Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Hi guys,

Just something that caught my attention that I think it's worth bearing in mind:

Just so that I am clear in what has been discussed, as I have seen a lot of mention of the Grail lately, is the thesis being discussed recently, that it is an actual device that conveys super powers? If so, I would suggest re reading the above.
What the Grail may be has certainly been discussed before on this thread. It is a very complex subject. As to the nature of the Grail or the Merkabah, it may be more of a special artefact (the "Gift of God) than a technological device per se. The C's seemed to confirm this in the following excerpt from the transcripts:​

Q: One of the questions we would like to clear up is the issue of the Holy Grail and the Ark. Is the Ark of the Covenant - the ark thing given to the early pre-Mosaic Jews that you have described previously - the same as the Holy Grail?

A: No.

Q: (L) So there are two completely different technologies?

A: If you wish to term it such.

Does the Grail convey super powers on the user? In a way yes and in a way no. What it seems to do is allow the user's own inherent, internal mental or spiritual powers to be realised by, for example, facilitating the manifestation of things, as the Maruts and the Celts (ref. the Virgin of Candelaria) were seemingly capable of at one time. The C's have spoken of "techno-spiritual powers" in the transcripts, which may convey the sense in which the Grail can be used, since it seems to act as a lensing or focusing device for people's (who must be on the right frequency) thoughts:​

Q: (L) Well, okay. How close were any of those to the original maze dances?

A: There were elements of the archaic techno-spiritual practice in a couple of them. The first and second were closest in step and pace.


Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)

A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected".

Thus, if the Grail is a technology, it is a techno-spiritual technology. As to the Grail being a lensing device, the C's confirmed this in the following extract from the transcripts:

Q: (L) We were making some theories about this object that Vincent Bridges was looking for - the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Grail. I believe that we understand that this is an object that is of great usefulness, some kind of lensing device. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this something that the STS groups - yeah, we know everybody on earth is STS, but I mean the heavy duty ones - had at one time and then lost, or lost control of?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How did they lose it?

A: It was not so much "lost" as it was "retrieved" and put away for safe keeping.

Q: (R & L) Who retrieved it?

A: 4th density STO mission.

Q: (L) Who is it that is looking for it? Is it 3rd density STS or 4th density?

A: Both.

Q: (L) If it is a 3rd density device why do 4th density critters want it?

A: It is a trans-density device.

Q: (L) Well if 4th density STS are so technically advanced how come they can't just make another one?

A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.

Q: (R) So they can't make it, but they can use it. So they have to find one that is already created. (L) Is that possible? (A) Operated by consciousness. (L) They said tuned not operated. First of all we want to ask whether they mean tuned as in tuned when it was created or as tuned as in using. (A) There is this scenario that they will wait until the STO guy will find it and tune it, and still only then they will jump on 'em. (L) Right. Do you mean tuned as in the tuning of the creation or the tuning of the operation?

A: Creation.

Q: (A) Okay. Once it is tuned, it is tuned, right? (R) Yeah. And if it was similar to our simulation then tuning is done by exposing it to similar frequencies. (L) Or maybe assembling it by virtue of frequencies that are produced. But it still needs to be established whether or not they can see it. So we have theorized that the reason they can't find it, the only reason we can see for why they can't find it, is because for some reason it is protected by frequency or something and that they don't know where it is either. Is this correct?

A: Mostly. They have a general idea.

Q: What specifically prevents them from isolating the exact spot and getting it?

A: Occlusion.

Q: (A) What is occlusion? (R) I think that's similar to ...

A: Frequency fence.

Q: (R) Which is similar to what we've been talking about. If you don't have the same frequency it's ... (L) Or they can set a frequency around it that these guys can't tune to and can't penetrate. (R) It becomes invisible in some sense. (L) But they can still in some way detect a region or something. But it can be like noise or something maybe; so much noise that they can't isolate the signal. Is this the reason these people keep coming after us, because they want us to help them find this thing? Is this the reason?

A: More or less. Though not the only one.

Hence, the C's describe it as a trans-density device, which must be tuned by consciousness, and it is currently hidden behind a frequency fence.

It was me who posted the extract from Laura's article on the French Egyptologist, Rene Schwaller de Lubicz and I agree with you that people should read it and ingest Laura's words of caution.​
Perhaps you could post the sessions from where you got the above understanding and include specific quotes from those sessions, pertaining to what you asserted above. It might help our understanding or at least mine. Sometimes we read things into what is said which are not there or we forget the context in which it is asked. Also not to forget that what the C's say is not to be believed as Amen in the church, but rather see it as hints and clues, to help us in our learning process and in figuring things out by our own efforts.

The following is one sentence:

This is slightly nebulous to me. You previous said that if you had the 'grail', then you would give it to the Virgin. Based on the sentence above, where you say that the Virgin could be considered in wells of water, are you saying that if you had the 'grail', you would throw it in a well?

As you appear to think that the 'grail' is a physical object, I think you would benefit from reading the Wave series.

