers to past, as a connection to future as envisioned in your dream. It is the connector that counts, see?? Ruling council of Od; Odiem.

Q: (L) What about the Seraphim?

A: Council in clouds... We are speaking of advanced insight here.

Q: (L) Why were there 300 Elohim and 301 Seraphim?

A: Who is the odd one out?

Q: (A) Who is the odd one out?

A: Check your roots. Od, odiem, odd, could we spell it out any clearer for you? Not without abridging free will!

The Sons of Zeus

So, we see a reference above to the ‘Ruling council of Od; Odiem’. Is this the same body as the Council of Zendar or Saturn, a planet linked to Cronus (Kronos, Chronos, Saturn) the Titan god of time and ages who was, above all, associated with the destructive force of time which sooner or later consumes everything. Cronus was the father of Zeus, who became the King of the Olympian gods of Greece and led them to victory over Cronus and his fellow Titans. Cronus had been the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans, the divine descendants of the primordial Gaia (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Father Sky). He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age until he in turn was overthrown by his son Zeus. It is curious that the roman god Jupiter, also referred to as Jove, was the Roman equivalent of Zeus and was linked to the planet Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.

We also see the C’s saying to Laura to check her roots. Zeus in mythology gave life to many sons who carried their father’s divine powers and who ruled cities claiming descent directly from him. Some of his sons were Olympians themselves, such as Ares, Apollo, Hermes, and Dionysus, whilst others were half-human, such as Heracles (Hercules) and Perseus. For our purposes, I would like to focus on Perseus here, since he was the hero of the mythical story of Andromeda and was the slayer of the sea beast Cetus and the Gorgon Medusa (whose head may be symbolic of the Grail) and was the first King of the city state of Mycenae and the progenitor of the Perseid bloodline, which included the Pharaoh Akhenaten, the father of Princess Meritaten and the grandfather of Ishmael.

Classical Greek myths assert that the city of Mycenae was founded by Perseus, grandson of King Acrisius of Argos, son of Acrisius's daughter, Danaë and the god Zeus. Having killed his grandfather by accident, Perseus could not, or would not, inherit the throne of Argos. When Perseus left Argos for Tiryns, he instructed Cyclopes (mythical one-eyed giants) to build the walls of Mycenae with stones no human could lift. Hence, we find here in this legend a connection between Perseus and the giants of the Bible (the Nephilim). As to Perseus’s descendants, Greek mythology claims that Helen of Troy, Castor and Pollux, Penelope (the wife of Odysseus), and Clytemnestra were all descended from Perseus through Andromeda. Both Heracles and his foe Eurystheus were direct descendants of Perseus and Andromeda. In turn, the children of Heracles supposedly went on to found many Greek colonies. Perseus and Andromeda were also said to have left their eldest son, Perses, in Ethiopia (evidently not in modern day Ethiopia) where he founded the line of Persian kings.

Most etymologists presume that the name ‘Perseus’ might be pre-Greek. However, the name of Perseus's native city was Greek and so were the names of his wife and relatives. There is some idea that it descended into Greek from the Proto-Indo-European language. According to some etymologists, the name “Perseus” might be derived from the Greek verb πέρθειν (pérthein) "to waste, ravage, sack, destroy". We have learned through Laura and the C’s though that the Greek legends and myths, as related in the stories of the Greek poet Homer, are in reality based on the tales of the Celtic tribes who lived in Northern Europe, Argos being located in Northern France (ref. Iman Wilkens book Where Troy Once Stood) not Greece. Since the Celts were Indo-Europeans, it therefore makes sense that the name Perseus derives from Proto-Indo-European. Using the Green language, however, the name Perseus may mean “by or for Zeus”. Perseus may even be the original archetype of Perceval:
Session dated 4 October 1997

Q: It is subliminal? The other thing I noticed about the word 'Isis' is that it can be slightly altered to make 'I Zeus.' And, Perseus can be 'per Zeus' and Persia can be made to say 'per ziu.' One of the oldest etymological roots for the word 'God' is 'ziu' from which we get 'deu.' These all represent the English translation of 'for God,' with Perceval being 'per ziu val' or 'strong for God.' Could you comment on these relationships?

A: Interconnected by trilingual learning curve.

The C’s have also told us that Kore (Hagar/Meritaten) was “the last living member of the Perseid family”. Since she had a son by Abraham called Ishmael in the Bible, it appears that the Perseid line did not die out with her but continued through Ishmael.

Ishmael was, of course, a son of Abraham who the C’s tell us was a Hittite and Levite (as was Kore/Hagar’s mother Nefertiti), a group who might have been a branch of the Scythian Celts, Indo-Europeans who had swept through Turkey into the Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia) in the third millennium BC and created the first historic (Semitic speaking) empire under Sargon the Great:​

Session 20 August 2001:

Q: All right, first question is, what is the origin of the Levites?
A: Hittites Moon Worshippers.
Q: Well, before the Hittites became Hittites, what were they?
A: Indo-europeans.
Q: What was the source of the Indo-europeans?
A: Aryan sub-race.
Q: Is there any other group the Aryans mixed with to produce the Indo-Europeans?
A: Fourth Density genetic tweak.
Q: Was Abraham a Levite?
A: Yes.
Q: Was Sarah Nefertiti?
A: Yes.

Abraham is considered by the Bible to have been the father of the Israelites and of the Jewish people. In Genesis 14:13, Abraham is described as Avram Ha-Ivri ("Abram the Hebrew"), which translates literally as "Abram the one who stands on the other side". Israelites are defined as being the descendants of Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. However, the C’s have confirmed that Jacob and Abraham were one and the same person. According to the Jewish Encyclopaedia, the terms Hebrews and Israelites usually describe the same people, stating that they were called Hebrews before the conquest of the Land of Canaan and Israelites afterwards. By the Roman period, "Hebrews" could be used as a synonym to designate the Jews, who used the Hebrew language. So, what do the C’s say about the Hebrews and their origins:​

Session 16 September 1995:

Q: (RC) Did the Hoovids become the Hebrews?

A: No. Hebrews do not stem from single grouping.

Q: (L) Are or were the Hebrews a separate racial group?

A: Not necessarily.

Q: (L) What was the origin of the Hebrew People?

A: Genetic construct.

Q: (L) Who did this genetic construct?

A: Guess.

Q: The Atlanteans?

A: Not that simple.

Q: (L) The lizzies?

A: How about joint effort?

Q: (RC) The Sirians and the Pleiadians?

A: Getting colder.

Q: (L) The Orion Union?

A: Okay, but include C.O.C. How does one restrain density 2 companion?

Q: (L) Chain? Chain of Command?

Q: (L) Alright, the Orions created the Hebrews. What was the purpose for which this genetic variation was created?

A: Manipulation.

Q: (L) Who was Yahweh?

A: False teacher.

Q: (RC) Who was Jehovah?

A: Moniker variance of previous answer
. [MJF: The C’s had previously told Laura that he was a Lizard projection.]

Q: (L) And what was the desired result of the Hebrew genetic manipulation?

A: Further control through the fostering of mistrust and hostility, leading to enslavement and warring. … Also accomplished renewed and invigorated 3rd to 4th density "feeding."

Returning to Kore, it seems her line may well have survived in Northern Europe, if that is where she travelled to with her son after being abandoned in the Desert of Paran by Abraham. One branch of her line could be the Percy family from whom Laura is descended. The Percy’s were a French Norman family descended from Vikings (Norwegians and Danes) led by the War Chief Rollo who invaded Northern France in the mid-9th Century AD [MJF: For what it is worth, so am I]. The Percy’s would subsequently set down roots in Flanders and intermarry with Flemish families. For those who would like to learn more about the origins of the Percy family, I attach a link to a site dedicated to this subject. See; Percy Origin Revised | Percy Family History. It would seem from this account that the Percy family already had a presence at their family seat of Alnwick in Northumberland before the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 AD:​

The relationship between the Tessons, Hauteville and de Vesci families also encompasses the Percies. It is thought from one source that the Tessons (who held one third of old Normandy, under Duke William) were the umbrella family of the Percies which is described here later. Activities well before 1066 show that the Tessons had concrete links with Alnwick, Northumberland at the time of Edward the confessor and marriage into the de Vesci family shows up this connection well. Alan de Percy was born in Alnwick in c 1038 which may be able to tell us more.

Curiously, the Percy’s original heraldic device in Normandy was a blazon:

Percy Colours C. 1067
Two things occur to me when looking at this device. The first is that the five linked yellow shapes (which can be viewed as a two-dimensional representation of an Octahedron, which in turn is a double tetrahedron or two conjoined pyramids) are diamonds which are, of course, one of the suits in a modern pack of playing cards and are linked in turn to the pentacle of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck and by extension to the pentagram as represented by the Seal of Solomon. A pentagram looks like a five-pointed star, which is the device the ancient Egyptians used for the star Sirius (the ‘dog star’ – named for its connection to Anubis). E Sopdet is the ancient Egyptian name of the star Sirius, and its personification was the Egyptian goddess Sopdet who was always drawn with a five pointed star on the top of her head. Known to the Greeks as Sothis, she was conflated with Isis as a goddess and Anubis as a god.​

Q: I also noticed that the word 'Osiris' could also be slightly modified to say 'of Sirius.' Comment, please.

A: Sirius was regarded highly in your "past."

Q: What was the foundation of this regard for Sirius?

A: "From whence cometh, is seen that which knows no limitation."

The Egyptian god Sah and his consort Sopdet, known by the Greeks as Sothis, personified the constellation of Orion and the bright, first magnitude star Sirius. Their son was Horus Spd, another astral deity. They came to be viewed as manifestations of Osiris and Isis.

In the Pyramid Texts, Sah/Osiris is called “father of the gods.” The deceased king is said to enter the sky “In the name of the Dweller in Orion, with a season in the sky and a season on earth.” In these early texts the king is told, “You shall reach the sky as Orion, your soul shall be as effective as Sothis.” Orion (Sah/Osiris) is said to row towards the stars in a boat*, where he is surrounded by stars as he sails across the sky in a papyrus skiff​

*MJF: Could this be the ‘Boat of a Million Years’, which the C’s tell us was a time machine?

Q: (L) Okay, going back to the pyramid. In the Pyramid Texts, when they talk about the ‘Boat of Millions of Years,’ what are they talking about?

A: Time machine.

Of course, a time machine knows no limitation.


O King, you are this great star, the companion of Orion, who traverses the sky with Orion, who navigates the Duat with Osiris; you ascend from the East of the sky, being renewed at your due season…….”

The second thing that occurs to me is that these diamonds are also the classic kite shape. This makes me recall that the C’s once told us that Kites were used for cross communication between bloodline members:
Session 20 June 1998:

Q: I guess that I am going to just have to accept that as a partial answer - why do I bother?! Okay, let me ask this, these guys who have researched this Holy Bloodline business have sort of focused all the attention on a particular line, purportedly the line of Jesus going into the Merovingian kings... This guy, Pierre Plantard, seems to have more or less created a genealogy with their own validations... sort of like describing x in terms of y and y in terms of x. Now, is this Pierre Plantard a genuine carrier of the bloodline that we are concerned with?

A: Partially.

Q: Then, that makes me think that the significant thing that we are looking for is a convergence of the blood lines... These lines are symbolized by the god figures, the children of Odin, and what we are looking for is a place where these lines converge?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, what characteristics might an individual have who is a product of this convergence?

A: Fair skinned and cleft chin.

Q: Well, Ark and Frank both have cleft chins, but C___ and I don't! Does this mean...

A: We aren't saying that all with these features are of that blood line!

Q: So, you can have the bloodline and look quite different?

A: Yes.

Q: How many persons on the planet contain these 'convergent' bloodlines?

A: 7367. Kites were used for cross communication between bloodline members.

Q: Kites?! What do kites have to do with it? What the heck... you guys are driving me NUTS! Do you mean kites as in paper and string or kites as in the bird?

A: Yes, paper wood and string.

Q: (C) Like smoke signals? (L) Well, how is flying a kite... (C) Well, if it has a certain symbol on it...

A: And shape.

Q: What shape is that?

A: No, not now.

Q: (C) Well, maybe the shape of a cleft chin? [Laughter] (L) Fair skin, cleft chin... (C) Yeah, and how did they communicate when it was raining? (L) Yeah, and at night? Did they set them on fire? Kites. This is obviously something that... (C) This is implying that such people know they have the bloodline and keep in touch with each other? (L) Or, is this something for the future when those of the bloodline wake up?

A: Yes.

Q: All of the above? Or just the last part?

A: Latter.

To sum up, it would appear from Greek mythology that Zeus may have been the mythical (or alien) father figure behind the hybrid bloodline of the Perseids, which may include the Percy family in lineal descent. But were there any other mythical deities who may have sired a special hybrid bloodline in order to establish a convergent bloodline when the two bloodlines eventually mixed?​

The Children of Odin

Laura said:
Q: Then, that makes me think that the significant thing that we are looking for is a convergence of the blood lines... These lines are symbolized by the god figures, the children of Odin, and what we are looking for is a place where these lines converge?

The C’s said:
A: Check your roots. Od, odiem, odd, could we spell it out any clearer for you? Not without abridging free will!

Zeus’ equivalent in the Nordic and Germanic pantheons was Odin or Woden. Just as Zeus was the ancestor of many of Greece’s founding kings, Odin was believed to have been the forefather of many of the Germanic (Aryan) peoples. The two gods also have remarkably similar origin stories. While Zeus is a master of the sky and a thunder god, Odin walked the line between the realms of the living and the dead and was a wise god whose power lay within his wisdom. While Zeus hurled thunder bolts down from Olympus, Odin, although a god of war, was better known for his wit, intelligence, and wisdom. However, in Norse mythology, Odin’s son Thor (the Norse god of thunder) can be viewed in many ways as being more similar to the Olympian king than Odin himself.

In old Norse the noun Óð, is said to mean mind, soul or spirit. Óðr was also the husband of the goddess Freya and usually identified as the root of Odin. Odin, along with Freya, were the two greatest practitioners of shamanism amongst the Norse gods.

The noun óðr is also descriptive of the masculine shamanic power of the Aesir - ecstasy, fury, inspiration - but Odin is also able to wield the mystical feminine power of the Vanir - seidr - bestowed on him by the goddess Freya.

Thus, does the C’s reference to “Od” “Odiem” point to Odin or Woden? Where the C’s tell Laura to check her roots, is this because her English, Anglo-Saxon ancestors were Woden or Wotan worshippers, the Gemanic equivalent of Odin. In other words, are they saying that Laura, as someone of Nordic descent, is a child of Odin?

I attach below a link to an article which shows how the grip of Odin on English thoughts concerning their kings’ royal lineages survived long after the English conversion to Christianity. See: Woden: Allfather of the English – Medieval Studies Research Blog: Meet us at the Crossroads of Everything (

Interestingly, the word Odiem in Catalan seems to link with the word “odiar” meaning “to hate” and is derived from the Latin word “Odi” meaning to have an aversion towards, to hate, dislike. Catalonia, a province of Spain, has its own distinctive culture and dialect and was a place that experienced a great mixture of peoples over the centuries. These include the Basques, the Celts, the Phoenicians, the Romans, the Visigoths, the Franks, the Moors, and the Jews. All have left their mark on the province. However, the Jews, in particular. played a role in establishing Catalonia (especially through their presence in the ancient City of Girona) as a centre for alchemy and Hermeticism in the Middle Ages before their eventual expulsion. This point will take on far greater meaning in subsequent posts.​

“Od” is also the dative plural form in Latvian of the word “ods” meaning a gnat or mosquito.

There is also a village in England called Odiham (/ˈoʊdiəm/) in the county of Hampshire. Rather appropriately for a town with a possible link via its name to Odin a sky god, the town is home to RAF Odiham, the main UK airbase for the Royal Air Force's Chinook heavy lift helicopter fleet, which lies to the south of the village. The village also has a ruined medieval castle.

Odiham Castle was built by King John (brother of Richard I, the Lionheart) between 1207 and 1214. King Henry III, son of King John, gave the castle to his sister Eleanor in 1236, so when she married Simon de Montfort in 1238 the castle became the de Montfort family home. However, Simon was killed in the Battle of Evesham in 1265 when he led the rebellious barons to fight against the king; Eleanor was then sent into exile.

By the fifteenth century its only use was as a hunting lodge. Odiham Park was a park which contained a hunting lodge owned by Henry VIII. On 4 August 1531, he stayed there with Anne Boleyn, who would later become his second wife.

Odin’s name may even lie behind the name the English-speaking world uses for the Christian deity today, i.e., “God”. Wikipedia tells us that some variant forms of the name Odin such as the Lombardic Godan may point in the direction that the Lombardic form actually comes from Proto-Germanic ǥuđánaz. Wōdanaz or Wōđinaz is the reconstructed Proto-Germanic name of a god of Germanic paganism, known as Odin in Norse mythology, Wōden in Old English, Wodan or Wotan in Old High German and Godan in the Lombardic language. Godan was shortened to God over time and was adopted/retained by the Germanic peoples of the British Isles as the name of their deity, in lieu of the Latin word “Deus” used by the Latin speaking Christian church, after conversion to Christianity.

The English word “Odd” meaning different to what is usual or expected; strange; untypical, out of the ordinary derives from the Old Norse word “odda”- which is found in combinations such as odda-mathrthird or odd man, from oddi ‘angle, which may take us back to the ‘Third Man’ theme again. Like Odiham in England derived from Odiem, there is a small town in Norway called Odda - see: Odda (town) - Wikipedia.

The word “odd” can also be used in the context of whole numbers such as 3 and 5, where you have one left over as a remainder when divided by two, i.e., denoting something that is not divisible by two and is thus a synonym also for “uneven”, which is the sense the C’s meant to use it here where they say “Who is the odd one out?.​

Ra the Egyptian Sun God

We have one final father god-figure to consider as the possible pro-genitor of a special bloodline and that is Ra, the Egyptian sun god.

Although Ra was the ancient Egyptian deity of the sun by the Fifth Dynasty, in the 25th and 24th centuries BC [MJF: which you will note would be about the time Venus adopted a regular orbit around the sun], he had become one of the most important gods in the ancient Egyptian religion (displacing Ptah), identified primarily with the noon-day sun. Ra was believed to rule in all parts of the created world: the sky, the Earth, and the underworld. He was the god of the sun, order, kings and the sky. Hence, as a sky god and the chief god of the pantheon he can be compared to the Greek Zeus and the Nordic Odin.

The chief cultic centre of Ra was Iunu "the Place of Pillars", later known as Heliopolis (literally "Sun City") and today located in the suburbs of Cairo. He was identified with the local sun god Atum. As Atum or Atum-Ra, he was reckoned the first being and the originator of the Ennead or (“the Nine”) consisting of Shu and Tefnet, Geb and Nut, Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys.

It is curious to note that prior to the Ra Law of One channellings (see below), there was a channelling project involving a group who called themselves "The Nine" who claimed to be the Ennead, or the nine major gods of ancient Egypt. These channellings commenced in December 1952 in a private research laboratory in Glen Cove, Maine, called the Round Table Foundation (which is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research), run by a medical doctor named Andrija Puharich who worked for the CIA and was deeply involved with the notorious MKULTRA mind control project. See: The Council of Nine ( Although the article is highly dismissive of the channellings, since they viewed it as a CIA project laying the ground for the New Age movement, I would not readily dismiss what came out of the channelling sessions since the CIA, like its British counterpart MI6, no doubt has senior people who are involved in Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, who may be well versed in the occult, the same way that MI6 agent and author Ian Fleming was. As the C’s have told us, there have always been those who have communed with higher powers, and this may have included the Freemasons/Osirians and the Roscirucians. However, I would suggest that The Nine channellings may have had a distinctly STS flavour about them given the vibratory frequency of some of those involved.

Among those who participated in the channelling sessions was Gene Roddenberry (the creator of Star Trek and a Rosicrucian) who was part of The Nine circle in 1974 and 1975, and even produced the screenplay for a movie about The Nine. How much he was influenced by them is unknown, although it is said that some of their concepts found their way into the original Star Trek series, and the later Star Trek the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine (what a giveaway series that was!) series. Another key player in Lab Nine was Dr James J Hurtak, who was appointed Puharich’s second-in-command by The Nine. In fact, Hurtak had been independently channelling The Nine since 1973. This is the same James Hurtak who wrote the ‘Keys of Enoch’ mentioned in the Session dated March 7, 1995:
Q: (L) That's heavy! Okay, what is the source of the 'Keys of Enoch'
teaching? James Hurtak claims that he was taken up to the higher
realms and that the 'Keys' were programmed into him...
A: Disguised reality.
Q: (L) The place that he was taken to?
A: Not the place, the message.
Q: (L) What is the source of this disguised reality?
A: Research; one here studies a bit too much to discover explosive
reality trailblazings.
Q: (L) Okay. Is there coded information in this book on several levels
as M*** suggests?
A: There is coded information all over the place. Suggest slower
pace of studying in order to discover earth shaking principles.

It should be noted that scientists from the Stanford Research Institute were amongst those involved in the channelling sessions. Perhaps we should bear in mind ‘The Nine’ channellings when we consider the source of the message delivered in Hurtak’s the Keys of Enoch, which the C’s say is a message reflected in a “disguised reality”. Perhaps where they mention the word “Research” in their response, the C's have in mind the research conducted in Lab 9 of the Round Table Foundation involving scientists from the Stanford Research Institute.
The Seraphim

Note there are 300 Elohim and 301 Seraphim (forming a Council in the Clouds - is that Earth's clouds or Saturn's?) mentioned in the extract and the C’s ask Laura to choose who is the odd one out and suggest that she choose her roots when doing so. Although we have looked at the roots of the words Od, Odiem and Odd above, roots can also mean genetic roots. The C’s have talked of a convergent royal bloodline deriving from two different lineages that stem from special human hybrids. One of these is the Nordic/Celtic line that can be linked to Odin, as in the’ children of Odin’. But what of the other? The clue may lie with the Elohim and the angel Jacob (Abraham/Moses) wrestled with. We learned that the contending with the angel involved a handing back of the Ark of the Covenant an STS created device:​

Q: (Galahad) So, the Ark was an object created by STS. Did this amount to some sort of realization on Moses' part? Did he start to wake up?

A: Yes. The story of the "contending with the angel" was the significant turning point as well as the moment of return.

But we know that the angel he wrestled with was a member of the Elohim. However, the C’s have told us that the Lizards were also the beings behind the Ark of the Covenant and the messages being given to Abraham/Moses:​

Session 16 October 1994:

Q: (L) Where did Moses get his knowledge?
A: Us.Q: (L) Okay, you told us before that he saw or interacted with a holographic projection created by the Lizard Beings. Was that the experience on Mount Sinai?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, well, if he got knowledge from you, did he get this prior to the interactions with the Lizard beings?
A: Yes. He was corrupted by imagery. He was deceived by the imagery a la Joseph Smith, for example.

Q: (L) Are you saying that Joseph Smith, the recipient of the Mormon texts, was deceived by the Lizards also?
A: Yes. They do that a lot.

Session dated 7 November 1994:

Q: (L) What was the "Ark of the Covenant?"
A: Power cell.
Q: (L) What was the origin of this power cell?
A: Lizards given to the Jews to use for manipulation of others.

So are the Lizards the Elohim or the Seraphim from the perspective of determining who is the odd one out.

A “seraph” is an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardour, and purity and one of the 6-winged (three rows) angels standing in the presence of God. Christian theology developed an idea of seraphim as beings of pure light (MJF: Sixth Density?) who enjoy direct communication with God.

In the Christian tradition the Seraphim are the closest angels to God but in the Jewish tradition they rank fifth out of ten in the Jewish angelic hierarchy. They are mentioned in Isaiah 6:2 Isaiah 6:3 Isaiah 6:6 Isaiah 6:7 where the word “seraphim” means “fiery ones”, in allusion, as is supposed, to their burning love. They are represented as "standing" above the king as he sat upon his throne, ready at once to minister unto him. Their form appears to have been human, with the addition of wings. Think back here to the winged angelic but human faced beings the Russian cosmonauts thought they saw on the Salyut 7 space station.

However, just to confuse things the word “seraphim”, in the original, is used elsewhere only of the "fiery serpents" (See: Numbers 21:6 Numbers 21:8 ; Deuteronomy 8:15 ; Compare Isaiah 14:29 ; 30:6 ) sent by God as his instruments to inflict on the people the righteous penalty of sin. The Seraphim appear in the 2nd-century BC Book of Enoch, where they are mentioned, in conjunction with the Cherubim, as the heavenly creatures standing nearest to the throne of God.

In non-biblical sources they are sometimes called the Akyəst (Ge'ez: አክይስት "serpents", "dragons"; an alternate term for Hell). A Judean seal from the 8th century BCE depicts them as flying asps (snakes), yet having human characteristics, as encountered by Isaiah in his commissioning as a prophet. The idea of fiery serpents would therefore seem to link them to the Lizard beings, particularly as they are meant to have misled Abraham/Moses through their holographic projections delivered in the guise of Jehovah:​

Session dated 20 October 1994:

Q: Who was Jehovah?
A: Lizard projection.

However, we have also learned recently that the Elohim are transdefinitive beings capable of shapeshifting and this is something both the Greys and the Lizard beings appear to have the ability to do. Hence, is it possible that the fiery flying serpents of Jewish tradition were the Elohim passing themselves off as angels of light:​

Session 19 July 1997:

Q: Well, I know! But, uncovering this deception, this lie that the 'power' is 'out there' is unbelievable. So, the Kantekkians were the 'Sons of Belial,' which is not the negative thing that I interpreted it as at the time. So, the 'Sons of the Law of One,' was perverted to the monotheistic Judaism, which then was then transformed into the Christian religious mythos, and has been an ongoing theme since Atlantean times.

A: Woven of those who portray the lights.

Q: And that is always the way it has been. They appear as 'angels of light.' And, essentially, everything in history has been rewritten by this group.

A: Under the influence of others. And whom do you suppose?

Q: Well, the Orion STS.

A: Sending pillars of light and chariots of fire
[Ezekiel] to deliver the message.

Continued in Part 3
The Egyptian Pilgrimage of Initiation Part 3

The Ra Material

The reference above to ‘Sons of the Law of One’ makes me think again of the ‘Law of One Ra Material’ and leads me to ask - just who was Ra? If he was linked to the Egyptian god of that name, i.e., the sun-god worshipped at Heliopolis, is he the odd god out here since there is nothing to suggest that he sired half-human hybrid offspring the way that Zeus and Odin were meant to have?

There were many theories about Ra and who his children were. Some Egyptians believed that Ra’s children were Hathor, Osiris, Set, and Horus. It was also said that Ra created the first divine couple, Shu and Tefnut. Geb, the earth, and Nut, the sky, were the offspring of Shu and Tefnut. Then Geb and Nut had children too. They were Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nephthys. There was a lot of confusion about who was the child of which god. It is more commonly believed, however, that Shu and Tefnut were the children of Ra. Geb and Nut, who were born from Shu and Tefnut, were the grandchildren of Ra, and Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nephthys were the great-grandchildren of Ra. Whatever the true genealogy of Ra and his children was, the offspring of Ra were viewed as gods in their own right and not demigods or half-god and half-human hybrids.

Early on in the Cassiopaean channellings, Laura posed the question to the C’s as to where the Ra Material had emanated from and received the following answer:​

Session 23 October 1994:

Q: (L) We want to know about the Ra Material by Elkins, Rueckert and McCarty, where is the Ra Material coming from?

A: Us.

Q: (L) Would you say that the Ra Material comes through a clear channel?

A: Yes.

This confirms that the Ra Material came from 6th Density, the same density Ra said that he came from. However, that does not mean that it necessarily came directly from the C’s themselves but that it merely came from 6th Density. This same point may be reflected in the C’s response to Laura’s question as to who the original creator gods were, as discussed in the Session dated 5 October 1994:

Q: (L) Who were the original creator gods?

A: Us. Sixth Density.

Q: (L) The Cassiopaeans? Were the Pleiadeans also the original creator gods?

A: Same. Sixth Density.
{Note that the Cassiopaeans do not claim to be THE creator gods, but that it is a function of 6th density.}

So, was Ra the odd god out and was he the 301st member of the Seraphim that upset the balance between the Elohim and the Serapahim?
Nation of the Third Eye

Finally, there is yet another group who may well have a link to the Oisrians, the progenitors of modern Freemasonry, and this is the Nation of the Third Eye referred to in the transcripts on a number of occasions but particularly in the Session dated 23 November 1996:

Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not "needed". Where did he get his information?

A: Secret sources. Agents of the “nation of the third eye."

Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"

A: Terran civilization under the surface.


Q: … Third Eye. What is this?

A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.

If they were the inspiration for Masonic lore and the Illuminati as well, we must ask ourselves whether the Nation of the Third Eye were connected to the Osirians, either at their origin or through subsequent infiltration. Could they have had any involvement in Hermes Trismegistus’ betrayal? Did he become their agent? If so, what relationship, if any, exists between the Nation of the Third Eye and the Brotherhood of the Snake, which the C’s say was a lizard inspired fraternity? Do they work together or in opposition?

If the Nation of the Third Eye had a connection to the Osirians, does it continue to this day with their modern successors, the Freemasons and the Illuminati? Does the Nation of the Third Eye have any connection to the Rosicrucians and/or the strange enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees? Finally, does the Nation of the Third Eye participate in the Quorum?​

I shall have more to say about the Nation of the Third Eye in part 4 of this article.
The Egyptian Pilgrimage of Initiation Part 4

Osiris and the Resurrection Rite

We have, of course, looked before at the rites of the Freemasons in my earlier articles ‘Hiram Abiff – The Widow’s Son’ and ‘The 33rd Degree in Freemasonry’ and I also provided links to the standard script used in the initiation ceremonies for conferring the three craft degrees (York Rite) in the first part of this article.

The rite of initiation of a 33rd Degree Freemason (Scottish Rite) or a Master Mason in the English York Rite is in essence a resurrection rite. The oldest resurrection rite in the ancient world was that of Osiris, the green-skinned Egyptian deity (green being the colour of rebirth) who was tricked into and then trapped inside a wooden box (a coffin or coffer) by his evil brother Set, which Set then shuts and throws into the river Nile. Osiris’ wife and sister, Isis, finds the body of her husband and then hides it in reeds (MJF: shades of the Moses story here) where it is found and dismembered by Set. Isis retrieves and joins the fragmented pieces of Osiris together again and then briefly revives him by use of magic so he can impregnate her. After embalming and burying Osiris, Isis conceives and gives birth to their son, Horus. Horus, after Osiris' resurrection, then becomes thought of as the representation of new beginnings and the vanquisher of the usurper Set. Thereafter, Osiris lives on as the god of the underworld.​

As Wikipedia tells us:

Annual ceremonies were performed in honour of Osiris in various places across Egypt. These ceremonies were fertility rites which symbolised the resurrection of Osiris. Recent scholars emphasize "the androgynous character of [Osiris'] fertility" clear from surviving material. For instance, Osiris' fertility has to come both from being castrated/cut-into-pieces and the reassembly by female Isis, whose embrace of her reassembled Osiris produces the perfect king, Horus.

However, if we look past the mythology, the deification of Osiris and the usual anthropological attachment to fertility rites, we can see perhaps the outline of a real set of events, which involved not a person but perhaps a machine, a machine that was operated by the green head of Osiris (the Grail?), a machine that was broken up or dismembered at some stage, possibly after a conflict (Sitchin’s Pyramid Wars?). The reference to a coffin in the traditional story may betoken the fact that the Grail was at one stage placed in the Coffer within the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid and used possibly for nefarious purposes, perhaps as part of a weapon system per Joseph Farrell’s Giza Death Star theory, or it could relate to the fact that the Grail was held (“confined”) in the Ark of the Covenant, which is a chest or ‘arca’ in Latin.​

This makes me think of another statement by the C’s in that Session dated 2 February 2003:

Q: (Galahad) Does it have something to do with the individuals who flew away on the Ram?

A: Mmmmm .... And did she really drown?

Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why

May I suggest that it was Osiris (i.e., his head or the Grail) that was confined and rescued first by Nefertiti who gave it to Abraham and then much later by her daughter Meritaten/Hagar/Kore, who was subsequently remembered under the persona of Hella in Greek mythology and later as Hel in Nordic mythology.

Indeed, the Osiris story may yield another clue to the history of the Grail and the Ark. In one version of the story by Plutarch, the Greek philosopher recounts how Set along with the Queen of Ethiopia (Sheba?), conspired with 72 accomplices [MJF: there is that special number 72 again!] to plot the assassination of Osiris. Having fooled Osiris into getting into a box, which he then shuts, seals with lead and throws into the Nile, Isis then searches for his remains until she finally finds him embedded in a tamarisk tree trunk, which was holding up the roof of a palace in Byblos on the Phoenician coast. She manages to remove the coffin and retrieve her husband's body.

Byblos is today a city located in Lebanon. It is believed to have been first occupied between 8800 and 7000 BC and continuously inhabited since 5000 BC, making it one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Byblos was founded by the Phoenician shrine god El, whom the Greeks identified with Cronus and the Romans with Saturn. During the 3rd millennium BC, the first signs of a town can be observed, with the remains of well-built houses of uniform size. This was the period when the Canaanite civilisation began to develop. Some Egyptologists suggest that during the Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom of Egypt, Byblos was virtually an Egyptian colony. The growing city was evidently a wealthy one and seems to have been an ally (among "those who are on his waters") of Egypt for many centuries. From our perspective though, we should note that around 1350 BC, the Amarna letters include 60 letters from Rib-Hadda and his successor Ili-Rapih who were rulers of Byblos, writing to the Egyptian government. This is mainly due to Rib-Hadda's constant pleas for military assistance from Pahraoh Akhenaten. The letters also deal with the conquest of neighbouring city-states by the Habiru – who may have been the people from whom the Hebrews/Israelites and the later Jews derived.


However, Lebanon is also the location of another ancient site, that of Baalbek. The hilltop of Tell Baalbek, part of a valley to the east of the northern Beqaa Valley shows signs of almost continual habitation over the last 8–9000 years. Macrobius, a fifth century Roman provincial credited the site's foundation to a colony of Egyptian or Assyrian priests. During the Canaanite period, the local temples were largely devoted to the Heliopolitan Triad: a male god (Ba’al) his consort (Astarte), and their son (Adon). This point may be significant since I am of the view that the triple god (or triple goddess) is a calling card of the Grail. However, in Islamic mythology, the temple complex was said to have been a palace of Solomon's which was put together by djinn (genie or hyper-dimensional beings) and given as a wedding gift to the Queen of Sheba.

Hence, we discover another reference to a Queen of Ethiopia or Sheba like that of Plutarch. So, who was the famous biblical Queen of Sheba, who supposedly became a consort of Solomon and bore him a son? Did she even exist? Here is what the C’s had to say about the matter in the Session dated 2 February 2003:​

Q: Who was the Queen of Sheba?

A: Fictional.

Q: Did a great queen come to visit King Solomon?

A: Alien influence.

Q: Who was Arjuna?

A: Same as Sheba.

Q: Who is Shiva?

A: Same.

Q: Rama?

A: Indian. High priest influenced by Confederation.

This alien influence would therefore appear to be the Lizards and the Greys and might account for why Islamic tradition regards the Djinn as having put together the temple complex said to have been a palace of Solomon's and supposedly given as a wedding gift to the Queen of Sheba. As you can see, the same aliens were also behind the ancient deities Arjuna and Shiva (the destroyer deity of Hinduism) and, as we learned from the C’s elsewhere, Jehovah or Yahweh.

However, the C’s also drew our attention to Baalbek in the context of the Ark of the Covenant and the Grail where they said in the same Session dated 2 February 2003:​

Q: (L) So, we have a whole different set of clues to look at here. Alrighty then! Was what we are calling the Ark of the Covenant at Baalbek?

A: No. But there were certainly those who had advanced knowledge.

Q: (L) I hate it when they do that: blow my theory to bits. Was there a "grail faction" and an "ark faction?"

A: Pretty much.

Q: (L) Was Baalbek built by the Ark Faction or the Grail Faction?

A: It was Ark Faction.

Thus, the C’s are telling us that the ancient base structure built on the hill housing the later Roman Temple of Jupiter, including a group of three horizontally lying giant stones called a "trilithon", was built by the Ark of the Covenant faction. Moreover, we also know from the C’s that giants were involved in that construction per what they had to say in the Session dated 20 October 1994:
Q: Who built the city of Baalbek?

A: Antereans and early Sumerians. We meant Atlanteans. {Who are the Antereans?}

Q: What is the reason for the enormous proportions of this building?

A: Giants.

Q: Who were the giants?

A: Genetic effort to recreate Nephalim.

Q: Did the Atlanteans and Sumerians succeed in recreating the Nephilim?

A: No.

Q: Why did they build this enormous city?

A: Retarded subjects.

Q: The results of their efforts were retarded?

A: Yes.

Q: Why did they build the enormous city?

A: In anticipation of success.

Q: Why would someone come along and build a city of the proportions of Baalbek in anticipation of a genetic project that could take many years to accomplish.

A: Project took only three years. Speeded up growth cycle using nuclear hormonal replication procedure. Why failed.

Q: That's why it failed, because of the speeded-up growth?

A: Did not take properly.

Q: What technical means did they use to cut the stones and transport them?

A: Sound wave focusing.

Q: What happened to interrupt or halt the building of this city?

A: Venus first appearance and pass.

Q: What year was this project brought to a halt?

A: 3218 B.C.

Thus, we see a mention of the Antereans (Atlanteans) and early Sumerians (meaning the pre-Akkadian and non-Semitic people of what is modern-day Iraq) were the original builders of Baalbek – a city that came to be named after the Phoenician god Baal (behind whose persona lay yet again the lizard beings).

Did the C’s make a deliberate mistake in referring here to the Antereans, who we know were at one stage Atlanteans as well? Well, the C’s discussed the Antereans in a later session, in which they revealed their alien origins – which may be the key to understanding the special Grail or Nordic Covenant bloodline the C’s have mentioned elsewhere in the transcripts as well as the true lineage of the Celts.
Session 31 August 1996:

Q: (L) Question, this may take us somewhere. I noticed when I was redoing these transcripts for Ark to read that when we were discussing the origin of the Celts, that the question was asked, by me, were they in any way superior to the indigenous people of this planet? And the remark was, that they were sturdier in some way. And then I commented that they didn't appear to be sturdier than, say, some of the big Black people, because Celts are very fair, and very thin-skinned looking, and very delicate. It just seemed to me to be kind of an odd remark to make. However, the response that I received, which I didn't pick up on at the time, which blew me out of the water, was that they were sturdier, but not necessarily on the surface of the planet... (J) No, they didn't say on the surface of the planet. They just said, on the surface. (L) On the surface... Uh huh. So, does that surface mean surface of their appearance, or does that surface mean surface as in underground? That's my question.

A: Both.

Q: (L) Now, in talking about these large underground cities or enclaves that we've talked about on a couple of occasions, it has been said that these beings come and actually may take human babies. I mean, this is like fairy lore, legends, of different kinds of creatures that come and steal people's babies, and they go and live underground, and sometimes, one or another will escape. Is this what we're talking about here? These kinds of situations, these underground cities and caves and civilizations and so forth?

A: Vague.

Q: (L) Well, I know it's vague... (T) Are the Celts part of these underground civilizations?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And they came to the surface some time ago...

A: No.

Q: (L) No, they came here, and they were taken underground...

A: No.

Q: (L) No, well, what's the story?

A: Went.

Q: (L) They went underground? Is that it? (T) When did they go underground?

A: Several occasions, the most recent being, on your calendar: 1941 through 1945.

Q: (L) That's when they went underground? 1941 through 1945?

A: Last episode of mass migration, mostly Deutschlanders.

Q: (T) Underground. We're talking underground, as in under the surface of the earth. Is this what we're talking about?

A: Antarctica. Under there.

Q: (T) Under Antarctica, under... Oh, in one of the big... OOOhhh!

A: Entry port.

Q: (T) They went underground in Antarctica, they built a large underground base there, this is where the Germans, as in the Nazi Germans, claimed as Vineland, I think it is, where the older maps that show Antarctica, where the Germans, claimed as Vineland, I think it is, where the older maps that show Antarctica, where the German territory was claimed, it's in that section that's south of...

A: Yes, but they entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated.

Q: (L) They were assimilated into the population already existent? Underground cities, underground bases?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, they didn't build them, they entered into them as instructed, and were assimilated into the population?

A: They did build a base.

Q: (T) Well, they'd have to keep expanding! Now, you said instructed... (L) Instructed by whom? (T) They were instructed to go there?

A: Those identifying themselves as "Antareans."
[MJF: Note the spelling has slightly changed from “Antereans” to “Antareans” here]

Q: (L) And who are the Antareans?

A: STS Humanoid Orion linkage.

Q: (L) What is an STS Orion Linkage? (T) That's the... (L) We have a new concept here. (T) They would be... the... the...the... (V) Mutant Race! (T) Yes! Those that were part of the creation...

A: No.

Q: (L) What is an STS Humanoid Orion linkage?

[Part of tape seems to be missing here, questions in [brackets] are reconstruction]

A: An STS race from Orion that is humanoid.

So, we learn that the Celts are part of this underground civilisation, that passes itself off as the Nation of the Third Eye, and they have been going underground over a long period of time, the German Nazis being just the last group to do so in 1941-1945. The C’s identify the WW2 Germans here as Celts, although the Nazis viewed themselves as Aryans. However, the C’s have also said that the Celts were descended from the Kantekkians and the Celts and Aryans were one and the same race on Kantek- see the Session dated 9 October 1994:
Q: (L) What are the differences between the Celts and the Aryans?

A: Geographic and cultural.

Q: (L) Are there any differences inherent from the former planetary home?

A: No. Post arrival difference development.

Q: (L) Were they the same prior to arrival?

A: Yes.

The question we need to ask ourselves is whether the Antareans are the same people as the Kantekkians or a separate distinct group? The name suggests that they may originally have come from the star system Antares, which is the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius and is known as "the heart of the scorpion" (N.B. this zodiacal connection could itself be a very important clue).

Antares is a red supergiant and one of the largest stars visible to the naked eye. Its mass is calculated to be around 12 times that of the Sun. In ancient Egypt, Antares represented the scorpion goddess Serket and, interestingly, was also the symbol of Isis in the pyramidal ceremonies, which may be more than a mere coincidence. Antares was called tms n hntt "the red one of the prow", which could, I suppose, establish a link with the ‘Boat of a Million Years’.

However, this link with the constellation of Scorpius makes me think of what the C’s said about mankind’s original home world of D'Ankhiar, which is located somewhere in the region of the constellation Scorpio, according to the C’s in the Session dated 23 October 1994:​

Q: (L) Well, then how did mankind come to be here?

A: Combination of factors. Numerous souls desired physical existence then was altered by three forces including principally Lizards through Grays, Nephalim and Orion union.

Q: (L) Tell us again who are the Nephilim?

A: Enforcers. Slaves of Orion. From Planet 3C, or 3rd star, 3rd planet
. [MJF: Is that the Orion constellation or another?]

Q: (L) You said the other night that the Nephalim came from some area around the constellation Scorpio, is that correct?

A: Originally seeded there but you were too.

Q: (L) We were originally seeded somewhere else? Where? Orion? What is the name of that planet?

A: D’Ankhiar. Ankh is ancient symbolism of this planet. Is female symbol. Stands for mother planet.

Q: (L) Is this other planet our original home?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it like back Home?

A: Spent. Cindered. Burned up.

Since the C’s referred to the Nation of the Third Eye as the Antareans, this makes me wonder if D'Ankhiar is to be found in the Antares star system within the constellation of Scorpio. If so, could it be Antares (Alpha Scorpii), the red super-giant, that is due to go supernova rather than Rigel in Orion? Here is what they say in Wikipedia about the prospects of Antares going supernova:​

Antares, like the similarly sized red supergiant Betelgeuse* in the constellation Orion, will almost certainly explode as a supernova, possibly in the next ten thousand years. For a few months, the Antares supernova could be as bright as the full moon and be visible in daytime.

*As to Betelgeuse going supernova see: One of the brightest stars in the sky is evolving and dying before our eyes (

The traditional name “Antares” is from the Ancient Greek Άντάρης, which means anti-Ares, or the rival of Mars, because of its similar colour to the red planet. In the Babylonian star catalogues dating from at least 1100 BC, Antares was called GABA GIR.TAB, i.e., "the Breast of the Scorpion". In the MUL.APIN (a Babylonian compendium that dealt with many diverse aspects of Babylonian astronomy and astrology), which dates between 1100 and 700 BC, it is one of the stars of Ea in the southern sky and denotes the breast of the Scorpion goddess Ishhara, who may be likened, therefore, to the Egyptian scorpion goddess Serket. Ishhara was the tutelary goddess of the ancient Syrian city of Ebla but her cult had a wide reach across the ancient Near East. The worship of Ishara subsequently spread to Mesopotamia. The Hurrians also adopted her into their pantheon after arriving in Syria, from which she then found her way to the Hittite pantheon. Although she was the tutelary deity of the ruling family, she was also a love goddess and in Mesopotamia the latter function led to her being associated with Ishtar and by extension Inanna in Sumer and Astarte in the Levant (the primary goddess of the Canaanites and Phoenicians). She was also regarded as a goddess of divination and a divine guardian of oaths. Curiously, the Māori in New Zealand call Antares Rēhua, and regard it as the chief of all the stars. Rēhua is the father of Puanga/Puaka (Rigel), an important star in the calculation of the Māori calendar. Hence, we see an association in Māori tradition between the red giant star Antares and the blue giant star Rigel, both of which could go supernova in the near future.

This does not necessarily mean that D'Ankhiar is/was a planet of Antares, for it is a binary star system with a second smaller star, Antares B. Antares B is a magnitude 5.5 blue-white main-sequence star, which has a mass 7.2 times that of the Sun and a radius 5.2 times solar and is 150 times brighter. Antares B, which is normally difficult to see in small telescopes due to glare from Antares, appears a profound blue or bluish-green colour, in contrast to the orange red of Antares A.

Some red giants have planets orbiting around them. It is theorized that red giants can have a stable habitable zone, allowing life to probably develop on planets. However, red supergiant stars are meant to have very short lives, so whether that would permit sufficient time to allow life to evolve on orbiting planets to sustain humanoid life must be debatable unless, of course, it received artificial assistance from extra-terrestrials. This means, therefore, that it is more likely that Antares B, a sun somewhat more like our own star Sol, would be capable of supporting humanoid life on an orbiting planet rather than a red supergiant like Antares A.

If a massive red supergiant star goes supernova, any life bearing planet in its vicinity would be completely burned up. A safe distance from a supernova is reckoned to be 50 to 100 light years (although this may depend on the size of the star going supernova). Being any closer would cause a mass extinction event from the resulting radiation in the form of gamma and x-rays. Scientists speculate that the Devonian and the End-Ordovician mass extinction events on Earth could have been the result of supernovas and the gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) created during the explosions. The high ionizing radiation (which alters atoms and molecules by removing electrons) from gamma and x-rays can cause cancers, mutations, tissue damage, and death in human beings. In fact, some scientists believe organisms on Earth have already been mutated from the effects of distant supernova blasts. This seems to support what the C’s have said about upcoming DNA changes that could be triggered by a supernova:​

Q: (L) What would be the effect of cosmic rays emitted by a supernova that is in some proximity to the earth on the human body?
A: Genetic splice of strand

Using the most recent figures given by the 2007 Hipparcos data, Antares distance from Earth is given as 553.76 light years. If it were to go supernova and be seen on Earth today, it means the explosion would have occurred around 1469 AD. However, red supergiant stars are short lived and swell dramatically and quickly (in stellar terms) as they prepare to go supernova. That means that D'Ankhiar could have been burned up thousands of years ago, long before Antares A finally goes/went supernova.​

If we work with that date of 1469 AD, it leads to some interesting results where English history is concerned:

Session 5 September 1998

(L) Having done my homework on supernovas to some extent, and having discovered that either supergiant red stars are in the process of going supernova, or supergiant blue stars are getting ready to be ready to go supernova, as well as eruptions of massive interstellar clouds, I note that Betelgeuse, in the right shoulder of Orion, is a red supergiant, and Rigel, in the foot of Orion, is a blue supergiant, both of which could go supernova. Am I going in the right direction?

A: You have begun to trek down the right path.
MJF: However, this statement is not necessarily an endorsement of Betelgeuse or Rigel as the main candidates.]


Q: (L) You mentioned the importance of the Horsehead Nebula in relation to the symbol of the Knight. What is the significance of the Horsehead Nebula?
[MJF: The Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33) is a small dark nebula in the constellation of Orion. The nebula is located just to the south of Alnitak, the easternmost star of Orion’s Belt, and is part of the much larger Orion molecular cloud complex. The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 422 parsecs or 1,375 light-years from Earth.]

A: Keep up your search, as you are near.

(L) What would be the effect of cosmic rays emitted by a supernova that is in some proximity to the earth on the human body?

A: Genetic splice of strand

(L) How close would a supernova have to be to have this effect?

A: 2000 light years. [MJF: I think this means within 2,000 light-years.]

(L) So that either of these stars in Orion that are potential supernova prospects could have this effect since they are approximately 1500 light years away?

A: Yes.

(A) Are we talking about effects that propagate with the speed of light, or effects that are superluminal and instantaneous?

A: Both, and slower as well.

(L) What would be the effect that would be instantaneous?

A: Lesser.

(A) Now this supernova that is supposed to explode soon, will it be soon in the sense of our SEEING it, that is the arrival of the light from this, or soon in the instantaneous sense?

A: Optically.

(L) So, this supernova must have already occurred?

A: Yes.

(L) And where did this supernova take place?

A: No dice, baby!

(L) What clue can I follow to determine which star it is?

