Dagobah Resident
Thank you for your research in this thread MJF and may your family members find peace and comfort.
Didn't the C's say that one physiological change resulting from the fall was a knot or bump forming on the upper spine and that was the advent of jealousy?
From the Key sentences thread:
Didn't the C's say that one physiological change resulting from the fall was a knot or bump forming on the upper spine and that was the advent of jealousy?
From the Key sentences thread:
- What was the true event behind the story of the "Mark of Cain?" Advent of jealousy. What occurred to allow jealousy to enter into human interaction? Lizard takeover. An event that occurred at the time of the fall of Eden. Was this story of Cain and Abel part of that takeover? Symbolism of story. This was symbolic of the Lizzie takeover, the advent of jealousy, and the attitude of brother against brother, is that correct? Partly. The mark of Cain means the "jealousy factor" of change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth's vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. We mean the occipital ridge. Spine had no ridge there. Jealousy emanates from there, you can even feel it.
- At the time, this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration? It was added to all simultaneously. DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal. How many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually? 6 billion. How did they effect this change on all of them? Light wave alteration. And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA.