Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Well, I have been reading the last posts. I would have liked to read them sooner but I have had some problems with the power grid. I am also having a hard time digesting them. Partly because they are in English and there are things that I can't either interpret or use correctly to give an adequate answer between what I read and the ideas that come to my mind.

Even so I will try to explain myself.

Ok, having read about:

The Primary Scission.
Global Scaling Theory.
Fine Structure Constant.
Non-Linear Longitudinal Waves in the Medium of Logarithmic Space.

I don't intend to go into the mathematical detail, I think MJF has done it very well. The first thing I want to comment is that the Lemniscata seems to offer the clue to understand why alchemists choose certain places for their enclaves. The most obvious answer is that they are points on the planet where it is easier to travel between densities and/or dimensions. An example of such places would be Mount Sashta in the U.S. I mention this place because it is mentioned in a book I consult many times about Atlantis (later I will insert a transcript of one of its chapters, relevant to the subject of the UFT).

Theoretically if we follow what the ley lines expose, it should be in Rennes-le-Château the node point of a standing wave (and if we think about it, it could be a facilitator, if not THE facilitator for the communication with the C's, in addition to the abilities of Laura and the group):

Most likely the enclave or any other enclave makes use of the physical-hyperdimensional properties of the large peaks on the globe where energy transfer between densities occurs. And we know that UFO activity has also been documented in those peaks.

However, such places seem to be internally prepared (excavated) to refine and adjust what they already do naturally. Hence the mention of temples or templates.

This also reveals something else. What better place to hide an object than a point or node that 4D STS cannot reach by the very property of that contact point being the 7th density?

I now turn to the transcript of the book I mention:;_(IA_dwellerontwoplan00oli).pdf

In their consideration of natural laws the philosophers of Poseid had come to the conclusive hypothesis and working theory that the material universe was not a complex entity, but in its primality extremely simple. The glorious truth, "Incal malixetho," was clear to them, that is, that "Incal (God) is immanent in Nature." To this they appended,— "Axte IncaL axtuce mun,"- "To know God is to know all worlds whatever." After centuries of experimentations, recording of phenomena, deductions, analysing and synthetizing, these students had arrived at the final proposition that the universe— not here dwelling on their wondrous astronomical knowledge— was, with all its varied phenomena, created and continuously kept in operation by two primal force-principles. Briefly stated, these basic facts were that matter and dynamic energy (which were Incal made externally manifest) could readily account for all things else. This conception held that only One Substance existed, and but One Energy, the one being Incal externalized, and the other His Life in action in His Body.* .

This One Substance assumed many forms under the action of variant degrees of dynamic force. Because it was the basic principle of all natural, and all psychic, but not of spiritual phenomena, allow here a postulate with which not a few of my friends will find themselves at least partially familiar, perhaps wholly so. Commencing with dynamic energy as first sensibly manifest in the example furnished by simple vibration, the Poseid position may be outlined as follows: A very low rate of vibration may be felt; an increase of rate heard. For example, first we feel the pulsing of a harp-string, and then if the rate of vibration be increased we hear its sound. But substances of other sorts, able to endure greater vibratory impulses, manifest under more intense action —following sound, first heat, then light. Now again, light varies in color. The first color produced is red, and thence, by a constantly augmentation vibratile energy, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo, violet— each spectrumband being due to an exact and definite increase in the number, of the vibrations. Succeeding the violet, further augment gives pure white, more gives a. gray, then more extinguishes light, replacing it with electricity, and so on through an ever increasing voltage until the realm of vital or psychic-force is attained. This may truly be regarded as going inward from those manifestations of nature, of Incal or God, or the Creator, which are external; as going toward the internal from externality. A very brief study will show thee that the laws of the physical world continue inward to their spiritual source; that they are, truly, but prolongations the one of the other.

But, ere entering into the realm of vibration, whose doorkeeper is sound, we find that the One Substance vibrates in viriant, but definite dynamic degree, and that thence arise each and all of the diverse forms of matter ; in short, the difference between any given substances, as gold and silver, iron and lead, sugar and sand, is not one of matter, but of dynamic degree solely. Do I weary thee, my friend? Bear yet a little longer, I pray thee, for it is an important matter. In this dynamic affection the degree is no loose limitation, for if the vibratile rate be a shade variant—lower or higher than in any special material which may be under notice— the variation will be different in appearance and in its chemical nature; thus to proper substantial entities definite if enormous vibration per second may be imparted, and the resulting substance (for light is substantial) is, say red light,** but if one-eighth greater it will be orange, and if more or less, then the resultant must inevitably be a reddish orange, or a yellowish, respectively. It thus appears that certain definite degrees exist as plainly as mile-posts, and that these major degrees are absolute. In other words, the One Substance is not as readily kept between these greater definitions as upon them— a fact which explains the tendency of composites, or intermediate affections, to decompose into the ditinite or simple elements; chemical compounds are not as stable as chemical primaries. The modern "wave theory," that sound, heat, light and correlatives are but forms of force is only half correct; they are this, but they are more also.

They are, in brief, affections of the One Substance by specific degrees of the One Energy, and except that the rate of this affection is vastly greater in the case of electricity than in that of lead or gold, there is no difference between these widely diverse appearing things. This is the energy by the Rosicrucians named "Fire," that which gives entrance to that mysterious realm of nature penetrated only by the adept, thaumaturgist, magician. Call these students at whose will all nature bends obedient, by whatever name best pleases thee, only bearing ever in mind that the real Magian never speaks of self or works, and is not known by his fellows to be what he is, save an accident hath revealed the secret. To this membership belonged He at whose command the winds and the waves were stayed on tempestuous Galilee. But He spoke not of Himself. Of that sublime brotherhood I will relate much ere long. No better proof is needed that all the variant manifestiions are but variants of the odic force, the Rosicrucian "Fire," than this: — offer resistance to an electric current, thereby reducing or diverting it against an opposing force —and thou hast light; oppose to this (arc) light a combustable obstruction, and flame results. So mightest thou go on to the discovery soon to be made by the world of science, that light, all light, of the sun, or from any source, can be made to yield sound; upon this discovery hinge some of the most astounding inventions that thine age hath even dreamed of in its visions. But the primal discovery in this wonderful link, first of the sequence will be the greatest of all, and so heralded. And this will be warranted, for the fact that it will be but a reincarnate unfoldment will not diminish its importance to mankind, nor the credit of its re-discoverer. In brief, the truths of our Father's Kingdom are eternal; have ever been, will ever be existent, and only the discoverers themselves will be new to the fact.

The fact not being a new one in itself, nor new even to the world, but only to this age of it. Poseid knew that light gives out sound when correctly resisted. It knew that magnetism gives rise to electricity in the same manner, and for the same reason. Thus, the load-stone exhibits magnetism; revolve it in the field of a dynamo, and so cut the current and pile it upon itself, so to speak, and electricity develops. So, resist this and light appears; this, and heat comes; again resisted properly, and sound results, then next energy appears as pulsing motion. But these various processes may be " short-circuited" and all of the intermediate phenomena cut out: ~~Have I been wearisome in this discourse? If so, and I suspect that I have, the reward is at hand. The Poseidi found that in the realm beyond magnetism were yet other forces, superior and more intense of pulsation, forces operated by the mind. And Mind is of our Father, and is the constantly creating source of all things whatsoever. Were the perpetual Vis a tergo of divine creation to cease for one instant, in that instant the Universe would cease to exist.

Now wilt thou see the sublime beauty of the Altan postulate not long since repeated: "Incal malixetho. Axte Incal, axtuce mun." For down from His heights, marking the descent by "forcefalls" as a river marks declivities in its bed by cataracts, comes this supreme power ; comes far, oh ! very far a down its course to the cascades of magnetism, electricity, light, heat, sound, motion— and far off where the bed of this Divine stream becomes nearly level, exhibits those little ripples of material differentiation which thou termest chemical elements, insisting on there being sixty-three, when there is but One: From this knowledge came all the wondrous triumps of that
old age, and one by one they are emerging to-day after their long oblivion, till to-morrow they shall awake in crowds, and press to re-discovery by threes and fours, and then by platoons and companies and legions, till all the treasures of Poseid shall be again on earth, in air, and sea. Oh, bright tomorrow of time, and fortunate thou who shalt open thine eyes upon it and its marvels : And yet, although so fortunate, still shalt thou find it well behooves thee to temper all things by tire spirit, and not to let the march of physical discovery outstrip the advance of the soul. Oh, sad shall be found any day wherein man approache the arcane treasury of his Father from the side of the blind physicial eye ; for if by this the whole world shall be gained, what shall it profit if it lose the soul?

Having thus acquired insight into a new realm, if it be new to thee, let me ask, and answer thou me : How explainest thou these two great phenomena, heat and light? They are not easy to explain; cold and darkness are not merely the absence of heat and light. Having given the basis thereof, now will I show a new philosophy:

I have said that the Atlans recognized Nature in its entirety to be Deity externalized. Their philosophy asserted that force moved, not in straight lines, but in circles, that is, so as always to return into itself. If the dynamism operating the universe acts in circular progression, it follows that an infinity of increase in vibration possible to the One Substance would be an untenable concept. There must be a point in the circle where extremes meet and run the round again — and this we find between cathodicity and magnetism. As vibration brought substance into the realm of light, it must carry it out. It does so. It conveys it into what the Poseidi termed "Navaz, the Night-Side of nature," where duality becomes manifest— cold opposing heat, darkness light, and where positive polarity opposes negative— all things antipodal. Cold is as much a substantial entity as heat, and darkness as light. There is a prism of seven colors in each white ray of light; there is also a septuple prism of black entities in the blackest gloom— the night is as pregnant as the day.

The Poseid investigator thus became cognizant of wondrous forces of nature which he might bend to the uses of mankind. The secret was out, the discovery being that attraction of gravitation— the law of weight— had, set over against it the ' repulsion by levitation ; ' ' that the first belonging to the Light Side of Nature, and the second to Navaz— the Night-Side; that vibration governed the darkness and the cold. Thus Posied, like Job of old, knew the path to the house of darkness, and the treasures of the hail (cold). Through this wisdom Atlantis found it possible to adjust weight (positiveness) to lack of weight (negativeness) so evenly that no "tug of war" was manifest. This achievement meant much. It meant aerial navigation without wings or unwieldly gas-reservoirs, through taking advantage of repulsion by levitation opposed in overmatching strength to the attraction of gravitation. That vibration of the One Substance governed and (composed) all realms was a discovery which solved the problem of the conveyance of images of light— pictures of forms— as well as of sound and heat, just as the telephone thou knowest so well conveys images of sound, only in Poseid no wires or other sensible material connection was required in the use, at whatever distance, of either telephones or telephotes; nor even in caloriveyance, that is, heat-conduction.

To digress a little, it is to the employment of these and the higher forces of the night-side that seemingly magic feats of occult adepts, from the Man of Nazareth down to the least Yogi, are indebted for their possibility.

And now, let me close this chapter by saying that when modern science shall have seen its way to the acceptance of the Poseidonic knowledge herein outlined, physical nature will no longer posses any hidden recess, any penetralia, for the scientific investigator. Not earth, air, the depth of the seas
nor those of interstellar space will hold secrets from that man who approaches from the God-ward side, as did Poseid.

I do not say that Atlantis knew the very all ; it knew more than this day has yet uncovered, but not all. Yet, the search commenced then by them might be continued now by thee, for America, my people, thou wert of Atlantis. Of either I can^ sing, "My country, 'tis of thee'.
I am sorry to hear about your power outages, which could be a sign perhaps of things to come. I do also appreciate that you are reading what is quite complex material in what for you is a second language. I would be the first to admit that Joseph Farrell's books are a tough read even for those for whom English is their first language.

For your information, I am currently working on an article following up on my last post, which may dovetail nicely with what you are saying here about ley lines and the Rosicrucians, since it looks at these two issues from a German and, particularly, a Nazi perspective, to show how the Nazis tried to exploit the world grid built on ley lines/lines of power ('dragon lines' to the Chinese). Remember that the Nazis completely bought into the existence of Atlantis and sought to recreate that evil empire as the Aryan Third Reich. However, you make some very good points in your post and once I have finished and posted my article, I would like to return to them to explore them further. Incidentally, has the book you have downloaded as a pdf ever been discussed before on the Forum? I would admit that I had never heard of it before now - but it looks very interesting.​
I am sorry to hear about your power outages, which could be a sign perhaps of things to come.

I think so. Aside from my particular event, there is speculation that one of the power outages (half the country was without power) was sabotage. As for my particular predicament, I was able to fix it but the analysis of the malfunction indicates that something worse could have happened (wait for the attack, and learn the ways of the attack I think it applies here as well as a sudden appearance of new users with bad intentions).

For your information, I am currently working on an article following up on my last post, which may dovetail nicely with what you are saying here about ley lines and the Rosicrucians, since it looks at these two issues from a German and, particularly, a Nazi perspective, to show how the Nazis tried to exploit the world grid built on ley lines/lines of power ('dragon lines' to the Chinese). Remember that the Nazis completely bought into the existence of Atlantis and sought to recreate that evil empire as the Aryan Third Reich. However, you make some very good points in your post and once I have finished and posted my article, I would like to return to them to explore them further. Incidentally, has the book you have downloaded as a pdf ever been discussed before on the Forum? I would admit that I had never heard of it before now - but it looks very interesting.

I had mentioned the book previously but it has not produced traction. So, I just shared this specific chapter and forgot about it, until now.

You just have to be careful and separate the wheat from the chaff:

The book has been influential on ideas concerning Atlantis, Lemuria and Mount Shasta. In a 2002 introduction, John B. Hare says that it "is openly acknowledged as source material for many new age belief systems, including the "I AM" movement, the Lemurian Fellowship, and Elizabeth Claire Prophet." In the analysis of Walter Kafton-Minkel's history Subterranean Worlds, "A Dweller on Two Planets was not very good fiction, but it did establish all the main elements of the modern Mt. Shasta mythos."[2]
I think so. Aside from my particular event, there is speculation that one of the power outages (half the country was without power) was sabotage. As for my particular predicament, I was able to fix it but the analysis of the malfunction indicates that something worse could have happened (wait for the attack, and learn the ways of the attack I think it applies here as well as a sudden appearance of new users with bad intentions).

I had mentioned the book previously but it has not produced traction. So, I just shared this specific chapter and forgot about it, until now.

You just have to be careful and separate the wheat from the chaff:
That's worrying. Thanks for the book explanation. By the way, Mount Shasta is famous for anomalous occurrences, including strange disappearances and multiple UFO sightings. The latter is true of Stonehenge too and I think the Rennes-le-Chateau area as well - it would not be for nothing, therefore, that the C's recommended reading the 1954 UFO mapping study: France in order to understand the importance of the EM grid.​
I was doing some tests with google earth and the ley lines grid. The grid apart from the geometric shapes has three grids marking yin lines, yang lines and balance lines. (Yin is the feminine principle, earth, darkness, passivity and absorption. Yang is the masculine principle, the sky, light, activity and penetration).

On the map I found that these three lines cross in the town of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières only 100 to 130km away from Rennes-le-Château.

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-05 094324.jpg

A quick search of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières led me to the Cathedral of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières and some of its history:

The cathedral of Saint Pons de Thomières is an ancient French cathedral located in a valley in the lower Languedoc, northwest of Narbonne, surrounded by mountains and crossed by the river Jaur. It is located in the French municipality of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières (Hérault). It was formerly a Benedictine abbey.

It was the seat of the bishopric of Saint-Pons de Thomières, created in 1318 by splitting the diocese of Narbonne and was suppressed in the Revolution to be integrated into the diocese of Montpellier, later converted into an archdiocese.

This Benedictine abbey was founded in 936 by the will of Count Ramon III of Toulouse and his wife Garsenda. On the site where the abbey was erected there was already a center of worship dedicated to Saint Martin, but the new monastery was placed under the patronage of Saint Ponç, martyred in Cimiez (Nice) in 257, the relics were transferred to this place in 937. Monks from the abbey of Saint-Géraud d'Aurillac (Auvergne) participated in this foundation.