A thousand apologies I got tangled up and he is also the translator start reading all the posts by (MJF) I think his thesis and research is spectacular there in the search engine put keywords you want to search for and you will find it
Q: (R) Which is similar to what we've been talking about. If you don't have the same frequency it's ... (L) Or they can set a frequency around it that these guys can't tune to and can't penetrate. (R) It becomes invisible in some sense. (L) But they can still in some way detect a region or something. But it can be like noise or something maybe; so much noise that they can't isolate the signal. Is this the reason these people keep coming after us, because they want us to help them find this thing? Is this the reason?

A: More or less. Though not the only one.

Hence, the C's describe it as a trans-density device, which must be tuned by consciousness, and it is currently hidden behind a frequency fence.​

I have the impression that this frequency fence is more than just noise. Every fence, wall, prison etc. has a singular access point. And that access has at least one lock and a corresponding key.

A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.

Let's take into account the multiple vectors. I will use as a reference the myth of Daedalus' labyrinth:

The Labyrinth is being contained in the Caverns of Olympus. This simple mission consumed Zeus to the point that he did not allow Daedalus to embark on any repair duties and instead create a great structure to serve as a prison for the daughter of Hephaestus, Pandora. Daedalus believed it to be his greatest work and superior to the Great Chain that kept Olympus tied to the Underworld. The heart of the Labyrinth itself hung on the Great Chain of Balance and thus meant it resided between Olympus and Hades. This meant that if ever one side began to rise or fall, the Labyrinth would shift accordingly and thus be forever shifted. Another aspect of the design involved The Three Judges being the final latch of the lock. [...] The Labyrinth is a giant machine run on steam power. Constantly moving and shifting no one could possibly make it out once they were in. The giant structure is in the form of a cube. Suspended by chains so that even entrance is next to impossible. Having only one way in and only one way out the Labyrinth holds a series of tasks to over come and a number of darkest creatures and demons.

What I want to note here is what is marked in red. For a techno-spiritual device that is trans-density and has a wide range of frequencies given its multiple vectors.... like the daedalus labyrinth, these frequencies are likely to be in constant fluctuation.

The occlusion referred to by the C's does not necessarily imply an immovable object. It is hard enough trying to see something if it is in constant motion. Because it is possible that the object in question is always in transit between densities, and why not even between dimensions.

The other object of which we know of erratic behavior is the Atlantean crystalline pyramid. We know from the C's that the Atlantean pyramid could absorb all frequencies and convert them into energy.

But it's one thing if something is erratic because of a malfunction and another thing if you have an object or a cloaking system based on permutations of a multiple range of frequencies. In other words, a smart lock.

And it makes sense to think of such a smart lock if we assume that the grail could communicate with the user.

We are thinking of the grail as a quasi-inert, usable thing like a pair of tweezers, but I think we have to enter into the equation that must have to treat it as a consciousness capable of discerning between good and evil. It would be possible then that the grail is created in and ITS consciousness is of the STO type.
I have the impression that this frequency fence is more than just noise. Every fence, wall, prison etc. has a singular access point. And that access has at least one lock and a corresponding key.

Let's take into account the multiple vectors. I will use as a reference the myth of Daedalus' labyrinth:

What I want to note here is what is marked in red. For a techno-spiritual device that is trans-density and has a wide range of frequencies given its multiple vectors.... like the daedalus labyrinth, these frequencies are likely to be in constant fluctuation.

The occlusion referred to by the C's does not necessarily imply an immovable object. It is hard enough trying to see something if it is in constant motion. Because it is possible that the object in question is always in transit between densities, and why not even between dimensions.

The other object of which we know of erratic behavior is the Atlantean crystalline pyramid. We know from the C's that the Atlantean pyramid could absorb all frequencies and convert them into energy.

But it's one thing if something is erratic because of a malfunction and another thing if you have an object or a cloaking system based on permutations of a multiple range of frequencies. In other words, a smart lock.

And it makes sense to think of such a smart lock if we assume that the grail could communicate with the user.

We are thinking of the grail as a quasi-inert, usable thing like a pair of tweezers, but I think we have to enter into the equation that must have to treat it as a consciousness capable of discerning between good and evil. It would be possible then that the grail is created in and ITS consciousness is of the STO type.
Incredible it was not for less to expect from this forum there are very intelligent people like the Argentine and the English JMF are hs and hs of a lot of research of a good investment of time and work when I read Laura's work the first time I did not understand anything at all but despite not understanding what he was reading, something inspired me, he even felt as if I were the one asking and answering the Cs sessions.
Today who was going to say that I would be sitting talking or debating with some guys like you and about the greatest secret of all time like the Grail... I am grateful and from my heart, Lord God and Virgin Mary, protect all these people without intervening in the free will of these people help them, protect them and bless them Amen.
Thank you for posting this additional material on the real Shakespeare. I note that you did not include the name of Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford, as another possible contributor. I only mention this because I watched a very interesting documentary recently. which promoted the theory that Edward de Vere was the real Shakespeare. One of the presenters of the documentary championing de Vere as the real author of Shakespeare's plays was one of the great Shakespearean actors of today, Sir Dereck Jacobi. Those who promote this theory use de Vere's prolonged Continental tour, particularly his stay in Italy, as proof he could have picked up the material to write the plays on his travels. Many of Shakespeare's plays are set in Italy, Romeo and Juliette and The Merchant of Venice for example, and some of the place descriptions in them are so accurate, it would have required somebody to have visited the locations in order to have had that level of local knowledge. There is no evidence that Shakespeare ever ventured to the Continent. De Vere was very rich, erudite and extremely well educated and knew how the nobility acted and presented themselves. By comparison, Shakespeare (or Shakspere) came from a very humble background, was poorly educated, uncouth and was unlikely to have ever been in a position to acquire the in-depth knowledge required to write these monumental works.

