Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians


The thing is that here, in this thread what is intended is to make a historical tour and unravel what really happened. There is no search for the object per se. And yes, there is speculation and analysis, questions and answers about the object but because it is a pivotal point in these historical events and why secret societies and other power groups are so interested. In my particular case I dig into the principles of how it works because it could give an x-ray of how things are between densities, or 4th density and the principles of unified field theory which I see as more important than having or finding the grail. Knowing this prepares you for whatever is to come and could give you the tools to navigate 4th density.

It is curious but if you realize, the unified field theory is the holy grail of physics...
Yes, the Holy Grail can be said to be different things to different people. Many people who write books on the subject usually make this statement as a starting point. I certainly note what IrjO said about Laura's then religious beliefs and Frank's STS disposition corrupting the transcripts. This obviously makes life very difficult for us when reading the clues. As you may by now have realised, I usually use the C's statements as a starting point for many of my articles. If what they say is supported by facts, then I will adduce in this thread (and elsewhere for that matter) whatever evidence I find which supports their comments.

To give you just one example of this, which I haven't commented on before, the C's once said that Abraham/Moses fled Egypt with a mere 600 followers rather than the 600,000 Israelites that Jewish biblical scholars usually speak about. It so happened that during my researches I found contrary evidence for the higher number when reading a book on the Exodus called The Exodus Enigma, by the author, Ian Wilson, who like his fellow English author Graham Phillips, posits that the Exodus occurred around, or at least not long after, the time of the volcanic explosion that occurred on the island of Thera (today Santorini) in the 15th Century BC, which destroyed the great Minoan civilisation. Wilson does not, however, place the Exodus in the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten like Phillips does but in one of Akhenaten's 18th Dynasty predecessors instead. He mentions that Exodus 12.37 numbers the Israelite men alone in the refugee band as being 600,000 in total, which would have meant there would have been some two million persons altogether once you include women and children. As Wilson says, this was probably more than the whole population of Egypt at that time and is plainly a ridiculous proposition. He then states that some scholars have scaled the figure down to as few as 600, which just happens to be the figure the C's gave us. Unfortunately, he does not tell us who these scholars were. Nevertheless, if Wilson, an excellent researcher, states that some scholars believe the figure was as low as 600, I am prepared to believe him.

Some while ago, I started writing an article on who the real Moses may have been and, whilst doing so, I discovered there is a lot of evidence to support what the C's have said about him. For example, Wilson in his book is alive to the fact that Moses (and therefore Abraham) may have been a Hittite since, during the 18th Dynasty, it was not uncommon for the children of subject foreign princes to be brought up in the Egyptian court in order to gain their loyalty in later life. The Romans would later employ a similar approach. Wilson quotes the Biblical scholar George Mendenhall to support the notion that Moses/Abraham was an Hittite. Mendenhall argued that the possibility that Moses spent some time at a royal court was indicated by the similarity between the covenant which Moses is described as having set up between Yahweh and the Israelite people and the sort of covenant between lord and vassal that was common around the middle of the second millennium BC among such people as the Hittites. The form is in each case almost identical: the lord's identification of himself and his titles - "I am the Lord your God"; a statement of his past munificence, "... who brought you out of Egypt"; a requirement of loyalty and obedience - "You shall have no other god to set against me; you shall not make a carved [graven] image" etc. The fact this blood covenant may have been a Hittite one is very telling given what the C's said here:
Q: At the making of the Covenant at Mt. Sinai, there was a bunch of sacrificed animals, and Moses took the blood, dividing it in half, he cast one half on the altar. Taking the book of the covenant, he read it to the people, and they said 'we will observe all that Yahweh has decreed. We will obey.' And then Moses took the blood and cast it on the people saying 'this is the blood of the covenant that Yahweh has made with you containing all these rules.' What is this blood of the covenant?

A: Has to do with bloodline.

Q: So this symbolized the bloodline of the Jews?

A: No.

Q: What bloodline are we talking about here?

A: Aramaic/Aryan.
[MJF: This would represent the Mediterranean and Armenoid mix the anthropologists Huxley and Haddon referred to - see below]

Q: Are you saying that the Jews are Aramaic/Aryan?
[MJF: But the Hittite 'Indo-Europeans' who moved into the Middle East were such a mix]

A: No. Jews are not bloodline categorizable, per se.

Like the C's above, Wilson points out that the Jews (or the Israelites as they were then known) of the Exodus were not classifiable as a separate, distinctive racial or ethnic group but were a mixed, classless assortment of people, which still remains true to this day. He quoted, the anthropologists Huxley and Haddon who claimed that: "The Jews can rank neither as nation nor even as ethnic unit, but rather as a socio-religious group carrying large Mediterranean, Armenoid and many other elements, and varying greatly in physical characters." Interestingly, Wilson points out that several of the Levites [MJF: Who the C's described as being a "Sect of monk-like pacifists connected to Moses" who, in his persona of Abraham, was also a Levite. Moreover, like Abraham/Moses, they had originally been Hittite moon worshippers] described in the Bible as having been involved in the Exodus had Egyptian names such as Phinehas, Merari, Hophni and even Moses himself and possibly his Biblical brother Aaron too. But as Wilson explains, this does not in itself mean that these people were 'Egyptian' since this term too lacks any any specific racial connotation. He adds that they appeared to have been so long Egyptianised that they had no specific names to fall back on. On that last point, I wonder if Abraham abandoned his original Hittite name (or it may have been changed for him) so as to become known to the Egyptians as Moses or 'Mosis', which simply means 'is born" and is not really a proper name but is rather a title or statement.

One day I may finish that article and post it. However, I merely want to cite the above as proof that we should not readily discount what the C's may have said in the past, particularly when Frank was involved, because their statements may still provide us with useful clues that we can pursue. If we can subsequently find evidence to support the truth of what they said, I think we can then regard that as a hit for the C's.​
From what I see and understand, well I came to this idea after remembering that the concept of an "AI that can manifest things or manipulate space-time (atlantean pyramid)... or the genie in the lamp" if you will... appears in pop culture.

In comics you have the cosmic cubes:

Let's not get into whether this is Thor's Pantheum inspiration or not. However the seemingly fictional concept is very much in line with your research and the C's comments.

One thing I am beginning to notice is that it points to the device its shape is indeed a Cube. But perhaps that cube is more to a strictly geometric reference and its use, because it is also supposed to be a crystal skull.

Perhaps we are seeing in terms of geometry a true tesseract which represents or would represent the ability to interact or be part of 4th density. (not dimension)

With the latter, geometric algebra, Ark's field of research, comes into play here:

You make some very interesting points here. Please note, however, that although I have advanced the idea that the Grail is the crystal skull called 'Baphomet', which the Knights Templar supposedly possessed and nobody has ever located since their suppression, I would be the first person to acknowledge that I may have it completely wrong. There are many reasons for me to propose the skull as the Grail, including: the strange properties of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull, which may be a poor Mayan, post-Deluge imitation of Baphomet; the strange skull appearing in the mirror image view of Poussin's painting, the Celtic legend of the talking Head of Bran; Osiris's head in relation to the Boat of a Million Years; the Greek legend of the singing head of Orpheus; the 'Dead Head' symbol used by the Templars and alchemists; the Skull and Crossbones motif used by the Templars; and the Templar tale of the great lady of Maraclea to name just a few. There can be no doubt that the Baphomet crystal skull is a special artefact whatever may be the case, given the way the Templars greatly treasured and venerated it, and it may certainly be one of the hidden artefacts the C's have referred to in the transcripts. It is also probably not so large that it could not have been smuggled out unnoticed from places such as Montsegur, for example, during the siege of the Cathar stronghold in 1243, where Templar knights were present fighting with the Cathars (assuming it had been secreted there by them, as SS officer Otto Rhan believed).

Given the strange properties and energies that are associated with some of the more famous crystal skulls, it is quite possible that Baphomet, if it is the Grail, is capable of acting as an inter-density or interdimensional object. If it is made of pure quartz (like the Mitchell-Hedges Skull is) it may be capable of interacting with those human minds which are on the right wave length or frequency, given the receivership properties of quartz and that crystal's role within the standing stones of Stonehenge in conveying messages to the Celts from 6th density according to the C's.

The three dimensional cube, which expands out into a fourth dimensional tesseract, is a fascinating subject in itself, but one obviously beyond this particular thread. I will only say that although Jewish cabala is usually viewed as a mystical, spiritual philosophy, I believe, as do people like the author Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, that it also masks an occulted, pre-Deluge Atlantian science, which has been passed on through sacred symbolism. In future articles, I hope to show how cabala or Kabbalah may fit into the picture

Besides the cube or tesseract, there have been representations of the Holy Grail as a cylinder - see the transcript below
Session 11 April 1998:

Q: Ummm, in reading this funny book I just finished {I believe it was “Fingerprints of the Gods” by Graham Hancock}, I discovered that there is the tradition of the Ark of the Covenant being in Ethiopia. This guy did a bunch of research on it, and it seems possible that it is there, and that it may even be active. Is it, in fact, in the church of St. Mary of Zion in Ethiopia?

A: No.

Q: Where is it?

A: If we were to reveal this to you, it would be akin to giving a hand grenade to a baby!!

Q: Well, I just thought I would ask! What I found out was that this wonderful Hakluyt Society that chronicled the funny business in the Canary Islands {which I had read previously, and which claimed that the Ark of the Covenant was there} also kept track of the goings on in Ethiopia. One of the things they told about was the carrying of the Ark in procession by red or blond headed guys. And there was the Croix Patte of the Templars on a number of objects in Ethiopia. The Rose Croix. Did we have Templars there, or what was going on? Was the Ark there and was it then taken somewhere else?

A: The Ark of the Covenant is not what you think it is.

Q: You guys said that it was a power cell. I don't have some sort of romantic idea of it. I can accept that. But there are all these stories about it and a lot of people have mythologized it. What do you mean by saying such a thing. What is the Ark?

A: See Oak Island.
{Trans-dimensional Atomic Remolecularizer?}

Q: It seems that the Templars were in charge of building the Cathedral at Chartres, and there is a tableaux on one of the porches of Melchizedek and the Queen of Sheba. Equidistant between them is the Ark of the Covenant in a cart. Melchizedek is holding a cup that is supposed to be the Holy Grail. Inside this cup is a cylindrical object of stone. What is this?

A: Greater sight.

Q: What?! (A) Is it a symbol or a device?

A: Why cannot it be both?

Q: (A) It can be both, but is it both?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) So, it is a device for greater sight like a crystal ball, yes?

A: Only when utilized exactly precisely.

You will note that the C's link this cylindrical object of stone (crystal?) with greater sight, thus suggesting, if it is the Grail they were speaking of, something which can expand a person's mind leading to them to enjoy far greater wisdom (metis) and understanding. This expansion of the mind may also be linked to the idea of people who were viewed as 'seers' in the past, who were highly valued in ancient societies for their prophetic powers, particularly in Egypt and Greece. In medieval times such people were described as those who could 'pierce the veil'. It is intriguing that Laura should make a comparison here to a crystal ball. One would think that an ancient, interactive crystal skull that may be downloaded with almost limitless information (including data from Kentak if it came from there) could certainly be more effective as a means of expanding the mind than a mere crystal ball, which the C's have pointed out merely acts as a prop for the inherent psychic abilities of the user. However, you will notice that the C's say it can be both a symbol and a device, which leads me back to the cabala again and the use of sacred symbolism.

You will note that in relation to the discussion on the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant in the above excerpt from the transcripts, Laura asks the C's whether there were Templars in Ethiopia. I can answer this by saying yes. I only learned recently that the Templars did in fact have a presence in Ethiopia, which may explain why the Croix Patte (rose cross) of the Templars appears on a number of objects presumably used in the religious procession of the Ark mentioned in Graham Hancock's account.

In the year 1165, an Ethiopian prince called Lalibela apparently turned up in Christian ruled Jerusalem. His half-brother Harbay had tried to kill him and so Lalibela had been forced to flee for his life. Harbay was now the king of Ethiopia while Lalibela was reduced to being a refugee from his homeland. Lalibela shared the details of his misfortune with the Knights Templar. The Templars then conspired with the disgruntled prince to help him take the Ethiopian throne from Harbay and in this way Lalibela eventually seized power with the Templars help. Thereafter, the Templars maintained a presence in Ethiopia. Legend has it that they were there to seize the Ark of the Covenant from St Mary of Zion Church in Axum but failed in this endeavour. However, given that it is more likely that they already had discovered the Ark of the Covenant in their excavations either under Temple Mount in Jerusalem or at Petra (per Graham Phillips' theory), I would suggest this legend is merely that and has no basis in fact, as would seem to be confirmed by the C's.

The Church of St. Mary of Zion Axum with the Treasury of the Ark of the Covenant in the background
If this story is true, evidently the Templars had lost popularity with the Ethiopian royal household by the early 14th Century, judging from what the C's said next in that session:
Q: How do you execute something with this device?

A: Why should one wish to "execute" someone with this device?

Q: We don't understand...

A: Laura did say "execute."

