Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

I think I found something:

View attachment 62045

What I do not know, and I am not sure, is when sigma started to be used in mathematics, and if it was in use in Poussin's time.
Well that is very interesting. Insofar as I am aware, the Sigma sign is ancient Greek, so it would have been used from at least the time of Euclid and Pythagoras, whose theorems Poussin would have studied, particularly in relation to geometry.
Well that is very interesting. Insofar as I am aware, the Sigma sign is ancient Greek, so it would have been used from at least the time of Euclid and Pythagoras, whose theorems Poussin would have studied, particularly in relation to geometry.
Actually, putting a serpent so prominently in a painting about Noah's Flood or the Deluge is somewhat incongruous when you think about it. In Christian iconography, the serpent represents Satan, the serpent in the Garden of Eden. However, as I pointed out in my post above, the serpent was also the sign of the ''Brotherhood of the Serpent' and the later Ophites, a Jewish gnostic sect who revered the serpent from the Garden of Eden as a symbol of wisdom.

Quoting from the Wikipedia entry for the Ophites (see: Ophites - Wikipedia):

"In the common field were the words ΣΟΦΙΑϹ ΦΥϹΙϹ ("the nature of wisdom"), above ΓΝΩϹΙϹ ("knowledge"), and below ΣΟΦΙΑ ("wisdom"); in the rhomboid was ΣΟΦΙΑϹ ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑ ("the providence of wisdom")",

you will see that sigma or Σ is the first letter of the Greek word for "wisdom".

The Ophites were also connected to the Naassenes (from the Hebrew na'asch = snake), who may have been the forerunners of the Jewish Essenes and possibly progenitors of the Assassins.

Let us not forget the brazen serpent of Moses here (all who gazed upon it were cured) either, since the Ophites claimed that Moses himself had exalted Ophis by setting up the serpent:

Which might in turn be linked to the Caduceus symbol, which is the staff (shepherd's crook) or symbol of the Greek god Hermes, which today is employed as the symbol of medicine:​


However, the medical symbol of a snake entwined around the staff should really be connected to the staff or rod of Asclepius, the Greco-Roman god of medicine, which is believed to be the only true symbol of medicine (N.B. Asclepius according to Philip Coppens is depicted in Poussin's first painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia and connected not only to healing but also the powers of resurrection):​

We have, of course, looked at the symbolism of the Caduceus before and how it might represent the human being's nervous and chakra systems and the process of enlightenment or Kundalini awakening to become a shining one.

And then there is the flowering staff of Joseph of Arimathea. Legend states that he came to Glastonbury with the Holy Grail. He thrust his staff into the ground when he stopped to rest. The staff sprouted and grew into the famous "Glastonbury Thorn Tree". However, a flowering staff is a common miracle in hagiography. Indeed, such a miracle is also told of the Anglo-Saxon saint Etheldreda. Although, the C's refuted claims that Joseph of Arimathea ever came to England or had any connection to the Holy Grail, the flowering staff device was, as we know, used by Abbe Sauniere in his church at Rennes-le-Chateau. Could the flowering staff, representing a tree branch, be a pointer towards Sauniere believing in the myth of Mary Magdalene being the consort of Christ and the bearer of his children. No doubt Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, the authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, would have thought so.​


Alternatively. it could represent what Christians call 'Jesse Tree Symbols' such as that of the Root of Jesse: The flower which springs up from the root of Jesse being another figure of Christ. Isaiah prophesied that the Saviour would be born from the root of Jesse, that He would sit upon the throne of David, and in Christ this prophecy is fulfilled.​


I somehow doubt it. However, the image above of Mary Magdalene depicts both a skull and a cross, the same symbolism found in David Tenier the Younger's painting of The Temptation of St Anthony (as discussed in my earlier post), a copy of which Abbe Sauniere purchased along with one of Poussin's The Shepherds of Arcadia. I would suggest this is no coincidence.

Could it possibly be connected with Hagar/Kore and the branch of Jacob (Abraham/Moses) that she begat through the birth of Ishmael, which was an alternative line of succession to that of Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah/Nefertiti? This would therefore be a branch that have kept alive the Perseid line of Perseus who slew the Medusa and may have spawned the Percy family amongst other bloodline families.

This brings us back to Kore and the "core" meaning:
A: Trampled leaves of wrath.

Q: This is what Jacob gave to Esau?

A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Which the C's later elaborated upon

A: Yes. The story of the "contending with the angel" was the significant turning point as well as the moment of return.

Q: (L) What was the blessing he gave to quote Esau, if giving the object to the "angel" was the event of returning the ark? What was the story there?

A: Two separate events.

Q: (L) So, he returned the ark to the so-called angel. And then, he gave something to someone else. Previously, when I asked about this, you said that what he gave to Esau was "trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate," and remarked that I should inquire into the "core meaning."

A: And who was "Kore?"

Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?

A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.

I only raise this because I came across an interesting article on Jacob's ladder that might tie into this issue of the "core" meaning. In it the author mentions the following interpretation, which links Jacob's ladder to DNA:

‘Jacob’s Dream (1805) by William Blake (left). DNA Helix on the right
Did Ancient Ladders Like Jacob’s Represent DNA?

Recently, some have drawn parallels between the appearance of a ladder and the appearance of the DNA double helix. The commonality of ladder myths has been reinterpreted to suggest ancient or divinely inspired insight into the basis of human consciousness. A sample of such an argument is as follows: “The ladder of DNA that contains the light of God, via the chemical energy river of past life memories that flows through our bodily organs such as our brain into our Ammon's Horn, in order to access the inner Gnosis encoded in our very DNA Ladder” (Moe, 2013).

This seems to reflect things the C's have said about inherited knowledge contained within our DNA, which may be blasted open.

The same article also makes the point that the concept of Jacob's Ladder may pre-date Hebrew times:

Although Jacob’s Did, Not All Ladders Were Used to Go Upward

However, the ladder metaphor predates Jacob’s ladder, and is not exclusively Abrahamic. The earliest known instance of a clearly defined ladder symbol comes from the Babylonian legend of Ishtar’s descent into the Underworld by passing through seven gates (and even this may have been derived from an earlier Sumerian myth of Inanna descending into the underworld). The ladders do not always have rungs, but can at times be portrayed with steps, gates, or degrees, all of which indicate varying levels of proximity or distance.

Cylinder seal depicting the descent of Inanna. Credit: The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. Unlike Jacob’s Ladder, which is represented with rungs or steps, Inanna/Ishtar passed through seven gates.

Cylinder seal depicting the descent of Inanna. Credit: The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. Unlike Jacob’s Ladder, which is represented with rungs or steps, Inanna/Ishtar passed through seven gates

Seven is a commonly used number to indicate the levels of the ladder. Apart from Jacob’s Ladder, one of the best-known ladder myths is the Persian Mysteries of Mithras that describe the soul’s rise to perfection. “The candidate ascended a ladder of seven rounds, and also passed through seven caverns, symbolized by seven metals, and by the sun, moon and five planets” (Dafoe, 2007). In the Scandinavian version, the initiated climbs a tree. In the ancient Brahmin mysteries, the journeyer must pass through seven worlds, the first being the physical world of Earth and the seventh being the ideal Sphere of Truth. In the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, life energy can be made to ascend through seven chakras.

We have encountered this seven steps concept before. We can see it continued in the Jacob's Ladder symbolism used by Freemasons on their Masonic trestle boards and in Sir Francis Bacon's seven step programme of initiation, which is also reflected in the seven steps of his scientific method. Hence, we can see an ongoing succession of these teachings from ancient religions and mystery schools to modern Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians. However, it is in ancient Egypt and the initiation of its adepts at seven main religious centres that one can find the greatest resonance with the initiation ceremonies of today's Freemasons. I am still working on an article that will explain this link and may help to establish the Freemasons' origins in the Egyptian Osirians as stated by the C's.

Following on from my last post where I mentioned Sir Francis Bacon's seven step programme of initiation, I thought I would post this interesting article on Francis Bacon's Formula of Interpretation by Mather Walker since it reveals Bacon's Rosicrucian roots and his keen interest in alchemy, science, philosophy and the human condition. The article also analyses Shakespeare's The Tempest in detail, a very esoteric work which has been attributed to Sir Francis Bacon. Please note that I have bolded certain passages in the article, which I think are relevant to our interests and I have also added comments of my own in red in parenthesis where appropriate.

See: Francis Bacon’s Formula of Interpretation

Francis Bacon’s Formula of Interpretation
by Mather Walker, Summer 2010

In 1623 Bacon published two books - his De Augmentis, and his Shakespeare First Folio. The survey of the divisions of human knowledge in the Augmentis was a more detailed version of his 1605 Advancement of Learning, but where The Advancement of Learning was only divided into two books, the Augmentis was divided into nine books. This was odd. A comparison of the books shows no reason why the added details could not have been included in the original two books. On the other hand, a reason surfaces when the Augmentis is compared with the first play in the First Folio – The Tempest. It is an exact parallel to the Augmentis. It is divided into nine parts, and it depicts in great detail, in allegory, the divisions of human knowledge described in the Augmentis (see, The Secret of the Shakespeare Plays). The Tempest is a compendium of the First Folio. But what is truly incredible, is that at the same time as The Tempest incorporates its astounding multiplicity of levels of meaning capitulating the entire First Folio; painting a comprehensive canvas delineating all the divisions of human knowledge; there is also present, running all the way through these divisions of human knowledge, a depiction of the successive levels of the operation of Bacon’s Art For Discovering New Arts and Sciences as it inquires into the ultimate nature of all human knowledge.

In his 1607 Thoughts and Conclusions Francis Bacon described his amazement that no one had ever conceived the idea before of inventing an Art For Discovering New Arts and Sciences. In his 1620 Novum Organum he demonstrated part of this Art by showing how, through the use of four tables of instances (Presence, Absence, Variance, and Exclusion), it was possible to derive a “First Vintage” of the essential law that makes heat different from all other particulars in nature. But Bacon kept another part of his art secret. He called this “The Formula of Interpretation”, and in his 1603 Of The Interpretation of Nature he said:

Not but I know that it is an old trick of impostors to keep a few of their follies back from the public which are indeed no better than those they put forward but in this case it is no imposture at all, but a sober foresight, which tells me that the Formula itself of Interpretation, and the discoveries made by the same, will thrive better if committed to the charge of some fit and selected minds, and kept private."

Bacon demonstrated both parts of his “Art” in The Tempest. The Novum Organum part runs from the beginning of The Tempest through the end of speech 128; and the process begins again with Formula of Interpretation, which runs from the beginning of speech 129 through the end of The Tempest. In my Bacon 101-4 article I gave a detailed description of the Novum Organum process that ends at speech 128. That the process begins again at the 129th speech in The Tempest is clearly indicated by the acrostic spelled out with the first letters of this speech. NOVATUS, Latin for it begins again, is spelled out with the beginning letters of this speech, and "it begins again" is repeated in the text of the speech. Since I described in detail the Novum Organum portion of Bacon’s Art for Discovering New Arts in my Bacon 101-4 article I will not repeat that part here.

While, on the one hand, Bacon stated his intention of keeping his “Formula of Interpretation secret, on the other hand he indicated it would be revealed after a certain period of time. In that strange compilation of metaphor, allegory, and allusion, the Rosicrucian Fama Fraternitatis, published in 1614 in Cassel, he even indicates, in veiled fashion, the exact period of time. This document described, how long after the death of their founder, Christian Rosencreutz, the brethren of the fraternity found a door to a hidden vault in his house. On this door was written in large letters, “POST 120 ANNOS PATEBO”, that is, ‘after 120 years I will be opened’, or ‘after 120 years I will be revealed’. When they entered the vault the brethren saw a brass plate on which was written:

Hoc universi compendium unius mihi sepulchrum feci
(This compendium of the universe I made in my lifetime to be my tomb)

They found a chest containing chiefly, “wonderful artificial songs” [MJF: which makes me think here of King Solomon and The Song of Songs], and after they moved the altar aside they found the perfectly preserved body of Christian Rosencreutz holding a book in his hands. At the end of this book were these words:

He constructed a microcosm corresponding in all motions to the macrocosm and finally drew up this compendium of things past, present, and to come.

[MJF: Are there shades here of the finding of the architect Hiram Abiff's body in the initiation ceremony for the Third Degree (33rd Degree Scottish Rite) of Master Mason in the Freemasonic tradition? Could it also have anything to do with the discovery and burial of the 'Beloved' on or near Oak Island?]

The words, ‘this compendium’ in the book implies that the compendium of the universe, and of things past, present, and to come, was the book in Rosencreutz’s hands. That book is the First Folio. The Fama Fraternitatis contains a great deal of evidence showing its author was Francis Bacon (See my article Francis Bacon and the Secret of the Rosicrucian Rose). There is also a great deal of evidence that Bacon authored the First Folio. The First Folio is not only a compendium of the universe, but it is designed to exhibit past, present, just as stated in Rosencreutz’s book, and as shown in each play in the First Folio. A major feature of the First Folio also (especially The Tempest) is its wonderful artificial songs.

In 1734 (exactly 120 years after the publication of the Fama Fraternitatis) a work of Bacon’s was published in Stephens’ Letters and Remains titled Valerius Terminus of the Interpretation of Nature. Robert Leslie Ellis and James Spedding were both at a lost to understand Bacon’s reason for this particular title. Actually it should have been obvious to them. Valerius was the name of the Valeria, perhaps the most distinguished dynasty of Rome, and Valerius Terminus indicated a distinguished termination to the search for knowledge exactly as Bacon described his Formula of Interpretation when referring to the futile efforts of his predecessors in this same work:

Lastly that they had no knowledge of the formulary of Interpretation, the work whereof is to abridge experience and make things as certainly found out by Axiom in short time, as by infinite experience in ages.”

In his Thoughts and Conclusions Bacon used the phrase Ladder of the Intellect to describe the process followed by his ‘Formula of Interpretation’:

Further the material collected should be sorted into orderly tables, so that the understanding may work upon it and thus accomplish its appropriate task. After the particulars have been arranged in tables, there should be no immediate hurry to press on with the collection of new facts, although collecting facts is a useful things and is the equivalent of what might b called ‘literate experience.” For the time has now come to ascend to generalizations. The understanding is endowed by nature with an evil impulse to jump from particulars to the highest axioms (what are called First Principles). This impulse must be held in check; but generalizations lying close to the facts may first be made, then generalizations of a middle sort, and progress thus achieved up the successive rungs of a genuine Ladder of the Intellect.

The Formula of Interpretation is described in Chapter 11 of the Valerius Terminus. Bacon calls the steps of his ‘Formula’ directions, and describes two conditions as mandatory to produce the desired effect: certainty and liberty - the direction must be true and the direction must not be limited to some particular means. Moreover, he cautions that each direction must be more original, i.e. each successive generalization must be at a step higher up the Ladder of the Intellect. The following is a graphic depiction of the process described in the Valerius Terminus. This is followed by the description given by Bacon that applies to each rung of the ladder:


Let the effect to be produced be Whiteness; let the first direction be that if air and water be intermingled or broken in small portions together, whiteness will ensue, as in snow, in the breaking of the waves of the sea and rivers, and the like. This direction is certain, but very particular and restrained, being tied but to air and water.

Let the second direction be, that if air be mingled as before with any transparent body, such nevertheless as is uncoloured and more grossly transparent than air itself, that then etc. as glass or crystal, being beaten to fine powder, by the interposition of the air becometh white; the white of an egg being clear of itself, receiving air by agitation becometh white, receiving air by concoction becometh white; here you are freed from water, and advanced to a clear body, and still tied to air.

- 3 –​

Let the third direction exclude or remove the restraint of an uncoloured body, as in amber, sapphires, etc. which beaten to fine powder become white; in wine and beer, which brought to froth become white.​

- 4 –​

Let the fourth direction exclude the restraint of a body more grossly transparent than air, as in flame, being a body compounded between air and a finer substance than air; which flame if it were not for the smoke, which is the third substance that incorporateth itself and dyeth the flame, would be more perfect white. In all these four directions air still beareth a part.

- 5 –​

Let the fifth direction then be, that if any bodies, both transparent but in an unequal degree, be mingled as before, whiteness will follow; as oil and water beaten to an ointment, though by settling the air which gathereth in the agitation be evaporate, yet remaineth white; and the powder of glass or crystal put into water, whereby the air giveth place, yet remaineth white, though not so perfect. Now are you freed from air, but still you are tied to transparent bodies.

- 6 –
The sixth direction is that the mixture of all bodies or parts of bodies, which are unequal equally, in a simple proportion, represent whiteness.


In Endgame I provided a general description of Bacon’s Discovery process in The Tempest based on a reading of the allegory that culminates at the ultimate form of all human knowledge at the end of the play. Knowledge of his Formula of Interpretation allows following more exactly Bacon’s process in the present article, but to avoid repeating information already given I refer the reader to Endgame to be read in connection with this present article.​

Bacon realised something scientists and philosophers have only glimpsed very rarely. Our consciousness is the canvas of our cosmos. All we know, all that we can know, exists within us [MJF: Shades here of what the C's have said]. We only perceive our own perceptions. Thus in his De Augmentis Bacon prefaced his study of human knowledge by noting that, “The justest division of human learning is that derived from the three different faculties of the soul the seat of learning: history being relative to memory, poetry to the imagination, and philosophy to reason.” And a little further on in the same book he added, “The faculties of the soul are well known; viz., the understanding, reason, imagination, memory, appetite, will, and all those wherein logic and ethics are concerned.”