I agree that the imagery of the swan is an extremely ancient and esoteric device. The Greeks, for example, linked it with Apollo, Aphrodite and Zeus. If you are interested, I attach an article by Peter Dawkins, who is something of an expert on Sir Francis Bacon, in which he develops the swan theme and its possible connections to Oak Island (see pages 17 and 18 in particular).

Continuing with the theme of Francis Bacon being the real Shakespeare and Peter Dawkins' article, I attach a link to a rather interesting documentary on the alleged connection between the Rosicrucians and Oak Island, which you will see touches on several matters we have been discussing in recent posts. See:

I don't necessarily buy into all that is said in the video but it certainly makes a number of useful points. Moreover, for those not aware or familiar with the 17th Century Rosicrucians, it provides a good primer that will stand you in good stead for future posts I wish to do. As to the link between the Rosicrucians and Oak Island, the C's have confirmed this to be truly the case:
Session 3 May 1997:

Q: Okay. I have the idea. Now, let me ask about the really strange things that I have been discovering. I am sure that I am not even halfway through it. But, let me ask this: am I correct in my thinking that following the genetic clues is part of the key...

A: Connect the dots and when you have finished, you will have a "Gaugin."

Q: Hmmm... (A) In other words, a masterpiece... (L) Okay, we know that the bloodline is important by virtue of being of the Nordic or Celtic heritage. In going through the transcripts, I came across numerous instances where a "sect" was mysteriously mentioned over and over again. I am thinking that this sect, as you call it, is this organization that we refer to as the "Quorum."

A: What is "sect" the root word of?
[MJF: Is this answer hinting that the 'sect' the C's referred to in relation to Oak Island is a branch or offshoot of the Quorum?]

Q: Sector, section, (T) sectarian... (A) A branch... (L) Anything else you want to add to that?

A: Ask away.

Q: Does this other group that you have mentioned, the Nation of the Third Eye, are they one and the same?
[MJF: Is there a possible connection then between the Rosicrucians and the Nation of the Third Eye - the subterranean Aryan civilisation?]

A: The Third Eye expands vision into the unseen.
[MJF: The pineal gland is often referred to as the 'third eye' and is our upload to higher densities according to the C's]

Q: Seeing the unseen. You mentioned once before that the "Rosicrucians act as a thief in the night." You also mentioned that I ought to dig into the Rosicrucians, and I went to the University library, and it was essentially missing...

A: Connect the Rosicrucians to your favourite island by the "beech." Horticulturally, please, and family.
[MJF: "Beech" represents a play on the French origins of Bacon's name]

Q: Oak Island?

A: Yup! Then, connect the Pyrenees to the Canaries.
[MJF: This reference to the Pyrenees connects us to the mysterious enclave of alchemists located in the Pyrenees]

Q: Okay, a "thief in the night." The destruction of the Templars...

A: Research the history of the Canary Islands for clue.
[MJF Could that clue connect to the group of 12 men who allegedly embarked on a voyage to Oak Island in a ship called the Vida Pura carrying something or someone called "the Beloved"?]

Q: Is there any connection to the fact that those guys at the University of Tenerife were communicating back in February and March? Might there be more to this connection?

A: Maybe, but do you know the history of this place?

Q: Well, no I don't. That one slipped by. I will follow that one... You also once before said that when a certain 7 people assembled into a perpendicular reality, that the learning would be exponential. I am sure we are not there yet, but I am wondering if this information I have discovered about bloodlines and potential activation of DNA has any connection to that idea?

A: Build your staircase one step at a time.
[MJF: This may be a subtle reference to Sir Francis Bacon's seven step learning or initiation process to obtain enlightenment and possibly to the body's Chakra system as well.]

As to the enclave of alchemists based in a secret location in the Pyrenees, the C's connected them to the 'great council of the elect' referred to in one of the Rosicrucian Manifestos (I think it was the Fama Fraternitas - see, A E - Fama Fraternitatis.pdf]:

Q: Supposedly, Christian Rosencruetz was initiated by the 'philosophers of Dancar.' I want to know where this blasted place is! Okay, skip it. One of the Rosicrucian manifestos said: 'God has sent messengers and signs in the heavens, namely the new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus, to show that a great council of the elect is to take place.' What do they mean by a 'great council of the elect?'