Q: You were using the phraseology of my question to give a clue, I suppose... Okay, in 1306 a mission from the Ethiopian King went to visit Pope Clement V. Exactly one year later the Templars were arrested. What did the Pope and the Ethiopian king and all the others talk about at that meeting?

A: Whether or not orders were being realized.

The question is who was giving these orders? One thing is for sure though. In 1314, on an island in the middle of the river Seine in Paris, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar – Jacques de Molay – was executed when he was burned at the stake by the Inquisition.​
However, you will notice that the C's say it can be both a symbol and a device, which leads me back to the cabala again and the use of sacred symbolism.

Trying not to go into too much detail, perhaps the cylinder is an instrument of interpretation and amplification based on this: The image or symbol that from a two-dimensional or three-dimensional point of view is a geometric figure - for example the five-pointed star - the cylinder (which interacts with the third and fourth density, the ability to manifest the thoughts proper to the nature of the fourth density) "knows" that a certain symbol or geometry corresponds to a quantum effect. And for this, the operator is the one who must project the image/symbol/geometry from his mind.
Trying not to go into too much detail, perhaps the cylinder is an instrument of interpretation and amplification based on this: The image or symbol that from a two-dimensional or three-dimensional point of view is a geometric figure - for example the five-pointed star - the cylinder (which interacts with the third and fourth density, the ability to manifest the thoughts proper to the nature of the fourth density) "knows" that a certain symbol or geometry corresponds to a quantum effect. And for this, the operator is the one who must project the image/symbol/geometry from his mind.
This is a telesma is the visible symbol of an invisible power.
Telesma is the energy hidden in the philosopher's stone of every physical object that concentrates a metaphysical power from telesma comes the word talisman a physical support for a metaphysical energy (it is the astral light) I believe that the mystery of the Grail is like the human being with a biological body with mind and many other things that would represent a solid cup as a body but containing the liquid of the soul so the Grail.
If we take as a reference to Perzival in the story of the Grail of Chetrien he sees a magical procession of pages a young woman holding a Grail a castle a crippled King a banquet, etc .... This leads me to think that this happened in a sleeping state in the astral world, that is why the next day Perzival wakes up and there is no castle or Grail, it would be illogical for him to understand the mystery in a state of reality, since he has to be able to see the essence, the soul of things and this can be achieved in dreams or hyperdimensional states where there is greater perception.
If we follow the clues of the C's that the device is (occluded) it is suggesting that the chosen person must be able to see his soul and here we lose the representation we lose the logic and the explanations that are limiting.
The secret cannot be communicated with words, it is of the soul! The Grail is soul! That is why the FRV STO.
Did you not consider the idea that the Grail itself is to be found in this forum? If our RVF is tuned into the subject it is because we live as a group soul so it may be possible that our increased energy can be beneficial and productive for all.
Who knows? my point was that if you become obsessed with something.. your FRV would be that one of someone obsessed with something for the self, in this case an impossible to locate object.

And that kind of thinking can lead you to fall prey of many forms of manipulation, that will also make you believe you're on the right track all along.

There's a difference between finding a subject interesting or intriguing, and seeing every avenue of research somehow tied to the idea of finding an object, at that point.. you become closed to information. That is what I was warning against.
This is a telesma is the visible symbol of an invisible power.

Take a look at it. Maybe you'll get something out of it. But I remind you, that whole thread was worked out as I said before, to understand what happened, and how things works.

Trying not to go into too much detail, perhaps the cylinder is an instrument of interpretation and amplification based on this: The image or symbol that from a two-dimensional or three-dimensional point of view is a geometric figure - for example the five-pointed star - the cylinder (which interacts with the third and fourth density, the ability to manifest the thoughts proper to the nature of the fourth density) "knows" that a certain symbol or geometry corresponds to a quantum effect. And for this, the operator is the one who must project the image/symbol/geometry from his mind.
It may not be connected but the C's made reference to a cylinder in relation to the Nazis' time machine, the Bell or Die Glocke (see Die Glocke (conspiracy theory) - Wikipedia) in the following session:

Session 2 December 1995:

Q: (L) These individuals who have this time machine in Antarctica, what are they doing with it or what do they plan to do with it?

A: Exploring time sectors through loop of cylinder.

Q: (L) What is a loop of cylinder?

A: Complex, but is profile in 4th through 6th density.

Q: (L) Are there any particular goals that they have in doing this "time exploration?"

A: Not up to present, as you measure it.

Q: (L) Well, if they escaped and took this time machine to Antarctica, are they working with any of the so-called "aliens?"