The abbey grew in importance and its influence was considerable from 1061, under the direction of Abbot Frotard; at this time it brought together under his direction other monasteries, especially in the Catalan area: Sant Martí de Les (from 1070), San Benito de Bages (1074), Sant Cugat del Vallés (1089), San Pedro de Roda.

This period of splendor helped to rebuild the primitive church, which had become too small. This new construction was inaugurated by Pope Urban II in 1096, when it was not yet finished. This church was renovated again following its destruction in 1170 by Roger Trencavel, who subjected the abbey to pillage, which seems to have affected both the church and the other monastic buildings.

A papal bull of John XXII, in 1318, made Sant Ponç an episcopal see. Abbot Pierre Roger became the first bishop of the diocese. At the end of the 15th century work was done on the construction of a new church chancel, but in 1567 the place was attacked by Protestants who again left the buildings in ruins. Reconstruction work continued in the following decades. In these works the orientation of the church was reversed (1716), the choir was moved to the nave and in the place of the chancel, which was in ruins, the new facade was erected; the interior furnishings were remade at the same time (18th century).

In 1790 it lost its cathedral status and the outbuildings also disappeared. It was restored between 1839 and 1841.

The church is preserved with the modifications that were made over time, but the bulk of the construction (a single nave church) is from the twelfth century. On the western façade there is a Romanesque portal (the Door of the Dead, so called because it communicated with the cemetery) decorated with archivolts and the representation of the Sun and the Moon. On the old façade, two tympanums are preserved in poor condition, corresponding to the old doorway now walled up, with the representation of the Holy Supper and the Ascension on one side and the Crucifixion on the other.

No trace remains of the Romanesque cloister, which was lost in the looting of the Protestants, although many capitals are preserved scattered in various collections, especially in the Louvre Museum, and the Museum of the Augustinians in Toulouse.

As you may have seen, this building has the door of the dead, and the figures of the sun and the moon.

We could go into detail and look up what the sun and moon are in alchemy but I don't think that is what is relevant.

What is relevant here is that they are symbols that just like the yin and yang represent the masculine and feminine and precisely the yin-yang ley lines pass through that location.

The other curious part is that during the reconstruction of the church the orientation was reversed.

What is the probability of having here concepts that coincide in their meaning of positive and negative?
A little more about Saint-Pons-de-Thomières, looking for more of its history a rare legend tells that:

A legend even asserts that the source is a monster petrified by the gods.

"In very distant times, when the deities jealously courted the daughters of men, a monster, half dragon, half snake, caught the people in its path with its huge tongue. It was then, that a divine couple took the defence of humans. Divanona and Divanogétimar cast a spell on the horrible animal. It was thus petrified. Nowadays, the mouth of the animal and its tongue are still visible in St-Pons de Thomières, in the form of the rocky cavity and the water table".


I cannot find information about these protectors of humanity Divanona and Divanogétimar but again we see a reference to the masculine and feminine being a divine couple. Again the yin-yang principle.
The Thule Society, the Nazis and the World Grid

In this article, I will make use to a large extent of Joseph Farrell’s research and theories as expounded in his book The Grid of the Gods, which was published in 2011. I must preface this exposition though by saying that the World Grid, or the ‘Grid of the Gods’, as Farrell refers to it, is not exactly the electromagnetic grid that shrouds the Earth that the C’s told Laura and Ark about but rather a more complex concept incorporating: (1) the longitudinal and latitudinal positions of ancient sites based on a north-south meridian running through the apex of the Great Pyramid at Giza; (2) a “grid” encoding the numbers of “sacred geometry” as found at most of the structures built on these ancient sites; and (3) a “grid” that is an astronomical-astrological “celestial grid” encoding the physics of the very large (stars, planets etc.) but at the same time encoding (at some of these megalithic sites) the actual coefficients of the constants of quantum mechanics representing the physics of the very small – thus reflecting the Hermetic maxim of “as above, so below”.

What Farrell is referring to here may be borne out to some extent by what the C’s said about the builders of Stonehenge, one of the ancient megalithic sites he is referring to:​

Q: Who was worshipped by the people who built Stonehenge?

A: Complicated.

Q: Give me some key words to work it out.

A: Spirits, stars, energy.

The reference to stars would certainly fit with the physics of the very large and energy would fit with the physics of the very small, with the reference to spirits bringing in to play the missing factor of pure consciousness.​

Geopolitical Geomancy

Farrell devotes a whole chapter to what he calls ‘geopolitical geomancy’, which commences with an outline of the occult/scientific schemes of Heinrich Himmler:

“Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler may justifiably be said to be the most powerful man ever to have attempted the resurrection of “Atlantis” and to have attempted to understand and activate the world grid system that was its legacy. This he did by establishing officially, on July 1, 1935, a department called the Ahnenerbedienst, the so-called “Ancestral Research Bureau” to research ancient texts and sites and to establish their supposed Aryan patrimony. By 1940, it had been wholly absorbed by Himmler’s other notorious creation, the SS.”

However, Farrell points out that the Ahnenerbe Forschungs und Lehrgemeinschaft or “Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society” was but the tip of a very large iceberg of all manner of projects involving occult methods and practices within the Third Reich. This included using dowsers, astrologers, pendulum geomancers and a host of occult and magical techniques. Farrell quotes Wilhelm Ruff, who was involved with these projects:
“All intellectual, natural, and supernatural sources of power – from modern technology to medieval black magic, and from the teachings of Pythagoras to the Faustian pentagram incantation – were to exploited in the interests of final victory.”

For Farrell, the Nazi regime was in other words attempting literally to resurrect the ancient magic, the lost science of the gods, in some cases quite literally by invoking them.

To give you an idea of just how widespread Nazi occultic and esoteric research activities were within the Ahnenerbedienst in connection with discovering potential military applications of such knowledge, Farrell tells us that there were:

“over 50 separate sections devoted to a wide range of science and pseudoscientific research … There was a Celtic studies group within the Ahnenerbe; a group to study the Teutonic cult centre at Extersteine (near Weewelsberg), which was believed to be the site of the famous World Tree, Ydragsil or Yggdrasil; a group devoted to Icelandic research (as the Eddas were sacred to the Teuton myth …); a group that was formed around Ernst Schaffer and his Tibet expeditions; a runic studies group; a “World Ice Theory” division; an archaeological research group that scoured the earth for evidence of Aryan presence in lands as remote from Germany as the Far East and South America.”

One has to wonder here what the Nazis would have made of the Cassiopeian communications if they had occurred in the 1930’s and 1940’s. However, Farrell’s focus here was on that part of SS research which sought to understand the “World Grid” and, if possible, to tap into whatever sources of power it represented, from geomancy to torsion.

Farrell offers as evidence that the Nazis were well aware of the Grid since Hitler’s East Prussia headquarters, the Wolfsshanze at Rastenburg, was strangely built in swampy woodlands among the Masurian Lakes of East Prussia. Why? The answer was that the HQ lay astride a ley line, as did Himmler’s headquarters twelve miles away at Hochwald. As Nigel Pennick in his book Hitler’s Secret Sciences noted, the occult function of both headquarters was obvious. Placing them in significant positions according to sacred geometry enabled their rulers to transmit psychic power over the areas covered by the geomantic grid. Of these two lines, one ran almost due east-west, whilst the other, which linked the two HQ sites, ran towards the north-east in the direction of Moscow.

As an aside, Hitler and Himmler were not the only warlords of the Second World War to resort to psychic powers to assist their war efforts for it is known that Sir Winston Churchill used the services of occult practitioners (the ‘Great Beast’ himself, Aleister Crowley, certainly offered his services to the war effort and, as we know from an earlier post, he was prepared to assist MI6 in luring to Rudolf Hess to Britain) and was himself an initiated Druid and a Freemason. Moreover, it is known that US President Franklin D Roosevelt used the services of an astrologer – see Did Franklin Roosevelt consult with astrologers? - Quora. And lest we think this is just a fad of the past, let us not forget that Ukrainian witches purportedly used their alleged powers to assist the Ukrainian war effort against the Russians, as discussed with the C’s in one of last year’s sessions. Given that elements of the Ukrainian military are neo-Nazis, this may come as no surprise.
Geomantic and Occultic Influences in German History

Farrell then asks the question whether the Nazis may have found (or at least thought they had found) the means to “activate” or even tap into the physics of the energies of the global grid. To answer this question, Farrell gave a brief history of official and unofficial German state interest in the occult in general and the geomantic systems in particular.

His starting point was the era of the Holy Roman Empire, when the secret imperial star chamber, the Heilege Vehm or “Holy Vehm’s” initiates and executioners would often meet secretly at night at various geomantic sites. By the time of Frederick the Great’s Prussia, this esoteric interest had become fully fledged. Frederick founded the Afrikanischen Buahrren, or order of the Architects of Africa, locating its centre at his Constantinople Lodge in Berlin. There “its initiates studied hieroglyphics, the sciences, history and antiquities and the Manichean Mysteries. Farrell then points out that this fascination with ancient mysteries, esotericism and knowledge was accompanied by an interesting claim, for Frederick’s Prussian Grand (Masonic) Lodge also asserted its continuity from another ancient society, the ‘World Wise Men’:

“This ‘White Lodge’ is the same group of hidden masters described by Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society and the German Thule Society from which many leading Nazis came. The Prussian Freemasons claimed that these World Wise Men were none other than the Carpocratians*, a group of Christ’s disciples to who he communicated a secret science, transmitted afterwards to the Templars and thence via Scotland to the Swedish Rite Freemasons … They were also traditionally endowed with the mastery of a mysterious power drawn from the Earth – Vril.”

*I know nothing about the Carpocrations who may, therefore, be merely a cover for Gnostic groups like the Essenes (Christ’s contemporaries) who most likely already possessed knowledge of such a secret science via pharaonic Egypt and the Jewish Cabala, which was passed on to later secret societies like the Assassins, who in turn transmitted it to the Knights Templar (see my earlier posts). Alternatively, they could, of course, have been surface agents of the Nation of the Third Eye.

Farrell notes that the idea of continuity with an ancient elite was very much part of the Masonic tradition, particularly in Prussia. [MJF: One could also add the Rosicrucian tradition here too, as the Rosicrucians even admitted as much in their Manifestos, particularly the ‘Fama’.] Farrell adds that the peculiar connection with the Earth Grid, however, is manifest in the fact that this hidden elite had mastery of the Vril energy drawn from the Earth.

Before proceeding, let us take stock of what has just been said. The ‘White Lodge’ Helena Blavatsky spoke of were the 'Masters of Ancient Wisdom', who were referred to in Theosophy as the Mahatmas or Masters. Rudolf Steiner called the Great White Lodge or the White Lodge the 'Masters of Wisdom and Harmony of Feelings'. However, could these hidden masters have been members of the ‘Great White Brotherhood’ the C‘s spoke of here:
Session 31May 1995:

Q: (L) I have read a number of things recently purportedly channelled by the "Great White Brotherhood." I would like to know if there is such a thing?

A: No.

Q: (L) There is no "Great White Brotherhood?" (SV) How come Edgar Cayce talked about it?

A: Not as such.

Q: (L) What is it that they have been calling the "Great White Brotherhood?"

A: ?

Q: (L) What is the Great White Brotherhood that Cayce was referring to?

A: Various STO.

Q: (L) Do they identify themselves as the Great White Brotherhood?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) If they are not the "Great White Brotherhood," what are they?

A: Fourth density STO.

Q: (L) What is their purpose or work?

A: Complex, suggest you wait and see.

Q: (L) Are we going to be contacted by the Great White Brotherhood?

A: Maybe.

The C’s make it clear in the above that the ‘Great White Brotherhood’ Cayce was referring to was, in reality, various 4th density STO forces. However, Farrell sagely notes that these hidden masters the Thule Society (like so many other fraternities that claimed such continuity with an ancient elite) identified with the “White Lodge” or “White Brotherhood” could just have easily been what esoteric tradition asserts is a Black Lodge or “Brotherhood” of the elite and that they might therefore have been in continuity with something whose agendas and moral compass were quite different than what was assumed of the “White” lodges from which they claimed descent.

Farrell’s point may therefore have profound implications for the Rosicrucians, who claim such descent, particularly as I suspect the Thule Society was really a Rosicrucian offshoot (more on that later). Could the Great White Brotherhood have been instead the 4th density STS Antareans and/or the subterranean civilisation calling itself the Nation of the Third Eye?​

We know from the transcripts that the Antareans had been in contact with the Nazis via the Thule Society:

Session 31 August 1996:

A: Last episode of mass migration, mostly Deutschlanders.

Q: (T) Underground. We're talking underground, as in under the surface of the earth. Is this what we're talking about?

A: Antarctica. Under there.

Q: (T) Under Antarctica, under... Oh, in one of the big... OOOhhh!

A: Entry port.

Q: (T) They went underground in Antarctica, they built a large underground base there, this is where the Germans, as in the Nazi Germans, claimed as Vineland, I think it is, where the older maps that show Antarctica, where the Germans, claimed as Vineland, I think it is, where the older maps that show Antarctica, where the German territory was claimed, it's in
that section that's south of...

A: Yes, but they entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated.

Q: (L) They were assimilated into the population already existent? Underground cities, underground bases?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, they didn't build them, they entered into them as instructed, and were assimilated into the population?

A: They did build a base.

Q: (T) Well, they'd have to keep expanding! Now, you said instructed... (L) Instructed by whom? (T) They were instructed to go there?

A: Those identifying themselves as "Antareans."

Q: (L) And who are the Antareans?

A: STS Humanoid Orion linkage.

Q: (L) What is an STS Orion Linkage? (T) That's the... (L) We have a new concept here. (T) They would be... the... the...the... (V) Mutant Race! (T) Yes! Those that were part of the creation...

A: No.

Q: (L) What is an STS Humanoid Orion linkage?

[Part of tape seems to be missing here, questions in [brackets] are reconstruction]

A: An STS race from Orion that is humanoid.

Q: [something about who or how they got hooked up with the Nazis. Probably a question related to the group that "handled" Hitler.]

A: The Thule Society originated contact.

Q: [something about them "waiting to take over the world"]

A: Waiting?

Q: [Terry's question about what Admiral Byrd may have seen over the pole.]

A: Yes, but he was led to believe he was chasing what amounted to merely an encampment of detached Nazis.

Q: [So Byrd must have SEEN something and was then led off the track...]

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What do these guys plan on doing?

A: This is where "The Master Race" is being developed.

Q: (L) And what is the timeframe they have planned for this activity?

A: Never mind.

The C’s followed up what they had said here about the Anaterans in the following Session dated 5 October 1996:

A: Now, some history... as you know, the CIA and NSA and other agencies are the children of Nazi Gestapo... the SS, which was experiment influenced by Antareans who were practicing for the eventual reintroduction of the Nephalim on to 3rd and or 4th density earth. And the contact with the “Antareans” was initiated by the Thule Society, which groomed its dupe subject, Adolph Hitler to be the all-time mind programmed figurehead. Now, in modern times, you have seen, but so far, on a lesser scale: Oswald, Ruby, Demorenschildt, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray, Arthur Bremer, Farakahan, Menendez, Bundy, Ramirez, Dahmer, etc...

And finally in the Session dated 12 October 1996:

Q: (L) Okay, change of subject: On a couple of occasions, you mentioned a group called the Antareans. Who were these people or aliens?

A: Antareans were the name given by 4th density groups in contact with the Thule Society on third density Earth, before and during World War One.

[MJF: This answer raises as an important dating issue since most commentators and historians hold that the Thule Society was founded in Munich in late 1918, shortly after World War I. This suggests that the society had existed in embryonic form even earlier than this. However, it is important to note here that Author Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke contends that Hans Frank and Rudolf Hess had been Thule members.]​

Q: What are they called now?

A: There is no one currently labelling themselves as "Antareans," in contact with anyone now.

Q: So, they are no longer here?

A: No, not this particular group.
[MJF: Perhaps they shut up shop and left after the Nazis were defeated?]

These extracts would therefore tend to bear out what Farrell suspected may have been true of these so-called hidden masters – that they represented dark forces. Given what the C’s then said about the CIA and NSA being the children of the Nazi Gestapo and the SS, which themselves were an experiment influenced by the Antareans, the implications for a continuing, on-going Nazi programme are quite chilling. Indeed, are we seeing their plans work out and come to gestation in our own time? The fact that the C’s answered “Waiting?”, with a question mark after the word, to Laura’s question about them "waiting to take over the world", would seem to suggest that their plans have largely come to fruition.

It is not as if Farrell is not alive himself to these implications, for he has written extensively on continuing Nazi involvement in high finance, the reverse takeover of the CIA by General Rienhard Ghelen’s* spy organisation and of the Nazi infiltration of America’s high technology sectors such as aviation and rocketry, particularly at the US space agency NASA (N.B. Wernher von Braun, who masterminded the NASA Apollo space programme, was a Major (Sturmbannführer) in the SS).

*Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a German Lieutenant General and intelligence officer. He was chief of the Wehrmacht’s Foreign Armies East military intelligence service on the eastern front and a leading member of the anti-Nazi, 20th July Hitler assassination plot during World War II. During the early Cold War, Gehlen sided with the Western Allies as the spymaster of the CIA-funded anti-Soviet Gehlen Organisation (1946–56) and the founding president of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) of West Germany (1956–68).

In late 1945, following the 7th May surrender of Germany and the start of the Cold War, the U.S. military (G-2 Intelligence) recruited him to establish the Gehlen Organisation, an espionage network focusing on the Soviet Union. The organisation would employ former military officers of the Wehrmacht as well as former intelligence officers of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and the Sicherheitsdienst (SD). As head of the Gehlen Organisation, he sought cooperation with the CIA, formed in 1947, resulting in the Gehlen Organisation ultimately becoming closely affiliated with the CIA.​

See: Reinhard Gehlen - Wikipedia

It would also seem the Antareans had prior history when it came to creating a master race to subjugate humanity on their behalf, judging from what may here have been an unusual slip by the C’s:​

Q: Who built the city of Baalbek?

A: Antereans and early Sumerians. We meant Atlanteans. {Who are the Antereans?}

Q: What is the reason for the enormous proportions of this building?

A: Giants.

Q: Who were the giants?

A: Genetic effort to recreate Nephalim.

Q: Did the Atlanteans and Sumerians succeed in recreating the Nephilim?

A: No.

We should keep in mind here that the Sumerian gods were the Annunaki who were led by the likes of Prince Marduk (who may have been the Sumerian equivalent of the Egyptian god Ra). I hope to have more to say about this in an upcoming post on the true meaning of the 33rd degree, which will involve taking a closer look at NASA and it Nazi and Masonic links. Spoiler alert but the figure called Marduk (who may have been a front or figurehead for Orion aliens like Yahweh) would seem to have been responsible for instituting the Brotherhood of the Serpent, perhaps the original secret society (post the Deluge) that has spawned all the others including the Illuminati and perhaps Prussian Freemasonry’s antecedent secret society, which they called the ‘World Wise Men’.

I appreciate that many readers of this thread are resident in numerous countries, some of which are non-English speaking nations. However, I would appreciate any information you may have concerning the Thule Society and its activities, which may currently be unavailable in the English-speaking world. For example, it was not until Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowski wrote about ‘Die Glocke’ (the “Bell”) in Prawda o Wunderwaffe in 2000 that this important matter came to US and Western European attention after it was picked-up and popularised by British military journalist and author Nick Cook, who associated it with Nazi occultism, antigravity, and free energy suppression research. Incidentally, Joseph Farrell has written extensively on the Nazi Bell as well.​

Vril Energy

However, I would like to come back to what Farrell had said about the peculiar connection with the Earth Grid, which was made manifest in the fact that this hidden elite had mastery of the Vril energy drawn from the Earth. Farrell doesn’t say whether Frederick the Great and his fellow Prussian Freemasons had knowledge of this Vril energy, so we must assume it was the German Thule Society that had first taken an interest in it. Moreover, Farrell does not mention that this ‘Vril’ energy was first named as such by the English novelist, statesman and Rosicrucian Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who wrote about it in his novel, Vril – the Power of the Coming Race. We have, of course looked at his novel before. For more on this book see my earlier post at Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers | Page 2 | Cassiopaea Forum

And let us also recall that it was another Rosicrucian writer, the Frenchman Jules Verne, who had first popularised the idea of an inner Earth civilisation in his novel Journey to the Centre of the Earth. The fact that both these men were Rosicrucians and wrote about the inner earth is unlikely to have been a coincidence. In the way that Nicolas Poussin was passing on esoteric information via his artwork, were Bulwer-Lytton and Verne doing the same by way of their novels? Let us also recall that Bulwer-Lytton was reputedly a member of the secret Rosicrucian group called the Orphic Circle, who drew their name from the Greek ‘Orphic Cult’ mysteries named after the renowned Thracian bard, legendary musician and prophet who, according to legend, travelled with Jason and his Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece (the Grail?) and even descended into Hades’ underworld to recover his lost wife Eurydice. One wonders whether the C’s were hinting at Rosicrucian groups like the Orphic Circle (of whom Bulwer-Lytton was a member) in the following extract from the transcripts:​

A: Have you researched the power of Stonehenge, and how it relates... where it fits in?

Q: Yes, we are bit by bit collecting things...

A: Well? And crop circles? Amazing connections... And what of "The Rosy Cross?"

Stonehenge, an ancient Megalithic stone circle is, of course, located in England where the Victorian, Orphic Circle was also based. The monument is usually connected with the Celts and the Druids who were, amongst other things, bards like Orpheus. The Thrace the Greek poets were referring to in Orpheus’ era was the Thrace of today located in Greece but, according to Iman Wilkens, the original Thrace was located in Brittany in north-western France, which was a renowned stronghold of the Druids. This would suggest that if someone like Orpheus ever existed, he would most likely have been a Breton Druid.​

Many crop circles have materialised near to Stonehenge in the English county of Wiltshire. Quoting one source:

Crop circles in Wiltshire often occur around the heart of the county in and around Stonehenge and Avebury, usually first appearing in April and continuing into the summer month - dozens of geometric symbols, mandalas and beautiful patterns appear in the farmers growing crop fields each and every year.

Perhaps the most famous was the Julia Set crop circle, which appeared literally across the road from Stonehenge in 1996:


However, there have been others and a very interesting circle appeared as recently as 8 July 2016, in almost the same spot:



You will note that it depicts a regular septagram or heptagram bisecting a crescent within a serrated double outer circle. This symbol (a heptagram) has had many meanings for different cultures and religion over the years. Given the geometry we have been looking at in recent posts, does anyone have a theory on this complex design? Seven is, of course, a prime number.​

See: Crop Circle at Stonehenge, Nr Amesbury, Wiltshire. Reported 8th July 2016 (

See also this interesting article, which links Stonehenge to a crop circle and to the ancient ‘squatting man’ symbol seen all over the planet, which represents plasma discharges, which we discussed on this thread last year.​

The Mystery of Stonehenge, Ancient Petroglyphs and Crop Circles | Ancient Origins (

Quoting from the article:

The Squatting Man was a column of plasma with several stacked toruses, which would have rotated, wavered and warped upwards and down as its charge disseminated. As a mega multi ampere event, it would have been terrifying, magnificent, deadly and beautiful since it exuded gamma radiation. Until Peratt’s discovery, the Squatting Man image has been described as a fertility or hunting symbol, but the truth is far more compelling.

Even more remarkable was the discovery that plasmas create symmetries. Some plasma columns in cross section have 56/28-fold symmetries. Trained on a metal plate in the lab a familiar imprint formed; the exact same symmetry seen in stone megaliths, the most renowned of course being Stonehenge. The 56 Aubrey Holes or chalk pits of Stonehenge mark the imprint of a specific plasma column, a cosmic chord of energy or “fohat” as described by ancient Tibetans, meaning the vital cosmic force.

Perhaps we could be seeing the phenomenon again for real very soon?

Could there be a connection though between the Druids and the modern-day Rosicrucians, given that the C’s had deliberately linked Stonehenge’s power (free energy), crop circles and the Roscicrucians in the extract quoted above. The answer may be hinted at in what the C’s said here:​

Q: Well, I came to the conclusion that the Rosicrucians are just the new incarnation of the Druids. I mean, the Druids disappeared and the Rosicrucians appeared not too long afterward.

A: Partially.

Note that the C’s don’t dismiss the connection but confirm that it is only true in part. This ambivalent answer may have been due to what the C’s said about the ultimate origins of the Rosicrucians, as revealed here:​

Session 7 July 1995:

Q: (L) Who were the Elohim of the Bible?
A: Transdefinitive. And variable entities. [...] First manifestation was human, then non-human. [...]
Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from human to non-human?
A: Pact or covenant.
Q: (L) They made a pact or covenant with each other?
A: No, with 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Well, that is not good! Are you saying that the Elohim are STS? Who were these STS beings they made a pact with?

A: Rosteem, now manifests as Rosicrucians.
Q: (L) What is their purpose?
A: As yet unrevealable to you.

And we know the Rosteem are connected to Giza (or Rostau) and therefore to the Great Pyramid. Was it the Rosteem who built it?

However, coming back to this reference to circles and the Thule Society, could the C’s have been referring to the Thule Society as possibly an offshoot of the Rosicrucians in the following extract from the transcripts:​

Session 20 May 1995:

Q: (T) Is there some kind of underground base in Antarctica?

A: Yes. Eight.

Q: (T) Are they related to the tunnels in time?

A: Vague.

Q: (T) Were any of those bases underground in Antarctica built by the Germans during World War II?

A: Sect.
[MJF: Was the Thule Society part of the Illuminati or perhaps the Roscirucians?]

Q: (T) Nazis?

A: Remember, all is structured in cycles and circles.

Q: (L) In other words, these tunnels were built by and belong to the Consortium, is that correct?

A: Circles within circles.

Q: (L) Masons?

A: One example of concept.

This extract should also be linked with another extract from the transcripts that tends to support the argument that the C’s were not just referring to crop circles when they spoke of Laura ‘dancing around in circles’ but to other circles such as those created by secret societies (who are skilled at deflecting people away from the truth, as is the case at Rennes-le-Chateau):​

Q: In response to your remark from last week, 'ever feel that you are dancing around in circles?' Mike wanted to know if this was a reference to crop circles?
A: No, not directly!

We should note that the 20th May 1995 session predates the later 1996 sessions where the C’s discussed the connection between the Thule Society and the Antareans (see above). You will also note that the C’s used the word “Sect” here, which they also used in connection with the group who were responsible for burying the TDARM on Oak Island (MJF: I will have more to say on this group in an upcoming post). The term “sect” derives from the Latin word “secta”, which may derive from “sectus” meaning “cut off, amputated, divided”, giving us the modern English word “section”. However, “secta” in Latin has several meanings:​
  1. a trodden or beaten way, pathway, mode, manner, method, principle
  2. a body of political principles, party, side, faction
  3. (philosophy) a doctrine, school, sect
In modern English, the word “sect” means:
  • a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs (typically regarded as heretical) from those of a larger group to which they belong; and
  • a philosophical or political group, especially one regarded as extreme or dangerous.
So, if the C’s were describing the Thule Society as being a sect, this would suggest they had separated or broken away from another body with somewhat different beliefs. Could this body have been the Rosicrucians, a philosophical society? And given the Thule Society’s links to the fledgling Nazi Party, they would also seem to qualify as being extreme or dangerous, given the Nazis would embrace many of the Thule Society’s beliefs, including the idea of the superiority of the Aryan Race.

But also notice that the C’s speak of “circles within circles” and confirm that the Freemasons were one example of this. This same point may be equally applicable to the Orphic Circle (which included, besides Bulwer-Lytton, writers such as Lewis Carroll – the author of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass). A prominent man like Bulwer-Lytton could well have been a member of several esoteric groups such as the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians and the Orphic Circle at the same time. If this were true of Bulwer-Lytton, it would also be true of many other wealthy and influential men who, through their membership of divers powerful and secretive groups (like the Illuminati), are capable of influencing affairs from behind the scenes. So, was this true of the Thule Society?​

The Thule Society

In order to determine whether we are looking at circles within circles with the Thule Society and the Rosicrucians, we need at look at links between particular individuals who may have moved in these circles, recalling that the secretive Rosicrucians do not keep membership lists like the Freemasons. In order to do this, I will resort to an earlier article I posted on the putative links between English Rosicrucians, including those who were members of the Orphic Circle, and their German confreres, and on the early roots of the Thule Society:​

Emma Hardinge Britten and the Orphic Circle

Emma Hardinge Britten (real name Emma Floyd) was a skilled trance medium, so much so that Madam Blavatsky thought she was the best that she had ever seen. The two women were well acquainted and Britten, who would go on to become one of the leading spiritualist advocates and practitioners of the 19th century, would be heavily involved with the theosophists in the early days of that movement until she fell out with Blavatsky and subsequently broke all links. Britten was a writer, orator and spiritualist who even had an influence on Abraham Lincoln’s presidential re-election in 1864 (via her ‘Coming Man’ speech). However, in her youth she had been an accomplished actress, singer and musician who performed on the West End stage in London. She was therefore already well known in London circles before she became a leading advocate for the spiritualist movement. It is her prowess as a medium though that first brought her to the attention of Bulwer-Lytton and the Orphic Circle.

She developed a reputation for her abilities as a spiritual or trance medium/clairvoyant during her early years. This may have brought her to the attention of the Orphic Circle. To make this link, I am attaching an article written by David Charles Manners in 2017, which describes his ancestor’s (Charles Thomas Pearce) involvement in the Orphic Circle and names Edward Bulwer-Lytton as a member as well as quoting directly from Britten.

Although she does not name them specifically, Britten had this to say about the Orphic Circle in 1887:

“When quite young, in fact, before I had attained my thirteenth year, I became acquainted with certain parties who sought me out and professed a desire to observe the somnambulic faculties for which I was then remarkable. I found my new associates to be ladies and gentlemen, mostly persons of noble rank, and during a period of several years, I, and many other young persons, assisted at their sessions in the quality of somnambulists, or mesmeric subjects....

I should have known but little of its principles and practices, as I was simply what I should now call a clairvoyant, sought out by the society for my gifts in this direction, had I not, in later years, been instructed in the fundamentals of the society by the author of ‘Art Magic’. When modern spiritualism dawned upon the world, for special reasons of my own, the fellows of my society gave me an honorary release from every obligation I had entered into with them except in the matter of secrecy. On that point I can never be released and never seek to be; but in respect to the statements I am about to make, my former associates . . . not only sanction, but command me to present to the candid enquirer [. . . the substance of the article to which these two paragraphs are an introduction.”

She subsequently added:

[They] claimed an affiliation with societies derived from the ancient mysteries of Egypt, Greece and Judaea’, whose ‘beliefs and practices had been concealed from the vulgar by cabalistic methods.

Indeed, it is in Britten’s writings and those of her mysterious friend Chevalier Louis de B_ (the author of ‘Magic Art’ and ‘Ghostland’) that we find almost everything that is now known about this society. Manners also quotes Louis de B in his article:

“These initiates considered themselves ‘magians’, a term for Zoroastrian priests with ‘supernatural’ powers, though their methods were said to have been ‘inspired by far loftier aims and regulated by much more pious aspirations than those of most other English magicians’ [‘Louis de B’].”

So who is this Louis de B? In 1875, Emma Britten made this statement:

“In 1850 Emma Hardinge [Britten], then a resident of London, England, learned from two German gentlemen of her acquaintance some remarkable details of a society which held its sessions at Hamburgh and Berlin, the chief object of which was the study and development of the occult forces latent in Nature ...

. . . Emma Hardinge‘s friends were professed materialists, and, being officers in the Prussian Army, men of culture and ability, they were accustomed to strengthen their own disbelief in the soul‘s continued existence after death by quotations from many of the most renowned literary authorities of their own country. . .

“The author of ‘Ghost Land’ was himself an initiate of their body
[i.e., the society at Hamburgh and Berlin ... He was also] a clairvoyant of most remarkable lucidity and power. Being associated in intimate relations with the President of the Brotherhood, who was indeed his tutor in early youth, whilst little more than a mere child he was employed as a magnetic subject ...

This gentleman, now a warm Spiritualist and believer in the power of disembodied spirits to effect what he once attributed to the spirits of mortals only, still affirms his faith in the superior force of the embodied human soul to perform feats of ponderous strength ...”

Despite some deliberate confusion between Prussia and Austria in her account, leading her at one point to speak of “the Berlin Brotherhood, Austria”, it is clearly Louis de B_ who is meant here; the other Prussian will then be his tutor, who bears the pseudonym Felix von Marx in Ghostland.

So now we have our first hint of a German connection and it is to Germany we must now turn for the development of Bulwer-Lytton’s ideas concerning the Vril energy.”

From the above we learn that as early as 1850 there was a society or brotherhood based in Hamburg and Berlin, whose chief object was the study and development of the occult forces latent in Nature. This fits the pattern of the Rosicrucians when you compare the activities of the Invisible College and Sir Francis Bacon’s circle of associates, many of whom were practising alchemists. Could the later Thule Society and the Nazis have been the heirs and beneficiaries of the research of the Berlin Brotherhood?

Turning now to the Thule Society, I would again like to quote from an earlier post on the society’s genesis:
The Thule Society

The founder of the ThuleGesellschaft (Society) was Rudolf von Sebottendorf, a son of middle-class Prussian parents. His original name was Rudolf Glauer. Glauer spent much of his youth in Egypt and Turkey. Indeed, he became von Sebottendorf whilst in Turkey, where he would claim that he had been adopted by the patriarch of the family, Baron Heinrich von Sebottendorf. The von Sebottendorf family never challenged the claim and actually endorsed the relationship. After his return to Germany, von Sebottendorf founded the Thule Society, borrowing heavily from the racial doctrines and beliefs of Lanz von Liebenfels and Guido von List. These doctrines included a revisionist history of an ancient very high civilisation from which the Aryans were descended. This was blended with the claims of ancient lore that Aryans descended to Earth at the poles (usually the North Pole) and dispersed themselves throughout the planet, marrying the lesser humans already on the planet and, by doing so, corrupting their race [MJF: Based on what the C’s have told us, I would suggest that what they were really describing was the Aryan survivors from Kentak who the Greys had brought to Earth after their planet had exploded]. Note that the name ‘Thule’ itself is a reference to a mythical lost continent located in the high north.

To understand the importance of the Thule Society to the history of Germany in the first part of the 20th century you only have to consider that Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler’s Deputy Fuhrer, joined the Thule Society in 1919 a year after it was [supposedly] created. When one learns that the Thule Society used the emblem of the swastika freely in its iconography, you immediately get the idea of how important the Thule Society may have been in the formation and evolution of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party’s (the Nazi Party) doctrines, particularly those relating to racial purity. Indeed, at least one modern commentator has described the Thule Society as the midwife of the Nazi Party. Many of the early Nazi leaders were members of the Thule Society, although there is no documentary evidence that Adolf Hitler was ever a member. This does not mean that Hitler was not a member or that he didn’t have strong associations with the Society. It simply means that there is nothing to record the fact. Given Hess’s strong influence on Hitler and his ideas in the early days of the Nazi Party, it would certainly be surprising if Hitler had not met with von Sebottendorf. But whatever the truth of the matter is, when Hitler came to power in 1933, he ordered that all secret societies should be disbanded in Nazi Germany and that included the Thule Society.

The Vril Society

But the Nazi Party was not the only movement that the Thule Society gave birth to. They were also supposed to have given birth to the Vril Society or the Luminous Lodge in Berlin. Could this organisation be the same Berlin Brotherhood previously encountered in the story of Emma Britten? Another important member of the Thule Society was General Karl Haushofer (although this has been refuted by modern historians), a German geopolitician of renown and a leading occultist. Haushofer was a teacher, mentor and friend to Rudolf Hess. Haushofer’s son, Albrecht, was also a political geographer and geopolitician in his own right and was an adviser to the German Foreign Ministry in the 1930’s. Father and son may even have played a part in Hess’s ill-fated flight to Britain in 1941. There are those who argue that some members of the Vril Society (including Haushofer) had contacts with the English secret society, the Order of the Magic Dawn (although this was supposedly defunct by 1923), which had leading English politicians attached to it. Could this again be evidence of the Berlin Brotherhood? They claim that Hess’s flight was to make use of these links to bring around a peace settlement between Germany and Britain. It should be noted that Albrecht Haushofer subsequently joined the anti-Nazi resistance during WW2 and was murdered by the Gestapo in Moabit Prison in 1945.

Unlike the Thule Society, there is little documentary evidence to establish the existence of the Vril Society. What exists is sparse indeed. Willy Ley, a German rocket engineer, who had emigrated to the United States in 1937, wrote an article titled “Pseudoscience in Naziland” that was published in the magazine Astounding Science Fiction in 1947. Among various pseudoscientific groups in Germany at the time of the Nazis, he mentions one that looked for the “Vril”. He said this group, which he thought called itself ‘Wahrheitsgesselschaft’ (Society for Truth), was more or less localised in Berlin [
MJF: Again, could this society have been related to or the modern counterpart or continuation of the ‘Berlin Brotherhood’ of the mid-19th century?]. According to him, the group devoted its spare time looking for the Vril. It is only fair to mention that Ley made no mention of Haushofer in his article.

The existence of the Vril Society was subsequently alleged in 1960 by Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels in their book the ‘Morning of the Magicians’. They claimed that the Vril, Society was a secret community of occultists in pre-Nazi Berlin that was a sort of inner circle of the Thule Society. They also thought it was in close contact with the English Order of the Golden Dawn (see above). Louis Pauwels would go on to claim in his book ‘Monsieur Gurdjieff’ that the Vril Society had been founded by Karl Haushofer, who was a student of the metaphysicist Georges Gurdjieff. However, there is nothing to substantiate this and historians take the view that there is no historical foundation for Bergier and Pauwel’s claims.

Although I am sympathetic to the views of mainstream historians concerning a lack of documentary evidence for the Vril Society, others have done extensive research into Nazi scientific endeavours during this period and this research paints a rather different picture as to how far advanced Nazi research truly was. Mainstream historians also tend to overlook the scientific research of Nikola Tesla, who certainly made giant strides in discovering the way to transmit energy without the need for wires and cables in the early part of the 20th century. It is hard to imagine the Nazis were not aware of his research. For a fuller treatment of this subject, I would recommend readers to look at the work of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and in particular his books ‘Reich of the Black Sun‘ and ‘The SS Brotherhood of the Bell’. Farrell, an American, is a German speaker and has gone back to original sources for the research uncovered in his books. Remember also that the C’s confirmed the existence of the Nazi Bell (Die Glocke) and the fact that it was a time machine in the transcripts. They also confirmed the existence of a Nazi base in Antartica that survived the war (see attached article on Maria Orsic for further information on this). Hence, even if we cannot prove the existence of the Vril Society as an incontrovertible fact, this does not in itself disprove that there may have been research in pre-war Germany into exotic forms of energy of the kind Bulwer-Lytton was referring to in his book. The plethora of UFOs sightings in the post war period could not have all been alien and many of them had a clear nuts and bolts dimension to them.

Assuming something like the Vril Society existed in Germany what was it intended to do? According to some sources, the objective of the Vril Group was to acquire knowledge about Vril (free energy) through psychic means and to disclose pertinent information to the Thule Society in order to further the interests of the Nazi Party. Thus, what would come from this channelled knowledge was the development of the ‘Munich Device’ called the Jenseitsflugmaschine (“JFM”) or "Otherworld Flying Machine". The first Reichsflugscheiben ("Nazi UFO") supposedly began construction in 1922 in Munich.

This metaphysical project was subsequently confiscated by the Schutzstaffel (SS) in 1933, after a likely tip-off by the physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who allegedly had been aware of the JFM since 1924. As we have already noted, when Hitler came to power as Chancellor of Germany in 1933, all secret societies and esoteric organisations were suppressed and banned by 1935. Thus, the Vril Group’s metaphysical research was confiscated and taken over by the SS to serve their interests, which would lead eventually to the RundFlugZeug (RFZ) program to create armed Nazi flying discs.

So, we see from the above a number of individuals such as Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Rudolf Hess and General Karl Haushofer who moved in different circles, some of which overlapped. It is General Karl Haushofer, a geopolitician of renown and a leading occultist, that I want to concentrate on next, as Joseph Farrell has a lot to say about him and his influence on Nazi geopolitical geomancy.
General Karl Haushofer and Geopolitical Geomancy

Farrell believes that the origin of the Nazi interest in geopolitical geomancy was most likely Hitler’s political guru, General Karl Haushofer, head of the Insitut für Geopolitik at the University of Munich and university mentor to Hitler’s first deputy, Nazi Party Reichsleiter and occultist Rudolf Hess.

Before we proceed with the key role Haushofer played within the Nazi regime, it would help to describe what geomancy was and why it was so important to the Nazis when drawing up their war plans. Quoting Nigel Pennick from his book Hitler’s Secret Sciences:
“[The buildings and temples on sacred sites, sites whose locations were themselves determined by arcane methods] were specifically designed to channel and enhance those (Earth) energies to the exclusive use of the priesthood that owned them, for to possess these sites was to have control of the ‘Psychic body’ of the whole country. In ancient times, the sacred layout of the country was held to be essential for the well-being of the fields, the flocks, and mankind, so the government of a nation depended upon a control over the country’s geomancy.

I would suggest that a prime example of this design was the ancient Egypt of the pharaohs, where the sites of temples and other sacred buildings was very carefully chosen* by the priests who were the spiritual leaders (and scientists) of the people. However, it was Haushofer who schooled the Nazis on this sacred geography.

*Farrell entertains the thought that these ancient sacred sites were chosen because they might be nodal points on the Earth Grid – places where the longitudinal standing waves intersected or interfered.
Quoting Farrell:

Hess, in command of the Nazi Party’s own intelligence gathering organ, the People’s Organisation for Germans Living Abroad, or the so-called Auslands division, placed his mentor Haushofer at the head of this organisation. In this twin role of the head of the premier geopolitical institution in the world as well as having access to the Party’s considerable intelligence organisation, Haushofer conceived of his grand geopolitical scheme. [Quoting Sklar from The Nazis and the Occult] “His was the head which conceived of the plan by which Germany was to conquer the world.

Haushofer had been a veteran of the Kaiser’s General Staff and was appointed a military attaché to Germany’s embassies in the orient including a stint as the military attaché to the German Embassy in Tokyo. There he learned Japanese and, according to Pennick, “became initiated into one of the most arcane Buddhist secret societies”. Unfortunately, Farrell doesn’t tell us which society this was.

But apparently that was not all there was to the general. While in Japan he came to believe:

that the Germanic race had originated in Central Asia, and that, in order to preserve German superiority for ever, the Reich should expand to the east. This expansion should not only include Eastern Europe, argued Haushofer, but should encompass the Ukraine [MJF: Curious given what we have recently learned from the C’s about the portal located there and its use as a landing zone for Kentakkian refugees] and Russia, Turkestan, Iran, Mount Pamir, the Gobi and Tibet.
Hence, the reason for this modern-day expansion of the Teutonic Knights’ (an offshoot of the Knights Templar) Drang nach Osten was for more than just Lebensraum, an idea that had also originated with Haushofer, but also because Tibet and Iran were also “places of great importance in sacred geography …”

It was this occult influence that underpinned the massive research programme Haushofer’s Insitut für Geopolitik undertook. Farrell here quotes from Sklar’s book The Nazis and the Occult again:
He [Haushofer] had long believed that Germany would give birth to a leader who would rule the earth; and astrological predictions had convinced him that this leader would accomplish his mission in an alliance with Japan. He often had premonitions, upon which he acted. He convinced Hitler that the Institute must find out everything about its enemies: strengths, weaknesses, impending famine, religious sensibilities, the personalities and tastes of officials, the morals and corruptibility of even minor bureaucrats, and the views of opinion makers. To collate, sift through, and to interpret all this material on every country in the world. Haushofer enlisted a staff of more than a thousand students, historians, economists, statisticians, military strategists, psychologists, meteorologists, physicists, geographers, and other specialists, working in Germany and abroad. [MJF: What today we would call a “think tank”]

The research apparently paid off. When in 1938, the General Staff was worried that France would mobilise if Germany invaded Czechoslovakia, Haushofer assured them that it neither could nor would. He turned out to be right. He argued that Poland could be defeated in 18 days. The military disagreed. They feared their armoured trucks would bog down in the Polish mud. Haushofer said it would not rain. It did not. The General Staff didn’t believe Germany should invade Norway. Haushofer prophesied that it would be easy. The military wanted to invade France when the war first started. Haushofer urged that they should wait until German propaganda had made its full impact on the people. He also dictated when the campaigns in [North]Africa and the Balkans would begin. It was his idea that the Nazis make temporary friends with Russia, despite widespread anxiety about collaborating with the communists. He wooed Latin America for its usefulness against America.”

I trust this gives the reader some idea of how far reaching Haushofer’s influence on Nazi geopolitics was.

However, for the purposes of his book, which obviously concerned the Earth Grid, Farrell particularly noted among the types of experts that Haushofer gathered in his geopolitical institute were physicists, which for Farrell strongly suggested that the Nazis knew there was something deeper in ancient geomancy than just particular alignments of structures on an astronomical grid. Farrell concludes that Haushofer was attempting, and in a great measure succeeded, in bringing scientific rationalisations to ancient geomancy, transforming it into the modern “science” of geopolitics that had something to do with physics.

For Farrell, the upshot of Haushofer’s geopolitics and of the Nazis more generalised interest in all manner of claimed occult “powers”, was that they were searching for modern scientific rationalisations of ancient legends and lore, and by finding such rationalisations, were attempting to restore lost technologies of power. Quoting Pennick again:
Nazi occultists were deeply interested in all obscure manuscripts [MJF: As was John Dee!]. They carefully investigated all the ancient archives they plundered in their rampage across Europe in a search for some further knowledge which could aid their creation of the ‘New Order’.

Amongst this welter of half-forgotten occult lore resurrected by the Nazis was the physical control of nations by means of the ancient science of geomancy which some call ‘earth magic’. In ancient times, they found, a nation’s most sacred place was also invariably its seat of government. Possession of this sacred place, the psychic centre of the nation, meant dominion over it.

[The] whole science of geomancy finally became an essential magical tool in the conquest of Europe.

Farrell then adds an important footnote in which he says it should be noted that Haushofer and his son Albrecht were in constant touch, even after the war began, with the upper echelons of the British elite, in the hope of ending the war with Britain. This would result in the disastrous Hess mission to Britain bringing his peace plan intended to end the war, an affair which the Freemason Hermann Göring was deeply involved with as Hess’s friend, confidant and political ally. However, Haushofer and his son Albrecht grew increasingly disenchanted with their false messiah Hitler and Albrecht would be implicated in the 20 July 1944 assassination attempt against Hitler.​

Continued in Part 2
The Thule Society, the Nazis and the World Grid - Part 2

Secret Power Centres

To finish what has been a much scaled-down summary of Farrell’s description of the Nazi’s application of the science of geomancy, I would add a final quote from the C’s on the subject of the Thule Society, one which may say more about the purpose of the Thule Society than anything Farrell had to say on it:
"All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centers, can be of darkness, or of light... SV is of Teutonic bloodline leading directly to such superpower source such as the Thule Society and others, and she is aware of her powers and mission. It is of positive orientation. However, you are being tested by 4th through 6th density forces to determine if you have the strength and wisdom for continuance!"