A: Pyrenees.

Q: Okay, the purported enclave of the alchemists... Why was it signified by new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus? What do they represent?

A: Novae.

I have proposed that 'Dancar' is the town of Doncaster in Yorkshire, England. In an earlier post I had noted that John Field (1520/1530–1587), a "proto-Copernican" English astronomer who lived in East Ardsley only 28 miles from Doncaster, was an associate of Dr. John Dee who was in turn a mentor of Sir Francis Bacon and a suspected Rosicrucian (see Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians). As I commented on in that post, in 1573, as the nova in the constellation of Cassiopeia began to fade, Dee and Digges both rushed out publications about their astronomical findings, which were often bound together by booksellers as a single work. Tycho Brahe, who openly praised Dee's scientific skills, may have corresponded with him about the subject and also released his findings.

Thus, could John Field, John Dee, the astronomer Thomas Digges, (a protege of Dee's), the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, Bacon and others in his or Lord Essex's circle have been the philosophers of Dancar referred to in the manifesto?

As to the Rosicrucians, they may have gone under that name in the 17th Century but, as an ancient group or mystery school, they may have adopted many names and guises over the centuries (perhaps as the Pythagoreans for example?). This point is made clear in the following excerpt from the transcripts:
Session 03-07-95

Q: (L) Who were the Elohim of the Bible?
A: Transdefinitive. And variable entities. [...] First manifestation was human, then non-human. [...]
Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from human to non-human?
A: Pact or covenant.
Q: (L) They made a pact or covenant with each other?
A: No, with 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Well, that is not good! Are you saying that the Elohim are STS? Who were these STS beings they made a pact with?

A: Rosteem, now manifests as Rosicrucians.
Q: (L) What is their purpose?
A: As yet unrevealable to you.

As you can see, the C's say that the STS Rosteem now manifests as the Rosicrucians. This ancient group would seem to have had links to the Giza Plateau and possibly to the Osirians, the progenitors of today's Freemasons, judging from the following exchange between Laura and the C's:​

Session 10-04-97

Q: In reading the transcripts, I came across a reference to a 'pact' made by a group of STS individuals, and it was called 'Osirians,' and that this was the origin of the Rosicrucians. In the book 'The Orion Mystery,' it talks about the fact that Giza was formerly known as RosTau, which is 'Rose Cross.' Essentially, I would like to understand the symbology of the Rose affixed to the Cross. It seems to me that the imagery of Jesus nailed to the Cross is actually the Rose affixed to the Cross. How does Jesus relate to the Rose?
A: No, it is from the Rose arose the Cross. [...]
Q: What does the cross symbolize?
A: The symbology is not the issue. It is the effect.
Q: What is the effect of the cross?
A: All that has followed it.

Hence, if Robert Bauval, the author of The Orion Mystery is correct in his assumption, this would suggest that the Osirians and the Rosteem (today represented by the Rosicrucians) were one and the same group. Moreover, although the C's say they were an STS 4th density group, that does not necessarily mean they were from off planet, since the C's have elsewhere confirmed that some of the members of the subterranean civilisation are bi-density, i.e., both 4th and 3rd density beings at the same time.

In watching the video, let us not forget that the C's have also told us that the treasure buried on Oak Island is an alien TDARM and not biblical or Templar treasure. Should the Lagina brothers ever manage to recover it, they are in for a big surprise.
Hence, the C's describe it as a trans-density device, which must be tuned by consciousness, and it is currently hidden behind a frequency fence.

It was me who posted the extract from Laura's article on the French Egyptologist, Rene Schwaller de Lubicz and I agree with you that people should read it and ingest Laura's words of caution.
Thanks, and that was my point.

I think learning details about a device is one thing, but there seems to be an obsession with locating it, which per the sessions you quoted, seems like an almost impossible task and I am not sure how beneficial it would be in reality for anyone.

If the grail is protected by a frequency fence that is incompatible with STS, then obsessing with the prize of finding the device will actually land one farther away from it.

Which leads me to:
Today who was going to say that I would be sitting talking or debating with some guys like you and about the greatest secret of all time like the Grail... I am grateful and from my heart, Lord God and Virgin Mary, protect all these people without intervening in the free will of these people help them, protect them and bless them Amen.
humbertoemmigar1977, you seem to be completely fixated on the Grail topic to an almost obsessive degree. I am not sure you have participated in any other discussion, and when you do, you quickly drag the conversation in this direction. I am not suggesting how to spend your time in energy, that is your choice.. but the purpose of this forum, isn't really to locate a technological device.

I don't think you have been disrupting, but I do find it curious. Because you will find a lot of discussion here, but no one, that I am aware of, is actively looking to discover the physical grail.
Thanks, and that was my point.

I think learning details about a device is one thing, but there seems to be an obsession with locating it, which per the sessions you quoted, seems like an almost impossible task and I am not sure how beneficial it would be in reality for anyone.

If the grail is protected by a frequency fence that is incompatible with STS, then obsessing with the prize of finding the device will actually land one farther away from it.