A: Instincts.

(A) But, if it already occurred, then this means that the instantaneous effects have already been felt, even if it was lesser than the optical effects. It must have been recorded by anomalous changes in genes. (L) Is that true?

A: Close.

(L) So what, in the records, should we be looking for?

A: Sign of struggle out of sequence with pre-ordained activities of Royal Blood Lines.
[MJF: which the C’s later confirmed as being the activity of control – see below]

(L) In other words, the usurpation of the blood lines?

A: Close.

The C’s elaborated further on this in the Session dates 4 December 1999:

Q: I have two last questions: at one point you said to note the "struggle out of sequence with pre-ordained activities of royal bloodlines." Now, of course, I made the remark about usurpation of a throne, but later I realized that we don't really know what the pre-ordained activities of royal bloodlines really are. They don't necessarily have to do with a secular position, they could be a function. What are the pre-ordained activities of royal bloodlines?

A: Control.

Q: Control of what? People?

A: Close.

Q: Control of the reality in some sense?

A: Not as close.

Q: Control as in STS domination?

A: Yes.

Q: Are there any other pre-ordained activities?

A: Need there be?

Q: Okay, "struggle out of sequence." Loss of control? The royal bloodlines lose control?

A: Only when energies build prior to completion of cycle.

Q: What sign am I looking for? Struggle out of sequence... a rebellion that breaks out... a particular cycle to these events... a period of time?

A: You need to review.

At the beginning of this thread, I suggested to Laura that the usurpation of the bloodline or struggle out of sequence of Royal Blood Lines may have been when James II (James Stuart) of Great Britain was toppled from his throne in the Glorious Revolution of 1688-89 to be replaced by his daughter and son-in-law, Mary Stuart and William Prince of Orange, as the first constitutional monarchs in British history. Laura tended to agree with me. However, the toppling of James II only came after a turbulent 230 years of internecine struggle for the English (and later the British) throne. The struggle for control of the throne had commenced with the War of the Roses (1455-1485) fought between the Houses of York and Lancaster. The War was eventually won by Henry Tudor when he defeated his Yorkist rival King Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth on 22 August 1485, to be crowned Henry VII. Richard III was the last Plantagenet king of England. If you have ever read or seen Shakespeare’s play Richard III, who can forget the scene in Act V where an unhorsed King Richard is seen wandering around the battlefield alone crying: “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse” before he is unceremoniously killed whilst still wearing his crown. If we take the date of 1469 AD as a possible date for Antares to have gone supernova (bearing in mind we have not seen the supernova the C’s have spoken of yet) then that is only 16 years prior to the date of the Battle of Bosworth and would place it near to the midpoint of the War of the Roses, which clearly involved a dynastic struggle out of sequence.​

The Horsehead Nebula

If we take the distance of Earth from Antares as 554 light years or thereabouts, then, as I have shown, it comes very close to the date on which Henry Tudor usurped the throne from Richard III to end the Plantagenet dynasty. However, we still need to take into account here the importance of the Horsehead Nebula and the symbol of the knight. The knight as a chess piece is, of course, symbolised by a horse’s head. A horse’s head has featured in two of Nicolas Poussin’s paintings, i.e., The Shepherds of Arcadia and Winter. I would suggest this was no accident on Poussin’s part, since he was in all probability a Rosicrucian and had studied under Athanasius Kircher, one of the leading astronomers and philosophers of the age, he may therefore have known of the significance of the Horsehead Nebula in Orion.​

The reference to a horse’s head in The Shepherds of Arcadia was noted by Laura as discussed in the Session dated 31 October 1998:

Q: Okay. Now. This woman with this book "The Horse of God," talks about the shadow of the horse in the Shepherds of Arcadia painting that is evident if you turn it upside down. I know that I dreamed that the painting was a map. In terms of this map, what would be the zero meridian that one would use to place the map?

A: There need not be a zero meridian.

The Horse of God is most probably Neptune or his Greek equivalent Poseidon, as he was often depicted as a horse, although he normally was shown in human form holding a trident. Although primarily a god of the sea, Neptune, like Poseidon, was also worshipped by the Romans as a god of horses, as Neptunus Equestris (a patron of horse-racing). Perhaps this was because of early depictions of him that showed him being pulled across the sea in a chariot pulled by a horse. Moreover, before Poseidon was known as the god of the sea, he was connected to the horse and may have originally been depicted in equine form. Curiously there is a reflection of Neptune/Poseidon in Manannan Mac Lir: who is the Irish and Isle of Man (from whose name the island allegedly derives) god of the sea and guardian of the afterlife. With his sea-borne chariot, affiliation with horses and cloak of invisibility, Manannan guards the otherworld and the afterlife, incorporating aspects of the ancient Greek gods Poseidon and Hades. Intriguingly, there is also a connection between Poseidon and the constellation of Ophiuchus (the Serpent Bearer or Holder), which later myths identified with Laocoön, the Trojan priest of Poseidon who warned his fellow Trojans about the Greek’s Trojan Horse and was later slain by a pair of sea serpents sent by the gods to punish him. This connection may be strengthened by this exchange with the C’s:​

Q: Okay, next question, is this Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, the same as what you have called 'the holder of Trent?'

A: Close. [MJF: If “Trent” can mean “Trident”, then this might link Neptune/Poseidon with 'the holder of Trent’. However, the same applies to Britannia in her representation of the goddess Brigid, Brig or Bride, since she is usually depicted as holding a trident.]

However, it is the second reference to a horse’s head in Poussin’s painting of Winter (or The Flood) that really interests me here:


In the foreground you can see what is meant to be Noah riding on top of a horse with only the animal’s head showing (like the chess piece). Given Poussin’s penchant for incorporating stellar themes in his paintings, one can only assume this image is no accident (there is no reference to Noah riding anything in the Bible) and may be intended to represent the Horsehead Nebula. Although Noah cannot really be described as a knight, since he is a biblical patriarch, the image may possibly contain a hidden reference to the chess piece I suppose.

We should pause to remember here that the Flood or Deluge brought around the destruction of Atlantis and that island, according to Plato, was the home of the god Poseidon, the place that was initially given to him when the gods divided the world between themselves, and each ruled his or her own territory. Poseidon formed the island and lived there with his wife and children.

Amongst the numerous children of Poseidon were the Telchines, who were a group of four sea-gods who were skilled smiths and sorcerers. While they made some amazing creations, such as the sickle that was used to castrate Uranus, Zeus banished them to Tartarus for their harmful use of magic. This reminds me of the fallen angels known as the Watchers in the Book of Enoch who were also banished to Tartarus, which makes me immediately think of The Nation of the Third Eye and the Antareans who are part of the subterranean Aryan civilisation. The fact these sea-gods were meant to be skilled smith and sorcerers who used magic to harm, makes me think of the evil magicians (i.e., the scientists, engineers, and technicians) of Atlantis.

Poseidon also had a surprising number of children who were giants (Nephilim?). The most famous of these were the three cyclops brothers met by Odysseus and his crew in Homer’s Odyssey. Polyphemus and his brothers lived a wild, uncivilized life on an otherwise uninhabited island.

Another famous giant son of Poseidon was supposedly Orion, who famously hunted alongside Artemis. While not all myths agreed that the hunter was one of Poseidon’s sons, many credited this ancestry with his legendary ability to walk on water. And, of course, the Horsehead Nebula is found in Orion. It is curious, therefore, that the US space agency NASA has named its current Space Launch System (SLS) super heavy lift launch vehicle Artemis, with its first planned uncrewed test flight due to occur imminently, which includes the first flight of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. Let us not forget that the NASA moon missions of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s were based around the Apollo space program, Apollo being the twin brother of Artemis.

Poseidon was one of the main Greek deities who was often named as an ancestor of Greece’s noble families. Divine ancestry helped to explain the nobility of these men and legitimize their claims to power. Having a god as an ancestor made men more fit to rule – hence the subsequent belief in the divine right of kings, which survived into Christian times. In the Greek way of thinking, virtue was a trait that was passed down genetically. The sons of gods like Poseidon were more fit to rule because they inherited some measure of nobility, wisdom, and leadership from their father. The sons of gods had abilities beyond those of ordinary men so they could accomplish acts of great heroism, strength, or fighting prowess.

Returning to what the C’s have said about the Horsehead Nebula, there was a second reference to it in the next session dated 12 September 1998:​

Q: (L) Okay, when reading about the Great Nebula in Orion, there is a kite shaped area adjacent to the Horsehead Nebula. I wondered if there was any relation between this and your previous mention of kites. Are we looking at something in that particular area of the sky that is going to go supernova?

A: For supernova, look to the “foot.” [MJF: Note the C’s don’t say the foot of which particular constellation, although Laura infers here that it is the foot of Orion and the blue super-giant star Rigel they have in mind.]

Q: (L) Rigel.

A: Maybe.

The C’s have said on numerous occasions that they would not give away the identity of the star which is to go supernova (usually saying “no dice”). However, there were further references to Rigel in later sessions.​

Session 23 October 2004:

Q: (A) Why are you transmitting from Rigel? What is special about Rigel?

A: Oh, wouldn't you like to know?

Q: [Discussion as to what that might mean. Laura points out that Rigel was mentioned in a previous discussion about supernovae.]

A: We already told you "No dice!"

Q: (Galahad) Should we tell the group about the change to Rigel?

A: Wait a bit and "see" how brilliant you are.
[MJF: A reference perhaps to illumination produced by changes in DNA due to the supernova and/or at the transition to 4th Density?]

Session 9 January 2005:

Q: What happened to Rigel?

A: Zoom Out.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Interference no longer a problem so no relay needed

Q: (A) So what happened to supernova? (L) I guess when you are 6th density it only causes a problem in the period of the initial explosion.

A: You answered well enough.

Q: (A) I am suspicious... (L) Where do you transmit through or from?

A: Rigel.

Q: (L) So why do you say Cassiopaea?

A: For your identifier only.

Q: Wasn't Rigel meant to go supernova?

A: Rigel already went!
[MJF: From the C’s perspective in being able to look backwards and forwards in time, this could mean any time in our future.]

Q: When?

A: We already said look, listen and no dice!

Discussion on when we thought Rigel went supernova, around 1229, actual distance in light years is disputed however

A: R U playing horseshoes?
[MJF: Could the reference to horseshoes here be intended as an oblique reference to the Horsehead Nebula? Their statement does, however, link with their oft stated quote “close enough for horseshoes”.]

However, could the C’s be concealing something else maybe? What if there was another Horsehead Nebula? Well, there is in fact a second horsehead nebula and it is the Blue Horsehead Nebula in Scorpius, the same constellation Antares is in.


What you see above is not the famous Horsehead nebula of Orion but rather a fainter nebula that only takes on a familiar form with deeper imaging. The main part of the molecular cloud complex shown here is a reflection nebula catalogued as IC 4592.

Reflection nebulas are made up of very fine dust that normally appears dark but can look quite blue when reflecting the light of energetic nearby stars. In this case, the source of much of the reflected light is a star at the eye of the horse. That star is part of Nu Scorpii, one of the brighter star systems towards the Constellation of Scorpio (or Scorpius).

The C’s told us: “For supernova, look to the “foot”.”

All scorpions have claws — except it seems for the scorpion in the sky. As the constellation is configured today, Scorpius has a curving tail; a body, highlighted by bright orange Antares; and a head, marked by a short line of stars. But its claws are gone — and have been for thousands of years.

The Babylonians called Scorpius MUL.GIR.TAB – the creature with the burning sting. In some old descriptions, the constellation of Libra was treated as the Scorpion’s celestial claws. Thus, it transpires that Libra was known as the ‘Claws of the Scorpion’ in Babylonia. And as we know, Libra was added to the celestial Zodiac to become the twelfth house.​

The claws of Scorpius extend into Libra as depicted on a 16th century celestial globe. Gerard Mercator​

If the C’s are directing us to the foot of the nebula, does this mean that we need to be looking at Libra, and the former claws of the scorpion, for the star that will go supernova or should we still be looking to the foot of Orion?

Curiously, there is a foot depicted in the above 16th Century image produced by Gerard Mercator and it is that of Ophiuchus (the Serpent Bearer or Holder). You will note that Ophiuchus’s foot is placed close to Antares at the heart of the Scorpion. Ophiuchus has also been mentioned in the Transcripts:​

Session 20 June 1998:

Q: Okay, next question, is this Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, the same as what you have called 'the holder of Trent?'

MJF: The Constellation Ophiuchus was formerly called Serpentarius. To the ancient Greeks, the constellation represented the god Apollo struggling with a huge snake that guarded the Oracle of Delphi. As stated previously above, later myths identified Ophiuchus with Laocoön, the Trojan priest of Poseidon, the trident carrying Greek god and founder of Atlantis.