The Thule Society had mistakenly seen in Adolf Hitler a German Messiah who would bring around the great dream of Frederick Barbarossa (see: Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor - Wikipedia) of a German Empire that bestraddled the whole world and they therefore supported his rise to power in order to achieve this end. They came quite close to success when you think about it. It strikes me though that the C's should describe the Thule Society as a 'superpower source'. What exactly did they mean by this? Does the same apply to the Illuminati for example?

In my view the Thule Society was most probably a modern manifestation of, or front for, German Rosicrucianism. If the highly occultic General Haushofer was indeed a leading member of the Roscirucians, he would have had links with similar societies in England such as the Golden Dawn. This might provide evidence of an ongoing collaboration between English and German Rosicrucians through groups like the Orphic Circle, such collaboration having been initiated originally by John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon in the 16th and 17th centuries. Haushofer’s links with the Hess peace mission, which sought to bring around a collaboration between the British and the German peoples, would suggest this was the case. It would therefore appear that by 1940 the Thule Society had seen through Hitler and now wanted to topple him.

There is no evidence that suggests Hitler was ever a member of the Thule Society, although you cannot rule out that he may have attended their meetings as a guest of Rudolf Hess. However, there is reason to believe that Hitler was at one time a key Illuminati asset. Indeed, it was the Illuminati bankers who financed his rise to power (especially through German Jewish banker Paul Warburg). Indeed, there is even an urban myth that Hitler’s mother was the daughter of Baron Rothschild after he impregnated Hitler’s grandmother, who was a maid in the Rothschild baronial mansion in Vienna. The Rothschilds are known to make use even of their illegitimate offspring. Hence, the theory is feasible, even if it cannot be proven at this remove in time. As to Hitler’s links with the Illuminati, the C’s seemed to confirm this in the following extract from the transcripts:​

Session 6 June 1998:

A: It was der Fuhrer who tried hardest. But not nearly enough.

Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}
[MJF: This question probably related to the Holy Grail, given the nature of Laura’s subsequent questions below.]

A: Find it in order to supercede the very power structure that created him.

Q: What power structure was this?

A: The "Third Reich."

Q: And who created the Third Reich?

A: Illuminati.

Q: So Hitler thought he could find something* that would enable him to take complete control...

A: Sort of like a termite trying to vanquish "Orkin."

*I have previously referred to Otto Rahn’s role as an SS officer and Grail specialist in the Nazis attempts at trying to locate the Holy Grail in southern France (Rahn firmly believed the Cathars had possessed the Grail at their fortress at Montsegur). The SS expended large resources in men and equipment in trying to locate the Grail, even at a time when the allies were invading northern France.

The fact that the C’s tell us above that the Illuminati created the Third Reich might suggest that the Thule Society was an Illuminati organisation rather then a Roscirucian one. This point is further supported by this additional quote from the C’s:​

And the contact with the “Antareans” was initiated by the Thule Society, which groomed its dupe subject, Adolph Hitler to be the all-time mind programmed figurehead.”

Although it should be noted that the C’s told us elsewhere that Hitler also received instructions directly from the Antareans and the Lizards:​

The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them [the Jews], because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS*, and was instructed on how to create the "master race."

*Orion STS presumably here meaning the Antarean 4th density humanoid beings from Orion.

However, you will recall that the C’s spoke of circles within circles.

Q: (T) Were any of those bases underground in Antarctica built by the Germans during World War II?

A: Sect.

Q: (T) Nazis?

A: Remember, all is structured in cycles and circles.

Q: (L) In other words, these tunnels were built by and belong to the Consortium, is that correct?

A: Circles within circles.

Q: (L) Masons?

A: One example of concept

Hence, the Thule Society could originally have been a Rosicrucian offshoot but may have been infiltrated by the Illuminati, who then created a circle within a circle. Indeed, I would suggest that throughout history, all secret societies have had an inner circle of those in the know who control the society without the rank and file knowing the organisation’s true purpose. This is certainly true of the Freemasons, where the C’s have said that the top echelons of the organisation are the Illuminati*. It was also no doubt true of the Knights Templar and the Assassins and probably of the Rosicrucians too. Thus, General Karl Haushofer may have been a Rosicrucian, but he was not necessarily an Illuminatus. Indeed, we also need to bring the Nazis into the picture since Joseph Farrell describes how the Gestapo infiltrated secret fraternities, from the Freemasons to the Rosicrucians, and prepared lengthy dossiers on all of them, since they claimed to possess certain universal secrets which Himmler felt could be put to better use by the SS. The interest of these societies in Jewish Cabalistic esotericism was even held to be “a threat to state security” and to Nazi magic itself.

*Precisely when this Illuminati infiltration of the hierarchy of Freemasonry occurred is not mentioned but US author Jim Marrs in his excellent book on the Illuminati believed that Adam Weishaupt, who founded the Illuminati in 1776, began the process in Germany in the late 18th century. It then spread to the Paris lodges (provoking the French Revolution) and on into the post Revolution American lodges. However, George Washington, a Scottish Rite Freemason with strong Rosicrucian leanings, would not hear of it. Please note that I intend to look at the history of the United States as a Rosicrucian project, one which is now clearly Illuminati run, in my upcoming article on Sir Francis Bacon and Rosicrucian America.

See: The Illuminati: the Secret Society That Hijacked the World (Treachery & Intrigue): Marrs, Jim: 9781578596195: Books


In Karl Haushofer and the Thule Society, we see an individual and a group who promoted esoteric and occultic ideas in Germany, encouraging research into them much as the 17th Century Rosicrucians had done before. Unfortunately, whereas the Rosicrucian Bacon’s ‘Invisible College’ would morph into the renowned scientific body known today as the Royal Society, Karl Haushofer and the Thule Society’s promotion of esoteric ideas such as geomancy and the World Grid (free energy) would ultimately end up in the hands of the Nazis, especially Himmler’s SS, where it would be put to use in serving the Nazi dream of world conquest and the creation of a ‘New [World] Order’ based around the Aryan master race. However, as Joseph Farrell has frequently pointed out in his books, although the German Nation and its military surrendered to the victorious allies, the Nazi Party never did, instead morphing into what Farrell describes as the Nazi International, which continues to this day to surreptitiously influence affairs from behind the scenes.​
The Squatting Man was a column of plasma with several stacked toruses, which would have rotated, wavered and warped upwards and down as its charge disseminated. As a mega multi ampere event, it would have been terrifying, magnificent, deadly and beautiful since it exuded gamma radiation. Until Peratt’s discovery, the Squatting Man image has been described as a fertility or hunting symbol, but the truth is far more compelling.

Even more remarkable was the discovery that plasmas create symmetries. Some plasma columns in cross section have 56/28-fold symmetries. Trained on a metal plate in the lab a familiar imprint formed; the exact same symmetry seen in stone megaliths, the most renowned of course being Stonehenge. The 56 Aubrey Holes or chalk pits of Stonehenge mark the imprint of a specific plasma column, a cosmic chord of energy or “fohat” as described by ancient Tibetans, meaning the vital cosmic force.

Perhaps we could be seeing the phenomenon again for real very soon?

Continuing a little bit and in relation to the book "Dweller on Two Planets", there is a chapter where the Maxin Light is mentioned. Luckily I was able to find a direct reference in the following link:

Maxin Light​

The Maxin Light was the unfed flame that burned in the temple of Incal on Atlantis for five thousand years.

On Atlantis

The flame, which cast “a light of intense power,” burned in the shape of a giant spearhead, over three times the height of a tall man. It had been placed there in 15,000 B.C. by a mysterious ruler who reigned over the Atlanteans for 434 days. This one, who possessed wonderful knowledge, announced that he was from Incal, that he was a child of the Sun and that he had come to reform the religion and life of the people. Breathing upon a block of quartz, he established the great Maxin Light. He revised the laws, writing them with his finger upon the Maxin Stone and upon a book of parchment leaves placed under the Unfed Light. These guided Atlantis until her decline. El Morya has revealed that this ruler, who did not actually take on human form, was beloved Jesus.

The Maxin light burned until just before the sinking of Atlantis. People believed that the Unfed Fire of the Maxin Light would free the soul from all earthly restraints. And into this flame the people put the bodies of the dead or their ashes. Anything put into the flame would simply disappear; the flame would dissolve it.

King Arthur’s Court

El Morya has explained that the Maxin Light burns on the high altar in King Arthur’s Court:

As you know, the large crystal on the altar is the chalice for the flame of the ark of the covenant. And in that crystal chalice and above on the etheric plane, there is the presence of the Maxin Light that once burned on Atlantis but was extinguished during her decline.[1]

In the book there is of course a more detailed description, and in one of those chapters he explains what the Maxin Light is, specifying that it is the Vis Mortuus:

Full book in plain text: Dweller on Two Planets

"Behold the Vis Mortuus. Of all mankind only an occult student could bring it forth; only such a one could put it out, unless by accident. Touch it not; 'twould be fatal, on the principle that the greater contains all lesser forces, and it would instantly absorb the force of life, or of wind or wave, or projectile; it exists visibly here because on a thaumaturgic symbol. You think that symbol might as well be of any other form? So think those who comprehend not. See that moth darting about the flame of the light; it will enter, but not be burnt; no, quicker--see! it touches, and disappears, and leaves no sign--yet the light is not hot, no, not even warm. I will put it out."

Suiting his action to the word, he drew a stick through beneath the dust on which the circle was described, and the light in that instant was gone. Then another circle made he, drew but one line across it, north and south, then stepped into the figure, one of his feet on each semi-circle. Immediately his whole person was covered with a brilliant flame, so that he appeared on fire. I was exceedingly terrified.

"Do not fear for me! It is well with me. The other flame was negative odicity, and would have instantly been fatal to whatever motion touched it and have disintegrated its form; yea, a rock thrown into it would at once have disintegrated, or a cannon ball discharged from the muzzle of the piece would have fared the same. But this is a positive flaming of the *Vis Naturae, and preserves life. I might stand here till the centuries mounted and be not weary, nor hungry, nor sick, cat not, nor drink, yet live; for this keeps all things untouched by time, as when they enter it. No difference in symbolic figures, think you now? Indeed, yes. But my soul will not progress; so that case of living though its use offers, I care not to employ its aid, except that when weary it gives me rest; ill, it restores health."

*Just like the fohat (?)

The connection I make here is that it may well be that both manifestations are in essence a form of plasma. The book even describes that in the world there are currents that like the heart have valves where these forces are exchanged.

The description of the Vis Mortuus and Vis Naturae that I posted here occurs at the entrance to what is supposed to be an enclave on Mount Shasta.
I am sorry not to have replied to your post sooner. I think the short answer to your question is no. Nicolas Poussin was a Frenchman born in Normandy who spent most of his working life in Rome. I am not aware that he ever visited Greece but it is possible I suppose. It is more likely though that he was painting a mountain found either in his native France or in Italy where he lived. For reasons connected to his alleged Rosicrucian links, I think it is more likely France and more particularly in the Franco-Spanish Pyrenees (where, of course, the mysterious enclave of alchemists is located). This, as I will explain below, also links with your suggestion concerning Arcadia.

Poussin specialised in religious and classical themes. Most of his artistic patrons were rich noblemen and Catholic Cardinals and for a while even the Pope himself. However, his commission for an altarpiece depicting the Martyrdom of St. Erasmus, for the Erasmus Chapel in the basilica of St. Peter’s seems to have met with official displeasure and generated no further papal commissions. The Martyrdom of St. Erasmus is considered Poussin’s most overtly “baroque” work but despite its adherence to the pictorial idiom of the day, for reasons unknown, it met with official displeasure. This is very curious since Poussin undertook many commissions from the princes of the Church and would continue to enjoy their favour for the rest of his career. Did someone in the Vatican hierarchy spot something in this work that disturbed them?

Coming back to the issue of Arcadia, this is a topic that has been discussed frequently on this thread. The C's posed the question themselves:
Session 28 November 1998:
Q: (L) Okay, meanwhile back at Rennes-le-Chateau, there are these three priests and a bishop who have more money than they ought to have. Clearly, there is something going on there. My thought is, after analyzing it is, the purported ‘parchments’ found in the column of the altar in the church there, were never really found, that they and the purported code were both made up as a clever fraud; the whole thing was made up, yet there is a mystery there. I also think that the connecting of the Shepherds of Arcadia painting to that church, that area of France, is fraudulent also. The smokescreen is being focused there to keep it from being directed elsewhere. Am I on the right track here?

A: Well, quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia?

(L) Arcadia was Turkey. You have made many references to Turkey, to Troy, which was located in what is now Turkey. A lot of funny stuff tracks back there. And, Troy means ‘three.’ Interesting. [MJF: Compare Troy to "Trent", which also means three and can be an abbreviation for "Trident".]

A: Tis a clue for you, not a destination!

[MJF: Why did the C’s use “Tis” here instead of the more modern “this is”? Did they intend by this to point to indicate England and specifically Yorkshire and/or the Trent river (see my earlier posts on Bridget and the Celtic Briganti tribe who occupied that area of Northern England) or even Cambridge? Does this deliberate use of the older form indirectly implicate Shakespeare and Sir Francis Bacon and by extension the Philosophers of Dancar (Doncaster in Yorkshire), in whose time the word "Tis" was still very much in common usage - incidentally, it still is in the county of Yorkshire? Note also that at that point in time Laura had not yet read Iman Wilkens’ book Where Troy Once Stood, which placed Troy near to modern day Cambridge. Hence, she was no doubt following Schliemann's theory that Troy was located in Turkey after his major archaeological discovery of what he thought was the ancient city of Troy.]

(L) Well, can you tell me just exactly what these guys, these priests, were getting paid to do or not do? What was the money changing hands for? It was a lot of bucks...

A: Keepers of the guard. [MJF: Note this phrase is similar to the description of Nicolas Poussin title as a person who was a 'Keeper of Secrets'.]

(L) Guard of what?

A: Whatever was going on there.

(L) It seems sort of significant to me that, when one of them was getting ready to retire, he was brutally murdered, and seemingly tortured before his death, and the following year this Abbe Sauniere purchased a large tract of land. Was there any connection between Sauniere and the death of Abbe Gelis?

A: Not the point. What happens to those who “know too much?”

(L) Who was paying them? What was the source of the money?

A: Not available to you yet.
[MJF: And to this day I am not aware that the C's have divulged that source. My money would be on the Rosicrucians though.]

Incidentally, earlier in that same session, there was a discussion of clover and its connection to alfalfa:

Q: (L) That is an interesting thing. Alfalfa was named as the ‘father of foods,’ and was grown, primarily for, interestingly, horses! And, we have chevin and the ‘Horse of God.’ Anyway, one of the primary areas where this particular type of alfalfa was grown happens to be in Baden, right next door to this Horselberg... right off the banks of the Rhine. There is a valley there. Clover is, of course, a variation of alfalfa, and ‘dale’ is a depression in the ground. Could this be right there next to the location of the Lorelei rock off the Rhine?

A: Closer, and what of the four leaves? [MJF: Four leaf clover]

It just so happens that there is a "Coverdale" in Yorkshire (which takes its name from the river Cover but may tie in etymologically with "clover"), which may connect with the other potential references to Yorkshire in the same session through the C's use of the word "Tis". However, note they say, it is just a clue and not a destination, which seems to rule out Yorkshire as the possible Arcadia but may tie us into Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians and therefore by extension to Poussin and his painting. There is in fact a Cloverdale in British Columbia, Canada, which is a town centre in the City of Surrey, which is a south-eastern suburb of Greater Vancouver. William Shannon (1843-1928) was one of the first settlers to the Surrey Cloverdale region and was inspired to name the area from the clover that grew there in abundance. When I did a search on "Cloverdale", it kept throwing up references to Surrey in England for some reason, which happens to be where I live, perhaps because of its name connection to Surrey Cloverdale. In that same session, the C's added an interesting observation on one important property of alfalfa (clover):
Q: (A) One last thing: if I splice this picture, the Arcadian Shepherds, vertically, and try to align the two halves, what should I look for? [MJF: We have, of course, done this.]