Which leads me to:

humbertoemmigar1977, you seem to be completely fixated on the Grail topic to an almost obsessive degree. I am not sure you have participated in any other discussion, and when you do, you quickly drag the conversation in this direction. I am not suggesting how to spend your time in energy, that is your choice.. but the purpose of this forum, isn't really to locate a technological device.

I don't think you have been disrupting, but I do find it curious. Because you will find a lot of discussion here, but no one, that I am aware of, is actively looking to discover the physical grail.
Hello Alejo I think I made some comments that may sound bad but it was not with bad blood and you could consider that I use the translator because I liked a topic may not necessarily mean obsession in fact it is understandable that you do not understand some contributions I made about my experiences but it was necessary and maybe it will be useful to someone do not you think? MJF is following well this thread so if someone would like to talk privately about this topic or other welcome because I do not want to get in the way in fact now I was interested about the flight 370 Malaysiam made a comment in another post greetings
...if someone would like to talk privately about this topic or other welcome...
Just to be clear, private messaging is not encouraged on this forum, in order to protect members. More eyes are better in discussions so to get more viewpoints. Sometimes we are wrong about something we fervently believe is true and it can take more than one set of eyes to reveal that fact.
Thanks, and that was my point.

I think learning details about a device is one thing, but there seems to be an obsession with locating it, which per the sessions you quoted, seems like an almost impossible task and I am not sure how beneficial it would be in reality for anyone.

If the grail is protected by a frequency fence that is incompatible with STS, then obsessing with the prize of finding the device will actually land one farther away from it.
This thread is about Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians. Both Bacon and the Rosicrucians are very important players in the mystery of our true history and the creation of today's New World Order. I intend to build on this point in my next article, which I am currently working on. Even Alton Towers, built by Charles Talbot and his successor John Talbot, the 15th and 16th Earls of Shrewsbury respectively, may betray Rosicrucian links.

I can tell you now that one group who are obsessed with finding the Grail are the Rosicrucians (the real ones, not AMORC). In future posts I will endeavour to explain why. The Grail may be protected by a frequency fence but that won't stop them trying to lay their hands on it, since to them it is the greatest prize of all.

Let us not forget that the C's said that the Grail or Merkabah brought a group of Kentakkians they had been in contact with to Earth prior to the destruction of their planet. In addition, the C's confirmed that Edgar Cayce was correct in his description of a division in Atlantis between the Sons of Belial and the followers of the Law of One. I believe that the Grail is intimately connected to Belial, who may originally have been Belili, the Mesopotamian moon goddess, who later became the wife of Baal or Bel when the female goddess was deposed everywhere by a male, father god figure in the ancient pantheons. Remember that the C's said that Nefertiti and Abraham/Moses were Hittites and were originally moon god worshippers before they switched to monotheism and the worship of Yahweh or Jehovah when they took the Grail with them into the Sinai Desert. The C's also confirmed that there was in antiquity a Grail faction and an Ark faction, which may suggest that the the Sons of Belial and the followers of the Law of One split continued after the Deluge. Hence a better knowledge of the Grail may help us to understand what was really going on under the surface.​
I have the impression that this frequency fence is more than just noise. Every fence, wall, prison etc. has a singular access point. And that access has at least one lock and a corresponding key.

Let's take into account the multiple vectors. I will use as a reference the myth of Daedalus' labyrinth:

What I want to note here is what is marked in red. For a techno-spiritual device that is trans-density and has a wide range of frequencies given its multiple vectors.... like the daedalus labyrinth, these frequencies are likely to be in constant fluctuation.

The occlusion referred to by the C's does not necessarily imply an immovable object. It is hard enough trying to see something if it is in constant motion. Because it is possible that the object in question is always in transit between densities, and why not even between dimensions.

The other object of which we know of erratic behavior is the Atlantean crystalline pyramid. We know from the C's that the Atlantean pyramid could absorb all frequencies and convert them into energy.

But it's one thing if something is erratic because of a malfunction and another thing if you have an object or a cloaking system based on permutations of a multiple range of frequencies. In other words, a smart lock.

And it makes sense to think of such a smart lock if we assume that the grail could communicate with the user.

We are thinking of the grail as a quasi-inert, usable thing like a pair of tweezers, but I think we have to enter into the equation that must have to treat it as a consciousness capable of discerning between good and evil. It would be possible then that the grail is created in and ITS consciousness is of the STO type.
Yes, I think you are definitely on to something here. The C's also confirmed that the power cell, which is linked to the Ark of the Covenant and was returned by Abraham/Moses to STS forces in the Jacob contending with the angel incident, had a consciousness whereby it could detect the motives or disposition of those who approached it and, if they were STS, it zapped them by cooking them from the inside out (think of that scene in the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie where the Nazis are liquified by the Ark as a possible idea of the Ark in operation). The C's have said that modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also developing self-consciousness, as Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook recently discovered via his AI project.