Prospero is the understanding; his daughter, Miranda, is the reasoning faculty; his servant, Ariel, is the imagination; and his slave, Caliban, is memory. King Alonzo is the faculty of will. The will has two divisions: affirming and denying. Affirming is divided into cognitive (Gonzalo) and willing (Adrian/Francisco). Denying is divided into cognitive (Antonio) and willing (Sebastian). Ferdinand, the son of Alonzo is the moving faculty – the source of all action. Caliban is the physical man. He has the mental faculty of memory and the physical appetites; the intellective appetite (Stephano); and the sensitive appetite (Trinculo).

Will is Human Power; understanding is Human Knowledge; the moving faculty is Human Action. When functioning properly the understanding takes the data received from the outside by the senses, evaluates the data, and, based on this evaluation, guides the will so it directs the moving faculty to take the appropriate action based on the rational analysis of the data received. The will should be subject to the understanding, but in The Tempest Human Power (Alonzo) has usurped Human Knowledge (Prospero), and banished it. Without control by the understanding, the passions are aroused by what is pleasurable or what is painful; not by what is true or false, good or bad, and direct action accordingly. The ascent up the Ladder of the Intellect to the ultimate nature of human knowledge depicts the understanding (Prospero) regaining control over the faculties of the will and over the physical faculties before the ultimate ‘form’ of all human knowledge is perceived.

In his 1972 “FULL CIRCLE Shakespeare and Moral DevelopmentAlan Hobson noted, “The Tempest reads almost like an experiment of the Baconian kind - let us see what happens if…),” Stephen Orgel in his “New Uses of Adversity: Tragic Experience in The Tempest” noted situations in The Tempest, are “…presented almost as a scientific experiment.” It is heartening to find some sparks of insight in the vast, dark night, of orthodox Shakespeare scholarship, so before they are lost lets take these insights and run with them. Not only does the ascent of the “Formula of Interpretation” up the “Ladder of the Intellect” in The Tempest depict a series of experiments, this is an aspect of the ‘Shakespeare’ works that has never been disclosed before. It discloses the secret schematic at the very core of The Tempest, and a similar secret schematic is at the core of the other plays in the Folio:


- 1 –​

We know exactly where the process of the Formula of Interpretation begins because Bacon tells us at speech 129 with his NOVATUS (it begins again) acrostic that is repeated in the passage.​

S Some God O' the island, sitting on a bank,
V VVeeping againe the King my Fathers wracke,
T This Musick crept by me upon the waters,
A Allaying both their fury, and my passion
V VVith it's sweet ayre: thence I have follow'd it
O Or it hath drawn me rather; but 'tis gone.
N No, it begins againe.

It is easy also to follow the depiction at this first rung of the Ladder of the Formula of Interpretation. We are shown Ferdinand (action), and Ariel (imagination). Ferdinand weeps because he fears his father was drowned in the shipwreck. Ariel’s song to him seemingly confirms his fears:

Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
These are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.

But Alonzo did not drown. What’s going on here? Why does Ariel lie to Ferdinand?

We do not have to look far for the answer. What is depicted is Ariel, the imagination, without control of the understanding. The imagination lies to us all the time. Ferdinand lets his imagination run wild because he fears his father has drowned. Thus at the lowest rung of the Formula of Interpretation Bacon demonstrates the fallibility of imagination alone in the role of the quest for the ultimate nature of knowledge. But at the end of Act 1 – Scene 2 we see the beginning of the necessary correction. Ferdinand is shown as entering under the control of Prospero and Miranda.

- 2 –​

Ascending to the second rung we are shown the King (Alonzo) and his party in conjunction with Caliban and his allies. Human power (the will) is not joined with human understanding (Prospero), and reason (Miranda) at this point, but with the physical man alone (Caliban), the faculty of memory, accompanied by the appetites, Stephano and Trinculo. The physical man observes the world and remembers what is observed, but cannot exercise the faculty of understanding and reason to what it observes. Human will and the physical faculties are depicted in their perception of the world (the island).

Their response mirrors their natures – affirming and denying. Adrian (affirming) says though the island seems to be desert yet the air breathes upon it most sweetly. Sebastian (denying) says as if it had lungs, and rotten ones. Antonio (denying) says, or as ‘twere perfumed by a fen. Gonzalo (affirming) says here is everything advantageous to life. Antonio (denying) says True, save means to live. In his Preface to The Great Instauration Bacon noted:

…the mind when it receives impressions of objects through the sense, cannot be trusted to report them truly, but in forming its notions mixes up its own nature with the nature of things.

This is exactly what this experiment shows. Without the guidance of the human understanding, and of the human reason, when individuals are exposed to the world, instead of an objective perception, what they perceive is merely a reflection of their own natures.

- 3 –​

The third rung of the inquiry into the ultimate nature of human knowledge shows the necessity of gathering a history of instances (which apply to the particular inquiry) from the facts of nature. We see Ferdinand carrying out the task he has been assigned of gathering logs. This task symbolizes gathering a natural history to serve as a basis for the inquiry. However, Ferdinand (action) has not been united with Miranda (reason). Miranda offers to aid Ferdinand, saying, “I should do it with much more ease.” But Ferdinand refuses her assistance. We are shown the need of a union of reason with activity to facilitate carrying out the task. At the same time we are shown the rebellion of the physical man (Caliban and the appetites) who is always opposed to the mental man (Prospero).​

- 4 –​

In Act III – Scene 3 – (rung 4) we see the king’s party wandering as if lost in a maze when suddenly there is solemn and strange music and Prospero appears on top invisible to the members of the king’s party. This depiction is similar to a stage direction by Ben Jonson in his mask HYMENAEI:

Here out of a Microcosme, or Globe (figuring Man)”, and a little later he has “Hereat, REASON, seated in the top of the Globe (in the braine, or highest part of Man)”

But instead of reason, the highest part of man is understanding (Prospero), the father of reason. The meaning of the depiction of Prospero at the top is twofold: it shows Prospero now in ascendancy over the member of the king’s party; and it shows Prospero is the highest part of man.

Prospero has enhanced the ‘lost’ state of the king’s party and further weakened them by tormenting them with hunger, fear and grief, before tempting them with the illusion of food. In order to bring them into a state where he regains the control over them (the proper office of the understanding over the will) he must effect a radical change to their basic natures. For a remedy to human nature, Bacon said:

"Neither is the ancient rule amiss, to bend nature, as a wand, to a contrary extreme, whereby to set it right."

This is exactly what we are shown. At rung 2 of the Formula of Interpretation we saw their perceptions mirroring their natures – affirming and denying. Adrian said though the island seems to be desert yet the air breathes upon it most sweetly. Sebastian says as if it had lungs, and rotten ones. Antonio says, or as ‘twere perfumed by a fen. Gonzalo says here is everything advantageous to life. Antonio says, “…true, save means to live”, Etc.

Now, at the point where there is the strange music with Prospero invisible at the top and several strange Shapes bringing in a banquet, and dancing about it with gentle actions of salutations and invitation to the king before they depart, we see the natures of Sebastian, Antonio, and Gonzalo bent to a contrary extreme. Sebastian and Antonio actually begin to vie with each other for the greatest affirming and it is now Gonzalo who denies:

Sebastian. Now I will believe
That there are unicorns’ that in Arabia
There is one tree, the phoenix’ thone: one phoenix
At this hour reigning there.

Antonio. I’ll believe both;
And what does else want credit, come to me,
And I’ll be sworn ‘tis true: travelers ne’er did lie.
Thou fools at home condemn ‘em.

Gonzalo. Whether this be
Or be not, I’ll not swear.

When they attempt to partake of the banquet it is ‘snatched’ from them by Ariel in the form of a harpy before they can eat. The myth of the harpies supplies the meaning of this scene. Phineus was a king of Arcadia who by the enticement of his second wife put out the eyes of his sons, which he had by his first wife. But by the just vengeance of the gods he was also made blind, and the foul ravenous birds called harpies snatched away the meat prepared for him before he could eat. The king’s party is blind without the guidance of the understanding.

Having regained control over the functions represented by the King’s party Prospero next puts them under a tight reign – we learn later that they were imprisoned in the line grove that weather-fended his cell.

- 5 –​

Prospero (understanding) has regained control over the will, and now unites Ferdinand (action) and Miranda (reason). But at this point he has not established control over the physical man and his appetites. The problem caused by this shortcoming is next exhibited. Prospero exhibits to Ferdinand (action) and Miranda (reason) the most celebrated knowledge of the ancients - the central mystery drama at Eleusis where the minds of the initiates joined with the minds of the gods (or goddesses) enabled them to receive an influx of knowledge directly from these higher beings. The identity of this masque with the central drama of those Mysteries is clearly indicated by having Iris, the initial goddess Prospero invokes, summon Ceres. Various allusions in The Tempest equate Prospero with Zeus. In the account of the origin of the Eleusinian Mysteries in the Homeric Hymn (the official account of the Eleusinian tradition) Zeus has Iris summon Ceres.

The greatest minds of antiquity were initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries. They all considered this the highest and most sacred of revelations, and they all spoke of the experience with the greatest reverence. But Bacon denigrates the experience. Prospero, while directing Ariel to summon his subordinate spirits to produce the vision, refers to them as Ariel’s, “meaner fellows”, and, “the rabble”, and he refers to the vision they produce as a, ‘vanity of my Art.’ [MJF: Let us not forget here that John Dee had summoned an archangel called Ariel to teach him the secrets of Enochian magic - something Francis Bacon, as a protégé of John Dee, may have been aware of. Indeed, many think the character of Prospero is based on that of John Dee.]

We see the reason immediately afterwards. Prospero, strangely disturbed, says:
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,

As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,

And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

What the initiates saw, and revered, at Eleusis was only illusion. This is a confirmation of what has been shown throughout the play. The events on the island have been a continual alternation between sleeping and waking, and sleeping while waking. The distinction between the two have eventually became blurred, leaving a continual dream like quality, and continual illusion. We must remember that the island represents our world.

Rung 5 is an experiment with Prospero, Ferdinand and Miranda in consort with Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo. These three now enter with a plan to kill Prospero and usurp ruler ship of the island. But Prospero has foreseen their attempt at assassination and has had glistering apparel, that he calls trumpery (showy, but worthless), set out to detract them from their purpose of assassinating him. Although this trumpery does not take in Caliban; Stephano and Trinculo are deceived by it. That is, the appetites are deceived by any appearance that appeals to them. This shows that what allowed the great drama at Eleusis to deceive the initiates was the appetite for the appeal of appearance. In order to rectify the appetites, Prospero has them hunted about by the hounds that represent the particular appetites that seduced them. Only when these appetites are exhausted can the proper control over the physical part of man be asserted.

- 6 –
The understanding (Prospero) is now in control of the other faculties. Physical man is excluded from this final denouncement because it pertains solely to the mind. Prospero displays to the King’s party the ultimate revelation yielded by the Journey of Discovery in the play: the "form" of all knowledge. What do we see? The First Folio tells us Prospero ‘discovers’ Ferdinand and Miranda playing at chess. When Prospero displays the lovers (his daughter Miranda, and Ferdinand) playing chess at the end of the play the king ceases to be his enemy - Prospero captures the king. This allusion to a chess game expands the chess game from the play of Miranda and Ferdinand at the end of the play to the larger perspective where the entire play is a chess game. Prospero, exponent of white magic, and the characters allied with him, are the white pieces on the board, while his enemy, King Alonzo, and the characters allied with him, are the black pieces on the board. The speech of the lovers is a significant element of the revelation:

Miranda. Sweet lord, you play me false Ferdinand. No, my dearest love, I would not for the world. Miranda. Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle, And I would call it fair play.

Ferdinand and Miranda are human activity and human reason playing on the game board of human experience. The whole world of human experience is depicted as having no basis in reality, it is only a construct of the human mind and the human consciousness - like a game of chess. Like a game of chess the whole world of human experience exists only ad placitum. In The Advancement of Learning Francis Bacon said:

But yet it holdeth not in religion alone, but in many knowledges both of greater and smaller nature, namely wherein there are not only posita [*fixed and not subject to argument] but placita [*as you please or open to choice]; for in such there can be no use of absolute reason. We see it familiarly in games of wit, as chess, or the like; the draughts and first laws of the game are positive, but how? Merely ad placitum [by general consent], and not examinable by reason; but then how to direct our play in the game is artificial and rational.”

This is why it was necessary for the purposes of Bacon’s final denouncement that the entire play depicts a chess game. The island in the play represents our world. The whole world of human experience has the same basis in reality as a chess game.

Chess was a microcosm of the European world at the time it was invented. It was the perfect example for Bacon’s purposes. On the game board two kingdoms, complete with King, Queen, Bishops, Knights, Castles or Barons, and foot soldiers, war against each other. The chessboard is a miniature model of the kingdoms that war in the great world. The black and white squares, and the black and white pieces are those Two Principles, the array of opposites that runs throughout the world [MJF: Duality]. The two periods that ended at the point this tableau was unveiled (the twelve year rule of darkness of Sycorax, followed by the twelve year rule of light of Prospero, and the lesser twelve hour period of darkness of night, followed by the twelve hour period of the light of day displays the cycles within cycles* that these Two Principles run through in the panorama of the world).

[*MJF recall here the C's when they said: "Remember, all is structured in cycles and circles."]

The Lovers play the game. The game depicts war. What we see is the perennial theme in human affairs of love and war. In Bacon’s system of thought Love was the primary force that moves all the pieces on the board. This is the emblem of all nature; the emblem of the primary postulate, of the fount from which flows all motions in Great Nature. In this emblematic depiction we are shown the whole world. Beyond that we are shown the whole universe. The black and white squares on the chessboard, along with the opposing black and white pieces represent the ancient doctrine of The Two Principles that was viewed as omnipresent in the world, and in the universe.

In Hinduism the world is illusion. The soul caught in the illusion of maya is like a sleeping man caught in the illusion of dreams. When he awakens they vanish. Likewise when the soul awakens illusion vanishes. Strange results from Quantum Physics have demonstrated that the notion basic to our sense of reality of space/time is illusion. They exist only as a construct of our mind. George Berkeley pointed out some 300 or so years ago that the only thing we could really perceive is our own perceptions. Our consciousness is the canvas of our cosmos and whatever we are aware of as existing exists only inside our heads. As Francis Bacon said:

…the true rule of a perfect inquiry is that nothing can be found in
the material globe which has not its correspondence in the crystalline
globe-the understanding…

What he says is that everything that seems to exist out there in the material world must exist in the human consciousness otherwise it will not exist ‘out there’. That is, the ultimate ‘form’ of any inquiry is that anything that seems to exist out there must exist in the human mind, and it is only ad placitum.

The schematic shown above is only half of the whole. Bacon’s system worked by firstly a movement up the pyramid of nature to the ‘form’ of the particular, and secondly a movement down from the ‘form’ to the application to works. Hence The Tempest is designed to operate in both directions. It goes from the beginning to the end, but it is also designed to go from the end of the play to the beginning, exactly like a chess game that goes in both directions. Knowledge of Bacon’s Formula of Interpretation opens a window into the entire universe since the 36 plays in the First Folio are a compendium of the universe, and each play in it is designed on the secret schematic of Bacon’s Formula of Interpretation. But even beyond this, is Bacon’s fantastic last work – his Sylva Sylvarum. Bacon’s chaplain, Dr. Rawley, said:

…he that looketh attentively into the work, shall find that they
have a secret order.

The 1,000 experiments in this work cover the gamut of the entire universe. The Sylva Sylvarum is an index to the universe. Francis Bacon said that the Sylva Sylvarum was (to speak properly) not a Natural History, but a high kind of natural magic: because it was not only a description of nature, but a breaking of nature into great and strange works. It is a breaking of nature into great and strange works because, with the key of Bacon’s Formula of Interpretation, each experiment in the work provides an entrance into the ladder of the inquiry into the ‘form’ of the particular dealt with in that experiment.


Walker's article is predicated on Sir Francis Bacon having been the real author of the Tempest. However, is there any evidence that might corroborate this claim? Well perhaps there is, if only circumstantial in nature.

I have recently been reading a book by American author Steven Sora called 'Rosicrucian America - How a Secret Society Influenced the Destiny of a Nation'. Sora doesn't beat around the bush in promoting the view that it was Rosicrucianism, especially through the influence of Sir Francis Bacon and his seminal work New Atlantis, which helped to shape the modern United States of America. I hope to make further references to Sora's book in upcoming posts since I believe there is certainly something to what he claims and his book generally supports concepts and notions concerning John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon that have previously been advanced on this thread. He has also made me aware of a potential friction between Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Bacon that may even have cost William Shakespeare his life.

However, for the purposes of this post, I want to concentrate on the evidence Sora adduces for Bacon having been the author, or at least the guiding light, of Shakespeare's The Tempest.

Sora points out that Bacon's sponsorship of the voyages of the Virginia Company lead to the establishment of the accidental colony of Bermuda. One should note in passing here that the Virginia Company's shareholders included the Earl of Pembroke to whom the First Folio of William Shakespeare's plays was dedicated. In 1609, the Virginia Company sent Sir George Somers at the head of a convoy of nine ships to Virginia with 600 colonists on board. However, Somer's ship the Sea Venture was wrecked on Bermuda. The story of the the sinking of the Sea Venture is said to be the basis for The Tempest. Eventually, after experiencing much hardship, some of the shipwrecked colonists finally made it to Virginia. Many of the Bermuda survivors then headed back to England but William Strachey, whose circle of friends included, the Earl of Southampton, Sir Francis Drake, Ben Jonson (the playwright), Sir Philip Sydney and Sir Francis Bacon, stayed in Virginia. Strachey had been a fellow student at Gray's Inn with Bacon, although he subsequently abandoned the law as a career and was a civil servant at the time of the voyage. In July 1610, Strachey penned a letter from Virginia (in fact a 25,000 word long missive) to a Lady Sara, the wife of Sir Thomas Smith, in which he described in detail the adventure of being shipwrecked in Bermuda. In the missive, Strachey described not only the storm that shipwrecked them but also the verbal battles between the colonists that brought disharmony to them all. It was this tempest of dissension and tempest of a storm that is said to have inspired The Tempest.

The Tempest was written in 1611 and was first performed on stage the same year. There were two other sources for the story of the Sea Venture's survivors including a text called Discovery of the Bermudas written by Sylvester Jourdain, a survivor who returned to England immediately. Although Strachey's letter was written in July 1610, it was not in fact published until 1635. However, it is likely that Bacon and his inner circle, especially those who had invested in the venture, had the opportunity to read Strachey's report when it arrived in England. The author of The Tempest, if the play is based on these reports, either had an inside source or was involved in the Virginia Company itself. In contrast, it is unlikely that a mere playwright such as William Shakespeare would have had access to the letters of those who had reported on the disaster.

The Tempest tells the story of a shipwreck in the Mediterranean that strands Prospero, the Duke of Milan, with his daughter on an island along with other survivors. In The Tempest, there are various passages that are taken from Arthur Golding's translation of the Roman poet Ovid's work (only published in 1603) and John Florio's translation of Michel de Montaigne's essays, which are found in several other works attributed to Shakespeare. It should be noted here that Arthur Golding was Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford's, uncle and tutor and John Florio had been the Earl of Southampton's (a member of Bacon's circle of intimates) tutor. However, there is a remarkable passage in Act I of The Tempest where Ariel visits the "still vexed Bermooths", which is a clear allusion to the Bermudan survivors. The ship in the play was supposed to have been carrying the King of Naples, Alonso. However, the ship was reported lost and the King drowned. In comparison, the fleet led by the Sea Venture had been carrying the governor of the new Virginia Colony. The ship sank and the governor apparently drowned.

Strachey's long letter describes the storm as "roaring" and the sky turning "blacke". The Tempest says the waters were "roaring" and the sky pouring down "pitch". Both texts describe the men aboard calling out prayers. Both describe leaky ships and both ships had their masts cut down. Both texts describe people throwing luggage overboard, with both actually using that term. Both ships are run aground and both have all the passengers surviving.

The island in The Tempest and the islands of Bermuda are described in Strachey's letter, in Sylvester Jourdain's the Discovery of the Bermudas and in Shakespeare's play as being full of devils. The island being part desert and part temperate is mentioned in both, as is oak and cedar wood, which was used to rebuild a ship. Moreover, Strachey's letter and The Tempest mention owls, beetles, bats and toads. In addition, plots against the leadership, dereliction of guard duty, failure to share in the work and desertion are all described in both texts. Even encountering Native Americans and the cannibal Caliban link the two stories as well. Strachey, when recalling the very brief history of Bermuda, mentions a Gonzalus Ferdinandus Oviedus, who may have been the first European to see Bermuda. Intriguingly, "Shakespeare's" characters include Gonnzalo and Ferdinand. Is this mere coincidence?

Although Sora does note that Edward de Vere (a good friend of Bacon), and Christopher Marlowe are alternative candidates for writing Shakespeare's plays, both were dead by the time the Tempest was supposed to have been written. It should also be noted that at least one Baconian proverb "Thought is free" is exactly mirrored in The Tempest. To show Bacon's ongoing connection to Bermuda it should be mentioned that the crest of Sir Francis Bacon contains a wild boar, which is identical to the heraldic device of Bermuda. Indeed, as Bermuda became incorporated into the Virginia Colony it minted coinage called "hog money", another clear reference to Bacon. Bacon's crest was on one side and a picture of a sailing ship was on the other. However, King James I would prohibit the circulation of this money.

Finally, as I mentioned above, some have posited that the character of Prospero was possibly based on and inspired by John Dee, someone William Shakespeare is hardly likely to have known but Sir Francis Bacon knew well from their days together at court and through the intellectual circles both men moved in.

If Bacon didn't actually write The Tempest, it certainly would seem to contain a lot of his thinking and ideas that would suggest at the very least that he oversaw its composition and writing as some kind of editor in chief.


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Advanced Science within the Crystal Skulls

You may recall that last year that I posted an article with the title ‘The 13 Crystal Skulls Legend and Prophecy’, which incorporated an article written by the late alternative researcher Philip Coppens on another ancient skull called “Compassion”, with a detachable jaw like that of the famous Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. I finished that article by drawing attention to a recent book on crystal skulls by Paulinne Delcour-Min and musing on the advanced science at work that may be hidden within these ancient skulls:​

Apart from this article [i.e., Philip Coppen’s article] I recently learned through Nexus Magazine of a new book on crystal skulls called ‘Holy Ice: Past Lives and Crystal Skulls’ by Paulinne Delcour-Min. In 1998 Delcour-Min, a past life therapist, was compelled, so she claims, to have a private sitting with the ancient quartz skull known as Sha Na Ra when Native American elders brought crystal skulls to England on the Wolf Song tour. You may recall that Sha Na Ra was one of the crystal skulls featured in my previous article. Apparently, she asked the skull a question about her life and future and it showed her the answer in a picture that appeared deep within the crystal. The picture was detailed and sharp and confirmed to her that the mysterious things she had read about the skulls were true. This then led her to research the legend of the crystal skulls by using her skills with past life memory recall.

Now I have not read her book and cannot vouch for what she is claiming for the skulls. However, her mention of seeing a picture deep within the skull made me think about what the C’s have said about reflective remolecularisation imaging as regards the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and what Wolfram von Eschenbach said about the names of people called to serve the Holy Grail appearing in lettering that could be viewed on the edge of the Grail. It strikes me that there is an advanced science at work hidden within these ancient skulls, which our modern technology still needs to get to grips with. These skulls may also be subject to a frequency fence or occlusion in the way in which the Grail is, which means only those persons with the right soul disposition or frequency vibration may be able to access the information the skulls have locked away inside their crystal structures.

It was whilst re-reading Joseph’s Farrell’s trilogy of books on ‘The Giza Death Star’ that I came across an account of the scientific tests that Hewlett-Packard had run on the Mitchell-Hedges Skull in the 1960’s, the results of which surprised the investigating technicians. I am setting out Farrell’s account of these tests below, which should be read in the light of comments made recently on this and other threads by various Forum members. I will follow this up by quoting the musings and conjectures of Joseph Farrell on the special properties inherent in certain crystals that might explain some of the extraordinary functions and capabilities that are claimed in connection with these ancient crystal skulls.​

The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull

Quoting from Joseph Farrell’s book The Giza Death Star:

That artifact is the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. This solid quartz crystal, discovered by the daughter of the British archaeologist F.A, Mitchell-Hedges whilst both were on an archaeological dig in British Honduras [now Belize] in the 1920’s, is like the Great Pyramid at Giza one of the world’s most ancient, perfect, and anomalous artifacts. It was discovered at Laubaantum [although Mitchell-Hedges’ account of the Skull’s finding has been called into question by sceptics], a massive Mayan centre built sometime around the 8th or 9th centuries AD,

But what is so anomalous about a solid quartz crystal model of a human skull, beyond its recovery at an ancient Mayan archaeological site?

In the 1960’s, Anna Mitchell-Hedges brought the skull to the attention of noted art conservator Frank Dorland, who was instrumental in the authentication of the Icon of the Black Virgin of Kazan. Unlike most works of art, Dorland immediately recognized one problem: “there was no legend, no myth, no record, no reference to go on.” In other words, the Mayans were unusually quiet about this most remarkable work of art, if indeed, that is what it was intended to be, for the skull began to divulge some very peculiar properties to the mystified Dorland.

Underneath his microscope, Dorland began to discover incredible optics of a very sophisticated nature. Halfway back in the roof of the mouth of the Skull, there is a broad, flat plane similar to a 45-degree prism. This surface can direct light from beneath the Skull into the eye sockets.

If the Skull were placed on a stone altar having a concealed interior firebox and a light hole up through the stone to where the Skull is sitting, the flickering flames could be reproduced visually as being alive in the eye sockets. There is also a thin ribbon-like surface carved next to this flat plane that could act as a magnifying reading glass. Next to the 45-degree prism there is a natural ribbon prism. Extending through the more than six inches of solid quartz crystal, this channel is free from veils and inclusions. Print viewed through this is not only legible but also undistorted and only slightly magnified.

Behind the intentionally carved prism, there is a concave and convex surface that acts as a light gatherer to bounce the light to the 45-degree prism and out to the eye sockets. The back of the Skull is formed as a beautiful camera lens, gathering light anywhere from the rear and reflecting it into the eye sockets.”

*Quoted from Alice Bryan and Phyllis Galde’s ‘The Message of the Crystal Skull: From Atlantis to the New Age’.

The sophisticated optics are our primary interest here, as they bear directly on the possible technology that built the Pyramid. Up against such a daunting display of optics in what presumably was only an artifact of religious art, Dorland decided to take the Skull to the Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Santa Clara, California to be tested.

There, the mysterious nature of the anomaly only grew. The technicians at Hewlett-Packard:

… performed two significant tests on the Crystal Skull. Submerging it in a bath of index-matching benzyl alcohol and viewing it under a polarised light, they determined that it had been cut without regard to the axis and that it was a single crystal. The orientation of the X-Y axis and the “veils” revealed by the polarised light showed that the jawbone, now a completely separate piece, had originally come from the same piece of crystal … One worker said: “There is no way of proving its age …”

Even among people familiar with crystal and its properties, it raised as many questions as were answered. The exquisite workmanship and high gloss of the finish cause it to appear brand new, but it was the consensus of the lab experts that, given a crystal of the same size, the foremost producers of crystal components in the world today could not possibly produce a crystal of comparable quality.

So, there it is: a non-dateable solid quartz crystal human skull. with prisms and ribbons “carved” on the inside of the skull, which in turn is carved from a single piece of quartz with a lapidary skill not possessed today, found in an ancient Mayan site, for which no explanation exists coming from that society.

I should add that Philip Coppens in his article had this to say about the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull, which lends support to what the Hewlett-Packard technicians had to say about it, as quoted above:​

“It stands out for it is by far the most complex, and the only skull with a detachable jaw, meaning that whoever made this, was a master artist in carving crystal – able to create a feat that modern carvers have been unable to accomplish. Gerald Leandro De Souza, a master skull carver from Brazil with 25 years of experience behind him, notes that “the process of cutting the jaw from a skull causes the jaw to break and is almost impossible for skull carvers to accomplish.

Still, sceptics, principally led by Jane Walsh, an anthropologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, try to argue that all these skulls are of modern fabrications. So far, none of the claims made by Walsh and co. have been substantiated, let alone supported by factual evidence. Specifically, Walsh tries to point the finger to Germany and the town of Idar-Oberstein, arguing most of these skulls were carved there by the resident artists. However, no records of skull carving have ever been found there; there are no records of any carver doing carving in the middle of the 19th century when some of these skulls are said to have been made. In short, Walsh’s theories remain totally unsubstantiated – not very scientific!”

I recently watched a documentary produced by the Smithsonian TV Channel, which led me subsequently to post comments on this thread. The lead presenter and investigator was none other than Jane Walsh of the Smithsonian Museum. She relied on electron microscope analysis to determine that the crystal skulls held in the London Museum, the Paris Museum and the Smithsonian Museum itself were all modern fakes. She came to the same conclusion about the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull as well. However, as the Hewlett-Packard technician had pointed out “There is no way of proving its age …”

The C’s have made it quite clear that the Mayans carved the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, but they didn’t say when. Although the Mayans were one group of the “red skinned” Atlanteans who survived the Deluge, we cannot know whether they carved it before or after the Deluge. However, we do know from the C’s that the Atlanteans were masters in crystal technology. Whether such technologically advanced skills working with crystals survived for a significant period after the Deluge is impossible to determine at this removal in time, unless we ask the C’s directly. It is telling though that the C’s said the “skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularization imaging. Grays do this with abductees.”

The reference to “reflective remolecularization imaging” leads me to link this with what the C’s have said about TDARM’s or ‘Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularization Machines’. Does this suggest that crystal skulls such as the Mitchell-Hedges Skull could be used to teleport things or to generate or regenerate matter? If so, these are properties also shared with the Holy Grail or Matriarch Stone. Teleportation involves breaking down an object into an energy wave (perhaps one of pure light or photons – a “beam of light”) and then reassembling it at another point in space and time. The object would become pure information capable of being transmitted in much the same way that a computer can process electronic information or data that will eventually hit our computer screens as light-based images. In some ways this points to our own reality being in essence a virtual reality, as depicted in the Matrix movies. However, scientists have in recent years created a material that allows computers to store and transfer information using light instead of electricity, which will facilitate the development of optical computers capable of processing data at the speed of light – see Computers That Use Light Instead of Electricity Will Be Here Within 10 Years ( Incidentally, I note that this breakthrough was made by researchers from the University of Surrey (my local university) in collaboration with researchers from the University of Cambridge and the University of Southampton. Perhaps the Atlantians anticipated such a breakthrough by several thousand years and the crystal skulls bear witness to this.​

Remolecularization, Teleportation and Projections

Before returning to Joseph Farrell’s work, I think it would be worthwhile to set out what the C’s have said in the transcripts about remolecularization and teleportation since it may give us a clue to how the crystal skulls could have functioned in this manner.

Session dated 25 October 1994:​

Q: (L) What procedure or technology do the Grays use to pass through solid matter?

A: Transdimensional atomic rearrangement.

Q: (L) How do aliens transport themselves or others on beams of light?

A: By electron focusing and previous answer.

Session dated 2 November 1994

Q: (L) Who carved the crystal skull found in Central America?

A: Mayans.

Q: (L) What was the purpose of that skull?

A: Study brain. Long message follows pause: Now: skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularization imaging. Grays do this with abductees.

Q: (L) Through what kind of instrument.

A: Energy focusing

*MJF: So, perhaps the crystal skull was used for energy focusing? The terms “focusing” and “lensing” are synonymous, which may provide us with a connection to Baphomet and why it is most probably the Holy Grail. See also the session dated 26 February 2002 below,

Session 22 June 1996:

Q: (L) Is this movement through the antimatter universe, is this what people perceive in their abductions as the "wall of fire?" The coming apart? The demolecularizing?

A: No. That is TransDimensional Atomic Remolecularization.

Session 7 June 1997:

Q: … Iron is an element of blood, haemoglobin, and is easily magnetized... there is some new work about iron and magnetite in the brains of people who are psychic or have 'abduction' experiences... is it the magnetism?

A: Yes....

Q: Is it something that holds one more firmly in 3rd density, and the elimination of it enables one to switch densities... or...

A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the "smoke screen" really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density??

MJF: So, we learn from the above that magnetite may assist in facilitating a transfer (teleportation) back and forth at will. We also get a clue here as to the ultimate goal of the alchemists, which was to transform their existing third density nature into a higher (4th density) nature, which may now make more sense of Sir Francis Bacon’s Formula of Interpretation, which I posted on the thread on 10th August. Note here that his reference to “whiteness” may be an alchemical reference to the white powder of monoatomic gold sought by the alchemists, which has interdimensional qualities (it can disappear and then reappear). When applied to human beings, the term may also relate to what the C’s have called the “Whitehouse”.

Session 2 May 1998:

A: What does "Casablanca" mean in Spanish?
Q: White House

Session 20 August 2001:

Q: What is important about "White House?"
A: Future Hit 4th density.
Q: Future what 4th density?
A: Hit.
Q: (A) What was the question? (L) What is important about white house.
A: Go to 4th density through there.
Q: What does white house actually mean? Is it a building, or does it have an esoteric meaning?
A: Genetic structure.
Q: So it's a "house" more in the sense of the Green Language in the Babel book?
A: Yes.

See Bacon’s Ladder of the Intellect below:
We should not forget here that the C’s once said that what 4th density STS achieves by technology (e.g., TDARMs), 4th density STO can achieve naturally. The C’s have since elaborated further on the abilities that people will be capable of at 4th density:

Session 30 May 2009:

Q: (L) Does it have something to do with being able to manifest or feed people energy literally?

A: Yes

Q: (S) So instead of visiting McDonalds, we'll go visit McLaura or something? (laughter)

A: Stop thinking third density.

Q: (Joe) Maybe it's like you'll be able to absorb nutrients from the environment and then somehow energetically give them to others.

A: Think of the Maruts and their baskets from "heaven".
{This reference is to material in “The Secret History of the World”}

Q: (L) So in other words, we're talking about being able to somehow manifest from higher dimensions or other dimensions, or direct manifestation of what is needed, i.e., the loaves and fishes?

A: More or less.

As regards the Maruts, the C’s had more to say about their abilities in the session dated 16 July 2009:

Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...

A: A "conduit" maybe?

Q: (L) But anyhow, does that idea make sense? (Ark) Well, theoretically it makes sense. But my question is suppose it is done. And it has probably been done by many people. What are the visible consequences?

A: Under the right circumstances, with knowledge, awareness and, most important of all, BEING (letters came very slowly in contrast to the rest of the message, which was fast), there can be openings of portals for many purposes. Remember the Maruts and their baskets? How about a little "travel" if needed for a positive purpose?
[MJF: Could this relate to future time travel perhaps – see recent transcript threads on this?]

Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or
needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)

A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

Hence, it would seem from the above that at 4th density some people will be capable of direct manifestations rather than relying on technology. The connection between magnetite and our “higher centres” (the “White House”?) was further elaborated on in the following excerpt from the transcripts:​

Q: (L) Okay, what else?

A: Just as detoxing the body can lead to abundant health, so can detoxing the mind and environment lead to abundant life and happiness for all. But as was the "fall", it must be a group decision and the differences and pathological blocks to objective understanding must be removed.

Q: (L) In other words, there's no hope for our planet or our species if normal human beings do not come together and get over these varied pathological belief systems and religions and "your truth" and "my truth" and all that sort of thing?

A: Yes. All of that was created and spread by pathological types under the influence of their hyperdimensional masters for the purpose of turning this planet into a "hell on earth" with them as the masters. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centres. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there are other methods to accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.

This process of making direct contact with one’s higher centre is, of course, related to the concept of building one's magnetic centre. The C's had this to say about the connection between the magnetic and higher centres:​

A: There are no such. This is a corrupted conceptualization based on the false belief that the activation of the physical endocrine system is the same as the creation and fusion of the magnetic centre. The higher centres are only "seated" by being "magnetized."

However, it seems that some people in the past were capable of accessing their higher centres and, as a result, achieved super abilities such as direct manifestation, teleportation and levitation. Chaco Canyon in New Mexico would appear to be one such place where this occurred.

This process of making direct contact with one’s higher centre is, of course, related to the concept of building one's magnetic centre. The C's had this to say about the connection between the magnetic and higher centres:​

A: There are no such. This is a corrupted conceptualization based on the false belief that the activation of the physical endocrine system is the same as the creation and fusion of the magnetic centre. The higher centres are only "seated" by being "magnetized."

However, it seems that some people in the past were capable of accessing their higher centres and, as a result, achieved super abilities such as direct manifestation, teleportation and levitation. Chaco Canyon in New Mexico would appear to be one such place where this occurred.​

Session dated 4 July 2009:

Q: (L) Okay, enough on that. Next? (A**) I was gonna ask about Chaco Canyon. What was it built for?

A: Gathering place for those of unusual abilities.

Q: (A***) Did anybody actually live there?

A: More like a "conference centre."

Q: (A**) So what happened to the people that used it?

A: Change of cosmic environment followed by earthly difficulties such as famine, climate etc.

Q: (J) What kind of things did those people with unusual abilities do when they gathered together?

A: Well, levitate, for one; direct manifestation for another; and "travel
". [
MJF: Compare also with the Ancient Britons dancing at Stonehenge and levitating. By “travel”, do they mean time travel?]

Q: (Allen) So, could they travel from one spot on the planet to another?

A: Yes.

Q: (A*l) Could they teleport?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Teleport... These weren't your average human beings then. (laughter)

A: No not exactly, but it wasn't the same environment you currently enjoy either.

Q: (A**) Where did these people come from?

A: Remnant Atlanteans. Descendants for the word sticklers.

Q: (L) I think that's because once, somebody made a big deal out of them saying "remnants of Atlantis" and they meant descendants. (A*l) Do they mean that if our environment wasn't so polluted that we could have super powers? (L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such change soon.

Q: (A*l) Are we going to become super again?

A: Some will.

Q: (A**) Will we have superpowers like this idiot savant guy... (Allen) He's not an idiot savant, just a savant. (A**) Okay, the savant guy... (C) Daniel Tammet.

A: Some will. That is much like 4D experience.

Q: (A**) So we'll be able to like feel and see numbers?

A: Hear colours...

Q: (A**) That's cool! (C) So does that mean that he's kind of an advanced person or...

A: Not necessarily advanced, but just the luck of the genes so to say. That sort of thing, and much else, is coded in many and now and then it activates.

Q: (A**) So, it was activated by his seizure? It did something to his brain?

A: Partly, yes.

The C’s also said something similar about the people who built the Hypogeum in Malta in the session dated 5 August 2009:

Q: (L) Okay, next question: Who built the Hypogeum in Malta?

A: Ancient "circle people".

Q: (L) And for what purpose?

A: Rebirth, healing, manifestation. See answers previously given about Chaco Canyon

Returning to the theme of transdimensional atomic remolecularization, the C’s made a connection between this process and that of 4th density projections in the session dated 21 November 1998:​

Q: (M) He says: I’ve had three experiences with aliens, who kindly provided me with silicone beads of some kind. Were these physical abductions or just projections?

A: One begets the other. A projection involves transdimensional

This, I think, is an important clue as regards the process of creating 4th density projections and enabling teleportation, which may also be linked to the concept of time travel as well (think here of the Philadelphia Experiment where the USS Eldridge travelled or teleported both through time and space). The C’s expounded upon this point in the following excerpt from the transcripts:
Q: (L) I would like to know what is the specific mode of time travel?
A: Transdimensional transfer utilizing electromagnetic adjustment of atomic structure to alter speed of time cycle convergence.
Q: (L) Who or what are the individuals called “Men in Black”?
A: Lizard projections.
Q: (T) Does that mean that they are just projecting an image of a being?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The MIBS are not real, then, in our physical terms?
A: Partly correct. You do not understand technology, but we will describe it if you like.
Q: (L) We like. Please describe this.
A: Okay. Get ready. First we must explain further time “travel” because the two concepts are closely related. The first step is to artificially induce an electromagnetic field. This opens the door between dimensions of reality. Next, thoughts must be channelled by participant in order to access reality bonding channel. They must then focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge. The electrons must be arranged in correct frequency wave. Then the triage must be sent through realm “curtain” in order to balance perceptions at all density levels. Triage is as follows: 1. Matter, 2. Energy, 3. Perception of reality.

This then leads us on to the link between the Holy Grail, which was kept in the Ark of the Covenant, and the TDARM buried on Oak Island. Both these devices would seem to be capable of atomic remolecularization.
Session dated 11 April 1998:

A: The Ark of the Covenant is not what you think it is.

Q: You guys said that it was a power cell. I don't have some sort of romantic idea of it. I can accept that. But there are all these stories about it and a lot of people have mythologized it. What do you mean by saying such a thing. What is the Ark?

A: See Oak Island.
{Trans-dimensional Atomic Remolecularizer?}

Q: It seems that the Templars were in charge of building the Cathedral at Chartres, and there is a tableaux on one of the porches of Melchizedek and the Queen of Sheba. Equidistant between them is the Ark of the Covenant in a cart. Melchizedek is holding a cup that is supposed to be the Holy Grail. Inside this cup is a cylindrical object of stone. What is this?

A: Greater sight.

Q: What?! (A) Is it a symbol or a device?

A: Why cannot it be both?

Q: (A) It can be both, but is it both?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) So, it is a device for greater sight like a crystal ball, yes?

A: Only when utilized exactly precisely.

And the C’s subsequently gave us a clue to this precise utilisation in the session dated 26 February 2002:

Q: (L) We were making some theories about this object that Vincent Bridges was looking for - the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Grail. I believe that we understand that this is an object that is of great usefulness, some kind of lensing device. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

A lensing device, possibly a specially constructed crystal skull like Baphomet, might therefore help in channelling one’s thoughts in order to access a reality bonding channel and then to focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge to achieve teleportation, manifestation or time travel.
The Phi or Black Crystals.

Returning now to Joseph Farrell and his comments on crystal skulls, he also connected the use of special crystals to the operation of the Great Pyramid. Joseph Farrell is very much alive to the possibility that what he calls the “Paleoancient Very High Civilisation” (Atlantis to you and me) may have had a hand in producing the crystal skulls and wired into them some kind of technology (perhaps nanotechnology) allowing for light to be used in advanced ways. Quoting from The Giza Death Star:​

So, what might the Great Pyramid’s missing components have been? What was, in fact, once inside the Grand Gallery? I believe that [Christopher] Dunn is essentially correct. They were some sort of acoustic resonators, arrayed in banks that fit into the slots on the side ramps. But as [Zechariah] Sitchin’s texts indicate, they were also much more than these. I believe they were artificial crystals whose crystalline structure as well as their overall geometric configuration were carefully – and at great expense – engineered to be optically and acoustically resonant to the three systems – terrestrial, solar and galactic – that the Pyramid was coupled to. The Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull is evidence that there once existed a very sophisticated knowledge of crystals. This solution seems to fit the evidence adduced by Dunn and Sitchin.

In a footnote, Farrell proposes that the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull may not have been carved in any standard sense of bulk technology but may have been grown instead from the inside out by some process of nanotechnology. He thinks such a technology would have allowed for the construction of the types of acoustically and optically resonant crystals he is speaking of. However, although the C’s have confirmed that the Atlanteans were masters at producing artificial or synthetic crystals, they did not contradict Laura when she used the word “carved”:​

“Q: (L) Who carved the crystal skull found in Central America?

A: Mayans”

Moreover, Jane Walsh of the Smithsonian Museum (assuming her report is accurate) claimed that the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull showed signs of tool marks under an electron microscope, which suggests it was carved rather than grown. It should be noted though that Farrell is not suggesting that the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull was one of the crystals used in the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid. Hence, his argument that the crystals. which he thinks were present in the Grand Gallery, could have been artificially grown using nanotechnology may still be valid. He does not even rule out that some of these crystals may have been in liquid form.

In his book. he goes on to speculate whether the crystals located in the Grand Gallery could have been what he describes as being “phi” (ϕ) or “Black” crystals. Quoting Farrell:​

There is a long tradition within occult and esoteric literature that associates certain crystals and gemstones with various zodiacal constellations. Viewed from the standpoint of “paleophysical hermeneutic”, these traditions may well represent some preservation of that sophisticated paleophysics that was engineered in the Giza Death Star. Of primary interest are the traditions that associate sapphires with Giza.

At this point, Farrell quotes the alternative researcher William Henry’s book One Foot in Atlantis: The Secret Occult History of World War II and Its Impact on New Age Politics:

According to lore, The Book of the Angel Raziel was inscribed on a sapphire stone – the Stone of Destiny – and was once in the possession of Thoth/Enoch who, its is said, gave it out as its own work, i.e., the Book of Enoch/Thoth. In the legend of the Jews from Primitive Times we learn that, like the Key of Life, Adam gave the stone to Seth, who gave it to Enoch, who passed it to Noah, where it develops that Noah learned how to build the Ark by poring over the Book.”

Henry cited Robert Graves the English poet and historian (who wrote The White Goddess), and Raphael Patai (Hebrew Myths) as his sources for the above. Farrell also points out that Edgar Cayce in some of his visions of Atlantean technology had referred to certain crystals in connection with gravity and destruction – e.g., the “terrible mighty crystal” (the Stone of Fire), which brought destruction.​

Farrell, citing Rene Guenon, then states that:

This “Destiny Stone” was maintained, “along with other power tools”, in the Great Pyramid. In a Hebrew legend, Abraham and Sarah discovered the rumoured “Hall of Records” beneath the Sphinx. In it they found Thoth perfectly preserved and the prized “Emerald Tablets”. William Henry speculated that these tablets held some key for “opening gateways to other parts of the universe.”

One can dismiss this out of hand if you wish but the C’s have confirmed that Abraham/Moses and Nefertiti/Sarah did steal the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail from Pharaoh Akhenaten. Whether they found it beneath the Sphinx, the C’s did not say but they have confirmed that there is still a capsule of sorts buried somewhere under the Sphinx. We have, of course, looked at the Emerald Tablets of Thoth (Hermes) before. However, if the Destiny Stone is the same as the Emerald Tablets (or Table), we do know that the Grail or Matriarch Stone was used to transport a group of Kantekkians from Kantek to Earth, so could the Grail be the Destiny Stone and/or the Emerald Tablets that can open up gateways (portals) through time and space?​

Farrell goes on to say that Henry speculates on what this sapphire “destiny stone” may have done. Referring to the angels in the Biblical Jacob’s (Abraham/Moses) vision of the Ladder, Henry stating:

“Are we to learn from Jacob’s experience that
  • The angels have the god-like ability to take the quantum equations of the three great German philosophers [scientists] Einstein, Heisenberg and Plank and dissolve solid, molecular-atomic matter into cluster waves of information and reassemble these waves into alternate forms? …
  • Acquiring the Stone of Destiny is a prerequisite for making this pact?
I tend to think this Stone is the critical power tool”.

Farrell thinks this is correct. He states that the sapphire “Destiny Stone” is one of the most important components of the now-missing interior of the Giza Death Star (Great Pyramid) but not for any occult reason.

However, we know from what the C’s have said that a TDARM (including the Grail here) can dissolve solid, molecular-atomic matter into cluster waves of information, send them through the conduit of the Antimatter Universe or hyperspace and reassemble these waves elsewhere – a process otherwise known as teleportation. Farrell goes on to state that:​

If one digs underneath the name “destiny stone” to the possible paleophysics the name is trying to preserve, one comes on a rather interesting set of associations, “Destiny”, in occult terms is linked with time, with the astrological signs of the zodiac. In more modern terms, it is linked to the geometric configuration of the planets and constellations, i.e., to the “gravitational harmonics” of space itself and therefore to the planetary positions, masses, angular momenta and so on. “Destiny”, in other words, is the legacy civilisation’s shorthand for the paleophysical knowledge of the “interconnectedness between time, gravitational energy, acoustics and geometry”.”

Farrell had previously noted that sapphire has been used in experiments (Russian led – ref. Vladimir Braginski) to detect gravitational energy (waves) or very small quantum gravitational fluctuations acoustically. He then states that if one were to use such sapphire or other crystals to couple acoustic, electromagnetic, nuclear and gravitational energy in a weapon (i.e., the Giza Death Star), such crystals must have had some unusual properties not found in natural crystals. He then speculates:​

We now enter an area of sheer speculation. Such crystals may have been artificially engineered not so much to refract light but to “capture” or absorb light via peculiar lattice properties. Such properties would give these crystals some very peculiar characteristics. I call these artificial crystals “ϕ” or “black crystals”.

Such “phi” or “Black Crystals” would palpably resemble black holes and superconductors since such phi” crystals would also be analogous to a super-conductor “imprisoning” electromagnetic energy by rotating electromagnetic fields inside of it by dint of its peculiar refractive and lattice properties

He hypothesises that these phi or Black Crystals would absorb both EM, acoustic, and gravitational waves to the point that the crystal would exhibit mass and time dilation effects in local space and local time.​

This makes me recall that early on the C’s suggested to Laura and company that they should research unstable gravity waves.

Superconductors, DNA and ORME’s

If Farrell is correct in his speculations, could the pure crystal skull known as Baphomet (which in my view may be the Holy Grail) have been engineered so as to trap light and electromagnetic energy and act like a superconductor? If you then combine this superconductive effect with a human operator using his mind to operate the skull, could the power then generated by the skull be enough to blow open the bonds of normal time and space so as to permit manifestation, regeneration and teleportation? It should also be born in mind here that the C’s have said that human DNA itself is a superconductor:
Session 21 December 1996:

(A) What is the function of DNA, other than coding protein production?

A: Conductor of electricity.


Q: (A) Is DNA acting as a superconductor?

A: Yes!!!


(A) Is DNA superconducting?

A: Variably.

Even if Farrell is wrong in his speculations, could Baphomet (or the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull for that matter) as the Grail have been designed to work in conjunction with the human mind and the right kind of superconductive human DNA, so as to facilitate manifestation (functioning here in the role of the ‘Gift of God’), regeneration and teleportation?

Oddly, the man who may have answered this question for us is the Scottish antiquarian and author Laurence Gardner whose work we have encountered before in relation to his book The Shadow of Solomon: The Lost Secrets of the Freemasons Revealed.

In his book Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Gardner makes some interesting observations on the peculiar properties of high-spin and the monoatomic elements (i.e., Orbitally Re-Arranged Monoatomic Elements or “ORME’s” for short) such as David Hudson’s white powdered gold – the Egyptian “Mfkzt”. Gardner noted that ORME’s apparently are superconductors. Farrell himself points out that a superconductor is different from an ordinary electric conductor in that it conducts electricity by virtue of its inherent resonant frequency. That is, the superconductor has a specific frequency and also conducts electricity of that frequency. Superconductors can also be linked to each other via this frequency, the so-called “quantum coherence” property. As such, light itself can transfer between two such superconductors. Farrell then quotes Gardner where the latter states:​

“By this same means any amount of energy can be stored in a superconductor and transferred over any distance on a quantum wave which knows no boundaries of space or time.”

That is to say that superconductivity appears to be linked to the phenomenon of non-locality (ref. Bell’s Theorem) and quantum entanglement.

If this is true, does this suggest that where a human being’s DNA (perhaps their brain waves too) matches the specific frequency of the crystal skull and both conduct electricity within them at that same resonant frequency, light itself can then transfer between the two superconductors and be transferred by quantum entanglement over a distance on a quantum wave – in other words “teleportation” may occur?

Remember that Gardner is of the view that the Philosopher’s Stone or Holy Grail is the white monoatomic gold rediscovered by David Hudson in the late 20th Century but known about by the ancient Egyptians and alchemists down through the ages, such as Sir Francis Bacon (ref. “Whiteness”). Gardner made a link here between the coffer in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid at Giza and monoatomic gold. He observed that when the Great Pyramid was first opened in relatively modern times by the Caliph Al-Maimoun in the 9th Century they entered the King’s Chamber and found as described by Gardner:​

Then as today, the only furniture was a lidless hollowed granite coffer, containing not a body but a layer of a mysterious powdery substance. This was superficially determined to be grains of feldspar and mica, which are both minerals of the aluminium silicate group.

During the course of the recent white powder research, aluminium and silica were two of the constituent elements revealed by conventional analysis of a granular sample known to be a 100% platinum group compound … more rigorous analysis reveals it as the platinum group metals iridium and rhodium in the high-spin state. In view of this, the once sealed King’s Chamber appears to have been contrived as a superconductor,
capable of transporting the pharaoh to another dimension of space-time through his polar magnetic aura.”

Farrell in his book The Giza Death Star Destroyed points out that the dimensions of the “Coffer” in the King’s Chamber are more or less those of the biblical Ark of the Covenant (ref. Bluegazer’s recent post on this point), which was an object made from wood and gold. Thus, Farrell posits that if the Coffer in its operative state included or contained any monoatomic element, then it may have functioned as some sort of superconductor and was a device designed to access quantum coupling and non-locality. In short, it was a non-linear acoustic resonant cavity relying, perhaps, on the non-local superconductive qualities of a monoatomic element.​

In a bizarre way, the C’s may have given indirect confirmation or corroboration of Farrell and Gardner’s ideas in the following excerpt from the transcripts, which just happens to involve something called a “CoFERS”:

Session dated 7 June 1997:

Q: Well, I can't go any further with that because I know nothing about railguns, not even what they are. Now, let me read this text:

"I have recently come into possession of a paper on magneto-gravitics and field resonance systems, presented by A.C. Holt from NASA Johnson Space Centre to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' 16th Joint Propulsion Conference, June 30-July 2, 1980. Holt presents a project using an already existing system known as the Coherent Field and Energy Resonance System (CoFERS) [probably located at Los Alamos Labs' High Magnetic Field Research Laboratory]. CoFERS utilizes a toroidal-shaped energy guide with megagauss magnetic field sources located along radius vectors equally spaced around the toroid. CoFERS is shaped like a thick flying disc. Holt goes on to say: "By converting an object's normal space-time energy pattern to an energy pattern which differs substantially from the normal pattern, the gravitational forces acting on the object are changed. The object's new pattern interacts with the surrounding space-time and virtual energy patterns, such that the interactive forces are substantially altered. The alteration of the characteristics of the continuous field of force results in the apparent motion of the object *through space-time*." [...]

"Since the gravitational forces acting on the propulsion system can be quickly altered to achieve the desired motion, the *spacecraft* can make right-angle turns at very-high velocities without adversely affecting the crew or system elements. The effective gravitational field the *spacecraft/ aircraft* experiences can be nearly simultaneously reoriented at a 90-degree angle, resulting in a smooth continuous motion as far as the occupants are concerned." [ ... ]

"The gravimagnetic system is perhaps best suited for use in and around ... a large mass such as the Earth."

"While the gravimagnetic system is likely to be the first field-dependent propulsion system developed, the field resonance system will **bring stellar and galactic travel out of the realm of science fiction**. The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distant space-time point. According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established, (using hydromagnetic wave fine- tuning techniques), the spacecraft will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns. At the same time, through the virtual many-dimensional structure of space-time, a very strong attraction with the virtual pattern of a distant space-time point will exist. ...this combination of very strong forces will result in the translocation of the spacecraft from its initial position through the many-dimensional virtual structure to the distant space-time point. [ ... ]

"A space-time 'jump' already appears to be supported by astrophysical research."

Having read this text, my thought is that it is very similar to what I was talking about earlier today, and which was explicated by Karl von Eckertshausen in regard to the 'violin allegory.' That is, that a violin string tuned to a particular pitch, if plucked, will cause the identical string on another violin across the room tuned to the same pitch to sound also. However, it seems that what they are doing here is setting up a 'pitch' in this object which actually exists somewhere else. And, by creating this resonance, it 'becomes' or disappears from this point in space/time where its resonance is no longer appropriate and reappears at the point in space/time where the 'tuned resonance' actually exists. It is both virtual and real. The question is: Is this text on the right track, and am I understanding it correctly?

A: Propulsion system for 3rd and 4th density Alien spacecraft.

Q: That is the propulsion system?

A: Very close, yes.

Q: Is my understanding close to correct?

A: Well, that is a clever anecdotal parallel as it matches conceptually, which is really the point, isn't it?

Q: The point? Are you saying that the anecdote is more to the point than what this paper is saying?

A: In terms of consciousness, which is why everything exists ultimately, and with gravity as the "glue" that holds all on physical and ethereal planes together!

Q: Is the object to 'dematerialize' or is the object to transpose something that is material to some other point in space/time? I mean, when you collapse the gravity wave, is it necessarily that the object or person 'dematerializes' or 'disappears' from this point...

A: Break the veil of "time" and dematerialization is no longer necessary, because one enters the realm of pure consciousness, where the illusion of physicality serves no longer, a purpose.

Q: Is it an issue for one to be able to retain internal coherence if one is no longer in a physical state?

A: Internal coherence can only be guaranteed in a purely non-physical "state". And this state is really only a state of mind, anyway!!

By the long arm of coincidence, this session just happened to involve also references to the teleportation to Tenerife of the Virgin of Candelaria and David Hudson’s monoatomic gold. If the Grail within the Ark of the Covenant was used within the Coffer in the King’s Chamber, could it have enabled teleportation or a space-time 'jump' in the same way that the Grail did once on Kantek?

Please note that Farrell is alive to the argument that Gardner’s ideas would discount his own theory that the Great Pyramid was a weapon system. However, he points out that Gardner’s proposal works if the Great Pyramid as a weapon system was abandoned but then was repurposed at some later date. As he says of Gardner’s stargate proposal:​

Any such interpretation put upon it perforce must be an interpretation not originally part of the intention of the design. This is not to invalidate such interpretations but merely to push them forward in history to a period when the Pyramid was being used and interpreted by those other than its original designers and builders.”

Indeed, the C’s themselves suggested that the Pyramid had been remodelled at one stage:

Session 5 October 1994:

Q: (L) Who built the great pyramid?

A: Atlanteans.

Q: (L) What year was it built?

A: 10643 years ago.

Q: (L) Why was it built? What purpose was it used for?

A: Capture cosmic energy.

Q: (L) And what was this cosmic energy used for once it was captured?

A: Many things. Power, transport, healing, mind control, climate, et cetera.

Session 31 December 1997:

Q: 'The first, the Great Pyramid, was formed approximately 6,000 of your years ago. Then, in sequence, after this performing by thought of the building or architecture of the great pyramid, using the more local or earthly material rather than thought form material to build other pyramidal structures.' Now, C's say: 'The Great Pyramid was built by Atlanteans 10,643 years ago.' The problem with this sentence is, we are not specific - we know we mean the Great Pyramid at Gizah. Okay...

A: No, Laura, no no no no !!!!! If your house is remodelled in 1998*, is that when it was built?

Q: No, that is not when it was built. Did the sentence you took out of the text say Atlanteans? (A) Yes, first you asked when and then by whom...

A: Atlantean Descendants, not Atlanteans!!

*This suggests to me that the Great Pyramid was refurbished for a particular new use (or uses) circa 4,000 B.C. It is also quite interesting to see the C’s saying the Pyramid was used for mind control. Crystals could have played a part in this since the C’s said elsewhere that the Atlanteans had mind controlled drone workers (think of the current HAARP array here as well).
Session 20 October 1994:

Q: What were Atlantean drone workers?

A: Slave people controlled by crystal.

You will note that the C’s mention a “crystal” not crystals. Could this crystal have been the Grail perhaps? If so, was it subsequently deployed inside the Great Pyramid for this same purpose?

However, we also know from the C’s that David Hudson’s monoatomic gold (the alchemists "elixir of life") can be used for mind control purposes too:
Session 16 September 1995:

Q: (L) Do these alchemists use this power as talked about by David Hudson to enhance their longevity and their physical health?

A: And to control.

Q: (L) Are there people in this enclave who live for literally hundreds, if not thousands, of years?

A: Open.

Q: (L) How does this monoatomic gold control others?

A: Too complex to answer tonight, as energy is waning

Session 18 November 1995:

Q: (L) Now, we have to stop for a minute because I want to tell you something. In the past few months, I have really been watching the sky carefully every opportunity I get. On 3 or 4 separate occasions I have seen what I thought was an ordinary airplane, and I would watch it carefully and then scan to the left or right, and when I looked back at the place where this plane should be, based on observable speed and direction, there would be NOTHING there. I have stood there and searched and searched and found nothing. These things just VANISHED. I knew I had seen it, I knew I wasn't crazy, I knew it couldn't have gone away that completely - and having it happen several times has just really unsettled me. What are the implications of this, other than the fact that we could be completely overflown at all times for any number of purposes and be, as a mass of people, completely unaware of it?

A: Yes, monoatomic gold!

Q: (L) And what does the reference to monoatomic gold mean?

A: Total entrapment of the being, mind, body and soul.

Q: (T) That's what Hudson said... on the video.

As to effects on the human mind, Farrell notes that Gardner had his mind on the effects such a device might have on the consciousness of anyone near it during its operation. Farrell points out that as a non-linear, non-local acoustic device, it is at the minimum a “stargate”, allowing a connection to higher dimensional spaces. He states that:

Any contact of a consciousness used to thinking in terms of the sensory data of 3-dimensional spaces with such higher dimensional spaces would, inevitably, undergo an “expansion” of consciousness.” Hence, if these clues are taken seriously, they suggest a machine at whose heart exists such non-local and/or hyperdimensional properties. As such, is it any wonder that so many people, including the ancient Egyptians, see in the Pyramid precisely a “stargate” or portal, a consciousness-expanding “initiatory machine” that bridges worlds.”

Continued in Part 2
Advanced Science within the Crystal Skulls: Part 2

The Magic Stones

Farrell restates in The Giza Death Star Destroyed his speculations on the use of Phi (ϕ) or Black Crystals in the Great Pyramid and how they may have been gravitationally and acoustically, as well as optically, resonant, having a kind of Fibonacci spiralling or “rotating” lattice structure and refractive index, which would thus seem to take on some properties of superconductors as well. In The Giza Death Star Destroyed, Farrell proposes that sapphire (and other crystals for that matter) can exist in a monoatomic state provided that a technique can be discovered to spin polarise their lattice structure to the degree evident in a monoatomic structure.

However, a monatomic element is an element that does not chemically or molecularly bond with itself or any other element, precisely because of its high spin state. Farrell ponders whether there may be some lost technology of building monoatomic elements into such molecules. He states that:​

Such a crystal would indeed be, to use the alchemist’s terms “most pure”, having little or no impurities or mixture with other substances, and it would posses a lattice structure lacking the ordinary Frenkel, Schottsky, screw and other types of defects of crystals one encounters in nature. Such crystals – if possible at all – would most likely have to be assembled from the atom up [MJF: using nanotechnology?]. They are, after all, monoatomic.”

I would mention here that when Laura discussed Baphomet with the C’s, they said it was made of pure crystal:

Q: Okay. I have several books on the subject. I will start tomorrow. Now, when the Templars were arrested, they were accused of worshipping a head, or skull, and also the god Baphomet. Were these spurious accusations designed to defame them?

A: Skull was of pure crystal.

Could this indicate that it might have had some of the properties Farrell is speaking of?

The Crystals of Power and the Crystal Skulls

Farrell draws upon Sitchin’s work in translating the epic Sumerian poems and texts, like the Enuma Elish and the Lugal-e, concerning the Anunnaki gods. The C’s did not seem that impressed by Sitchin’s work though. That does not necessarily mean to say that he got everything wrong, but he evidently made some poor interpretations, particularly about Nibiru. However, Farrell buys into Sitchin’s thesis that the Great Pyramid may have been a structure that was fought over in antiquity by the Anunnaki lords in what he called the Pyramid Wars. One character seems to have stood at the centre of these conflicts and that was Nergal.

Farrell claims that ancient Jewish tradition holds that Lucifer was the god of Mars and that when he fell from heaven the “stones of fire” that formed part of his crown were lost. Here Lucifer may be linked to the Sumerian Nergal. Farrell links these Sumerian stones of power called “ME’s” with “crystals of power” and with their use in weapon systems and especially weapons of mass destruction. This subject deserves a post in itself but for now I would contract Farrell’s account down to saying that at the end of Sitchin’s Pyramid Wars, the victors did an inventory of the stones located inside the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid and sanctioned either their destruction, their re-use elsewhere or their burial or hiding. In my view one of these stones may have been Baphomet or the Grail.

Farrell then notes that the apocalyptic atmosphere associated with some of these stones of “power” used in conjunction with weapons may have been mirrored in the native Indian traditions of some tribes in North and Central America and these traditions are attached quite specifically to the crystal skulls discussed in the first part of this article.

Farrell correctly notes that the Inca and Mayan-Aztec tribes traced the origins of their civilisations to a bearded, white-skinned race that came from beyond the seas, and even more particularly, to a winged serpent god – Virachoca or Quetzlcoatl – who taught them their laws and the basics of civilised existence. The C’s have confirmed these points:
Session dated 20 October 1994

Q: What white men were seen in South America and talked to the tribes there and promised to return one day and were worshipped as Gods.

A: Egyptians and Atlantean descendants.

Session 29 August 1998:

Q: It also says here that on this pyramid, at the time of the Spring and Autumn equinoxes, combined patterns of light and dark combine to create the illusion of a giant serpent undulating on the northern staircase. On each occasion the illusion lasts for 3 hours and 22 minutes exactly. What was this optical illusion created to convey?

A: Worship of serpentine deity.

Farrell notes that like Egypt, the Mayan myths and legends make it equally clear that they are a declined civilisation of something else that preceded them and was far more sophisticated.

Farrell then notes that from the descendants of the Aztec and Maya Indians of Central America, to the Navaho, Pueblo and even the Seneca and Cherokee tribes of North America, there are legends that speak of crystal skulls. There are some common features to these legends too. Most of them speak of 13 such skulls with “moveable jaws” that enable them to “speak or sing” [MJF: Cf, here with the Celtic myth of Bran’s talking head and the Greek myth of the decapitated head of Orpheus singing]. Another feature is that these were artifacts of a lost civilisation “left behind by our earliest ancestors” and in an odd parallel with the Sumerian and Egyptian tradition of such lost crystals of power, Farrell notes that to these aforementioned Indian tribes, the skulls are reputedly sources of knowledge and wisdom.​

However, unlike the Sumerian and Egyptian crystals of power, the Indian crystal skulls are linked with an apocalyptic prophecy of a:

Day, at a time of great crisis for humanity, all of these crystal skulls would be rediscovered and brought back together again to reveal their sacred knowledge, which would be vital to the very survival of the human race. But the legend also warned that when that time arrived, humanity would have to be suitably prepared and sufficiently evolved both morally and spiritually as the information the skulls contained could be greatly abused.”

Farrell believes that there are clear thematic similarities here with the Sumerian and Egyptian tales and legends of similar crystalline objects deposited in, or acting as, a Lost Hall of Records [MJF: think also here of Edgar Cayce’s prophecies of three such depositories being found one day]. For Farrell, these legends clearly indicate that in the distant past, there was some technology that was related to crystals, or that utilised them, and this technology was greatly abused or perverted. Farrell suggests this was because the technology was weaponised. Although this might be the case, the C’s have hinted that it may have also been because the crystals were used for mind control. In a re-run of Atlantian times, the PTB are preparing to use the HAARP array for similar purposes and the mobile telephone system is intended as a back-up to this plan. Of course, mobile telephones or cell phones use crystal technology (silica chips in this case) in their operation.

Farrell suggests that it is perhaps in the Cherokee version of the legend that one finds the most peculiar parallels of all with Sumerian tradition. In the Cherokee version of the legend there are indeed 13 crystal skulls, one for each of the “twelve planets” and one “superintending” skull apparently vital to all of the planets. Farrell tells us that it is well known in some versions of occidental “European” astrology there are connections between certain gems and the 12 houses of the Zodiac but only the Sumerians had accurate enough knowledge and counted the nine planets of the solar system, plus the Sun and Moon as planets. This, of course, adds up to 11 planets but Farrell is conscious that the Sumerians were aware of a missing twelfth planet that had exploded, which they called Tiamat but we know as Kantek.

However, Farrell is not aware of the fact that Venus took the place of the missing planet Kantek and the C’s have also told us that there are three further planets beyond Pluto yet to be discovered. Moreover, the C’s have told us that there were only 11 houses of the western Zodiac up until 1302 AD:
Session dated 9 August 1997:

Q: Okay. Now, next question: I understand that Libra was added to the zodiac and broke Scorpio and Virgo apart. Were there originally 10 or 11 signs in the zodiac?

A: Originally?

Q: You know what I mean!

A: There have been many combinations.

Q: Well, when did the present 12 sign zodiac begin to be established as it is?

A: 1302 A.D.

Q: And how many signs were there before that?

A: 11

Q: That's what I thought. What is the source of the oldest zodiac available to us?

A: Atlantis.

Q: Well, fine, what is the oldest extant source in terms of writings?

A: Egypt.

This, of course, begs the question why the constellations of Scorpio and Virgo were broken apart to allow for the insertion of the constellation of Libra (a symbol of balance and justice akin to the Egyptian concept of “Ma’at”, which encapsulated cosmic order, balance, and justice) in 1302 AD. That is only five years before the suppression of the Knights Templar. Did somebody learn something, which led to the need to create Libra as an additional house of the Zodiac? Could that something have had anything to do with the Holy Grail? Just who was behind the insertion of Libra? Interestingly, Robert Graves in his book The White Goddess gave a brief history of the Western Zodiac, which I will add as a postscript to this article.

Farrell believes that to have found a similar astronomical tradition of the enumeration of planets in Cherokee legend, one that appears to connect this odd and unique system to a set of crystals, cannot be coincidental nor accidental. He thinks there are only two plausible explanations for this. The first is that the Cherokee and Sumerian traditions sprang from the same source [Atlantis]. The second is that there was direct contact between the two societies. He notes that there is a growing body of evidence which suggests that the Phoenicians and Egyptians maintained trade with the New World. This would have allowed for the transfer of metaphysical ideas from one society to the other. As I have mentioned before, Professor Barry Fell in his book America BC cites convincing evidence found both in North American stone inscriptions and the language of various Native American tribes to show that the Egyptians, Phoenicians and Iberic Celts had protracted contact with the New World over many centuries, which only stopped after the Roman conquest of North Africa and Western (Celtic) Europe, although perpetuated for slightly longer by Irish Gaels and perhaps much later still by a group of Welsh settlers led by Prince Madoc.

Sagely, Farrell links the reason why North and Central American Native peoples should associate these skulls with repositories of information with the fact that they were made from quartz (like the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull), a silicate crystal, which like silicon chips used in computers and cell phones, is capable of storing information. Farrell wrote his book in 2005. At that time, it was only a theoretical possibility to store information on quartz crystals with only rudimentary experiments into such storage possibilities having been performed at that stage. However, as mentioned on this thread, things have moved on rapidly since then and it is now possible to store information such as the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica on one circular quartz crystal the size of a typical lens in a pair of spectacles. Farrell points out though that if information is indeed stored in these crystal skulls, no one has yet figured out what it might be nor how to retrieve it. That being said, it has been observed that people with psychic abilities seem to experience strange psychic phenomena when they are in close proximity to these crystal skulls, particularly the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. Perhaps that in itself may be a clue as to how to extract information from the skulls?

The Hebrew Stones of Fire

At this point in his account, Farrell turns to the Hebrew and Jewish traditions concerning the stones of power. Farrell notes that in Sitchin’s reconstruction of the Lugal-e Sumerian story, after the conclusion of the Pyramid Wars, the victors took some of the components (crystals?) in the interior of the machine located in the great Mountain of Stone (the Great Pyramid) and either destroyed them or repurposed them in Egypt and Sumeria. It is also possible that elements of the vanquished removed some of these items and secreted them in various locations throughout Egypt before the victors could lay their hands on them (cf. this with the Nazis who at the end of WW2 hid some of their advanced technological devices, e.g., the Bell or Die Glocke and flying saucers, from the advancing allies). Hence, it is possible that the Grail was hidden and found thousands of years later, perhaps under the Sphinx by Pharaoh Thutmose IV (see my earlier article Thutmose IV and the Dream Stele), the grandfather of Pharoah Akhenaten who we know from the C’s possessed the Grail.

As Farrell correctly points out, it is at this juncture that the Hebrews (Habiru?) enter the scene for beginning with Abraham of Ur up to Moses of Egypt (who the C’s say was one and the same person), they had persistent connections with both Sumeria and Egypt. Farrell states that it is also at this juncture that the Hebrew and Biblical tradition (written, of course, centuries later) add additional details to the story, for according to the book of Ezekiel, Lucifer was given various “gems of power” as symbols or components of his power. Lucifer himself, the “light bearer”, was accorded a special significance, as the following passage demonstrates in revealing his association with the “stones of power”:​

Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: thy workmanship of the tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

Thou art the appointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.”

Farrell makes a link between Lucifer, the “cherub that covereth”, and the two golden cherubim on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant with their wings over the centre of the Ark. According to Jewish tradition, there was once a third cherub, Lucifer, who dwelt above the centre of the throne of God. Lucifer, as an “anointed cherub, drew one third of the angels of heaven with him when he exalted himself in pride by attempting to exalt himself above the throne of God. After his fall, only two remained as depicted on the Ark. These are by tradition the Archangels Michael, the defender of God and His throne, and Gabriel, who is always portrayed as the angel communicating prophetic messages to God’s servants – which is particularly apt if the Ark was used as a communication device as suggested by the C’s:​

A: Gold, when heated to its liquidation temperature, gives off energy waves which, when properly channelled, open the door to higher density experience. Clue to this is in the way that gold can be an effective transceiver of radio waves and transdimensional communications.

Farrell continues with his references to Lucifer and his fall in Ezekiel:

By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence; and thou hast sinned: therefore I will caste thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.” (Ezekiel 28: 13-16)

Thus, Lucifer seems to lose his power when he and his “stones of fire” are separated. Moreover, we get an admixture of both technological and spiritual or metaphysical aspects within Ezekiel’s account of Lucifer’s fall, which components are preserved in nearly all versions of the story from the Babylonian to the Hebrew. Farrell states that whatever these stones were, they were somehow a key to the full exercise of Lucifer’s power and hegemony, which raises the question of which stones may have survived and where they went. Farrell believes a clue is afforded by the Hebrew Exodus and by Moses’ peculiar “alchemical” behaviour when he destroyed the Golden Calf and forced the Israelites to ingest its burnt remains (as white powdered monoatomic gold), which for him suggests that the Hebrews not only took the “Gold of the Egyptians” but the secrets for making it. Farrell notes in this connection that Moses, being an initiate of the Pharaonic court, was privy to some of the secrets of Egyptian science and magic (which may have been one and the same thing), and it was those secrets the Hebrews took with them. To Farrell, the response of the Pharaoh, who mounts a full-scale military expedition against the fleeing Hebrews acquires a hidden motive, for Pharaoh was trying to recover, or at least prevent the dispersal, of those secrets. This may have been part of Akhenaten’s motive but the C’s seemed to think it was more that he wanted to recover the Ark of the Covenant (and with it the Holy Grail):
Session 23 August 2001:

Q: (L) Is the story of Rachel stealing the household gods from her father may have really been the story of Sara stealing the Ark from Akhenaten?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) No wonder Akhenaten was hot to follow them. He wasn't after Sara, he wanted his Ark back.
A: Yes.

Moses’ Sapphire Tablet of Testimony

For Farrell, it is significant that in the Jewish Cabalistic tradition, a distinction is made between the original “Tablet of Testimony” that Moses received on Mount Sinai, which he destroyed in his anger after coming down and seeing the Israelites worshipping the Golden Calf idol, and the subsequent Tablet of the Law (on which were inscribed the Ten Commandments).

However, in the Cabalistic tradition, the Tablet of Testimony (or Tablet of Destiny) was not destroyed, or at least not completely for as Laurence Gardner recounts in his Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark:​

“(In) the strict Jewish tradition of the Qabala, the Tablet of Testimony was said to be of a divine sapphire called the Schthiya, which Moses held in the palm of his hand.

The Qabala tradition of light and knowledge emanates from the time of Abraham … who was said to have received the “testament of a first civilisation” [Atlantis] … Qabalists additionally cite his cultural heritage as being of the Aur Kasdeems, which meant light of the Magicians. Abraham’s tablet was said to have contained “all that man had ever known” and “all that man would ever know”. To the ancient Sumerians this composition was known as the Table of Destiny. It was said to have been handed down by the gods Enlil and Enki

Qabalistic doctrine relates that the Table of Destiny was a sapphire, later inherited by Moses and subsequently passed to the guardianship of King Solomon of Judah

However, we know from the C’s that Abraham and Moses are one and the same person and Solomon, far from being a king of Judah, was in fact an Egyptian Pharaoh who lived long before the time of Abraham/Moses:​

Session 20 August 2001:

Q: Was Solomon a king of Egypt?
A: Yes.
Q: Which king of Egypt was the equivalent of Solomon?

Session 17 August 2003:

Q: (Galahad) What was the year of the Narmer rebellion?
3211 BC

The Stone of Foundation and the Lightening Stone

Farrell points out that once one arrives at the time of Solomon, Jewish traditions seems almost “abuzz” with tales of various magic power stones, i.e., technological devices which seem to derive their power from crystals. One such crystal was the “Stone of Foundation”, which had the ability to levitate objects, including the Ark, where it was used to maintain the Ark inside the Holy of Holies at a certain distance above the earth. This makes me think of a statement the C’s once made concerning the Knights Templar who allegedly found the Ark of the Covenant and brought it back to Europe.
Session 26 July 1997:

Q: Okay. The Templars were formed in Jerusalem. They were there for quite a while with no record of doing any of the things that the group supposedly intended to do. There are a lot of rumours... what were they doing in Jerusalem?

A: Templars held the secret of levitation.

Q: Is this something... and I am talking about the 9 guys in Jerusalem... did they discover some document in Jerusalem that gave them this secret?

A: Yes.

Q: And is this how they were able to get so much support from certain royal houses and so forth?

A: It is time for you to study Kaballah again but be careful!!

Note the C’s suggest that Laura study the Kaballah again but she should be careful when doing so. Well, we have been looking at the Kaballah or Qabala here but through a strictly scientific gaze rather than a metaphysical or religious analysis. We know the Templars were practised alchemists, which suggests they may have known the secret of monoatomic gold – i.e., the alchemist’s philosopher’s stone (their Holy Grail), with its attendant anti-gravity effects.

However, there was another stone Farrell concentrates on and that is the “Lightening Stone”, which was also called the “Stone of Perfection”. Talmudic tradition holds that this particular stone was used both to cut and to true the stones of Solomon’s magnificent Temple.​

The Jewish High Priest’s Breastplate

The Lightening Stone when called the Stone of Perfection is a designation which links it directly to the Urim and Thummim of the Jewish high priest’s Ephod or breastplate where Urim and Thummim meant Light and Perfection.

Significantly, the stones of the high priest’s breastplate were exactly the same stones as those associated with Lucifer’s throne and power: sardius topaz, carbuncle (garnet), emerald, sapphire, diamond, amber, agate, amethyst, beryl, onyx, and jasper.
Thus, the biblical record would seem to imply that some of Lucifer’s “fire stones” somehow made their way into the Jewish high priest’s breastplate, which he wore to approach the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies, an object designed, at least in its religious significance, to represent the throne of God, from which Lucifer fell as the “covering cherub”.

For those who have read my previous articles, you may recall that I discussed the Jewish High Priest’s Ephod or Breastplate called the “Breastplate of Justice” in my article The Knights Templar, Jeremiah and the Ark of the Covenant. I set out below, the relevant extract from that article, which is appropriate to what we are discussing here:
What were the Stones of Fire?

Whilst driving Phillips to the cave where some of the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, Dr. Griver discussed some of his theories about the Ark of the Covenant with Phillips. It was Griver’s study of the Scrolls that led him to conclude that the Essenes were the guardians of the Ark and had taken it from the Temple before the Greeks sacked it in 169 BC. It is curious that Griver links the Essenes to the protection of the Ark whereas Laurence Gardner links the Levites to this role. Perhaps there was a link between the two groups that we have yet to discover. I should point out though that Phillips subsequently disagreed with Griver’s analysis and took the view that the Ark had disappeared prior to the Babylonian capture and destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 587 BC.

Griver told Phillips that the Israelites needed twelve sacred stones to use the Ark. According to the Old Testament, Yahweh told Moses how to make the Ark and gave him instructions for its use. First it could only be carried by members of the priesthood - the Levites. Secondly, the only person other than Moses who could use the Ark was the High Priest Aaron (and after his death, his successors). Thirdly, the power of the Ark could only be summoned if the High Priest wore a sacred breastplate, usually referred to as the Breastplate of Judgment. A detailed description of the breastplate is given in Exodus where it is described as being a square design made from twined golden linen and inlaid with twelve precious stones set in four rows (see image below):

“The first row shall be a sardius, a topaz and a carbuncle … the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire and a diamond … the third row shall be a ligure, an agate and an amethyst … the fourth row shall be a beryl, an onyx and a jasper.” (Exodus 28: 15-30)

Sometimes referred to as the ‘Jewels of Gold’ because they were originally set in gold, these sacred gemstones were considered to have divine power, as they were fashioned by God himself at the Holy Mount of Sinai. The Old Testament book of Ezekiel, which refer to them as the Stones of Fire, describes them as once having belonged to Lucifer but having been taken from him by God after his fall from grace (Ezekiel 28:13-16). Where have we heard that story before if not with the Lapis Exilis – the jewel that fell from Lucifer’s crown, which Wolfram Von Eschenbach linked with the Holy Grail?

The Stones were later given to Moses because, apparently, it was dangerous to look inside the Ark without their protection as recounted in the story of the men of Beth-shemesh in the Book of Samuel 6:19 who perished after looking inside the Ark. The Ark would be kept closed for many generations until it was opened under the orders of King Solomon (who the C’s said had been an Egyptian Pharaoh living before the age of Moses). When they looked inside all that was found were the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments (1 Kings: 8-9). However, once it was opened divine forces were unleashed in the form of a cloud that was described as the Glory of the Lord, which filled the Temple of Jerusalem – the ‘Shekhinah’, which in Hebrew means the "dwelling" or "settling" and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God. Graham Phillips believed he experienced this firsthand when he encountered the strange orbs of light whilst pursuing the relics of the Herdewyke Templars.


Tissot’s painting of Moses and Joshua in the Tabernacle kneeling before the Ark​

It seems by this time that the breastplate had perished and the Stones were kept in a coffer or box, which appears to have been held by the High Priest when the Ark was used. According to the First Book of Samuel “the Levites took down the ark of the Lord, and the coffer that was with it, wherein the jewels of gold were” (1 Samuel 6:15). The Bible does not say what happened to these sacred stones but it would appear that they remained with the Ark until its mysterious disappearance.

Phillips then quizzed Dr Griver about Lucifer and his ownership of the Stones of Fire. Griver explained that Lucifer had been the chief angel of God before he was cast out of heaven. Although the story is not related in the Old Testament itself, it was included in the ancient Hebrew Tanak, from which the Old Testament was compiled. The Christian church considered many of the accounts in the Tanak mythological rather than historical and labelled them as Apocrypha – meaning of doubtful authenticity. The Essenes, however, relied heavily on the Apocrypha and saw themselves as followers of Lucifer’s successors in heaven, the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the ‘kings of heaven’, who were the two cherubim depicted on the Mercy Seat of the Ark. The word ‘angel’ in English derives from the Greek word ‘angelos’ meaning messenger. Dr. Griver pointed out that the Hebrew word for angel was ‘malakh’ meaning ‘shadow side of God’ but as with the Greek term they were also viewed as messengers and are often referred to by the Hebrew word “or”, meaning “light”. This is fascinating since the Cassiopaeans once mentioned that 6th Density STS forces should be viewed as shadows as in ‘shadows in the Lord’s presence’ and the C’s, as 6th Density beings, have described themselves as being ‘beings of light’. Dr. Griver explained that angels were called lights because it was believed that shooting stars were angels coming to earth on errands from God. We have already seen that the Archangels Michael and Gabriel were represented by the two tail stars Benetnasch and Mizar in the constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear). It was for this reason that Dr. Griver believed the Essenes were the custodians of the Ark. He said “The Bible portrays Lucifer as the original possessor of the Stones of Fire, so, as devotees of Michael and Gabriel, Lucifer’s replacements, the Essenes were alluding to possessing the Stones themselves. If they had the Stones, which were inseparable from the Ark, then they must have also possessed the Ark itself.

Phillips then asked Griver what the Stones were supposed to do. Griver explained that the ancient Israelites believed that at the beginning of the world, when he was still God’s chief angel, Lucifer resided on Mount Sinai, from which he commanded the other angels. Griver added that “The sacred stones were set into Lucifer’s garments, to protect him from the might of the other angels.” Again, this suggests some sort of technology in action. It should also be borne in mind that the C’s once said the human race was in fact the fallen archangel Lucifer. It also makes me think of the description of the fallen angels led by Semjaza who were called the ‘Watchers’ in the Apocryphal Book of Enoch, who entered into an oath or covenant on Mount Hermon in Lebanon and subsequently interbred with human women to create the race of giants called the Nephilim (1 Enoch 6:6). Were Semjaza and his fellow Watchers connected to the Stones of Fire perhaps?

Phillips wondered why they were called the Stones of Fire and why there had been twelve of them. Dr. Griver explained that the Torah tells us that they represented the twelve tribes of Israel but why they were called the Stones of Fire is something of a mystery. He thought it might be because they could control the divine fire that emanated from the Ark. It was also believed that they could afford protection against the terrible powers of the angels which is why the High Priest had them inset in a breastplate. This made Phillips think of the scene in Spielberg’s Raiders of the Last Ark when the Nazis opened the Ark. Phillips wondered whether Lucifer had possessed the Ark, but Griver told him no, since the Ark had been made much later during the Israelites wandering in the wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt. It had been made on Mount Sinai and Moses had been given the sacred stones to protect him from the Ark’s awesome power. However, the C’s have contradicted this account by suggesting that the Ark had already been in existence prior to the Exodus and had originally been made by STS forces and given to Pharaoh Akhenaten. The C’s also mentioned about the Ark and the Holy Grail operating as ‘lensing’ devices, which suggests some sort of focusing effect. Could the Stones of Fire have been used, therefore, to focus the energy of the power cell inside the Ark? The C’s also spoke of the user of the Ark having to have the right dispensation of heart or intention to be able to use the Ark without being destroyed in the process. Perhaps the stones played a part in this as well, which makes me think of the strange behaviour of both the red and blue orbs of light when Graham Phillips and the Russells approached them during their pursuit of the relics of the Herdewyke Templars. Did Phillips and the Russells have to pass some sort of test of integrity before finding the relics perhaps?

Returning to Farrell’s account, he also asks the question: what were the “fire stones”? In Farrell’s mind these were not merely ordinary gemstones. Gerald Gardner answer was that it was a “helicoid crystal” made of iridium, a substance known to and used by the Mesopotamian Vulcans, who called it “an-na” or “firestone”. Whatever they were, Farrell believes there is sufficient evidence to conclude that they were the products of high technology and that some of them survived in whole or in part.

Farrell is also alive to the possible link between the stones of fire, the Ark of the Covenant and the Knights Templar. He states:​

In any case, if these paleoancient “power crystals” – products of a high technology and at some remote time elements in a dreadful weapon and the cause of dreadful war – made their way at least in part into the booty the Hebrews [Israelites] hauled out of Egypt, then perhaps one does have a very different take on what it was that so suddenly transformed the earliest Knights Templar from a small military order into the economic powerhouse of medieval Europe.”

My article on The Knights Templar, Jeremiah and the Ark of the Covenant drew on Graham Philips’ book The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant. In a footnote, Farrell indicates that he also had read that book, which maintained that some of the Jewish High Priest’s breastplate stones survived and that three of them were recovered by Philips and his two American friends, the Russells, on a Templar based quest. These stones were the onyx, jasper and beryl. Farrell also noted that the recovered stones appeared to have some very strange properties, as described in my article*, and were of obvious Middle Eastern geological provenance.

*The stones seemed to produce certain anomalous effects such as leaving a foggy shadow on undeveloped photographic paper (although there was no indication that they were radioactive).

Harking back to my article and Philip’s book, I am still left wondering whether Philips and the Russells may have possibly found part of the Tablet of the Law on which were inscribed the Ten Commandments:

The inscribed stone slab found near Chapel Green.
Although the Russells (who have taken possession of the slab, which is now retained in the depository vault of a US bank) had the slab examined by experts at the British Museum in London, to date nobody has recognised the ancient script found on the slab. To me it looks perhaps a very primitive form of Ogham script. Whatever is the provenance of the slab, it appears at the moment to be unique.

Finally, the theme of skulls also connects us back to that most strange painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni of John Dee entertaining Queen Elizabeth I and her court, which we discussed last year on this thread. One Forum member Outsky came up with an interesting finding about this painting, which includes a section Gildoni painted over, which under X-ray analysis revealed a ring of hidden skulls around the figure of John Dee. Quoting Oustky:

See: Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians | Page 7 | Cassiopaea Forum

Notice that in the painting the skull-circle is showed open or incomplete because of the perspective adopted by the painter. Could be more skulls not showed?!

Anyway, by then the painting shows 5 skulls in the left side of Dee and 3 skulls in the right side. Which reminds us the “35” so stated by the C’s?! Okay, moreover that gives us a total of 8 skulls. Therefore we have the numbers 3, 5 and 8!!! Well that is the Fibonacci sequence, the sequence of nature



We have recently learned that Nicolas Poussin used the Fibonacci sequence to hide bizarre imagery within his painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia, as discussed on this and other threads. However, it is that strange image of what looks to be a crone hiding in the corner that really captured my attention. The C’s had this to say about the Crone in the session dated 4 April 1998:

Q: Oh God! Alright. The three aspects of the goddess: in the story of Perseus, there was Cassiopaea, Andromeda, and Medusa... the three aspects, the mother, the virgin, and the crone. But, in this story, Perseus manages to cut the head off the crone. In other stories, the crone always manages to win. Is there any particular reason why Perseus cuts off the head of Medusa? Was this transposed? Was the Medusa merely another aspect?

A: Serpentine.

Q: What about serpentine? Representative of the serpent race or the Lizzies?

A: Eden.

Q: Was the story of Perseus the story of Eden? Was Medusa the representative of the serpent of Eden?

A: Not quite.

In my view, Perseus cutting the head off the Medusa represents the Perseid family obtaining the Grail through its progenitor, which would eventually pass down to Akhenaten before being stolen by Nefertiti and handed over to Abraham/Moses.

However, I also noted the appearance of an old woman figure in an early transcript of the sessions with the C’s:​

Session 6 November 1994:

Q: (L) The other night my daughter A__ thought she saw a spirit figure standing near as we were channelling, did she, in fact, see an old woman figure?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who was that individual?

A: Us.

Q: (L) Why did that individual say "remember me?" Was that the entire message or was there more message?

A: Message is for A__ to interpret.

Could there be a connection between the C’s appearing in the guise of an old woman (a crone) and the strange figure that appears in Gildoni’s painting under X-ray? We still don’t know why Gildoni painted over that figure and the skulls. Did his patron, who commissioned the painting, think he was giving too much away and ordered him to paint over the offending images? Was Gildoni a secret Rosicrucian?


Talk about circles within circles. You have in Gildoni’s painting the magus John Dee standing within a hidden circle of skulls and he is performing before the Queen’s circle, which included amongst others Sir Walter Raleigh, the famous 16th Century English explorer and adventurer. However, Sir Walter Raleigh was more than an adventurer for he ran his own circle of English luminaries, which Dee was associated with. It came to be known as the School of Night and would play an influential role in the development of English literature, the arts and sciences and along with Sir Francis Bacon’s Invisible College it would be a forerunner of the Royal Society. It would seem that Bacon became increasingly opposed to Raleigh, even though both men had originally been friends and Bacon would eventually preside over the Star Chamber that would condemn Raleigh to death. I aim to post an article in the near future on Raleigh and his School of Night and the rivalry that would ensue between the School and Bacon’s group that inadvertently would draw in a ‘patsy’ by the name of William Shakespeare.​


What about this skul? Thx
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I must first confess that I was never a fan of David Bowie. I always found him a bit creepy to be honest. This included the films he made that often had an occult theme to them. Whether the skull is meant to represent Baphomet who knows but Bowie certainly moved in occult circles, so I would not rule it out. I remember reading a brilliant Vigilant Citizen analysis of Bowie and his last video 'Blackstar', which you can find on the following link - see: The Occult Universe of David Bowie and the Meaning of “Blackstar”

"Blackstar" may also be viewed as the "Black Sun", which occult orientated groups such as the Nazi SS gravitated to. Let us also remember what the C's said about the ultimate end of highly STS beings, which seems to culminate in a black hole:​

Session dated 2 December 1995:

Q: (L) Among the things that were discussed among the Germans in the Thule Society and the Vril Society, was the "Black Sun That Illuminates the Interior." Can you tell us what this "Black Sun" is?

A: Ultimate destiny of STS orientation.

Q: (L) Is this Black Sun an actual astronomical phenomenon?

A: In essence.

Q: (L) What would we know this Black Sun as? A black hole?

A: Good possibility

The above should also be linked to these sessions as well:

Laura said:

Session dated 10 December 1994:

(L) In terms of major STS, this may or may not be related, could you tell us the nature of a Black Hole?]

A: Grand Scale STS.

Q: (L) Is it like a being that has achieved such a level of STS that it has literally imploded in on itself in some way?

A: Close analogy.

Q: (T) Possibly an entire civilization of STS?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, maybe a civilization can't do it because that implies working together. It must need to be an individual being.

A: Black Holes are a natural force reflection of Free Will consciousness pattern of STS. Notice that Black Holes are located at center of spiral energy forces, all else radiates outward.

Q: (L) Now, you say "spiral" energy forces, and you also have said that this wave is a spiral. Is the central point of this wave that is spiraling, a black hole?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it a radiating wave?

A: All in creation is just that: a radiating wave.

Q: (L) Where does the energy go that gets sucked into a black hole?

A: Inward to total nonexistence.

Q: (L) Well, if a black hole continues to suck stuff in, is it possible that it would eventually suck in the entire creation?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why is that?

A: Universe is all encompassing. Black holes are final destination of all STS energy.

Q: (F) So, does this mean that we, or anyone else who is classified as STS, remains on said path, that we will eventually end up in a Black Hole?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, that is pleasant. And what happens to energy that is "total non-existence"?

A: Total non-existence balances total existence. Guess what is total existence?

Q: (L) Well, is it kind of like a balancing force?

A: "God."

Q: (T) Are we talking about the creator god as in the Pleiadians?

A: Not Pleiadians. Prime Creator.

Q: (T) What is the difference between the Prime Creator and "God?"

A: None. As long as you exist, you are of the Prime Creator.

Q: (L) Now, this stuff that goes into Black Holes, that goes into non-existence, is that, then, not part of the Prime Creator?

A: Correct.

Q: (L) How can Prime Creator lose any part of him or itself?

A: Prime Creator does not "lose" anything.

Q: (L) Well, then, how would you describe this energy that was in existence and then is no longer in existence because it has become or gone into a Black Hole?

A: Reflection is regenerated at level 1.

Q: (L) So, this energy goes into a Black Hole and... does it come out on the other side?

A: No.

Q: (L) Does it become like a primal atom?

A: No.

Q: (T) Does it go back into the cycle?

A: No. Reflection regenerates as primal atoms

Laura said:
Session dated 7 May 1995:

Q: (L) Okay, now I was reading through the transcripts a while ago and it says that a Black Hole is total non- existence which is regenerated at level one. Or, that the regeneration at level one is a reflection of a Black Hole. Is a Black Hole a level one phenomenon or a level seven phenomenon?

A: One through four only.

Q: (L) Is there any representation of the Black Hole phenomenon, that is, total non-existence, at the higher levels, that is, five through seven?

A: See previous answer.

Q: (T) Well, if the Black Hole is pure STS at level one through four, at level five through seven there is only pure STO. (SV) They said earlier that there was STS at level five and six. (T) But, that's reflection. (L) Thought form.

A: Encapsulated at five.

With thanks to Kay Kim for originally pulling these excerpts together.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I must first confess that I was never a fan of David Bowie. I always found him a bit creepy to be honest. This included the films he made that often had an occult theme to them. Whether the skull is meant to represent Baphomet who knows but Bowie certainly moved in occult circles, so I would not rule it out. I remember reading a brilliant Vigilant Citizen analysis of Bowie and his last video 'Blackstar', which you can find on the following link - see: The Occult Universe of David Bowie and the Meaning of “Blackstar”

"Blackstar" may also be viewed as the "Black Sun", which occult orientated groups such as the Nazi SS gravitated to. Let us also remember what the C's said about the ultimate end of highly STS beings, which seems to culminate in a black hole:​

Session dated 2 December 1995:

Q: (L) Among the things that were discussed among the Germans in the Thule Society and the Vril Society, was the "Black Sun That Illuminates the Interior." Can you tell us what this "Black Sun" is?

A: Ultimate destiny of STS orientation.

Q: (L) Is this Black Sun an actual astronomical phenomenon?

A: In essence.

Q: (L) What would we know this Black Sun as? A black hole?

A: Good possibility

The above should also be linked to these sessions as well:
Laura said:
Session dated 10 December 1994:

(L) In terms of major STS, this may or may not be related, could you tell us the nature of a Black Hole?]

A: Grand Scale STS.

Q: (L) Is it like a being that has achieved such a level of STS that it has literally imploded in on itself in some way?

A: Close analogy.

Q: (T) Possibly an entire civilization of STS?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, maybe a civilization can't do it because that implies working together. It must need to be an individual being.

A: Black Holes are a natural force reflection of Free Will consciousness pattern of STS. Notice that Black Holes are located at center of spiral energy forces, all else radiates outward.

Q: (L) Now, you say "spiral" energy forces, and you also have said that this wave is a spiral. Is the central point of this wave that is spiraling, a black hole?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it a radiating wave?

A: All in creation is just that: a radiating wave.

Q: (L) Where does the energy go that gets sucked into a black hole?

A: Inward to total nonexistence.

Q: (L) Well, if a black hole continues to suck stuff in, is it possible that it would eventually suck in the entire creation?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why is that?

A: Universe is all encompassing. Black holes are final destination of all STS energy.

Q: (F) So, does this mean that we, or anyone else who is classified as STS, remains on said path, that we will eventually end up in a Black Hole?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, that is pleasant. And what happens to energy that is "total non-existence"?

A: Total non-existence balances total existence. Guess what is total existence?

Q: (L) Well, is it kind of like a balancing force?

A: "God."

Q: (T) Are we talking about the creator god as in the Pleiadians?

A: Not Pleiadians. Prime Creator.

Q: (T) What is the difference between the Prime Creator and "God?"

A: None. As long as you exist, you are of the Prime Creator.

Q: (L) Now, this stuff that goes into Black Holes, that goes into non-existence, is that, then, not part of the Prime Creator?

A: Correct.

Q: (L) How can Prime Creator lose any part of him or itself?

A: Prime Creator does not "lose" anything.

Q: (L) Well, then, how would you describe this energy that was in existence and then is no longer in existence because it has become or gone into a Black Hole?

A: Reflection is regenerated at level 1.

Q: (L) So, this energy goes into a Black Hole and... does it come out on the other side?

A: No.

Q: (L) Does it become like a primal atom?

A: No.

Q: (T) Does it go back into the cycle?

A: No. Reflection regenerates as primal atoms

Laura said:
Session dated 7 May 1995:

Q: (L) Okay, now I was reading through the transcripts a while ago and it says that a Black Hole is total non- existence which is regenerated at level one. Or, that the regeneration at level one is a reflection of a Black Hole. Is a Black Hole a level one phenomenon or a level seven phenomenon?

A: One through four only.

Q: (L) Is there any representation of the Black Hole phenomenon, that is, total non-existence, at the higher levels, that is, five through seven?

A: See previous answer.

Q: (T) Well, if the Black Hole is pure STS at level one through four, at level five through seven there is only pure STO. (SV) They said earlier that there was STS at level five and six. (T) But, that's reflection. (L) Thought form.

A: Encapsulated at five.

With thanks to Kay Kim for originally pulling these excerpts together.
Thank you very much ... while reading, every time when I will read Black Hole image of New York sucked into the black hole as an STS conglomerate comes to my mind, with flocks of white doves coming out of the material existence of that crazy city ...

I am still reading your analysis of the sculls, it is very interesting ... all you posted here is very interesting, indeed ... thank you
Thank you very much ... while reading, every time when I will read Black Hole image of New York sucked into the black hole as an STS conglomerate comes to my mind, with flocks of white doves coming out of the material existence of that crazy city ...

I am still reading your analysis of the sculls, it is very interesting ... all you posted here is very interesting, indeed ... thank you
That's a very powerful image you conjure up there. I appreciate that some of my articles are quite involved at times and are not necessarily an easy read, particularly for those for whom English is a second language. That last one had a heavy scientific element to it as well, which I appreciate is not to everyone's taste. However, the articles are intended to build one on another so that a bigger picture emerges. I hope to post more in the near future as time permits.​
That's a very powerful image you conjure up there.​

How did you relate to it, if any? Sorry for quesitoning but ... that is how I learn, thx

I appreciate that some of my articles are quite involved at times and are not necessarily an easy read, particularly for those for whom English is a second language. That last one had a heavy scientific element to it as well, which I appreciate is not to everyone's taste. However, the articles are intended to build one on another so that a bigger picture emerges. I hope to post more in the near future as time permits.

I study Art History and I am an multimedia artist and art director, so indeed, yes, your efforts to extend the analysis of the classical work of art through different lenses of symbolism with your analytical and patient mind, puting that in context with FOTCM and C's teachings is precious for me, THANK YOU :flowers: ... but when it comes to creating a bigger picture, I have a question - is it your intention to guide us towards that bigger picture you alredy have? What is kind of that bigger picture? Or ...

I have also to say that I didn't manage to read half of your posts here, I need to assign the time of 2-3h a day to be able to go through without disruption, so it is a significant time in my daily obligations, but this intrigues me and I am trying to get back and forth as much as I can, and usually related to other research and things I do in parallel, that somehow happen to be very synchronous and overlapping with your posts, and that made me think are we getting caught inside of the NWO net, or what are your thoughts about that ... ??

... and if I have someone like you few hours a day to listen - so maybe audio posts?, and especially if I will have the ability in real-time to interrelate to questions that your writings are associatively evoking in my mind, it will be interesting to see where it will take us ...
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What about this skul? Thx
It's called 'Catacomb Saint':
catacomb saint.jpg
...The skeletons, he learned, were the “catacomb saints,” once-revered holy objects regarded by 16th- and 17th-century Catholics as local protectors and personifications of the glory of the afterlife. Some of them still remain tucked away in certain churches, while others have been swept away by time, forever gone. Who they were in life is impossible to know.