A: That which is seen.

Q: (L) Do the properties of alfalfa tend to enhance the non-physical effect, or vice versa?

A: Maybe it enhances the “psychic effects.”

This reference to psychic effects connects back to the first part of the same session when the C's referred to consciousness and dreams:

Q: (A) Last time when we were talking, you made an essential division between the physical world and the non-physical world, ethereal world, the one which cannot be quantified. Now, I know something about the physical world, how it is built, and the main concepts of atoms and forces and so on. I would like to know what are the building blocks that describe this ethereal world. I am asking because you said that these two worlds can be bridged, if not united. In order to bridge them, I need to know something about this ethereal world. Where can I learn it?

A: Consciousness is in reality, the purest form of energy. The alter realm is composed of consciousness energy. To better understand the concept, one must utilize one’s memory of particularly vivid dreams, when one had the sensate of physicality in a transitory state.

(A) How to bridge the physical and ethereal worlds?

A: Gravity is the key. One must formulate an hypothesis based upon the quantum range of wave particulate transfer. In other words, where does the wave go when it appears to disappear into the very core of an object with a strong gravitational field? Pentagon, hexagon, you know?!?

We have been discussing quantum teleportation in the latest posts on this thread and the importance of projective geometry, so the above references to "quantum range of wave particulate transfer" and the "Pentagon, hexagon" (and thus sacred geometry) should be borne in mind.​

However, it is that question "where is Arcadia?" that is central to an understanding of the true mystery of Poussin's painting The Shepherds of Arcadia.
The C's gave us a further clue as regards the location of Arcadia in a session the week afterwards.

Session 5 December 1998:
Q: In response to your remark from last week, 'ever feel that you are dancing around in circles?' Mike wanted to know if this was a reference to crop circles?

A: No, not directly!

MJF: This could have been a reference to Stonehenge near which numerous crop circles have appeared in recent years and the ancient Britons/Celts were alleged by Roman writers to have danced all night with the god Apollo? However, it could also be to secret societies like the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians in the sense of moving in circles within circles. They are also adept at diverting people away (i.e., keeping them dancing in circles) from what is important - think here of the real mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau. Curiously, Poussin did a painting on the theme of dancing in circles called a Dance to the Music of Time (see below). According to his early biographers Bellori and Felibien, the four figures in the dance represent the stages of life: Poverty leads to Work, Work to Riches, and Riches to Luxury; then, following Christian doctrine, luxury leads back to poverty, and the cycle begins again. The three women and one man who dance represent the different stages and are distinguished by their different clothing and headdresses, ranging from plain to jewelled. In the sky over the dancing figures, the chariot of Apollo passes, accompanied by the Goddess Aurora and the Hours, a symbol of passing time. Let us also recall here what the C's have said about cycles of time. Apart from the classical references in this work, one wonders what Poussin may have known about such cycles. And, of course, we have another link to Apollo in the painting who, according to the English poet and mythologist Robert Graves, may originally have been a Celtic deity before being incorporated into the Greek pantheon (see below for comments on the origins of the Mycenaean civilisation and its connection to Perseus (Akhenaten and Meritaten's ancestor as the pro-genitor of the Perseid line)


Q: Then, you also said: 'quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia?'

A: You need to work on that one. The answers to these mysteries are not easily solved, but well worth it!

Q: The chief thing I noticed about Arcadia was, the Arcadians were the enemies of the Trojans, they were the creators of the Trojan Horse - a huge deception... and the Celts are supposed to be the descendants of the refugees from Troy. And, when Hitler came along, one of his ideals was to resurrect Arcadia, and that Germany was going to be the new Arcadia and destroy the 'old corrupt civilization,' which was Troy. Troy is 'three' and is connected to 'Ilium,' and I guess what my question is here is: just who's on first?

A: Who is on second?

Now, if we follow Iman Wilken's theory that Troy was in England and the Trojan War was fought between Northern European Celts, this means that the original Arcadians, who were allies of the Greeks, came from somewhere in Western Europe and not the Peloponnese in modern Greece. Hence, the C's question "who is on second?" Mycenaean Greece (or the Mycenaean civilization) was the last phase of the Bronze Age in Ancient Greece, spanning the period from approximately 1750 to 1050 BC. It represents the first advanced and distinctively Greek civilisation in mainland Greece. However, Mycenaean Greece perished with the collapse of Bronze Age culture in the eastern Mediterranean, to be followed by the Greek Dark Ages, a record less transitional period leading to Archaic Greece. Various theories have been proposed for the end of this civilization, among them the Dorian invasion or activities connected to the "Sea Peoples" (who also invaded Egypt and Canaan at this time). Additional theories such as natural disasters and climatic changes have also been suggested. If we consider here what was happening in Akhenaten's Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East at the time, where there was a period of general chaos (N.B. upsetting the Egyptian concept of Ma'at or balance) involving plague (leprosy), famine and pestilence, which may have been linked with the explosion of Thera
* that wiped out the highly successful Minoan civilisation based on Crete, which in turn could have been triggered by the last passing of the cometary cluster, then we get a plausible explanation for the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization.
* Q: Was the explosion of Thera the cataclysmic story later added to the Exodus?
A: Yes.

However, the Mycenaean period would become the historical setting of much ancient Greek literature and mythology, including the Trojan Epic Cycle. Indeed, this period was the inspiration for Poussin's painting The Shepherds of Arcadia (or Et in Arcadia Ego), based on the idyllic pastoral setting of a group of shepherds in a tranquil, archaic Arcadia. But if we accept Iman Wilken's findings then the Peloponnese in mainland Greece is clearly the wrong setting for the original Arcadia and the Mycenaean Greeks were clearly on second base, using the C's baseball terminology, where Arcadia was concerned. So if Arcadia was not in the Peloponnese, where was it?
Quoting from Wikipedia (Ref. Mycenaean Greece - Wikipedia):
The decipherment of the Mycenaean Linear B script, a writing system adapted for the use of the (Indo-European) Greek language of the Late Bronze Age, demonstrated the continuity of Greek speech from the second millennium BC into the eighth century BC when a new Phoenician-derived alphabetic script emerged. Moreover, it revealed that the bearers of Mycenaean culture were ethnically connected with the populations that resided in the Greek peninsula after the end of this cultural period. Lastly, the decipherment marked the advent of an Indo-European language in the Aegean region in contrast to unrelated prior languages spoken in adjoining areas. Various collective terms for the inhabitants of Mycenaean Greece were used by the Greek poet Homer in his 8th-century BC epic the Iliad in reference to the Trojan War.

Homer interchangeably used the ethnonyms Achaeans, Danaans, and Argives to refer to the besiegers, and these names appear to have passed down from the time they were in use to the time when Homer applied them as collective terms in his Iliad. There is an isolated reference to a-ka-wi-ja-de in the Linear B records in Knossos, Crete dated to c. 1400 BC, which presumably refers to a Mycenaean (Achaean) state on the Greek mainland.

Egyptian records mention a T(D)-n-j or Danaya (Tanaju) land for the first time c. 1437 BC, during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmoses III (r. 1479–1425 BC). This land is geographically defined in an inscription from the reign of Amenhotep III (r. circa 1390–1352 BC, who was Akhenaten's father), where a number of Danaya cities are mentioned, which cover the largest part of southern mainland Greece. Among them, cities such as Mycenae, Nauplion, and Thebes have been identified with certainty. Danaya has been equated with the ethnonym Danaoi (Greek: Δαναοί), the name of the mythical dynasty that ruled in the region of Argos, also used as an ethnonym for the Greek people by Homer.

In the official records of another Bronze Age empire, that of the Hittites in Anatolia [MJF: who Abraham/Moses descended from], various references from c. 1400 BC to 1220 BC mention a country named Ahhiyawa. Recent scholarship, based on textual evidence, new interpretations of the Hittite inscriptions, and recent surveys of archaeological evidence about Mycenaean–Anatolian contacts during this period, concludes that the term Ahhiyawa must have been used in reference to the Mycenaean world (land of the Achaeans), or at least to a part of it. This term may have also had broader connotations in some texts, possibly referring to all regions settled by Mycenaeans or regions under direct Mycenaean political control. Another similar ethnonym, Ekwesh, in twelfth century BC Egyptian inscriptions has been commonly identified with the Ahhiyawans. These Ekwesh were mentioned as a group of the Sae People.
The reasons for the end of the Mycenaean culture have been hotly debated among scholars. At present, there is no satisfactory explanation for the collapse of the Mycenaean palace systems. The two most common theories are population movement and internal conflict. The first attributes the destruction of Mycenaean sites to invaders.

The hypothesis of a Dorian invasion, known as such in Ancient Greek tradition, that led to the end of Mycenaean Greece, is supported by sporadic archaeological evidence such as new types of burials, in particular cist graves, and the use of a new dialect of Greek, the Doric one. It appears that the Dorians moved southward gradually over a number of years and devastated the territory, until they managed to establish themselves in the Mycenaean centers. A new type of ceramic also appeared, called "Barbarian Ware" because it was attributed to invaders from the north. On the other hand, the collapse of Mycenaean Greece coincides with the activity of the Sea Peoples in the Eastern Mediterranean. They caused widespread destruction in Anatolia and the Levant and were finally defeated by Pharaoh Ramesses III in c. 1175 BC. One of the ethnic groups that comprised these people were the Eqwesh, a name that appears to be linked with the Ahhiyawa of the Hittite inscriptions.

In Greek mythology, Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae who commanded the Greeks during the Trojan War. However, if we follow Iman Wilken's theories, then Argos corresponds to what is now Northern France* (where Poussin was born), which means that the Mycenae would have been Celts who were, of course, originally an Indo-European people (who would therefore have spoken an Indo-European language) who had swept into Western Europe from the East. Curiously, archaeologists note that the "Figure-of-eight" shields (the lemniscate again!) were the most common type of Mycenaean war shields but this was also a device used by the Delta Tribes of Lower Egypt, some of whom seem to have migrated to the island of Crete** around 3200 BC, perhaps fleeing Menes' conquest of Lower Egypt. So can the Dorians be equated with the Danaans, who apparently were Celts according to Wilkens? If so, then who actually were the Danaans?
man Wilkens regards Argos as having comprised, in its broadest sense, all the Celtic territories from Northern France (extending as far west as the Gironde, northwards to Brittany and eastwards to the far side of the Rhine) down to the south of Spain, where there was a town of Ephyre in Elide, "in the corner of Argos". It was here that Helen of Argos, the beautiful queen of King Menelaus of Sparta, whose face (according to the English poet and playwright Christopher Marlowe) was famously responsible for launching a thousand ships and whose abduction by the Trojan Prince Paris led to the long siege of Troy, had her home. Interestingly, just as I had suspected in an earlier post, the present name of the region of Spain known as Aragon (where English King Henry VIII's first wife Catherine hailed from) is a modern day reminder of Celtic Argos, a name which meant "white" in the Celtic era, as derived via the Indo-European "argros" from the Sanskrit root word "rjra" meaning "bright" from which the word "argent" (Latin "argentum"; Greek "argyro") meaning "silver" is also derived. Indeed, the name of the country of Argentina means "silvery". The first use of the name "Argentina" can be traced back to the first voyages made by the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors to the Río de la Plata (meaning "River of Silver"), in the first years of the 16th century. Moreover, in France even today, there are many place names derived from "Argos", including the Argonne region, Argouges, Arromanches, Argoeuvre and Argueil.

**Homer had described Crete as being a prosperous country but this would have been an impossible anachronism since we now know that it was destroyed at the end of the Bronze Age by the eruption of Santorini (Thera) around 1600 BC. Homer also mentions the Dorians as being among the peoples living in Crete for it is known that the Dorians established themselves in the Peloponnese and Crete long after the alleged date of the Trojan War. It seems more likely that they were a Northern European people, since place-names such as Doorn in Holland, Doornik in Belgium and Dorchester in England seem to evoke their former presence.

Quoting from Wikipedia again:
In Greek mythology, Danaus (/ˈdæneɪ.əs/,[1] /ˈdæni.əs/; Ancient Greek: Δαναός
Danaós) was the king of Libya. His myth is a foundation legend of Argos, one of the foremost Mycenaen cities of the Peloponnesus. In Homer's Iliad, the "Danaans" ("tribe of Danaus") and "Argives" commonly designate the Greek forces opposed to the Trojans.

It should be noted here that the Greek hero Perseus, who slay the Gorgon Medusa, was supposedly descended from Danaus through his mother Danae, the daughter of Acrisius, King of Argos. Perseus in Greek mythology was the legendary founder of Mycenae and the Perseid dynasty from whom Akhenaten and his daughter Meritaten were descended. This would seem to make Perseus a Danaan. Moreover, as I said above, the Sea Peoples would invade both Egypt (where they were defeated eventually by Pharaoh Ramasses III, who lived a few hundred years after Akhenaten) and the land of Canaan. Since Abraham/Moses' Israelites of the Exodus would seem to have been a mixed confederation of Semitic peoples, including Canaanites, it is quite possible that the Israelite tribe of Dan were also Danaans or the tribe of Danaus and there may also be a possible link between them and the fabled Irish Tuatha de Danaan.

Hence, what seems to have happened is that the legends surrounding the Trojan War (possibly the greatest conflict in ancient history) were taken with them by the migrating Celts and Trojan survivors to the Eastern Mediterranean, as they fled a natural catastrophe probably brought on by the 3,600 year cometary cycle, where these people would then relocate to new cities and give them the names of cities or towns that had been located in their former territories in Northern Europe. This would include cities like Mycenae, Athens, Thebes and Troy (or Ilium). Even the regional names of the Troad and Egypt were subject to this same transmigration. To make a modern comparison, if Britain and the United States of America were completely devastated (which is not out of the question at the current time of writing), then the American survivors in hundreds of years time might come to think that the legend of Robin Hood was based on events that occurred in America rather than England, since they would have learned the legend from American sources not realising that the story had originally crossed the Atlantic Ocean with their migrating English ancestors. The same is also true of Plato's story of Atlantis. And the same transposition is also true of the Mycenaean gods since, as a part of the Mycenaean heritage that survived their collapse, the names of the gods and goddesses of Mycenaean Greece became the major figures of the Olympian Pantheon of later antiquity.
In the 8th century BC, after the end of the so-called Greek Dark Ages, Greece emerged with a network of myths and legends, the greatest of all being that of the Trojan Epic Cycle. In general, the Greeks of Classical antiquity idealized the Mycenaean period as a glorious period of heroes, closeness of the gods and material wealth. The legends of Homer's Epics were especially and generally accepted as part of the Greek past and it was not until the 19th century that scholars began to question Homer's historicity. And so did Iman Wilkens.
Laura emphasises these same points within her article on Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols written in 2004, which I would recommend you to read for a better understanding. By 2004 she had read Iman Wilkens' book Where Troy Once Stood and would, as a result, take a completely different view as to where Troy had been located from that which she took in the session dated 28 November 1998. She sagely pointed out in her article that the reason for the longevity of place names in general and river names in particular is that conquerors generally adopt (but not always since she cites the example of modern Australia where this largely did not happen!) the already-existing name, although often modified or adapted to their own tongue. However, a major exception to this rule was Greece, where the invaders (Dorians), arriving in a country almost emptied of its population, gave new names to many places - names that were familiar to them, which would appear later in Homer's works.

To give but one illustration of this, Laura points out that Homer mentions a town in Egypt called Thebes, which cannot possibly be the same town we know of today in Egypt, since this was known during the time of the Pharaohs as Wase or Wo-se. It was only eight centuries after Homer that the Greeks gave it the new name of Thebes. According to Wilkens, the original Thebes was what is now Dieppe in northern France. Even the name Egypt derived from France, the original name for Egypt in the times of the pharaohs being Misr, Al Khem or Kemi from which the name of 'alchemy' derives. Its biblical name was Mitsrayim, which is still modern Hebrew for Egypt. Indeed, the official Arabic name for Egypt has reverted back to Masr since independence. According to Wilkens' research, the real Bronze Age Egypt corresponds to what today is the current French department of Seine-Maritime.