A: 4th density STS.
[MJF: The Thule Society had been in contact with the Antareans since before World War I - see more below on this in the session dated 31 August 1996]

Q: (L) Are these Germans and their time machine, any part of the plan to take over earth when it moves into 4th density.

A: Mayb

Session 31 August 1996:

A: Those identifying themselves as "Antareans."

Q: (L) And who are the Antareans?

A: STS Humanoid Orion linkage.

Q: (L) What is an STS Orion Linkage? (T) That's the... (L) We have a new concept here. (T) They would be... the... the...the... (V) Mutant Race! (T) Yes! Those that were part of the creation...

A: No.

Q: (L) What is an STS Humanoid Orion linkage?

[Part of tape seems to be missing here, questions in [brackets] are reconstruction]

A: An STS race from Orion that is humanoid.

Q: [something about who or how they got hooked up with the Nazis. Probably a question related to the group that "handled" Hitler.]

A: The Thule Society originated contact.

Q: [something about them "waiting to take over the world"]

A: Waiting?


Q: (L) What do these guys plan on doing?

A: This is where "The Master Race" is being developed.

Q: (L) And what is the timeframe they have planned for this activity?

A: Never mind.

However, returning to the theme of the cylinder, the C's had more to say on this subject in the Session dated 7 June 1997:

Q: Ark did some reading on the Einstein thing, the letters to Kaluza, and there did not seem to be anything that E did in the period mentioned that would make one tend to think that there was a UFT from him in that time. But, Kaluza DID have an interesting idea about a 5 dimensional cylinder UFT which Einstein thought was quite startling. Yet, it seems that Einstein somewhat delayed Kaluza's presentation. What struck me was the word 'cylinder' which reminded me of the earlier session where I asked if the Germans had developed a time machine and you said 'yes,' and that it was in Antarctica, and that 'they' were 'exploring the loop of the cylinder.' You said that the loop of the cylinder was a 4th thru 6th density profile. Could you give me some elaboration on this cylinder, the loop of the cylinder, and whether it was Kaluza who did the UFT and not Einstein?

A: Cylinder is really a double loop, is it not? And meditate if you will on the true meaning of this!

A double loop can, of course. form a mobius strip but it also forms the mathematical sign for infinity known as the lemniscate, which has been a common decorative motif since ancient times. The English mathematician John Wallis is credited with introducing the infinity symbol with its mathematical meaning in 1655, in his De sectionibus conicis. Wallis did not explain his choice of this symbol though.

John Wallis (1616 – 1703) was an English clergyman and mathematician who is given partial credit for the development of infinitesmal calculus. Between 1643 and 1689 he served as chief cryptographer for Parliament and, later, the royal court. He is credited with introducing the symbol ∞ to represent the concept of infinity. Wallis was a contemporary of Sir Isaac Newton and one of the greatest intellectuals of the early renaissance of mathematics.

His role as chief cryptographer for Parliament would put him in the same company as Sir Francis Bacon and Dr. John Dee (both of whom may well have been Rosicrucians) who were leading English cryptographers in the service of Sir Francis Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth I's spymaster. Wallis had been close to the Parliamentarian party and rendered them great practical assistance in deciphering Royalist dispatches during the English Civil War. The quality of cryptography at that time was mixed; despite the individual successes of mathematicians such as Francois Viete, the principles underlying cipher design and analysis were very poorly understood. Most ciphers were ad hoc methods relying on a secret algorithm, as opposed to systems based on a variable Key. Wallis realised that the latter were far more secure – even describing them as "unbreakable", though he was not confident enough in this assertion to encourage revealing cryptographic algorithms. Hence, one can view Wallis in some ways as a forerunner of Alan Turing, the brilliant Cambridge mathematician who would crack the operation of the Nazi Enigma Machine during WW2 and would go on to become one of the fathers of modern computer science. In 1643 Wallis joined the group of scientists that was later to evolve into the Royal Society. I assume the group of scientists referred to here is the 'Invisible College', which may be viewed as a Roscirucian Front, that would evolve into the Royal Society in King Charles II's reign. The Royal Society can be seen as the brainchild of Sir Francis Bacon and the fulfilment of his vision of the 'House of Salomon' or Solomon, as described in his posthumous work New Atlantis.

As to the double loop concept. one Forum member Ryan had this to say on the matter:​

A: Cylinder is really a double loop, is it not? And meditate if you will on the true meaning of this!