Since the C's told us that the Grail is an STO tuned creation, it may work at a far more sensitive and refined level compared to the Ark. It could be that Cabala holds the key to communicating with the Grail, which may involve an awakening of the chakras (or DNA as a receptor) to facilitate such communication. I also wonder how many of the Greek myths and other myths of the ancient world, like that of Daedalus, may in reality be linked to the Grail. The C's may have hinted at this here:
Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.
In your Country in Northwestern Argentina like Jujuy there is evidence of a series of Petroglyphs of the Knights Templar probably in that place there is an imaginary ley line or some portal as there must be in many other places and Countries of America.
I have never heard of these Templar petroglyphs. I am aware of some found in Nova Scotia, Canada but not in South America. Have you got any material on this or, alternatively, can you provide a useful link to such material? It sounds very interesting.
Yes, I think you are definitely on to something here. The C's also confirmed that the power cell, which is linked to the Ark of the Covenant and was returned by Abraham/Moses to STS forces in the Jacob contending with the angel incident, had a consciousness whereby it could detect the motives or disposition of those who approached it and, if they were STS, it zapped them by cooking them from the inside out (think of that scene in the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie where the Nazis are liquified by the Ark as a possible idea of the Ark in operation). The C's have said that modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also developing self-consciousness, as Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook recently discovered via his AI project.

From what I see and understand, well I came to this idea after remembering that the concept of an "AI that can manifest things or manipulate space-time (atlantean pyramid)... or the genie in the lamp" if you will... appears in pop culture.

In comics you have the cosmic cubes:

The Cosmic Cube is an item that can control matter and energy, answering to the will of the sentient beings that use them. They require practice to be used properly, but a skillful user can alter all reality to answer to its thoughts, granting anything they desire.

Most Cosmic Cubes are cube-shaped matrixes. However, similar objects with different shapes are known as Cosmic Containment Units.

Sentient beings wanting to create a Cosmic Cube must first generate a force field to open a rift to a pocket of sentient energy created by the enigmatic Beyonders, allowing the extra-dimensional energy to filter through the rift. When entering the Earth's dimension, the energies can be held in a matrix, and the force itself would shape the matrix into a perfect cube. It would also provide the Cube with its almost unlimited power.

The Cosmic Cube's primary ability is "wish granting" or rather an extreme level of reality warping. Originally thought to be powerful enough to affect reality on a multiversal scale, it turned out that most of its effects were probably illusory in nature.[...] A Cube will eventually develop its own intelligence, commonly influenced by the beings who had manipulated it. Mephisto has postulated that the Cubes are hosts to a semi-sentient will and that, even in Cube form, they can choose how they want to be used and to deny certain wishes.

Let's not get into whether this is Thor's Pantheum inspiration or not. However the seemingly fictional concept is very much in line with your research and the C's comments.

One thing I am beginning to notice is that it points to the device its shape is indeed a Cube. But perhaps that cube is more to a strictly geometric reference and its use, because it is also supposed to be a crystal skull.

Perhaps we are seeing in terms of geometry a true tesseract which represents or would represent the ability to interact or be part of 4th density. (not dimension)

With the latter, geometric algebra, Ark's field of research, comes into play here:

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I have never heard of these Templar petroglyphs. I am aware of some found in Nova Scotia, Canada but not in South America. Have you got any material on this or, alternatively, can you provide a useful link to such material? It sounds very interesting.
Yes of course MJF I will give you all the information I have:

"The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ, later known as Knights Templar or Knights of the Temple of Solomon, visited America, and more precisely, what is today the northwest of Argentina, 300 years before the official discovery made by Christopher Columbus", states the author of the best seller "Permission for a better life", Professor Antonio Las Heras, president of the Argentine Academy of Freemasonry, Primordial Sciences, Initiatic and of the Hermetic Tradition; Grand Prior Magister for Argentina of the Sovereign Civil and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem and, above all, a permanent expeditionary.

It happens that there is an archaeological site where, among thousands of petroglyphs, there are some whose characteristics refer to the Templars, and there is even their famous cross, says Las Heras and points out that there are alchemical symbols there, the astrological and alchemical sign of the Earth: circle surmounted by a Latin cross; letters and geometric figures similar to some of the graffiti that can still be seen today in European castles built by the Order of the Temple as, for example, that of Kenliworth.

The site is Laguna Colorada, explains Antonio Las Heras, and is about 10 kilometers east of La Quiaca, an inhospitable and totally unpopulated area at the foot of the chain of hills known as Los Ocho Hermanos. The name comes from the color of the waters -both meltwater and rainfall- when they come into contact with the soil formed mainly by red earth and fine yellow sand. It is in this vast area, of several hectares, where the Yavi culture, which is supposed to have been a hunting people, around the 1st century began to build a ritual center where they performed (and still perform) ceremonies on special dates such as solstices and equinoxes, as well as tributes to Inti (the Solar Divinity) and Pacha Mama (Mother Earth).