For those who have studied Homer's works, this process of name migration clearly had led to a very haphazard transposition of names where islands take the place of regions and vice versa. For example, the name Crete, which today belongs to a large island in the eastern Mediterranean, originally referred to the whole of Scandinavia according to Wilkens. Laura agrees with Wilkens that evidently there had been a general shift of Homeric place-names from western Europe to the Mediterranean after the end of the Bronze Age, which seems to have coincided with the collapse of the Minoan civilisation based on Crete and that of the Mycenaeans in Greece, as discussed above.

So where was the original city of Mycenae, which was the ancient capital of Argos? Well, the clue may lie in the name since it is claimed that the word "Mycenae" means "place of the mushroom". In Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols, Laura suggested that Mycenae could be a contraction of a name meaning "Mysteries-on Seine" (the word "mystery" being cognate with the Greek word "musterion" which equates to secret), a place of Gnostic initiation. However, she thought that it was unlikely that the town described by Homer as being "opulent" and having "broad streets" could be the present day Mussy-sur-Seine, which is a small village about 40 km southeast of the town of Troyes, even if there is a phonetic resemblance between the names. Instead, she believes it is much more likely that Mycenae changed its name after the Trojan War to become Troyes, to commemorate Agamemnon's victory over the Trojans. The shape of Troyes is usually compared to that of champagne cork and is called the Bouchon de Champagne. Seen from above, the resemblance is meant to be quite striking. However, to Laura, the aerial view of Troyes looks more like a mushroom, which may explain why it is claimed that Mycenae means the "place of the mushroom". And it should be noted here that magic mushrooms are known for their psychedelic effects, causing a change in one's state of consciousness, precisely what you may expect during a Gnostic initiation or a ritual involving the Dionysian Mysteries (a cult tracing back to Mycenaean Greece and linked especially to the city of Athens. Dionysus, a Greek god and son of Zeus, was originally a god of fertility, associated with wild and ecstatic religious rites, in later traditions he is a god of wine who loosens inhibitions and inspires creativity in music and poetry (his Roman equivalent was Bacchus) whose worship entered Greece from Thrace, a province of eastern Greece bordering Asia Minor. However, according to Wilkens the original Thrace was Brittany in north-western France, which was a stronghold of the Druids, and the Thracians were the allies of the Trojans (indeed, the Celts of Southwest England and Brittany have always had a strong affiliation, which persists to this day). Thrace is also connected to the cult of Demeter as well.
Coming back to Arcadia and the Grail connection in Poussin's painting Et in Arcadia Ego, it is worth recalling here that Laura drew attention to the fact that the city of Troyes had strong links to the Knights Templar, who allegedly discovered the Ark of the Covenant and/or the Holy Grail during their occupation of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, since it was at the Council of Troyes in 1128 that the Templars received their constitution, drawn up by St Bernard of Clairvaux a relative of the Count of Champagne, which gave the Templars recognition as an official order of the Catholic Church. It was also Chretien de Troyes, whose patron was Marie de Champagne the wife of the Count of Champagne, who started the Holy Grail tales - Troyes being known as Bouchon de Champagne. A strange synchronicity you may think or a 'loop of connections' as Laura called them.

If we know where Argos, Thrace and Crete were at the time of the Trojan War, where was Arcadia? As Laura explains in her article, the royal family of Argos at the time of the Trojan War were the Atreidae after Agamemnon's father, Atreus who has usurped the throne from the Perseid Dynasty, who were the legitimate heirs. Agamemnon was the grandson of Pelops, a treacherous character, who having been driven from his kingdom of Lydia by Ilus, King of Troy, went with his followers to Greece (i.e., northern Europe). He became so powerful that he would annex many other lands to his kingdom including Arcadia. It should also be remembered that the Arcadians were allies of the Achaens (a collective name for the Greeks) during the Trojan War, which makes sense if they had been absorbed into the kingdom of Argos. If Arcadia was absorbed into the kingdom of Argos, this suggests that it was probably located in the south of France and north of Spain, given that we know Brittany was Thrace and the northern half of France was Argos. Hence, Arcadia, a name that would later be transposed to the Greek Peloponnese, was likely to have been a kingdom bordering both sides of the Pyrenees mountain range. Arcadia may possibly have incorporated what is now the Spanish region of Aragon but it could just as easily have been a separate region in its own right.

Hence, if the Grail has been hidden in this Pyrenees region, where Laura and the Chateau Crew are based, it can therefore truly be said to be located in Arcadia on this analysis, or on 'first base' using the C's baseball terminology, as suggested by the inscription found on the tomb in Poussin's painting, which reads Et in Arcadia Ego ("And in Arcadia I")? If this is correct, it begs the question just what did Poussin (the keeper of secrets) know? It was certainly something which enraged King Louis XIV of France, who was desperate to get his hands on Poussin's painting and which led the king to have Nicolas Fouquet imprisoned for life (he had originally wanted him executed).

Although this has been a long-winded refutation of your proposal that Arcadia was in the Greek Peloponnese, I think it has been worth looking at the ancient, and lost, history of western Europe since, as Laura hints at in her article, the Trojan War may have been fought over the Ark of the Covenant and/or the Grail, which could have been held at one time in Britain, possibly at Stonehenge or what was known as the Cloister of Ambrius, which the C's confirmed was another name for Stonehenge?
Session 19 February 2000:
Q: Was Stonehenge once known as the Cloister of Ambrius?

A: Yes.

The Cloister of Ambrius in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae is a monastery of 300 monks on Mount Ambrius close to Salisbury in which the Saxon Hengist and his followers betrayed and slaughtered the British leaders. Bishop Eldadus buried the bodies in a cemetery there. Later Uther Pendragon and Merlin bring the stones of the Giant's Dance from Ireland and set them up as monument to the slain. Although this story is complete nonsense, it may contain an echo of a real massacre that once took place at Stonehenge, which may be hinted at in something else the C's said in that same 19 February 2000 session:
Q: I mean, there are stones just plain missing! Who could haul off such big pieces of rock?!

(A) You asked about these missing stones, and the answer was the multiple shocks registered. (L) Right. What about these multiple shocks. What, in particular?

A: Some were earthquakes; mini-cataclysmic in nature. Some were EM generated smashes, when terran forces clashed with outside "forces."

Q: Are you suggesting that some of these rocks were vaporized, as it were, by some sort of particle beam weaponry?

A: EM activity.

Who were these outside forces who clashed with terran (i.e., human) forces), who seemed to have high-tech weaponry at their disposal? Were they extraterrestrials or intraterrestrials?

So was the Grail or Ark once based at Stonehenge? If so, how did it get into the hands of Akhenaten? Was it through his forefather Perseus, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa (code for the Grail?), who left his native Argos with Andromeda to relocate to what became Mycenae in Greece, where he established the Perseid dynasty? Or did Meritaten/Bridget/Kore bring it to Britain with her, thereby triggering the Trojan War? The answer to that last question may lie with knowing who the Dragon Slayers were?
Session 2 February 2003:
Q: (L) Going back to this person - the last living member of the Perseid family - who was handed over by Abraham in his Jacob persona to someone else, who was this person handed over to and why?

A: For protection from the fury of "Helen."
[MJF: Sarah/Nefertiti]

Q: (L) So, there is a reflection of that in the story of Hagar the Egyptian. Who was she handed over to?

A: The "Dragon Slayers."

Thank you MJF for that comprehensive reply. I must admit I’ve not yet fully caught up with this thread.

I am curious to know if this Arcadia of Greece was once part of an even more vast collective. Arcadia being more than a physical place, but rather an earthly paradise, has me pondering if it could have symbolized a certain kind of governmental or social system? Could this be seen in the remains and records of the ancient times located in multiple locations?

You brought up the Kabeiroi earlier, and their followers are sometimes called Kabirs. These share phonetic similarities with other words, such as cabal, kabbalah, and kabars. An abstract from this paper "The orgin of the Kabeiroi" (Beekes 2004) offers this:

It is argued that Kadmilos, one of the Kabeiroi, has a typical (non-IE) Anatolian name. And further that the name Kabeiroi itself is a variant of Kabarn-oi. New insight in Pre-Greek shows that this word is a typical Pre-Greek name, and that the original form is Kabar. This shows that the old connection with Semitic (kabīr- 'great') must be definitely given up.

I couldn't read past this abstract so looked into potential earlier Egyptian roots. In Egyptian mythology, the Cabeiri were also gods represented as dwarves with swords, snakes, and lizards; they were responsible for punishing those who were judged guilty by Osiris. I came across this in regards to a potential Egyptian etymology (Sharpe 1863):

”Their name is derived from the Egyptian word KBA, punishment, and IRI, to do, as Osiris from OSH, a decree, and IRI, to do.”…

Pthah, the great god of Memphis, is now an ugly dwarf, with an enlarged head, (see Fig. and he sometimes holds a club over his head, as if in the act of threatening his worshippers with vengeance. He is the father of a brood of children, as ugly and as malicious as himself. These are the Cabeiri, whose offi ce it was to torture the wicked who may be found guilty by Osiris at the great trial, on the day of Judgment. Their name is derived from the Egyptian word KBA, punishment, and IRI, to do, as Osiris from OSH, a decree, and IRI, to do. As we have before mentioned, Typhon, the hippopotamus, the accuser in the trial scene, was one of them. For the purpose of torturing their victims, they are armed with swords, snakes, and lizards, where they accompany their father Pthah, with his enlarged head. One of them is represented in the form of a gibbet, armed a sword, with a human head hanging from it, and near them is the bottomless pit and lake of fire, into which their victims are to be thrown. It is guarded by an ape sitting at each corner. The painted papyri, which have been found in the mummy cases, Show us these disagreeable imps and their victims in endless variety ; but at the same time they always tell us that the fortunate man, who had been rich enough to have his body embalmed in a costly manner, and the ceremonies on his funeral drawn and painted on the papyrus, has escaped their clutches. On the beautiful papyrus at Leyden, published by Dr. Lemans, we see that the deceased, or else the gods who befriend him, have succeeded in overcoming the eleven Cabeiri, and imprisoning them in as many cells. In the yet larger papyrus at Turin, published by Dr. Lepsius, these cells, or prisons, are shewn to be caverns, some underground, with trees on the top of them, and some under the valley of the river, with the Nile gods seated on the top. In this papyrus, the Cabeiri are twenty one or twenty two in number, and Kneph, with the ram’ s head, would seem to be the god, who helped the deceased to imprison them. On the monuments of the city of Sais, the kings are not like those of Thebes, presenting their offerings to Ammon Ra, but to these threatening Cabeiri. Fig. 80 presents Pharaoh Hophra on his knees, presenting two cones of baked clay, typical of his gifts, to one of these monsters, with a double bull’s head, as an atoning sacrifice on behalf of the nation, to turn aside the threatened punishment. This fear of future punishment sometimes made the priests set the hated Typhon, the hippopotamus, who was one of the Cabeiri, at the head of a funereal tablet, as a divinity who was to be appeased with gifts. Herodotus tells us that these Cabeiri were more particularly the gods of the Phenician settlements in the Delta, but from the papyri we learn that their worship was common to all the natives of Lower Egypt.

In the Encyclopedia Britannica, there is even more information:

These variable forms relate to aspects of the person that were common to gods and people. The most significant of these were the ka, which was the vital essence of a person that was transmitted from one generation to the next, the ba, which granted freedom of movement and the ability to take on different forms, principally in the next world, and the akh, the transfigured spirit of a person in the next world.

Now jumping forward in time we have the Kabars of the 9th Century who are also referred to as the Kabaroi:

The Kabars (Greek: Κάβαροι), also known as Qavars (Qabars) or Khavars were Khazar rebels who joined the Magyar confederation possibly in the 9th century as well as the Rus' Khaganate.

The Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII is the principal source of the Kabars' history. He dedicated a whole chapter—chapter 39—to the Kabars (or Kabaroi) in his De Administrando Imperio, which was completed around 950. The Emperor described the Kabars as "a race of Khazars" who had risen up against the Khagan. The uprising was crushed, and some of them were massacred, but others escaped and joined the Magyars in the Pontic steppes.

I’ve also looked a little into Kabars before:
I came across this - The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870), where the author talks about the Circassians being the same people and descendants of the Khazars and being also “white”. The Cossacks are also considered likewise. It also covers how the Kabari or Kabars were a predominant tribal group of the Khazars. Read here: On the Westerly Drifting of Nomades, from the Fifth to the Nineteenth Century. Part IV. The Circassians and White Khazars on JSTOR

The Kabar apparently were a group of Khazar tribes that rebelled at one point. One story goes that it was against the direction of converting to Judaism. See more: WI: Kabar tribes successfully revolt against the Khazars? (+question on Pannonia)

One of the tribes in the Kabar were called Bereny (past family name) who in the 9th Century were annexed from and later became part of the Magyars. There’s a bunch of communes and towns in their namesake. For example: National and historical symbols of Hungary I suspect too the Berendei who were part of the “black hats” and later settled in Kiev in the 12th Century were of the same tribe. They were also called Circassians. See here: Chorni Klobuky - Wikipedia

The previous journal links the Kabardians to this same Kabar rebel group. Current day Kabardians are one of the twelve major Circassian tribes in the northern Caucasus. See more: Kabardians - Wikipedia

The Circassians from what I’ve read are seeking recognition of past atrocities from Russia. There’s a lot more detail to that. It’s also fascinating to me how they have kept their native religious traditions and practices, which is monotheistic and in some aspects come across somewhat Stoic.

This is also a fascinating description from a traveler in the areas visiting some ancient tomb in the region. This comes from the Circassian World site that’s got a lot of info on their history and current plight. If they were Khazars in the past they may be some of the descendants that didn’t subscribe to the conversion to Judaism.

There of course the Kabar / Magyar and Hungarian language connections:

Re: The Hungarian Language: One of the true wonder of the Earth since ancient ti

Found this on the web:

This writer seems to suggest Kabar/Khaza as a group or culture (or cult) that would be antagonistic to Arcadia - if we consider that to be a way or a social system. The Kabar/Khaza he claims represent a constant danger to humanity, and so have been symbolically linked to dragons.

Why the Khazars apparently came after the Caesars can only be explained with non-mainstream theories like Illig's or Fomenko's new chronologies. A similar time question arises from the Avars, who gave name to the earlier (?) Latin avaritia = greed, but also as Avraham (Avar home) to Avrupa/Evrupa/Europe !!! And the Auerochs (Gaur, Kaffernbüffel), Bauer and Bavarians. They also carried swastikas. (Compare Latin: Habemus, or Bavarian: "Haber-er").
Another hint comes from the history of the Roman Empire which never managed to expand further east than Dacia, where Emperor Trajan fought the Dacian Dragon (and whereby the Romanian Dacia is almost certainly related to the former Bactrian Daxia) ... aka as the Tatzelwurm, the Draco, the serpent (see Dan-logo or Tat(ar) name ), the snake, the lizards, the sauromats, the Salamander, Naga/Nazi/Natter/Nakh, the Basilisk, or personified in the Transsylvanian bloodsucker Dracula and the struggle of St. Michael and St. George against the Dragon or the Furth'er Drachenstich ... but only with limited success. In essence, "the dragon" seems to have been the Tatar / Saracen / Turkish / Magyar / Avar / Khazar hordes from the steppes of the East.
In medieval Verdun, the center for eunuch production through slave castration, aphrodisiacal coated sweets were made (out of ... you guess), and the invention is up to today called dragées, even if now ALMONDS are coated.
Tatar in Russia is equivalent to Tafelspitz in Swabia, not raw meat. Maize is called Kukuruz / Türgge / Turk Flour in Tartar-conquered Europe. Note the higher occurence of hun spots (Cain?) among Jews and near Verdun.
Danu is the water goddess Tiamat the snake-like chaos monster that through the huns / xiongnu finds itself as chinese dumplings in Hun Dun, better known as wonton, pieces of order in udon, a soup of chaos.