A: Close.

Q: I guess that I am going to just have to accept that as a partial answer - why do I bother?!

However, you will note that Ophiuchus was formerly called Serpentarius, and that constellation, called by this earlier name, featured in another session:

Q: Supposedly, Christian Rosencruetz was initiated by the 'philosophers of Dancar.' I want to know where this blasted place is! Okay, skip it. One of the Rosicrucian manifestos said: 'God has sent messengers and signs in the heavens, namely the new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus, to show that a great council of the elect is to take place.' What do they mean by a 'great council of the elect?'

A: Pyrenees.

Q: Okay, the purported enclave of the alchemists... Why was it signified by new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus? What do they represent?

A: Novae.*

This theme continued in a further exchange:

Q: In reading the Celtic legends, I discovered that Cassiopaea was equated with Danu, or Don, as in Tuatha de Danaan, or the court of the goddess Danu. So, in other words, the supreme goddess of the Aryans was Cassiopaea. And, Cassiopaea is found in the zodiacal area of Aries, the 'lamb,' where Cephus the 'rock' and 'king' is also found, as well as Perseus, 'he who breaks' and serpentarius. {Just noticed that the previous question about the supernova in Serpentarius could be a reference to the supernova in Cassiopeia by this grouping method.} The image is of Perseus overcoming the serpent, and the ancient Celtic engravings of the horned god show him gripping two serpents by the throat. I would like to understand the symbology here...

A: You are on the right track

*Please note that in astronomical terms “novae” are not “supernovae”. Although the term "stella nova" means "new star", novae most often take place as a result of white dwarf stars, which are remnants of extremely old stars. During the sixteenth century, astronomer Tycho Brahe observed the supernova SN 1572 in the constellation Cassiopeia. He described it in his book De nova stella (Latin for "concerning the new star"), giving rise to the adoption of the name nova. In this work he argued that a nearby object should be seen to move relative to the fixed stars, and that the nova had to be very far away. Although this event was a supernova and not a nova, the terms were considered interchangeable until the 1930s. After this, novae were classified as classical novae to distinguish them from supernovae, as their causes and energies were thought to be different, based solely on the observational evidence.

Intriguingly, the constellation of Scorpius is associated with many myths alongside Orion, the celestial hunter. In one myth, the legendary hunter boasted to the goddess Artemis that he could kill any animal on Earth. Artemis sent a scorpion to kill Orion and, as their battle went on, it caught the attention of Zeus, who raised them both to the sky to serve as a reminder for mortals to curb their excessive pride. In another version of the myth, it was Artemis’ twin brother, Apollo, who sent the scorpion to kill Orion, after the hunter earned the goddesses’ favour by admitting she was better than him. After Zeus raised Orion and the scorpion in the sky, the former hunts every winter but flees every summer when the scorpion returns. In both versions, it was Artemis that asked Zeus to raise Orion to the sky.

So, could the C’s have been directing us to the foot of Ophiuchus (Serpentarius), which aligns close to the heart of Scorpio, where the red-giant star Antares is located, a star that is due to go supernova at any time within the next 10,000 years.

Nation of the Third Eye as Bi-density Humans

The other thing we need to bear in mind is that the C’s said members of the underground civilisation were bi-density beings, that is to say they can happily exist at both 3rd Density and at 4th Density, which would give them a distinct advantage over the Lizards and the Greys, who can only remain in 3rd Density for short periods of time. Here is what the C’s said about the Nation of the Third Eye in the Session dated 23 November 1996:​

Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not "needed". Where did he get his information?

A: Secret sources. Agents of the “nation of the third eye."

Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"

A: Terran civilization under the surface.

Q: (L) Now, wait a minute. I remember that when they said the Aryans were brought from Kantek, and that they were "sturdier," or something like that, and I remarked that it seemed that they would be less sturdy - and the C's answered "on the surface." Now, that has always bothered me. I don't think they meant "surface appearances." Have the Aryans been glorified as the "master race" because they are more suited to living underground?

A: Close. All types there are "Aryan."

Q: (L) Okay, is this a Terran underground civilization that has been 'managed' by Orions, or did it develop on its own?

A: One at a time.

Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are these "managers" Orions from other densities?

A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) I don't understand. Are there some that are 4th and some that are 3rd?

A: The human types there are "bi-density."

Q: (L) Holy Shiite Moslems!

A: Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can "visit" 3rd density, but they must keep returning to 4th in order to "regenerate."

Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as long as they want in any density?

A: In 4th and 3rd.
[MJF: If these beings are the Antareans, as I suspect, they could therefore survive on a 4th Density planet such as Saturn or Jupiter, which means that D'Ankhiar could be a 4th Density planet too and not necessarily a 3rd Density planet like Earth.]

Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease on either density?

A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is easier, naturally.

Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write this quasi-fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about the Martians?

A: "Martians" is easier to understand for the less well- informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!

Q: (T) Absolutely. Martians are easier to accept. A lot easier to understand than densities! (L) Okay, Third Eye. What is this?

A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.

Q: (L) Does this "Third Eye" designation have a connotation of third eye abilities as we understand them?

A: Psychic.
[MJF: Which may connect them to Thor’s Pantheon of psychic projectors.]

Thus, we see that the Nation of the Third Eye is an Aryan civilisation who were the inspiration for Masonic lore and the Illuminati, which makes sense if they are the Antareans, an STS humanoid race originally from Orion who would therefore appear to have been bi-density beings. They followed this revelation about the bi-density nature of Nation of the Third Eye humans by saying in the Session dated 14 September 2002:

Q: (Atriedes) They once said something about bi-density beings. They were like hybrids between 4th density beings and a 3rd density being. Or could such an individual be a genetically enhanced human?

A: Humans were once "bi-density."
[MJF: Was this on D'Ankhiar] And some may be again in the natural way. Those of 4D STS "manufacture" are similar. Just think of them as a type of OP [Organic Portal] with souped up engines.

Returning to the link to the Semites, the C’s subsequently confirmed that the Semites are Aryans in the Session dated 20 October 2005:​

Q: (Galahad) In reading through the transcripts in the 9/11 book, I was confused about the genetic tweak that was made 130,000 years ago. Was that a tweak that was done to all the Semites, so it wasn’t only the Jews?

A: Question is what is a Semite?

Q: (Galahad) You make a remark that this thing with Hitler goes off planet. So was this something that was going on on Kantek before it exploded?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galahad) Did the Semites have a significant role in the collapse of Atlantis?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Galahad) So, when we’re looking at a replay, we’re REALLY looking at a replay!

A: Yup.

Q: (Discussion of who are the Semites) (Galahad) So the real Semites are the Aryans?

A: You got it!

Q: (L) So that means that the rank and file of Jews that have carried the tradition, the Arabic types, just took on the tradition and carried it... They were just intermediaries. They stole the significator of the original Semites and applied it to themselves. (Perceval) Semites is like Middle Eastern, isn’t it?

A: Is it? Was it?

Q: (Galahad) Then the genetic tweak, was it made in the Aryan Semites or was it made in the Jews that we know as Jews today?

A: Aryan. Reason for destruction of Jews of the “Abrahamic” line.

Since the Aryans/Kantekkians were supposed to have come to earth about 80,000 years ago at the time of the destruction of their planet, this means that the genetic tweak the C’s mentioned here that occurred 130,000 years ago may have happened on Kantek or possibly even earlier on a planet in the Antares star system. Here is what the C’s said about the tweak in the Session dated 23 August 2001:

Q: (L) Once before you talked about the "mission destiny profile prior encoding" of the Semitic genetic code structure. Of course, you talked about this being done 130,000 years ago, so that's a long time. But was that original code structure put into the genetic code of the Black peoples...
A: Yes.
Q: ... to then be spread via their mixture with Aryans - as Semites - into other races?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) What is the other part?
A: Genetic tweaking of Semites.

But we should note here that the C’s are referring to the Aryan Semites, who can in turn be linked to the Scythian Celts who first migrated to Northern China (MJF: recall here the evidence of the Celtic mummies found in the Tarim Basin in present-day Xinjiang, China) from the Caucuses and then made their way eventually to the Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia/Sumeria), the Middle East and Egypt via Turkey/Anatolia (invading India and along the way mixing with the peoples of Central Asia). Quoting again from the Session dated 23 August 2001:​

Q: (L) Well, we should have figured that. There's hardly been anybody else running things for the last 300 thousand years or so. Okay, going in another direction: what other names were the Danaans known by?
A: Scythians.
Q: (L) How did the Scythians get to Egypt?
A: VIA Akkad.
Q: (L) Was Sargon a Scythian?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Were the Hittites a genetically altered group of Scythians?
A: Close.
[MJF: recall here that the C’s said Abraham was a Hittite and is considered to be a Semite.]
Q: (L) Where do the Scythians come from?
A: China.
Q: (L) How did they get to China?
A: From the Caucasus.
Q: (L) So, they started off from the Caucasus, went to China, and were later driven back West by the Chinese? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Northern China or Southern China?
A: North.

Continued in Part 5
The Egyptian Pilgrimage of Initiation Part 5

The Danaans and the Tribe of Dan

So, we see from the above that a group of Celts originally from the Caucuses eventually became the Scythians, who would conquer Sumeria (and possibly Egypt) to create the Akkadian Empire whose first great emperor was Sargon the Great (who according to the C’s was a ‘Deep Level Punctuator’ from the subterranean civilisation – the Nation of the Third Eye or the Antareans?). These Celts introduced the Semitic language into the Middle East and one group of them may have been the Habiru or Hapiru from which the Abrahamic Jews may have descended, who seem to have made their way into Egypt, where they were still dwelling at the time of Akhenaten (N.B. this subject deserves a post of its own). However, we see the C’s confirming that the Danaans (the sons of the goddess Danu) were also Scythians. Hence, is there a possible link between the Danaans and the Habiru? If there is, that link may be found through the Israelite tribe of Dan.​

The Tribe of Dan

The Tribe of Dan (Hebrew: meaning, "Judge") was one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel who were allocated a coastal portion of land when the people of Israel entered the Promised Land, later moving northwards. According to the biblical narrative, following the completion of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes after about 1200 BC, Joshua (Moses’ successor) allocated the land among the twelve tribes. Dan was the last tribe to receive its territorial inheritance The land originally allocated to Dan was a small enclave in the central coastal area of Canaan, between Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and the Philistines, which means they probably occupied part of what today is Gaza.​

Samson and the Tribe of Dan

Curiously, I was recently watching the old classic movie and Biblical epic ‘Samson and Delilah’ starring Victor Mature.

In the Book of Judges, Samson was a judge (N.B. not a legal judge in the modern sense of the term but an ad hoc leader) whose uncut, long hair (MJF: think also of the Merovingian kings here – see more below on this) provided him with the strength to be able to pull down buildings with his bare hands and defeat whole armies. From conception, Samson was special because he was a Nazirite (or ‘Nazarite’ meaning ‘one separated’), a man consecrated to the service of God, under vows to abstain from alcohol, let the hair and beard grow, and avoid defilement by contact with dead bodies. In some ways the Nazirites can be compared to the later Jewish Essenes. Some biblical commentators view St John the Baptist as a late period Nazirite, since he refrained from alcohol and lived a life separated from others. Apparently, the Apostle St. Paul also briefly engaged in a Nazirite vow. One can also see a reflection of the Nazirites in Christian hermits such as St. Anthony and his fellow Desert Fathers who helped to found Christian monasticism.

Samson was a descendant of Dan, one of two sons of the Patriarch Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel) and Bilhah, Rachel’s handmaid. As I have suggested before, since we know that Jacob is just another persona of Abraham/Moses and Rachel is another persona of Nefertiti/Sarah, Bilhah would appear to be Hagar (Meritaten/Kore) the Egyptian maid servant of Sarah, as described in the Bible, and the mother of Ishmael. The two sons referred to would therefore appear to be the sons of Abraham, i.e., Isaac and Ishmael. In the Bible, Ishmael is described as a ‘wild donkey of a man’, which would certainly fit the description of Samson, who may be seen as a Jewish Version of the Greek Wildman, Heracles or Hercules (a Greek demi-god or hybrid and son of Zeus). This likeness is borne out by a striking similarity between the stories of Samson and Heracles in that they both defeated a lion. Samson used his great strength to kill a lion in Timnah (Judges 14:1-6), whilst Hercules killed a lion at the hills of Nemea as one of the “Twelve Labours of Hercules”.