Interesting that a loop is a two-dimensional concept and that you need to utilize a higher dimension (3rd) in order to create a cylinder from two loops. And if you "loop" a cylinder, you get a toroid. This will give you a shape with two surfaces (interior and exterior). However, if you utilise a higher dimension (4th), you can 'rotate' a sector of the toroid in an analogous way to a Möbius strip and create a "looped cylinder" that has only one surface. You could then access any point on the cylinder from any other using the appropriate distance and direction.

Quoting from Wikipedia:

In mathematics, a toroid is a surface of revolution with a hole in the middle. The axis of revolution passes through the hole and so does not intersect the surface. For example, when a rectangle is rotated around an axis parallel to one of its edges, then a hollow rectangle-section ring is produced. If the revolved figure is a circle, then the object is called a torus.

Much food for thought here.
It may not be connected but the C's made reference to a cylinder in relation to the Nazis' time machine, the Bell or Die Glocke (see Die Glocke (conspiracy theory) - Wikipedia) in the following session:

Session 2 December 1995:

Q: (L) These individuals who have this time machine in Antarctica, what are they doing with it or what do they plan to do with it?

A: Exploring time sectors through loop of cylinder.

Q: (L) What is a loop of cylinder?

A: Complex, but is profile in 4th through 6th density.

Q: (L) Are there any particular goals that they have in doing this "time exploration?"

A: Not up to present, as you measure it.

Q: (L) Well, if they escaped and took this time machine to Antarctica, are they working with any of the so-called "aliens?"

A: 4th density STS.
[MJF: The Thule Society had been in contact with the Antareans since before World War I - see more below on this in the session dated 31 August 1996]

Q: (L) Are these Germans and their time machine, any part of the plan to take over earth when it moves into 4th density.

A: Mayb

Session 31 August 1996:

A: Those identifying themselves as "Antareans."

Q: (L) And who are the Antareans?

A: STS Humanoid Orion linkage.

Q: (L) What is an STS Orion Linkage? (T) That's the... (L) We have a new concept here. (T) They would be... the... the...the... (V) Mutant Race! (T) Yes! Those that were part of the creation...

A: No.

Q: (L) What is an STS Humanoid Orion linkage?

[Part of tape seems to be missing here, questions in [brackets] are reconstruction]

A: An STS race from Orion that is humanoid.

Q: [something about who or how they got hooked up with the Nazis. Probably a question related to the group that "handled" Hitler.]

A: The Thule Society originated contact.

Q: [something about them "waiting to take over the world"]

A: Waiting?


Q: (L) What do these guys plan on doing?

A: This is where "The Master Race" is being developed.

Q: (L) And what is the timeframe they have planned for this activity?

A: Never mind.

However, returning to the theme of the cylinder, the C's had more to say on this subject in the Session dated 7 June 1997:

Q: Ark did some reading on the Einstein thing, the letters to Kaluza, and there did not seem to be anything that E did in the period mentioned that would make one tend to think that there was a UFT from him in that time. But, Kaluza DID have an interesting idea about a 5 dimensional cylinder UFT which Einstein thought was quite startling. Yet, it seems that Einstein somewhat delayed Kaluza's presentation. What struck me was the word 'cylinder' which reminded me of the earlier session where I asked if the Germans had developed a time machine and you said 'yes,' and that it was in Antarctica, and that 'they' were 'exploring the loop of the cylinder.' You said that the loop of the cylinder was a 4th thru 6th density profile. Could you give me some elaboration on this cylinder, the loop of the cylinder, and whether it was Kaluza who did the UFT and not Einstein?

A: Cylinder is really a double loop, is it not? And meditate if you will on the true meaning of this!

A double loop can, of course. form a mobius strip but it also forms the mathematical sign for infinity known as the lemniscate, which has been a common decorative motif since ancient times. The English mathematician John Wallis is credited with introducing the infinity symbol with its mathematical meaning in 1655, in his De sectionibus conicis. Wallis did not explain his choice of this symbol though.

John Wallis (1616 – 1703) was an English clergyman and mathematician who is given partial credit for the development of infinitesmal calculus. Between 1643 and 1689 he served as chief cryptographer for Parliament and, later, the royal court. He is credited with introducing the symbol ∞ to represent the concept of infinity. Wallis was a contemporary of Sir Isaac Newton and one of the greatest intellectuals of the early renaissance of mathematics.

His role as chief cryptographer for Parliament would put him in the same company as Sir Francis Bacon and Dr. John Dee (both of whom may well have been Rosicrucians) who were leading English cryptographers in the service of Sir Francis Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth I's spymaster. Wallis had been close to the Parliamentarian party and rendered them great practical assistance in deciphering Royalist dispatches during the English Civil War. The quality of cryptography at that time was mixed; despite the individual successes of mathematicians such as Francois Viete, the principles underlying cipher design and analysis were very poorly understood. Most ciphers were ad hoc methods relying on a secret algorithm, as opposed to systems based on a variable Key. Wallis realised that the latter were far more secure – even describing them as "unbreakable", though he was not confident enough in this assertion to encourage revealing cryptographic algorithms. Hence, one can view Wallis in some ways as a forerunner of Alan Turing, the brilliant Cambridge mathematician who would crack the operation of the Nazi Enigma Machine during WW2 and would go on to become one of the fathers of modern computer science. In 1643 Wallis joined the group of scientists that was later to evolve into the Royal Society. I assume the group of scientists referred to here is the 'Invisible College', which may be viewed as a Roscirucian Front, that would evolve into the Royal Society in King Charles II's reign. The Royal Society can be seen as the brainchild of Sir Francis Bacon and the fulfilment of his vision of the 'House of Salomon' or Solomon, as described in his posthumous work New Atlantis.

As to the double loop concept. one Forum member Ryan had this to say on the matter:​

A: Cylinder is really a double loop, is it not? And meditate if you will on the true meaning of this!

Interesting that a loop is a two-dimensional concept and that you need to utilize a higher dimension (3rd) in order to create a cylinder from two loops. And if you "loop" a cylinder, you get a toroid. This will give you a shape with two surfaces (interior and exterior). However, if you utilise a higher dimension (4th), you can 'rotate' a sector of the toroid in an analogous way to a Möbius strip and create a "looped cylinder" that has only one surface. You could then access any point on the cylinder from any other using the appropriate distance and direction.

Quoting from Wikipedia:

In mathematics, a toroid is a surface of revolution with a hole in the middle. The axis of revolution passes through the hole and so does not intersect the surface. For example, when a rectangle is rotated around an axis parallel to one of its edges, then a hollow rectangle-section ring is produced. If the revolved figure is a circle, then the object is called a torus.

Much food for thought here.
A double cylinder reminds me of 2 horsemen riding a horse (Templar symbol).
In the myths of the Bambara people where they speak of the initial stage there is a mention that the world comes from a void endowed with the movement "gla" and Gla gave rise to its sonorous twin.
In the Dogon mythology the deities of water (divine twins) Nommo.
It is suggested that the Grail is activated by a certain secret sound that would be the true name of God (speculation).


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It may not be connected but the C's made reference to a cylinder in relation to the Nazis' time machine, the Bell or Die Glocke

There are several things here that can be connected.

On the one hand at the cosmological level the bessel function from the point of view of the electric universe, in a birkeland current.

Then you have in topology the eversion of the sphere, which connects with the toroid.

In differential topology, sphere eversion is the process of turning a sphere inside out in a three-dimensional space (the word eversion means "turning inside out"). Remarkably, it is possible to smoothly and continuously turn a sphere inside out in this way (with possible self-intersections) without cutting or tearing it or creating any crease. This is surprising, both to non-mathematicians and to those who understand regular homotopy, and can be regarded as a veridical paradox; that is something that, while being true, on first glance seems false.

This will give you a shape with two surfaces (interior and exterior). However, if you utilise a higher dimension (4th), you can 'rotate' a sector of the toroid in an analogous way to a Möbius strip and create a "looped cylinder" that has only one surface. You could then access any point on the cylinder from any other using the appropriate distance and direction.

And we could add recent research that I discussed at the last C's session:


Maybe they are not related, but for example in the electric universe the stars are connected by the birkeland currents and the bessel function. The C's had commented that the stars and planets are windows and can be used for travel.