Therefore, might we say that Arcadia could be seen as the dragon slayer?
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So was the Grail or Ark once based at Stonehenge? If so, how did it get into the hands of Akhenaten? Was it through his forefather Perseus, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa (code for the Grail?), who left his native Argos with Andromeda to relocate to what became Mycenae in Greece, where he established the Perseid dynasty? Or did Meritaten/Bridget/Kore bring it to Britain with her, thereby triggering the Trojan War? The answer to that last question may lie with knowing who the Dragon Slayers were?
Session 2 February 2003:
Q: (L) Going back to this person - the last living member of the Perseid family - who was handed over by Abraham in his Jacob persona to someone else, who was this person handed over to and why?

A: For protection from the fury of "Helen."
[MJF: Sarah/Nefertiti]

Q: (L) So, there is a reflection of that in the story of Hagar the Egyptian. Who was she handed over to?

A: The "Dragon Slayers."
In response to this…
Q: (L) So, there is a reflection of that in the story of Hagar the Egyptian. Who was she handed over to?

A: The "Dragon Slayers."

As Laura pointed out in her article Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols, the Arcadians were the allies of the Achaeans (Greeks) and it was they who came up with the ruse of the Wooden Horse (the "Horse of God"?) that allowed the Greeks to gain access to the city of Troy, which would lead to the defeat of the Trojans and the destruction of Troy. Hence, if the Arcadians were directly involved in this special forces style attack on Troy, and let us say Meritaten/Hagar/Kore was the real Helen of Troy (who incidentally supposedly came from Arcadia) and for that matter was Helle too (who was supposed to have fallen off the Golden Ram and drowned in the Hellespont - which was the English Channel according to Wilkens), then if she fell into the hands of the Arcadians/Achaeans when they captured Troy, it could be said that she was handed over to the Dragon Slayers.

However, we also have the story of Jason and the Argonauts (a disguised Grail quest relating to the Golden Fleece made from the skin of the aforesaid Golden Ram), Jason, although not from Argos (Northern France) himself, was a dragon slayer since he overcame the dragon that guarded the Fleece in the sacred grove at Colchis (N.B. groves were particularly sacred to the Druids). Interestingly, in the story of the Golden Fleece, which forms a prologue to the story of Jason and the Argonauts, the winged Golden Ram Chrysomallos (MJF: doesn't that sound like a flying saucer or similar craft) rescued Helle's brother Phrixus and brought him to Colchis. Colchis is assumed to be in modern day Georgia but, if we follow Iman Wilkens' theories, it would have been located somewhere in the British Isles. If so, then I wonder if it might have been in the area now occupied by the town of Colchester, a pre-Roman town in northern Essex (not far from today's city of Cambridge - then called Troy), which is located on the river Colne. Some etymologists are confident that the Colne's name is of Celtic (pre-Roman) origin, sharing its origin with several other rivers Colne or Clun around Britain, and that Colchester is derived from Colne and Castra. Looking again at the mythical story of the Golden Fleece:

Helle and Phrixus's (whose name means "curly," as in the texture of the ram's fleece) father was Athamas the founder of Thessaly, but also king of the city of Orchomenus in Boeotia (a region of south eastern Greece), who took the goddess Nephele as his first wife. Athamas became enamoured of and married Ino, the daughter of Cadmus. When Nephele left in anger, drought came upon the land. Ino was jealous of her stepchildren and plotted their deaths; in some versions, she persuaded Athamas that sacrificing Phrixus was the only way to end the drought. Nephele's children escaped on the yellow ram over the sea, but Helle fell off and drowned in the strait now named after her, the Hellespont.

Is this really just a disguised retelling of the story of Abraham/Moses/Paris and Sarah/Nefertiti and her daughter Meritiaten/Hagar? It is interesting that Athamus is linked to Orchomenus since etymologically this is close to the present day name of the Orkney Islands, which are a group of islands off the east coast of Scotland that were once part of the kingdom of Norway - which was part of Crete according to Iman Wilkens.

The name "Nephele" reminds me of the 'Nephilim' giants (semi-divine human hybrids) of Genesis but also of Queen Nefertiti, a human hybrid with a large, extended skull. Rather than becoming enamoured of Ino, Abraham seems to have become enamoured of Meritaten/Hagar, Nefertiti's daughter, and gave her a child called Ishmael in the Bible. Could Ishmael therefore be the real basis for the character of Phrixus? If Ino was Meritiaten/Hagar, this would make Cadmus the Pharaoh Akhenaten. To make this all work though, we need to conflate Nephele and Ino together in the person of Nefertiti, so as to reflect Nephele's anger and the drought coming upon the land (Cf. Egypt's turmoil after the eruption of Thera and the resulting tidal wave, as reflected in the Biblical story of the plagues of Egypt) after she went into the desert with Abraham/Moses, as well as her jealousy of her stepchildren (as reflected in the Biblical story of Sarah being angry at her servant Hagar and Hagar's son Ishmael). The reference to Ino persuading Athamus to sacrifice Phrixus in order to end the drought even has echoes in the story of Abraham taking his son Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him to Yahweh.

So we seem yo be left with a choice between the Arcadians and the Argonauts as the Dragon Slayers.​
So we seem yo be left with a choice between the Arcadians and the Argonauts as the Dragon Slayers.[/JUSTIFY]

And if Arcadia is not necessarily a location, although as we know associated locations, such as the British Isles on first base and Greece on second base are location candidates, or it’s not necessarily a people, although the Arcadians and Argonauts are fitting candidates too, could it be a way of being? In the sense a life affirming philosophy/religion/practice/STO etc. is also that at its core? So in this sense, STO is interchangeable with Arcadia/druids and many other terms as STS is interchangeable with psychopathy/dragons/cabal/kabar albeit all sorts of nuanced meanings to these terms depending on how it’s used, whom by, time and contexts?

I’m not necessarily saying either we can break it all down to good/STO versus bad/STS especially given that corrupting a “good” movement and hijacking a name is often how the game is played throughout our histories. But I’m led to believe too that this fairly black and white cosmic drama surfaces as archetypal messages conveyed to us, through all kinds of stories and symbolism that of course get obscured over time or obscured purposefully.

…and this is not to discount that such events, locations and people described are also often recounts of historic fact either.

Just general reflections for what it’s worth - mindful too that such reflections are common knowledge already here on this forum.
Thank you MJF for that comprehensive reply. I must admit I’ve not yet fully caught up with this thread.

I am curious to know if this Arcadia of Greece was once part of an even more vast collective. Arcadia being more than a physical place, but rather an earthly paradise, has me pondering if it could have symbolized a certain kind of governmental or social system? Could this be seen in the remains and records of the ancient times located in multiple locations?

You brought up the Kabeiroi earlier, and their followers are sometimes called Kabirs. These share phonetic similarities with other words, such as cabal, kabbalah, and kabars. An abstract from this paper "The orgin of the Kabeiroi" (Beekes 2004) offers this:

I couldn't read past this abstract so looked into potential earlier Egyptian roots. In Egyptian mythology, the Cabeiri were also gods represented as dwarves with swords, snakes, and lizards; they were responsible for punishing those who were judged guilty by Osiris. I came across this in regards to a potential Egyptian etymology (Sharpe 1863):

In the Encyclopedia Britannica, there is even more information:

Now jumping forward in time we have the Kabars of the 9th Century who are also referred to as the Kabaroi:

I’ve also looked a little into Kabars before:

There of course the Kabar / Magyar and Hungarian language connections:

This writer seems to suggest Kabar/Khaza as a group or culture (or cult) that would be antagonistic to Arcadia - if we consider that to be a way or a social system. The Kabar/Khaza he claims represent a constant danger to humanity, and so have been symbolically linked to dragons.

Therefore, might we say that Arcadia could be seen as the dragon slayer?
This is very interesting indeed. As you can see, even the so called experts cannot make their minds up over the derivation of the name Cabeiri or Kabeiri. And the link between the Kabars and the Khazars is also very interesting given that they chose to become Jewish converts and were not sons of Abraham and now represent the majority of the Jewish population in the world today. I was certainly aware that some Khazar rebels after being defeated by the Khazar king migrated to what is modern Hungary rather than convert to Judaism. I would think that today some of these ethnic origin issues could be resolved by DNA testing.

However, the point to take away here is that the Cabeiri are linked to Ptah, the great god of Memphis, who was often depicted as an ugly dwarf, with an enlarged head who sometimes holds a club over his head (which could well be a hammer, as he was a god of metal workers and craftsmen) as if in the act of threatening his worshippers with vengeance. Ptah is also represented in the guise of a man with green skin, contained in a shroud sticking to the skin, wearing the divine beard. As I suggested, this description could well fit a typical grey alien (Zeta Reticulian) of alien abduction fame who ufologists suspect are behind a human hybridisation plan. Where your posts states:

"He is the father of a brood of children, as ugly and as malicious as himself. These are the Cabeiri, whose office it was to torture the wicked who may be found guilty by Osiris at the great trial, on the day of Judgment. Their name is derived from the Egyptian word KBA, punishment, and IRI, to do, as Osiris from OSH, a decree, and IRI, to do. As we have before mentioned, Typhon, the hippopotamus, the accuser in the trial scene, was one of them. For the purpose of torturing their victims, they are armed with swords, snakes, and lizards, where they accompany their father Pthah, with his enlarged head. One of them is represented in the form of a gibbet, armed with a sword, with a human head hanging from it, and near them is the bottomless pit and lake of fire, into which their victims are to be thrown.

this could be suggestive that they were carrying such a plan on in pharaonic times as well. The images of these ugly children of Ptah torturing the souls of the wicked certainly reminds me very much of Christian iconography depicting damned humans being tortured by devils in Hell. Perhaps this is where the concept originally derived from. The concept of the bottomless pit and lake of fire was certainly adopted by the Jews who called it Sheol (or sometimes Gehenna) and it was subsequently carried over into Christian teaching. The C's have, however, linked the lake of fire to the concept of 'soul smashing'.

However, the linking of Ptah to grey aliens reminds me that the greys are supposedly cyber-biological robots controlled by the Lizards and/or Orion humanoids and are very much their sidekicks. The question I would ask is whether the Lizards ever got in on the act? Although the extract does not mention any Lizard beings, it does refer to Typhon, the hippopotamus, who supposedly was one of the Cabeiri. However, the Egyptians had another hippopotamus deity called Tawaret or Reret (see image below) who was the wife of the crocodile god Sobek.

The crocodile god Sobek is often depicted as an upright humanoid figure with a crocodile head (see images below). Just to confuse things further, Sobek's mother was the hippo goddess Neith as well. But, as so often is the case with Egyptian deities, these gods were often connected to particular star systems or constellations.



You may recall that the C's once said that the Lizard beings looked like upright crocodiles, even having a tail. In UFO lore the Lizards are considered to be the Alpha Draconians and are linked with the constellation Draco (the Dragon). It just so happens by a remarkable synchronicity that I was reading this morning an article attached to the researcher Andrew Collin's newsletter, which I receive by email ever since I attended a conference in London that he chaired. He was plugging his latest book The First Female Pharaoh - Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars. I will post the article in a subsequent post since it creates an incredible link between Ancient Egypt and the Rosicrucians and it may even shed further light on the real mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau.

Hence, in the same way that I have proposed that Ptah may really have been an alien grey masquerading as a god, the same might be equally true of the Lizards in the form of Sobek. Afterall, the C's did say that many ancient deities were mere personifications of the Lizards (including Yahweh). However, the real give away may be in the star constellations attached to these deities, for as the article tells us:

"The book explores Sobekneferu’s role in keeping Egypt alive, exploring also the close relationship with her brother Amenemhet IV, her sister Neferuptah, and their father Amenemhet III. It explores her suspected relationship with Joseph of biblical tradition, her identity as the legendary female ruler Nitocris of Greek tradition, and Sobekneferu's creation of the Egyptian Labyrinth as the centre of a new religion focused around the crocodile god Sobek and his mother, the hippo goddess Neith, both of which she venerated in connection with the constellations of Draco, Ursa Minor and the seven stars of Ursa Major."

So, both these deities were venerated in connection with, amongst other constellations, Draco, which just so happens to be the star system the Lizards (Alpha Draconians) are supposed to come from. Is this mere coincidence?

The article also goes on to tell is more about the stellar relationship between Neith and Sobek:

In ancient Egyptian astronomy the crocodile was shown climbing on the back of a female hippopotamus, or as part of a hippo-croc hybrid. This combined sky figure has been identified with the stars of Draco, the celestial dragon of Greek and Arabic sky lore ( Lull and Belmonte, 2009 ), one of the key constellations of the northern night sky. Both the crocodile and hippo have also been identified with the stars of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor ( Berio, 2014 ), which are themselves extremely close to Draco.

The connection here with Sobekneferu comes from the fact that a limestone block fragment found at Hawara links her with the obscure goddess Dhdh.t (Dehdehet) ( Uphill, 2010 ), whose name means “to hang down low.” This, seemingly, is a reference to drooping breasts, implying she is the “Deep-bosomed One.” (pers. comm. with the late Terence DuQuesne). This is undoubtedly a title of Egypt’s principal hippopotamus goddess Tawaret, who was Sobek’s wife. Tawaret presided over women during childbirth and pregnancy and is shown in art with long drooping breasts. What is more, she was a patron, like Sobek, of Egypt’s Faiyum Oasis, the royal seat of Sobekneferu. She was also the concubine of Seth, the god of desert lands and foreigners, who, like Sobek, often took the form of a crocodile.

And we learn here that foreigners often took the form of crocodiles. Was this metaphorically or literally speaking in the case of the Alpha Draconians? Afterall, the word "alien" is often commensurate in English with the word "foreigner".​
And if Arcadia is not necessarily a location, although as we know associated locations, such as the British Isles on first base and Greece on second base are location candidates, or it’s not necessarily a people, although the Arcadians and Argonauts are fitting candidates too, could it be a way of being? In the sense a life affirming philosophy/religion/practice/STO etc. is also that at its core? So in this sense, STO is interchangeable with Arcadia/druids and many other terms as STS is interchangeable with psychopathy/dragons/cabal/kabar albeit all sorts of nuanced meanings to these terms depending on how it’s used, whom by, time and contexts?

I’m not necessarily saying either we can break it all down to good/STO versus bad/STS especially given that corrupting a “good” movement and hijacking a name is often how the game is played throughout our histories. But I’m led to believe too that this fairly black and white cosmic drama surfaces as archetypal messages conveyed to us, through all kinds of stories and symbolism that of course get obscured over time or obscured purposefully.

…and this is not to discount that such events, locations and people described are also often recounts of historic fact either.

Just general reflections for what it’s worth - mindful too that such reflections are common knowledge already here on this forum.
You may have a point here but, in this case, I really do think we are talking about a specific location, at least where the Grail is concerned. Remember that the Grail quest has always been as much about a journey of self discovery and learning (think of the naive and shallow Perceval for example) along the way - as expounded upon by Joseph Campbell in his 'the hero's journey'. Hence, a way of being does certainly enter into it.

As much as Arcadia may be a real place (like the one in Greece), it has also represented a utopia, a vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature. Think of Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia as one example of this vision. Borrowing from Wikipedia, Arcadia has thus developed into a poetic byword for an idyllic vision of an unspoiled wilderness or a poetic term associated with bountiful natural splendour and harmony, even if this is unattainable. It is therefore seen as a lost Edenic form of life, which men still pine after and is often linked with a former Golden Age. On this basis, the original Arcadia may even be considered as Atlantis, where men seemingly controlled nature and lacked for nothing or it could be the celestial harmony that our human souls once dwelled in before chasing after the gold and becoming trapped in a prison of materiality, which expresses itself today in a yearning for the paradise or heaven from which we were expelled.​
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