Ishmael and Hagar

According to the Book of Genesis, Ishmael fathered twelve sons, who divided into twelve tribes, and, as God had revealed earlier, “They lived in hostility toward all the tribes related to them”, which could in my view be the real basis for the Twelve Tribes of Israel, who certainly could be said to have fulfilled that prophecy (and are still doing so at the present time!). Here is the biblical prophecy concerning Ishmael and his descendants:

Genesis 16:12 And he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Supposedly, the Ishmaelites became nomadic tent dwelling shepherds of sheep and goats. They had camels and horses and became raiders and slave traders. In Jewish tradition, the Patriarch Joseph was sold by his brothers to the Ishmaelites who then brought him down to Egypt.

Ishmaelites are meant to be Arabs but not all Arabs are Ishmaelites. According to Wikipedia the nomadic Bedouin have a widely quoted saying:​

"I against my brother,
my brothers and I against my cousins,
then my cousins and I against strangers".

This description appears to be very similar to the biblical quotation above concerning Ishmael. It is curious that the C’s once said:

Q: (L) So, from 1627 BC to 1588 BC - that's 39 years - almost exactly 40 years of "wandering in the desert," so to say. So they must have escaped when Thera blew and forty years later, the comets came. What was Abraham and his crew doing during that time?
A: Bedouins.
Q: (L) How many were in this tribe?
A: 623.

Did Ishmael and his offspring become the Bedouin Arabs or was this really a reflection of what happened to his half-brother Isaac and his Israelite offspring?

If Ishmael was Hagar/Meritaten/Kore’s son, it is questionable he even remained in the Middle East, since it is my theory that Meritaten travelled to Western Europe with the Grail and presumably with her son, which may depend though on the age he was at the time she departed. If he was an adult at the time, he may have preferred to stay with his people, becoming a nomadic Bedouin, giving rise to the belief promoted by Islamic tradition that he was the father of the Arab nation. However, I still wonder whether he may have met an early death in Ireland because of the skeleton of the young Egyptian boy found at Tara, who wore the same sort of Egyptian faience necklace or collar known as a “wesekh” (or “weskhet”) as was worn by Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who was Ishmael’s uncle through his mother Meritaten/Hagar.​

In 1955, archaeologist Dr Sean O’Riordan of Trinity College found skeletal remains of a young boy, carbon-dated to around 1350 BC, at the Mound of Hostages at Tara. A necklace found with the skeleton was made of faience beads, matching the design and manufacture of Egyptian beads. The collar matched the collar laid around the neck of Tutankhaum, who lived during the same time as the boy found in Ireland.”

In art, the wesekh collar was favoured by both the gods and the pharaohs. However, from the Eighteenth Dynasty onwards (Akhenaten’s dynasty), this was the form of necklace most often given to officials, dignitaries, and soldiers as a mark of honour. Although the wesekh collar was often made of gold, examples made of other precious metals (such as copper and silver), gemstones (most notably Feldspar, Carnelian, Jasper, Turquoise and Lapis), stone, and faience have also been recovered.

In 2015, researchers from Trinity College Dublin and Queen’s University Belfast found evidence of massive migration from the Middle East to Ireland after sequencing the genomes of ancient Irish humans. The Irish Times reports.

The genome of an early woman farmer who lived near Belfast 5,200 years ago showed that her majority ancestry originated in the Middle East. The woman had black hair and dark eyes, and she would have looked more like someone from southern Europe than an Irish woman.

By contrast, the genomes of three men who lived during the Bronze Age 4,000 years ago showed one-third of their ancestry came from the Pontic steppe on the shores of the Black Sea. These men had the most common Irish Y chromosome type, had blue eyes, and had the genetic mutation for hemochromatosis, now so common in Irish people, it’s often called a Celtic disease. Although there was only 1,000 years between them, the genomes of the woman and the three men looked remarkably different, suggesting a major migration must have occurred.​

There was a great wave of genome change that swept into Europe, from above the Black Sea into Bronze Age Europe, and we now know it washed all the way to the shores of its most westerly island,” said Trinity professor of population genetics Dan Bradley, who led the study published in the international journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.

The research indicates that before the migration, Ireland’s earliest people, who may have arrived as far away as the Middle East, were quite different than the Celtic people that are associated with the region today.

See: Could DNA prove that ancient Egyptians visited Ireland? (

As an Irish Celt myself, having a propensity towards Haemochromatosis, an inherited condition where iron levels in the body slowly build up over many years, these findings are very revealing. Could the original Celtic settlers in Ireland (as opposed to the later Milesian Gaels from Spain) have been the Scythian Celts that became the Tuatha de Danaan, i.e., Danaans or Danites arriving from the Land of Canaan or the Sinai Desert? If so, were they the scaled-down hybrid descendants of the subterranean Antareans? Indeed, could red hair and fair, sandy freckled skin be their calling card?​

The Korahites

If Ishmael remained in the Middle East, can we detect his hidden presence at all in the Bible? As I have said before, the name “Kore” may be connected to an Israelite group known as the Korahites (the "sons of Korah") who in the Bible were that portion of the Kohathites that descended from the Sons of Korah. They were an important branch of the singers of the Kohathite division (See 2 Chronicles 20:19).

The Sons of Korah were supposedly the sons of Moses’ cousin Korah. The story of Korah is found in Numbers where he led a revolt against Moses; he died, along with all his co-conspirators, when God caused "the earth to open her mouth and swallow him and all that appertained to them" (See Numbers 16:31-33). However, was Korah really Hagar/Kore and did she lead a revolt against the tyranny of Abraham/Moses perhaps over his misuse of the Grail, her father Akhenaten’s prized possession, which her mother Nefertiti stole from Akhenaten? Could this same episode also be reflected in the Battle of Gibeah, known as the Benjamite Civil War, which I discussed in an earlier article. Is there a connection here between the Korahites, the Tribe of Dan and the Tribe of Benjamin? Are they in reality one and the same group, who came to be known as the Danaans or Danites?​

The Koreish or the Children of Kore

Alternatively, in Islamic history you have the name of the celebrated aboriginal tribe of Arabia, the Koreish, from whose ranks came Mohammed, the founder of Islam. The influence which the Koreish exerted in the early days of Mohammed is apparent from the fact that they exercised the guardianship over the Kaaba Stone at Mecca.​

Quoting from The Origins of Islam by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S:

“Mohammedan scriptures, often erroneously thought to have been written by Mohammed. Moslems don’t believe this. But many don’t know the Koran was an enlarged revised version of the ancient Word of the Goddess Kore, revered by Mohammed‘s tribe, the Koreshites (Children of Kore), who guarded her shrine at Mecca.

The original writing was done long before Mohammed ‘s time by holy imams, a word related to Semitic ima, ‘mother.’ Like the original mahatmas or ‘great mothers’ of India, the original imams were probably priestesses of the old Arabian matriarchate. It was said they took the scripture from a prototype that existed in heaven from the beginning of eternity, ‘Mother of the Book’—i.e., the Goddess herself, wearing the Book of Fate on her breast as Mother Tiamat wore the Tablets of Destiny. Sometimes the celestial Koran was called the Preserved Tablet. There was some resemblance between this and other legendary books of divine origin, such as the Ur-text, the Book of Thoth, and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes.

As to how such a character could inspire such reverence and devotion, we would submit that it was because Mohammed and Islam were created by yet another faction of “the brotherhood” for purposes of competition with Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and other religions.”

When Mohammed claimed for himself the role of a prophet and inveighed against the primeval superstition of the Koreish (or Meccans, as they are sometimes called, after their principal place of residence, the city of Mecca), he was denounced by all the Koreish tribe. Many of his people were still devoted to Sabaism (q.v.), a somewhat refined worship of the planetary bodies, in all probability the belief of the Koreish in the century preceding the establishment of the Mohammedan creed.

Hence, we see the Koreish at Mecca following the astrotheology of that mysterious group the Sabians from Harran in modern Turkey (see my earlier posts on the Sabians and Harran). Were the Koreish (including Mohammed) the descendants of Kore through her son Ishmael or merely the descendants of her original followers or entourage in the Sinai Desert?

Was Kore/Hagar deified as a goddess such as Brigid of the Tuatha de Danaan and did she become identified and conflated with the Grail in the same way as Ishtar, Inanna, Isis and the other mother goddesses of the ancient world? Was the Kaaba Stone at Mecca merely a substitute symbolism for the Grail or Matriarch Stone?​

The Sicambrians and the Franks

However, the mention of Samson drawing his strength from his long uncut hair reminds me of the Merovingians who also wore their hair long (as did the earlier Greek Spartans). As Franks, they were descended from the Sicambrians, a Celtic/Germanic people who during Roman times lived on the east bank of the river Rhine, in what is now Germany, near the border with the Netherlands. Quoting from Wikipedia:​

The Sicambri in Frankish mythology

An anonymous work of 727 AD called Liber Historiae Francorum states that following the fall of Troy, 12,000 Trojans led by chiefs Priam and Antenor moved to the Tanais (Don) river, settled in Pannonia near the Sea of Azov and founded a city called Sicambria. After altercations the Alans and Emperor Valentinian (the late 4th century AD), who renamed them Franks, they moved to the Rhine.

These stories have obvious difficulties. Historians, including eyewitnesses like Caesar, have given us accounts that place the Sicambri firmly at the delta of the Rhine, and archaeologists have confirmed ongoing settlement of peoples. Frankish historian Fredegar also has the Franks originate in Troy but lets them move straight to the Rhine.

If Troy was located as Heinrich Schliemann believed in Turkey, then the surviving Trojans could have moved westwards to central, and eventually, northern Europe. However, if Troy was in Cambridge as Iman Wilken has argued, then it would make sense that the Trojan survivors migrated from England to northern Europe to become the Sicambrians and eventually the Franks.​

The Celts and the 353535 Genetic Tribal Code

In the same Session dated 20 October 2005, the C’s also mentioned the 353535 genetic tribal code, which may be the ‘genetic tweak’ they referred to earlier:​

(L) Okay, now about the Pig God: what is it about pigs that makes them ideal as a symbol for the manifestation of God energy, or even as a vehicle?
A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure.

Let us not forget here that the C’s said that the Celts were Aryans in the Session dated 9 October 1994:

Q: (L) What are the differences between the Celts and the Aryans?

A: Geographic and cultural.

Q: (L) Are there any differences inherent from the former planetary home?

A: No. Post arrival difference development.

Q: (L) Were they the same prior to arrival?

A: Yes.

Session 20 October 2005:

Q: (Galahad) In reading through the transcripts in the 9/11 book, I was confused about the genetic tweak that was made 130,000 years ago. Was that a tweak that was done to all the Semites, so it wasn’t only the Jews?

A: Question is what is a Semite?

Q: (Galahad) You make a remark that this thing with Hitler goes off planet. So was this something that was going on on Kantek before it exploded?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galahad) Did the Semites have a significant role in the collapse of Atlantis?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Galahad) So, when we’re looking at a replay, we’re REALLY looking at a replay!

A: Yup.

Q: (Discussion of who are the Semites) (Galahad) So the real Semites are the Aryans?

A: You got it!

Q: (L) So that means that the rank and file of Jews that have carried the tradition, the Arabic types, just took on the tradition and carried it... They were just intermediaries. They stole the significator of the original Semites and applied it to themselves. (Perceval) Semites is like Middle Eastern, isn’t it?

A: Is it? Was it?

Q: (Galahad) Then the genetic tweak, was it made in the Aryan Semites or was it made in the Jews that we know as Jews today?

A: Aryan. Reason for destruction of Jews of the “Abrahamic” line.
[MJF: as opposed to the line of Khazarian Jews from Central and Eastern Europe.]

In the Bible, God promised Abraham that he would make him the progenitor of a mighty race, a chosen people. The Jewish race claim to be sons of Abraham as do the Ishmaelites of Islam. However, as the C’s have pointed out, the Jews today are no longer race specific.

Thus, the C’s seem to recognise that there are Jews of the Aryan Semitic line of Abraham that are the genetically tweaked hybrids with the 353535 tribal coding in their DNA. Was the Abraham of the Bible a Celt and a Nephilim hybrid as well? The C’s appeared to give the answer to this question in the session dated 19 April 1997:
Q: Am I correct in my assessment that the origin of the Grail stories was the story of the Head of Bran?

A: But what was the "origin" of Brahna?
[MJF: I previously linked Abraham to the Brahmins of Hinduism in an earlier post]

Q: Well, from the way I am interpreting what I have found, I have two possibilities: One is the Celts from Kantek, and two: a Nephilim hybrid.

A: Could be one and the same.

Q: Well, from what you have said in prior sessions, these bloodlines can be of positive or negative orientation, a duality, and that they lead to super-secret power sources. Is that correct?