It is not unreasonable to think that two stars along the same birkeland current that share the same bessel function would be somehow entangled at the quantum level.
A double cylinder reminds me of 2 horsemen riding a horse (Templar symbol).
In the myths of the Bambara people where they speak of the initial stage there is a mention that the world comes from a void endowed with the movement "gla" and Gla gave rise to its sonorous twin.
In the Dogon mythology the deities of water (divine twins) Nommo.
It is suggested that the Grail is activated by a certain secret sound that would be the true name of God (speculation).
read somewhere that the Grail is composed/sound by 12 main signs in 4 groups that break off 3. A certain sound must be pronounced that also has its mechanism of bad luck if pronounced wrong, being able to instantly annihilate the one who dared to compose it because it seems hitler knew that it was about inscriptions of signs according to what I read the Templars or a group of them tried that feat but they were dying one by one until a Templar was able to open that sound or force and they were given 2 options the 1 as a free pass to return to the source or accessible door to the union with the one I suppose the 7th density and the 2 option to use it for service until the Grail disappeared and returned one day to Earth where there will again be the opportunity to open that mechanism I guess this current era
As I understood it from Laura's exposition in her books on the Grail theme, this would be a symbiosis of many elements conjugated in a melody where this musical band to reach its hit and sound original or at least to be loved by the vast majority requires to have an order and balance, it is also a matter of luck.
Hello humbertoemigar1977, reading your latest posts in the Session January, 14th thread I was wondering whether you, Jet and Torri are the same person.
If not I apologize in advance but the similarities are a bit odd.
There are several things here that can be connected.

On the one hand at the cosmological level the bessel function from the point of view of the electric universe, in a birkeland current.

Then you have in topology the eversion of the sphere, which connects with the toroid.

And we could add recent research that I discussed at the last C's session:

Maybe they are not related, but for example in the electric universe the stars are connected by the birkeland currents and the bessel function. The C's had commented that the stars and planets are windows and can be used for travel.

It is not unreasonable to think that two stars along the same birkeland current that share the same bessel function would be somehow entangled at the quantum level.
I haven't looked at that conversation as yet but wonder if you are suggesting there is a birkeland current existing between our sun and the dark star (Nemesis)?
I haven't looked at that conversation as yet but wonder if you are suggesting there is a birkeland current existing between our sun and the dark star (Nemesis)?

No. Both the Sun and Nemesis should be within the same birkeland current. It is better understood when you watch this video:

But the connection to this includes the research @Michael B-C he is doing:

I think it is as extensive as your research and possibly offers a better dating of events in history in which you can make a better placement of where, how and when secret societies have done their thing.

I think it is very, very likely that these societies know what the real dynamics in celestial mechanics are.
Hello humbertoemigar1977, reading your latest posts in the Session January, 14th thread I was wondering whether you, Jet and Torri are the same person.
If not I apologize in advance but the similarities are a bit odd.
Hello dear we are not the same besides we know what is the general law and how to develop a magnetic center and as such both Gurdjieff and Mouravieff tell us not to be liars! Although it is not the only way I have to confess that very strange things have happened to me about the Grail because you know how it is the same system attacks you with people with moustaches and black glasses for trun I read something about the Grail of the Allatra movement I watched the 3 videos of 9hs and read all the information of (Anastasia Novick) about the Grail I did not want to comment much since Mr. MJF could get upset that you reiterate on some topic also I do not know if it is true about Allatra but I will expose it anyway:
Jesus before being crucified took a knife and made some inscriptions of the primordial sound on a wooden bowl and the only one who understood the mystery was Magdalene.
That inscription was like a transfer of power from Christ to the feminine.
The primordial sound is the secret name of God that nobody knows "in the beginning was the word"...Saint George who killed the dragon was the one who inspired or is related to the Templar order they took its elements and took some knowledge deciphering the activation of the Grail but they used it for service without making use of its enormous power because whoever possesses the Grail will not only have the power over this world but over all worlds.
I read something about the Grail of the Allatra movement I watched the 3 videos of 9hs and read all the information of (Anastasia Novick) about the Grail I did not want to comment much since Mr. MJF could get upset that you reiterate on some topic also I do not know if it is true about Allatra but I will expose it anyway:
Had a quick browse who you're talking about. Looks a lot like some new age mumbo jumbo, imo.
Although I was quite amused about a short video clip showing her alleged ability to switch her eyes to reptile mode.
Had a quick browse who you're talking about. Looks a lot like some new age mumbo jumbo, imo.
Although I was quite amused about a short video clip showing her alleged ability to switch her eyes to reptile mode.
Perhaps it is as Laura said, they are waiting for the right person to take them to the device for which the right person, when removing the occlusion, they could remove it or they will have that intention. But I don't think that could happen, they could not remove it, no. He believes that this person had already foreseen that and for this reason he encapsulated it in his own soul in 4D, so first of all, in my opinion, the elite, the SAS 4D AND SAS 3D forces, have no chance. Balance cannot be controlled or stopped, it is not possible to break the balance every attempt is useless.
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