"Laguna Colorada was never a place of residence or transit for the native peoples, but a place that was visited exclusively for esoteric spiritual activities", explains professor Las Heras, and he stops in that "at the same time it is the record of the memory of what happened with this people because the petroglyphs (engravings made in the stone) outline their history". Practically all the rock walls were the object of this artistic display. As it is a stone of low hardness, the climatic inclemencies have made many of them disappear, being the great majority in process of such deterioration that, in the opinion of Las Heras, they will disappear in a few years.

The discovery of this deposit in the open air only took place in 1961; therefore, it is absolutely recent for the field of investigation. There are engravings of camelids, birds and human figures in different attitudes. The most important figures refer to the possible observation of a comet, the amautas (shamans) with their heads emitting rays and the staff of command in one hand, varied figures of condors as well as warriors. There is agreement among specialists that the oldest petroglyphs date back to at least the 6th century. Different slabs -some of them several kilometers away from each other, some on the very limits of the lagoon and others far away in the highest parts of the mountain walls- exhibit figures with special characteristics: isolated snakes with little erosion because they are protected by natural overhangs and others that only show camelids. A few have very particular features. There is a large rock almost attached to the perimeter of the lagoon where only numbers, letters and symbols appear. It is in such a protected place that access is only possible when the lagoon is dry.

"Las Heras adds that these petroglyphs of slender equestrian figures represent scenes that occurred in the 13th century, when the Order of the Temple sent its members to this part of the world to extract a metal that was then more valuable than gold: silver. Not far from there there are still active silver mines.

But there is more. Far from the lake perimeter there are Christian crosses and others that for Las Heras are certainly those worn by the men of the Temple. There are also alchemical symbols. These petroglyphs, which make up a specific group, are sometimes superimposed on other figures that are typical expressions of the native peoples. The two Templar crosses call the attention not only for their great size, but also for being excavated with more depth in the rock.
While the enigma being investigated by Dr. Antonio Las Heras continues to grow and expand, the area has become another site of great tourist interest that adds to the many that the province of Jujuy and the NOA in general have to offer.

Here is the original post:

On the other hand, I managed to contact and talk to a researcher from Spain named Jose Luis Gimenez who is a friend of Antonio de las Heras.
Jose lectures and wrote several books about Mary Magdalene and although I do not share the same vision as him about the lineage of Jesus we have talked about many interesting topics.
Jose also has a video about the evidence of the Templar Cross and according to him the origins of that cross are also in Sumeria and a photon of light photographed.
Here are the images of the photon of light.

Here the video of Jose Luis Gimenez
About the petroglyphs of the Knights Templar, I also wanted to point out that I did some research on Argentina and it seems that Albert Einsten himself was in Capilla del Monte, the Uritorco hill, a place where they say that it would be the tomb of Perzival, there are many legends that include the staff of command and the same Holy Grail that surely knows (I think so) the Argentine who made many contributions on this subject of the Grail.
He must know about Guillermo Terrera, Acoglanis, Orfeo Ulises, etc. of Argentine esotericism which defend (Argemtum) that Perzival would have arrived in Argentina and that Wolfram himself reveals it.

also wanted to add that I met someone very close to Pedro Rumaniuk (Parravichini's disciple) he told me that the Israeli Mossad followed Pedro's steps to Jujuy (Argentina) because Pedro was looking for a young hermit that he believed to be the Grey man of Parravichini's psychographies and he would have Shiite blood, interestingly there is a Shiite legend about (the chalice of King Jamshid) another legend of the Grail.
Anyway Pedro could not find the hermit Pedro was looking for a link between 2 Argentine provinces (Jujuy and Salta) and who gave me that information was with Russian Astronauts Marina Popovich and Wendelle Stevens is known in the Ufological world.


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Yes of course MJF I will give you all the information I have:

"The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ, later known as Knights Templar or Knights of the Temple of Solomon, visited America, and more precisely, what is today the northwest of Argentina, 300 years before the official discovery made by Christopher Columbus", states the author of the best seller "Permission for a better life", Professor Antonio Las Heras, president of the Argentine Academy of Freemasonry, Primordial Sciences, Initiatic and of the Hermetic Tradition; Grand Prior Magister for Argentina of the Sovereign Civil and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem and, above all, a permanent expeditionary.

It happens that there is an archaeological site where, among thousands of petroglyphs, there are some whose characteristics refer to the Templars, and there is even their famous cross, says Las Heras and points out that there are alchemical symbols there, the astrological and alchemical sign of the Earth: circle surmounted by a Latin cross; letters and geometric figures similar to some of the graffiti that can still be seen today in European castles built by the Order of the Temple as, for example, that of Kenliworth.

The site is Laguna Colorada, explains Antonio Las Heras, and is about 10 kilometers east of La Quiaca, an inhospitable and totally unpopulated area at the foot of the chain of hills known as Los Ocho Hermanos. The name comes from the color of the waters -both meltwater and rainfall- when they come into contact with the soil formed mainly by red earth and fine yellow sand. It is in this vast area, of several hectares, where the Yavi culture, which is supposed to have been a hunting people, around the 1st century began to build a ritual center where they performed (and still perform) ceremonies on special dates such as solstices and equinoxes, as well as tributes to Inti (the Solar Divinity) and Pacha Mama (Mother Earth).