A: Well, the duality is existent concommitantly through all bloodlines, but in the so-called Celts, it is more pronounced, therefore, there are more vivid power cells and centres.


Q: Okay, I will keep digging. How can I find if there is going to be a connection between the Aryan/Jewish bloodline of Jesus and the Merovingian/Plantagenet bloodline? Does it exist?

A: Only to the extent of the shared origins of the Essenes and the Celts
[MJF: Could these shared origins lie in the Antareans?]

I have proposed that “Brahna” is in fact a possible reference to Abram or Abraham as he later became (the ‘Head of Bran’ being perhaps the Holy Grail or Baphomet) and this may betray the true origins of the Brahmin caste amongst the Hindus of India. In Hinduism, the Brahmins are designated as the priestly class, as they serve as priests (purohit, pandit, or pujari) and religious teachers (acharya or guru). This would seem to make them equivalent to the Israelite (Hittite) Levites, who effectively performed the same role in Israel and Judea. It should also be recalled that the C’s have said that the knowledge contained in the ancient Vedic texts of India was Aryan in origin. This may suggest that the origins of “Brahna” or “Brahma” lie in the Grail – the Celtic Head of Bran.

If by the “Essenes” the C’s mean here the Jewish Essenes of New Testament times, then they seem to be indicating that they shared a common origin with the Celts through Abraham. However, the C’s have elsewhere referred to the Essenes as though they were a distinctive group in ancient times, with a particular link to the Middle East. The reference to the Merovingian Franks here provides what may be a tantalizing link to the Essenes or Levites, which I hope to pursue further in a subsequent post.​

Hiram Abiff – the Widow’s Son

Since we know that Solomon was more likely to have been an Egyptian pharaoh than an Israelite king, this raises an interesting connection between Solomon and Lebanon (ref. Baalbeck and Bybolos above) that can be found in Solomon’s relationship to Hiram, the King of Tyre (which too is located in modern Lebanon) and by extension to Hiram Abiff, the Widow’s Son, the finding of whose body we have learned takes centre stage in the initiation ritual of a Master Mason. The Hiram Abiff resurrection ritual is the key allegorical theme encountered by candidates being initiated into the third Craft Degree of Master Mason and involves the role playing of the murder and burial of the reputed architect of the Temple of Solomon. Please refer to my account of the ritual in my article ‘Hiram Abiff – The Widow’s Son’ for more on this.

However, are the true origins of this Masonic ritual to be found in the myth of Osiris and the finding of his body (the Osiris Machine), including the Head – the Grail – buried in a coffer or chest somewhere under the Sphinx or possibly at the Osireion at Abydos? If so, this may explain why the C’s linked modern Freemasonry to the Osirians but only at the 33rd Degree.​
The C’s have said on numerous occasions that they would not give away the identity of the star which is to go supernova (usually saying “no dice”). However, there were further references to Rigel in later sessions.​

Several things here. The C's are experts and masters at saying things without saying them. When you read "no dice" in Spanish, it literally means I don't tell you. But since the question is about constellations and supernovae it seems to me that the clue was in plain sight.

Dice, Dicea or Diké (in ancient Greek Δίκη Díkê, 'justice') is, in Greek mythology, the personification of justice in the human world. In some Roman sources she appears under the name Astrea (Greek Ἀστραία or Ἀστραίη; Latin Astraea). Its equivalent in Roman mythology was Iustitia.

Relation to the constellation of Virgo

According to Arato's account of the origin of the constellation Virgo, Dice lived on earth during the Golden Age and the Silver Age, when there were no wars or diseases, men did not yet know how to sail, and raised fine crops without effort. In time, humans became greedy, and Dice grew sick to behold. He proclaimed:

Behold what race the fathers of the golden age leave behind them! But ye shall raise a viler offspring! Surely wars and cruel bloodshed will be for men, and grievous affliction will settle upon them.

ARATO: Phenomena 12313

After speaking thus, Dice abandoned men and went to the mountains, but when the Bronze race populated the earth, which was formed by even more perverse men, Dice left the earth definitively and flew towards the sky, where he formed the constellation of Virgo. The scales he carried in his hands became the nearby constellation Libra.

If one reads carefully the events that caused Dice to leave the world seem similar to the times when men becoming wicked and greedy caused the flood.

Now, virgo:

Virgo is one of the constellations of the zodiac. Its name is Latin for maiden, and its old astronomical symbol is Virgo symbol (fixed width).svg (♍︎). Lying between Leo to the west and Libra to the east, it is the second-largest constellation in the sky (after Hydra) and the largest constellation in the zodiac. The ecliptic intersects the celestial equator within this constellation and Pisces. Underlying these technical two definitions, the sun passes directly overhead of the equator, within this constellation, at the September equinox. Virgo can be easily found through its brightest star, Spica.


Besides Spica, (Spica is 250±10 light-years from the Sun) other bright stars in Virgo include β Virginis (Zavijava), γ Virginis (Porrima), δ Virginis (Auva) and ε Virginis (Vindemiatrix). Other fainter stars that were also given names are ζ Virginis (Heze), η Virginis (Zaniah), ι Virginis (Syrma), κ Virginis (Kang), λ Virginis (Khambalia) and φ Virginis (Elgafar).

The star 70 Virginis has one of the first known extrasolar planetary systems with one confirmed planet 7.5 times the mass of Jupiter.

The star Chi Virginis has one of the most massive planets ever detected, at a mass of 11.1 times that of Jupiter.

The sun-like star 61 Virginis has three planets: one is a super-Earth and two are Neptune-mass planets.

SS Virginis is a variable star with a noticeable red color. It varies in magnitude from a minimum of 9.6 to a maximum of 6.0 over a period of approximately one year.[3]


There are 35 verified exoplanets orbiting 29 stars in Virgo, including PSR B1257+12 (three planets), 70 Virginis (one planet), Chi Virginis (one planet), 61 Virginis (three planets), NY Virginis (two planets), and 59 Virginis (one planet).

If we continue the search and include supernovae:

Catch a bright supernova in Virgo – Astronomy Now (distant galaxy)

Stars, exoplanets and deep-sky objects​

Spica, also known as Alpha Virginis, is the brightest star in the constellation. Spica ranks as the 16th brightest star in the night sky and can be regarded as a nearly perfect example of a star of the first magnitude. It is a blue giant about 260 light-years from Earth. The star is about twice as big as the sun and its luminosity is 2,300 times that of the sun. It is known as the "ear of wheat" being held by Virgo.

The second brightest star is Gamma Virginis, also known as Porrima and Arich, is a binary star. The third-brightest star, Epsilon Virginis, is a yellow giant that is also known as Vindemiatrix, or the Grape Gatherer.

Zeta Virginis, or Heze, is a white dwarf notable for its exceptionally short rotation period of less than 0.5 days.

The Virgo Galaxy Cluster contains 11 deep space objects catalogued by Charles Messier, more than any constellation except Sagittarius, which has 15. [Video: Galactic Eyes Peer Out Through Virgo]

Notable exoplanets in Virgo include:

  • The first exoplanets ever found, around a pulsar star called PSR B1257+12. (The discovery was in 1994). A pulsar is a kind of neutron star, which is formed after a massive star explodes and collapses during a supernova. Pulsars are known for rotating extremely rapidly.
  • 70 Virginis b, which was also an early exoplanet find as it was announced in 1996. Scientists initially announced this planet was in the habitable zone of its star, where water could exist on the planet's surface. However, later analysis showed that this planet has an eccentric orbit and is likely much closer to the parent star.
  • Three planets orbiting the star 61 Virginis, and announced in 2009. At the time of discovery, the planets were classified as having five times the mass of Earth, six times and 18 times. (The smaller planets are considered "super-Earths" because they fall within the mass range between Earth and Neptune.)
  • The pink planet GJ 504b, which at the time of the announcement in 2013 was the smallest planet ever photographed around a sun-like star. However, the planet itself is still relatively large, at four times the mass of Jupiter.

It is actually quite difficult (if it really happened) to find any nova or supernova in the constellation of Virgo that is within 2,000 light years to affect us. The candidate may be PSR B1257+12:

PSR B1257+12, previously designated PSR 1257+12, alternatively designated PSR J1300+1240,[6] is a millisecond pulsar located 2,300 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Virgo, rotating at about 161 times per second (faster than a blender's blade).[1] It is also named Lich, after a powerful, fictional undead creature of the same name.[7][5]

The pulsar has a planetary system with three known planets, named "Draugr" (PSR B1257+12 b or PSR B1257+12 A), "Poltergeist" (PSR B1257+12 c, or PSR B1257+12 B) and "Phobetor" (PSR B1257+12 d, or PSR B1257+12 C), respectively. They were both the first extrasolar planets and the first pulsar planets to be discovered; B and C in 1992 and A in 1994. A is the lowest-mass planet yet discovered by any observational technique, with somewhat less than twice the mass of Earth's moon.

But even the Spica star itself may be a supernova candidate according to this podcast:

Spica is the leading light of the constellation Virgo. It’s only about 250 light-years away. That makes it the closest supernova candidate in its category.

That category is known as a “Type 2” supernova. Such a blast occurs when a massive star reaches the end of its life. Its core can no longer produce nuclear reactions. Without the energy from those reactions to push against the pull of gravity, the core collapses. The surrounding layers of gas fall inward, then rebound — blasting themselves to bits. For a while, the explosion can outshine billions of “normal” stars.

And that’s the likely fate of the heavier of Spica’s two stars. It’s more than 11 times the mass of the Sun — well above the limit for becoming a supernova. And it’s already gone past the end of its “normal” lifetime, so the clock is ticking toward its demise.

The future is a bit hard to see, though, because of the second star in the system. The two stars are extremely close together. Over the next few million years, the heavier star will get much bigger. Eventually, it will engulf its companion. Just how that’ll affect the evolution of the two stars is uncertain. But it’s unlikely to prevent the fireworks from Spica’s massive star.

However, since Spica has recently left the main sequence, this event is not likely to occur for several more million years.(Spica - Wikipedia)

As for Spica In his Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Cornelius Agrippa attributes Spica's Kabbalistic symbol Agrippa1531 Spica.png to Hermes Trismegistus.
As an Irish Celt myself, having a propensity towards Haemochromatosis, an inherited condition where iron levels in the body slowly build up over many years, these findings are very revealing. Could the original Celtic settlers in Ireland (as opposed to the later Milesian Gaels from Spain) have been the Scythian Celts that became the Tuatha de Danaan, i.e., Danaans or Danites arriving from the Land of Canaan or the Sinai Desert? If so, were they the scaled-down hybrid descendants of the subterranean Antareans? Indeed, could red hair and fair, sandy freckled skin be their calling card?​

Maybe that's the property that makes them bi-density?
About Medusa 11, I thought of the 11 as referring to the 11 number system because in a binary (2) number system, the numbers are written as, say, 10110 2 . So Medusa 11 may be similar.

The letters Medusa add up to 13+5+4+21+19+1=63.

11 in the decimal (10) number system is 11*6 + 3=69, which looks like yin yang circle. Cs said 3x11 is yin yang. Also, 69 looks like two heads pointing in opposite direction.

Cs also said Medusa is "
Both times 2 is your square, my dear. In other words, perfect balance." Yin yang represents balance.

Do note that the Cs said it is not necessary to know the myth of Medusa, so it makes sense to think in terms of numerical code.

There is also an interesting link between Yin yang and Phi.

Yin yang circle contains two halves that are similar in all except difference in color (negated) and orientation (inverted). Yet two opposites add up to the whole.

The usual equation Phi = 1 + 1/Phi is the same as Phi - 1/Phi = 1

(-1/Phi) is Phi that is negated and inverted.

In other words, Yin-Yang can mathematically represented by Phi equation.
The English word “Odd” meaning different to what is usual or expected; strange; untypical, out of the ordinary derives from the Old Norse word “odda”- which is found in combinations such as odda-mathrthird or odd man, from oddi ‘angle, which may take us back to the ‘Third Man’ theme again. Like Odiham in England derived from Odiem, there is a small town in Norway called Odda - see: Odda (town) - Wikipedia.

This may be off the main topic, but by weird coincidence this really caught my eye as I have recently been researching my ancestors, and one of them was a priest/scholar called Saemundur Frodi, (commonly called Saemundur the Learned) of the Oddaverjar clan who had a school at a settlement called Oddi in Iceland. Many tales of Saemundur In Icelandic folklore, including that Saemundur sailed abroad to learn the Dark Arts!

Of interest, the author of the Prose Edda and the Heimskringla, some of the major sources for Norse mythology and religion, Snorri Sturluson, was fostered and educated at Oddi, at the school founded by Saemundur.
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