-> Meet the Fantastically Bejeweled Skeletons of Catholicism’s Forgotten Martyrs

...and for the collection ... Miles Mathis about David Bowie: ->


It's called 'Catacomb Saint':
View attachment 62632

...and for the collection ... Miles Mathis about David Bowie: ->
o wow thank you, I need to take a week off "to sort out" this thread ... so indeed, how to think about this - was it in Boview's last album the hidden revelation of "truths" he knew were coming, or was he just one of the blocks inside of a new pyramid doing this occult "presentation" to masses to be visually coded to fall into the 4D STS wave stream?
How did you relate to it, if any? Sorry for quesitoning but ... that is how I learn, thx

I study Art History and I am an multimedia artist and art director, so indeed, yes, your efforts to extend the analysis of the classical work of art through different lenses of symbolism with your analytical and patient mind, puting that in context with FOTCM and C's teachings is precious for me, THANK YOU :flowers: ... but when it comes to creating a bigger picture, I have a question - is it your intention to guide us towards that bigger picture you alredy have? What is kind of that bigger picture? Or ...

I have also to say that I didn't manage to read half of your posts here, I need to assign the time of 2-3h a day to be able to go through without disruption, so it is a significant time in my daily obligations, but this intrigues me and I am trying to get back and forth as much as I can, and usually related to other research and things I do in parallel, that somehow happen to be very synchronous and overlapping with your posts, and that made me think are we getting caught inside of the NWO net, or what are your thoughts about that ... ??

... and if I have someone like you few hours a day to listen - so maybe audio posts?, and especially if I will have the ability in real-time to interrelate to questions that your writings are associatively evoking in my mind, it will be interesting to see where it will take us ...
I appreciate that this is now a long thread for those coming new to it. It has evolved a long way. Alton Towers was originally a connection point. In truth, although we have discovered a number of hidden secrets contained within the clue of Alton Towers, including its links to the Earls of Shrewsbury, alchemical experimentation the Octagon Room and the redesign of Alton Castle as a copy of a medieval Knights Templar or Hospitaller preceptory, I don't think we have fully penetrated that clue yet. Just to add to that list, in case it has not been mentioned before, the same Earl who built Alton Towers in the 19th Century also included a scaled-down model of a stone circle like Stonehenge in the gardens of the house. Most strange don't you think!

However, the real lynchpin to this thread is Sir Francis Bacon and his links to the 17 Century Rosicrucians (possibly as their hidden Grand Master). It is he and his fellow Rosicrucians who would seem to hold the key to understanding how our world today has been shaped in order to allow for the present New World Order as we now know it to emerge. Bacon and his Rosicrucian colleagues are the bridge between the mystery schools of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Persia, medieval Freemasonry, who preserved the ancient esoteric and scientific knowledge, and the Illuminati of today who are using modern high technology to enslave us and recreate the evil Empire of Atlantis all over again. I would go so far as to propose that the juggernaut that is the modern United Sates of America was based on Bacon's designs for the creation of the New Atlantis, which would be implemented by men such As Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who all had strong links to Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. But with a New Atlantis come the problems that destroyed the Old Atlantis. As the C's have said, we are going through a repeat of the same cycle that led to the destruction of the Old Atlantis and perhaps Kantek before that.

The more we learn and uncover about the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons (who are the lower branch of the Illuminati according to the C's) and their links to ancient groups such as the Brotherhood of the Serpent, the Osirians, the Sabians, the Ophites, the Therapeutae, the Essenes and the Knights Templar, the more we will understand how a small group throughout time has been shaping events to mould our modern world. However, some of these groups would also seem to have had links to an underground civilisation called the 'Nation of the Third Eye' or the Antareans (an advanced bi-density humanoid people deriving from Orion living deep underground). Hence the need to see the bigger picture and the unseen influences upon our world. In this quest, I am merely using the C's clues to connect dots here and there, as do others on this Forum. Are we getting caught inside of the NWO net? I sincerely hope not, as this Forum seems to have done more to expose that net than any other I can think of. As the C's repeatedly state "knowledge protects" and also builds one's magnetic centre.

The C's have provided us with a unique set of clues to uncover the hidden secrets of man's predicament. They have also told us who has been responsible for placing us in the matrix that we find ourselves in (if you haven't read it yet, I would recommend reading William Bramley's The Gods of Eden as an entrée). We merely need to follow those clues, which I hope is what we are doing here. Laura has blazed the trail and we should follow and broaden it. Sometimes we may find ourselves going down blind alleys or facing cul de sacs but that is the nature of the beast and reveals how well they have covered their tracks over the centuries and even millenia. However, the information is out there. All one needs to do is diligently piece it together to see the mosaic (greater picture) that gradually emerges.

If it helps, I rely on people to bring skills to this thread which I don't have. That includes manipulating graphics (such as Outsky did with the Nicolas Poussin paintings), deep knowledge of the occult and of artistic works generally. Moreover, people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds can bring insights that those from an Anglosphere background may not have. The fact that Bacon was English and, as a native Briton, I have been raised with a passion for English history and have read or seen performed many of Shakespeare's works (N.B. Bacon was most probably the guiding light if not the author of many of Shakespeare's play) is obviously a personal advantage but I am learning just as much as anyone else here and it is very much a collaborative effort. So please feel free to pitch in with your insights and intuitions. Again, if it helps, I also believe that I have been given certain intuitions that have aided me in this work. It is remarkable what I have stumbled across when I most needed it. It helps not to go in to things with fixed presumptions and then see where it leads you. Just to emphasise this point, I read something in a book the other night that had an uncanny link with something the C's once said. Was it just a coincidence? Maybe but perhaps it was the C's way of saying you need to be reading this book.

Finally, I would add that one theme that has emerged out of this work is how much of it links with the Holy Grail. This is an object (if it is not even much much more than that), which connects so many parties and people covered by this thread. From what I have learned about Rennes-le-Chateau (and Laura's own life experiences) the Rosicrucians/Illuminati/the Brotherhood are desperate to get their hands on it. It really seems to be the key that will unlock our true history and the nature of our being.​
In my last article on the Advanced Science within the Crystal Skulls, I said I would add a postscript setting out Robert Graves's views on the origin of the Zodiac. Graves was an excellent poet and historian, although his views were often controversial. I therefore set out below verbatim (save for my insertions in red in parentheses) his take on the origins of the Zodiac:

"When and where the Zodiac originated is not known but it is believed to have gradually evolved in Babylonia from the twelve incidents in the life-story of the hero Gilgamesh - his killing of the Bull, his love-passage with the Virgin, his adventures with two Scorpion-men (the scales [Libra] later took the place of one of these) and the Deluge story (corresponding with the Water Carrier [Ea]). Calendar tablets of the Seventh Century BC bear this out, but the Epic of Gilgamesh is not a really ancient one; Gilgamesh is thought to have been a Hyksos (Kassite) invader of Babylonia in the 18th Century BC to whom the the story of an earlier hero was transferred, a Tammuz of the familiar sort already connected with the Zodiac.

The original Zodiac, to judge from the out-of-date astronomical data quoted in a poem by Aratus, a Hellenistic Greek, was current in the late third millenium BC. But it is likely to have been first fixed at a time when the Sun rose in the Twins [
Gemini] at the Spring Equinox - the Shepherd's festival; in the Virgin who was generally identified with Ishtar, the Love-goddess, at the Summer Solstice; in the Archer identified with Nergal (Mars) and later with Cheiron the Centaur, at the Autumn Equinox, the traditional season of the chase; in the resurrective Fish [Pisces] at the Winter Solstice, the time of most rain.

The Zodiac signs were borrowed by the Egyptians at least as early as the 16th Century BC, with certain alterations - Scarab for Crab [
Cancer], Serpent for Scorpion, Mirror for He-goat [Capricorn], etc., but by that time the phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes had already spoilt the original story. About every 2000 years the Sun rises in an earlier sign, so in 3,800 BC the Bull [Taurus] began to push the Twins out of the House of the Spring Equinox, and initiated a period recalled by Virgil in his account of the Birth of Man:
The white bull with his gilded horns
Opens the year.

At the same time the tail of the Lion [Leo] entered the Virgin's place at the Summer Solstice - hence apparently the Goddesses' subsequent title of 'Oura' the Lion's Tail - and gradually the Lion's body followed, after which for a time she became leonine with a Virgin's head only. Similarly, the Water carrier succeeded the Fish at the Winter Solstice - and provided the water to float the Spirit of the Year's cradle ark.

About 1800 BC the Bull was itself pushed out of the Spring House by the Ram, This may account for the refurbishing of the Zodiac myth in honour of Gilgamesh, a shepherd king of this period; he was the Ram who destroyed the Bull. The Crab similarly succeeded the Lion at the Summer Solstice; so the Love-goddess became a marine deity with temples by the sea-shore. The He-Goat also succeeded the Water Carrier at the Winter Solstice; so the Sprit of the New Year was born of a She-goat. The Egyptian Greeks then called the Ram the 'Golden Fleece' and recast the Zodiac story as the voyage of the Argonauts."

First, I would draw attention to what the C's have confirmed really causes the Earth wobble that leads to the precession of the equinoxes:
Session 12 December 2010:

A: Cassiopaea. Moving to Leo soon.

Q: (L) Is the moving to Leo a signifier of some other potential event that would be noticed by us here on Earth?

A: Yes. Possible Supernova. Will stupendously improve reception of our messages.

Q: (L) Why is that? Cosmic waves?

A: Will affect your DNA as well as the DNA of those that are ready.
[This would seem to be the supernova the C's have been speaking about for many years. Is it Rigel or another star?]

Q: (L) We’re assuming that this is a positive affect?

A: Yes! Refer to transcripts.


Q: (L) Ok, now I’ve got this other book here “Lost Star of Myth and Time” – and his theory is about a companion star and the fact that the earth or the solar system is rotating around a common centre of gravity, in tandem with this companion star. It is said that it is this orbit that creates the precession of the zodiac. He says that the precession is not a big wobble that the earth goes through, as it proceeds in a fairly direct course through the galaxy, but rather that it is this rotation around this common centre of gravity with the companion star that produces the effect of precession. Now, is he on to something with his theory also about the precession of the zodiac?

A: Absolutely!

Secondly, Graves presumes here that there have been 12 Houses of the Zodiac since Sumerian/Babylonian times right down to the modern day. However, the C's have said that the number of houses has varied over time and, as Laura noted, it was in fact only 11 until Libra was added in 1302 AD:​

Session 9 August 1997:

Q: Okay. Now, next question: I understand that Libra was added to the zodiac and broke Scorpio and Virgo apart. Were there originally 10 or 11 signs in the zodiac?

A: Originally?

Q: You know what I mean!

A: There have been many combinations.

Q: Well, when did the present 12 sign zodiac begin to be established as it is?

A: 1302 A.D.

Q: And how many signs were there before that?

A: 11

Q: That's what I thought. What is the source of the oldest zodiac available to us?

A: Atlantis.

Q: Well, fine, what is the oldest extant source in terms of writings?

A: Egypt.

You will note that the C's say that Egypt is the oldest extant source of the Zodiac available to us today rather than Sumeria/Babylonia, which, at first sight, seems to negate Graves' idea that the Egyptians borrowed their Zodiac from the Sumerians/Babylonians in the 16th Century BC. However, it could just be that the Sumerian Zodiac, as known prior to the 16th Century BC, is no longer available to us today. What strikes me is that Graves thinks that up to 18th Century BC, the Zodiac myth honoured the hero Gilgamesh, a shepherd king of this period, who was the Ram who destroyed the Bull. There may be a later echo of this story in that of the Greek Heracles, another shepherd king, who was sent to capture the bull by Eurystheus as the seventh of his famous Twelve Labours. In addition, Gilgamesh also encounters and slays lions in a mountain pass on his journey to meet Utnapishtim, which reflects Heracles slaying the Nemean lion in his first labour. Both heroes are of divine parentage, a bloodline that gives them their amazing powers (hybrids or Nephilim) yet is also the cause of much grief, the wrath of Hera on Heracles and the divine challengers for Gilgamesh. Both have divine protectors, Athena and Shamash respectively. Gilgamesh would eventually arrive in the Garden of the Gods, the extreme limit of the world, where rubys grew on trees; Heracles similarly got to the Garden of Hesperides, where golden apples grew on a tree.

Graves speak of Gilgamesh's adventures with two Scorpion-men (where the scales of Libra later took the place of one of these). However, other accounts tell a slightly different tale where upon reaching the mountain of Mashu, Gilgamesh encounters a scorpion man and his wife; their bodies flash with terrifying radiance, but, once Gilgamesh tells them his purpose, they allow him to pass. I wonder if the description of bodies flashing with a terrifying radiance may possibly be a depiction of a supernova or supernovae in the constellation of Scorpio. Interestingly, Antares, which is the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius and is known as "the heart of the scorpion" is a red supergiant and one of the largest stars visible to the naked eye. Moreover, Antares is a binary star system with a second smaller star, Antares B more like our own sun. I therefore wonder whether the reference to a scorpion man and his wife might be a subtle allusion to Antares A and B? They have not, of course, gone supernova yet but if astronomers are right that could change in the near future (astronomically speaking!):

Antares, like the similarly sized red supergiant Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion, will almost certainly explode as a supernova, possibly in the next ten thousand years. For a few months, the Antares supernova could be as bright as the full moon and be visible in daytime.

We should bear in mind that the Sumerian tales of Gilgamesh only resurfaced again in modern times with the finding of clay tablets and cylinders by European archaeologists in the mid-19th Century, so they were definitely unknown to the people of the Middle Ages. However the tales of Gilgamesh were most probably known to the Greeks and The Epic of Gilgamesh and would seem to have exerted a substantial influence on Homer's the Iliad and the Odyssey and, as we have seen above, on the story of Heracles.
(see: Gilgamesh - Wikipedia).

It is this idea of the Zodiac telling a story in the night sky that intrigues me here, since Graves tells us that the Egyptian Greeks (the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty commencing in 323 BC) converted the Ram into the 'Golden Fleece' and recast the Zodiac story as the Voyage of the Argonauts. If Graves is correct, this may be important to the theory that Nicolas Poussin was using both the Voyage of the Argonauts and the star constellations of the Zodiac associated with the Argonaut figures depicted in his painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia to reflect a link to the Golden Fleece and by extension to the Holy Grail and thereby create a star map in his painting. If so, what then was the purpose behind the insertion of Libra between the constellations of Scorpio and Virgo within the Zodiac story of the Golden Fleece/Grail and why did this happen in 1302 AD, fifty or more years after the high point of the European Grail romances of the late 12th and 13th Centuries? The grail romances would not be revived again in any serious way until Sir Thomas Malory published Le Morte d'Arthur in 1475. Could this early 14th Century alteration to the Zodiac be linked to the notion that the Knights Templar had found the Grail some time in the 12th Century only for it to be hidden away again during the 13th Century after the fall of Jerusalem in 1187. Moreover, as I have noted before,1302 AD is only five years before the suppression of the Templars commenced. It is worth bearing in mind here that some of the grail writers had definite links with the Templars, including Chretien de Troyes (through his patron the Count of Champagne) and Wolfram von Eschenbach who fought with the Templars in the Holy Land. Did the Templars play a hidden role in promoting the grail romances perhaps?

From the point of view of a cosmic tale linked to either the Epic of Gilgamesh or the Voyage of the Argonauts, it should be borne in mind that Libra is the only zodiac constellation that represents an object, not an animal or a character from mythology. Ancient Greeks knew the part of the sky occupied by the Libra constellation as Chelae, or “claws,” and considered it part of Scorpio. indeed, Chelae represented the scorpion’s claws. The association of this region of the sky with weighing scales was established among the Romans in the first century BC. However, the Romans were not the first to associate Libra with the idea of balance. The Babylonians called it ZIB.BA.AN.NA, which means “the balance of heaven,” about a thousand years before Christ. Once Libra became associated with balance, its association with Scorpio’s claws faded and the one with the goddess of justice, the Greek Dike or Astraeia, represented by the constellation Virgo, became stronger. And I would suggest that Virgo may be associated with the female shepherd figure in Poussin's painting through the personae of Ariadne or Persephone.​

Just what message was the insertion of Libra in the Zodiac sending? Could it relate perhaps to an impending supernova of Antares in the constellation of Scorpio? If so, could this be much sooner than the astronomers think? I hope to have more to say on Antares in an upcoming post since it may establish some interesting connections.
1302 A.D. Hmmm Given the recent revelations regarding the added years to the first millennium, it would seem C.E. might be a better way to go (back from the present vs. forward from a date that is not really 0?). It confuses me, anyway. And then there is the Julian calendar vs the Gregorian which makes me wonder further still. Is there a bigger difference than just a couple weeks? Is the Gregorian associated with a timeline shift? LOL This sounds like a job for MJF!! Kidding. Kinda.

Main Point: All these dates get tossed about in a supposed chronology and I am not sure what they really mean. So MJF, how do you factor in the potential confusion over just what is meant by "1302 AD"? Because the "AD" part is the spanner in the works. But if you just assume 1302 as measured backwards from today, or approximately 700 years ago, then it keeps a certain linearity which our minds tend to be more comfortable with.
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