"Laguna Colorada was never a place of residence or transit for the native peoples, but a place that was visited exclusively for esoteric spiritual activities", explains professor Las Heras, and he stops in that "at the same time it is the record of the memory of what happened with this people because the petroglyphs (engravings made in the stone) outline their history". Practically all the rock walls were the object of this artistic display. As it is a stone of low hardness, the climatic inclemencies have made many of them disappear, being the great majority in process of such deterioration that, in the opinion of Las Heras, they will disappear in a few years.

The discovery of this deposit in the open air only took place in 1961; therefore, it is absolutely recent for the field of investigation. There are engravings of camelids, birds and human figures in different attitudes. The most important figures refer to the possible observation of a comet, the amautas (shamans) with their heads emitting rays and the staff of command in one hand, varied figures of condors as well as warriors. There is agreement among specialists that the oldest petroglyphs date back to at least the 6th century. Different slabs -some of them several kilometers away from each other, some on the very limits of the lagoon and others far away in the highest parts of the mountain walls- exhibit figures with special characteristics: isolated snakes with little erosion because they are protected by natural overhangs and others that only show camelids. A few have very particular features. There is a large rock almost attached to the perimeter of the lagoon where only numbers, letters and symbols appear. It is in such a protected place that access is only possible when the lagoon is dry.

"Las Heras adds that these petroglyphs of slender equestrian figures represent scenes that occurred in the 13th century, when the Order of the Temple sent its members to this part of the world to extract a metal that was then more valuable than gold: silver. Not far from there there are still active silver mines.

But there is more. Far from the lake perimeter there are Christian crosses and others that for Las Heras are certainly those worn by the men of the Temple. There are also alchemical symbols. These petroglyphs, which make up a specific group, are sometimes superimposed on other figures that are typical expressions of the native peoples. The two Templar crosses call the attention not only for their great size, but also for being excavated with more depth in the rock.
While the enigma being investigated by Dr. Antonio Las Heras continues to grow and expand, the area has become another site of great tourist interest that adds to the many that the province of Jujuy and the NOA in general have to offer.

Here is the original post:

On the other hand, I managed to contact and talk to a researcher from Spain named Jose Luis Gimenez who is a friend of Antonio de las Heras.
Jose lectures and wrote several books about Mary Magdalene and although I do not share the same vision as him about the lineage of Jesus we have talked about many interesting topics.
Jose also has a video about the evidence of the Templar Cross and according to him the origins of that cross are also in Sumeria and a photon of light photographed.
Here are the images of the photon of light.

Here the video of Jose Luis Gimenez
About the petroglyphs of the Knights Templar, I also wanted to point out that I did some research on Argentina and it seems that Albert Einsten himself was in Capilla del Monte, the Uritorco hill, a place where they say that it would be the tomb of Perzival, there are many legends that include the staff of command and the same Holy Grail that surely knows (I think so) the Argentine who made many contributions on this subject of the Grail.
He must know about Guillermo Terrera, Acoglanis, Orfeo Ulises, etc. of Argentine esotericism which defend (Argemtum) that Perzival would have arrived in Argentina and that Wolfram himself reveals it.

also wanted to add that I met someone very close to Pedro Rumaniuk (Parravichini's disciple) he told me that the Israeli Mossad followed Pedro's steps to Jujuy (Argentina) because Pedro was looking for a young hermit that he believed to be the Grey man of Parravichini's psychographies and he would have Shiite blood, interestingly there is a Shiite legend about (the chalice of King Jamshid) another legend of the Grail.
Anyway Pedro could not find the hermit Pedro was looking for a link between 2 Argentine provinces (Jujuy and Salta) and who gave me that information was with Russian Astronauts Marina Popovich and Wendelle Stevens is known in the Ufological world.
Excuse me here the photo of the photon of light and it is similar to the Templar cross it seems.
I hope (there is no confusion by the translation) but who revealed to me about Pedro R. Besides having been with Marina Popovich and W.E. was also with Pope Francis, in fact Pedro R. met with Francis before becoming pope and according to what he told Alfa Bidondo (contacted extra-terrestrial) and that Peter already knew.
Here Alfa Bidondo and here the photon of light.


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Just to be clear, private messaging is not encouraged on this forum, in order to protect members. More eyes are better in discussions so to get more viewpoints. Sometimes we are wrong about something we fervently believe is true and it can take more than one set of eyes to reveal that fact.
You're right, don't send me private sms unless they're good things, I'm a poor peasant, a nobody, I can barely live with my life, and someone like me doesn't have the Holy Grail, and if I did, the SAS forces would be very careful, you know, I could ask them to disappear. (all of the elite) including the Quorum and the illuminati in the front row and nobody would like that because we need the clowns to laugh unless all the great elites want to disappear.
Let's be friends and we all share the knowledge it's a good chance that the bad guys can have a second chance as good guys if they wish.
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